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Re: Fbus/mbus cable for T68

From: Jussi Aalto
Subject: Re: Fbus/mbus cable for T68
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 18:08:10 +0300

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 09:31:41 +0200 Eric Persson wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm planning on using a T68i together with gnokii and need to find a 
> mbus/fbus compatible cable. I will use it solely for gnokii, if I would 
> I would go with the normal cable. Does anyone know where to find such cable?
> Best regards,
>       Eric

Search the webstores in your country or ask your local Ericsson dealer for 
DRS-10 (serial port) or DCU-10 (usb) cable. Both are compatible with T68/T68i. 
I'd recommend the DRS-10 if you're doing your stuff on Linux. The USB version 
may need extra software (only available for Window$) to work and it's 30% more 
expensive than the serial version.

Try the setting below in your .gnokiirc and gnokii will communicate with your 
phone today and not tomorrow like some Nokia models with serial cable.

serial_baudrate = 115200


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