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Re: [Groff] Printing from groff in cygwin

From: Clarke Echols
Subject: Re: [Groff] Printing from groff in cygwin
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 13:26:32 -0600

"(Ted Harding)" wrote:

> (HINT [OT]: While I know this, and many of you out there also know it,
> there is a multitude of Windows Users who don't. They will resent you
> if you send them PostScript files, for that same reason. For one thing,
> their paper consumption increases dramatically; and in any case they
> take you for a fool for sending them gibberish. So do them a favour by
> converting PS files to PDF: Acrobat Reader has a sufficiently high
> profile amongst Windows Users for it to be arguable (even to WUs)
> that it's their fault if they then can't cope. [/OT]).

So what we really need is a means to convert the groff post-processed
output to PDF format.  Any way to do that?


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