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Re: [Groff] Problem process UTP source

From: Zoong PHAM
Subject: Re: [Groff] Problem process UTP source
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 10:55:52 +1000
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Hi Werner,

On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 05:14:23PM +0200, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> The same cause -- groff uses the man package from Solaris which won't
> work; groff's man macros are called with -mgan, I believe.
>   Yes.  Configure and compile groff as usual, but install it with
>     make install tmac_wrap=""

I tried: make uninstall; make install tmac_wrap="".
Now I can process the UTP source with this command: 
groff -pt -ms utp.t ch04.t >

Thank you very much.

However, I still can't "man groff".
The output still is: "Reformatting page.  Please Wait... done"

I can't even "nroff -man /usr/local/man/man1/groff.1 | less".
There is no output at all.

But I can "man gtroff".

/usr/local/man/man1/groff.1 and /usr/local/man/man1/gtroff.1 both have
the same time stamp when I ran make install tmac_wrap=""
so I beleive they are both from version 1.18.1

I can "man groff" on the other Solaris 8 box that has groff 1.17
installed with the same compiled configuration.

Do you know what's wrong here?

Thanks again.

Zoong PHAM                 UNIX Systems Administrator
Mercy Health and Aged Care Inc. Melbourne - Australia
address@hidden                 +61 - 3 - 92702646
PGP public key is available on request

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