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[Guile-commits] Hydra job gnu:guile-master:build build 645540: Failed wi

From: Hydra Build Daemon
Subject: [Guile-commits] Hydra job gnu:guile-master:build build 645540: Failed with non-zero exit code
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 21:24:04 +0200


This is to let you know that Hydra build 645540 of job gnu:guile-master:build 
has changed from 'Success' to 'Failed with non-zero exit code'.

Complete build information can be found on this page:

The last 50 lines of the build log are shown at the bottom of this email.

A summary of the build information follows:

Build ID:              | 645540
Nix name:              | guile-
Short description:     | Native Nix build on x86_64-linux
Maintainer(s):         | address@hidden
System:                | x86_64-linux
Derivation store path: | 
Output store path:     | 
Time added:            | 2010-09-24 21:24:04
Build started:         | 2010-09-24 21:11:40
Build finished:        | 2010-09-24 21:24:04
Duration:              | 744s

The build inputs were:

Name        | Type   | Value
hydraConfig | svn    |
nixpkgs     | svn    |
system      | string | x86_64-linux
tarball     | build  | 645537


The Hydra build daemon.

PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (if t 1)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (let (a) a)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (let* (a) a)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (let* ((a 1) (b (* a 2))) b)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (null nil)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (or 1 2 3)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (or nil t nil)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (or nil)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (or t nil t)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (or t)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (or)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (prog1 1 2 3)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (prog2 1 2 3)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (progn 1 2 3)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (while nil 1)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (defun testf (x y &optional o &rest r) (list x y o r))
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (testf 1 2)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (testf 1 2 3 4 5 56)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (funcall (lambda (x y &optional o &rest r) (list x y o 
r)) 1 2 3 4)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (apply (lambda (x y &optional o &rest r) (list x y o 
r)) 1 2 3 nil)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (setq x 3)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: (defvar x 4)
PASS: elisp.test: elisp: x
PASS: eval.test: memoization: copy-tree: (#t . #(#t))
PASS: eval.test: memoization: copy-tree: circular lists in forms
PASS: eval.test: memoization: transparency
PASS: eval.test: evaluator: symbol lookup: top level: unbound: variable 
PASS: eval.test: evaluator: symbol lookup: top level: unbound: procedure
PASS: eval.test: evaluator: parameter error: macro as argument
PASS: eval.test: evaluator: parameter error: passing macro as parameter
PASS: eval.test: call: wrong number of arguments: ((lambda () #f) 1)
PASS: eval.test: call: wrong number of arguments: ((lambda (x) #f))
PASS: eval.test: call: wrong number of arguments: ((lambda (x) #f) 1 2)
PASS: eval.test: call: wrong number of arguments: ((lambda (x y) #f))
PASS: eval.test: call: wrong number of arguments: ((lambda (x y) #f) 1)
PASS: eval.test: call: wrong number of arguments: ((lambda (x y) #f) 1 2 3)
PASS: eval.test: call: wrong number of arguments: ((lambda (x . rest) #f))
PASS: eval.test: call: wrong number of arguments: ((lambda (x y . rest) #f))
PASS: eval.test: call: wrong number of arguments: ((lambda (x y . rest) #f) 1)
PASS: eval.test: apply: scm_tc7_subr_2o: 0 args
PASS: eval.test: apply: scm_tc7_subr_2o: 1 arg
PASS: eval.test: apply: scm_tc7_subr_2o: 2 args
PASS: eval.test: apply: scm_tc7_subr_2o: 3 args
XFAIL: eval.test: map: documented?
PASS: eval.test: map: argument error: different length lists: first list empty
PASS: eval.test: map: argument error: different length lists: second list empty
PASS: eval.test: map: argument error: different length lists: first list shorter
PASS: eval.test: map: argument error: different length lists: second list 
builder for 
`/nix/store/wjk9vhrcn1j5p2kjdyzvaz3cy6vz6jlw-guile-' failed 
with exit code 2
error: build of 
`/nix/store/wjk9vhrcn1j5p2kjdyzvaz3cy6vz6jlw-guile-' failed

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