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[Gnu-arch-users] big freakin' (for everyone) opportunity

From: Tom Lord
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] big freakin' (for everyone) opportunity
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 15:26:30 -0700 (PDT)

Should you choose to proceed at all, proceed with collective
cooperation, gentleness, and humility, please.

Not obvious arch has a role here but it sure looks like it at first

If there is a broad expression of interest here, I suggest a unified
approach (i.e., a single letter to that tools team, signed by
several).   I can help coordinate that a little bit.


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Do you have ideas for software tools that would make your IETF work
easier? Do you have feedback about current IETF automation efforts?

As part of the overall effort to improve IETF operations and structure,
a Tools team has been chartered to develop requirements for additional
and revised electronic tools to aid in the IETF operations.

The charter of the Tools team (found at the IETF Tools web site, focuses initially on tools to improve the
interface between IETF administration and the broader community; but 
will also look at tools to aid in the operation of individual working
groups and the tasks of standards development.

The Tools team is soliciting new tool suggestions and general comments,
to be refined into a series of tool specifications.  Tool specifications
will then be used to implement or adopt software for IETF.

The first item on Tools team list is the automation of draft submission
to allow for quick and painless validation and posting of Internet-Drafts. 
The first document describing the new draft submission tool is available at:

What should we work on next? Please visit the list of possible future
tools and send us additions as well as priority preferences:

Please send all Tools-related feedback to address@hidden, a
newly formed mailing list; do this also if you add information to the
wiki pages.  Subscription instructions:

- --------

The members of the tools team are:

  * Alex Rousskov
  * Bill Fenner
  * Larry Masinter
  * Stanislav Shalunov
  * Henrik Levkowetz (chair)


  The group will initially focus on additional tools for use in the
  interface between the IETF administration and the broader IETF
  community.  The first draft of a set of requirements for an 
  Internet-Drafts Submission Tool has been posted, and feedback is

  Other administrative tools are expected to be specified over the next
  six months. We will put together a list and priority schedule within
  that time frame.

  The Tools team may also conduct polls within the community for input on
  priorities, requirements, and feedback on currently deployed tools.

  After the initial focus on administrative tools, the group will turn
  its attention to tools of use for aiding working groups, authors and
  other parts of the IETF community.

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