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[Gnumed-bugs] Unhandled exception entering a new lab test into a patient

From: Busser, Jim
Subject: [Gnumed-bugs] Unhandled exception entering a new lab test into a patient measurement
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 00:24:29 +0000

I got an unhandled exception when I inputted a never-before used lab test, 
which I had not created ahead of time.

The UE manifest itself after I had inputted what I had thought was enough 
information, and when I was trying to save it.

Seemingly there is a problem when GNUmed is trying to assign the new test type, 
in this case


to an org unit and maybe owes itself to a change within GNUmed as to which org 
is used by default?

I'll send the log offlist.

-- Jim

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