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[donau] 06/10: spell checking and general read through

From: gnunet
Subject: [donau] 06/10: spell checking and general read through
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 00:25:06 +0100

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tanja-lange pushed a commit to branch master
in repository donau.

commit 550689b1d44a497a1deb5e580558246014ce555e
Author: Tanja Lange <>
AuthorDate: Wed Jan 22 23:36:31 2025 +0100

    spell checking and general read through
 doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/technicaldesign.tex | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/technicaldesign.tex 
index a96a120..a5c2903 100644
--- a/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/technicaldesign.tex
+++ b/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/technicaldesign.tex
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ The Donau service is typically run by the tax authority but 
can be an independen
  \subsection{Background \& Terminology}\label{notation_and_definitions}
  Digital cash makes use of \textbf{blind signatures}~\cite{Chaum89} to issue 
tokens. Our
- design uses the same mechansim to unlink the donation process from the issued
+ design uses the same mechanism to unlink the donation process from the issued
  donation receipts.  This section introduces the definition and
  security properties of blind signatures.
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ without $S$, even if they know {\tt TAXID}.
 % \subsection{Donor donates to charity and transmits \textbf{Unique Donor 
identifiers} (future donation receipts)}
 When a donor wishes to donate to a charity, they first retrieve the Donau 
service's Donation Unit
 public keys $K_x^{\pub}$ for the current tax period.
-The donor then represents their donation as a sum of the Donation Units 
offered by the Donaus ervice.
+The donor then represents their donation as a sum of the Donation Units 
offered by the Donau service.
 \emph{Example: Assuming the Donau service publishes the Donation units 
$\{1,2,4,8\}$, a donation of $7$ would be split into 1 unit each of the values 
$4$, $2$ and $1$.}
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ that correspond to the public keys hashed in the BKPs.
   \overline{\beta_3} = \blind\_\sign(\overline u_3, K_4^{\priv})
-These signatures constitute a blinded donation receipt from the Donau service, 
and the Donau s ervice sends these back to the charity,
+These signatures constitute a blinded donation receipt from the Donau service, 
and the Donau service sends these back to the charity,
 which in turn forwards them to the donor.
 \subsection{Donor receives donation 

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