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Re: [open-cobol-list] Small addition for OpenCOBOL Programmers Guide

From: john Culleton
Subject: Re: [open-cobol-list] Small addition for OpenCOBOL Programmers Guide
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 19:31:12 -0400

On Tue, 10 Apr 2012 23:39:22 +0100
vince <address@hidden> wrote:
> Vince
I ran cobc -h and got this:
Usage: cobc [options] file...

  --help                Display this message
  --version, -V         Display compiler version
  -v                    Display the programs invoked by the compiler
  -x                    Build an executable program
  -m                    Build a dynamically loadable module (default)
  -std=<dialect>        Compile for a specific dialect :
                          cobol2002   Cobol 2002
                          cobol85     Cobol 85
                          ibm         IBM Compatible
                          mvs         MVS Compatible
                          bs2000      BS2000 Compatible
                          mf          Micro Focus Compatible
                          default     When not specified
                        See config/default.conf and config/*.conf
  -free                 Use free source format
  -fixed                Use fixed source format (default)
  -O, -O2, -Os          Enable optimization
  -g                    Produce debugging information in the output
  -debug                Enable all run-time error checking
  -o <file>             Place the output into <file>
  -b                    Combine all input files into a single
                        dynamically loadable module
  -E                    Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link
  -C                    Translation only; convert COBOL to C
  -S                    Compile only; output assembly file
  -c                    Compile and assemble, but do not link
  -t <file>             Generate and place a program listing into <file>
  -I <directory>        Add <directory> to copy/include search path
  -L <directory>        Add <directory> to library search path
  -l <lib>              Link the library <lib>
  -D <define>           Pass <define> to the C compiler
  -conf=<file>          User defined dialect configuration - See -std=
  --list-reserved       Display reserved words
  --list-intrinsics     Display intrinsic functions
  --list-mnemonics      Display mnemonic names
  -save-temps(=<dir>)   Save intermediate files (default current directory)
  -MT <target>          Set target file used in dependency list
  -MF <file>            Place dependency list into <file>
  -ext <extension>      Add default file extension

  -W                    Enable ALL warnings
  -Wall                 Enable all warnings except as noted below
  -Wobsolete            Warn if obsolete features are used
  -Warchaic             Warn if archaic features are used
  -Wredefinition        Warn incompatible redefinition of data items
  -Wconstant            Warn inconsistent constant
  -Wparentheses         Warn lack of parentheses around AND within OR
  -Wstrict-typing       Warn type mismatch strictly
  -Wimplicit-define     Warn implicitly defined data items
  -Wcall-params         Warn non 01/77 items for CALL params (NOT set with 
  -Wcolumn-overflow     Warn text after column 72, FIXED format (NOT set with 
  -Wterminator          Warn lack of scope terminator END-XXX (NOT set with 
  -Wtruncate            Warn possible field truncation (NOT set with -Wall)
  -Wlinkage             Warn dangling LINKAGE items (NOT set with -Wall)
  -Wunreachable         Warn unreachable statements (NOT set with -Wall)

  -ftrace               Generate trace code (Executed SECTION/PARAGRAPH)
  -ftraceall            Generate trace code (Executed 
  -fsyntax-only         Syntax error checking only; don't emit any output
  -fdebugging-line      Enable debugging lines ('D' in indicator column)
  -fsource-location     Generate source location code (Turned on by -debug or 
  -fimplicit-init       Do automatic initialization of the Cobol runtime system
  -fsign-ascii          Numeric display sign ASCII (Default on ASCII machines)
  -fsign-ebcdic         Numeric display sign EBCDIC (Default on EBCDIC machines)
  -fstack-check         PERFORM stack checking (Turned on by -debug or -g)
  -ffold-copy-lower     Fold COPY subject to lower case (Default no 
  -ffold-copy-upper     Fold COPY subject to upper case (Default no 
  -fnotrunc             Do not truncate binary fields according to PICTURE
  -ffunctions-all       Allow use of intrinsic functions without FUNCTION 
  -fmfcomment           '*' or '/' in column 1 treated as comment (FIXED only)
  -fnull-param          Pass extra NULL terminating pointers on CALL statements

I ran cobc -V and got this:
bash-4.1$ cobc -V
cobc (OpenCOBOL) 1.1.0
Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Keisuke Nishida / Roger While
Built    Apr 10 2012 16:19:25
Packaged Feb 06 2009 10:30:55 CET

So your 1.1 and my 1.1 aren't the same product in this respect.
Should I download again and see what happens?

John Culleton

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