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Re: [platform-testers] verification instructions for groff 1.23.0.rc2

From: G. Branden Robinson
Subject: Re: [platform-testers] verification instructions for groff 1.23.0.rc2
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 00:17:58 -0600

Hi Steve,

At 2023-02-19T20:04:50+0000, Steve Ross wrote:
>  On Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 11:30:49 AM CST, G. Branden Robinson
>  <> wrote: 
> > Thanks for pointing this out.  I've used it over the past week or so
> > to improve outcomes on macOS and Solaris 11 hosts.  I wasn't able to
> > access the Solaris 10 system because it and my Debian bullseye
> > system don't appear to have any hash algorithms in common that would
> > enable an SSH connection.
> At least on my Fedora system, a failed connection attempt with "ssh"
> suggests alternatives for algorithms that you can then specify to the
> "ssh" client on a second attempt:
> $ ssh
> Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type
> found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
> $ ssh -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa

Yup, I've seen this before, too.  Unfortunately that's not (precisely)
the feedback I get.

$ ssh
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange 
method found. Their offer: 

I get 'Bad key types' error messages from my ssh client for each of
these if I try to use them following your example.

It's my understanding that several key exchange protocols have been
retired over the past 10-15 years as they have shown weaknesses to
attack.  Perhaps Solaris 10 SSH and Debian bullseye OpenSSH no longer
have any in common.


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