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[taler-docs] 03/04: [reveal] combine reveal for withdraw an refresh into

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-docs] 03/04: [reveal] combine reveal for withdraw an refresh into one endpoint
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2025 22:31:54 +0100

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commit 449765705ba009bdd967132e346c9c4af2b34558
Author: Özgür Kesim <>
AuthorDate: Mon Dec 30 10:05:23 2024 +0100

    [reveal] combine reveal for withdraw an refresh into one endpoint
 core/api-exchange.rst | 207 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 86 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)

diff --git a/core/api-exchange.rst b/core/api-exchange.rst
index 24b591f2..3ed10234 100644
--- a/core/api-exchange.rst
+++ b/core/api-exchange.rst
@@ -1870,9 +1870,6 @@ Withdraw
       // Amount left in the reserve.
       balance: Amount;
-      // History of the reserve's activity, in the same format
-      // as returned by ``/reserve/$RID/history``.
-      history: TransactionHistoryItem[]
@@ -2090,76 +2087,109 @@ If so, the exchange will blindly sign ``n`` 
undisclosed coins from the request.
-These endpoins are called whenever a client made a commitment prior this this
-call at another endpoint, such as a call to `Withdraw`_ with ``max_age`` set
-or the melting request in`Refresh`_, and has to reveal now all but one secret
-as part of a cut-and-choose protocol.
-After Withdraw
 .. note::
    This endpoint is available starting with API version v24.
-This endpoint is called by the client after a call to `Withdraw`_, *only if* 
the original request
-had ``max_age`` set and the response was of type ``AgeWithdrawResponse``.
-Now the client has to disclose for each coin all but one of the κ secrets that 
went into
-creating the blinded coin's planchets, including the commitent to age 
restriction, and prove
-that the age restriction was set correctly.
+This endpoint is called by the client
-.. http:post:: /reveal/withdraw/$ACH
+#. after a call to `melt`_.
+   Now the client has to disclose --for each coin--
+   all but one of the κ secrets that went into creating the blinded coin's 
+   the transfer public keys (linking the ownership of the old and new coin),
+   and the commitent to age restriction,
+   as proof that the age restriction was set correctly (if applicable).
+#. after a call to `Withdraw`_, *if* the original request had ``max_age`` set
+   and the response was of type `AgeWithdrawResponse`.
+   Now the client has to disclose for each coin all but one of the κ secrets
+   that went into creating the blinded coin's planchets,
+   including the commitent to age restriction,
+   and prove that the age restriction was set correctly.
-  The client has previously committed to multiple coins with age restriction
-  in a call to ``/reserve/$RESERVE_PUB/withdraw`` and got a
-  `AgeWithdrawResponse` from the exchange.  By calling this
-  endpoint, the client has to reveal each coin and their ``kappa - 1``
-  age commitments, except for the age commitments with index
-  ``noreveal_index``.  The hash of all commitments from the former withdraw
-  request is given as the ``$ACH`` value in the URL to this endpoint.
-  **Request:** The request body must be a `WithdrawRevealRequest` object.
+.. http:post:: /reveal/$RCH
-  **Response:**
+  Reveal previously committed values to the exchange, except for the values
+  corresponding to the ``noreveal_index`` returned by the ``/withdraw`` or 
``/melt/`` steps.
+  Depending on the prior call to either ``/melt`` or ``/withdraw``,
+  the $RCH is calculated as follows:
+  .. warning:: TODO: be more specific about the calculation of $RCH here:
+  #. In case of `melt`_:
+     $RCH is the hash over the refresh commitment from the ``/melt/`` step.
+  #. In case of `Withdraw`_:
+     $RCH is the running hash over all commitments from the former withdraw 
+  Note that the value for $RCH is calculated independently by both sides
+  and has never appeared *explicitly* in the protocol before.
+  The base URL for ``/reveal``-request may differ from the main base URL of
+  the exchange. Clients SHOULD respect the ``reveal_base_url`` returned for the
+  coin during melt operations. The exchange MUST return a
+  307 or 308 redirection to the correct base URL if the client failed to
+  respect the ``reveal_base_url`` or if the allocation has changed.
   :http:statuscode:`200 OK`:
-    The request was successful, and the response is a `WithdrawRevealResponse`.
-    Note that repeating exactly the same request will again yield the same
-    response, so if the network goes down during the transaction or before the
-    client can commit the coin signature to disk, the coin is not lost.
+    The coin's' secret material matched the commitment and the original 
request was well-formed.
+    The response body is a `RevealResponse`.
   :http:statuscode:`404 Not found`:
-    The provided commitment $ACH is unknown.
+    The provided commitment $RCH is unknown.
   :http:statuscode:`409 Conflict`:
-    The reveal operation failed and the response is an `WithdrawError` object.
-    The error codes indicate one of two cases:
+    There is a problem between the original commitment and the revealed secret 
+    The returned information is proof of the mismatch,
+    and therefore rather verbose, as it includes most of the original /melt or 
/withdraw request,
+    but of course expected to be primarily used for diagnostics.
+    The response body is a `RevealConflictResponse`.
+    In case of reveal after a ``/withdraw`` request, i.e. for withdrawal with 
age restriction,
+    the following specific error codes can be returned:
+    - An age commitment for at least one of the coins did not fulfill the
+      required maximum age requirement of the corresponding reserve.
+      Error code:
+    - The computation of the hash of the commitment with provided input does
+      result in the value $ACH.
+      Error code:
-    1. An age commitment for at least one of the coins did not fulfill the
-       required maximum age requirement of the corresponding reserve.
-       Error code:
-    2. The computation of the hash of the commitment with provided input does
-       result in the value $ACH.
-       Error code:
+  **Details:**
+  Request body contains a JSON object with the following fields:
-  .. ts:def:: WithdrawRevealRequest
+  .. ts:def:: RevealRequest
-    interface WithdrawRevealRequest {
+    interface RevealRequest {
       // Array of ``n`` of ``(kappa - 1)`` disclosed coin master secrets, from
-      // which the coins' private key, blinding, nonce (for Clause-Schnorr) and
-      // age-restriction  is calculated.
-      //
-      // Given each coin's private key and age commitment, the exchange will
-      // calculate each coin's blinded hash value und use all those (disclosed)
-      // blinded hashes together with the non-disclosed envelopes ``coin_evs``
-      // during the verification of the original age-withdraw-commitment.
-      disclosed_coin_secrets: AgeRestrictedCoinSecret[][];
+      // which the coins' private key, blinding, nonce (for Clause-Schnorr),
+      // transfer private keys (in case of prior ``/melt``) and
+      // age-restriction  is calculated (in case of prior ``/withdraw``).
+      disclosed_coin_secrets: DisclosedCoinSecret[][];
+  .. ts:def:: DisclosedCoinSecret
+    type DisclosedCoinSecret = MasterCoinSecret
+                             | AgeRestrictedCoinSecret
+  .. ts:def:: MasterCoinSecret
+    // The master key material from which the coins' private key ``coin_priv``,
+    // blinding ``beta``, nonce ``nonce`` (for Clause-Schnorr) and
+    // the transfer private key (to link the new coin to the previous)
+    // are derived.
+    // TODO: specification of how exactly this derivation works.
+    type MasterCoinSecret = string
   .. ts:def:: AgeRestrictedCoinSecret
-    // The Master key material from which the coins' private key ``coin_priv``,
+    // The master key material from which the coins' private key ``coin_priv``,
     // blinding ``beta`` and nonce ``nonce`` (for Clause-Schnorr) itself are
     // derived as usually in wallet-core.  Given a coin's master key material,
     // the age commitment for the coin MUST be derived from this private key as
@@ -2174,7 +2204,7 @@ that the age restriction was set correctly.
     // and calculate the corresponding Edx25519PublicKey as
     //   q[$AG] = Edx25519_public_from_private(p[$AG])
-    // For age groups $AG ∈  {m,...,M}, set
+    // For age groups $AG ∈  {m+1,...,M}, set
     //   f[$AG] = HDKF(coin_secret, "age-factor", $AG)
     // and calculate the corresponding Edx25519PublicKey as
     //   q[$AG] = Edx25519_derive_public(`PublishedAgeRestrictionBaseKey`, 
@@ -2191,71 +2221,6 @@ that the age restriction was set correctly.
     const PublishedAgeRestrictionBaseKey =
-  .. ts:def:: WithdrawRevealResponse
-    interface WithdrawRevealResponse {
-      // List of the exchange's blinded RSA signatures on the new coins.
-      ev_sigs : BlindedDenominationSignature[];
-    }
-After Melt
-.. note::
-   This endpoint is available starting with API version v24.
-This endpoint is called by the client after a call to `melt`_.
-Now the client has to disclose for each coin all but one of the κ secrets that 
went into
-creating the blinded coin's planchets, the transfer public keys
-(linking the ownership of the old and new coin),
-and the commitent to age restriction, prove that the age restriction was set 
-(if applicable).
-.. http:post:: /reveal/refresh/$RCH
-  Reveal previously committed values to the exchange, except for the values
-  corresponding to the ``noreveal_index`` returned by the ``/melt/`` step.
-  The $RCH is the hash over the refresh commitment from the ``/melt/``-melt 
-  (note that the value is calculated independently by both sides and has never
-  appeared *explicitly* in the protocol before).
-  The base URL for ``/reveal/refresh``-requests may differ from the main base 
URL of
-  the exchange. Clients SHOULD respect the ``refresh_base_url`` returned for 
-  coin during melt operations. The exchange MUST return a
-  307 or 308 redirection to the correct base URL if the client failed to
-  respect the ``refresh_base_url`` or if the allocation has changed.
-  :http:statuscode:`200 OK`:
-    The transfer private keys matched the commitment and the original request 
was well-formed.
-    The response body is a `RevealResponse`.
-  :http:statuscode:`409 Conflict`:
-    There is a problem between the original commitment and the revealed private
-    keys.  The returned information is proof of the mismatch, and therefore
-    rather verbose, as it includes most of the original /melt request,
-    but of course expected to be primarily used for diagnostics.
-    The response body is a `RevealConflictResponse`.
-  :http:statuscode:`410 Gone`:
-    The requested denomination key (for the fresh coins) is not yet or no 
longer valid.
-    It either before the validity start, past the expiration or was revoked. 
The response is a
-    `DenominationExpiredMessage`. Clients must evaluate
-    the error code provided to understand which of the
-    cases this is and handle it accordingly.
-  **Details:**
-  Request body contains a JSON object with the following fields:
-  .. ts:def:: RevealRequest
-    interface RevealRequest {
-      // ``kappa - 1`` transfer private keys (ephemeral ECDHE keys).
-      transfer_privs: EddsaPrivateKey[];
-    }
   .. ts:def:: RevealResponse
@@ -3581,15 +3546,15 @@ the API during normal operation.
       // the base URL is the same as the one used for this request.
       // Can be used if the base URL for ``/reveal/`` differs from that
       // for ``/melt/``, i.e. for load balancing.  Clients SHOULD
-      // respect the refresh_base_url if provided.  Any HTTP server
+      // respect the reveal_base_url if provided.  Any HTTP server
       // belonging to an exchange MUST generate a 307 or 308 redirection
       // to the correct base URL should a client uses the wrong base
       // URL, or if the base URL has changed since the melt.
       // When melting the same coin twice (technically allowed
       // as the response might have been lost on the network),
-      // the exchange may return different values for the ``refresh_base_url``.
-      refresh_base_url?: string;
+      // the exchange may return different values for the ``reveal_base_url``.
+      reveal_base_url?: string;

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