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[Gnoppix-user] GNOPPIX 0.8.1b4 + Bugfixes and Gnome-2.8

From: Andreas Mueller
Subject: [Gnoppix-user] GNOPPIX 0.8.1b4 + Bugfixes and Gnome-2.8
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 22:15:14 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.7

GNOPPIX 0.8.1b4 is out for BETA-TEST (2004-08-28) 
 The Gnoppix Project is pleased to announce the first beta of Gnoppix version 
0.8.1 Gnoppix is a free operating system, with the gnome desktop environment, 
features cryptographic software, is compatible with the FHS v2.2 and supports 
software developed for the LSB. Gnoppix 0.8.1-Series comes with Gnome 2.8

There are some problems with the master-server, which should be solved soon. 
Also a Problem with torrent-server, somebody can help ?    

You'll find a new 0.8.1beta ( codename Ubuntu ) with bugfixes and Gnome 2.8 


md5: cd68984ae836a08aa22f51a47a0431c5 gnoppix_0.8.1b4.iso

Cheers & fun

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