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Re: 2.11.6 resume test fails on powerpc s390 and sparc

From: Dr. David Kirkby
Subject: Re: 2.11.6 resume test fails on powerpc s390 and sparc
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 22:31:05 +0000
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On 02/20/11 07:06 PM, Andreas Metzler wrote:
On 2011-02-20 Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos<address@hidden>  wrote:
On 02/20/2011 09:35 AM, Andreas Metzler wrote:

I have uploaded 2.11.6 to debian/experimental to get some test
builds. It did not go too bad, successful builds on amd64, armel,
i386, ia64 and kfreebsd-*, but the resume test failed on multiple
archs (powerpc s390 and sparc). The error is reproducible on e.g.

I suppose it is an issue with big-endian systems only? Unfortunately
I don't have access to any of them... If you or anyone else with access
to such system, could locate the error using "git bisect", would be
really helpful!

GnuTLS is used in the Sage maths project.

If a developer of GnuTLS needs access to SPARC hardware for testing GnuTLS, then that can almost certainly be arranged via the University of Washington. Sun donated a T5240 (16 core) to the project, which can be used for this sort of thing.

Drop me a private email, with a note saying the role you take in GnuTLS development, and a preferred username, and I should be able to arrange it.

FWIW, I also have access to HP-UX and AIX hardware. That is personally owned by me, but again others can have access. But due to the power costs, I only run the HP-UX and AIX systems when someone actually wants to do something, whereas the SPARC at the University of Washington is on 24/7.

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