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[gnugo-devel] fast_defense()

From: Paul Pogonyshev
Subject: [gnugo-devel] fast_defense()
Date: 15 Nov 2003 02:55:53 +0000

Following simple patch makes fast_defense() a little more efficient.
Since attacker gives up if the string has 4 liberties and current
depth is more than `fourlib_depth', it suffices to find a move that
gives 4 liberties at depth _equal to_ or more than `fourlib_depth' --
once it will be played the depth will be strictly more than

In other words, the patch makes fast_defense() look for a move giving
4 liberties one move earlier than before.  This gives a slight
decrease in nodes:

before:  1362692055 2450575 8827866
after:   1338004214 2450395 8825826
              -1.8%   -0.0%   -0.0%

Unfortunately, the patch gives a nonzero breakage:

nicklas1:1406   FAIL B9 [B6]
manyfaces1:30   FAIL B10 [C14]

However, if you remember, when fast_defense() was first introduced by
nando, the breakage was nonzero too: it was caused by random changes
in defense moves.

I have additionally verified that the patch is correct with these
three lines put in fast_defense() inside the `if':

      gg_assert(trymove(libs[k], color, "test", str, EMPTY, NO_MOVE));
      gg_assert(do_attack(str, NULL, EMPTY, NO_MOVE) == 0);

Running this through the two failed tests gave no assertion failures.


Index: engine/reading.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gnugo/gnugo/engine/reading.c,v
retrieving revision 1.124
diff -u -p -r1.124 reading.c
--- engine/reading.c    9 Oct 2003 20:25:08 -0000       1.124
+++ engine/reading.c    15 Nov 2003 00:48:56 -0000
@@ -1152,28 +1152,24 @@ do_find_defense(int str, int *move, int 
-/* Called by the defendN functions.
- * Don't think too much if there's an easy way to get enough liberties
+/* Called by the defendN functions.  Don't think too much if there's
+ * an easy way to get enough liberties.
 static int
 fast_defense(int str, int liberties, int *libs, int *move)
   int color = board[str];
   int k;
-  int newlibs;
+  int goal_liberties = (stackp < fourlib_depth ? 5 : 4);
   ASSERT1(libs != NULL, str);
   ASSERT1(move != NULL, str);
   for (k = 0; k < liberties; k++) {
-    /* accuratelib() to be seems more effective than fastlib() here.
-     * (probably because it catches more cases). And since 5 liberties
-     * is enough for our purpose, no need to ask for more.
+    /* accuratelib() seems to be more efficient than fastlib() here,
+     * probably because it catches more cases.
-    newlibs = accuratelib(libs[k], color, 5, NULL);
-    if (newlibs > 4
-       || (newlibs == 4 && stackp > fourlib_depth)) {
+    if (accuratelib(libs[k], color, goal_liberties, NULL) >= goal_liberties) {
       *move = libs[k];
       return 1;

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