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Re: [Groff] lilypond and groff

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [Groff] lilypond and groff
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 07:41:43 +0100 (CET)

> This way works, but the music is not between the lines of text, it
> takes a whole page (see attachement 1).

You must disable the footer in the lilypond input – and you should
also set the indentation of the first line to zero to get a really
tight bounding box.  Try something like the following.

  \version "2.16.2"

  \header {
    footer = ""
    tagline = ""

  \paper {
    indent = 0

  { c' e' g' e' }

[The `lilypond-book' script for TeX adds \header and \paper blocks
automatically, but Bernd's script for groff doesn't do that, AFAICS.]

BTW, I *strongly* recommend to update your lilypond installation to
version 2.18.x, since (a) its output much superior to 2.16.x, and (b)
the 2.16 series is no longer supported.  And don't forget to update
your snippets with the `convert-ly' script in case you change to 2.18.

> I didn't find out how you can take glilypond into the groff-command.
> I found no option for it.

I've never used glilypond.  However, looking into its man page I see


    The new groff(7) structure generated by glilypond is either

      1) sent to standard output and can there be saved into a file or
         piped into groff(1) or groffer(1) or

      2) stored into a file by given the option -o | --output file_name


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