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Re: [open-cobol-list] advanced Cobol books ?

From: Vincent Coen
Subject: Re: [open-cobol-list] advanced Cobol books ?
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 00:46:29 +0100
User-agent: KMail/4.10.2 (Linux/; KDE/4.10.2; x86_64; ; )



On Saturday 10 Aug 2013 13:20:07 Patrick wrote:


> i bought these books:


> Stern/Stern/LEY Cobol for 21st Century


Waste of space (and paper).


> Murach's Structured Cobol


OC does not do OO so another waste.


> I have really enjoyed them but as I read through them, there were many

> little things that I thought were missing from the language that I

> wished were there.


> Reading through Gary Cutler's Open Cobol Programmers guide, I realized

> that all those little missing things are in open Cobol.


> I wasted about $150 buying 9 used object oriented Cobol books. I thought

> they would cover OO and modern features of the language but each one

> only covered OO, almost all with different implementations and I don't

> personally feel I even need OO now.


No point learning OO if you are using OC as it doesn't.


> Could anyone recommend one or more advanced Cobol books that are similar

> to Gary's book's coverage of the language ?


One I use for reference etc, is Cobol Unleashed by Jon Wessler, et al by SAMS


Other than that are old Compiler manuals from IBM, MF, ICL etc but the other primary one is Gary's along with the above book if I get stuck or more likely forgetful, but there again I have been coding in Cobol (among others) since 1963.






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