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Re: Cairo backend seems broken - mainScreen visibleFrame has no size

From: Sergii Stoian
Subject: Re: Cairo backend seems broken - mainScreen visibleFrame has no size
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 12:34:07 +0200

Hi Riccardo,

On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 9:35 AM Riccardo Mottola <address@hidden> wrote:

I just upgraded back and now no app is able to display images and/or
sizinig windows.

I think there is an issue determining the size and/or resolution of the
screen. For example, LaternaMagica comes up with an infinte main window.

I fear it might be related to the latest enhancements of Sergey, but
have to investigate. Can anyone else reproduce?

I get these warnings:
(moria:gap/user-apps/LaternaMagica) multix% LaternaMagica
2020-01-30 07:31:38.889 LaternaMagica[17860:17860] No local time zone
2020-01-30 07:31:38.889 LaternaMagica[17860:17860] Using time zone with
absolute offset 0.
2020-01-30 07:31:38.888 LaternaMagica[17860:17860] styleoffsets ...
guessing offsets
2020-01-30 07:31:38.935 LaternaMagica[17860:17860] styleoffsets ...
guessing offsets
2020-01-30 07:31:39.144 LaternaMagica[17860:17860] The font specified
for NSFont, FreeSans, can't be found.
2020-01-30 07:31:39.446 LaternaMagica[17860:17860] The font specified
for NSFont, FreeSans, can't be found.
2020-01-30 07:31:39.477 LaternaMagica[17860:17860] The font specified
for NSFont, FreeSans, can't be found.
2020-01-30 07:31:39.492 LaternaMagica[17860:17860] The font specified
for NSFont, FreeSans, can't be found.
2020-01-30 07:31:39.764 LaternaMagica[17860:17860] File NSView.m: 1183.
In -[NSView setFrame:] given negative width
2020-01-30 07:31:39.764 LaternaMagica[17860:17860] File NSView.m: 1183.
In -[NSView setFrame:] given negative width
2020-01-30 07:31:39.765 LaternaMagica[17860:17860] File NSView.m: 1183.
In -[NSView setFrame:] given negative width
2020-01-30 07:31:39.765 LaternaMagica[17860:17860] File NSView.m: 1188.
In -[NSView setFrame:] given negative height
2020-01-30 07:31:39.767 LaternaMagica[17860:17860] Cairo status 'invalid
value (typically too big) for the size of the input (surface, pattern,
etc.)' in DPSinitgraphics

PRICE, instead, comes up, shows the same warnings as before in the
conosole. Additionally, when loading an image:

2020-01-30 07:36:44.420 PRICE[17955:17955] current screen size: 0.000000
x  0.000000
2020-01-30 07:36:44.420 PRICE[17955:17955] current window size:
118.000000 x  28.000000
2020-01-30 07:36:44.745 PRICE[17955:17955] Cairo status 'invalid value
(typically too big) for the size of the input (surface, pattern, etc.)'
in DPSinitgraphics

So this tells me that:
    screenFrameSize = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame].size;
    NSLog(@"current screen size: %f x  %f", screenFrameSize.width,

is 0! and this can't be good!


Can't reproduce it.
I've tried LatternaMagica 0.5 with `art` and `cairo` backends using both 'master' and `randr` branch.

Sergii Stoian

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