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[Gnoppix-user] boot other languages

From: Markus Maiwald
Subject: [Gnoppix-user] boot other languages
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 01:00:54 +0100
User-agent: Opera7.20/Linux M2 build 449

If you want to boot Gnoppix < 0.6.2 in other languages, append the following line at boot prompt:

credativ x lang=us[it,fr,..]

The x is necessary because the script searches for "[space]variable="
in /proc/cmdline and if lang=[xx] is the first char, it cannot match.

Thanks to Michele Dalla Silvestra <dalla AT keycomm DOT it> for this nice hack ;-)

|  ·''·. Markus Maiwald, eMail: maiwald AT gnoppix DOT org |
| ´ :' : Debian Gnoppix Developer,  |
| `, `·  Debian GNU/Linux User,     |
|   '-   Registered Linux-User, #329668 / GnuPG #D42F7ECB  |

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