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Mac OS X and 6510

From: Olaf Marzocchi
Subject: Mac OS X and 6510
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 00:29:38 +0200

Hello everyone,
I just installed the latest version of Gnokii and set up as written in the wiki (the instructions for Mac OS X are from me).
My rc file is the following:

port = /dev/cu.IrDA-IrCOMM5B12
model = AT
#model = 6510
initlength = default
connection = serial
serial_baudrate = 19200
smsc_timeout = 10
bindir = /sw/sbin/
TELEPHONE = 12345678
debug = on
rlpdebug = off
xdebug = off

However, I am not in the gnokii group as suggested. I am using an irda connection that acts as serial.

When I execute
./gnokii/gnokii --getsms ME 1 100
I correctly get some SMS', but then, I check the mobile and I find that not all of them have been transferred. Obviously, I have no access to the various folders, so it appears I have 70 SMS in ME and 10 in SM, while I have about 45 in IN, 50 in OU and 40 in another folder.

I tried to switch to the 6510 mode, instead of AT, but I get the following error. It doesn't matter the folder, even a simple ./gnokii/ gnokii --showsmsfolderstatus gives the same problem:

iBuco:~/UNIX/gnokii-0.6.19 olaf$ ./gnokii/gnokii --getsms AR 1 100
GNOKII Version 0.6.19
LOG: debug mask is 0x1
Config read from file /Users/olaf/.gnokiirc.
phone instance config:
model: 6510
port_device: /dev/cu.IrDA-IrCOMM5B12
connection_type: 0
init_length: 0
serial_baudrate: 19200
serial_write_usleep: -1
hardware_handshake: 0
require_dcd: 0
smsc_timeout: 100
rfcomm_cn: 1
sm_retry: off
Serial device: opening device /dev/cu.IrDA-IrCOMM5B12
Serial device: setting speed to 115200
Serial device: setting RTS to low and DTR to low
Getting model...
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
[Echo cancelled]
SM_Block: exiting the retry loop
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
[Echo cancelled]
SM_Block: exiting the retry loop
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
[Echo cancelled]

Could someone help me? I would like to be able to transfer all the messages to my computer.

Thank you in advance
Olaf Marzocchi

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