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[Guile-commits] 21/21: Fix a corner case with empty arrays in (array-for

From: Daniel Llorens
Subject: [Guile-commits] 21/21: Fix a corner case with empty arrays in (array-for-each-cell)
Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 17:05:10 +0000 (UTC)

lloda pushed a commit to branch lloda-array-support
in repository guile.

commit 7b441d2d6c30dfc28138e8be75479b581fa47847
Author: Daniel Llorens <address@hidden>
Date:   Thu Apr 21 17:38:49 2016 +0200

    Fix a corner case with empty arrays in (array-for-each-cell)
    * libguile/array-map.c (scm_array_for_each_cell): Bail out early if any
      of the sizes is zero. Pack ais at the end of the fake stack.
    * test-suite/tests/array-map.test: Add regression test.
 libguile/array-map.c            |  325 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 test-suite/tests/array-map.test |   14 +-
 2 files changed, 278 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libguile/array-map.c b/libguile/array-map.c
index 0bbc095..dde1276 100644
--- a/libguile/array-map.c
+++ b/libguile/array-map.c
@@ -651,76 +651,265 @@ scm_i_array_rebase (SCM a, size_t base)
     return b;
+/* SCM_DEFINE (scm_array_for_each_cell, "array-for-each-cell", 2, 0, 1, */
+/*             (SCM frame_rank, SCM op, SCM args), */
+/*             "Apply @var{op} to each of the cells of rank 
rank(@var{arg})address@hidden" */
+/*             "of the arrays @var{args}, in unspecified order. The first\n" */
+/*             "@var{frame_rank} dimensions of each @var{arg} must match.\n" */
+/*             "Rank-0 cells are passed as rank-0 arrays.\n\n" */
+/*             "The value returned is unspecified.\n\n" */
+/*             "For example:\n" */
+/*             "@lisp\n" */
+/*             ";; Sort the rows of rank-2 array A.\n\n" */
+/*             "(array-for-each-cell 1 (lambda (x) (sort! x <)) a)\n" */
+/*             "\n" */
+/*             ";; Compute the arguments of the (x y) vectors in the rows of 
rank-2\n" */
+/*             ";; array XYS and store them in rank-1 array ANGLES. Inside 
OP,\n" */
+/*             ";; XY is a rank-1 (2-1) array, and ANGLE is a rank-0 (1-1) 
array.\n\n" */
+/*             "(array-for-each-cell 1 \n" */
+/*             "  (lambda (xy angle)\n" */
+/*             "    (array-set! angle (atan (array-ref xy 1) (array-ref xy 
0))))\n" */
+/*             "  xys angles)\n" */
+/*             "@end lisp") */
+/* #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_array_for_each_cell */
+/* { */
+/*   int const N = scm_ilength (args); */
+/*   int const frank = scm_to_int (frame_rank); */
+/*   // wish C had better stack support */
+/*   size_t stack_size = 0; */
+/*   stack_size += N*sizeof (scm_t_array_handle); */
+/*   stack_size += N*sizeof (SCM); */
+/*   stack_size += N*sizeof (scm_t_array_dim *); */
+/*   stack_size += N*sizeof (int); */
+/*   stack_size += frank*sizeof (ssize_t); */
+/*   stack_size += N*sizeof (SCM); */
+/*   stack_size += N*sizeof (SCM *); */
+/*   stack_size += frank*sizeof (ssize_t); */
+/*   stack_size += frank*sizeof (int); */
+/*   stack_size += N*sizeof (size_t); */
+/*   char * stack = scm_gc_malloc_pointerless (stack_size, "stack"); */
+/* #define AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE(stack, count, type, name)    \ */
+/*   type * name = (void *)stack;                          \ */
+/*   stack += count*sizeof (type); */
+/*   char * stack0 = stack; */
+/*   AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, N, scm_t_array_handle, ah); */
+/*   AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, N, SCM, args_); */
+/*   AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, N, scm_t_array_dim *, as); */
+/*   AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, N, int, rank); */
+/*   AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, frank, ssize_t, s); */
+/*   AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, N, SCM, ai); */
+/*   AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, N, SCM *, dargs); */
+/*   AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, frank, ssize_t, i); */
+/*   AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, frank, int, order); */
+/*   AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, N, size_t, base); */
+/*   assert((stack0+stack_size==stack) && "internal error"); */
+/* #undef AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE */
+/*   for (int n=0; scm_is_pair(args); args=scm_cdr(args), ++n) */
+/*     { */
+/*       args_[n] = scm_car(args); */
+/*       scm_array_get_handle(args_[n], ah+n); */
+/*       as[n] = scm_array_handle_dims(ah+n); */
+/*       rank[n] = scm_array_handle_rank(ah+n); */
+/*     } */
+/*   // checks. */
+/*   char const * msg = NULL; */
+/*   if (frank<0) */
+/*     { */
+/*       msg = "bad frame rank"; */
+/*     } else */
+/*     { */
+/*       for (int n=0; n!=N; ++n) */
+/*         { */
+/*           if (rank[n]<frank) */
+/*             { */
+/*               msg = "frame too large for arguments"; */
+/*               goto check_msg; */
+/*             } */
+/*           for (int k=0; k!=frank; ++k) */
+/*             { */
+/*               if (as[n][k].lbnd!=0) */
+/*                 { */
+/*                   msg = "non-zero base index is not supported"; */
+/*                   goto check_msg; */
+/*                 } */
+/*               if (as[0][k].ubnd!=as[n][k].ubnd) */
+/*                 { */
+/*                   msg = "mismatched frames"; */
+/*                   goto check_msg; */
+/*                 } */
+/*               s[k] = as[n][k].ubnd + 1; */
+/*               // this check is needed if the array cannot be entirely */
+/*               // unrolled, because the step loop will be run before */
+/*               // checking the dimensions of the frame. */
+/*               if (s[k]==0) */
+/*                 { */
+/*                   goto end; */
+/*                 } */
+/*             } */
+/*         } */
+/*     } */
+/*  check_msg: ; */
+/*   if (msg!=NULL) */
+/*     { */
+/*       for (int n=0; n!=N; ++n) { */
+/*         scm_array_handle_release(ah+n); */
+/*       } */
+/*       scm_misc_error("array-for-each-cell", msg, scm_cons_star(frame_rank, 
args)); */
+/*     } */
+/*   // prepare moving cells. */
+/*   for (int n=0; n!=N; ++n) */
+/*     { */
+/*       ai[n] = scm_i_make_array(rank[n]-frank); */
+/*       SCM_I_ARRAY_SET_V (ai[n], scm_shared_array_root(args_[n])); */
+/*       // FIXME scm_array_handle_base (ah+n) should be in Guile */
+/*       SCM_I_ARRAY_SET_BASE (ai[n], ah[n].base); */
+/*       scm_t_array_dim * ais = SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS(ai[n]); */
+/*       for (int k=frank; k!=rank[n]; ++k) */
+/*         { */
+/*           ais[k-frank] = as[n][k]; */
+/*         } */
+/*     } */
+/*   // prepare rest list for callee. */
+/*   SCM dargs_ = SCM_EOL; */
+/*   { */
+/*     SCM *p = &dargs_; */
+/*     for (int n=0; n<N; ++n) */
+/*       { */
+/*         *p = scm_cons (SCM_UNSPECIFIED, SCM_EOL); */
+/*         dargs[n] = SCM_CARLOC (*p); */
+/*         p = SCM_CDRLOC (*p); */
+/*       } */
+/*   } */
+/*   // special case for rank 0. */
+/*   if (frank==0) */
+/*     { */
+/*       for (int n=0; n<N; ++n) */
+/*         { */
+/*           *dargs[n] = ai[n]; */
+/*         } */
+/*       scm_apply_0(op, dargs_); */
+/*       for (int n=0; n<N; ++n) */
+/*         { */
+/*           scm_array_handle_release(ah+n); */
+/*         } */
+/*       return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; */
+/*     } */
+/*   // FIXME determine best looping order. */
+/*   for (int k=0; k!=frank; ++k) */
+/*     { */
+/*       i[k] = 0; */
+/*       order[k] = frank-1-k; */
+/*     } */
+/*   // find outermost compact dim. */
+/*   ssize_t step = s[order[0]]; */
+/*   int ocd = 1; */
+/*   for (; ocd<frank; step *= s[order[ocd]], ++ocd) */
+/*     { */
+/*       for (int n=0; n!=N; ++n) */
+/*         { */
+/*           if (step*as[n][order[0]].inc!=as[n][order[ocd]].inc) */
+/*             { */
+/*               goto ocd_reached; */
+/*             } */
+/*         } */
+/*     } */
+/*  ocd_reached: ; */
+/*   // rank loop. */
+/*   for (int n=0; n!=N; ++n) */
+/*     { */
+/*       base[n] = SCM_I_ARRAY_BASE(ai[n]); */
+/*     } */
+/*   for (;;) */
+/*     { */
+/*       for (ssize_t z=0; z!=step; ++z) */
+/*         { */
+/*           // we are forced to create fresh array descriptors for each */
+/*           // call since we don't know whether the callee will keep them, */
+/*           // and Guile offers no way to copy the descriptor (since */
+/*           // descriptors are immutable). Yet another reason why this */
+/*           // should be in Scheme. */
+/*           for (int n=0; n<N; ++n) */
+/*             { */
+/*               *dargs[n] = scm_i_array_rebase(ai[n], base[n]); */
+/*               base[n] += as[n][order[0]].inc; */
+/*             } */
+/*           scm_apply_0(op, dargs_); */
+/*         } */
+/*       for (int n=0; n<N; ++n) */
+/*         { */
+/*           base[n] -= step*as[n][order[0]].inc; */
+/*         } */
+/*       for (int k=ocd; ; ++k) */
+/*         { */
+/*           if (k==frank) */
+/*             { */
+/*               goto end; */
+/*             } */
+/*           else if (i[order[k]]<s[order[k]]-1) */
+/*             { */
+/*               ++i[order[k]]; */
+/*               for (int n=0; n<N; ++n) */
+/*                 { */
+/*                   base[n] += as[n][order[k]].inc; */
+/*                 } */
+/*               break; */
+/*             } */
+/*           else */
+/*             { */
+/*             i[order[k]] = 0; */
+/*             for (int n=0; n<N; ++n) */
+/*               { */
+/*                 base[n] += as[n][order[k]].inc*(1-s[order[k]]); */
+/*               } */
+/*           } */
+/*         } */
+/*     } */
+/*  end:; */
+/*   for (int n=0; n<N; ++n) */
+/*     { */
+/*       scm_array_handle_release(ah+n); */
+/*     } */
+/*   return SCM_UNSPECIFIED; */
+/* } */
+/* #undef FUNC_NAME */
 SCM_DEFINE (scm_array_for_each_cell, "array-for-each-cell", 2, 0, 1,
-            (SCM frame_rank, SCM op, SCM args),
-            "Apply @var{op} to each of the cells of rank 
-            "of the arrays @var{args}, in unspecified order. The first\n"
-            "@var{frame_rank} dimensions of each @var{arg} must match.\n"
-            "Rank-0 cells are passed as rank-0 arrays.\n\n"
+            (SCM frank_, SCM op, SCM a_),
+            "Apply op to each of the rank (-frank) cells of the arguments,\n"
+            "in unspecified order. The first frank dimensions of the\n"
+            "arguments must match. Rank-0 cells are passed as such.\n\n"
             "The value returned is unspecified.\n\n"
             "For example:\n"
-            ";; Sort the rows of rank-2 array A.\n\n"
-            "(array-for-each-cell 1 (lambda (x) (sort! x <)) a)\n"
-            "\n"
-            ";; Compute the arguments of the (x y) vectors in the rows of 
-            ";; array XYS and store them in rank-1 array ANGLES. Inside OP,\n"
-            ";; XY is a rank-1 (2-1) array, and ANGLE is a rank-0 (1-1) 
-            "(array-for-each-cell 1 \n"
-            "  (lambda (xy angle)\n"
-            "    (array-set! angle (atan (array-ref xy 1) (array-ref xy 
-            "  xys angles)\n"
             "@end lisp")
 #define FUNC_NAME s_scm_array_for_each_cell
-  int const N = scm_ilength (args);
-  int const frank = scm_to_int (frame_rank);
-  // wish C had better stack support
-  size_t stack_size = 0;
-  stack_size += N*sizeof (scm_t_array_handle);
-  stack_size += N*sizeof (SCM);
-  stack_size += N*sizeof (scm_t_array_dim *);
-  stack_size += N*sizeof (int);
-  stack_size += frank*sizeof (ssize_t);
-  stack_size += N*sizeof (SCM);
-  stack_size += N*sizeof (SCM *);
-  stack_size += frank*sizeof (ssize_t);
-  stack_size += frank*sizeof (int);
-  stack_size += N*sizeof (size_t);
-  char * stack = scm_gc_malloc_pointerless (stack_size, "stack");
-#define AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE(stack, count, type, name)    \
-  type * name = (void *)stack;                          \
-  stack += count*sizeof (type);
-  char * stack0 = stack;
-  AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, N, scm_t_array_handle, ah);
-  AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, N, SCM, args_);
-  AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, N, scm_t_array_dim *, as);
-  AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, N, int, rank);
-  AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, frank, ssize_t, s);
-  AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, N, SCM, ai);
-  AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, N, SCM *, dargs);
-  AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, frank, ssize_t, i);
-  AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE (stack, frank, int, order);
-  AFIC_ALLOC_ADVANCE(stack, N, size_t, base);
-  assert((stack0+stack_size==stack) && "internal error");
-  for (int n=0; scm_is_pair(args); args=scm_cdr(args), ++n)
+  // FIXME replace stack by scm_gc_malloc_pointerless()
+  int const N = scm_ilength(a_);
+  int const frank = scm_to_int(frank_);
+  scm_t_array_handle ah[N];
+  SCM a[N];
+  scm_t_array_dim * as[N];
+  int rank[N];
+  for (int n=0; scm_is_pair(a_); a_=scm_cdr(a_), ++n)
-      args_[n] = scm_car(args);
-      scm_array_get_handle(args_[n], ah+n);
+      a[n] = scm_car(a_);
+      scm_array_get_handle(a[n], ah+n);
       as[n] = scm_array_handle_dims(ah+n);
       rank[n] = scm_array_handle_rank(ah+n);
   // checks.
+  ssize_t s[frank];
   char const * msg = NULL;
   if (frank<0)
@@ -742,6 +931,17 @@ SCM_DEFINE (scm_array_for_each_cell, 
"array-for-each-cell", 2, 0, 1,
             goto check_msg;
           s[k] = as[n][k].ubnd + 1;
+          // this check is needed if the array cannot be entirely
+          // unrolled, because the step loop will be run before
+          // checking the dimensions of the frame.
+          if (s[k]==0)
+            {
+              for (int n=0; n<N; ++n)
+                {
+                  scm_array_handle_release(ah+n);
+                }
+              return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
+            }
@@ -751,14 +951,15 @@ SCM_DEFINE (scm_array_for_each_cell, 
"array-for-each-cell", 2, 0, 1,
       for (int n=0; n!=N; ++n) {
-      scm_misc_error("array-for-each-cell", msg, scm_cons_star(frame_rank, 
+      scm_misc_error("array-for-each-cell", msg, scm_cons_star(frank_, a_));
   // prepare moving cells.
+  SCM ai[N];
   scm_t_array_dim * ais[N];
   for (int n=0; n!=N; ++n)
       ai[n] = scm_i_make_array(rank[n]-frank);
-      SCM_I_ARRAY_SET_V (ai[n], scm_shared_array_root(args_[n]));
+      SCM_I_ARRAY_SET_V (ai[n], scm_shared_array_root(a[n]));
       // FIXME scm_array_handle_base (ah+n) should be in Guile
       SCM_I_ARRAY_SET_BASE (ai[n], ah[n].base);
       ais[n] = SCM_I_ARRAY_DIMS(ai[n]);
@@ -768,6 +969,7 @@ SCM_DEFINE (scm_array_for_each_cell, "array-for-each-cell", 
2, 0, 1,
   // prepare rest list for callee.
   SCM dargs_ = SCM_EOL;
+  SCM * dargs[N];
     SCM *p = &dargs_;
     for (int n=0; n<N; ++n) {
@@ -791,6 +993,8 @@ SCM_DEFINE (scm_array_for_each_cell, "array-for-each-cell", 
2, 0, 1,
       return SCM_UNSPECIFIED;
   // FIXME determine best looping order.
+  ssize_t i[frank];
+  int order[frank];
   for (int k=0; k!=frank; ++k)
       i[k] = 0;
@@ -809,6 +1013,7 @@ SCM_DEFINE (scm_array_for_each_cell, 
"array-for-each-cell", 2, 0, 1,
  ocd_reached: ;
   // rank loop.
+  size_t base[N];
   for (int n=0; n!=N; ++n)
       base[n] = SCM_I_ARRAY_BASE(ai[n]);
diff --git a/test-suite/tests/array-map.test b/test-suite/tests/array-map.test
index f5487ba..cefe7b7 100644
--- a/test-suite/tests/array-map.test
+++ b/test-suite/tests/array-map.test
@@ -525,4 +525,16 @@
       (let* ((x (list->typed-array 'f64 2 '((9 1) (7 8))))
              (y (f64vector 99 99)))
         (array-for-each-cell 1 (lambda (y x) (array-set! y (- (array-ref x 0) 
(array-ref x 1)))) y x)
-        y)))
+        y))
+  (pass-if-equal "regression: zero-sized frame loop without unrolling"
+      99
+    (let* ((x 99)
+           (o (make-array 0. 0 3 2)))
+      (array-for-each-cell 2
+        (lambda (o a0 a1)
+          (set! x 0))
+        o
+        (make-shared-array (make-array 1. 0 1) (const '(0 0)) 0 3)
+        (make-array 2. 0 3))
+      x)))

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