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Re: [Groff] redefine .IP and .TP ?

From: Tadziu Hoffmann
Subject: Re: [Groff] redefine .IP and .TP ?
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 11:58:58 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/

> I don't want to use .TP as it's already used for the general 
> options and I didn't wanted to mix it to avoid confusion.

I don't understand your reluctance to use TP and your preference
for IP, since in the PWB manpage macros IP is in fact defined in
terms of TP: IP puts its first argument on the next input line
and invokes TP with its second argument.  Also, TP allows you to
bolden/italicize the tag using a macro instead of \f-escapes.

> -option1=<value>
>       Balds fkjsd dfksjdfksjd fsdfkj.
>       EXAMPLES: -alang de,hu       description1
> (^no spaces ^italic ^not italic    ^always same indentation)
>                 -alang ja          description2
> -option2=<value>
>       dkflsdkfösldkfösl sdlfkö lsdkf.

As far as I know there's no provision for having the tags of two
"nested" tagged paragraphs on the *same* output line.  This is
only possible using stupid tricks like reverse spacing, which
does not work with all versions of nroff.  (groff -Tascii is


.TH "funny" "1" "2002-09-04" "Junk"
funny \- strange stuff with manual pages
.nr i \w'\fBfunny\fP '
.in +\niu
.ti -\niu
.ad l
.B funny
.RI [ option1 ]
.RI [ option2 ]
.RI [ option3 ]
.RI [ option4 ]
.ad b
This manual pages contains some interesting
layout constructs for writing manual pages.
.\" Note: tag has to be *one* input line
.TP 4
.BR \-squiggle [ =\fIargument\fP ]
This option is ignored and has no effect.
.I argument
can take arbitrary values.
.I Examples:
.RS 15
.PD 0-1
.TP 5
.B foo
well-known argument.
.PD 0
.B bar
other well-known argument.
.B \-gurgle
Causes the computer to sputter for a certain amount of time.

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