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Question using gnokii under windows...

From: Axel Kowald
Subject: Question using gnokii under windows...
Date: 29 Jan 2009 19:36:10 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081209)

Hello everybody,

I like to use gnokii under windows and got the win32 binary distribution.
Currently I have a Windows Mobile 6 Smartphone (XDA Orbit) and the questions is: Does it work?

I thought I could use model=AT, but I read that the AT modus is not supported for the windows port. Does this mean I have to get a Nokia mobile ? And if yes, which model has the best support ?
Would it make a difference if I use the cygwin binaries (I have cygwin) ?

I'm also confused by all the different cables that are mentioned on the web page. Does this mean that the different Nokia models come with all those different cable types ? If I want to use an USB connection, which cable or model would be best?

Sorry for all these questions, but it seems I got the most complicated combination of operating system and type of mobile phone :-(

Any hints are welcomed,


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