... s = [NSSWCOF path]; LOG_NSLog(@"IDM File loaded"); lines = [s css: @"\n"]; for(i=0,j=[lines count];i> 3) & 0x0f; if (classes[hash] != c) { /* If anObject was an instance, c is it's class. * If anObject was a class, c is its metaclass. * Either way, get_imp() should get the appropriate pointer. * If anObject is a proxy to something, * the +instanceMethodForSelector: and -methodForSelector: * methods may not exist, but get_imp() will return the * address of the forwarding method if necessary. */ imps[hash] = get_imp(c, @selector(release)); classes[hash] = c; } if([anObject retainCount] > 1){fprintf(stderr,"retainCount > 1; %s %s\n",[[[anObject class] description]cString],[[[anObject description]s ubstringToIndex:MIN(40,[[anObject description]length])]cString]);} .... retainCount > 1; GSCSubString _AKTIV - dbName _AKTIV retainCount > 1; GSCSubString _AKTIV - guiName Aktiv/Inaktiv retainCount > 1; GSCSubString _AKTIV - type A retainCount > 1; GSCSubString _AKTIV - bereich retainCount > 1; GSCSubString _AKTIV - bemerkung retainCount > 1; GSCSubString _AKTIV __doku dbName __doku retainCount > 1; GSCSubString _AKTIV __doku guiName Doku zur Tabelle retainCount > 1; GSCSubString _AKTIV __doku keyTypS N retainCount > 1; GSCSubString _AKTIV __doku dataTypS char retainCount > 1; GSCSubString _AKTIV __doku targetTypS TVCSelObj retainCount > 1; GSCSubString _AKTIV __doku nakS 0 retainCount > 1; GSCSubString _AKTIV __doku isDBS N retainCount > 1; GSCSubString _AKTIV __doku isVisibleS N