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Re: Is Wikipedia censorship or...

From: Cork Soaker
Subject: Re: Is Wikipedia censorship or...
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 00:52:47 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

AzzMazta wrote:
On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 03:06:09 +0000, Cork Soaker wrote:

AzzMazta wrote:
On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 00:28:19 +0000, Cork Soaker wrote:

AzzMazta wrote:
On Tue, 15 Dec 2009 18:00:36 +0900, Miles Bader wrote:

Clearly his attempts to spam his malware on wikipedia got him banned...

Why do Wikipedia users (most of the "political" open-source supporters do
the same thing) make huge "National Treasure"-style jumps in their thinking
and actions?

Why are you still talking nonsense?
Miles Bader's remark linking an opinion on Wikipedia users to a supposed
spamming and spreading malware follows the same type of disconnection in
logic as found in the National Treasure movies.

That's nice.  Have you taken your drugs?

Following the "National Treasure" pattern. Here's what I mean:

Proper thinking:

Wikipedia contributor behavior->AzzMazta's suggestion of linkage to school
bullying and narcissism->Cork Soaker: "What are you going on about,
loon?"->(insert your personal opinion on Wikipedia contributors, or the
main argument in the post, here)->(continue responding to posts by
AzzMazta, Cork Soaker, Miles Bader, and others with relevant answers)

National Treasure:

Wikipedia contributor behavior->AzzMazta's suggestion of linkage to school
bullying and narcissism->Cork Soaker: "What are you going on about,
loon?"->AzzMazta's crazy->Spammers can be crazy->Hackers can be crazy
too->AzzMazta probably placed links to malware->Malware on Wikipedia gets
you banned->If AzzMazta's banned, he's probably upset->Miles Bader: He's
complaining on the newsgroups about being banned for spamming Wikipedia
with links to malware!

What Cork Soaker just did, also the National Treasure sequence:

(National Treasure sequence above)->Upset, he must take psychiatric
medication->psychatric medication is prescribed->He must have not taken any
prescribed medication of any kind recently!

Completely and utterly barking mad.

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