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Re: [PATCH v2 2/2] efi: SPI NOR flash command line

From: Paul Menzel
Subject: Re: [PATCH v2 2/2] efi: SPI NOR flash command line
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2021 14:28:07 +0100
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Dear Michael,

Am 12.02.21 um 10:20 schrieb Michael Lawnick:

Note: There is a bug in code below which will let this code fail on
BIOS-UEFI and requires a v3 as soon as basic discussion whether this
sort of functionality is accepted at all is done.
I don't want to disturb thread by a v3 thread.

Thank you for preparing and upstreaming the patches.

I think, I read, that the maintainers should be added to Cc for patches, but as written, and as seen from the thread *RFC: Grub project management*, GRUB definitely has some resource problems. So, if you could send the v3 with the maintainers in Cc, that would be great.


Am 05.02.2021 um 10:02 schrieb Michael Lawnick:
Add SPI NOR flash to command line
Based on patch '[PATCH 1/2] efi: SPI NOR flash support'
add command line functionality for interactive access
to SPI NOR flash.

Supported commands:
       init  - establish communication to a flash part
       read  - read from flash part to memory or print hexdump
       write - write to flash part from memory
       erase - erase some erase blocks

Please name the system (board and firmware) you tested this with, and maybe give an example, how to test this. Is QEMU able to emulate a SPI NOR flash chip?

Signed-off-by: Michael Lawnick <>
[Patch v2 2/2]: no change
diff --git a/grub-core/Makefile.core.def b/grub-core/Makefile.core.def
index 4d775e5f6..403a5432f 100644
--- a/grub-core/Makefile.core.def
+++ b/grub-core/Makefile.core.def
@@ -659,6 +659,7 @@ module = {
   module = {
     name = efi_spi_nor;
     common = bus/spi/efi_spi_nor.c;
+  common = commands/efi/spinorcmd.c;
     enable = efi;

diff --git a/grub-core/commands/efi/spinorcmd.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c55a900aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grub-core/commands/efi/spinorcmd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+/*  spinorcmd.c  - Give access to SPI NOR flash on command line.
+ *  Copyright 2021 Nokia
+ *  Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 only
+ *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
+ *
+ *  GRUB  --  GRand Unified Bootloader
+ *  Copyright (C) 2008  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ *  GRUB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  GRUB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with GRUB.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include <grub/types.h>
+#include <grub/misc.h>
+#include <grub/mm.h>
+#include <grub/efi/api.h>
+#include <grub/efi/efi.h>
+#include <grub/efi/efi_spi_nor.h>
+#include <grub/command.h>
+static void *cli_spi_flash_device = NULL;
+static void
+usage (void)
+    grub_printf("spi_nor - access SPI NOR flash through UEFI API\n");
+    grub_printf("Usage:\n");
+    grub_printf("  spi_nor init|read|write|format <args>\n");
+    grub_printf("      init [-id <id0 id1 id2>] [-cnt <count>]\n");
+    grub_printf("             to be called once before operation on a 
+    grub_printf("             <id>    : optional up to 3 bytes flash 
+    grub_printf("                       to match against\n");
+    grub_printf("             <count> : use n-th occurance of  device\n");
+    grub_printf("                       (can be combined with <id>)\n");
+    grub_printf("      read <offset> <bytes> [<addr>]\n");
+    grub_printf("             read and dump/save bytes\n");
+    grub_printf("      write <offset> <bytes> <addr>\n");
+    grub_printf("             write bytes from <addr> to flash\n");
+    grub_printf("      erase <offset> <bytes>\n");
+    grub_printf("             format area \n");
+    grub_printf("             (<offset> and <bytes> must be erase block 


+    grub_printf("\n");
+/*  get_init_args - return index and number of -id and/or -cnt arguments
+    handle 4 possible inputs:
+    - spi_nor init -id <id0> <id1> -cnt <count>
+    - spi_nor init -cnt <count> -id <id0>
+    - spi_nor init -cnt <count>
+    - spi_nor init -id <id0> <id1> <id2>
+static int get_init_args(int argc, char **args, int *id_idx, int
*id_cnt, int *cnt_idx)
+    int opt_idx = 1;
+    *id_idx = 0;
+    *cnt_idx = 0;
+    *id_cnt = 0;
+    while (opt_idx < argc) {
+        if (!grub_strcmp(args[opt_idx],"-id")) {

Please add a space after the comma.

+            opt_idx++;
+            *id_idx = opt_idx;
+            while ((opt_idx < argc)
+                    && (grub_strcmp(args[opt_idx], "-cnt"))
+                    && (*id_cnt < 3)) {
+                opt_idx++;
+                *id_cnt = *id_cnt + 1;
+            }
+            if (*id_cnt == 0)
+                return 1;
+        } else if (!grub_strcmp(args[opt_idx],"-cnt")) {
+            if (argc > opt_idx + 1) {
+                *cnt_idx = opt_idx + 1;
+                opt_idx += 2;
+            } else {
+                return 1;
+            }
+        } else {
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+static grub_err_t
+grub_cmd_spi_nor (grub_command_t cmd __attribute__ ((unused)),
+            int argc __attribute__ ((unused)),
+            char **args __attribute__ ((unused)))
+    grub_err_t ret;
+    int cnt_idx, id_idx, id_cnt = 0;
+    grub_uint8_t *device_id = NULL, devId[3];
+    grub_uint32_t instance = 0;
+    if (argc < 1) {
+        grub_printf("Missing argument\n");
+        usage();
+        return GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT;
+    }
+    if (!grub_strcmp("init", args[0])) {
+        if (argc != 1) {
+            if (get_init_args(argc, args, &id_idx, &id_cnt, &cnt_idx)) {
+                usage();
+                return GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT;
+            } else {
+                if (id_idx != 0) {
+                    for (int i=0; i<id_cnt; i++)
+                        devId[i] = grub_strtoul(args[id_idx + i], NULL, 0);
+                    device_id = devId;
+                }
+                if (cnt_idx != 0) {
+                    instance = grub_strtoul(args[cnt_idx], NULL, 0);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        cli_spi_flash_device = grub_efi_spi_nor_init(device_id, id_cnt, 
+        if (cli_spi_flash_device == NULL) {
+            grub_printf("No SPI NOR flash found\n");
+            return GRUB_ERR_UNKNOWN_DEVICE;
+        }
+        grub_printf("Found dev %x, capacity 0x%x bytes, erase block size 
+                    grub_efi_spi_nor_device_id(cli_spi_flash_device),
+                    grub_efi_spi_nor_flash_size(cli_spi_flash_device),
+                    grub_efi_spi_nor_erase_block_size(cli_spi_flash_device));
+        return GRUB_ERR_NONE;
+    }
+    if (cli_spi_flash_device == NULL) {
+        grub_printf("No known device. Call 'init' first\n");
+        usage();
+        return GRUB_ERR_UNKNOWN_DEVICE;
+    }
+    if (!grub_strcmp("read", args[0])) {
+        grub_uint8_t *data;
+        grub_uint32_t offset, num_bytes, i, j;
+        if (argc < 3) {
+            grub_printf("Missing parameters\n");
+            usage();
+            return GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT;
+        }
+        offset = grub_strtoul(args[1], NULL, 0);
+        num_bytes = grub_strtoul(args[2], NULL, 0);
+        if (argc == 4) {
+            data = (grub_uint8_t *)grub_strtoul(args[3], NULL, 0);
+            if (data == NULL) {
+                grub_printf("Bad memory pointer, 0 not supported.\n");
+                usage();
+                return GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT;
+            }
+        } else {
+            data = grub_malloc(num_bytes);
+            if (data == NULL) {
+                grub_printf("Out of memory.\n");
+                usage();
+                return GRUB_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+            }
+        }
+        ret = grub_efi_spi_nor_read(cli_spi_flash_device, data, offset, 
+        if (ret != GRUB_ERR_NONE)
+            return ret;
+        if (argc == 3) {
+            for (i=0; i<num_bytes; i+=16) {
+                grub_printf("0x%06x: ", i + offset);
+                for (j=0; (j<16) && (i+j<num_bytes); j++)
+                    grub_printf("%02x ", data[i+j]);
+                grub_printf("\n");
+            }
+            grub_free(data);
+        }
+        return GRUB_ERR_NONE;
+    }
+    if (!grub_strcmp("write", args[0])) {
+        grub_uint8_t *data;
+        grub_uint32_t offset, num_bytes;
+        if (argc != 4) {
+            grub_printf("Wrong number of parameters\n");
+            usage();
+            return GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT;
+        }
+        offset = grub_strtoul(args[1], NULL, 0);
+        num_bytes = grub_strtoul(args[2], NULL, 0);
+        data = (grub_uint8_t *)grub_strtoul(args[3], NULL, 0);
+        if (data == NULL) {
+            grub_printf("Bad memory pointer, 0 not supported.\n");
+            usage();
+            return GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT;
+        }
+        ret = grub_efi_spi_nor_write(cli_spi_flash_device, data, offset, 
+        return ret;
+    }
+    if (!grub_strcmp("erase", args[0])) {
+        grub_uint32_t offset, num_bytes;
+        if (argc != 3) {
+            grub_printf("Wrong number of parameters\n");
+            usage();
+            return GRUB_ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT;
+        }
+        offset = grub_strtoul(args[1], NULL, 0);
+        num_bytes = grub_strtoul(args[2], NULL, 0);
+        ret = grub_efi_spi_nor_erase(cli_spi_flash_device, offset, num_bytes);
+        return ret;
+    }
+    grub_printf("Unknown command \"%s\"\n", args[1]);
+    usage();
+static grub_command_t cmd;
+    cmd = grub_register_command("spi_nor", grub_cmd_spi_nor,
+                   "", "access SPI NOR flash");
+    grub_unregister_command(cmd);

Sorry, I just to an superficial review, and the things commented are only nits (style issues).

Kind regards,


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