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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: tla changes --diffs question

From: John A Meinel
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: tla changes --diffs question
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 12:37:09 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 (Windows/20041103)

address@hidden wrote:
Did you fix both the "dirnames" and the "dos83" versions or just the dos8.3?

yes, recompiled both.

If you remember, last I checked I still had some problems with
8.3 creating short-name files.

yes, but I couldn't reproduce it, and so I didn't do anything about it...

I haven't really investigated it. But I'm willing to give it another go.
Do you want to create a build with debugging enabled (can you still just
set the environ variable TLA_LOG?).

yes, set TLA_LOG=C:/temp/tla.log


Good. I started looking into it. However, the latest version still does not work. Attached is a simple test script to demonstrate the problem.

It seems that revlibs (and pristines) are still getting created in LF mode. It would seem that diff is doing the right thing, but patch is not.

What's weird is that "man patch" has the --binary flag mentioned, and states that you need to use diff -a --binary, but "man diff" doesn't say anything about --binary.

Probably this is still a simple fix. I'm concerned that patch still treats /dev/tty and stdout as text mode. I'm guessing we supply the filename, and don't use stdout though, so we are probably okay.

The other problem is '--binary' might not exist for all versions of diff and patch. Though for tla-cygwin if we are shipping are own versions, this shouldn't matter.


mkdir test-crlf
cd test-crlf
echo -e "This file\nshould have multiple\nlines in dos mode.\n" > crlf.txt
unix2dos crlf.txt

tla add crlf.txt

tla init-tree test-crlf--dev--0
tla import -S -s "initial import seems okay."

tla changes #This works fine because it doesn't do any patching.

echo -e "Add some lines\n to the file\n" >> crlf.txt
# On my system the echo adds lf lines
# and unix2dos does some sort of autodetection and ignores the file
# so doing both gets us back into all dos mode endings
dos2unix crlf.txt
unix2dos crlf.txt

# This command will show you the diff, and you can see that it is correct.
# It has ^M for CRLF line endings.
# tla changes --diffs | vim - -c 'setf diff'

tla commit -s "This commit seems fine as well."

# This is where the problems start.
tla changes

# No changes detected above, because the filetimes say no modification.
touch crlf.txt

tla changes # Suddenly the file shows changes.

# This will show that the input file now is LF mode.
tla changes --diffs | vim - -c 'setf diff'

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