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[gnuastro-commits] master fa205fa: Book: last portion of general tutoria

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: [gnuastro-commits] master fa205fa: Book: last portion of general tutorial updated for new features
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2020 21:37:52 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit fa205fab96f38a4e6ac3b02371b5bcf79f1e0acc
Author: Mohammad Akhlaghi <>
Commit: Mohammad Akhlaghi <>

    Book: last portion of general tutorial updated for new features
    Since the last edits in the latter half of the general tutorial, many new
    features have been added that were useful for new users to be familiar
    with. Also, Samane Raji found a problematic command (the part where we
    selected teh reddest objects wasn't finding anything!).
    So I went through that part, added the new features (for example there is
    no more need to use Match to merge the two catalogs). Also, generally, the
    explanations were improved (usually expanded) to avoid confusions in other
 doc/gnuastro.texi | 326 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 219 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/gnuastro.texi b/doc/gnuastro.texi
index eb8b0a0..4b5fece 100644
--- a/doc/gnuastro.texi
+++ b/doc/gnuastro.texi
@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ General program usage tutorial
 * Segmentation and making a catalog::  Finding true peaks and creating a 
 * Working with catalogs estimating colors::  Estimating colors using the 
 * Aperture photometry::         Doing photometry on a fixed aperture.
+* Matching catalogs::           Easily find corresponding rows from two 
 * Finding reddest clumps and visual inspection::  Selecting some targets and 
inspecting them.
 * Citing and acknowledging Gnuastro::  How to cite and acknowledge Gnuastro in 
your papers.
 * Writing scripts to automate the steps::  Scripts will greatly help in 
re-doing things fast.
@@ -1944,6 +1945,7 @@ This will help simulate future situations when you are 
processing your own datas
 * Segmentation and making a catalog::  Finding true peaks and creating a 
 * Working with catalogs estimating colors::  Estimating colors using the 
 * Aperture photometry::         Doing photometry on a fixed aperture.
+* Matching catalogs::           Easily find corresponding rows from two 
 * Finding reddest clumps and visual inspection::  Selecting some targets and 
inspecting them.
 * Citing and acknowledging Gnuastro::  How to cite and acknowledge Gnuastro in 
your papers.
 * Writing scripts to automate the steps::  Scripts will greatly help in 
re-doing things fast.
@@ -2925,6 +2927,7 @@ To find the galaxies over the detections, we'll use 
Gnuastro's @ref{Segment} pro
 $ mkdir seg
 $ astsegment nc/xdf-f160w.fits -oseg/xdf-f160w.fits
+$ astsegment nc/xdf-f105w.fits -oseg/xdf-f105w.fits
 @end example
 Segment's operation is very much like NoiseChisel (in fact, prior to version 
0.6, it was part of NoiseChisel).
@@ -2939,10 +2942,13 @@ Like NoiseChisel, the first extension is the input.
 The @code{CLUMPS} extension shows the true ``clumps'' with values that are 
@mymath{\ge1}, and the diffuse regions labeled as @mymath{-1}.
 In the @code{OBJECTS} extension, we see that the large detections of 
NoiseChisel (that may have contained many galaxies) are now broken up into 
separate labels.
 See @ref{Segment} for more.
+The clumps are not affected by the hard-to-deblend and low signal-to-noise 
diffuse regions, they are more robust for calculating the colors (compared to 
+Therefore from this step onward, we'll continue with clumps.
 Having localized the regions of interest in the dataset, we are ready to do 
measurements on them with @ref{MakeCatalog}.
 Besides the IDs, we want to measure (in this order) the Right Ascension (with 
@option{--ra}), Declination (@option{--dec}), magnitude (@option{--magnitude}), 
and signal-to-noise ratio (@option{--sn}) of the objects and clumps.
-The following command will make these measurements on Segment's F160W output:
+Furthermore, as mentioned above, we also want measurements on clumps, so we 
also need to call @option{--clumpscat}.
+The following command will make these measurements on Segment's F160W output 
and write them in a catalog for each object and clump in a FITS table.
 @c Keep the `--zeropoint' on a single line, because later, we'll add
 @c `--valuesfile' in that line also, and it would be more clear if both
@@ -2956,30 +2962,48 @@ $ astmkcatalog seg/xdf-f160w.fits --ids --ra --dec 
--magnitude --sn \
 From the printed statements on the command-line, you see that MakeCatalog read 
all the extensions in Segment's output for the various measurements it needed.
 To calculate colors, we also need magnitude measurements on the F105W filter.
+So let's repeat the command above on the F105W filter, just changing the file 
names and zeropoint.
+$ mkdir cat
+$ astmkcatalog seg/xdf-f105w.fits --ids --ra --dec --magnitude --sn \
+               --zeropoint=26.27                                    \
+               --clumpscat --output=cat/xdf-f105w.fits
+@end example
 However, the galaxy properties might differ between the filters (which is the 
whole purpose behind measuring colors).
 Also, the noise properties and depth of the datasets differ.
-Therefore, if we simply follow the same Segment and MakeCatalog calls above 
for the F105W filter, we are going to get a different number of objects and 
+You can see the effect of these factors in the resulting clump catalogs, with 
Gnuastro's Table program (the @option{-i} option will print information about 
the columns and number of rows, to see the column values, just don't use the 
@option{-i}, we'll go deep into working with tables in the next section).
+In the output of each command below, look at the ``Number of rows:''
+asttable cat/xdf-f105w.fits -hCLUMPS -i
+asttable cat/xdf-f160w.fits -hCLUMPS -i
+@end example
 Matching the two catalogs is possible (for example with @ref{Match}), but the 
fact that the measurements will be done on different pixels, can bias the 
 Since the Point spread function (PSF) of both images is very similar, an 
accurate color calculation can only be done when magnitudes are measured from 
the same pixels on both images.
+Fortunately you can do this with MakeCatalog and is one of the reasons that 
NoiseChisel or Segment don't generate a catalog at all (to give you the freedom 
of selecting the pixels to do catalog measurements on).
 The F160W image is deeper, thus providing better detection/segmentation, and 
redder, thus observing smaller/older stars and representing more of the mass in 
the galaxies.
-To generate the F105W catalog, we will thus use the pixel labels generated on 
the F160W filter, but do the measurements on the F105W filter (using 
MakeCatalog's @option{--valuesfile} option).
-Notice how the only difference between this call to MakeCatalog and the 
previous one is @option{--valuesfile}, the value given to @code{--zeropoint} 
and the output name.
+We will thus use the F160W filter as a reference and use the pixel labels 
generated on the F160W filter, but do the measurements on the sky-subtracted 
F105W image (using MakeCatalog's @option{--valuesfile} option).
+Notice how the major difference between this call to MakeCatalog and the call 
to generate the F160W catalog (excluding the zeropoint and the output name) is 
the @option{--valuesfile}.
 $ astmkcatalog seg/xdf-f160w.fits --ids --ra --dec --magnitude --sn \
                --valuesfile=nc/xdf-f105w.fits --zeropoint=26.27     \
-               --clumpscat --output=cat/xdf-f105w.fits
+               --clumpscat --output=cat/xdf-f105w-on-f160w-lab.fits
 @end example
 Look into what MakeCatalog printed on the command-line.
 You can see that (as requested) the object and clump labels were taken from 
the respective extensions in @file{seg/xdf-f160w.fits}, while the values and 
Sky standard deviation were done on @file{nc/xdf-f105w.fits}.
+Since we used the same labeled image on both filters, the number of rows in 
both catalogs are now the same:
-Since we used the same labeled image on both filters, the number of rows in 
both catalogs are the same.
-The clumps are not affected by the hard-to-deblend and low signal-to-noise 
diffuse regions, they are more robust for calculating the colors (compared to 
-Therefore from this step onward, we'll continue with clumps.
+asttable cat/xdf-f105w-on-f160w-lab.fits -hCLUMPS -i
+asttable cat/xdf-f160w.fits -hCLUMPS -i
+@end example
 Finally, the comments in MakeCatalog's output (@code{COMMENT} keywords in the 
FITS headers, or lines starting with @code{#} in plain text) contain some 
important information about the input datasets and other useful info (for 
example pixel area or per-pixel surface brightness limit).
 You can see them with this command:
@@ -3029,142 +3053,154 @@ Using column names instead of numbers has many 
 2) It acts as a documentation in the script.
 Column meta-data (including a name) aren't just limited to FITS tables and can 
also be used in plain text tables, see @ref{Gnuastro text table format}.
-We can finally calculate the colors of the objects from these two datasets.
-If you inspect the contents of the two catalogs, you'll notice that because 
they were both derived from the same segmentation maps, the rows are ordered 
identically (they correspond to the same object/clump in both filters).
-But to be generic (usable even when the rows aren't ordered similarly) and 
display another useful program in Gnuastro, we'll use @ref{Match}.
-As the name suggests, Gnuastro's Match program will match rows based on 
distance (or aperture in 2D) in one (or two) columns.
-In the command below, the options relating to each catalog are placed under it 
for easy understanding.
-You give Match two catalogs (from the two different filters we derived above) 
as argument, and the HDUs containing them (if they are FITS files) with the 
@option{--hdu} and @option{--hdu2} options.
-The @option{--ccol1} and @option{--ccol2} options specify the 
coordinate-columns which should be matched with which in the two catalogs.
-With @option{--aperture} you specify the acceptable error (radius in 2D), in 
the same units as the columns (see below for why we have requested an aperture 
of 0.35 arcseconds, or less than 6 HST pixels).
-The @option{--outcols} of Match is a very convenient feature in Match: you can 
use it to specify which columns from the two catalogs you want in the output 
(merge two input catalogs into one).
-If the first character is an `@key{a}', the respective matched column (number 
or name, similar to Table above) in the first catalog will be written in the 
output table.
-When the first character is a `@key{b}', the respective column from the second 
catalog will be written in the output.
-Also, if the first character is followed by @code{_all}, then all the columns 
from the respective catalog will be put in the output.
+Since @file{cat/xdf-f160w.fits} and @file{cat/xdf-f105w-on-f160w-lab.fits} 
have exactly the same number of rows, we can use Table to merge the columns of 
these two tables, to have one table with magnitudes in both filters.
+We do this with the @option{--catcolumnfile} option like.
+You give this option a file name (which is assumed to be a table of the same 
number of rows as main argument), and all the table's columns will be 
concatenated/appended to the main table.
+So please try it out with the commands below.
+We'll first look at the metadata of the first table (only the @code{CLUMPS} 
extension), with the second command, we'll concatenate the two tables and write 
them in, @file{both-mags.fits} and finally, we'll check the output's metadata.
-$ astmatch cat/xdf-f160w.fits           cat/xdf-f105w.fits         \
-           --hdu=CLUMPS                 --hdu2=CLUMPS              \
-           --ccol1=RA,DEC               --ccol2=RA,DEC             \
-           --aperture=0.35/3600 --log                              \
-           --outcols=a_all,bMAGNITUDE,bSN                          \
-           --output=cat/xdf-f160w-f105w.fits
+$ asttable cat/xdf-f160w.fits -i -hCLUMPS
+$ asttable cat/xdf-f160w.fits -hCLUMPS --output=both-mags.fits \
+           --catcolumnfile=cat/xdf-f105w-on-f160w-lab.fits \
+           --catcolumnhdu=CLUMPS
+$ asttable both-mags.fits -i
 @end example
-Let's have a look at the columns in the matched catalog:
+Looking at the two metadata outputs (called with @option{-i}), note how both 
tables have the same number of rows.
+But what might attract your attention more, is that @file{both-mags.fits} has 
double the number of columns (as expected).
+However, Table has intentionally appended a @code{-1} to the column names of 
the appended table (so for example we have the original @code{RA} column, and 
another one called @code{RA-1}).
+You can concatenate any number of tables in one command (by calling 
@option{--catcolumnfile} multiple times, once for each table you want to 
+The second table's columns will be appended by @code{-2} and so on.
+However, this example clearly shows a problem with this full concatenation: 
some columns are identical (for example @code{HOST_OBJ_ID} and 
@code{HOST_OBJ_ID-1}), or not needed (for example @code{RA-1} and @code{DEC-1} 
which are not necessary here).
+In such cases, you can use @option{--catcolumns} to only concatenate certain 
columns, not the whole table, for example this command:
-$ asttable cat/xdf-f160w-f105w.fits -i
+$ asttable cat/xdf-f160w.fits -hCLUMPS --output=both-mags.fits \
+           --catcolumnfile=cat/xdf-f105w-on-f160w-lab.fits \
+           --catcolumnhdu=CLUMPS --catcolumns=MAGNITUDE
+$ asttable both-mags.fits -i
 @end example
-Indeed, its exactly the columns we wanted: there are two @code{MAGNITUDE} and 
@code{SN} columns.
-The first is from the F160W filter, the second is from the F105W.
+You see that we have now only appended the @code{MAGNITUDE} column of 
+This is what we needed to be able to later subtract the magnitudes.
+But there are still problems in the metadata: its not clear which one of 
@code{MAGNITUDE} or @code{MAGNITUDE-1} belong to which filter.
 Right now, you know this.
 But in one hour, you'll start doubting your self: going through your command 
history, trying to answer this question: ``which magnitude corresponds to which 
 You should never torture your future-self (or colleagues) like this! So, let's 
rename these confusing columns in the matched catalog.
-The FITS standard for tables stores the column names in the @code{TTYPE} 
header keywords, so let's have a look:
+Fortunately, with the @option{--metaupdate}, you can correct the column 
metadata of final table (just before it is written).
+For example by adding two calls to the previous command, we write the filter 
name in the magnitude column name and description.
-$ astfits cat/xdf-f160w-f105w.fits -h1 | grep TTYPE
+$ asttable cat/xdf-f160w.fits -hCLUMPS --output=both-mags.fits \
+           --catcolumnfile=cat/xdf-f105w-on-f160w-lab.fits \
+           --catcolumnhdu=CLUMPS --catcolumns=MAGNITUDE \
+           --metaupdate=MAGNITUDE,MAG-F160w,log,"Magnitude in F160W." \
+           --metaupdate=MAGNITUDE-1,MAG-F105w,log,"Magnitude in F105W."
+$ asttable both-mags.fits -i
 @end example
-Changing/updating the column names is as easy as updating the values to
-these options with the first command below, and with the second, confirm
-this change:
+We now have both magnitudes in one table and can start doing arithmetic on 
them (to estimate colors, which are just a subtraction of magnitudes).
+To use column arithmetic, simply call the column selection option 
(@option{--column} or @option{-c}), put the value in single quotations and 
start the value with @code{arith} (followed by a space) like the example below.
+Column arithmetic uses the same notation as the Arithmetic program (see 
@ref{Reverse polish notation}), with almost all the same operators (see 
@ref{Arithmetic operators}), and some column-specific opertors (that aren't 
available for images).
+In column-arithmetic, you can identify columns by number (prefixed with a 
@code{$}) or name, see @ref{Column arithmetic}.
+For example with the @file{both-mags.fits} created above, all the commands 
below will produce the same output (column arithmetic can be mixed with other 
ways to choose output columns):
-$ astfits cat/xdf-f160w-f105w.fits -h1                          \
-          --update=TTYPE5,MAG_F160W   --update=TTYPE6,SN_F160W  \
-          --update=TTYPE7,MAG_F105W   --update=TTYPE8,SN_F105W
-$ asttable cat/xdf-f160w-f105w.fits -i
+$ asttable both-mags.fits -ocolor-cat.fits \
+           -c1,2,RA,DEC,'arith $5 $7 -'
+$ asttable both-mags.fits -ocolor-cat.fits \
+           -c1,2,RA,DEC,'arith MAG-F105W MAG-F160W -'
+$ asttable both-mags.fits -ocolor-cat.fits -c1,2 \
+           -cRA,DEC --column='arith MAG-F105W MAG-F160W -'
 @end example
-If you noticed, when running Match, we also asked for a log file 
-Many Gnuastro programs have this option to provide some detailed information 
on their operation in case you are curious or want to debug something.
-Here, we are using it to justify the value we gave to @option{--aperture}.
-Even though you asked for the output to be written in the @file{cat} 
directory, a listing of the contents of your current directory will show you an 
extra @file{astmatch.fits} file.
-Let's have a look at what columns it contains.
+This example again highlights the important point on column metadata: notice 
how clearly understandable the the last two commands are, and how cryptic the 
first one is.
+When you have column names, please use them and if they don't have a name, 
give them one when you create them.
+For example have a look at the column metadata of the table produced above:
-$ ls
-$ asttable astmatch.fits -i
+$ asttable color-cat.fits -i
 @end example
-@cindex Flux-weighted
-@cindex SED, Spectral Energy Distribution
-@cindex Spectral Energy Distribution, SED
-The @file{MATCH_DIST} column contains the distance of the matched rows, let's 
have a look at the distribution of values in this column.
-You might be asking yourself ``why should the positions of the two filters 
differ when I gave MakeCatalog the same segmentation map?'' The reason is that 
the central positions are @emph{flux-weighted}.
-Therefore the @option{--valuesfile} dataset you give to MakeCatalog will also 
affect the center measurements@footnote{To only measure the center based on the 
labeled pixels (and ignore the pixel values), you can ask for the columns that 
contain @option{geo} (for geometric) in them.
-For example @option{--geow1} or @option{--geow2} for the RA and Declination 
(first and second world-coordinates).}.
-Recall that the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of galaxies is not flat and 
they have substructure, therefore, they can have different shapes/morphologies 
in different filters.
-Gnuastro has a simple program for basic statistical analysis.
-The command below will print some basic information about the distribution 
(minimum, maximum, median, etc), along with a cute little ASCII histogram to 
visually help you understand the distribution on the command-line without the 
need for a graphic user interface.
-This ASCII histogram can be useful when you just want some coarse and general 
information on the input dataset.
-It is also useful when working on a server (where you may not have graphic 
user interface), and finally, its fast.
+The name of the column produced by arithmetic column is @command{ARITH_1}!
+This is natural: Arithmetic has no idea what the modified column is!
+So you can use @option{--metaupdate} to give a proper metadata like the 
example below.
+Since this is the final table (we want to store it in @file{cat/}), we'll also 
give it a clear name and use the @option{--range} option to only print columns 
with a signal-to-noise ratio (@code{SN} column) above 5.
-$ aststatistics astmatch.fits -cMATCH_DIST
-$ rm astmatch.fits
+$ asttable both-mags.fits --range=SN,5,inf -c1,2,RA,DEC \
+           -cMAG-F160W,MAG-F105W -c'arith MAG-F105W MAG-F160W -' \
+           --metaupdate=ARITH_1,F105W-F160W,log,"Magnitude difference" \
+           --output=cat/mags-with-color.fits
+$ asttable cat/mags-with-color.fits -i
 @end example
-The units of this column are the same as the columns you gave to Match: in 
-You see that while almost all the objects matched very nicely, the maximum 
distance is roughly 0.31 arcseconds.
-This is why we asked for an aperture of 0.35 arcseconds when doing the match.
+The table now has all the columns we need and it has the proper metadata to 
let us safely use it later (without frustrating over column orders!) or passing 
it to colleages.
+You can now inspect the distribution of colors with the Statistics program.
-Gnuastro's Table program can also be used to measure the colors using the 
command below.
-As before, the @option{-c1,2} option will tell Table to print the first two 
-With the @option{--range=SN_F160W,7,inf} we only keep the rows that have a 
F160W signal-to-noise ratio larger than 7@footnote{The value of 7 is taken from 
the clump S/N threshold in F160W (where the clumps were defined).}.
+$ aststatistics cat/mags-with-color.fits -cF105W-F160W
+@end example
-Finally, for estimating the colors, we use Table's column arithmetic feature.
-It uses the same notation as the Arithmetic program (see @ref{Reverse polish 
notation}), with almost all the same operators (see @ref{Arithmetic operators}).
-You can use column arithmetic in any output column, just put the value in 
double quotations and start the value with @code{arith} (followed by a space) 
like below.
-In column-arithmetic, you can identify columns by number or name, see 
@ref{Column arithmetic}.
+This tiny and cute ASCII histogram gives you a crude (but very useful and 
fast) feeling on the color distribution of these galaxies.
+You can later use Gnuastro's Statistics program with the @option{--histogram} 
option to build a much more fine-grained histogram as a table to feed into your 
favorite plotting program for a much more accurate/appealing plot (for example 
with PGFPlots in @LaTeX{}).
+If you just want a specific measure, for example the mean, median and standard 
deviation, you can ask for them specifically with this command:
-$ asttable cat/xdf-f160w-f105w.fits -ocat/f105w-f160w.fits \
-           -c1,2,RA,DEC,'arith MAG_F105W MAG_F160W -'      \
-           --range=SN_F160W,7,inf
+$ aststatistics cat/mags-with-color.fits -cF105W-F160W \
+                --mean --median --std
 @end example
-You can inspect the distribution of colors with the Statistics program.
-But first, let's give the color column a proper name.
+We won't go much deeper into the Statistics program here, but there is so much 
more you can do with it, please see @ref{Statistics} later.
+Let's finish this section of the tutorial with a useful tip on modifying 
column metadata.
+Above, updating/changing column metadata was done with the 
@option{--metaupdate} in the same command that produced the newly created Table 
+But in many sitations, the table is already made and you just want to update 
the metadata of one column.
+In such cases using @option{--metaupdate} is over-kill (wasting CPU/RAM energy 
or time if the table is large) because it will load the full table data and 
metadata into memory, just change the metadata and write it back into a file.
+In scenarios when the table's data doesn't need to be changed, it is much more 
efficient to use basic FITS keyword editing to modify column metadata.
+The FITS standard for tables stores the column names in the @code{TTYPE} 
header keywords, so let's have a look:
-$ astfits cat/f105w-f160w.fits --update=TTYPE5,COLOR_F105W_F160W
-$ aststatistics cat/f105w-f160w.fits -cCOLOR_F105W_F160W
+$ asttable cat/xdf-f160w.fits -i
+$ astfits cat/xdf-f160w.fits -h1 | grep TTYPE
 @end example
-You can later use Gnuastro's Statistics program with the @option{--histogram} 
option to build a much more fine-grained histogram as a table to feed into your 
favorite plotting program for a much more accurate/appealing plot (for example 
with PGFPlots in @LaTeX{}).
-If you just want a specific measure, for example the mean, median and standard 
deviation, you can ask for them specifically with this command:
+Changing/updating the column names is as easy as updating the values to these 
+Below we'll just copy the table into the top/temporary directory, then change 
the column name and confirm the change:
-$ aststatistics cat/f105w-f160w.fits -cCOLOR_F105W_F160W \
-                --mean --median --std
+$ cp cat/xdf-f160w.fits test.fits
+$ asttable test.fits -i
+$ astfits test.fits -h1 --update=TTYPE2,RA-F160W --update=TTYPE3,DEC-F160W
+$ asttable test.fits -i
 @end example
-@node Aperture photometry, Finding reddest clumps and visual inspection, 
Working with catalogs estimating colors, General program usage tutorial
+@node Aperture photometry, Matching catalogs, Working with catalogs estimating 
colors, General program usage tutorial
 @subsection Aperture photometry
-Some researchers prefer to have colors in a fixed aperture for all the objects.
 The colors we calculated in @ref{Working with catalogs estimating colors} used 
a different segmentation map for each object.
-This might not satisfy some science cases.
-To make a catalog from fixed apertures, we should make a labeled image which 
has a fixed label for each aperture.
-That labeled image can be given to MakeCatalog instead of Segment's labeled 
detection image.
+This might not satisfy some science cases that need the flux within a fixed 
+Fortunately the modularity of Gnuastro's modular programs make it very easy to 
alo do this type of measurement/photometry.
+To do this, we can ignore the labeled images of NoiseChisel of Segment, we can 
just built our own labeled image!
+That labeled image can then be given to MakeCatalog
 @cindex GNU AWK
 To generate the apertures catalog we'll use Gnuastro's MakeProfiles (see 
-We'll first read the clump positions from the F160W catalog, then use AWK to 
set the other parameters of each profile to be a fixed circle of radius 5 
pixels (recall that we want all apertures to be identical in this scenario).
+But first we need a list of positions (aperture photometry needs a-priori 
knowledge of your target positions).
+So we'll first read the clump positions from the F160W catalog, then use AWK 
to set the other parameters of each profile to be a fixed circle of radius 5 
pixels (recall that we want all apertures to have an identical size/area in 
this scenario).
 $ rm *.fits *.txt
 $ asttable cat/xdf-f160w.fits -hCLUMPS -cRA,DEC                    \
            | awk '!/^#/@{print NR, $1, $2, 5, 5, 0, 0, 1, NR, 1@}' \
            > apertures.txt
+$ cat apertures.txt
 @end example
 We can now feed this catalog into MakeProfiles using the command below to 
build the apertures over the image.
@@ -3180,32 +3216,94 @@ $ astmkprof apertures.txt 
--background=flat-ir/xdf-f160w.fits     \
 The first thing you might notice in the printed information is that the 
profiles are not built in order.
 This is because MakeProfiles works in parallel, and parallel CPU operations 
are asynchronous.
-You can try running MakeProfiles with one thread (using 
@option{--numthreads=1}) to see how order is respected in that case.
+You can try running MakeProfiles with one thread (using 
@option{--numthreads=1}) to see how order is respected in that case, but slower 
(note that the mult-threaded run will be much more faster when more 
mathematically-complicated profiles are built, like S@'eric profiles).
-Open the output @file{apertures.fits} file and see the result.
+Open @file{apertures.fits} with a FITS viewer and look around at the circles 
placed over the targets.
+Also open the input image and Segment's clumps image and compare them with the 
positions of these circles.
 Where the apertures overlap, you will notice that one label has replaced the 
other (because of the @option{--replace} option).
 In the future, MakeCatalog will be able to work with overlapping labels, but 
currently it doesn't.
 If you are interested, please join us in completing Gnuastro with added 
improvements like this (see task 14750 
 We can now feed the @file{apertures.fits} labeled image into MakeCatalog 
instead of Segment's output as shown below.
-In comparison with the previous MakeCatalog call, you will notice that there 
is no more @option{--clumpscat} option, since each aperture is treated as a 
separate ``object'' here.
+In comparison with the previous MakeCatalog call, you will notice that there 
is no more @option{--clumpscat} option, since there is no more separarate 
``clump'' imge now, each aperture is treated as a separate ``object''.
-$ astmkcatalog apertures.fits -h1 --zeropoint=26.27        \
-               --valuesfile=nc/xdf-f105w.fits              \
-               --ids --ra --dec --magnitude --sn           \
+$ astmkcatalog apertures.fits -h1 --zeropoint=26.27 \
+               --valuesfile=nc/xdf-f105w.fits \
+               --ids --ra --dec --magnitude --sn \
 @end example
 This catalog has the same number of rows as the catalog produced from clumps 
in @ref{Working with catalogs estimating colors}.
 Therefore similar to how we found colors, you can compare the aperture and 
clump magnitudes for example.
-You can also change the filter name and zeropoint magnitudes and run this
-command again to have the fixed aperture magnitude in the F160W filter and
-measure colors on apertures.
+You can also change the filter name and zeropoint magnitudes and run this 
command again to have the fixed aperture magnitude in the F160W filter and 
measure colors on apertures.
+@node Matching catalogs, Finding reddest clumps and visual inspection, 
Aperture photometry, General program usage tutorial
+@subsection Matching catalogs
+In the example above, we had the luxury to generate the catalogs ourselves, 
and where thus able to generate them in a way that the rows match.
+But this isn't generally the case.
+In many situations, you need to use catalogs from many different telescopes, 
or catalogs with high-level calculations that you can't simply regenrate with 
the same pixels without spending a lot of time or using heavy computation.
+In such cases, when each catalog has the coordinates of its own objects, you 
can use the coordinates to match the rows with Gnuastro's Match program (see 
+As the name suggests, Gnuastro's Match program will match rows based on 
distance (or aperture in 2D) in one, two, or three columns.
+For this tutorial, let's try matching the two catalogs that weren't created 
from the same labeled images, recall how each has a different number of rows:
+$ asttable cat/xdf-f105w.fits -hCLUMPS -i
+$ asttable cat/xdf-f160w.fits -hCLUMPS -i
+@end example
+You give Match two catalogs (from the two different filters we derived above) 
as argument, and the HDUs containing them (if they are FITS files) with the 
@option{--hdu} and @option{--hdu2} options.
+The @option{--ccol1} and @option{--ccol2} options specify the 
coordinate-columns which should be matched with which in the two catalogs.
+With @option{--aperture} you specify the acceptable error (radius in 2D), in 
the same units as the columns.
+$ astmatch cat/xdf-f160w.fits           cat/xdf-f105w.fits         \
+           --hdu=CLUMPS                 --hdu2=CLUMPS              \
+           --ccol1=RA,DEC               --ccol2=RA,DEC             \
+           --aperture=0.5/3600 --log                               \
+           --output=matched.fits
+$ astfits matched.fits
+@end example
+From the second command, you see that the output has two extensions and that 
both have the same number of rows.
+The rows in each extenion correspond with the rows in the other.
+You can also see which objects didn't match with the @option{--notmatched}, 
like below.
+Note how each extension now has a different number of rows.
+$ astmatch cat/xdf-f160w.fits           cat/xdf-f105w.fits         \
+           --hdu=CLUMPS                 --hdu2=CLUMPS              \
+           --ccol1=RA,DEC               --ccol2=RA,DEC             \
+           --aperture=0.5/3600 --log                               \
+           --output=matched.fits        --notmatched
+$ astfits matched.fits
+@end example
-@node Finding reddest clumps and visual inspection, Citing and acknowledging 
Gnuastro, Aperture photometry, General program usage tutorial
+The @option{--outcols} of Match is a very convenient feature: you can use it 
to specify which columns from the two catalogs you want in the output (merge 
two input catalogs into one).
+If the first character is an `@key{a}', the respective matched column (number 
or name, similar to Table above) in the first catalog will be written in the 
output table.
+When the first character is a `@key{b}', the respective column from the second 
catalog will be written in the output.
+Also, if the first character is followed by @code{_all}, then all the columns 
from the respective catalog will be put in the output.
+$ astmatch cat/xdf-f160w.fits           cat/xdf-f105w.fits         \
+           --hdu=CLUMPS                 --hdu2=CLUMPS              \
+           --ccol1=RA,DEC               --ccol2=RA,DEC             \
+           --aperture=0.35/3600 --log                              \
+           --outcols=a_all,bMAGNITUDE,bSN                          \
+           --output=matched.fits
+$ astfits matched.fits
+@end example
+@node Finding reddest clumps and visual inspection, Citing and acknowledging 
Gnuastro, Matching catalogs, General program usage tutorial
 @subsection Finding reddest clumps and visual inspection
 @cindex GNU AWK
 As a final step, let's go back to the original clumps-based color measurement 
we generated in @ref{Working with catalogs estimating colors}.
@@ -3213,12 +3311,19 @@ We'll find the objects with the strongest color and 
make a cutout to inspect the
 With the command below, we'll select the reddest objects (those with a color 
larger than 1.5):
-$ asttable cat/f105w-f160w.fits --range=COLOR_F105W_F160W,1.5,inf
+$ asttable cat/mags-with-color.fits --range=F105W-F160W,1.5,inf
 @end example
-We want to crop the F160W image around each of these objects, but we need a 
unique identifier for them first.
+You can see how many they are by piping it to @code{wc -l}:
+$ asttable cat/mags-with-color.fits --range=F105W-F160W,1.5,inf | wc -l
+@end example
+Let's crop the F160W image around each of these objects, but we first need a 
unique identifier for them.
 We'll define this identifier using the object and clump labels (with an 
underscore between them) and feed the output of the command above to AWK to 
generate a catalog.
-Note that since we are making a plain text table, we'll define the column 
metadata manually (see @ref{Gnuastro text table format}).
+Note that since we are making a plain text table, we'll define the necessary 
(for the string-type first column) metadata manually (see @ref{Gnuastro text 
table format}).
 $ echo "# Column 1: ID [name, str10] Object ID" > reddest.txt
@@ -3229,8 +3334,8 @@ $ asttable cat/f105w-f160w.fits 
--range=COLOR_F105W_F160W,1.5,inf \
 We can now feed @file{reddest.txt} into Gnuastro's Crop program to see what 
these objects look like.
 To keep things clean, we'll make a directory called @file{crop-red} and ask 
Crop to save the crops in this directory.
-We'll also add a @file{-f160w.fits} suffix to the crops (to remind us which 
image they came from).
-The width of the crops will be 15 arcseconds.
+We'll also add a @file{-f160w.fits} suffix to the crops (to remind us which 
filter they came from).
+The width of the crops will be 15 arcseconds (or 15/3600 degrees, which is the 
units of the WCS).
 $ mkdir crop-red
@@ -3252,6 +3357,7 @@ $ for f in *.fits; do                                     
     astconvertt $f --fluxlow=-0.001 --fluxhigh=0.005 --invert -ojpg;   \
 $ cd ..
+$ ls crop-red/
 @end example
 You can now use your general graphic user interface image viewer to flip 
through the images more easily, or import them into your papers/reports.
@@ -3270,6 +3376,12 @@ $ parallel astconvertt --fluxlow=-0.001 --fluxhigh=0.005 
--invert   \
 $ cd ..
 @end example
+Did you notice how much faster this one was? When possible, its always very 
helpful to do your analysis in parallel.
+But the problem is that many operations are not as simple as this.
+For such cases, you can use 
@url{, Make} which will greatly 
help designing workflows.
+But that is beyond the topic here.
 @cindex DS9
 @cindex SAO DS9
 As the final action, let's see how these objects are positioned over the 

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