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Re: [Gnumed-devel] gnumed architecture

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] gnumed architecture
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 11:00:30 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/


>> Then, the concept of splitting the monolithic database into "black box" 
>> style 
>> "services" was requested
> Forgive my ignorance of gnumed history here, but why was this decision
> made? It seems that it will only complicate our architecture to the point
> that we will either take a very long time or never get off the ground.
The services concept can be and is partially wrapped already.
I don't see this as much of a problem.

> It all depends on what we are trying to accomplish. My impression was that
> gnumed was to be a software for doctors.
Fully agree.

> Most software I've seen

> that tries to complicate things in order to please programmers with cool stuff
I'll start bitching like hell if that ever happens :-))

> I guess my question is "why do we need a distributed objects system?"
It's not really distributed *objects* but rather distributed
data aggregated in "services". Certainly though, the data is
handled *by* objects at the appropriate points.

> We may want to look at the twisted folks and see if they have something
> that we can use.
Twisted is certainly alluring and warrants a closer look. From
what I have been gathering so far it does focus a lot on
(ww)web functionality. But this opinion isn't very well
founded. However, this is 2.0 stuff IMHO. It wouldn't solve
our widget <-> backend connection either in any magical sort
of way.

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