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[Grace-website] accessibility grandfather

From: Christine Fry
Subject: [Grace-website] accessibility grandfather
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 16:35:57 +0530
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Love is something that can be made, love is not just a feeling some have told me. your comments never fails to amuse me.
we still contact with each other and still cherish the moment we spend together. anyways, glad to be back and missed you too Cheers!
It's a statement we all have heard so many times yet it may not be applicable to anyone all the time.
The scientific discipline of dream research is oneirology. whenever we meet, it is like trip to memory lane. Patience and forgiveness would be the main virtues I guess but its like what people say, time will heal all wounds or does it?
Honestly I don't know. Like I said earlier, I'm not going to rant on and on about it. Would I do something make it come true, if there was something that can be done then I would.
As much as I would love to rant about how the corporate world has been cruel towards me, I think life is too short to spend anymore energy on it. I've even become the "ah-kor" for one of my ex's. won't be able to answer you this time because i've never been in a girl-boy relationship in which the both of us are more than just friends. welcome back i dont have trouble with ex-s. Patience and forgiveness would be the main virtues I guess but its like what people say, time will heal all wounds or does it?
the song's is finished. I guess part of me wants to believe that the perfect person is out there somewhere but the other me in me says that I should be fair and keep my options open. I believe that our experiences and the people we knew always in some rather wierd twist of fate, shape our lives in one form or another.
Honestly I don't know.
Guess i came out of the relationship pretty damaged.

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