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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Re: Texlive and Gnumed

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Re: Texlive and Gnumed
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 20:07:38 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.13.1 (Linux/; KDE/4.4.1; i686; ; )

Am Montag 08 März 2010 19:22:27 schrieb Gour:
> On Mon, 8 Mar 2010 15:50:50 +0100
> >>>>>> "Karsten" == Karsten Hilbert <address@hidden> wrote:
> Karsten> > I'd likely include it if someone mailed me some code.
> Karsten>
> Karsten> Or sent me a git pull URL, for that matter =8-)
> Karsten>
> Ohh , well...I recently returned from holidays and met my (astrology)
> teacher, so based on the info which I have now, it looks that I'll end
> up using Qt to write desktop and app for mobile (MeeGo) platform,
> although was certain for some time that wxWidgets would be OK.
I predict that MeeGo will not take off (unless they get a competitive app 
store going). Every mobile shop except Nokia will go for Android or Windows.

Nokia will defeat itself by agonizing over the choice of Symbian (now FOSS) or 
MeeGo. They switched Maemo from GTK to QT. Still unless you get apps out there 
you will go down - no matter the technology.

Same is true for GNUmed. Users judge features. Since they are used to buggy 
software (trained by MS) they will always chose a fully featured crashing app 
over a technically superior feature lacking app. Simple as that.

I also predict that desktop apps will become obsolete in the eyes of most 
doctors and users. Doctors will be happy with every webapp you throw at them 
as long it is free and will allow billing.

Anyone in on this ?



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