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[Gnu-search-hackers] tragic critter

From: Roy Goff
Subject: [Gnu-search-hackers] tragic critter
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:50:31 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

He seemed shorter in person. Just a lot of trailers and a table of food intruding into the sidewalk space with some crazy woman yelling to stay outside of the cones.
He rode off on a sweet bike. Talking loudly on her cellphone about how "this was a different kind of back-pain. He wouldn't sign autographs or want ppl to take pictures with their cell phones and just said that he wanted and jump and leave.
Everyone just stopped and watched him walk by, it was a bit dramatic!
Very cute but creepy mustache.
He looks great in a nicely cut suit. She was very gracious about it. This is based on number of. Reminded him of a night that a friend of mine had in Monaco where he had Bono in a headlock! He must have been there for the Open to Desire workshop. She was very nice and smiled. I was going to make this final post one of atonement, writing amusing individual apologies to all the people who I've pissed off, but you know what?
A couple of students talked to him but there wasn't much conversation. He must be in character. She was very gracious about it. Very cute but creepy mustache. A diamond stud glinted in his right ear.
Seems really tiny in person. Jay seemed a little too"pretty boy" to be interested in the ladies, but that's just my guess. She carries herself really well.
When he was past me, I saw him with his arm around a shorter dark-haired woman, but I was not able to see her face. Just a lot of trailers and a table of food intruding into the sidewalk space with some crazy woman yelling to stay outside of the cones. Even you, Robert Joseph at Earthlink, who has sent me consistent hatemail for two years straight.
He looks very young and stunning, if somewhat rugged, in person. Barbra, by the way, didn't drop any f-bombs and joked about the whole incident by saying that you can't take Brooklyn out of the girl.

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