-- ============================================= -- GNUmed - static tables for the provider inbox -- ============================================= -- $Source: /sources/gnumed/gnumed/gnumed/server/sql/gmProviderInbox-static.sql,v $ -- $Id: gmProviderInbox-static.sql,v 1.2 2006/01/09 13:44:02 ncq Exp $ -- license: GPL -- author: address@hidden -- ============================================= -- force terminate + exit(3) on errors if non-interactive \set ON_ERROR_STOP 1 -- --------------------------------------------- create table dem.inbox_item_category ( pk serial primary key, description text unique not null check (trim(coalesce(description, 'xxxDEFAULTxxx')) != ''), is_user boolean not null default true ) inherits (audit.audit_fields); select audit.add_table_for_audit('dem', 'inbox_item_category'); -- --------------------------------------------- create table dem.inbox_item_type ( pk serial primary key, fk_inbox_item_category integer not null references dem.inbox_item_category(pk), description text unique not null check (trim(coalesce(description, 'xxxDEFAULTxxx')) != ''), is_user boolean not null default true ) inherits (audit.audit_fields); select audit.add_table_for_audit('dem', 'inbox_item_type'); -- --------------------------------------------- create table dem.provider_inbox ( pk serial primary key, fk_staff integer not null references dem.staff(pk), fk_inbox_item_type integer not null references dem.inbox_item_type(pk), comment text default null check (trim(coalesce(comment, 'xxxDEFAULTxxx')) != ''), ufk_context integer, importance smallint check (importance=-1 or importance=0 or importance=1), unique(fk_staff, fk_inbox_item_type, ufk_context) ) inherits (audit.audit_fields); select audit.add_table_for_audit('dem', 'provider_inbox'); -- ============================================= -- do simple schema revision tracking select log_script_insertion('$RCSfile: gmProviderInbox-static.sql,v $2', '$Revision: 1.2 $'); -- ============================================= -- $Log: gmProviderInbox-static.sql,v $ -- Revision 1.2 2006/01/09 13:44:02 ncq -- - add inbox item type category and adjust view -- -- Revision 1.1 2006/01/07 15:22:23 ncq -- - initial attempt at provider inbox tables --