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Re: openwith.el 0.8f -- Open files with external programs

From: thorne
Subject: Re: openwith.el 0.8f -- Open files with external programs
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 18:44:44 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.50 (gnu/linux)

This is nice.  I think there are some attempts at this kind of thing for
Dired, but for those of us who don't live in Dired, this is nice.  

I don't know if it is useful for me to mention, but the behavior i would
like to have (fwiw) is a separate command on a separate key binding
which would be similar to what this does, but would instead ask me first
for a file name, like C-x C-f does, but then would say (e.g.), `Open
foo.pdf with what program (xpdf)? ' -- the point being that any time i
used C-x C-f i would be asking to visit a file in the buffer, as text,
but if i _did_ want to open something with a separate program, i would
use a different command, and it would give me both an intelligent
default and the option to use something different.  There would be no
need for a mode to turn on.  It would mean one extra time hitting
`enter' each time, but then no futzing around those times you don't want
it to do the default.  Well, a thought, anyway.

By the way, it might be nice (again to my taste) to ship this without
using defaults that call for non-free software, as in this: 

> (defcustom openwith-associations
>   '(("\\.pdf\\'" "acroread" (file))

Theron TtlÄx

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