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[donau] branch master updated: Additional requirement, expanded ethics s

From: gnunet
Subject: [donau] branch master updated: Additional requirement, expanded ethics section
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 04:39:07 +0100

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

michiel-leenars pushed a commit to branch master
in repository donau.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 50b33c0  Additional requirement, expanded ethics section
50b33c0 is described below

commit 50b33c077e0e7daaed005c43b1cc4536432acd13
Author: Michiel Leenaars <>
AuthorDate: Fri Jan 17 04:38:40 2025 +0100

    Additional requirement, expanded ethics section
 doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/ethic.tex        |  6 ++++--
 doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/requirements.tex | 14 +++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/ethic.tex 
index c4e2f90..da53301 100644
--- a/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/ethic.tex
+++ b/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/ethic.tex
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 This project is a free and open source software project. The program presented 
in this project is available under GNU V3.0 license in the repository . Reviewers, and later readers, will be able to 
download, compile and install the software as they wish.
-Ethical considerations were at the root of this project. Current systems 
oblige people making donations to charities to reveal to the tax authorities 
the donations made and the institutions supported. This encroaches on the 
private sphere of some people, who do not wish it to be known who they support. 
Support for certain organizations can lead to stigmatization of the donor.
+Ethical considerations were at the root of this project. At their essence, 
donations are ethical acts outsourcing a moral drive for change to 
professionals that (promise to) act on them in a manner that is compatible with 
the value system of a donor. Current systems oblige people making donations to 
charities to go on record and report to their government the donations made, 
explicitly linking them to the causes and institution(s) supported. This has a 
self-censoring or chilling effect d [...]
-The aim of this project is to offer greater protection of privacy, leading to 
greater tax justice. Indeed, some people prefer not to claim the tax reduction 
to which they are entitled in order to protect their privacy.
+The current mechanisms place an unfair bureaucratic cost on spending an 
equivalent cumulative amount to philanthropy via supporting smaller causes - 
denying intersectional interests donors may have, and disadvantaging smaller, 
early stage and more lean public causes. The latter notably includes "niche" 
causes linked to (combinations of) cultural, sexual, ethnic, religious and 
social minorities. Smaller causes often do not have the capacity to offer 
support for achieving fiscal compensati [...]
+The aim of this project is to simplify donating for all and offer 
non-discrimatory access to tax benefits and greater protection of privacy, 
leading to greater tax justice and a philanthropic climate. We want to reverse 
the situation where people prefer not to claim the tax reduction to which they 
are entitled in order to protect their privacy.
diff --git a/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/requirements.tex 
index 4da6457..d9341aa 100644
--- a/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/requirements.tex
+++ b/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/requirements.tex
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ some form.
 \item Codes of conduct
 \item Restricted access mechanism
 \item Donation matching with a reference
+\item Proof of donation matching by third parties
 \item Anonymous donation matching by employer
@@ -263,7 +264,7 @@ fundraising.
 (This might use the features from compound weighted donation.)
-\subsubsection{Feature:  Staged donation}
+\subsubsection{Feature: Staged donation}
 This is a feature that works along the lines of so-called smart
 contracts. As goals are incrementally met by the project, donated
@@ -359,6 +360,17 @@ to include that reference when making their donations, the 
 providing the matching can `see' that they are being heard/are getting
 PR mileage out of their donation.
+\subsubsection{Feature: Proof of donation matching by third parties}
+While one would like to be able to trust each and every claim on the website or
+social media account of every charitable organisation towards matching of
+donations, donation matching is a form of social engineering that is
+potentially easy and attractive to tamper with. A critical donor may prefer to
+have actual proof of such altruistic matching irrevocably taking place, in
+order to weed out any attempt to trick them into a false sense of urgency -
+believing their donation will temporarily have a disproportionately larger
 \subsubsection{Feature: Anonymous donation matching by employer }
 Quite a few large employers do donation matching as part of their

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