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Re: Guix integration and various other patches.

From: Adrien 'neox' Bourmault
Subject: Re: Guix integration and various other patches.
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 19:42:33 +0200
User-agent: Evolution 3.46.4


Le samedi 20 avril 2024 à 00:57 +0100, Leah Rowe a écrit :
> btw coreboot has bucts under util/ now. i haven't checked whether you
> use theirs or the old one still. the coreboot one is much more heavily
> developed than the old one.

Good to know, thanks.

> also, regarding flashrom: you may wish to use flashprog instead, in
> gnuboot. libreboot has done this (flashprog is a fork of flashrom) for
> the reasons written here:
> and here
> libreboot is boycotting flashrom, and i thought i'd encourage such
> action in gnuboot too, though i'll respect whatever decision you take
> pertaining to that.

Thanks for bringing that to us. This is not something trivial and we need to
discuss that in detail before deciding anything, since the accusations against
the founder of flashprog are serious. I don't have enough information to be sure
nor I have time to check everything now.

> the rest of it and the patches you sent are the guix integration stuff.
> i've already told you and adrien what i think of that (that it's
> overengineering and will vastly increase the maintenance burden to your
> already maintainer-starved project and make it harder for most new
> people to contribute to the project - not to mention split your project
> in pracitse by making you much more reliant on the practises of outside
> projects, to a greater extent than implied by lbmk's current much more
> simple design) - but:

We already know your position on this topic, and have already answered about
that earlier.

> you were bold to invoke my name and that commands respect, so i respond.
> most people in the fsf/gnu inner circle do not refer to me by name :)

You're welcome, I guess ?

> now, i ask what i asked on irc yesterday:
> what of my patch set that i sent in january? i fixed a lot of major
> issues, including critical build issues, making your gnuboot build on
> the latest distros. also the grub luks2 stuff.

We did look into your patches, and even acked about your set. We can't merge
everything though, because your patches contain many changes using non-upstream
projects which is not our current policy, as we already explain earlier. We'll
merge what can be merged when we'll be ready to do so. 

> btw check lbmk, i added xhci patches from patrick rudolph, this may
> come in handy on some desktop boards that gnuboot supports if the user
> has a usb3 card installed.

Good to know.

Thanks for your contributions and happy hacking!
Adrien Bourmault
Maintainer, GNU Boot project
Associate member, Free Software Foundation
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