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[groff] 22/23: HACKING: Fix terminological and grammar nits.

From: G. Branden Robinson
Subject: [groff] 22/23: HACKING: Fix terminological and grammar nits.
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 07:22:33 -0400 (EDT)

gbranden pushed a commit to branch master
in repository groff.

commit 75faa2d4873dff2de9cae282405d4e65549a9cc5
Author: G. Branden Robinson <>
AuthorDate: Thu Oct 3 01:46:56 2024 -0500

    HACKING: Fix terminological and grammar nits.
    Use the term "expression", which is of import in U.S. Code Title 17,
    Also fix noun/verb agreement.  (I have them separated by about 52 words.
    Maybe I should recast...)
 HACKING | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/HACKING b/HACKING
index 853159dac..172a80085 100644
@@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ Updating Copyright Notices
 * Update a _file_'s copyright notice in a year when committing a change
-  to it that is "original work" and would thus merit copyright
+  to it that is "original expression" and would thus merit copyright
   protection.  This is a subjective and arguable matter, so it's not
   necessarily offensive to apply an expansive interpretation, but
   "bumping" the copyright notice when _no_ change has been made, or when
   the alterations are trivial by another standard (code style changes
   that don't require regression testing; editorial changes to text that
   are _invisible_ to the lay reader without technological
-  assistance--like trailing tab/space removal) abuse the principle.
+  assistance--like trailing tab/space removal) abuses the principle.
 * If you forget the foregoing step, or contributions to a file seem to
   accrete original status over time or a series of commits, it's fine to

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