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Re: Siemens MC35i

From: Peter Øgaard Meyland
Subject: Re: Siemens MC35i
Date: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 19:40:46 +0000
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H5 (6.2.0)

Citat af Daniele Forsi <address@hidden>:

2014-08-03 9:42 GMT+02:00 Peter Øgaard Meyland:

If I am looking at thw WiKi, the page about 'Dialling and call options', I
can se that it is not possible to query the AT model for the forwarding

you mean that you read a wiki page last modified 4 years ago that
refers to an old version of gnokii and you didn't test the latest
released version of gnokii or the version in git?

Daniele Forsi

gnokii-users mailing list

Yes, I can now see that the page is over 4 years old, my bad. 

I am currently running version 0.6.31, since it is the latest version in Fedora repository and I have tried the "--divert --op query" command and it returns an this error:

GNOKII Version 0.6.31
Error: Function or connection type not supported by the phone or by the phone driver.

Hmm, could it be a problem with the terminal. I.e. an unsupported or missing function in the MC35i firmware??



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