On Wed, 5 Jun 2013 11:36:20 +0200 (CEST)
Bernd Ocklin <address@hidden> wrote:
the below 3 lines enable / disable nmea when a new subscriber
connects. This is needed to serve apps like iNavX who don't speak
gpsd. Would a proper patch have any chance to get review and into
gpsd when I submit one?
How about a new config option -W (--watch)? This option has either
the json command string {"enabled": true, ...} or a simple string
"nmea, raw" as parameter:
e.g. gpsd -W '{"enabled": true, "nmea": true, ...}'
gpsd -W 'nmea,json' if you want to enable nmea and json format at
client subscription.
Any preferences?
I use this patch in production with a hardcoded change in
allocate_client() but happy to provide a better patch with config
options and proper formating if there is interest.
--- a/gpsd.c
+++ b/gpsd.c
@@ -549,6 +549,9 @@ static /address@hidden@*//address@hidden@ */ struct
for (si = 0; si < NITEMS(subscribers); si++) {
if (subscribers[si].fd == UNALLOCATED_FD) {
subscribers[si].fd = 0; /* mark subscriber as allocated */
+ subscribers[si].policy.watcher = true;
+ subscribers[si].policy.nmea = true;
+ subscribers[si].policy.json = false;
return &subscribers[si];
Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97701
address@hidden Tel:+1(541)382-8588