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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] No release forthcoming

From: John Meinel
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] No release forthcoming
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 23:15:26 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (Windows/20040913)

James Blackwell wrote:
Ok. I hear you guys. Tom is in charge. I really hope that you guys are making the right decision. To support this group decision, I'm withdrawing all of my merge/release related work over the last two months.
I have removed from circulation, where possible, my archives that contain
my merge/release related work. If you have a copy of my old archive, I
request that you remove it as well. I will start up a new archive and pull
my few changes from my old archive into there.

Asuffield: Is there an easy way to unclose all of those merge requests
that I've closed over the last couple weeks?

Is it really an all or nothing event? My understanding was that *you* were the main integrator, but Tom was the one that signed off on it for the official release.

I think the only toes stepping that occurred was that you were declaring that this would become the *official* tla if Tom did nothing.

If instead you did something like "This is 1.2.2rc3 as it has been cleaned up. It should be ready for release." And then Tom posts it officially wherever the official site is (I'm thinking

I know that *I* would be very sad to see all of your integration work go out the window. You worked very hard, and managed to get the people who have worked on their own to get recognized and have *their* work integrated.

From my understanding, 1.2.1 eventually *did* become the "official" release, albeit with some extra fixes that also caused some problems. But the last I saw from Tom on that was that he realized what went wrong and didn't want to see it happen again, hence the reset on the release clock.

I hope your work is not lost...


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