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[donau] 02/02: 1.1: small edits

From: gnunet
Subject: [donau] 02/02: 1.1: small edits
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 07:51:54 +0100

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jonathan-levin pushed a commit to branch master
in repository donau.

commit e51d59202aa7d8e3afcd57d7a2bc977816d0a166
Author: Jonathan <>
AuthorDate: Thu Jan 23 14:51:40 2025 +0800

    1.1: small edits
 doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/intro.tex | 9 ++++-----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/intro.tex 
index 12ef8a2..e6b6fd5 100644
--- a/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/intro.tex
+++ b/doc/usenix-security-2025/paper/intro.tex
@@ -101,16 +101,15 @@ on a commission basis.  For-profit fund
 raising agencies often engage in privacy-invasive practices to identify and 
contact potential donors.
 One common scenario is that after a first donation, such bad actors % calling 
them "bad actors" might be unnecessarily opinionated. From a privacy 
perspective they are not good, but many organizations also rely on these 
services to not go bankrupt. -JL
 start to aggressively pressure a particular donor for more --- with 
-emails, letters, phone calls and even in person visits.
+emails, letters, phone calls and even in-person visits.
 Donor information may also be shared between organizations,
 leading to an avalanche of donation requests from organizations that the donor 
might not be interested in supporting.
-In the era of data driven donations and corporate social media
+In the era of data-driven donations and corporate social media
 surveillance, this kind of behavior has unfortunately become so easy
-that there are not just pro bono but even paid services (source in the
+that there are not just pro bono but even paid services (e.g.,
-  Donateursbelangen}) to de-register and exercise the ``right to be
+  Donateursbelangen} in the Netherlands) to de-register and exercise the 
``right to be
 forgotten'' after donating.
 These concerns suggest that a privacy-preserving donation system

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