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[donau] 03/04: much more technical abstract covering all topics

From: gnunet
Subject: [donau] 03/04: much more technical abstract covering all topics
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 01:12:40 +0100

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commit 28a808c373f7230fec28ace916bd5cc6560832b7
Author: Tanja Lange <>
AuthorDate: Wed Jan 22 00:16:48 2025 +0100

    much more technical abstract covering all topics
 doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/donau-paper.tex | 25 ++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/donau-paper.tex 
index b9bab05..6305e96 100644
--- a/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/donau-paper.tex
+++ b/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/donau-paper.tex
@@ -51,8 +51,27 @@
-  This paper provides an overview of functional requirements for
-  privacy-preserving donations, keeping in mind the need for tax authorities 
to verify the proper source of donations prior to granting tax benefits. As a 
second contribution it provides a technical design to realize 
privacy-preserving and yet tax-deductable donations in GNU Taler, for which it 
presents the protocol specification and implementation details for the Donation 
Authority (Donau).
+GNU Taler is a privacy-friendly payment protocol that offers full anonymity to
+the customer, making their purchases anonymous and unlinkable not only to
+third parties but even to merchants and banks involved. While this payment
+mechanism obviously can be used to make donations,, the anonymity guarantees
+seem at odds with the desire of donors to receive tax benefits fro their
+charitable donations.
+The main contribution of this paper is the technical design and implementation
+of a system that achieves privacy for the donor while providing them with a
+proof that they donated to a charity. The charity does not learn the identity
+of the donor and the tax authority does not learn which charities received the
+donations. Our design introduces anew  entity, the Donation Authority, which we
+call Donau. This entity may be operated by the tax authority, and even then
+they do not learn the identities of the charities and only get a summary
+statement of all donations made by the tax payer in a certain timeframe.
+The paper is based on our analysis of functional requirements for
+privacy-preserving donations and of further desirable properties which
+amount to requirements for some countries. We show how to realize some
+of them within our design while showing how others could be
+instantiated with significant changes or additions to the design.
 %\reportkeywords{GNU Taler, Tax-deductible Donations. Donau, Donation 
@@ -69,7 +88,7 @@
 This work was funded by ANONYMIZED.
 %in part by the European Commision through the

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