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[PATCH v2 13/14] automake: add i945-thinkpads-install-utilities-help tar

From: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli
Subject: [PATCH v2 13/14] automake: add i945-thinkpads-install-utilities-help target.
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 10:34:15 +0200

Even if we still don't have any installation instructions that use
these tools, we still need to document somehow what the targets to.

And not adding a help for that would make it inconsistent with the
other targets that are somewhat documented in make help.

Signed-off-by: Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <>
Acked-by: Adrien 'neox' Bourmault <>
- Added neox's Ack.
---                                   | 12 ++++---
 .../                               | 31 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 6cae417..96d8950 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -112,13 +112,15 @@ include 
        @printf "Available commands:\n"
-       @printf "\tsudo make install-dependencies-ubuntu    # %s\n" \
+       @printf "\tsudo make install-dependencies-ubuntu      # %s\n" \
                "Install required dependencies on Ubuntu."
-       @printf "\tsudo make install-dependencies-pureos-10 # %s\n" \
+       @printf "\tsudo make install-dependencies-pureos-10   # %s\n" \
                "Install required dependencies on PureOS 10 (byzantium)."
-       @printf "\tmake release                             # %s\n" \
+       @printf "\tmake release                               # %s\n" \
                "Build a GNU Boot release."
-       @printf "\tmake clean                               # %s\n" \
+       @printf "\tmake clean                                 # %s\n" \
                "Remove all the files being built in GNU Boot."
-       @printf "\tmake crossgcc-clean                      # %s\n" \
+       @printf "\tmake crossgcc-clean                        # %s\n" \
                "Remove the builds of the crossgcc toolchain."
+       @printf "\tmake i945-thinkpads-install-utilities-help # %s\n" \
+               "Print i945-thinkpads-install-utilities targets help."
diff --git a/resources/packages/i945-thinkpads-install-utilities/ 
index ba71430..27d5c27 100644
--- a/resources/packages/i945-thinkpads-install-utilities/
+++ b/resources/packages/i945-thinkpads-install-utilities/
@@ -93,3 +93,34 @@ $(PACK_NAME)-clean:
        rm -rf $(RELEASE_DIR)
 $(PACK_NAME)-distclean: $(PACK_NAME)-clean
+       @printf "$(PACK_NAME) related commands:\n"
+       @printf "\t%s %s\n"                     \
+               "make $(PACK_NAME)           #" \
+               "Build and relese $(PACK_NAME)."
+       @printf "\t%s %s\n"                     \
+               "make $(PACK_NAME)-clean     #" \
+               "Remove all the built files related to the target."
+       @printf "\t%s %s\n"                     \
+               "make $(PACK_NAME)-distclean #" \
+               "Alias to $(PACK_NAME)-clean for compatibility."
+       @printf "\t%s %s\n"                     \
+               "make $(PACK_NAME)-download  #" \
+               "Alias to $(PACK_NAME) for compatibility."
+       @printf "\t%s %s\n"                     \
+               "make $(PACK_NAME)-module    #" \
+               "Alias to $(PACK_NAME) for compatibility."
+       @printf "\t%s %s\n"                              \
+               "make $(RELEASE_DIR)/gnuboot_src.tar  #" \
+               "Release the GNU Boot source code."
+       @printf "\t%s %s\n"                              \
+               "make $(RELEASE_DIR)/packages_src.tar #" \
+               "Relase the source code corresponding to the package binaries."
+       @printf "\t%s %s\n"                                              \
+               "make $(RELEASE_DIR)/$(PACK_NAME)-deb-pack.deb        #" \
+               "Release a Debian package of the binaries."
+       @printf "\t%s %s\n"                                              \
+               "make $(RELEASE_DIR)/$(PACK_NAME)-tarball-pack.tar.gz #" \
+               "Release a tarball of the binaries."

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