#(set! point-and-click line-location) \header { composer = "John Dowland"; crossRefNumber = "1"; footnotes = ""; origin = "From The Second Booke of songs or Ayres of 2/ 4/ amd 5/parts: with Tableture for the Lute or orpherian, with the Violl de Gamba."; tagline = "Lily was here 1.3.142 -- automatically converted from ABC"; title = "XII. Fine knacks for ladies,\\\\Cantus"; } wordsdefaultV0 = \lyrics { \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "1." %\property LyricsVoice . stz = "1." Fine knacks for la- dies, cheape choise brave and new, Good pen- ni- worths but mo- ny can- not move, I keepe a fairer but for the faier to view, a beg- ger may bee li- ber- all of love, Though all my wares bee trash the hart is true, the hart is true, the hart is true. } wordsdefaultV1 = \lyrics { \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "2." %\property LyricsVoice . stz = "2." Great gifts are guiles and looke for gifts a- gaine, My tri- fles come, as trea- sures from my minde, It is a pre- cious Je- well to bee plaine, Some- times in shell th'o- ri- enst pearles we finde, Of o- thers take a sheafe, of mee a graine, of mee a graine, of mee a graine. } wordsdefaultV2 = \lyrics { \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "3." %\property LyricsVoice . stz = "3." With- in this packe pinnes points la- ces and gloves, And di- vers toies fit- ting a coun- try faier, But my hart where du- e- ty serves and loves, Tur- tels and twins, courts brood, a heaven- ly paier, Hap- py the hart that thincks of no re- moves, of no re- moves, of no re- moves. } voicedefault = \notes { \property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t \property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'( Left_edge_item Span_bar Breathing_sign Staff_bar Clef_item Key_item time_signature ) \property Staff.forgetAccidentals = ##t \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'baroque \property Score.defaultBarType="empty" % %MIDI nobarlines \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C \time 2/2; \key f \major; c''2 c''4 c''4 f''2 c''2 \bar "|"; c''2 d''4 c''2 b'4 c''2 \bar "|"; r4 c''4 d''4 d''4 c''2. a'4 bes'4 f'4 g'4 g'4 f'1 \bar "|"; f''2 e''4 d''4 c''2. c''4 \bar "|"; bes'4 a'4 bes'4 c''4 d''1 \bar "|"; a'4 c''2 g'4 bes'2 a'2 \bar "|"; g'4 f'4 f'4 e'4 f'1 \repeat volta 2 { r2 c''2 d''2 f''2 \bar "|"; e''2 d''2 c''1 \bar "|"; r4 c''4 f''4 e''4 c''1 a'4 c''2 b'4 \bar "|"; c''1 r4 a'4 c''1 g'2 \bar "|"; f'1 ^\fermata } }\score{ \notes < \addlyrics \context Staff="default" { \$voicedefault } \context Lyrics="default" < \context LyricsVoice = "default-1" { \$wordsdefaultV0 } \context LyricsVoice = "default-2" { \$wordsdefaultV1 } \context LyricsVoice = "default-3" { \$wordsdefaultV2 } > > \paper { } \midi {} }