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Re: warning: gnokii still kills nokias.

From: Hans Paijmans
Subject: Re: warning: gnokii still kills nokias.
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:07:33 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (X11/20060317)

Pawel Kot wrote:
> Hi,
> On 3/14/07, Hans Paijmans <address@hidden> wrote:
>> there used to be a warning that gnokii could kill some of the nokia
>> phones, and it indeed refused to connect to such machines.
> Thank you for the report. The issue was not fixed indeed. But gnokii
> refused connection just for irda link -- that was the one that was
> reported to get break phones.
>> In the last version that I tried (0.6.14) there was no warning, and
>> I could connect to my nokia 6220, using a usb cable. However,
>> after a minute or so, when I was trying to use the agenda-function,
>> the nokia hiccupped, gnokii hung, and since then the phone keeps
>> complaining about being restricted, and the code generators that
>> I found on the net did not resurrect the phone.
> Do you happen to have debug logs from that session? Was it xgnokii or
> some gnokii command which broke the phone?

It was xgnokii...

No logs, I'm afraid. And I was so happy... I spent /hours/ trying to
get a connection with irda or with the cable, and the new sources
promised succes.

Anyway: nokia is out for now. I think I will try to get a treo 650;
that /should/ work with jpilot and linux.

Dr. J.J. Paijmans
Tilburg University: Dept. of Linguistics & AI               013-4662693
Rijksdienst voor Archeologie, Cultuurlandchap en Monumenten 033-4227591
Maastricht University: IKAT, Faculty of General Sciences    043-3883477
Thuis: Kleine St.Jansstraat 3, 3811 HV  Amersfoort          033-4722579         GSM: +31 621 961 083

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