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Re: [gnugo-devel] dfa bug workaround

From: Teun Burgers
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] dfa bug workaround
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 22:23:16 +0200

Daniel Bump wrote:

> Congratulations, I think you fixed --enable-dfa!

I'd say "fixed". For the time being it works for this combination of
owl pattern databases and this DFA_RESIZE_STEP and DFA_INIT_SIZE. Anyway
some progress has been made here.
> I put these two patches in the CVS.  Now owl.tst produces
> two unexpected failures, which does not necessarily mean
> that the dfa is broke. The failures are:
> 150 FAILED: Correct '0', got '1 G13'
> 222 FAILED: Correct '1 E6', got '0'

This is remarkable. These are two of the cases included in owl_rot.tst.

DFA reorientation results for these tests:

      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  70  P f f P P P f f
 150  f P f f P P P P
 193  P P P f P P P P
 222  f f f f f f f f

Standard matcher reorientation results:
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  70  P f f P P P f f
 150  P P f f P P P P
 193  P P P f P P P P
 222  P P f f f f f P


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