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Re: SMS syntax question

From: Michael Mauch
Subject: Re: SMS syntax question
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 22:45:56 +0100
User-agent: tin/1.7.4-20040225 ("Benbecula") (UNIX) (Linux/ (i686))

David Andel wrote:

> Seems that nobody is using the 8310... but my question is not specific 
> to this model, so I am reposting it with a different title, hoping that 
> someone might finally give me a hint.

> With the command:
> gnokii --getsms IN 0 10 -F inbox-18.11.04

> I get 10 SMS's to stdout instead of the file "inbox-18.11.04". Even 
> more, it generates 11 files with 0 to 10 appended to the end of above 
> filename each containing just the text of the SMS, but without all the 
> metainformation, which is printed to stdout only.

I don't know how the -f and -F switches are supposed to work, but if you
want the meta info and the text of all messages in one file, you can
easily redirect stdout:

gnokii --getsms IN 0 10 >inbox-18.11.04

> What's wrong?

> And why does "gnokii --getsms IN 0 end -F inbox-18.11.04" not work at all?

Same here with Nokia 6310i. It works if "end" is a number, but I don't
know how to get all messages.


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