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Re: Can't make gnokii work

From: Rodolfo Medina
Subject: Re: Can't make gnokii work
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 11:56:43 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Rodolfo Medina wrote:

> My system is GNU/Linux Debian 3.1 kernel 2.4, my phone is a
> Nokia 6630 plugged via USB cable, of which I wish to read and copy
> phonebook and sms.
> [...]
> the checking gnokii options `identify' and `monitor' seem to work,
> but not the operative ones such as `getphonebook', `displayoutput', 
> `getdatetime' and `getsms'.
> [...]

"Pawel Kot" <address@hidden> writes:

> If you ask for help be so kind and read the answers. I asked you to
> try different combination.

Here it is, sorry for misunderstanding.
I'm reporting `identify', `getsms' and `getphonebook' outputs
for the combination model = 6510, connection = dku2libusb.
In my previous message is the `identify' output for the combination
model = AT-HW, connection = serial, and others.
It seems to me that this latter combination gives the best `identify' output,
but of course I'm no expert at all.
I gave all commands as root to eliminate permission problems.

Please tell me if more outputs are needed, thanks indeed for help.



port = /dev/ttyACM0
model = 6510
#model = series60
#model = AT-HW
initlength = default
#connection = serial
connection = dku2libusb
#connection = dku2
use_locking = yes
serial_baudrate = 19200
smsc_timeout = 10

bindir = /usr/sbin/

#TELEPHONE = 12345678


debug = on
rlpdebug = off
xdebug = off

# gnokii --identify
GNOKII Version 0.6.13
LOG: debug mask is 0x1
phone instance config:
model: 6510
port_device: /dev/ttyACM0
connection_type: 10
init_length: 0
serial_baudrate: 19200
serial_write_usleep: -1
hardware_handshake: 0
require_dcd: 0
smsc_timeout: 100
rfcomm_cn: 1
sm_retry: off
Serial device: opening device /dev/ttyACM0
Ignoring extra header, type 171, length 5
Getting model...
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
Message received: 0x1b / 0x0076
01 2d 00 08 01 05 69 28 00 23 56 20 35 2e 30 33 |  -    i( #V 5.03
2e 30 38 0a 31 37 2d 30 38 2d 30 35 0a 52 4d 2d | .08 17-08-05 RM-
31 0a 28 63 29 20 4e 4f 4b 49 41 2e 00 00 6a 2c | 1 (c) NOKIA.  j,
00 28 56 20 35 2e 30 33 2e 30 38 2d 49 74 61 6c |  (V 5.03.08-Ital
79 0a 31 36 2d 30 38 2d 30 35 0a 52 4d 2d 31 0a | y 16-08-05 RM-1
28 63 29 4e 4f 4b 49 41 01 00 6e 08 00 04 32 35 | (c)NOKIA  n   25
36 00 6f 0c 00 06 35 32 30 34 31 00 00 00 70 08 | 6 o   52041   p
00 02 33 00 00 00                               |   3
Received message type 1b
model length: 4
Received model RM-1
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0005
00 01 00 00 41                                  |     A
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
Message received: 0x1b / 0x001a
01 2d 00 01 00 01 41 14 00 10 33 35 36 36 35 37 |  -    A   356657
30 30 35 30 30 38 34 35 30 00                   | 005008450
Received message type 1b
Received imei 356657005008450
Message received: 0x1b / 0x0076
01 2d 00 08 01 05 69 28 00 23 56 20 35 2e 30 33 |  -    i( #V 5.03
2e 30 38 0a 31 37 2d 30 38 2d 30 35 0a 52 4d 2d | .08 17-08-05 RM-
31 0a 28 63 29 20 4e 4f 4b 49 41 2e 00 00 6a 2c | 1 (c) NOKIA.  j,
00 28 56 20 35 2e 30 33 2e 30 38 2d 49 74 61 6c |  (V 5.03.08-Ital
79 0a 31 36 2d 30 38 2d 30 35 0a 52 4d 2d 31 0a | y 16-08-05 RM-1
28 63 29 4e 4f 4b 49 41 01 00 6e 08 00 04 32 35 | (c)NOKIA  n   25
36 00 6f 0c 00 06 35 32 30 34 31 00 00 00 70 08 | 6 o   52041   p
00 02 33 00 00 00                               |   3
Received message type 1b
Received revision V 5.03.08
model length: 4
Received model RM-1
IMEI         : 356657005008450
Manufacturer : Nokia
Model        : RM-1
Product name : RM-1
Revision     : V 5.03.08
Serial device: closing device

# gnokii --getsms IN 1
GNOKII Version 0.6.13
LOG: debug mask is 0x1
phone instance config:
model: 6510
port_device: /dev/ttyACM0
connection_type: 10
init_length: 0
serial_baudrate: 19200
serial_write_usleep: -1
hardware_handshake: 0
require_dcd: 0
smsc_timeout: 100
rfcomm_cn: 1
sm_retry: off
Serial device: opening device /dev/ttyACM0
Ignoring extra header, type 171, length 5
Getting model...
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
Message received: 0x1b / 0x0076
01 2d 00 08 01 05 69 28 00 23 56 20 35 2e 30 33 |  -    i( #V 5.03
2e 30 38 0a 31 37 2d 30 38 2d 30 35 0a 52 4d 2d | .08 17-08-05 RM-
31 0a 28 63 29 20 4e 4f 4b 49 41 2e 00 00 6a 2c | 1 (c) NOKIA.  j,
00 28 56 20 35 2e 30 33 2e 30 38 2d 49 74 61 6c |  (V 5.03.08-Ital
79 0a 31 36 2d 30 38 2d 30 35 0a 52 4d 2d 31 0a | y 16-08-05 RM-1
28 63 29 4e 4f 4b 49 41 01 00 6e 08 00 04 32 35 | (c)NOKIA  n   25
36 00 6f 0c 00 06 35 32 30 34 31 00 00 00 70 08 | 6 o   52041   p
00 02 33 00 00 00                               |   3
Received message type 1b
model length: 4
Received model RM-1
Getting SMS...
Getting SMS Folders...
Message sent: 0x14 / 0x0006
00 01 00 12 00 00                               |
Message sent: 0x14 / 0x0006
00 01 00 12 00 00                               |
Message sent: 0x14 / 0x0006
00 01 00 12 00 00                               |
GetSMS IN 1 failed! (Command timed out.)
Serial device: closing device

# gnokii --getphonebook SM 1
GNOKII Version 0.6.13
LOG: debug mask is 0x1
phone instance config:
model: 6510
port_device: /dev/ttyACM0
connection_type: 10
init_length: 0
serial_baudrate: 19200
serial_write_usleep: -1
hardware_handshake: 0
require_dcd: 0
smsc_timeout: 100
rfcomm_cn: 1
sm_retry: off
Serial device: opening device /dev/ttyACM0
Ignoring extra header, type 171, length 5
Getting model...
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
Message received: 0x1b / 0x0076
01 2d 00 08 01 05 69 28 00 23 56 20 35 2e 30 33 |  -    i( #V 5.03
2e 30 38 0a 31 37 2d 30 38 2d 30 35 0a 52 4d 2d | .08 17-08-05 RM-
31 0a 28 63 29 20 4e 4f 4b 49 41 2e 00 00 6a 2c | 1 (c) NOKIA.  j,
00 28 56 20 35 2e 30 33 2e 30 38 2d 49 74 61 6c |  (V 5.03.08-Ital
79 0a 31 36 2d 30 38 2d 30 35 0a 52 4d 2d 31 0a | y 16-08-05 RM-1
28 63 29 4e 4f 4b 49 41 01 00 6e 08 00 04 32 35 | (c)NOKIA  n   25
36 00 6f 0c 00 06 35 32 30 34 31 00 00 00 70 08 | 6 o   52041   p
00 02 33 00 00 00                               |   3
Received message type 1b
model length: 4
Received model RM-1
Reading phonebook location (1)
Message sent: 0x03 / 0x0012
00 01 00 07 01 01 00 01 02 06 00 00 00 00 00 01 |
00 00                                           |
Message received: 0x03 / 0x0012
01 58 00 08 00 01 0f 00 00 08 25 00 00 00 00 00 |  X        %
00 00                                           |
Received message type 03
Error: Unknown error - well better than nothing!!
Serial device: closing device

# gnokii --getphonebook IN 1
GNOKII Version 0.6.13
LOG: debug mask is 0x1
phone instance config:
model: 6510
port_device: /dev/ttyACM0
connection_type: 10
init_length: 0
serial_baudrate: 19200
serial_write_usleep: -1
hardware_handshake: 0
require_dcd: 0
smsc_timeout: 100
rfcomm_cn: 1
sm_retry: off
Serial device: opening device /dev/ttyACM0
Ignoring extra header, type 171, length 5
Getting model...
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
Message received: 0x1b / 0x0076
01 2d 00 08 01 05 69 28 00 23 56 20 35 2e 30 33 |  -    i( #V 5.03
2e 30 38 0a 31 37 2d 30 38 2d 30 35 0a 52 4d 2d | .08 17-08-05 RM-
31 0a 28 63 29 20 4e 4f 4b 49 41 2e 00 00 6a 2c | 1 (c) NOKIA.  j,
00 28 56 20 35 2e 30 33 2e 30 38 2d 49 74 61 6c |  (V 5.03.08-Ital
79 0a 31 36 2d 30 38 2d 30 35 0a 52 4d 2d 31 0a | y 16-08-05 RM-1
28 63 29 4e 4f 4b 49 41 01 00 6e 08 00 04 32 35 | (c)NOKIA  n   25
36 00 6f 0c 00 06 35 32 30 34 31 00 00 00 70 08 | 6 o   52041   p
00 02 33 00 00 00                               |   3
Received message type 1b
model length: 4
Received model RM-1
Reading phonebook location (1)
Message sent: 0x03 / 0x0012
00 01 00 07 01 01 00 01 02 02 00 00 00 00 00 01 |
00 00                                           |
Message received: 0x03 / 0x0012
01 58 00 08 00 01 0f 00 00 08 25 00 00 00 00 00 |  X        %
00 00                                           |
Received message type 03
Error: Unknown error - well better than nothing!!
Serial device: closing device

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