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[Groff] The permuted index from Hell

From: Larry Kollar
Subject: [Groff] The permuted index from Hell
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 20:08:19 -0400

So I got this bright idea to build a permuted index for the MIBs we support in our products at work. It might be helpful for customers who are trying to figure out which MIB object would have the information they're looking for.

So I grabbed the textutils package and built it, checking over the documentation several times, installing an "eign" file in the right place, and adding the #define to the ptx source code so it will *find* the ignore list. Then once I fed some sample data in, I figured out which options I needed (settling on "ptx -frRO -F '...'"), then wrote an awk script to pull what I wanted out of the MIB files.

After a bit of debugging, and writing a Q&D ".xx" macro to format the index, I was ready to see what I had. What I had was 253 pages of 8- point text, formatted properly.

Back to the drawing board, I guess.

Larry Kollar     k  o  l  l  a  r  @  a  l  l  t  e  l  .  n  e  t
Unix Text Processing: "UTP Revival"

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