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[Guile-commits] 01/437: initial import

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [Guile-commits] 01/437: initial import
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2018 05:13:32 -0400 (EDT)

wingo pushed a commit to branch lightning
in repository guile.

commit 3b4c0619133a7a6e829d2d2db267f5b0f4e8c93d
Author: Paolo Bonzini <address@hidden>
Date:   Sun Oct 10 21:18:38 2004 +0000

    initial import
    (automatically generated log message)
    git-archimport-id: address@hidden/lightning--stable--1.2--base-0
 AUTHORS                  |    2 +
 COPYING                  |  340 ++++++
 COPYING.DOC              |  355 ++++++
 COPYING.LESSER           |  503 ++++++++
 ChangeLog                |   75 ++
 INSTALL                  |  229 ++++              |   19 +
 NEWS                     |  124 ++
 README                   |    3 +
 config/help2man          |  559 +++++++++
 config/texi2dvi          |  660 +++++++++++             |   94 ++
 doc/          |   18 +
 doc/body.texi            |  306 +++++
 doc/lightning.texi       |  105 ++
 doc/porting.texi         | 1415 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/toc.texi             |   77 ++
 doc/using.texi           | 1086 ++++++++++++++++++
 doc/version.texi         |    4 +
 lightning-inst.h         |   65 ++           |   88 ++
 lightning.m4             |   57 +
 lightning/    |   16 +
 lightning/asm-common.h   |  197 ++++
 lightning/core-common.h  |  568 ++++++++++
 lightning/fp-common.h    |  260 +++++
 lightning/funcs-common.h |   48 +
 lightning/i386/asm.h     | 1060 +++++++++++++++++
 lightning/i386/core.h    |  408 +++++++
 lightning/i386/fp.h      |  252 +++++
 lightning/i386/funcs.h   |   39 +
 lightning/ppc/asm.h      |  597 ++++++++++
 lightning/ppc/core.h     |  276 +++++
 lightning/ppc/fp.h       |  104 ++
 lightning/ppc/funcs.h    |  161 +++
 lightning/sparc/asm.h    |  303 +++++
 lightning/sparc/core.h   |  249 ++++
 lightning/sparc/fp.h     |  163 +++
 lightning/sparc/funcs.h  |   65 ++          |  226 ++++
 opcode/       |    7 +
 opcode/ansidecl.h        |   13 +
 opcode/bfd.h             |  185 +++
 opcode/dis-asm.h         |  175 +++
 opcode/dis-buf.c         |   70 ++
 opcode/disass.c          |   78 ++
 opcode/i386-dis.c        | 2031 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 opcode/i386.h            |  898 +++++++++++++++
 opcode/ppc-dis.c         |  238 ++++
 opcode/ppc-opc.c         | 2830 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 opcode/ppc.h             |  248 ++++
 opcode/sparc-dis.c       |  868 ++++++++++++++
 opcode/sparc-opc.c       | 1757 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 opcode/sparc.h           |  220 ++++
 opcode/sysdep.h          |   10 +
 tests/        |   16 +
 tests/add.c              |   61 +
 tests/add.ok             |    1 +
 tests/fib.c              |   77 ++
 tests/fib.ok             |    1 +
 tests/fibdelay.c         |   77 ++
 tests/fibdelay.ok        |    1 +
 tests/fibit.c            |   75 ++
 tests/fibit.ok           |    1 +
 tests/funcfp.c           |  173 +++
 tests/funcfp.ok          |    1 +
 tests/incr.c             |   59 +
 tests/incr.ok            |    1 +
 tests/printf.c           |   68 ++
 tests/printf.ok          |    1 +
 tests/printf2.c          | 2409 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/printf2.ok         | 2376 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/rpn.c              |  445 ++++++++
 tests/rpn.ok             |    6 +
 tests/rpnfp.c            |  134 +++
 tests/rpnfp.ok           |    6 +
 tests/run-test           |    9 +
 tests/testfp.c           |  186 +++
 tests/testfp.ok          |    5 +
 79 files changed, 26993 insertions(+)

diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d19bf6b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Paolo Bonzini <address@hidden>
+i386 and PPC assemblers by Ian Piumarta <address@hidden>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60c31a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+                   GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                      Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                           Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+                   GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+                           NO WARRANTY
+                    END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+           How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b42936b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+               GNU Free Documentation License
+                  Version 1.1, March 2000
+ Copyright (C) 2000  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
+written document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone
+the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without
+modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially.  Secondarily,
+this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get
+credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for
+modifications made by others.
+This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
+works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.  It
+complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
+license designed for free software.
+We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free
+software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
+program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
+software does.  But this License is not limited to software manuals;
+it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or
+whether it is published as a printed book.  We recommend this License
+principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.
+This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a
+notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed
+under the terms of this License.  The "Document", below, refers to any
+such manual or work.  Any member of the public is a licensee, and is
+addressed as "you".
+A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
+Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
+modifications and/or translated into another language.
+A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of
+the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
+publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject
+(or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly
+within that overall subject.  (For example, if the Document is in part a
+textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any
+mathematics.)  The relationship could be a matter of historical
+connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal,
+commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding
+The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles
+are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice
+that says that the Document is released under this License.
+The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are listed,
+as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that
+the Document is released under this License.
+A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
+represented in a format whose specification is available to the
+general public, whose contents can be viewed and edited directly and
+straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
+pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
+drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or
+for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input
+to text formatters.  A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file
+format whose markup has been designed to thwart or discourage
+subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent.  A copy that is
+not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".
+Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
+ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML
+or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple
+HTML designed for human modification.  Opaque formats include
+PostScript, PDF, proprietary formats that can be read and edited only
+by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or
+processing tools are not generally available, and the
+machine-generated HTML produced by some word processors for output
+purposes only.
+The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
+plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
+this License requires to appear in the title page.  For works in
+formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means
+the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title,
+preceding the beginning of the body of the text.
+You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
+commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
+copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies
+to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other
+conditions whatsoever to those of this License.  You may not use
+technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further
+copying of the copies you make or distribute.  However, you may accept
+compensation in exchange for copies.  If you distribute a large enough
+number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.
+You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and
+you may publicly display copies.
+If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more than 100,
+and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose
+the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover
+Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on
+the back cover.  Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify
+you as the publisher of these copies.  The front cover must present
+the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and
+visible.  You may add other material on the covers in addition.
+Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve
+the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated
+as verbatim copying in other respects.
+If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
+legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
+reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent
+If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering
+more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent
+copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy
+a publicly-accessible computer-network location containing a complete
+Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material, which the
+general network-using public has access to download anonymously at no
+charge using public-standard network protocols.  If you use the latter
+option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin
+distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this
+Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location
+until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque
+copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to
+the public.
+It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the
+Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give
+them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.
+You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under
+the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
+the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
+Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution
+and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy
+of it.  In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:
+A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct
+   from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions
+   (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section
+   of the Document).  You may use the same title as a previous version
+   if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
+B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities
+   responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified
+   Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the
+   Document (all of its principal authors, if it has less than five).
+C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
+   Modified Version, as the publisher.
+D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
+E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
+   adjacent to the other copyright notices.
+F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice
+   giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the
+   terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
+G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections
+   and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.
+H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
+I. Preserve the section entitled "History", and its title, and add to
+   it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
+   publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page.  If
+   there is no section entitled "History" in the Document, create one
+   stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
+   given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
+   Version as stated in the previous sentence.
+J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for
+   public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
+   the network locations given in the Document for previous versions
+   it was based on.  These may be placed in the "History" section.
+   You may omit a network location for a work that was published at
+   least four years before the Document itself, or if the original
+   publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
+K. In any section entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
+   preserve the section's title, and preserve in the section all the
+   substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements
+   and/or dedications given therein.
+L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
+   unaltered in their text and in their titles.  Section numbers
+   or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
+M. Delete any section entitled "Endorsements".  Such a section
+   may not be included in the Modified Version.
+N. Do not retitle any existing section as "Endorsements"
+   or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
+If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
+appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
+copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all
+of these sections as invariant.  To do this, add their titles to the
+list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice.
+These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.
+You may add a section entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
+nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
+parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has
+been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a
+You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a
+passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list
+of Cover Texts in the Modified Version.  Only one passage of
+Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or
+through arrangements made by) any one entity.  If the Document already
+includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or
+by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of,
+you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit
+permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.
+The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License
+give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or
+imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
+You may combine the Document with other documents released under this
+License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
+versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
+Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and
+list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its
+license notice.
+The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
+multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
+copy.  If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but
+different contents, make the title of each such section unique by
+adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original
+author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number.
+Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of
+Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.
+In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled "History"
+in the various original documents, forming one section entitled
+"History"; likewise combine any sections entitled "Acknowledgements",
+and any sections entitled "Dedications".  You must delete all sections
+entitled "Endorsements."
+You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents
+released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this
+License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in
+the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for
+verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.
+You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute
+it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this
+License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all
+other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.
+A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate
+and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or
+distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a Modified Version
+of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is claimed for the
+compilation.  Such a compilation is called an "aggregate", and this
+License does not apply to the other self-contained works thus compiled
+with the Document, on account of their being thus compiled, if they
+are not themselves derivative works of the Document.
+If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
+copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one quarter
+of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on
+covers that surround only the Document within the aggregate.
+Otherwise they must appear on covers around the whole aggregate.
+Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
+distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
+Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
+permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
+translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
+original versions of these Invariant Sections.  You may include a
+translation of this License provided that you also include the
+original English version of this License.  In case of a disagreement
+between the translation and the original English version of this
+License, the original English version will prevail.
+You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except
+as expressly provided for under this License.  Any other attempt to
+copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will
+automatically terminate your rights under this License.  However,
+parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this
+License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions
+of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time.  Such new
+versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
+differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.  See
+Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number.
+If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this
+License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
+following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or
+of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the
+Free Software Foundation.  If the Document does not specify a version
+number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not
+as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.
+ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
+To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
+the License in the document and put the following copyright and
+license notices just after the title page:
+      Copyright (c)  YEAR  YOUR NAME.
+      Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+      under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
+      or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
+      with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the
+      Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST.
+      A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
+      Free Documentation License".
+If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant Sections"
+instead of saying which ones are invariant.  If you have no
+Front-Cover Texts, write "no Front-Cover Texts" instead of
+"Front-Cover Texts being LIST"; likewise for Back-Cover Texts.
+If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
+recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
+free software license, such as the GNU General Public License,
+to permit their use in free software.
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+                      Version 2.1, February 1999
+ Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.  It also counts
+ as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
+ the version number 2.1.]
+                           Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
+free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
+  This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
+specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
+Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.  You
+can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
+this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
+strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
+not price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
+you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
+for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
+it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
+it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
+these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
+rights.  These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
+you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
+you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code.  If you link other code with the library, you must provide
+complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
+with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
+it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+  We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
+library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
+permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
+  To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
+there is no warranty for the free library.  Also, if the library is
+modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
+that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
+author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
+introduced by others.
+  Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
+any free program.  We wish to make sure that a company cannot
+effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
+restrictive license from a patent holder.  Therefore, we insist that
+any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
+consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
+  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
+ordinary GNU General Public License.  This license, the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
+is quite different from the ordinary General Public License.  We use
+this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
+libraries into non-free programs.
+  When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
+a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
+combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
+General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
+entire combination fits its criteria of freedom.  The Lesser General
+Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
+the library.
+  We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
+does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
+Public License.  It also provides other free software developers Less
+of an advantage over competing non-free programs.  These disadvantages
+are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
+libraries.  However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
+special circumstances.
+  For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
+encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
+a de-facto standard.  To achieve this, non-free programs must be
+allowed to use the library.  A more frequent case is that a free
+library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries.  In this
+case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
+software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
+  In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
+programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
+free software.  For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
+non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
+operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
+  Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
+users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
+linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
+that program using a modified version of the Library.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
+"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
+former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
+be combined with the library in order to run.
+  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
+program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
+other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
+this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
+Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
+prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
+(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
+  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
+which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
+Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
+copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
+portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
+straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
+included without limitation in the term "modification".)
+  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
+interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
+and installation of the library.
+  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
+such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
+on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
+writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
+and what the program that uses the Library does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
+complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
+you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
+all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
+warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
+  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
+    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
+    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
+    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
+    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
+    in the event an application does not supply such function or
+    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
+    its purpose remains meaningful.
+    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
+    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
+    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
+    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
+    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
+    root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
+with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
+License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
+this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
+that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
+instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
+ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
+that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
+these notices.
+  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
+that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
+subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
+  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
+the Library into a program that is not a library.
+  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
+derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
+under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
+it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
+must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
+medium customarily used for software interchange.
+  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
+from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
+source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
+distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
+Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
+linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
+work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
+therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
+  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
+creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
+contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
+library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
+Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
+  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
+that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
+derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
+Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
+linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
+threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
+  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
+structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
+functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
+file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
+work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
+Library will still fall under Section 6.)
+  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
+distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
+Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
+whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
+  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
+link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
+work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
+under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
+modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications.
+  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
+Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
+during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
+copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
+directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
+of these things:
+    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
+    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
+    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
+    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
+    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
+    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
+    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
+    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
+    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
+    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+    to use the modified definitions.)
+    b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+    Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
+    copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
+    rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
+    will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
+    the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
+    interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
+    c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
+    least three years, to give the same user the materials
+    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
+    than the cost of performing this distribution.
+    d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
+    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
+    specified materials from the same place.
+    e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
+    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
+  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
+Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
+reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
+the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
+normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
+components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
+which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
+restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
+accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
+use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
+  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
+facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
+library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
+the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
+permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
+    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
+    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
+    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
+    Sections above.
+    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
+    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
+    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
+the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
+attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
+distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
+rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
+or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
+terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Library or works based on it.
+  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
+subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
+this License.
+  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
+particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
+and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
+an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
+so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
+excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
+written in the body of this License.
+  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
+versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
+Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
+but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
+the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
+license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
+the Free Software Foundation.
+  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
+write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
+copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
+decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
+of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
+and reuse of software generally.
+                           NO WARRANTY
+                    END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+           How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
+  If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
+everyone can redistribute and change.  You can do so by permitting
+redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
+ordinary General Public License).
+  To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library.  It is
+safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+  library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!
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+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+2004-03-02  Paolo Bonzini  <address@hidden>
+       * lightning/i386/core.h: generate correct code when
+       doing lt/le/ge/etc. on ESI and EDI.  Use MOVZX/MOVSX
+       where possible.
+       * lightning/i386/asm.h: Add macros for MOVZX/MOVSX.
+       Move macros for x87 here, and add many of them.
+       * lightning/i386/fp.h: Use new macros for x87.
+2004-02-06  Paolo Bonzini  <address@hidden>
+       * lightning/i386/core.h: avoid generating MOV reg, reg.
+       * lightning/sparc/core.h: fix several bugs.
+       * lightning/ppc/core.h: fix several bugs.
+       * tests/rpn.c: rewritten.
+2004-01-08  Paolo Bonzini  <address@hidden>
+       * tests/rpnfp.c: new example, suggested by Basile
+       Starynkevitch.
+       * tests/rpnfp.ok: new example.
+2003-12-12  Paolo Bonzini  <address@hidden>
+       * tests/add.c: new test, suggested by Steve Dekorte.
+       * tests/add.c: new test.
+2003-11-14  Paolo Bonzini  <address@hidden>
+           John Redford <address@hidden>
+       * lightning/asm-common.h: change the 'pc' field of _jit to
+       be a union of various data types, because ISO C99 doesn't
+       permit using ++ on a = cast.  Change the incremented casts of
+       _jit.pc to be _jit.x.uc_pc, _jit.x.us_pc, etc.
+       * all files: change all non-cast instances of _jit.pc to be
+       _jit.x.pc.
+       * lightning/i386/core.h: remove casts from jit_might.
+2003-05-25  Paolo Bonzini  <address@hidden>
+       * lightning/i386/core.h: use JITSORRY in jit_replace
+       * lightning/asm-common.h: define JITSORRY
+2003-05-14  Paolo Bonzini  <address@hidden>
+       * lightning/i386/core.h: fix missing comma in several
+       load/store macros.
+       * lightning/core-common.h: fix long/unsigned long/pointer
+       jit_pushr/jit_popr.
+       * lightning/ppc/funcs.h: correctly align stack pointer
+No changelogs for the assemblers (lightning directory) until 1.0
+2003-03-27  Paolo Bonzini  <address@hidden>
+       * tests/printf2.c: new test
+2001-05-03  Paolo Bonzini  <address@hidden>
+       * tests/printf.c: made the message platform independent
+2001-01-19  Paolo Bonzini  <address@hidden>
+       * support cross-assembling
+       * disass/bfd.h, disass/dis-asm.h, disass/dis-buf.c,
+       disass/i386-dis.c, disass/i386.h, disass/ppc-dis.c,
+       disass/ppc.h, disass/ppc-opc.c, disass/sparc-dis.c,
+       disass/sparc.h, disass/sparc-opc.c: new files, from GDB
+       * disass/disass.c, disass/ new files
+       * tests/fib.c, tests/fibit.c, tests/incr.c, tests/printf.c,
+       tests/rpn.c, tests/testfp.c, tests/ support
+       disassembling
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54caf7c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software
+Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is free documentation; the Free Software Foundation gives
+unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
+Basic Installation
+   These are generic installation instructions.
+   The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for
+various system-dependent variables used during compilation.  It uses
+those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package.
+It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent
+definitions.  Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that
+you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, and a
+file `config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for
+debugging `configure').
+   It can also use an optional file (typically called `config.cache'
+and enabled with `--cache-file=config.cache' or simply `-C') that saves
+the results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring.  (Caching is
+disabled by default to prevent problems with accidental use of stale
+cache files.)
+   If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try
+to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail
+diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can
+be considered for the next release.  If you are using the cache, and at
+some point `config.cache' contains results you don't want to keep, you
+may remove or edit it.
+   The file `' (or `') is used to create
+`configure' by a program called `autoconf'.  You only need
+`' if you want to change it or regenerate `configure' using
+a newer version of `autoconf'.
+The simplest way to compile this package is:
+  1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type
+     `./configure' to configure the package for your system.  If you're
+     using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type
+     `sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute
+     `configure' itself.
+     Running `configure' takes awhile.  While running, it prints some
+     messages telling which features it is checking for.
+  2. Type `make' to compile the package.
+  3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with
+     the package.
+  4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
+     documentation.
+  5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
+     source code directory by typing `make clean'.  To also remove the
+     files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for
+     a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'.  There is
+     also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly
+     for the package's developers.  If you use it, you may have to get
+     all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came
+     with the distribution.
+Compilers and Options
+   Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that
+the `configure' script does not know about.  Run `./configure --help'
+for details on some of the pertinent environment variables.
+   You can give `configure' initial values for configuration parameters
+by setting variables in the command line or in the environment.  Here
+is an example:
+     ./configure CC=c89 CFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix
+   *Note Defining Variables::, for more details.
+Compiling For Multiple Architectures
+   You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the
+same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their
+own directory.  To do this, you must use a version of `make' that
+supports the `VPATH' variable, such as GNU `make'.  `cd' to the
+directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run
+the `configure' script.  `configure' automatically checks for the
+source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'.
+   If you have to use a `make' that does not support the `VPATH'
+variable, you have to compile the package for one architecture at a
+time in the source code directory.  After you have installed the
+package for one architecture, use `make distclean' before reconfiguring
+for another architecture.
+Installation Names
+   By default, `make install' will install the package's files in
+`/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/man', etc.  You can specify an
+installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the
+option `--prefix=PATH'.
+   You can specify separate installation prefixes for
+architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files.  If you
+give `configure' the option `--exec-prefix=PATH', the package will use
+PATH as the prefix for installing programs and libraries.
+Documentation and other data files will still use the regular prefix.
+   In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give
+options like `--bindir=PATH' to specify different values for particular
+kinds of files.  Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories
+you can set and what kinds of files go in them.
+   If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed
+with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the
+option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'.
+Optional Features
+   Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to
+`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package.
+They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE
+is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System).  The
+`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the
+package recognizes.
+   For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually
+find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't,
+you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and
+`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations.
+Specifying the System Type
+   There may be some features `configure' cannot figure out
+automatically, but needs to determine by the type of machine the package
+will run on.  Usually, assuming the package is built to be run on the
+_same_ architectures, `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints
+a message saying it cannot guess the machine type, give it the
+`--build=TYPE' option.  TYPE can either be a short name for the system
+type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name which has the form:
+where SYSTEM can have one of these forms:
+   See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field.  If
+`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't
+need to know the machine type.
+   If you are _building_ compiler tools for cross-compiling, you should
+use the `--target=TYPE' option to select the type of system they will
+produce code for.
+   If you want to _use_ a cross compiler, that generates code for a
+platform different from the build platform, you should specify the
+"host" platform (i.e., that on which the generated programs will
+eventually be run) with `--host=TYPE'.
+Sharing Defaults
+   If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share,
+you can create a site shell script called `' that gives
+default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'.
+`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/' if it exists, then
+`PREFIX/etc/' if it exists.  Or, you can set the
+`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script.
+A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script.
+Defining Variables
+   Variables not defined in a site shell script can be set in the
+environment passed to `configure'.  However, some packages may run
+configure again during the build, and the customized values of these
+variables may be lost.  In order to avoid this problem, you should set
+them in the `configure' command line, using `VAR=value'.  For example:
+     ./configure CC=/usr/local2/bin/gcc
+will cause the specified gcc to be used as the C compiler (unless it is
+overridden in the site shell script).
+`configure' Invocation
+   `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it
+     Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit.
+     Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure'
+     script, and exit.
+     Enable the cache: use and save the results of the tests in FILE,
+     traditionally `config.cache'.  FILE defaults to `/dev/null' to
+     disable caching.
+     Alias for `--cache-file=config.cache'.
+     Do not print messages saying which checks are being made.  To
+     suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error
+     messages will still be shown).
+     Look for the package's source code in directory DIR.  Usually
+     `configure' can determine that directory automatically.
+`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options.  Run
+`configure --help' for more details.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5077ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Automake requirements:
+SUBDIRS = . doc lightning opcode tests
+EXTRA_DIST = config/texi2dvi config/help2man
+dist_noinst_HEADERS = lightning-inst.h
+nodist_noinst_HEADERS = lightning.h
+       -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/lightning.h
+       $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)
+       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/lightning-inst.h 
+aclocaldir = $(datadir)/aclocal
+dist_aclocal_DATA = lightning.m4
+bin_SCRIPTS = lightningize
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bae18f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+o   Floating-point interface rewritten, uses a common register
+    file architecture rather than a stack.
+o   Many bug fixes.
+o   More (and more complete) examples provided.
+o   This release fixes the bugs in PowerPC cache flushing and in
+    SPARC testing.
+o   Merge changes from Debian
+This version was released to have a distributable version of lightning
+after the recent crack of the GNU FTP machines.  It does not fix
+outstanding bugs; I apologize for the inconvenience.
+o   Several bug fixes
+o   improved infrastructure for embedding GNU lightning (lightningize
+    script)
+o   SPARC backend tested on GNU Smalltalk
+o   Added floating point function support (thanks to Laurent Michel);
+    unfortunately this broke even more the PPC and SPARC floating point
+    stuff :-(
+NEWS FROM VERSION 0.97 to 0.98
+o   PPC backend tested on GNU Smalltalk
+o   switched to autoconf 2.50
+o   new (much faster) PPC cache flushing code by John McIntosh
+NEWS FROM VERSION 0.96 to 0.97
+o   support for cross-assembling and for disassembling the code that the tests
+    generate
+o   PPC microtests pass (tested directly by me), SPARC was said to work
+NEWS FROM VERSION 0.95 to 0.96
+o   fixed implementation of delay slots to be coherent with the manual
+NEWS FROM VERSION 0.94 to 0.95
+o   adc/sbc replaced with addc/addx/subc/subx to allow for more optimization
+    (inspired by the PPC instruction set).
+o   A few fixes and much less warnings from the compiler
+o   Automake-ized everything
+o   i386 backend generates smaller code for bms/bmc/or/xor by using byte
+    or word versions if possible
+o   Moved backends to separate directories
+NEWS FROM VERSION 0.93 to 0.94
+o   Manual builds as DVI file.
+NEWS FROM VERSION 0.92 to 0.93
+o   Floating-point front-end (began supporting PPC & SPARC).
+NEWS FROM VERSION 0.91 to 0.92
+o   Floating-point front-end (only x86 supported).
+NEWS FROM VERSION 0.9 to 0.91
+o   Carrying supported in addition/subtraction.
+o   insn type changed to jit_insn.
+o   Misc bug fixes.
+o   Reentrancy supported.
+o   SPARC run-time assembler rewritten.
+o   The run-time assembler can be disabled for debugging purposes.
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae36ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+GNU lightning is a library to aid in making portable programs
+that compile assembly code at run time.  For more information,
+look at the info documentation.
diff --git a/config/help2man b/config/help2man
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5d4377b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/help2man
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Generate a short man page from --help and --version output.
+# Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Written by Brendan O'Dea <address@hidden>
+# Available from
+use 5.005;
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Text::Tabs qw(expand);
+use POSIX qw(strftime setlocale LC_TIME);
+my $this_program = 'help2man';
+my $this_version = '1.28';
+my $version_info = <<EOT;
+GNU $this_program $this_version
+Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
+Written by Brendan O'Dea <address@hidden>
+my $help_info = <<EOT;
+`$this_program' generates a man page out of `--help' and `--version' output.
+Usage: $this_program [OPTION]... EXECUTABLE
+ -n, --name=STRING       description for the NAME paragraph
+ -s, --section=SECTION   section number for manual page (1, 6, 8)
+ -m, --manual=TEXT       name of manual (User Commands, ...)
+ -S, --source=TEXT       source of program (FSF, Debian, ...)
+ -i, --include=FILE      include material from `FILE'
+ -I, --opt-include=FILE  include material from `FILE' if it exists
+ -o, --output=FILE       send output to `FILE'
+ -p, --info-page=TEXT    name of Texinfo manual
+ -N, --no-info           suppress pointer to Texinfo manual
+     --help              print this help, then exit
+     --version           print version number, then exit
+EXECUTABLE should accept `--help' and `--version' options although
+alternatives may be specified using:
+ -h, --help-option=STRING     help option string
+ -v, --version-option=STRING  version option string
+Report bugs to <address@hidden>.
+my $section = 1;
+my $manual = '';
+my $source = '';
+my $help_option = '--help';
+my $version_option = '--version';
+my ($opt_name, @opt_include, $opt_output, $opt_info, $opt_no_info);
+my %opt_def = (
+    'n|name=s'          => \$opt_name,
+    's|section=s'       => \$section,
+    'm|manual=s'        => \$manual,
+    'S|source=s'        => \$source,
+    'i|include=s'       => sub { push @opt_include, [ pop, 1 ] },
+    'I|opt-include=s'   => sub { push @opt_include, [ pop, 0 ] },
+    'o|output=s'        => \$opt_output,
+    'p|info-page=s'     => \$opt_info,
+    'N|no-info'                 => \$opt_no_info,
+    'h|help-option=s'   => \$help_option,
+    'v|version-option=s' => \$version_option,
+# Parse options.
+GetOptions (%opt_def,
+    help    => sub { print $help_info; exit },
+    version => sub { print $version_info; exit },
+) or die $help_info;
+die $help_info unless @ARGV == 1;
+my %include = ();
+my %append = ();
+my @include = (); # retain order given in include file
+# Process include file (if given).  Format is:
+#   [section name]
+#   verbatim text
+# or
+#   /pattern/
+#   verbatim text
+while (@opt_include)
+    my ($inc, $required) = @{shift @opt_include};
+    next unless -f $inc or $required;
+    die "$this_program: can't open `$inc' ($!)\n"
+       unless open INC, $inc;
+    my $key;
+    my $hash = \%include;
+    while (<INC>)
+    {
+       # [section]
+       if (/^\[([^]]+)\]/)
+       {
+           $key = uc $1;
+           $key =~ s/^\s+//;
+           $key =~ s/\s+$//;
+           $hash = \%include;
+           push @include, $key unless $include{$key};
+           next;
+       }
+       # /pattern/
+       if (m!^/(.*)/([ims]*)!)
+       {
+           my $pat = $2 ? "(?$2)$1" : $1;
+           # Check pattern.
+           eval { $key = qr($pat) };
+           if ($@)
+           {
+               $@ =~ s/ at .*? line \d.*//;
+               die "$inc:$.:$@";
+           }
+           $hash = \%append;
+           next;
+       }
+       # Check for options before the first section--anything else is
+       # silently ignored, allowing the first for comments and
+       # revision info.
+       unless ($key)
+       {
+           # handle options
+           if (/^-/)
+           {
+               local @ARGV = split;
+               GetOptions %opt_def;
+           }
+           next;
+       }
+       $hash->{$key} ||= '';
+       $hash->{$key} .= $_;
+    }
+    close INC;
+    die "$this_program: no valid information found in `$inc'\n"
+       unless $key;
+# Compress trailing blank lines.
+for my $hash (\(%include, %append))
+    for (keys %$hash) { $hash->{$_} =~ s/\n+$/\n/ }
+# Turn off localisation of executable's ouput.
address@hidden(LANGUAGE LANG LC_ALL)} = ('C') x 3;
+# Turn off localisation of date (for strftime).
+setlocale LC_TIME, 'C';
+# Grab help and version info from executable.
+my ($help_text, $version_text) = map {
+    join '', map { s/ +$//; expand $_ } `$ARGV[0] $_ 2>/dev/null`
+       or die "$this_program: can't get `$_' info from $ARGV[0]\n"
+} $help_option, $version_option;
+my $date = strftime "%B %Y", localtime;
+(my $program = $ARGV[0]) =~ s!.*/!!;
+my $package = $program;
+my $version;
+if ($opt_output)
+    unlink $opt_output
+       or die "$this_program: can't unlink $opt_output ($!)\n"
+       if -e $opt_output;
+    open STDOUT, ">$opt_output"
+       or die "$this_program: can't create $opt_output ($!)\n";
+# The first line of the --version information is assumed to be in one
+# of the following formats:
+#   <version>
+#   <program> <version>
+#   {GNU,Free} <program> <version>
+#   <program> ({GNU,Free} <package>) <version>
+#   <program> - {GNU,Free} <package> <version>
+# and seperated from any copyright/author details by a blank line.
+($_, $version_text) = split /\n+/, $version_text, 2;
+if (/^(\S+) +\(((?:GNU|Free) +[^)]+)\) +(.*)/ or
+    /^(\S+) +- *((?:GNU|Free) +\S+) +(.*)/)
+    $program = $1;
+    $package = $2;
+    $version = $3;
+elsif (/^((?:GNU|Free) +)?(\S+) +(.*)/)
+    $program = $2;
+    $package = $1 ? "$1$2" : $2;
+    $version = $3;
+    $version = $_;
+$program =~ s!.*/!!;
+# No info for `info' itself.
+$opt_no_info = 1 if $program eq 'info';
+# --name overrides --include contents.
+$include{NAME} = "$program \\- $opt_name\n" if $opt_name;
+# Default (useless) NAME paragraph.
+$include{NAME} ||= "$program \\- manual page for $program $version\n";
+# Man pages traditionally have the page title in caps.
+my $PROGRAM = uc $program;
+# Set default page head/footers
+$source ||= "$program $version";
+unless ($manual)
+    for ($section)
+    {
+       if (/^(1[Mm]|8)/) { $manual = 'System Administration Utilities' }
+       elsif (/^6/)      { $manual = 'Games' }
+       else              { $manual = 'User Commands' }
+    }
+# Extract usage clause(s) [if any] for SYNOPSIS.
+if ($help_text =~ s/^Usage:( +(\S+))(.*)((?:\n(?: {6}\1| *or: +\S).*)*)//m)
+    my @syn = $2 . $3;
+    if ($_ = $4)
+    {
+       s/^\n//;
+       for (split /\n/) { s/^ *(or: +)?//; push @syn, $_ }
+    }
+    my $synopsis = '';
+    for (@syn)
+    {
+       $synopsis .= ".br\n" if $synopsis;
+       s!^\S*/!!;
+       s/^(\S+) *//;
+       $synopsis .= ".B $1\n";
+       s/\s+$//;
+       s/(([][]|\.\.+)+)/\\fR$1\\fI/g;
+       s/^/\\fI/ unless s/^\\fR//;
+       $_ .= '\fR';
+       s/(\\fI)( *)/$2$1/g;
+       s/\\fI\\fR//g;
+       s/^\\fR//;
+       s/\\fI$//;
+       s/^\./\\&./;
+       $synopsis .= "$_\n";
+    }
+    $include{SYNOPSIS} ||= $synopsis;
+# Process text, initial section is DESCRIPTION.
+my $sect = 'DESCRIPTION';
+$_ = "$help_text\n\n$version_text";
+# Normalise paragraph breaks.
+# Temporarily exchange leading dots, apostrophes and backslashes for
+# tokens.
+# Start a new paragraph (if required) for these.
+s/([^\n])\n(Report +bugs|Email +bug +reports +to|Written +by)/$1\n\n$2/g;
+sub convert_option;
+while (length)
+    # Convert some standard paragraph names.
+    if (s/^(Options|Examples): *\n//)
+    {
+       $sect = uc $1;
+       next;
+    }
+    # Copyright section
+    if (/^Copyright +[(\xa9]/)
+    {
+       $sect = 'COPYRIGHT';
+       $include{$sect} ||= '';
+       $include{$sect} .= ".PP\n" if $include{$sect};
+       my $copy;
+       ($copy, $_) = split /\n\n/, $_, 2;
+       for ($copy)
+       {
+           # Add back newline
+           s/\n*$/\n/;
+           # Convert iso9959-1 copyright symbol or (c) to nroff
+           # character.
+           s/^Copyright +(?:\xa9|\([Cc]\))/Copyright \\(co/mg;
+           # Insert line breaks before additional copyright messages
+           # and the disclaimer.
+           s/(.)\n(Copyright |This +is +free +software)/$1\\n$2/g;
+           # Join hyphenated lines.
+           s/([A-Za-z])-\n */$1/g;
+       }
+       $include{$sect} .= $copy;
+       $_ ||= '';
+       next;
+    }
+    # Catch bug report text.
+    if (/^(Report +bugs|Email +bug +reports +to) /)
+    {
+       $sect = 'REPORTING BUGS';
+    }
+    # Author section.
+    elsif (/^Written +by/)
+    {
+       $sect = 'AUTHOR';
+    }
+    # Examples, indicated by an indented leading $, % or > are
+    # rendered in a constant width font.
+    if (/^( +)([\$\%>] )\S/)
+    {
+       my $indent = $1;
+       my $prefix = $2;
+       my $break = '.IP';
+       $include{$sect} ||= '';
+       while (s/^$indent\Q$prefix\E(\S.*)\n*//)
+       {
+           $include{$sect} .= "$break\n\\f(CW$prefix$1\\fR\n";
+           $break = '.br';
+       }
+       next;
+    }
+    my $matched = '';
+    $include{$sect} ||= '';
+    # Sub-sections have a trailing colon and the second line indented.
+    if (s/^(\S.*:) *\n / /)
+    {
+       $matched .= $& if %append;
+       $include{$sect} .= qq(.SS "$1"\n);
+    }
+    my $indent = 0;
+    my $content = '';
+    # Option with description.
+    if (s/^( {1,10}([+-]\S.*?))(?:(  +(?!-))|\n( {20,}))(\S.*)\n//)
+    {
+       $matched .= $& if %append;
+       $indent = length ($4 || "$1$3");
+       $content = ".TP\n\x83$2\n\x83$5\n";
+       unless ($4)
+       {
+           # Indent may be different on second line.
+           $indent = length $& if /^ {20,}/;
+       }
+    }
+    # Option without description.
+    elsif (s/^ {1,10}([+-]\S.*)\n//)
+    {
+       $matched .= $& if %append;
+       $content = ".HP\n\x83$1\n";
+       $indent = 80; # not continued
+    }
+    # Indented paragraph with tag.
+    elsif (s/^( +(\S.*?)  +)(\S.*)\n//)
+    {
+       $matched .= $& if %append;
+       $indent = length $1;
+       $content = ".TP\n\x83$2\n\x83$3\n";
+    }
+    # Indented paragraph.
+    elsif (s/^( +)(\S.*)\n//)
+    {
+       $matched .= $& if %append;
+       $indent = length $1;
+       $content = ".IP\n\x83$2\n";
+    }
+    # Left justified paragraph.
+    else
+    {
+       s/(.*)\n//;
+       $matched .= $& if %append;
+       $content = ".PP\n" if $include{$sect};
+       $content .= "$1\n";
+    }
+    # Append continuations.
+    while (s/^ {$indent}(\S.*)\n//)
+    {
+       $matched .= $& if %append;
+       $content .= "\x83$1\n"
+    }
+    # Move to next paragraph.
+    s/^\n+//;
+    for ($content)
+    {
+       # Leading dot and apostrophe protection.
+       s/\x83\./\x80/g;
+       s/\x83'/\x81/g;
+       s/\x83//g;
+       # Convert options.
+       s/(^| )(-[][\w=-]+)/$1 . convert_option $2/mge;
+    }
+    # Check if matched paragraph contains /pat/.
+    if (%append)
+    {
+       for my $pat (keys %append)
+       {
+           if ($matched =~ $pat)
+           {
+               $content .= ".PP\n" unless $append{$pat} =~ /^\./;
+               $content .= $append{$pat};
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    $include{$sect} .= $content;
+# Refer to the real documentation.
+unless ($opt_no_info)
+    my $info_page = $opt_info || $program;
+    $sect = 'SEE ALSO';
+    $include{$sect} ||= '';
+    $include{$sect} .= ".PP\n" if $include{$sect};
+    $include{$sect} .= <<EOT;
+The full documentation for
+.B $program
+is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the
+.B info
+.B $program
+programs are properly installed at your site, the command
+.B info $info_page
+should give you access to the complete manual.
+# Output header.
+print <<EOT;
+.\\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by $this_program $this_version.
+.TH $PROGRAM "$section" "$date" "$source" "$manual"
+# Section ordering.
+my $filter = join '|', @pre, @post;
+# Output content.
+for (@pre, (grep ! /^($filter)$/o, @include), @post)
+    if ($include{$_})
+    {
+       my $quote = /\W/ ? '"' : '';
+       print ".SH $quote$_$quote\n";
+       for ($include{$_})
+       {
+           # Replace leading dot, apostrophe and backslash tokens.
+           s/\x80/\\&./g;
+           s/\x81/\\&'/g;
+           s/\x82/\\e/g;
+           print;
+       }
+    }
+# Convert option dashes to \- to stop nroff from hyphenating 'em, and
+# embolden.  Option arguments get italicised.
+sub convert_option
+    local $_ = '\fB' . shift;
+    s/-/\\-/g;
+    unless (s/\[=(.*)\]$/\\fR[=\\fI$1\\fR]/)
+    {
+       s/=(.)/\\fR=\\fI$1/;
+       s/ (.)/ \\fI$1/;
+       $_ .= '\fR';
+    }
+    $_;
diff --git a/config/texi2dvi b/config/texi2dvi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..010b586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/texi2dvi
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# texi2dvi --- produce DVI (or PDF) files from Texinfo (or LaTeX) sources.
+# $Id: texi2dvi,v 1.14 2003/02/05 00:42:33 karl Exp $
+# Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001,
+# 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, you can either send email to this
+# program's maintainer or write to: The Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc.; 59 Temple Place, Suite 330; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Original author: Noah Friedman <address@hidden>.
+# Please send bug reports, etc. to address@hidden
+# If possible, please send a copy of the output of the script called with
+# the `--debug' option when making a bug report.
+# This string is expanded by rcs automatically when this file is checked out.
+rcs_revision='$Revision: 1.14 $'
+rcs_version=`set - $rcs_revision; echo $2`
+program=`echo $0 | sed -e 's!.*/!!'`
+version="texi2dvi (GNU Texinfo 4.5) $rcs_version
+Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+There is NO warranty.  You may redistribute this software
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
+For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING."
+usage="Usage: $program [OPTION]... FILE...
+Run each Texinfo or LaTeX FILE through TeX in turn until all
+cross-references are resolved, building all indices.  The directory
+containing each FILE is searched for included files.  The suffix of FILE
+is used to determine its language (LaTeX or Texinfo).
+Makeinfo is used to perform Texinfo macro expansion before running TeX
+when needed.
+Operation modes:
+  -b, --batch         no interaction
+  -c, --clean         remove all auxiliary files
+  -D, --debug         turn on shell debugging (set -x)
+  -h, --help          display this help and exit successfully
+  -o, --output=OFILE  leave output in OFILE (implies --clean);
+                      Only one input FILE may be specified in this case
+  -q, --quiet         no output unless errors (implies --batch)
+  -s, --silent        same as --quiet
+  -v, --version       display version information and exit successfully
+  -V, --verbose       report on what is done
+TeX tuning:
+  -@                   use @input instead of \input; for preloaded Texinfo
+  -e, -E, --expand     force macro expansion using makeinfo
+  -I DIR               search DIR for Texinfo files
+  -l, --language=LANG  specify the LANG of FILE (LaTeX or Texinfo)
+  -p, --pdf            use pdftex or pdflatex for processing
+  -t, --texinfo=CMD    insert CMD after @setfilename in copy of input file
+                       multiple values accumulate
+TEX (or PDFTEX), and TEXINDEX environment variables are used to run
+those commands, if they are set.
+Email bug reports to <address@hidden>,
+general questions and discussion to <address@hidden>.
+Texinfo home page:";
+# Initialize variables for option overriding and otherwise.
+# Don't use `unset' since old bourne shells don't have this command.
+# Instead, assign them an empty value.
+batch=false     # eval for batch mode
+expand=         # t for expansion via makeinfo
+miincludes=     # makeinfo include path
+oname=          # --output
+quiet=          # by default let the tools' message be displayed
+tmpdir=${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/t2d$$  # avoid collisions on 8.3 filesystems.
+txincludes=     # TEXINPUTS extensions, with trailing colon
+txiprereq=19990129 # minimum texinfo.tex version to have macro expansion
+verbose=false   # echo for verbose mode
+# Systems which define $COMSPEC or $ComSpec use semicolons to separate
+# directories in TEXINPUTS.
+if test -n "$COMSPEC$ComSpec"; then
+  path_sep=";"
+  path_sep=":"
+# Pacify verbose cds.
+# In case someone crazy insists on using grep -E.
+: ${EGREP=egrep}
+# Save this so we can construct a new TEXINPUTS path for each file.
+# Unfortunately makeindex does not read TEXINPUTS.
+# Push a token among the arguments that will be used to notice when we
+# ended options/arguments parsing.
+# Use "set dummy ...; shift" rather than 'set - ..." because on
+# Solaris set - turns off set -x (but keeps set -e).
+# Use ${1+"$@"} rather than "$@" because Digital Unix and Ultrix 4.3
+# still expand "$@" to a single argument (the empty string) rather
+# than nothing at all.
+set dummy ${1+"$@"} "$arg_sep"; shift
+# Parse command line arguments.
+while test x"$1" != x"$arg_sep"; do
+  # Handle --option=value by splitting apart and putting back on argv.
+  case "$1" in
+    --*=*)
+      opt=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's/=.*//'`
+      val=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's/[^=]*=//'`
+      shift
+      set dummy "$opt" "$val" ${1+"$@"}; shift
+      ;;
+  esac
+  # This recognizes --quark as --quiet.  So what.
+  case "$1" in
+    -@ ) escape=@;;
+    # Silently and without documentation accept -b and --b[atch] as synonyms.
+    -b | --b*) batch=eval;;
+    -q | -s | --q* | --s*) quiet=t; batch=eval;;
+    -c | --c*) clean=t;;
+    -D | --d*) debug=t;;
+    -e | -E | --e*) expand=t;;
+    -h | --h*) echo "$usage"; exit 0;;
+    -I | --I*)
+      shift
+      miincludes="$miincludes -I $1"
+      txincludes="$txincludes$1$path_sep"
+      ;;
+    -l | --l*) shift; set_language=$1;;
+    -o | --o*)
+      shift
+      clean=t
+      case "$1" in
+        /* | ?:/*) oname=$1;;
+                *) oname="$orig_pwd/$1";;
+      esac;;
+    -p | --p*) oformat=pdf;;
+    -t | --t*) shift; textra="$textra\\
+    -v | --vers*) echo "$version"; exit 0;;
+    -V | --verb*) verbose=echo;;
+    --) # What remains are not options.
+      shift
+      while test x"$1" != x"$arg_sep"; do
+        set dummy ${1+"$@"} "$1"; shift
+        shift
+      done
+      break;;
+    -*)
+      echo "$0: Unknown or ambiguous option \`$1'." >&2
+      echo "$0: Try \`--help' for more information." >&2
+      exit 1;;
+    *) set dummy ${1+"$@"} "$1"; shift;;
+   esac
+   shift
+# Pop the token
+# Interpret remaining command line args as filenames.
+case $# in
+ 0)
+  echo "$0: Missing file arguments." >&2
+  echo "$0: Try \`--help' for more information." >&2
+  exit 2
+  ;;
+ 1) ;;
+ *)
+  if test -n "$oname"; then
+    echo "$0: Can't use option \`--output' with more than one argument." >&2
+    exit 2
+  fi
+  ;;
+# Prepare the temporary directory.  Remove it at exit, unless debugging.
+if test -z "$debug"; then
+  trap "cd / && rm -rf $tmpdir" 0 1 2 15
+# Create the temporary directory with strict rights
+(umask 077 && mkdir $tmpdir) || exit 1
+# Prepare the tools we might need.  This may be extra work in some
+# cases, but improves the readibility of the script.
+mkdir $utildir || exit 1
+# A sed script that preprocesses Texinfo sources in order to keep the
+# iftex sections only.  We want to remove non TeX sections, and
+# comment (with address@hidden texi2dvi') TeX sections so that makeinfo does 
+# try to parse them.  Nevertheless, while commenting TeX sections,
+# don't comment @macro/@end macro so that makeinfo does propagate
+# them.  Unfortunately makeinfo --iftex --no-ifhtml --no-ifinfo
+# doesn't work well enough (yet) to use that, so work around with sed.
+cat <<EOF >$comment_iftex_sed
+/address@hidden/,/address@hidden tex/{
+  s/^/@c texi2dvi/
+/address@hidden/,/address@hidden iftex/{
+  s/^/@c texi2dvi/
+  /address@hidden address@hidden/,/address@hidden address@hidden macro/{
+    s/address@hidden texi2dvi//
+  }
+/address@hidden/,/address@hidden html/{
+  s/^/@c (texi2dvi)/
+/address@hidden/,/address@hidden ifhtml/{
+  s/^/@c (texi2dvi)/
+/address@hidden/,/address@hidden ifnottex/{
+  s/^/@c (texi2dvi)/
+/address@hidden/,/address@hidden ifinfo/{
+  /address@hidden/p
+  /address@hidden/,/address@hidden menu/p
+  t
+  s/^/@c (texi2dvi)/
+s/address@hidden/@c address@hidden/
+s/address@hidden ifnotinfo/@c address@hidden ifnotinfo/
+# Uncommenting is simple: Remove any leading address@hidden texi2dvi'.
+cat <<EOF >$uncomment_iftex_sed
+s/address@hidden texi2dvi//
+# A shell script that computes the list of xref files.
+# Takes the filename (without extension) of which we look for xref
+# files as argument.  The index files must be reported last.
+cat <<\EOF >$get_xref_files
+#! /bin/sh
+# Get list of xref files (indexes, tables and lists).
+# Find all files having root filename with a two-letter extension,
+# saves the ones that are really Texinfo-related files.  .?o? catches
+# many files: .toc, .log, LaTeX tables and lists, FiXme's .lox, maybe more.
+for this_file in "$1".?o? "$1".aux "$1".?? "$1".idx; do
+  # If file is empty, skip it.
+  test -s "$this_file" || continue
+  # If the file is not suitable to be an index or xref file, don't
+  # process it.  The file can't be if its first character is not a
+  # backslash or single quote.
+  first_character=`sed -n '1s/^\(.\).*$/\1/p;q' $this_file`
+  if test "x$first_character" = "x\\" \
+     || test "x$first_character" = "x'"; then
+    xref_files="$xref_files ./$this_file"
+  fi
+echo "$xref_files"
+chmod 500 $get_xref_files
+# File descriptor usage:
+# 0 standard input
+# 1 standard output (--verbose messages)
+# 2 standard error
+# 3 some systems may open it to /dev/tty
+# 4 used on the Kubota Titan
+# 5 tools output (turned off by --quiet)
+# Tools' output.  If quiet, discard, else redirect to the message flow.
+if test "$quiet" = t; then
+  exec 5>/dev/null
+  exec 5>&1
+# Enable tracing
+test "$debug" = t && set -x
+# TeXify files.
+for command_line_filename in ${1+"$@"}; do
+  $verbose "Processing $command_line_filename ..."
+  # If the COMMAND_LINE_FILENAME is not absolute (e.g., --debug.tex),
+  # prepend `./' in order to avoid that the tools take it as an option.
+  echo "$command_line_filename" | $EGREP '^(/|[A-z]:/)' >/dev/null \
+  || command_line_filename="./$command_line_filename"
+  # See if the file exists.  If it doesn't we're in trouble since, even
+  # though the user may be able to reenter a valid filename at the tex
+  # prompt (assuming they're attending the terminal), this script won't
+  # be able to find the right xref files and so forth.
+  if test ! -r "$command_line_filename"; then
+    echo "$0: Could not read $command_line_filename, skipping." >&2
+    continue
+  fi
+  # Get the name of the current directory.  We want the full path
+  # because in clean mode we are in tmp, in which case a relative
+  # path has no meaning.
+  filename_dir=`echo $command_line_filename | sed 's!/[^/]*$!!;s!^$!.!'`
+  filename_dir=`cd "$filename_dir" >/dev/null && pwd`
+  # Strip directory part but leave extension.
+  filename_ext=`basename "$command_line_filename"`
+  # Strip extension.
+  filename_noext=`echo "$filename_ext" | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//'`
+  ext=`echo "$filename_ext" | sed 's/^.*\.//'`
+  # _src.  Use same basename since we want to generate aux files with
+  # the same basename as the manual.  If --expand, then output the
+  # macro-expanded file to here, else copy the original file.
+  tmpdir_src=$tmpdir/src
+  filename_src=$tmpdir_src/$filename_noext.$ext
+  # _xtr.  The file with the user's extra commands.
+  tmpdir_xtr=$tmpdir/xtr
+  filename_xtr=$tmpdir_xtr/$filename_noext.$ext
+  # _bak.  Copies of the previous xref files (another round is run if
+  # they differ from the new one).
+  tmpdir_bak=$tmpdir/bak
+  # Make all those directories and give up if we can't succeed.
+  mkdir $tmpdir_src $tmpdir_xtr $tmpdir_bak || exit 1
+  # Source file might include additional sources.
+  # We want `.:$orig_pwd' before anything else.  (We'll add `.:' later
+  # after all other directories have been turned into absolute paths.)
+  # `.' goes first to ensure that any old .aux, .cps,
+  # etc. files in ${directory} don't get used in preference to fresher
+  # files in `.'.  Include orig_pwd in case we are in clean mode, where
+  # we've cd'd to a temp directory.
+  common="$orig_pwd$path_sep$filename_dir$path_sep$txincludes"
+   TEXINPUTS="$common$TEXINPUTS_orig"
+  # Convert relative paths to absolute paths, so we can run in another
+  # directory (e.g., in --clean mode, or during the macro-support
+  # detection.)
+  #
+  # Empty path components are meaningful to tex.  We rewrite them
+  # as `EMPTY' so they don't get lost when we split on $path_sep.
+   TEXINPUTS=`echo $TEXINPUTS  |sed 's/^:/EMPTY:/;s/:$/:EMPTY/;s/::/:EMPTY:/g'`
+  INDEXSTYLE=`echo $INDEXSTYLE |sed 's/^:/EMPTY:/;s/:$/:EMPTY/;s/::/:EMPTY:/g'`
+  save_IFS=$IFS
+  IFS=$path_sep
+  set x $TEXINPUTS; shift
+  for dir
+  do
+    case $dir in
+      EMPTY)
+        TEXINPUTS=$TEXINPUTS$path_sep
+        ;;
+      [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)        # Absolute paths don't need to be expansed.
+        TEXINPUTS=$TEXINPUTS$path_sep$dir
+        ;;
+      *)
+        abs=`cd "$dir" && pwd` && TEXINPUTS=$TEXINPUTS$path_sep$abs
+        ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  set x $INDEXSTYLE; shift
+  for dir
+  do
+    case $dir in
+      EMPTY)
+        INDEXSTYLE=$INDEXSTYLE$path_sep
+        ;;
+      [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*)        # Absolute paths don't need to be expansed.
+        INDEXSTYLE=$INDEXSTYLE$path_sep$dir
+        ;;
+      *)
+        abs=`cd "$dir" && pwd` && INDEXSTYLE=$INDEXSTYLE$path_sep$abs
+        ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  IFS=$save_IFS
+  # If the user explicitly specified the language, use that.
+  # Otherwise, if the first line is \input texinfo, assume it's texinfo.
+  # Otherwise, guess from the file extension.
+  if test -n "$set_language"; then
+    language=$set_language
+  elif sed 1q "$command_line_filename" | grep 'input texinfo' >/dev/null; then
+    language=texinfo
+  else
+    language=
+  fi
+  # Get the type of the file (latex or texinfo) from the given language
+  # we just guessed, or from the file extension if not set yet.
+  case ${language:-$filename_ext} in
+    [lL]a[tT]e[xX] | *.ltx | *.tex)
+      # Assume a LaTeX file.  LaTeX needs bibtex and uses latex for
+      # compilation.  No makeinfo.
+      bibtex=${BIBTEX:-bibtex}
+      makeinfo= # no point in running makeinfo on latex source.
+      texindex=${MAKEINDEX:-makeindex}
+      if test $oformat = dvi; then
+        tex=${LATEX:-latex}
+      else
+        tex=${PDFLATEX:-pdflatex}
+      fi
+      ;;
+    *)
+      # Assume a Texinfo file.  Texinfo files need makeinfo, texindex and tex.
+      bibtex=
+      texindex=${TEXINDEX:-texindex}
+      if test $oformat = dvi; then
+        tex=${TEX:-tex}
+      else
+        tex=${PDFTEX:-pdftex}
+      fi
+      # Unless required by the user, makeinfo expansion is wanted only
+      # if texinfo.tex is too old.
+      if test "$expand" = t; then
+        makeinfo=${MAKEINFO:-makeinfo}
+      else
+        # Check if texinfo.tex performs macro expansion by looking for
+        # its version.  The version is a date of the form YEAR-MO-DA.
+        # We don't need to use [0-9] to match the digits since anyway
+        # the comparison with $txiprereq, a number, will fail with non
+        # digits.
+        txiversion_tex=txiversion.tex
+        echo '\input texinfo.tex @bye' >$tmpdir/$txiversion_tex
+        # Run in the tmpdir to avoid leaving files.
+        eval `cd $tmpdir >/dev/null &&
+              $tex $txiversion_tex 2>/dev/null |
+              sed -n 's/^.*\[\(.*\)version 
\(....\)-\(..\)-\(..\).*$/txiformat=\1 txiversion="\2\3\4"/p'`
+        $verbose "texinfo.tex preloaded as \`$txiformat', version is 
\`$txiversion' ..."
+        if test "$txiprereq" -le "$txiversion" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+          makeinfo=
+        else
+          makeinfo=${MAKEINFO:-makeinfo}
+        fi
+        # As long as we had to run TeX, offer the user this convenience
+        if test "$txiformat" = Texinfo; then
+          escape=@
+        fi
+      fi
+      ;;
+  esac
+  # Expand macro commands in the original source file using Makeinfo.
+  # Always use `end' footnote style, since the `separate' style
+  #   generates different output (arguably this is a bug in -E).
+  # Discard main info output, the user asked to run TeX, not makeinfo.
+  if test -n "$makeinfo"; then
+    $verbose "Macro-expanding $command_line_filename to $filename_src ..."
+    sed -f $comment_iftex_sed "$command_line_filename" \
+      | $makeinfo --footnote-style=end -I "$filename_dir" $miincludes \
+        -o /dev/null --macro-expand=- \
+      | sed -f $uncomment_iftex_sed >"$filename_src"
+    filename_input=$filename_src
+  fi
+  # If makeinfo failed (or was not even run), use the original file as input.
+  if test $? -ne 0 \
+     || test ! -r "$filename_src"; then
+    $verbose "Reverting to $command_line_filename ..."
+    filename_input=$filename_dir/$filename_ext
+  fi
+  # Used most commonly for @finalout, @smallbook, etc.
+  if test -n "$textra"; then
+    $verbose "Inserting extra commands: $textra"
+    sed '/address@hidden/a\
+'"$textra" "$filename_input" >$filename_xtr
+    filename_input=$filename_xtr
+  fi
+  # If clean mode was specified, then move to the temporary directory.
+  if test "$clean" = t; then
+    $verbose "cd $tmpdir_src"
+    cd "$tmpdir_src" || exit 1
+  fi
+  while :; do # will break out of loop below
+    orig_xref_files=`$get_xref_files "$filename_noext"`
+    # Save copies of originals for later comparison.
+    if test -n "$orig_xref_files"; then
+      $verbose "Backing up xref files: `echo $orig_xref_files | sed 
+      cp $orig_xref_files $tmpdir_bak
+    fi
+    # Run bibtex on current file.
+    # - If its input (AUX) exists.
+    # - If AUX contains both `\bibdata' and `\bibstyle'.
+    # - If some citations are missing (LOG contains `Citation').
+    #   or the LOG complains of a missing .bbl
+    #
+    # We run bibtex first, because I can see reasons for the indexes
+    # to change after bibtex is run, but I see no reason for the
+    # converse.
+    #
+    # Don't try to be too smart.  Running bibtex only if the bbl file
+    # exists and is older than the LaTeX file is wrong, since the
+    # document might include files that have changed.  Because there
+    # can be several AUX (if there are \include's), but a single LOG,
+    # looking for missing citations in LOG is easier, though we take
+    # the risk to match false messages.
+    if test -n "$bibtex" \
+       && test -r "$filename_noext.aux" \
+       && test -r "$filename_noext.log" \
+       && (grep '^\\bibdata[{]'  "$filename_noext.aux" \
+           && grep '^\\bibstyle[{]' "$filename_noext.aux" \
+           && (grep 'Warning:.*Citation.*undefined' "$filename_noext.log" \
+               || grep 'No file .*\.bbl\.' "$filename_noext.log")) \
+          >/dev/null 2>&1; \
+    then
+      $verbose "Running $bibtex $filename_noext ..."
+      if $bibtex "$filename_noext" >&5; then :; else
+        echo "$0: $bibtex exited with bad status, quitting." >&2
+        exit 1
+      fi
+    fi
+    # What we'll run texindex on -- exclude non-index files.
+    # Since we know index files are last, it is correct to remove everything
+    # before .aux and .?o?.  But don't really do <anything>o<anything>
+    # -- don't match whitespace as <anything>.
+    # Otherwise, if orig_xref_files contains something like
+    #   foo.xo foo.whatever
+    # the space after the o will get matched.
+    index_files=`echo "$orig_xref_files" \
+                 | sed "s!.*\.aux!!g;
+                        s!./$filename_noext\.[^ ]o[^ ]!!g;
+                        s/^[ ]*//;s/[ ]*$//"`
+    # Run texindex (or makeindex) on current index files.  If they
+    # already exist, and after running TeX a first time the index
+    # files don't change, then there's no reason to run TeX again.
+    # But we won't know that if the index files are out of date or
+    # nonexistent.
+    if test -n "$texindex" && test -n "$index_files"; then
+      $verbose "Running $texindex $index_files ..."
+      if $texindex $index_files 2>&5 1>&2; then :; else
+         echo "$0: $texindex exited with bad status, quitting." >&2
+         exit 1
+      fi
+    fi
+    # Finally, run TeX.
+    # Prevent $ESCAPE from being interpreted by the shell if it happens
+    # to be `/'.
+    $batch tex_args="\\${escape}nonstopmode\ \\${escape}input"
+    cmd="$tex $tex_args $filename_input"
+    $verbose "Running $cmd ..."
+    if $cmd >&5; then :; else
+      echo "$0: $tex exited with bad status, quitting." >&2
+      echo "$0: see $filename_noext.log for errors." >&2
+      test "$clean" = t \
+        && cp "$filename_noext.log" "$orig_pwd"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    # Decide if looping again is needed.
+    finished=t
+    # LaTeX (and the package changebar) report in the LOG file if it
+    # should be rerun.  This is needed for files included from
+    # subdirs, since texi2dvi does not try to compare xref files in
+    # subdirs.  Performing xref files test is still good since LaTeX
+    # does not report changes in xref files.
+    if grep "Rerun to get" "$filename_noext.log" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+      finished=
+    fi
+    # Check if xref files changed.
+    new_xref_files=`$get_xref_files "$filename_noext"`
+    $verbose "Original xref files = `echo $orig_xref_files | sed 's|\./||g'`"
+    $verbose "New xref files      = `echo $new_xref_files | sed 's|\./||g'`"
+    # If old and new lists don't at least have the same file list,
+    # then one file or another has definitely changed.
+    test "x$orig_xref_files" != "x$new_xref_files" && finished=
+    # File list is the same.  We must compare each file until we find
+    # a difference.
+    if test -n "$finished"; then
+      for this_file in $new_xref_files; do
+        $verbose "Comparing xref file `echo $this_file | sed 's|\./||g'` ..."
+        # cmp -s returns nonzero exit status if files differ.
+        if cmp -s "$this_file" "$tmpdir_bak/$this_file"; then :; else
+          # We only need to keep comparing until we find one that
+          # differs, because we'll have to run texindex & tex again no
+          # matter how many more there might be.
+          finished=
+          $verbose "xref file `echo $this_file | sed 's|\./||g'` differed ..."
+          test "$debug" = t && diff -c "$tmpdir_bak/$this_file" "$this_file"
+          break
+        fi
+      done
+    fi
+    # If finished, exit the loop, else rerun the loop.
+    test -n "$finished" && break
+  done
+  # If we were in clean mode, compilation was in a tmp directory.
+  # Copy the DVI (or PDF) file into the directory where the compilation
+  # has been done.  (The temp dir is about to get removed anyway.)
+  # We also return to the original directory so that
+  # - the next file is processed in correct conditions
+  # - the temporary file can be removed
+  if test -n "$clean"; then
+    if test -n "$oname"; then
+       dest=$oname
+    else
+       dest=$orig_pwd
+    fi
+    $verbose "Copying $oformat file from `pwd` to $dest"
+    cp -p "./$filename_noext.$oformat" "$dest"
+    cd / # in case $orig_pwd is on a different drive (for DOS)
+    cd $orig_pwd || exit 1
+  fi
+  # Remove temporary files.
+  if test "x$debug" = "x"; then
+    $verbose "Removing $tmpdir_src $tmpdir_xtr $tmpdir_bak ..."
+    cd /
+    rm -rf $tmpdir_src $tmpdir_xtr $tmpdir_bak
+  fi
+$verbose "$0 done."
+exit 0 # exit successfully, not however we ended the loop.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1a9154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+dnl Hey Emacs, I want this in -*- autoconf -*- mode, please.
+dnl Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+dnl Please see COPYING for a description your rights and responsibilities
+dnl with this software.
+dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+dnl ----------------------------- HOST SYSTEM 
+AC_INIT([GNU lightning], 1.2a, address@hidden, lightning)
+# We don't use autoheader.
+AC_PATH_PROG(INSTALL_INFO, install-info, :, $PATH:/sbin)
+BACKENDS="i386 sparc ppc"
+case "$target_cpu" in
+       i?86)    cpu=i386; AC_DEFINE(LIGHTNING_I386, 1)         ;;
+       sparc*)  cpu=sparc; AC_DEFINE(LIGHTNING_SPARC, 1)       ;;
+       powerpc) cpu=ppc; AC_DEFINE(LIGHTNING_PPC, 1)           ;;
+       *)       AC_MSG_ERROR([cpu $target_cpu not supported])  ;;
+dnl ---------------------------- COMMAND LINE ---------------------------------
+AC_ARG_ENABLE( disassembling,
+[  --enable-disassembling  make the test programs disassemble the code
+                          enabled by default if host != target],
+, enable_disassembling=no)
+AM_CONDITIONAL(REGRESSION_TESTING, test "$host_cpu" = "$target_cpu")
+if test "$host_cpu" != "$target_cpu"; then
+  enable_disassembling=yes
+if test "$enable_disassembling" != no; then
+AM_CONDITIONAL(DISASS, test "$enable_disassembling" != no)
+test "$enable_disassembling" != no && LIBDISASS="libdisass.a"
+AC_ARG_ENABLE( assertions,
+[  --enable-assertions     perform internal consistency checks],
+, enable_assertions=no)
+if test "$enable_assertions" != no; then
+dnl --------------------------- PRODUCE OUTPUT --------------------------------
+AC_CONFIG_LINKS(lightning/asm.h:$cpu_dir/asm.h                 dnl
+                lightning/fp.h:$cpu_dir/fp.h                   dnl
+                lightning/core.h:$cpu_dir/core.h               dnl
+                lightning/funcs.h:$cpu_dir/funcs.h, [],
+  [cpu_dir=$cpu_dir])
+AC_CONFIG_FILES(Makefile doc/Makefile tests/Makefile opcode/Makefile
+       lightning/Makefile)
+AC_CONFIG_FILES(lightningize, chmod +x lightningize)
+# A small sanity check
+echo "#include <stdio.h>" > confdefs.h         # dummy input file
+AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include "lightning.h"], , ,
+  AC_MSG_WARN(the compiler that was found could not compile GNU lightning))
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..968812f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+HELP2MAN = $(top_srcdir)/config/help2man
+dist_man1_MANS = lightningize.1
+info_TEXINFOS = lightning.texi 
+EXTRA_TEXINFOS = u-lightning.texi p-lightning.texi
+MOSTLYCLEANFILES = lightning.tmp
+lightning_TEXINFOS = body.texi toc.texi using.texi porting.texi version.texi
+u_lightning_TEXINFOS = body.texi toc.texi using.texi version.texi
+p_lightning_TEXINFOS = body.texi toc.texi porting.texi version.texi
+lightningize.1: $(top_srcdir)/ $(top_srcdir)/
+       cd $(top_srcdir) && $(MAKE) lightningize
+       $(HELP2MAN) -p lightning $(top_srcdir)/lightningize > 
diff --git a/doc/body.texi b/doc/body.texi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cccadd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/body.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
address@hidden @lightning{}, a library for dynamic code generation
+     * @value{TITLE}: (lightning).
address@hidden direntry
+This file documents GNU lightning, Version @value{VERSION}.
+It was last updated on @value{UPDATED}.
+Copyright @copyright{} 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Authored by Paolo Bonzini.
+This document is released under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1.1, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Free Documentation License along
+with GNU lightning; see the file @file{COPYING.DOC}.  If not, write to the Free
+Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  
+There are no Secondary Sections, no Cover Texts and no Invariant Sections
+(as defined in the license); this text, along with its equivalent in the
+printed manual, constitutes the Title Page.
address@hidden ifinfo
address@hidden odd
address@hidden @value{TITLE}
address@hidden Version @value{VERSION}
address@hidden @value{UPDATE-MONTH}
address@hidden by Paolo Bonzini
address@hidden  The following two commands start the copyright page.
address@hidden 0pt plus 1filll
+Copyright 1988-92, 1994-95, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This document is released under the terms of the @sc{gnu} Free Documentation
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1.1, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+You should have received a copy of the @sc{gnu} Free Documentation License
+along with @sc{gnu} @i{lightning}; see the file @file{COPYING.DOC}.  If not,
+write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+MA 02111-1307, USA.  
+There are no Secondary Sections, no Cover Texts and no Invariant Sections
+(as defined in the license); this text, along with its equivalent in the
+Info documentation, constitutes the Title Page.
address@hidden titlepage
address@hidden ISTEX
address@hidden Top
address@hidden @lightning{}
+This document describes @value{TOPIC} the @lightning{} library for
+dynamic code generation.  Unlike other dynamic code generation systems,
+which are usually either inefficient or non-portable, @lightning{} is
+both retargetable and very fast.
address@hidden toc.texi
address@hidden ifclear
address@hidden Overview
address@hidden Introduction to @lightning{}
address@hidden ISTEX
+This document describes @value{TOPIC} the @lightning{} library for
+dynamic code generation.  Unlike other dynamic code generation systems,
+which are usually either inefficient or non-portable, @lightning{} is
+both retargetable and very fast.
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden USING
+This manual assumes that you are pretty comfortable with the usage of
address@hidden for dynamic code generation, as described in
address@hidden instruction set, @lightning{}'s instruction set}, and
+instead focuses on the retargeting process.  What follows is nothing
+more then a brief overview of the system.
address@hidden ifclear
+Dynamic code generation is the generation of machine code 
+at runtime. It is typically used to strip a layer of interpretation 
+by allowing compilation to occur at runtime.  One of the most
+well-known applications of dynamic code generation is perhaps that
+of interpreters that compile source code to an intermediate bytecode
+form, which is then recompiled to machine code at run-time: this
+approach effectively combines the portability of bytecode
+representations with the speed of machine code.  Another common
+application of dynamic code generation is in the field of hardware
+simulators and binary emulators, which can use the same techniques
+to translate simulated instructions to the instructions of the 
+underlying machine.
+Yet other applications come to mind: for example, windowing
address@hidden operations, matrix manipulations, and network packet
+filters.  Albeit very powerful and relatively well known within the
+compiler community, dynamic code generation techniques are rarely
+exploited to their full potential and, with the exception of the
+two applications described above, have remained curiosities because
+of their portability and functionality barriers: binary instructions
+are generated, so programs using dynamic code generation must be
+retargeted for each machine; in addition, coding a run-time code
+generator is a tedious and error-prone task more than a difficult one.
address@hidden USING
+This manual describes the @lightning{} dynamic code generation library.
address@hidden provides a portable, fast and easily retargetable dynamic
+code generation system. 
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden USING
address@hidden provides a portable, fast and easily retargetable dynamic
+code generation system. 
address@hidden ifclear
+To be fast, @lightning{} emits machine code without first creating
+intermediate data structures such as RTL representations traditionally
+used by optimizing compilers (@pxref{RTL representation, , , gcc, Using
+and porting GNU CC}).  @lightning{} translates code directly from a
+machine independent interface to that of the underlying architecture.
+This makes code generation more efficient, since no intermediate data
+structures have to be constructed and consumed.  A collateral benefit
+it that @lightning{} consumes little space: other than the memory
+needed to store generated instructions and data structures such as
+parse trees, the only data structure that client will usually need
+is an array of pointers to labels and unresolved jumps, which you
+can often allocate directly on the system stack.
+To be portable, @lightning{} abstracts over current architectures'
+quirks and unorthogonalities.  The interface that it exposes to is that
+of a standardized RISC architecture loosely based on the SPARC and MIPS
+chips.  There are a few general-purpose registers (six, not including
+those used to receive and pass parameters between subroutines), and
+arithmetic operations involve three operands---either three registers
+or two registers and an arbitrarily sized immediate value.
+On one hand, this architecture is general enough that it is possible to
+generate pretty efficient code even on CISC architectures such as the
+Intel x86 or the Motorola 68k families.  On the other hand, it matches
+real architectures closely enough that, most of the time, the
+compiler's constant folding pass ends up generating code which
+assembles machine instructions without further tests.
address@hidden Drawbacks
address@hidden has been useful in practice; however, it does have
+at least four drawbacks: it has limited registers, no peephole
+optimizer, no instruction scheduler and no symbolic debugger. Of
+these, the last is the most critical even though it does not
+affect the quality of generated code: the only way to debug code
+generated at run-time  is to step through it at the level of
+host specific machine code.  A decent knowledge of the underlying
+instruction set is thus needed to make sense of the debugger's
+The low number of available registers (six) is also an important
+limitation.  However, let's take the primary application of dynamic
+code generation, that is, bytecode translators.  The underlying
+virtual machines tend to have very few general purpose registers
+(usually 0 to 2) and the translators seldom rely on sophisticated
+graph-coloring algorithms to allocate registers to temporary
+variables.  Rather, these translators usually obtain performance
+increases because: a) they remove indirect jumps, which are usually
+poorly predicted, and thus often form a bottleneck, b) they
+parameterize the generated code and go through the process of decoding
+the bytecodes just once.  So, their usage of registers is rather
+sparse---in fact, in practice, six registers were found to be
+enough for most purposes.
+The lack of a peephole optimizer is most important on machines where a 
+single instruction can map to multiple native instructions.  For
+instance, Intel chips' division instruction hard-codes the dividend
+to be in EAX and the quotient and remainder to be output, respectively,
+in EAX and EDX: on such chips, @lightning{} does lots of pushing and
+popping of EAX and EDX to save those registers that are not used.  
+Unnecessary stack operations could be removed by looking at whether
+preserved registers are destroyed soon.  Unfortunately, the current 
+implementation of @lightning{} is so fast because it only knows about
+the single instruction that is being generated; performing these
+optimizations would require a flow analysis pass that would probably
+hinder @lightning{}'s speed.
+The lack of an instruction scheduler is not very important---pretty
+good instruction scheduling can actually be obtained by separating
+register writes from register reads.  The only architectures on which
+a scheduler would be useful are those on which arithmetic instructions
+have two operands; an example is, again, the x86, on which the single
+    subr_i  R0, R1, R2       @rem{!Compute R0 = R1 - R2}
address@hidden example
+is translated to two instruction, of which the second depends on the
+result of the first:
+    movl    %ebx, %eax       @rem{! Move R1 into R0}
+    subl    %edx, %eax       @rem{! Subtract R2 from R0}
address@hidden example
address@hidden BOTH
address@hidden Using GNU lightning
address@hidden Using @lightning{}
+This chapter describes installing and using @lightning{}.
address@hidden menu
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden USING
address@hidden using.texi
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden BOTH
address@hidden Porting GNU lightning
address@hidden Porting @lightning{}
+This chapter describes the process of porting @lightning{}.
+It assumes that you are pretty comfortable with the usage of
address@hidden for dynamic code generation, as described in
address@hidden GNU lightning}.
address@hidden menu
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden PORTING
address@hidden porting.texi
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden BOTH
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden Future
address@hidden The future of @lightning{}
+Presented below is the set of tasks that I feel need to be performed
+to make @lightning{} a more fully functional, viable system.  They are
+presented in no particular order.  I would @emph{very much} welcome any
+volunteers who would like to help with the implementation of one or
+more of these tasks.  Please write to me, Paolo Bonzini, at} if you are interested in adding your efforts
+to the @lightning{} project.
address@hidden @bullet
+The most important task to make @lightning{} more widely usable
+is to retarget it.  Although currently supported architectures
+(x86, SPARC, PowerPC) are certainly some of the most widely used,
address@hidden could be ported to others---namely, the Alpha and
+MIPS architectures.
+Another interesting task is to allow the instruction stream to grow
+dynamically.  This is a problem because not all architectures allow
+to write position independent address@hidden x86's absolute
+jumps, for example, are actually slow indirect jumps, and need a
+Optimize leaf procedures on the SPARC.  This involves using the
+output registers (@address@hidden) instead of the local registers
+(@address@hidden) when writing leaf procedures;  the problem is,
+leaf procedures also receive parameters in the output registers,
+so they would be overwritten by write accesses to general-purpose
address@hidden itemize
address@hidden Acknowledgements
address@hidden Acknowledgements
+As far as I know, the first general-purpose portable dynamic code
+generator is @sc{dcg}, by Dawson R.@: Engler and T.@: A.@: Proebsting.
+Further work by Dawson R. Engler resulted in the @sc{vcode} system;
+unlike @sc{dcg}, @sc{vcode} used no intermediate representation and
+directly inspired @lightning{}.
+Thanks go to Ian Piumarta, who kindly accepted to release his own
+program @sc{ccg} under the GNU General Public License, thereby allowing
address@hidden to use the run-time assemblers he had wrote for @sc{ccg}.
address@hidden provides a way of dynamically assemble programs written in the
+underlying architecture's assembly language.  So it is not portable,
+yet very interesting.
+I also thank Steve Byrne for writing GNU Smalltalk, since @lightning{}
+was first developed as a tool to be used in GNU Smalltalk's dynamic
+translator from bytecodes to native code.
address@hidden iftex
diff --git a/doc/lightning.texi b/doc/lightning.texi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dee770e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/lightning.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+\input texinfo.tex  @c -*- texinfo -*-
address@hidden %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)
address@hidden TITLE       Using and porting @sc{gnu} @i{lightning}
address@hidden TOPIC       installing, using and porting
address@hidden BOTH
address@hidden USING
address@hidden PORTING
address@hidden @value{TITLE}
address@hidden Common macros
address@hidden bulletize{a}
address@hidden macro
address@hidden rem{a}
address@hidden macro
address@hidden gnu{}
address@hidden macro
address@hidden lightning{}
address@hidden @i{lightning}
address@hidden macro
address@hidden Macros for Texinfo 3.1/4.0 compatibility
address@hidden Emulate the address@hidden' command which is found in Texinfo 4.0
address@hidden ISTEX
address@hidden iftex
address@hidden @hlink (macro), @url and @email are used instead of @uref for 
Texinfo 3.1
address@hidden compatibility
address@hidden hlink{url, link}
+\link\ (\url\)
address@hidden macro
address@hidden ifhtml can only be true in Texinfo 4.0, which has uref
address@hidden hlink
address@hidden hlink{url, link}
address@hidden, \link\}
address@hidden macro
address@hidden email{mail}
address@hidden:\mail\, , \mail\}
address@hidden macro
address@hidden url{url}
address@hidden macro
address@hidden ifhtml
address@hidden References to the other half of the manual
address@hidden USING
address@hidden usingref{node, name}
address@hidden, , \name\}
address@hidden macro
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden USING
address@hidden usingref{node, name}
address@hidden, , \name\, u-lightning, Using @sc{gnu} @i{lightning}}
address@hidden macro
address@hidden ifclear
address@hidden PORTING
address@hidden portingref{node, name}
address@hidden, , \name\}
address@hidden macro
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden PORTING
address@hidden portingref{node, name}
address@hidden, , \name\, p-lightning, Porting @sc{gnu} @i{lightning}}
address@hidden macro
address@hidden ifclear
address@hidden End of macro section
address@hidden version.texi
address@hidden body.texi
address@hidden %**end of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)
diff --git a/doc/porting.texi b/doc/porting.texi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7423397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/porting.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,1415 @@
address@hidden Structure of a port
address@hidden An overview of the porting process
+A particular port of @lightning{} is composed of four files. These
+have a common suffix which identifies the port (for example,
address@hidden or @code{ppc}), and a prefix that identifies their
+function; they are:
address@hidden @bullet
address@hidden@var{suffix}.h}, which contains the description of the
+target machine's instruction format.  The creation of this file
+is discussed in @ref{Run-time assemblers, , Creating the run-time
address@hidden@var{suffix}.h}, which contains the mappings from
address@hidden's instruction set to the target machine's assembly
+language format.  The creation of this file is discussed in
address@hidden macros, , Creating the platform-independent layer}.
address@hidden@var{suffix}.h}, for now, only contains the definition
+of @code{jit_flush_code}. The creation of this file is briefly
+discussed in @ref{Standard functions, , More complex tasks in
+the platform-independent layer}.
address@hidden@var{suffix}.h}, which contains the description of the
+target machine's instruction format and the internal macros for doing
+floating point computation. The creation of this file is discussed
+in @ref{Floating-point macros, , Implementing macros for floating
address@hidden itemize
+Before doing anything, you have to add the ability to recognize the
+new port during the configuration process.  This is explained in
address@hidden configure, , Automatically recognizing the new platform}.
address@hidden Adjusting configure
address@hidden Automatically recognizing the new platform
+Before starting your port, you have to add the ability to recognize the
+new port during the configure process.  You only have to run
address@hidden, which you'll find in the main distribution
+directory, and note down the first part of the output (up to the first
+Then, in the two files @file{} and @file{lightning.m4},
+lookup the line
+    case "$host_cpu" in
address@hidden example
+and, right after it, add the line:
+    @var{cpu-name})  address@hidden           ;;
address@hidden example
+where @var{cpu-name} is the cpu as output by @file{config.guess}, and
address@hidden is the suffix that you are going to use for your files
+(@pxref{Structure of a port, , An overview of the porting process}).
+Now create empty files for your new port:
+    touch lightning/asm-xxx.h
+    touch lightning/fp-xxx.h
+    touch lightning/core-xxx.h
+    touch lightning/funcs-xxx.h
address@hidden example
+and run @file{configure}, which should create the symlinks that are
+needed by @code{lightning.h}.  This is important because it will allow
+you to use @lightning{} (albeit in a limited way) for testing even
+before the port is completed.
address@hidden Run-time assemblers
address@hidden Creating the run-time assembler
+The run-time assembler is a set of macros whose purpose is to assemble
+instructions for the target machine's assembly language, translating
+mnemonics to machine language together with their operands.  While a
+run-time assembler is not, strictly speaking, part of @lightning{}
+(it is a private layer to be used while implementing the standard
+macros that are ultimately used by clients), designing a run-time
+assembler first allows you to think in terms of assembly language
+rather than binary code (address@hidden), making it considerably easier
+to write the standard macros.
+Creating a run-time assembler is a tedious process rather than a
+difficult one, because most of the time will be spent collecting and
+copying information from the architecture's manual.
+Macros defined by a run-time assembler are conventionally named after
+the mnemonic and the type of its operands.  Examples took from the
+SPARC's run-time assembler are @code{ADDrrr}, a macro that assembles
+an @code{ADD} instruction with three register operands, and
address@hidden, which assembles a @code{SUBCC} instruction whose second
+operand is an immediate and the remaining two are registers.
+The first step in creating the assembler is to pick a convention for
+operand specifiers (@code{r} and @code{i} in the example above) and for
+register names.  On the SPARC, this convention is as follows
address@hidden @code
address@hidden @b{r}
+A register name.  For every @code{r} in the macro name, a numeric
+parameter @code{RR} is passed to the macro, and the operand is assembled
+as @address@hidden
address@hidden @b{i}
+An immediate, usually a 13-bit signed integer (with exception for
+instructions such as @code{SETHI} and branches).  The macros check
+the size of the passed parameter if @lightning{} is configured with
address@hidden @b{x}
+A combination of two @code{r} parameters, which are summed to determine
+the effective address in a memory load/store operation.
address@hidden @b{m}
+A combination of an @code{r} and @code{i} parameter, which are summed to
+determine the effective address in a memory load/store operation.
address@hidden table
+Additional macros can be defined that provide easier access to register
+names.  For example, on the SPARC, @code{_Ro(3)} and @code{_Rg(5)} map
+respectively to @code{%o3} and @code{%g5}; on the x86, instead, symbolic
+representations of the register names are provided (for example,
address@hidden and @code{_EBX}).
+CISC architectures sometimes have registers of different sizes--this is
+the case on the x86 where @code{%ax} is a 16-bit register while
address@hidden is a 32-bit one.  In this case, it can be useful to embed
+information on the size in the definition of register names.  The x86
+machine language, for example, represents all three of @code{%bh},
address@hidden and @code{%edi} as 7; but the x86 run-time assemblers defines
+them with different numbers, putting the register's size in the upper
+nybble (for example, @samp{17h} for @code{%bh} and @samp{27h} for
address@hidden) so that consistency checks can be made on the operands'
+sizes when @code{--enable-assertions} is used.
+The next important part defines the native architecture's instruction
+formats.  These can be as few as ten on RISC architectures, and as many
+as fifty on CISC architectures.  In the latter case it can be useful
+to define more macros for sub-formats (such as macros for different
+addressing modes) or even for sub-fields in an instruction.  Let's see
+an example of these macros.
+#define _2i( OP, RD, OP2, IMM)
+        _I((_u2 (OP )<<30)  |  (_u5(RD)<<25)  |  (_u3(OP2)<<22)  |
+            _u22(IMM)                                            )
address@hidden example
+The name of the macro, @code{_2i}, indicates a two-operand instruction
+comprising an immediate operand.  The instruction format is:
+ .------.---------.------.-------------------------------------------.
+ |  OP  |   RD    | OP2  |               IMM                         |
+ |------+---------+------+-------------------------------------------|
+ |2 bits|  5 bits |3 bits|             22 bits                       |
+ |31-30 |  29-25  | 22-24|              0-21                         |
+ '------'---------'------'-------------------------------------------'
address@hidden example
address@hidden provides macros named @code{_sXX(OP)} and @code{_uXX(OP)},
+where XX is a number between 1 and 31, which address@hidden when
address@hidden is used.} whether @code{OP} can be
+represented as (respectively) a signed or unsigned integer of the
+given size.  What the macro above does, then, is to shift and @sc{or}
+together the different fields, ensuring that each of them fits the field.
+Here is another definition, this time for the PowerPC architecture.
+#define _X(OP,RD,RA,RB,XO,RC)
+        _I((_u6 (OP)<<26)  |  (_u5(RD)<<21)  |  (_u5(RA)<<16)  |
+           ( _u5(RB)<<11)  |  (_u10(XO)<<1)  |   _u1(RC)       )
address@hidden example
+Here is the bit layout corresponding to this instruction format:
+ .--------.--------.--------.--------.---------------------.-------.
+ |    OP  |   RD   |   RA   |   RB   |           X0        |   RC  |
+ |--------+--------+--------+--------+-----------------------------|
+ | 6 bits | 5 bits | 5 bits | 5 bits |         10 bits     | 1 bit |
+ | 31-26  | 25-21  | 16-20  | 11-15  |         1-10        |   0   |
+ '--------'---------'-------'--------'-----------------------------'
address@hidden example
+How do these macros actually generate code? The secret lies in the
address@hidden macro, which is one of four predefined macros which actually
+store machine language instructions in memory.  They are @code{_B},
address@hidden, @code{_I} and @code{_L}, respectively for 8-bit, 16-bit,
+32-bit, and @code{long} (either 32-bit or 64-bit, depending on the
+architecture) values.
+Next comes another set of macros (usually the biggest) which represents
+the actual mnemonics---macros such as @code{ADDrrr} and @code{SUBCCrir},
+which were cited earlier in this chapter, belong to this set.  Most of
+the times, all these macros will do is to use the ``instruction format''
+macros, specifying the values of the fields in the different instruction
+formats.  Let's see a few of these definitions, again taken from the
+SPARC assembler:
+#define BAi(DISP)                       _2   (0, 0,  8, 2, DISP)
+#define BA_Ai(DISP)                     _2   (0, 1,  8, 2, DISP)
+#define SETHIir(IMM, RD)                _2i  (0, RD, 4, IMM)
+#define ADDrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)            _3   (2, RD,  0, RS1, 0, 0, RS2)
+#define ADDrir(RS1, IMM, RD)            _3i  (2, RD,  0, RS1, 1,    IMM)
+#define ADDCCrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)          _3   (2, RD, 16, RS1, 0, 0, RS2)
+#define ADDCCrir(RS1, IMM, RD)          _3i  (2, RD, 16, RS1, 1,    IMM)
+#define ANDrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)            _3   (2, RD,  1, RS1, 0, 0, RS2)
+#define ANDrir(RS1, IMM, RD)            _3i  (2, RD,  1, RS1, 1,    IMM)
+#define ANDCCrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)          _3   (2, RD, 17, RS1, 0, 0, RS2)
+#define ANDCCrir(RS1, IMM, RD)          _3i  (2, RD, 17, RS1, 1,    IMM)
address@hidden example
+A few things have to be noted.  For example:
address@hidden @bullet
+The SPARC assembly language sometimes uses a comma inside a mnemonic
+(for example, @code{ba,a}).  This symbol is not allowed inside a
address@hidden macro name, so it is replaced with an underscore; the same
+is done with the dots found in the PowerPC assembly language (for
+example, @code{andi.} is defined as @code{ANDI_rri}).
+It can be useful to group together instructions with the same
+instruction format, as doing this tends to make the source code
+more readable (numbers are put in the same columns).
+Using an editor without automatic wrap at end of line can be useful,
+since run-time assemblers tend to have very long lines.
address@hidden itemize
+A final touch is to define the synthetic instructions, which are
+usually found on RISC machines.  For example, on the SPARC, the
address@hidden instruction has two synonyms (@code{LDUW} and @code{LDSW})
+which are defined thus:
+#define LDUWxr(RS1, RS2, RD)            LDxr(RS1, RS2, RD)
+#define LDUWmr(RS1, IMM, RD)            LDmr(RS1, IMM, RD)
+#define LDSWxr(RS1, RS2, RD)            LDxr(RS1, RS2, RD)
+#define LDSWmr(RS1, IMM, RD)            LDmr(RS1, IMM, RD)
address@hidden example
+Other common case are instructions which take advantage of registers
+whose value is hard-wired to zero, and short-cut instructions which
+hard-code some or all of the operands:
address@hidden/* Destination is %g0\, which the processor never overwrites. */}
+#define CMPrr(R1, R2)   SUBCCrrr(R1, R2, 0) @rem{/* subcc %r1\, %r2\, %g0 */}
address@hidden/* One of the source registers is hard-coded to be %g0. */}
+#define NEGrr(R,S)      SUBrrr(0, R, S)     @rem{/* sub %g0\, %rR\, %rS */}
address@hidden/* All of the operands are hard-coded. */}
+#define RET()           JMPLmr(31,8 ,0)     @rem{/* jmpl [%r31+8]\, %g0  */}
address@hidden/* One of the operands acts as both source and destination */}
+#define BSETrr(R,S)     ORrrr(R, S, S)      @rem{/* or %rR\, %rS\, %rS */}
address@hidden example
+Specific to RISC computers, finally, is the instruction to load an
+arbitrarily sized immediate into a register.  This instruction is
+usually implemented as one or two basic instructions:
+If the number is small enough, an instruction is sufficient
+(@code{LI} or @code{ORI} on the PowerPC, @code{MOV} on the SPARC).
+If the lowest bits are all zeroed, an instruction is sufficient
+(@code{LIS} on the PowerPC, @code{SETHI} on the SPARC).
+Otherwise, the high bits are set first (with @code{LIS} or
address@hidden), and the result is then @sc{or}ed with the low
address@hidden enumerate
+Here is the definition of such an instruction for the PowerPC:
+#define MOVEIri(R,I)      (_siP(16,I) ? LIri(R,I) :     \ @rem{/* case 1    */}
+                          (_uiP(16,I) ? ORIrri(R,0,I) : \ @rem{/* case 1    */}
+                          _MOVEIri(R, _HI(I), _LO(I)) ))  @rem{/* case 2/3  */}
+#define _MOVEIri(H,L,R)  (LISri(R,H), (L ? ORIrri(R,R,L) : 0))
address@hidden example
+and for the SPARC:
+#define SETir(I,R)      (_siP(13,I) ? MOVir(I,R) : \
+                        _SETir(_HI(I), _LO(I), R))
+#define _SETir(H,L,R)   (SETHIir(H,R), (L ? ORrir(R,L,R) : 0))
address@hidden example
+In both cases, @code{_HI} and @code{_LO} are macros for internal use
+that extract different parts of the immediate operand.
+You should take a look at the run-time assemblers distributed with
address@hidden before trying to craft your own.  In particular, make
+sure you understand the RISC run-time assemblers (the SPARC's is
+the simplest) before trying to decypher the x86 run-time assembler,
+which is significantly more complex.
address@hidden Standard macros
address@hidden Creating the platform-independent layer
+The platform-independent layer is the one that is ultimately used
+by @lightning{} clients.  Creating this layer is a matter of creating
+a hundred or so macros that comprise part of the interface used by
+the clients, as described in
address@hidden instruction set, @lightning{}'s instruction set}.
+Fortunately, a number of these definitions are common to the different
+platforms and are defined just once in one of the header files that
+make up @lightning{}, that is, @file{core-common.h}.
+Most of the macros are relatively straight-forward to implement (with
+a few caveats for architectures whose assembly language only offers
+two-operand arithmetic instructions).  This section will cover the
+tricky points, before presenting the complete listing of the macros
+that make up the platform-independent interface provided by
address@hidden menu
address@hidden Forward references
address@hidden Implementing forward references
+Implementation of forward references takes place in:
address@hidden @bullet
address@hidden The branch macros
address@hidden The @code{jit_patch} macros
address@hidden itemize
+Roughly speaking, the branch macros, as seen in @usingref{GNU lightning
+macros, Generating code at run-time}, return a value that later calls
+to @code{jit_patch} use to complete the assembly of the forward
+reference.  This value is usually the contents of the program counter
+after the branch instruction is compiled (which is accessible in the
address@hidden variable).  Let's see an example from the x86 back-end:
+#define jit_bmsr_i(label, s1, s2)                            \
+   (TESTLrr((s1), (s2)), JNZm(label,0,0,0), _jit.pc)
address@hidden example
+The @code{bms} (@dfn{branch if mask set}) instruction is assembled as
+the combination of a @code{TEST} instruction (bit-wise @sc{and} between
+the two operands) and a @code{JNZ} instruction (jump if non-zero).  The
+macro then returns the final value of the program counter.
address@hidden is one of the few macros that need to possess a
+knowledge of the machine's instruction formats.  Its purpose is to
+patch a branch instruction (identified by the value returned at the
+moment the branch was compiled) to jump to the current position (that
+is, to the address identified by @code{_jit.pc}).
+On the x86, the displacement between the jump and the landing point is
+expressed as a 32-bit signed integer lying in the last four bytes of the
+jump instruction.  The definition of @code{_jit_patch} is:
+#define jit_patch(jump_pc)      (*_PSL((jump_pc) - 4) = \
+                                 _jit.pc - (jump_pc))
address@hidden example
+The @code{_PSL} macro is nothing more than a cast to @code{long *},
+and is used here to shorten the definition and avoid cluttering it with
+excessive parentheses.  These type-cast macros are:
address@hidden @bullet
address@hidden @code{_PUC(X)} to cast to a @code{unsigned char *}.
address@hidden @code{_PUS(X)} to cast to a @code{unsigned short *}.
address@hidden @code{_PUI(X)} to cast to a @code{unsigned int *}.
address@hidden @code{_PSL(X)} to cast to a @code{long *}.
address@hidden @code{_PUL(X)} to cast to a @code{unsigned long *}.
address@hidden itemize
+On other platforms, notably RISC ones, the displacement is embedded into
+the instruction itself.  In this case, @code{jit_patch} must first zero
+out the field, and then @sc{or} in the correct displacement.  The SPARC,
+for example, encodes the displacement in the bottom 22 bits; in addition
+the right-most two bits are suppressed, which are always zero because
+instruction have to be word-aligned.
+#define jit_patch(delay_pc)   jit_patch_ ( ((delay_pc) - 1) )
address@hidden/* branch instructions return the address of the @emph{delay}
+ * instruction---this is just a helper macro that makes the code more
+ * readable.
+ */}
+#define jit_patch_(jump_pc)   (*jump_pc =                  \
+        (*jump_pc & ~_MASK(22)) |                          \
+         ((_UL(_jit.pc) - _UL(jump_pc)) >> 2) & _MASK(22))
address@hidden example
+This introduces more predefined shortcut macros:
address@hidden @bullet
address@hidden @code{_UC(X)} to cast to a @code{unsigned char}.
address@hidden @code{_US(X)} to cast to a @code{unsigned short}.
address@hidden @code{_UI(X)} to cast to a @code{unsigned int}.
address@hidden @code{_SL(X)} to cast to a @code{long}.
address@hidden @code{_UL(X)} to cast to a @code{unsigned long}.
address@hidden @code{_MASK(N)} gives a binary number made of N ones.
address@hidden itemize
address@hidden Common features
address@hidden Common features supported by @file{core-common.h}
+The @file{core-common.h} file contains hundreds of macro definitions
+which will spare you defining a lot of things in the files the are
+specific to your port.  Here is a list of the features that 
address@hidden provides.
address@hidden @b
address@hidden Support for common synthetic instructions
+These are instructions that can be represented as a simple operation,
+for example a bit-wise @sc{and} or a subtraction.  @file{core-common.h}
+recognizes when the port-specific header file defines these macros and
+avoids compiler warnings about redefined macros, but there should be
+no need to define them.  They are:
+#define jit_extr_c_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_extr_i_ul(d, rs)
+#define jit_extr_s_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_negr_i(d, rs)
+#define jit_negr_l(d, rs)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Support for the @sc{abi}
+Both @code{jit_prolog}, @code{jit_leaf} and @code{jit_finish} are not
+mandatory.  If not defined, they will be defined respectively as an
+empty macro, as a synonym for @code{jit_prolog}, and as a synonym for
address@hidden  Whether to define them or not in the port-specific
+header file, it depends on the underlying architecture's @sc{abi}---in
+general, however, you'll need to define at least @code{jit_prolog}.
address@hidden Support for uncommon instructions
+These are instructions that many widespread architectures lack.
address@hidden is able to provide default definitions, but they
+are usually inefficient if the hardware provides a way to do these
+operations with a single instruction.  They are extension with sign
+and ``reverse subtraction'' (that is, address@hidden@math{-}REG1):
+#define jit_extr_c_i(d, rs)
+#define jit_extr_s_i(d, rs)
+#define jit_rsbi_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_rsbi_l(d, rs, is)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Conversion between network and host byte ordering
+These macros are no-ops on big endian systems.  Don't define them on
+such systems; on the other hand, they are mandatory on little endian
+systems.  They are:
+#define jit_ntoh_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_ntoh_us(d, rs)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Support for a ``zero'' register
+Many RISC architectures provide a read-only register whose value is
+hard-coded to be zero; this register is then used implicitly when
+referring to a memory location using a single register.  For example,
+on the SPARC, an operand like @code{[%l6]} is actually assembled as
address@hidden  If this is the case, you should define
address@hidden to be the number of this register; @file{core-common.h}
+will use it to implement all variations of the @code{ld} and @code{st}
+instructions.  For example:
+#define jit_ldi_c(d, is)         jit_ldxi_c(d, JIT_RZERO, is)
+#define jit_ldr_i(d, rs)         jit_ldxr_c(d, JIT_RZERO, rs)
address@hidden example
+If available, JIT_RZERO is also used to provide more efficient
+definitions of the @code{neg} instruction (see ``Support for common
+synthetic instructions'', above).
address@hidden Synonyms
address@hidden provides a lot of trivial definitions which make
+the instruction set as orthogonal as possible.  For example, adding two
+unsigned integers is exactly the same as adding two signed integers
+(assuming a two's complement representation of negative numbers); yet,
address@hidden provides both @code{jit_addr_i} and @code{jit_addr_ui}
+macros.  Similarly, pointers and unsigned long integers behave in the
+same way, but @lightning{} has separate instruction for the two data
+types---those that operate on pointers usually comprise a typecast
+that makes programs clearer.
address@hidden Shortcuts
+These define ``synthetic'' instructions whose definition is not as
+trivial as in the case of synonyms, but is anyway standard.  This
+is the case for bitwise @sc{not} (which is implemented by XORing a
+string of ones), ``reverse subtraction'' between registers (which is
+converted to a normal subtraction with the two source operands
+inverted), and subtraction of an immediate from a register (which is
+converted to an addition).  Unlike @code{neg} and @code{ext} (see
+``Support for common synthetic instructions'', above), which are
+simply non-mandatory, you must not define these functions.
address@hidden Support for @code{long}s
+On most systems, @code{long}s and @code{unsigned long}s are the same
+as, respectively, @code{int}s and @code{unsigned int}s.  In this case,
address@hidden defines operations on these types to be synonyms.
address@hidden @code{jit_state}
+Last but not least, @file{core-common.h} defines the @code{jit_state}
+type.  Part of this @code{struct} is machine-dependent and includes
+all kinds of state needed by the back-end; this part is always
+accessible in a re-entrant way as @code{_jitl}.  @code{_jitl} will be
+of type @code{struct jit_local_state}; this struct must be defined
+even if no state is required.
address@hidden table
address@hidden Delay slots
address@hidden Supporting scheduling of delay slots
+Delay slot scheduling is obtained by clients through the
address@hidden macro.  However this macro is not to be defined
+in the platform-independent layer, because @lightning{} provides
+a common definition in @file{core-common.h}.
+Instead, the platform-independent layer must define another macro,
+called @code{jit_fill_delay_after}, which has to exchange the
+instruction to be scheduled in the delay slot with the branch
+instruction.  The only parameter accepted by the macro is a call
+to a branch macro, which must be expanded @strong{exactly once} by
address@hidden  The client must be able to pass the
+return value of @code{jit_fill_delay_after} to @code{jit_patch}.
+There are two possible approaches that can be used in
address@hidden  They are summarized in the following
address@hidden @bullet
+The branch instructions assemble a @sc{nop} instruction which is
+then removed by @code{jit_fill_delay_after}.
+     before                         |   after
+   ---------------------------------+-----------------------------
+     ...                            |
+     <would-be delay instruction>   |    <branch instruction>
+     <branch instruction>           |    <delay instruction>
+     NOP                            |           <--- _jit.pc
+              <--- _jit.pc          |
address@hidden example
+The branch instruction assembles the branch so that the delay
+slot is annulled, @code{jit_fill_delay_after} toggles the bit:
+     before                         |   after
+   ---------------------------------+-----------------------------
+     ...                            |
+     <would-be delay instruction>   |    <branch instruction>
+     <branch with annulled delay>   |    <delay instruction>
+              <--- _jit.pc          |           <--- _jit.pc
address@hidden example
address@hidden itemize
+Don't forget that you can take advantage of delay slots in the
+implementation of boolean instructions such as @code{le} or @code{gt}.
address@hidden Immediate values
address@hidden Supporting arbitrarily sized immediate values
+This is a problem that is endemic to RISC machines.  The basic idea
+is to reserve one or two register to represent large immediate values.
+Let's see an example from the SPARC:
+   addi_i R0, V2, 45         |  addi_i R0, V2, 10000
+  ---------------------------+---------------------------
+   add    %l5, 45, %l0       |  set    10000, %l6
+                             |  add    %l5, %l6, %l0
address@hidden example
+In this case, @code{%l6} is reserved to be used for large immediates.
+An elegant solution is to use an internal macro which automatically
+decides which version is to be compiled.
+Beware of register conflicts on machines with delay slots.  This is
+the case for the SPARC, where @code{%l7} is used instead for large
+immediates in compare-and-branch instructions.  So the sequence
+   jit_delay(
+      jit_addi_i(JIT_R0, JIT_V2, 10000),
+      jit_blei_i(label, JIT_R1, 20000)
+   );
address@hidden example
+is assembled this way:
+   set 10000, %l6       @rem{! prepare immediate for add}
+   set 20000, %l7       @rem{! prepare immediate for cmp}
+   cmp %l1, %l7
+   ble label
+   add %l5, %l6, %l0    @rem{! delay slot}
+       @end example
+Note that using @code{%l6} in the branch instruction would have given
+an incorrect address@hidden would have been filled with the value of
address@hidden@i{20000}} rather than @address@hidden
address@hidden Implementing the ABI
address@hidden Implementing the ABI
+Implementing the underlying architecture's @sc{abi} is done in the
+macros that handle function prologs and epilogs and argument passing.
+Let's look at the prologs and epilogs first.  These are usually pretty
+simple and, what's more important, with constant content---that is,
+they always generate exactly the same instruction sequence.  Here is
+an example:
+          SPARC                        x86
+          save %sp, -96, %sp           push %ebp
+                                       push %ebx
+                                       push %esi
+                                       push %edi
+                                       movl %esp, %ebp
+          ...                          ...
+          ret                          popl %edi
+          restore                      popl %esi
+                                       popl %ebx
+                                       popl %ebp
+                                       ret
address@hidden example
+The registers that are saved (@code{%ebx}, @code{%esi}, @code{%edi}) are
+mapped to the @code{V0} through @code{V2} registers in the @lightning{}
+instruction set.
+Argument passing is more tricky.  There are basically three
address@hidden speed and ease of implementation, @lightning{} does not
+currently support passing some of the parameters on the stack and some
+in registers.}:
address@hidden @b
address@hidden Register windows
+Output registers are different from input registers---the prolog takes
+care of moving the caller's output registers to the callee's input
+registers.  This is the case with the SPARC.
address@hidden Passing parameters via registers
+In this case, output registers are the same as input registers.  The
+program must take care of saving input parameters somewhere (on the
+stack, or in non-argument registers).  This is the case with the
address@hidden All the parameters are passed on the stack
+This case is by far the simplest and is the most common in CISC
+architectures, like the x86 and Motorola 68000.
address@hidden table
+In all cases, the port-specific header file will define two variable
+for private use---one to be used by the caller during the
address@hidden/@code{pusharg}/@code{finish} sequence, one to be used
+by the callee, specifically in the @code{jit_prolog} and @code{jit_arg}
+Let's look again, this time with more detail, at each of the cases.
address@hidden @b
address@hidden Register windows
address@hidden is the same as @code{jit_calli}, and is defined
+in @file{core-common.h} (@pxref{Common features, , Common features
+supported by @file{core-common.h}}).
+#define jit_prepare(numargs)  (_jitl.pusharg = _Ro(numargs))
+#define jit_pusharg_i(rs)     (--_jitl.pusharg,         \
+                               MOVrr((rs), _jitl.pusharg))
address@hidden example
+Remember that arguments pushing takes place in reverse order, thus
+giving a pre-decrement (rather than post-increment) in
+Here is what happens on the callee's side:
+#define jit_arg_c()           (_jitl.getarg++)
+#define jit_getarg_c(rd, ofs) jit_extr_c_i  ((rd), (ofs))
+#define jit_prolog(numargs)   (SAVErir(JIT_SP, -96, JIT_SP), \
+                               _jitl.getarg = _Ri(0))
address@hidden example
+The @code{jit_arg} macros return nothing more than a register index,
+which is then used by the @code{jit_getarg} macros.  @code{jit_prolog}
+resets the counter used by @code{jit_arg} to zero; the @code{numargs}
+parameter is not used. It is sufficient for @code{jit_leaf} to be a
+synonym for @code{jit_prolog}.
address@hidden Passing parameter via registers
+The code is almost the same as that for the register windows case, but
+with an additional address@hidden will transfer the
+argument from the input register to a non-argument register so that
+function calls will not clobber it.  The prolog and epilog code can then
+become unbearably long, up to 20 instructions on the PPC; a common
+solution in this case is that of @dfn{trampolines}.
+The prolog does nothing more than put the function's actual address in a
+caller-preserved register and then call the trampoline:
+       mflr    r0                 @rem{! grab return address}
+       movei   r10, trampo_2args  @rem{! jump to trampoline}
+       mtlr    r10
+       blrl
+here:  mflr    r31                @rem{! r31 = address of epilog}
+       @rem{...actual code...}
+       mtlr    r31                @rem{! return to the trampoline}
+       blr
address@hidden example
+In this case, @code{jit_prolog} does use its argument containing the
+number of parameters to pick the appropriate trampoline. Here,
address@hidden is the address of a trampoline designed for
+2-argument functions.
+The trampoline executes the prolog code, jumps to the contents of
address@hidden, and upon return from the subroutine it executes the
+epilog code.
address@hidden All the parameters are passed on the stack
address@hidden uses a hardware push operation, which is commonly
+available on CISC machines (where this approach is most likely
+followed).  Since the stack has to be cleaned up after the call,
address@hidden remembers how many parameters have been put there,
+and @code{jit_finish} adjusts the stack pointer after the call.
+#define jit_prepare(numargs) (_jitl.args += (numargs))
+#define jit_pusharg_i(rs)    PUSHLr(rs)
+#define jit_finish(sub)      (jit_calli((sub)),              \
+                             ADDLir(4 * _jitl.args, JIT_SP), \
+                             _jitl.numargs = 0)
address@hidden example
+Note the usage of @code{+=} in @code{jit_prepare}.  This is done
+so that one can defer the popping of the arguments that were saved
+on the stack (@dfn{stack pollution}).  To do so, it is sufficient to
+use @code{jit_calli} instead of @code{jit_finish} in all but the
+last call.
+On the caller's side, @code{arg} returns an offset relative to the
+frame pointer, and @code{getarg} loads the argument from the stack:
+#define jit_getarg_c(rd, ofs) jit_ldxi_c((rd), _EBP, (ofs));
+#define jit_arg_c()           ((_jitl.frame += sizeof(int) \
+                                            -  sizeof(int))
address@hidden example
+The @code{_jitl.frame} variable is initialized by @code{jit_prolog}
+with the displacement between the value of the frame pointer
+(@code{%ebp}) and the address of the first parameter.
address@hidden table
+These schemes are the most used, so @file{core-common.h} provides a way
+to employ them automatically.  If you do not define the
address@hidden macro and its companions, @file{core-common.h} will
+presume that you intend to pass parameters through either the registers
+or the stack.
+If you define @code{JIT_FP}, stack-based parameter passing will be
+employed and the @code{jit_getarg} macros will be defined like this:
+#define jit_getarg_c(reg, ofs)  jit_ldxi_c((reg), JIT_FP, (ofs));
address@hidden example
+In other words, the @code{jit_arg} macros (which are still to be defined
+by the platform-specific back-end) shall return an offset into the stack
+frame.  On the other hand, if you don't define @code{JIT_FP},
+register-based parameter passing will be employed and the @code{jit_arg}
+macros shall return a register number; in this case, @code{jit_getarg}
+will be implemented in terms of @code{jit_extr} and @code{jit_movr}
+#define jit_getarg_c(reg, ofs)         jit_extr_c_i  ((reg), (ofs))
+#define jit_getarg_i(reg, ofs)         jit_movr_i    ((reg), (ofs))
address@hidden example
address@hidden Macro list
address@hidden Macros composing the platform-independent layer
address@hidden @b
address@hidden Register names (all mandatory but the last two)
+#define JIT_R0
+#define JIT_R1
+#define JIT_R2
+#define JIT_V0
+#define JIT_V1
+#define JIT_V2
+#define JIT_SP
+#define JIT_FP
+#define JIT_RZERO
address@hidden example
address@hidden Helper macros (non-mandatory):
+#define jit_fill_delay_after(branch)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Mandatory:
+#define jit_arg_c()
+#define jit_arg_i()
+#define jit_arg_l()
+#define jit_arg_p()
+#define jit_arg_s()
+#define jit_arg_uc()
+#define jit_arg_ui()
+#define jit_arg_ul()
+#define jit_arg_us()
+#define jit_addi_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_addr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_addxi_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_addxr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_andi_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_andr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_beqi_i(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_beqr_i(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bgei_i(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bgei_ui(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bger_i(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bger_ui(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bgti_i(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bgti_ui(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bgtr_i(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bgtr_ui(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_blei_i(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_blei_ui(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bler_i(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bler_ui(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_blti_i(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_blti_ui(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bltr_i(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bltr_ui(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_boaddi_i(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_boaddi_ui(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_boaddr_i(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_boaddr_ui(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bosubi_i(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bosubi_ui(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bosubr_i(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bosubr_ui(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bmci_i(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bmcr_i(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bmsi_i(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bmsr_i(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bnei_i(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bner_i(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_calli(label)
+#define jit_divi_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_divi_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_divr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_divr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_eqi_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_eqr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_gei_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_gei_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ger_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ger_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_gti_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_gti_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_gtr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_gtr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_hmuli_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_hmuli_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_hmulr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_hmulr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_jmpi(label)
+#define jit_jmpr(reg)
+#define jit_ldxi_c(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ldxi_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ldxi_s(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ldxi_uc(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ldxi_us(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ldxr_c(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ldxr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ldxr_s(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ldxr_uc(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ldxr_us(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_lei_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_lei_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ler_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ler_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_lshi_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_lshr_i(d, r1, r2)
+#define jit_lti_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_lti_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ltr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ltr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_modi_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_modi_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_modr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_modr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_movi_i(d, is)
+#define jit_movr_i(d, rs)
+#define jit_muli_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_muli_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_mulr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_mulr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_nei_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ner_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_nop()
+#define jit_ori_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_orr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_patch(jump_pc)
+#define jit_pop_i(rs)
+#define jit_prepare(numargs)
+#define jit_push_i(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_i(rs)
+#define jit_ret()
+#define jit_retval_i(rd)
+#define jit_rshi_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_rshi_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_rshr_i(d, r1, r2)
+#define jit_rshr_ui(d, r1, r2)
+#define jit_stxi_c(rd, id, rs)
+#define jit_stxi_i(rd, id, rs)
+#define jit_stxi_s(rd, id, rs)
+#define jit_stxr_c(d1, d2, rs)
+#define jit_stxr_i(d1, d2, rs)
+#define jit_stxr_s(d1, d2, rs)
+#define jit_subr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_subxi_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_subxr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_xori_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_xorr_i(d, s1, s2)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Non mandatory---there should be no need to define them:
+#define jit_extr_c_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_extr_i_ul(d, rs)
+#define jit_extr_s_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_negr_i(d, rs)
+#define jit_negr_l(d, rs)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Non mandatory---whether to define them depends on the @sc{abi}:
+#define jit_prolog()
+#define jit_finish()
+#define jit_leaf()
+#define jit_getarg_c(reg, ofs)
+#define jit_getarg_i(reg, ofs)
+#define jit_getarg_l(reg, ofs)
+#define jit_getarg_p(reg, ofs)
+#define jit_getarg_s(reg, ofs)
+#define jit_getarg_uc(reg, ofs)
+#define jit_getarg_ui(reg, ofs)
+#define jit_getarg_ul(reg, ofs)
+#define jit_getarg_us(reg, ofs)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Non mandatory---define them if instructions that do this exist:
+#define jit_extr_c_i(d, rs)
+#define jit_extr_s_i(d, rs)
+#define jit_rsbi_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_rsbi_l(d, rs, is)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Non mandatory if condition code are always set by add/sub, 
needed on other systems:
+#define jit_addci_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_addci_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_subci_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_subci_l(d, rs, is)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Mandatory on little endian systems---don't define them on other 
+#define jit_ntoh_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_ntoh_us(d, rs)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Mandatory if JIT_RZERO not defined---don't define them if it is 
+#define jit_ldi_c(d, is)
+#define jit_ldi_i(d, is)
+#define jit_ldi_s(d, is)
+#define jit_ldr_c(d, rs)
+#define jit_ldr_i(d, rs)
+#define jit_ldr_s(d, rs)
+#define jit_ldi_uc(d, is)
+#define jit_ldi_ui(d, is)
+#define jit_ldi_ul(d, is)
+#define jit_ldi_us(d, is)
+#define jit_ldr_uc(d, rs)
+#define jit_ldr_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_ldr_ul(d, rs)
+#define jit_ldr_us(d, rs)
+#define jit_sti_c(id, rs)
+#define jit_sti_i(id, rs)
+#define jit_sti_s(id, rs)
+#define jit_str_c(rd, rs)
+#define jit_str_i(rd, rs)
+#define jit_str_s(rd, rs)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Synonyms---don't define them:
+#define jit_addi_p(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_addi_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_addi_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_addr_p(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_addr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_addr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_andi_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_andi_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_andr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_andr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_beqi_p(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_beqi_ui(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_beqi_ul(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_beqr_p(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_beqr_ui(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_beqr_ul(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bmci_ui(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bmci_ul(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bmcr_ui(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bmcr_ul(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bmsi_ui(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bmsi_ul(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bmsr_ui(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bmsr_ul(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bgei_p(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bger_p(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bgti_p(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bgtr_p(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_blei_p(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bler_p(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_blti_p(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bltr_p(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bnei_p(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bnei_ui(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bnei_ul(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bner_p(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bner_ui(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bner_ul(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_eqi_p(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_eqi_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_eqi_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_eqr_p(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_eqr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_eqr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_extr_uc_i(d, rs)
+#define jit_extr_uc_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_extr_ui_l(d, rs)
+#define jit_extr_ui_l(d, rs)
+#define jit_extr_ui_ul(d, rs)
+#define jit_extr_ui_ul(d, rs)
+#define jit_extr_us_i(d, rs)
+#define jit_extr_us_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_gei_p(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ger_p(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_gti_p(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_gtr_p(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ldr_p(d, rs)
+#define jit_ldi_p(d, is)
+#define jit_ldxi_p(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ldxr_p(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_lei_p(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ler_p(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_lshi_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_lshi_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_lshr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_lshr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_lti_p(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ltr_p(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_movi_p(d, is)
+#define jit_movi_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_movi_ul(d, rs)
+#define jit_movr_p(d, rs)
+#define jit_movr_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_movr_ul(d, rs)
+#define jit_nei_p(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_nei_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_nei_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ner_p(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ner_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ner_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_hton_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_hton_us(d, rs)
+#define jit_ori_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ori_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_orr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_orr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_pop_ui(rs)
+#define jit_pop_ul(rs)
+#define jit_push_ui(rs)
+#define jit_push_ul(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_c(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_p(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_s(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_uc(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_ui(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_ul(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_us(rs)
+#define jit_retval_c(rd)
+#define jit_retval_p(rd)
+#define jit_retval_s(rd)
+#define jit_retval_uc(rd)
+#define jit_retval_ui(rd)
+#define jit_retval_ul(rd)
+#define jit_retval_us(rd)
+#define jit_rsbi_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_rsbi_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_rsbr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_rsbr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_sti_p(d, is)
+#define jit_sti_uc(d, is)
+#define jit_sti_ui(d, is)
+#define jit_sti_ul(d, is)
+#define jit_sti_us(d, is)
+#define jit_str_p(d, rs)
+#define jit_str_uc(d, rs)
+#define jit_str_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_str_ul(d, rs)
+#define jit_str_us(d, rs)
+#define jit_stxi_p(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_stxi_uc(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_stxi_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_stxi_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_stxi_us(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_stxr_p(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_stxr_uc(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_stxr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_stxr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_stxr_us(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_subi_p(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_subi_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_subi_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_subr_p(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_subr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_subr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_xori_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_xori_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_xorr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_xorr_ul(d, s1, s2)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Shortcuts---don't define them:
+#define jit_notr_c(d, rs)
+#define jit_notr_i(d, rs)
+#define jit_notr_l(d, rs)
+#define jit_notr_s(d, rs)
+#define jit_notr_uc(d, rs)
+#define jit_notr_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_notr_ul(d, rs)
+#define jit_notr_us(d, rs)
+#define jit_rsbr_i(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_rsbr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_subi_i(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_subi_l(d, rs, is)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Mandatory if sizeof(long) != sizeof(int)---don't define them on 
other systems:
+#define jit_addi_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_addr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_andi_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_andr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_beqi_l(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_beqr_l(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bgei_l(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bgei_ul(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bger_l(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bger_ul(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bgti_l(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bgti_ul(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bgtr_l(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bgtr_ul(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_blei_l(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_blei_ul(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bler_l(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bler_ul(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_blti_l(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_blti_ul(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bltr_l(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bltr_ul(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bosubi_l(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bosubi_ul(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bosubr_l(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bosubr_ul(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_boaddi_l(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_boaddi_ul(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_boaddr_l(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_boaddr_ul(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bmci_l(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bmcr_l(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bmsi_l(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bmsr_l(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_bnei_l(label, rs, is)
+#define jit_bner_l(label, s1, s2)
+#define jit_divi_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_divi_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_divr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_divr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_eqi_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_eqr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_gei_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_gei_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ger_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ger_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_gti_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_gti_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_gtr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_gtr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_hmuli_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_hmuli_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_hmulr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_hmulr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ldi_l(d, is)
+#define jit_ldi_ui(d, is)
+#define jit_ldr_l(d, rs)
+#define jit_ldr_ui(d, rs)
+#define jit_ldxi_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ldxi_ui(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ldxi_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ldxr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ldxr_ui(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ldxr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_lei_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_lei_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ler_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ler_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_lshi_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_lshr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_lti_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_lti_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ltr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ltr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_modi_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_modi_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_modr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_modr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_movi_l(d, rs)
+#define jit_movr_l(d, rs)
+#define jit_muli_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_muli_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_mulr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_mulr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_nei_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_ner_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_ori_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_orr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_pop_l(rs)
+#define jit_push_l(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_l(rs)
+#define jit_retval_l(rd)
+#define jit_rshi_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_rshi_ul(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_rshr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_rshr_ul(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_sti_l(d, is)
+#define jit_str_l(d, rs)
+#define jit_stxi_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_stxr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_subr_l(d, s1, s2)
+#define jit_xori_l(d, rs, is)
+#define jit_xorr_l(d, s1, s2)
address@hidden example
address@hidden table
address@hidden Standard functions
address@hidden More complex tasks in the platform-independent layer
+There is actually a single function that you @strong{must} define
+in the @address@hidden file, that is, @code{jit_flush_code}.
+As explained in @usingref{GNU lightning macros, Generating code at
+run-time}, its purpose is to flush part of the processor's
+instruction cache (usually the part of memory that contains the
+generated code), avoiding the processor executing bogus data
+that it happens to find in the cache.  The @code{jit_flush_code}
+function takes the first and the last address to flush.
+On many processors (for example, the x86 and the all the processors
+in the 68k family up to the 68030), it is not even necessary to flush
+the cache.  In this case, the contents of the file will simply be
+#ifndef __lightning_funcs_h
+#define __lightning_funcs_h
+#define jit_flush_code(dest, end)
+#endif @rem{/* __lightning_core_h */}
address@hidden example
+On other processors, flushing the cache is necessary for
+proper behavior of the program; in this case, the file will contain
+a proper definition of the function.  However, we must make yet
+another distinction.
+On some processors, flushing the cache is obtained through a call
+to the operating system or to the C run-time library.  In this case,
+the definition of @code{jit_flush_code} will be very simple: two
+examples are the Alpha and the 68040. For the Alpha the code will
+#define jit_flush_code(dest, end) \
+        __asm__ __volatile__("call_pal 0x86");
address@hidden example
+and, for the Motorola
+#define jit_flush_code(start, end) \
+        __clear_cache((start), (end))
address@hidden example
+As you can see, the Alpha does not even need to pass the start and
+end address to the function.  It is good practice to protect usage of
+the @acronym{GNU CC}-specific @code{__asm__} directive by relying
+on the preprocessor.  For example:
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__GNUG__)
+#error Go get GNU C, I do not know how to flush the cache
+#error with this compiler.
+#define jit_flush_code(dest, end) \
+        __asm__ __volatile__("call_pal 0x86");
address@hidden example
address@hidden's configuration process tries to compile a dummy file that
+includes @code{lightning.h}, and gives a warning if there are problem
+with the compiler that is installed on the system.
+In more complex cases, you'll need to write a full-fledged function.
+Don't forget to make it @code{static}, otherwise you'll have problems
+linking programs that include @code{lightning.h} multiple times. An
+example, taken from the @file{funcs-ppc.h} file, is:
+#ifndef __lightning_funcs_h
+#define __lightning_funcs_h
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__GNUG__)
+#error Go get GNU C, I do not know how to flush the cache
+#error with this compiler.
+static void
+jit_flush_code(start, end)
+     void       *start;
+     void       *end;
+  register char *dest = start;
+  for (; dest <= end; dest += SIZEOF_CHAR_P)
+    __asm__ __volatile__ 
+      ("dcbst 0,%0; sync; icbi 0,%0; isync"::"r"(dest));
+#endif /* __lightning_funcs_h */
address@hidden example
+The @address@hidden file is also the right place to put
+helper functions that do complex tasks for the
address@hidden@var{suffix}.h} file.  For example, the PowerPC assembler
+defines @code{jit_prolog} as a function and puts it in that file (for more
+information, @pxref{Implementing the ABI}).  Take special care when
+defining such a function, as explained in @usingref{Reentrancy,
+Reentrant usage of @lightning{}}.
address@hidden Floating-point macros
address@hidden Implementing macros for floating point
diff --git a/doc/toc.texi b/doc/toc.texi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a37022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/toc.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
address@hidden These macros are used because these items could go both in the
address@hidden short listing (for partial books) and in the detailed listing
address@hidden (for full books - i.e. using & porting)
address@hidden usingmenu{}
address@hidden USING
+* Installation::          Configuring and installing GNU lightning
+* The instruction set::   The RISC instruction set used i GNU lightning
+* GNU lightning macros::  GNU lightning's macros
+* Floating-point::        Doing floating point computations.
+* Reentrancy::            Re-entrant usage of GNU lightning
+* Autoconf support::      Using @code{autoconf} with GNU lightning
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden macro
address@hidden portingmenu{}
address@hidden PORTING
+* Structure of a port::   An overview of the porting process
+* Adjusting configure::   Automatically recognizing the new platform
+* Run-time assemblers::   An internal layer to simplify porting
+* Standard macros::       The platform-independent layer used by clients.
+* Standard functions::    Doing more complex tasks.
+* Floating-point macros:: Implementing macros for floating point.
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden macro
address@hidden standardmacrosmenu{}
address@hidden This comment is needed because of makeinfo's vagaries...
+* Forward references::    Implementing forward references
+* Common features::       Common features supported by @file{core-common.h}
+* Delay slots::           Supporting scheduling of delay slots
+* Immediate values::      Supporting arbitrarily sized immediate values
+* Implementing the ABI::  Function prologs and epilogs, and argument passing
+* Macro list::            Macros composing the platform-independent layer
address@hidden macro
address@hidden BOTH
+* Overview::              What GNU lightning is
+* Future::                Tasks for GNU lightning's subsequent releases
+* Acknowledgements::      Acknowledgements for GNU lightning
address@hidden PORTING
+--- The detailed node listing ---
+Standard macros:
address@hidden detailmenu
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden ifclear
address@hidden BOTH
+* Overview::              What GNU lightning is.
+* Using GNU lightning::   Using GNU lightning in your programs
+* Porting GNU lightning:: Retargeting GNU lightning to a new system
+* Future::                Tasks for GNU lightning's subsequent releases
+* Acknowledgements::      Acknowledgements for GNU lightning
+--- The detailed node listing ---
+Using @lightning{}:
+Porting @lightning{}:
+Standard macros:
address@hidden detailmenu
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden menu
diff --git a/doc/using.texi b/doc/using.texi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a65a048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/using.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,1086 @@
address@hidden Installation
address@hidden Configuring and installing @lightning{}
+The first thing to do to use @lightning{} is to configure the
+program, picking the set of macros to be used on the host
+architecture; this configuration is automatically performed by
+the @file{configure} shell script; to run it, merely type:
+     ./configure
address@hidden example
address@hidden supports cross-compiling in that you can choose a
+different set of macros from the one needed on the computer that
+you are compiling @lightning{} on.  For example,
+     ./configure --host=sparc-sun-linux
address@hidden example
address@hidden will select the SPARC set of runtime assemblers.  You can use
+configure's ability to make reasonable assumptions about the vendor
+and operating system and simply type
+     ./configure --host=i386
+     ./configure --host=ppc
+     ./configure --host=sparc
address@hidden example
+Another option that @file{configure} accepts is
address@hidden, which enables several consistency checks in
+the run-time assemblers.  These are not usually needed, so you can
+decide to simply forget about it; also remember that these consistency
+checks tend to slow down your code generator.
+After you've configured @lightning{}, you don't have to compile it
+because it is nothing more than a set of include files.  If you want to
+compile the examples, run @file{make} as usual.  The next important
+step is:
+    make install
address@hidden example
+This ends the process of installing @lightning{}.
address@hidden The instruction set
address@hidden @lightning{}'s instruction set
address@hidden's instruction set was designed by deriving instructions
+that closely match those of most existing RISC architectures, or
+that can be easily syntesized if absent.  Each instruction is composed
address@hidden @bullet
address@hidden an operation (like @code{sub} or @code{mul})
address@hidden sometimes, an register/immediate flag (@code{r} or @code{i})
address@hidden a type identifier (occasionally, two)
address@hidden itemize
+The second and third field are separated by an underscore; thus,
+examples of legal mnemonics are @code{addr_i} (integer add, with three
+register operands) and @code{muli_l} (long integer multiply, with two
+register operands and an immediate operand).  Each instruction takes
+two or three operands; in most cases, one of them can be an immediate
+value instead of a register.
address@hidden supports a full range of integer types: operands can be 1,
+2 or 4 bytes long (64-bit architectures might support 8 bytes long
+operands), either signed or unsigned.  The types are listed in the
+following table together with the C types they represent:
+     c          @r{signed char}
+     uc         @r{unsigned char}
+     s          @r{short}
+     us         @r{unsigned short}
+     i          @r{int}
+     ui         @r{unsigned int}
+     l          @r{long}
+     ul         @r{unsigned long}
+     p          @r{void *}
address@hidden example
+Some of these types may not be distinct: for example, (e.g., @code{l}
+is equivalent to @code{i} on 32-bit machines, and @code{p} is
+substantially equivalent to @code{ul}).
+There are seven registers, of which six are general-purpose, while
+the last is used to contain the stack pointer (@code{SP}).  The
+stack pointer can be used to allocate and access local variables
+on the stack (which is supposed to grow downwards in memory on all 
+Of the six general-purpose registers, three are guaranteed to be
+preserved across function calls (@code{V0}, @code{V1} and
address@hidden) and three are not (@code{R0}, @code{R1} and
address@hidden)address@hidden registers are not very much, but this
+restriction was forced by the need to target CISC architectures
+which, like the x86, are poor of registers.  Anyway, consider
+that even on a RISC architecture you don't have many more registers
+which are not devoted to function calls: on the SPARC, you have nine
+(@code{%g1} and the eight registers @code{%l0} through @code{%l7}).}
+In addition, there is a special @code{RET} register which contains
+the return value.  You should always remember, however, that writing
+this register could overwrite either a general-purpose register or
+an incoming parameter, depending on the architecture.
+The complete instruction set follows; as you can see, most non-memory
+operations only take integers, long integers (either signed or
+unsigned) and pointers as operands; this was done in order to reduce
+the instruction set, and because most architectures only provide word
+and long word operations on registers.  There are instructions that
+allow operands to be extended to fit a larger data type, both in a
+signed and in an unsigned way.
address@hidden @b
address@hidden Binary ALU operations
+These accept three operands, of which the last can be an immediate
+value.  @code{addx} operations must directly follow @code{addc}, and
address@hidden must follow @code{subc}; otherwise, results are undefined.
+addr/addi    i  ui l  ul p  O1 = O2 + O3
+addxr/addxi  i  ui l  ul    O1 = O2 + (O3 + carry)
+addcr/addci  i  ui l  ul    O1 = O2 + O3, set carry
+subr/subi    i  ui l  ul p  O1 = O2 - O3
+subxr/subxi  i  ui l  ul    O1 = O2 - (O3 + carry)
+subcr/subci  i  ui l  ul    O1 = O2 - O3, set carry
+rsbr/rsbi    i  ui l  ul p  O1 = O3 - O2
+mulr/muli    i  ui l  ul    O1 = O2 * O3
+hmulr/hmuli  i  ui l  ul    O1 = @r{high bits of} O2 * O3
+divr/divi    i  ui l  ul    O1 = O2 / O3
+modr/modi    i  ui l  ul    O1 = O2 % O3
+andr/andi    i  ui l  ul    O1 = O2 & O3
+orr/ori      i  ui l  ul    O1 = O2 | O3
+xorr/xori    i  ui l  ul    O1 = O2 ^ O3
+lshr/lshi    i  ui l  ul    O1 = O2 << O3
+rshr/rshi    i  ui l  ul    O1 = O2 >> address@hidden sign bit is propagated 
for signed types.}
address@hidden example
address@hidden Unary ALU operations
+These accept two operands, both of which must be registers.
+negr        i     l         O1 = -O2
+notr        i  ui l  ul     O1 = ~O2
address@hidden example
address@hidden Compare instructions
+These accept three operands, of which the last can be an immediate
+value.  The last two operands are compared, and the first operand is
+set to either 0 or 1, according to whether the given condition was
+met or not.
+ltr/lti     i ui l  ul p     O1 = (O2 <  O3)
+ler/lei     i ui l  ul p     O1 = (O2 <= O3)
+gtr/gti     i ui l  ul p     O1 = (O2 >  O3)
+ger/gei     i ui l  ul p     O1 = (O2 >= O3)
+eqr/eqi     i ui l  ul p     O1 = (O2 == O3)
+ner/nei     i ui l  ul p     O1 = (O2 != O3)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Transfer operations
+These accept two operands; for @code{ext} both of them must be
+registers, while @code{mov} accepts an immediate value as the second
+operand. @code{ext} needs @strong{two} data type specifications, of
+which the first must be smaller in size than the second; for example
address@hidden is correct while @code{extr_ul_us} is not.
+movr/movi               i  ui l  ul p   O1 = O2
+extr        c  uc s  us i  ui l  ul     O1 = address@hidden @code{movr} and 
@code{movi}, @code{extr} is applied between operands of different sizes.}
address@hidden example
address@hidden Network extensions
+These accept two operands, both of which must be registers; these
+two instructions actually perform the same task, yet they are
+assigned to two mnemonics for the sake of convenience and
+completeness.  As usual, the first operand is the destination and
+the second is the source.
+hton       us ui          @r{Host-to-network (big endian) order}
+ntoh       us ui          @r{Network-to-host order }
address@hidden example
address@hidden Load operations
address@hidden accepts two operands while @code{ldx} accepts three;
+in both cases, the last can be either a register or an immediate
+value. Values are extended (with or without sign, according to
+the data type specification) to fit a whole register.
+ldr/ldi     c  uc s  us i  ui l  ul p   O1 = *O2
+ldxr/ldxi   c  uc s  us i  ui l  ul p   O1 = *(O2+O3)
address@hidden example
address@hidden Store operations
address@hidden accepts two operands while @code{stx} accepts three; in
+both cases, the first can be either a register or an immediate
+value. Values are sign-extended to fit a whole register.
+str/sti     c  uc s  us i  ui l  ul p   *O1 = O2
+stxr/stxi   c  uc s  us i  ui l  ul p   *(O1+O2) = O3
address@hidden example
address@hidden Stack management
+These accept a single register parameter.  These operations are not
+guaranteed to be efficient on all architectures.
+pushr                   i  ui l  ul p   @r{push address@hidden on the stack}
+popr                    i  ui l  ul p   @r{pop address@hidden off the stack}
address@hidden example
address@hidden Argument management
+These are:
+prepare     (not specified)
+pusharg     c  uc s  us i  ui l  ul p
+getarg      c  uc s  us i  ui l  ul p
+arg         c  uc s  us i  ui l  ul p
address@hidden example
+Of these, the first two are used by the caller, while the last two
+are used by the callee.  A code snippet that wants to call another
+procedure and has to pass registers must, in order: use the
address@hidden instruction, giving the number of arguments to
+be passed to the procedure; use @code{pusharg} to push the arguments
address@hidden reverse order}; and use @code{calli} or @code{finish}
+(explained below) to perform the actual call.
address@hidden and @code{getarg} are used by the callee.
address@hidden is different from other instruction in that it does not
+actually generate any code: instead, it is a function which returns
+a value to be passed to @address@hidden a
+value'' means that @lightning{} macros that compile these
+instructions return a value when expanded.} You should call
address@hidden as soon as possible, before any function call or, more
+easily, right after the @code{prolog} or @code{leaf} instructions
+(which are treated later).
address@hidden accepts a register argument and a value returned by
address@hidden, and will move that argument to the register, extending
+it (with or without sign, according to the data type specification)
+to fit a whole register.  These instructions are more intimately
+related to the usage of the @lightning{} instruction set in code
+that generates other code, so they will be treated more
+specifically in @ref{GNU lightning macros, , Generating code at
+You should observe a few rules when using these macros.  First of
+all, it is not allowed to call functions with more than six arguments;
+this was done to simplify and speed up the implementation on
+architectures that use registers for parameter passing.
+You should not nest calls to @code{prepare}, nor call zero-argument
+functions (which do not need a call to @code{prepare}) inside a
address@hidden/calli} or @code{prepare/finish} block.  Doing this
+might corrupt already pushed arguments.
+You @strong{cannot} pass parameters between subroutines using
+the six general-purpose registers.  This might work only when
+targeting particular architectures.
+On the other hand, it is possible to assume that callee-saved registers
+(@code{R0} through @code{R2}) are not clobbered by another dynamically
+generated function which does not use them as operands in its code and
+which does not return a value.
address@hidden Branch instructions
+Like @code{arg}, these also return a value which, in this case,
+is to be used to compile forward branches as explained in
address@hidden, , Fibonacci numbers}.  They accept a pointer to the
+destination of the branch and two operands to be compared; of these,
+the last can be either a register or an immediate.  They are:
+bltr/blti     i ui l  ul p    @r{if }O2 <  address@hidden goto }O1
+bler/blei     i ui l  ul p    @r{if }O2 <= address@hidden goto }O1
+bgtr/bgti     i ui l  ul p    @r{if }O2 >  address@hidden goto }O1
+bger/bgei     i ui l  ul p    @r{if }O2 >= address@hidden goto }O1
+beqr/beqi     i ui l  ul p    @r{if }O2 == address@hidden goto }O1
+bner/bnei     i ui l  ul p    @r{if }O2 != address@hidden goto }O1
+bmsr/bmsi     i ui l  ul      @r{if }O2 &  address@hidden goto }O1
+bmcr/bmci     i ui l  ul      @r{if }!(O2 & O3)@r{ goto address@hidden two 
mnemonics mean, respectively, @dfn{branch if mask set} and @dfn{branch if mask 
+boaddr/boaddi i ui l  ul      O2 += address@hidden, goto address@hidden on 
+bosubr/bosubi i ui l  ul      O2 -= address@hidden, goto address@hidden on 
address@hidden example
address@hidden Jump and return operations
+These accept one argument except @code{ret} which has none; the
+difference between @code{finish} and @code{calli} is that the
+latter does not clean the stack from pushed parameters (if any)
+and the former must @strong{always} follow a @code{prepare}
+instruction.  Results are undefined when using function calls
+in a leaf function.
+calli     (not specified)            @r{function call to O1}
+finish    (not specified)            @r{function call to O1}
+jmpi/jmpr (not specified)            @r{unconditional jump to O1}
+prolog    (not specified)            @r{function prolog for O1 args}
+leaf      (not specified)            @r{the same for leaf functions}
+ret       (not specified)            @r{return from subroutine}
+retval    c  uc s  us i  ui l  ul p  @r{move return value}
+                                     @r{to register}
address@hidden example
+Like branch instruction, @code{jmpi} also returns a value which is to
+be used to compile forward branches. @xref{Fibonacci, , Fibonacci
address@hidden table
+As a small appetizer, here is a small function that adds 1 to the input
+parameter (an @code{int}).  I'm using an assembly-like syntax here which
+is a bit different from the one used when writing real subroutines with
address@hidden; the real syntax will be introduced in @xref{GNU lightning
+macros, , Generating code at run-time}.
+     leaf      1
+in = arg_i                   @rem{! We have an integer argument}
+     getarg_i  R0, in        @rem{! Move it to R0}
+     addi_i    RET, R0, 1    @rem{! Add 1\, put result in return value}
+     ret                     @rem{! And return the result}
address@hidden example
+And here is another function which uses the @code{printf} function from
+the standard C library to write a number in hexadecimal notation:
+     prolog    1
+in = arg_i                    @rem{! Same as above}
+     getarg_i  R0, in
+     prepare   2              @rem{! Begin call sequence for printf}
+     pusharg_i R0             @rem{! Push second argument}
+     pusharg_p "%x"           @rem{! Push format string}
+     finish    printf         @rem{! Call printf}
+     ret                      @rem{! Return to caller}
address@hidden example
address@hidden GNU lightning macros
address@hidden Generating code at run-time
+To use @lightning{}, you should include the @file{lightning.h} file that
+is put in your include directory by the @samp{make install} command.
+That include files defines about four hundred public macros (plus
+others that are private to @lightning{}), one for each opcode listed
+Each of the instructions above translates to a macro.  All you have to
+do is prepend @code{jit_} (lowercase) to opcode names and @code{JIT_}
+(uppercase) to register names.  Of course, parameters are to be put
+between parentheses, just like with every other @sc{cpp} macro.
+This small tutorial presents three examples:
address@hidden ISTEX
address@hidden @bullet
+The @code{incr} function found in @ref{The instruction set, ,
address@hidden's instruction set}:
+A simple function call to @code{printf}
+An RPN calculator.
+Fibonacci numbers
address@hidden itemize
address@hidden ifset
address@hidden ISTEX
+* incr::             A function which increments a number by one
+* printf::           A simple function call to printf
+* RPN calculator::   A more complex example, an RPN calculator
+* Fibonacci::        Calculating Fibonacci numbers
address@hidden menu
address@hidden ifclear
address@hidden incr
address@hidden A function which increments a number by one
+Let's see how to create and use the sample @code{incr} function created
+in @ref{The instruction set, , @lightning{}'s instruction set}:
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static jit_insn codeBuffer[1024];
+typedef int (*pifi)(int);    @rem{/* Pointer to Int Function of Int */}
+int main()
+  pifi  incr = (pifi) (jit_set_ip(codeBuffer).iptr);
+  int   in;
+  jit_leaf(1);                     @rem{/* @t{     leaf  1            } */}
+  in = jit_arg_i();                @rem{/* @t{in = arg_i              } */}
+  jit_getarg_i(JIT_R0, in);        @rem{/* @t{     getarg_i R0        } */}
+  jit_addi_i(JIT_RET, JIT_R0, 1);  @rem{/* @t{     addi_i   RET\, R0\, 1} */}
+  jit_ret();                       @rem{/* @t{     ret                } */}
+  jit_flush_code(codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  @rem{/* call the generated code\, passing 5 as an argument */}
+  printf("%d + 1 = %d\n", 5, incr(5));
+  return 0;
address@hidden example
+Let's examine the code line by line (well, address@hidden):
address@hidden @t
address@hidden #include "lightning.h"
+You already know about this.  It defines all of @lightning{}'s macros.
address@hidden static jit_insn codeBuffer[1024];
+You might wonder about what is @code{jit_insn}.  It is just a type that
+is defined by @lightning{}.  Its exact definition depends on the
+architecture; in general, defining an array of 1024 @code{jit_insn}s
+allows one to write 100 to 400 @lightning{} instructions (depending on
+the architecture and exact instructions).
address@hidden typedef int (*pifi)(int);
+Just a handy typedef for a pointer to a function that takes an
address@hidden and returns another.
address@hidden pifi incr = (pifi) (jit_set_ip(codeBuffer).iptr);
+This is the first @lightning{} macro we encounter that does not map to
+an instruction.  It is @code{jit_set_ip}, which takes a pointer to an
+area of memory where compiled code will be put and returns the same
+value, cast to a @code{union} type whose members are pointers to
+functions returning different C types.  This union is called
address@hidden and is defined as follows:
+    typedef union jit_code @{
+      char               *ptr;
+      void               (*vptr)();
+      char               (*cptr)();
+      unsigned char      (*ucptr)();
+      short              (*sptr)();
+      unsigned short     (*usptr)();
+      int                (*iptr)();
+      unsigned int       (*uiptr)();
+      long               (*lptr)();
+      unsigned long      (*ulptr)();
+      void *             (*pptr)();
+      float              (*fptr)();
+      double             (*dptr)();
+    @} jit_code;
address@hidden example
+Any of the members could have been used, since the result is soon casted
+to type @code{pifi} but, for the sake of clarity, the program uses
address@hidden, a pointer to a function with no prototype and returning an
+Analogous to @code{jit_set_ip} is @code{jit_get_ip}, which does not
+modify the instruction pointer---it is nothing more than a cast of the
+current @sc{ip} to @code{jit_code}.
address@hidden int       in;
+A footnote in @ref{The instruction set, , @lightning{}'s instruction
+set}, under the description of @code{arg}, says that macros implementing
address@hidden return a value---we'll be using this variable to store the
+result of @code{arg}.
address@hidden jit_leaf(1);
+Ok, so we start generating code for our beloved address@hidden it will
+accept one argument and won't call any other function.
address@hidden in = jit_arg_i();
address@hidden jit_getarg_i(JIT_R0, in);
+We retrieve the first (and only) argument, an integer, and store it
+into the general-purpose register @code{R0}.
address@hidden jit_addi_i(JIT_RET, JIT_R0, 1);
+We add one to the content of the register and store the result in the
+return value.
address@hidden jit_ret();
+This instruction generates a standard function epilog that returns
+the contents of the @code{RET} register.
address@hidden jit_flush_code(codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+This instruction is very important.  It flushes the generated code
+area out of the processor's instruction cache, avoiding the processor
+executes bogus data that it happens to find there.  The
address@hidden function accepts the first and the last address
+to flush; we use @code{jit_get_ip} to find out the latter.
address@hidden printf("%d + 1 = %d", 5, incr(5));
+Calling our function is this simple---it is not distinguishable from
+a normal C function call, the only difference being that @code{incr}
+is a variable.
address@hidden table
address@hidden abstracts two phases of dynamic code generation: selecting
+instructions that map the standard representation, and emitting binary
+code for these instructions.  The client program has the responsibility
+of describing the code to be generated using the standard @lightning{}
+instruction set.
+Let's examine the code generated for @code{incr} on the SPARC and x86
+architectures (on the right is the code that an assembly-language
+programmer would write):
address@hidden @b
address@hidden SPARC
+    save %sp, -96, %sp
+    mov  %i0, %l0                   retl
+    add  %l0, 1,  %i0               add %o0, 1, %o0
+    ret
+    restore
address@hidden example
+In this case, @lightning{} introduces overhead to create a register
+window (not knowing that the procedure is a leaf procedure) and to
+move the argument to the general purpose register @code{R0} (which
+maps to @code{%l0} on the SPARC).  The former overhead could be
+avoided by teaching @lightning{} about leaf procedures (@pxref{Future});
+the latter could instead be avoided by rewriting the getarg instruction
+as @code{jit_getarg_i(JIT_RET, in)}, which was not done in this
address@hidden x86
+    pushl %ebp
+    movl  %esp, %ebp
+    pushl %ebx
+    pushl %esi
+    pushl %edi
+    movl  8(%ebp), %eax        movl 4(%esp), %eax
+    addl  $1, %eax             incl %eax
+    popl  %edi
+    popl  %esi
+    popl  %ebx
+    popl  %ebp
+    ret                        ret
address@hidden example
+In this case, the main overhead is due to the function's prolog and
+epilog, which is nine instructions long on the x86; a hand-written
+routine would not save unused callee-preserved registers on the stack.
+It is to be said, however, that this is not a problem in more
+complicated uses, because more complex procedure would probably use
+the @code{V0} through @code{V2} registers (@code{%ebx}, @code{%esi},
address@hidden); in this case, a hand-written routine would have included
+the prolog too.  Also, a ten byte prolog would probably be a small
+overhead in a more complex function.
address@hidden table
+In such a simple case, the macros that make up the back-end compile
+reasonably efficient code, with the notable exception of prolog/epilog
address@hidden printf
address@hidden A simple function call to @code{printf}
+Again, here is the code for the example:
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static jit_insn codeBuffer[1024];
+typedef void (*pvfi)(int);      @rem{/* Pointer to Void Function of Int */}
+int main()
+  pvfi          myFunction;             @rem{/* ptr to generated code */}
+  char          *start, *end;           @rem{/* a couple of labels */}
+  int           in;                     @rem{/* to get the argument */}
+  myFunction = (pvfi) (jit_set_ip(codeBuffer).vptr);
+  start = jit_get_ip().ptr;
+  jit_prolog(1);
+  in = jit_arg_i();
+  jit_movi_p(JIT_R0, "generated %d bytes\n");
+  jit_getarg_i(JIT_R1, in);
+  jit_prepare(2);
+    jit_pusharg_i(JIT_R1);              @rem{/* push in reverse order */}
+    jit_pusharg_p(JIT_R0);
+  jit_finish(printf);
+  jit_ret();
+  end = jit_get_ip().ptr;
+  @rem{/* call the generated code\, passing its size as argument */}
+  jit_flush_code(start, end);
+  myFunction(end - start);
address@hidden example
+The function shows how many bytes were generated.  Most of the code
+is not very interesting, as it resembles very closely the program
+presented in @ref{incr, , A function which increments a number by one}.
+For this reason, we're going to concentrate on just a few statements.
address@hidden @t
address@hidden start = jit_get_ip().ptr;
address@hidden @address@hidden
address@hidden end = jit_get_ip().ptr;
+These two instruction call the @code{jit_get_ip} macro which was
+mentioned in @ref{incr, , A function which increments a number by one}
+too.  In this case we use the only field of @code{jit_code} that is
+not a function pointer: @code{ptr}, which is a simple @code{char *}.
address@hidden jit_movi_p(JIT_R0, "generated %d bytes\n");
+Note the use of the @samp{p} type specifier, which automatically
+casts the second parameter to an @code{unsigned long} to make the
+code more clear and less cluttered by typecasts.
address@hidden jit_prepare(2);
address@hidden jit_pusharg_i(JIT_R1);
address@hidden jit_pusharg_p(JIT_R0);
address@hidden jit_finish(printf);
+Once the arguments to @code{printf} have been put in general-purpose
+registers, we can start a prepare/pusharg/finish sequence that
+moves the argument to either the stack or registers, then calls
address@hidden, then cleans up the stack.  Note how @lightning{}
+abstracts the differences between different architectures and
+ABI's -- the client program does not know how parameter passing
+works on the host architecture.
address@hidden table
address@hidden RPN calculator
address@hidden A more complex example, an RPN calculator
+We create a small stack-based RPN calculator which applies a series
+of operators to a given parameter and to other numeric operands.
+Unlike previous examples, the code generator is fully parameterized
+and is able to compile different formulas to different functions.
+Here is the code for the expression compiler; a sample usage will
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+typedef int (*pifi)(int);       @rem{/* Pointer to Int Function of Int */}
+pifi compile_rpn(char *expr)
+  pifi fn;
+  int in;
+  fn = (pifi) (jit_get_ip().iptr);
+  jit_leaf(1);
+  in = jit_arg_i();
+  jit_getarg_i(JIT_R0, in);
+  while (*expr) @{
+    char buf[32];
+    int n;
+    if (sscanf(expr, "%[0-9]%n", buf, &n)) @{
+      expr += n - 1;
+      jit_push_i(JIT_R0);
+      jit_movi_i(JIT_R0, atoi(buf));
+    @} else if (*expr == '+') @{
+      jit_pop_i(JIT_R1);
+      jit_addr_i(JIT_R0, JIT_R1, JIT_R0);
+    @} else if (*expr == '-') @{
+      jit_pop_i(JIT_R1);
+      jit_subr_i(JIT_R0, JIT_R1, JIT_R0);
+    @} else if (*expr == '*') @{
+      jit_pop_i(JIT_R1);
+      jit_mulr_i(JIT_R0, JIT_R1, JIT_R0);
+    @} else if (*expr == '/') @{
+      jit_pop_i(JIT_R1);
+      jit_divr_i(JIT_R0, JIT_R1, JIT_R0);
+    @} else @{
+      fprintf(stderr, "cannot compile: %s\n", expr);
+      abort();
+    @}
+    ++expr;
+  @}
+  jit_movr_i(JIT_RET, JIT_R0);
+  jit_ret();
+  return fn;
address@hidden example
+The principle on which the calculator is based is easy: the stack
+top is held in R0, while the remaining items of the stack are held
+on the hardware stack.  Compiling an operand pushes the old stack
+top onto the stack and moves the operand into R0; compiling an
+operator pops the second operand off the stack into R1, and
+compiles the operation so that the result goes into R0, thus
+becoming the new stack top.
+Try to locate a call to @code{jit_set_ip} in the source code.  You
+will not find one; this means that the client has to manually set
+the instruction pointer.  This technique has one advantage and one
+drawback.  The advantage is that the client can simply set the
+instruction pointer once and then generate code for multiple functions,
+one after another, without caring about passing a different instruction
+pointer each time; see @ref{Reentrancy, , Re-entrant usage of
address@hidden for the disadvantage.
+Source code for the client (which lies in the same source file) follows:
+static jit_insn codeBuffer[1024];
+int main()
+  pifi c2f, f2c;
+  int i;
+  jit_set_ip(codeBuffer);
+  c2f = compile_rpn("9*5/32+");
+  f2c = compile_rpn("32-5*9/");
+  jit_flush_code(codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  printf("\nC:");
+  for (i = 0; i <= 100; i += 10) printf("%3d ", i);
+  printf("\nF:");
+  for (i = 0; i <= 100; i += 10) printf("%3d ", c2f(i));
+  printf("\n");
+  printf("\nF:");
+  for (i = 32; i <= 212; i += 10) printf("%3d ", i);
+  printf("\nC:");
+  for (i = 32; i <= 212; i += 10) printf("%3d ", f2c(i));
+  printf("\n");
+  return 0;
address@hidden example
+The client displays a conversion table between Celsius and Fahrenheit
+degrees (both Celsius-to-Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit-to-Celsius). The
+formulas are, @math{F(c) = c*9/5+32} and @math{C(f) = (f-32)*5/9},
+Providing the formula as an argument to @code{compile_rpn} effectively
+parameterizes code generation, making it possible to use the same code
+to compile different functions; this is what makes dynamic code
+generation so powerful.
+The @file{rpn.c} file in the @lightning{} distribution includes a more
+complete (and more complex) implementation of @code{compile_rpn},
+which does constant folding, allows the argument to the functions
+to be used more than once, and is able to assemble instructions with
+an immediate parameter.
address@hidden Fibonacci
address@hidden Fibonacci numbers
+The code in this section calculates a variant of the Fibonacci sequence.
+While the traditional Fibonacci sequence is modeled by the recurrence
+     f(0) = f(1) = 1
+     f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)
address@hidden display
+the functions in this section calculates the following sequence, which
+is more interesting as a address@hidden's because, as is
+easily seen, the sequence represents the number of activations of the
address@hidden procedure that are needed to compute its value through
+     nfibs(0) = nfibs(1) = 1
+     nfibs(n) = nfibs(n-1) + nfibs(n-2) + 1
address@hidden display
+The purpose of this example is to introduce branches.  There are two
+kind of branches: backward branches and forward branches.  We'll
+present the calculation in a recursive and iterative form; the
+former only uses forward branches, while the latter uses both.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static jit_insn codeBuffer[1024];
+typedef int (*pifi)(int);       @rem{/* Pointer to Int Function of Int */}
+int main()
+  pifi      nfibs = (pifi) (jit_set_ip(codeBuffer).iptr);
+  int       in;                 @rem{/* offset of the argument */}
+  jit_insn  *ref;               @rem{/* to patch the forward reference */}
+        jit_prolog   (1);
+  in =  jit_arg_ui   ();
+        jit_getarg_ui(JIT_V0, in);              @rem{/* V0 = n */}
+  ref = jit_blti_ui  (jit_forward(), JIT_V0, 2);
+        jit_subi_ui  (JIT_V1, JIT_V0, 1);       @rem{/* V1 = n-1 */}
+        jit_subi_ui  (JIT_V2, JIT_V0, 2);       @rem{/* V2 = n-2 */}
+        jit_prepare(1);
+          jit_pusharg_ui(JIT_V1);
+        jit_finish(nfibs);
+        jit_retval(JIT_V1);                     @rem{/* V1 = nfibs(n-1) */}
+        jit_prepare(1);
+          jit_pusharg_ui(JIT_V2);
+        jit_finish(nfibs);
+        jit_retval(JIT_V2);                     @rem{/* V2 = nfibs(n-2) */}
+        jit_addi_ui(JIT_V1,  JIT_V1,  1);
+        jit_addr_ui(JIT_RET, JIT_V1, JIT_V2);   @rem{/* RET = V1 + V2 + 1 */}
+        jit_ret();
+  jit_patch(ref);                               @rem{/* patch jump */}
+        jit_movi_i(JIT_RET, 1);                 @rem{/* RET = 1 */}
+        jit_ret();
+  @rem{/* call the generated code\, passing 32 as an argument */}
+  jit_flush_code(codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  printf("nfibs(%d) = %d", 32, nfibs(32));
+  return 0;
address@hidden example
+As said above, this is the first example of dynamically compiling
+branches.  Branch instructions have three operands: two contains the
+values to be compared, while the first is a @dfn{label}; @lightning{}
+label's are represented as @code{jit_insn *} values.  Unlike other
+instructions (apart from @code{arg}, which is actually a directive
+rather than an instruction), branch instructions also return a value
+which, as we see in the example above, can be used to compile
+forward references.
+Compiling a forward reference is a two-step operation.  First, a
+branch is compiled with a dummy label, since the actual destination
+of the jump is not yet known; the dummy label is returned by the
address@hidden()} macro.  The value returned by the branch
+instruction is saved to be used later.
+Then, when the destination of the jump is reached, another macro
+is used, @code{jit_patch()}. This macro must be called once for
address@hidden point in which the code had a forward branch to the
+instruction following @code{jit_patch} (in this case a @code{movi_i}
+Now, here is the iterative version:
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static jit_insn codeBuffer[1024];
+typedef int (*pifi)(int);       @rem{/* Pointer to Int Function of Int */}
+int main()
+  pifi     nfibs = (pifi) (jit_set_ip(codeBuffer).iptr);
+  int      in;                  @rem{/* offset of the argument */}
+  jit_insn *ref;                @rem{/* to patch the forward reference */}
+  jit_insn *loop;               @rem{/* start of the loop */}
+        jit_leaf     (1);
+  in =  jit_arg_ui   ();
+        jit_getarg_ui(JIT_R2, in);              @rem{/* R2 = n */}
+        jit_movi_ui  (JIT_R1, 1);
+  ref = jit_blti_ui  (jit_forward(), JIT_R2, 2);
+        jit_subi_ui  (JIT_R2, JIT_R2, 1);
+        jit_movi_ui  (JIT_R0, 1);
+  loop= jit_get_label();
+        jit_subi_ui  (JIT_R2, JIT_R2, 1);       @rem{/* decr. counter */}
+        jit_addr_ui  (JIT_V0, JIT_R0, JIT_R1);  @rem{/* V0 = R0 + R1 */}
+        jit_movr_ui  (JIT_R0, JIT_R1);          @rem{/* R0 = R1 */}
+        jit_addi_ui  (JIT_R1, JIT_V0, 1);       @rem{/* R1 = V0 + 1 */}
+        jit_bnei_ui  (loop, JIT_R2, 0);         @rem{/* if (R2) goto loop; */}
+  jit_patch(ref);                               @rem{/* patch forward jump */}
+        jit_movr_ui  (JIT_RET, JIT_R1);         @rem{/* RET = R1 */}
+        jit_ret      ();
+  @rem{/* call the generated code\, passing 36 as an argument */}
+  jit_flush_code(codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  printf("nfibs(%d) = %d", 36, nfibs(36));
+  return 0;
address@hidden example
+This code calculates the recurrence relation using iteration (a
address@hidden loop in high-level languages).  There is still a forward
+reference (indicated by the @code{jit_forward}/@code{jit_patch} pair);
+there are no function calls anymore: instead, there is a backward
+jump (the @code{bnei} at the end of the loop).
+In this case, the destination address should be known, because the
+jumps lands on an instruction that has already been compiled.
+However the program must make a provision and remember the address
+where the jump will land.  This is achieved with @code{jit_get_label},
+yet another macro that is much similar to @code{jit_get_ip} but,
+instead of a @code{jit_code} union, it answers an @code{jit_insn *}
+that the branch macros accept.
+Now, let's make one more change: let's rewrite the loop like this:
+  @address@hidden
+  jit_delay(
+        jit_movi_ui  (JIT_R1, 1),
+  ref = jit_blti_ui  (jit_forward(), JIT_R2, 2));
+        jit_subi_ui  (JIT_R2, JIT_R2, 1);
+  loop= jit_get_label();
+        jit_subi_ui  (JIT_R2, JIT_R2, 1);       @rem{/* decr. counter */}
+        jit_addr_ui  (JIT_V0, JIT_R0, JIT_R1);  @rem{/* V0 = R0 + R1 */}
+        jit_movr_ui  (JIT_R0, JIT_R1);          @rem{/* R0 = R1 */}
+  jit_delay(
+        jit_addi_ui  (JIT_R1, JIT_V0, 1),       @rem{/* R1 = V0 + 1 */}
+        jit_bnei_ui  (loop, JIT_R2, 0));        @rem{/* if (R2) goto loop; */}
+  @address@hidden
address@hidden example
+The @code{jit_delay} macro is used to schedule delay slots in jumps and
+branches.  This is optional, but might lead to performance improvements
+in tight inner loops (of course not in a loop that is executed 35
+times, but this is just an example).
address@hidden takes two @lightning{} instructions, a @dfn{delay
+instruction} and a @dfn{branch instruction}.  Note that the two
+instructions must be written in execution order (first the delay
+instruction, then the branch instruction), @strong{not} with the branch
+first.  If the current machine has a delay slot, the delay instruction
+(or part of it) is placed in the delay slot after the branch
+instruction; otherwise, it emits the delay instruction before the branch
+instruction.  The delay instruction must not depend on being executed
+before or after the branch.
address@hidden Floating-point
address@hidden Doing floating point computations
address@hidden Reentrancy
address@hidden Re-entrant usage of @lightning{}
+By default, @lightning{} is able to compile different functions at the
+same time as long as it happens in different object files, and on the
+other hand constrains code generation tasks to reside in a single
+object file.
+The reason for this is not apparent, but is easily explained:
+the @file{lightning.h} header file defines its state as a
address@hidden variable, so calls to @code{jit_set_ip} and
address@hidden residing in different files access different
+instruction pointers.  This was not done without reason: it makes
+the usage of @lightning{} much simpler, as it limits the initialization
+tasks to the bare minimum and removes the need to link the program
+with a separate library.
+On the other hand, multi-threaded or otherwise concurrent programs
+require reentrancy in the code generator, so this approach cannot be
+the only one.  In fact, it is possible to define your own copy of
address@hidden's instruction state by defining a variable of type
address@hidden and @code{#define}-ing @code{_jit} to it:
+    struct jit_state lightning;
+    #define _jit lightning
address@hidden example
+You are free to define the @code{jit_state} variable as you like:
address@hidden, @code{static} to a function, @code{auto}, or global.
+This feature takes advantage of an aspect of macros (@dfn{cascaded
+macros}), which is documented thus in @acronym{CPP}'s reference manual:
+A cascade of macros is when one macro's body contains a reference to
+another macro.  This is very common practice.  For example,
+#define BUFSIZE 1020
address@hidden example
+This is not at all the same as defining @code{TABLESIZE} to be
address@hidden  The @code{#define} for @code{TABLESIZE} uses exactly the
+body you specify---in this case, @code{BUFSIZE}---and does not check to
+see whether it too is the name of a macro; it's only when you use
address@hidden that the result of its expansion is checked for more
+macro names. 
+This makes a difference if you change the definition of @code{BUFSIZE}
+at some point in the source file. @code{TABLESIZE}, defined as shown,
+will always expand using the definition of @code{BUFSIZE} that is
+currently in effect: 
+#define BUFSIZE 1020
+#undef BUFSIZE
+#define BUFSIZE 37
+Now @code{TABLESIZE} expands (in two stages) to `37'. (The @code{#undef}
+is to prevent any warning about the nontrivial redefinition of
address@hidden quotation
+In the same way, @code{jit_get_label} will adopt whatever definition of
address@hidden is in effect:
+#define        jit_get_label()                 (_jit.pc)
address@hidden example
+Special care must be taken when functions residing in separate files
+must access the same state.  This could be the case, for example, if a
+special library contained function for strength reduction of
+multiplications to adds & shifts, or maybe of divisions to
+multiplications and shifts.  The function would be compiled using a
+single definition of @code{_jit} and that definition would be used
+whenever the function would be called.
+Since @lightning{} uses a feature of the preprocessor to obtain
+re-entrancy, it makes sense to rely on the preprocessor in this case
+The idea is to pass the current @code{struct jit_state} to the
+static void
+_opt_muli_i(jit, dest, source, n)
+     register struct jit_state *jit;
+     register int              dest, source, n;
+#define _jit          jit
+#undef _jit
address@hidden example
+doing this unbeknownst to the client, using a macro in the header file:
+extern void _opt_muli_i(struct jit_state *, int, int, int);
+#define opt_muli_i(rd, rs, n)  _opt_muli_i(&_jit, (rd), (rs), (n))
address@hidden example
address@hidden Autoconf support
address@hidden Using @code{autoconf} with @lightning{}
+It is very easy to include @lightning{}'s source code (without the
+documentation and examples) into your program's distribution 
+so that people don't need to have it installed in order to use it.
+Here is a step by step explanation of what to do:
address@hidden Run @command{lightningize} from your package's main
+distribution directory.
+     lightningize
address@hidden example
+If you're using Automake, you might be pleased to know that
address@hidden files will be already there.
address@hidden If you're not using Automake and @code{aclocal}, instead,
+you should delete the @file{} files (they are of no use
+to you) and copy the contents of the @file{lightning.m4} file, found in
address@hidden's macro repository (usually @file{/usr/share/aclocal},
+to your @file{} or @file{acinclude.m4} or @file{aclocal.m4} file.
address@hidden Include a call to the @code{LIGHTNING_CONFIGURE_IF_NOT_FOUND}
+macro in your @file{} file.
address@hidden enumerate
address@hidden will first look for a
+pre-installed copy of @lightning{} and, if it can be found, it will
+use it; otherwise, it will do exactly the same things that
address@hidden's own configure script does.  If @lightning{} is
+already installed, or if the configuration process succeeds, it
+will define the @code{HAVE_LIGHTNING} symbol.
+In addtion, an Automake conditional named @code{HAVE_INSTALLED_LIGHTNING}
+will be set if @lightning{} is already installed, which can be used to
+set up include paths appropriately.
+Finally, @code{LIGHTNING_CONFIGURE_IF_NOT_FOUND} accepts two
+optional parameters: respectively, an action to be taken if @lightning{}
+is available, and an action to be taken if it is not.
diff --git a/doc/version.texi b/doc/version.texi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b112f90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/version.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
address@hidden UPDATED 2 November 2001
address@hidden UPDATED-MONTH November 2001
address@hidden EDITION 1.2a
address@hidden VERSION 1.2a
diff --git a/lightning-inst.h b/lightning-inst.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cf1af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning-inst.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     lightning main include file
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_h
+#define __lightning_h
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <lightning/asm-common.h>
+#include <lightning/funcs-common.h>
+#include <lightning/asm.h>
+#include <lightning/core.h>
+#include <lightning/core-common.h>
+#include <lightning/funcs.h>
+#include <lightning/fp.h>
+#ifdef jit_cmp
+#include <lightning/fp-common.h>
+#ifndef JIT_R0
+#error GNU lightning does not support the current target
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __lightning_h */
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd1a4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     lightning main include file
+ *      Unlike lightning-dist.h, this contains a few definitions
+ *      used by the test suite.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_h
+#define __lightning_h
+/* Define if you want assertions enabled.  */
+#undef _ASM_SAFETY
+/* Define if lightning is compiling for i386 */
+#undef LIGHTNING_I386
+/* Define if lightning is compiling for Sparc */
+/* Define if lightning is compiling for PowerPC */
+/* Define if you want the test programs to disassemble their output */
+/* Define if creating a cross-assembler */
+/* Define if you have the memcpy function */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <lightning/asm-common.h>
+#include <lightning/funcs-common.h>
+#include <lightning/asm.h>
+#include <lightning/core.h>
+#include <lightning/core-common.h>
+#include <lightning/funcs.h>
+#include <lightning/fp.h>
+#ifdef jit_cmp
+#include <lightning/fp-common.h>
+extern void disassemble(FILE *stream, char *from, char *to);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __lightning_h */
diff --git a/lightning.m4 b/lightning.m4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..280a63e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning.m4
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+dnl I'd like this to be edited in -*- Autoconf -*- mode...
+AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_INSTALLED_LIGHTNING, test "$ac_cv_header_lightning_h" = 
+if test "$ac_cv_header_lightning_h" = yes; then
+  lightning=yes
+  case "$host_cpu" in
+       i?86)    cpu_subdir=i386                                        ;;
+       sparc*)  cpu_subdir=sparc                                       ;;
+       powerpc) cpu_subdir=ppc                                         ;;
+       *)       ;;
+  esac
+  test -n "$cpu_subdir" && lightning=yes
+ifdef([AC_HELP_STRING], [
+  dnl autoconf 2.50 style
+  if test -n "$cpu_subdir"; then
+    AC_CONFIG_LINKS(lightning/asm.h:lightning/$cpu_subdir/asm.h
+                   lightning/core.h:lightning/$cpu_subdir/core.h
+                   lightning/fp.h:lightning/$cpu_subdir/fp.h
+                   lightning/funcs.h:lightning/$cpu_subdir/funcs.h, , [
+      cpu_subdir=$cpu_subdir
+    ])
+  fi
+], [
+  dnl autoconf 2.13 style
+    if test -n "$cpu_subdir"; then
+      for i in asm fp core funcs; do
+        echo linking $srcdir/lightning/$cpu_subdir/$i.h to lightning/$i.h 
+        (cd lightning && $LN_S -f $srcdir/$cpu_subdir/$i.h $i.h)
+      done
+    fi
+  ], [
+    LN_S='$LN_S'
+    cpu_subdir=$cpu_subdir
+  ])
+if test -n "$lightning"; then
+  AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIGHTNING, 1, [Define if GNU lightning can be used])
+  lightning=
+  ifelse([$1], , :, [$1])
+  ifelse([$2], , :, [$2])
diff --git a/lightning/ b/lightning/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d032e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+DISTCLEANFILES = asm.h core.h funcs.h fp.h
+LIGHTNING_FILES = funcs-common.h core-common.h fp-common.h \
+       asm-common.h \
+       i386/asm.h i386/core.h i386/funcs.h i386/fp.h \
+       sparc/asm.h sparc/core.h sparc/funcs.h sparc/fp.h \
+       ppc/asm.h ppc/core.h ppc/funcs.h ppc/fp.h
+lightningdir = $(includedir)/lightning
+dist_pkgdata_DATA =
+nobase_dist_lightning_HEADERS = $(LIGHTNING_FILES)
+nodist_lightning_HEADERS = asm.h core.h funcs.h fp.h 
+dist_noinst_HEADERS = $(LIGHTNING_FILES) lightning.h
diff --git a/lightning/asm-common.h b/lightning/asm-common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0a1194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/asm-common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Dynamic assembler support
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_asm_common_h
+#define __lightning_asm_common_h_
+#ifndef _ASM_SAFETY
+#define JITFAIL(MSG) 0
+#if defined __GNUC__ && (__GNUC__ == 3 ? __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 2 : __GNUC__ > 3)
+#define JITFAIL(MSG) jit_fail(MSG, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)
+#define JITFAIL(MSG) jit_fail(MSG, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
+#if defined __GNUC__ && (__GNUC__ == 3 ? __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 2 : __GNUC__ > 3)
+#define JITSORRY(MSG) jit_fail("sorry, unimplemented: " MSG, __FILE__, 
__LINE__, __func__)
+#define JITSORRY(MSG) jit_fail("sorry, unimplemented: " MSG, __FILE__, 
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define JIT_UNUSED             __attribute__((unused))
+#define JIT_UNUSED
+/* NextStep 2.0 cc is really gcc 1.93 but it defines __GNUC__ = 2 and
+   does not implement __extension__.  But that compiler doesn't define
+   __GNUC_MINOR__.  */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#if __GNUC__ < 2 || (defined(__NeXT__) && !__GNUC_MINOR__)
+#define __extension__
+#define _TEMPD(type, var)      
+#define _TEMP(type, var, val, body) __extension__ ({   \
+  register struct { type var } _jitl; _jitl.var = val; \
+  body;                                                        \
+/* Between loading a global and calling a subroutine, we choose the lesser
+ * evil. */
+#define _TEMPD(type, var)      static type var;
+#define _TEMP(type, var, val, body) ((var = val), body)
+typedef char           _sc;
+typedef unsigned char  _uc;
+typedef unsigned short _us;
+typedef unsigned int   _ui;
+typedef long           _sl;
+typedef unsigned long  _ul;
+#define _jit_UC(X)             ((_uc  )(X))
+#define _jit_US(X)             ((_us  )(X))
+#define _jit_UI(X)             ((_ui  )(X))
+#define _jit_SL(X)             ((_sl  )(X))
+#define _jit_UL(X)             ((_ul  )(X))
+# define _PUC(X)       ((_uc *)(X))
+# define _PUS(X)       ((_us *)(X))
+# define _PUI(X)       ((_ui *)(X))
+# define _PSL(X)       ((_sl *)(X))
+# define _PUL(X)       ((_ul *)(X))
+#define _jit_B(B)         _jit_UL(((*_jit.x.uc_pc++)= _jit_UC((B)&  0xff)))
+#define _jit_W(W)         _jit_UL(((*_jit.x.us_pc++)= _jit_US((W)&0xffff)))
+#define _jit_I(I)         _jit_UL(((*_jit.x.ui_pc++)= _jit_UI((I)       )))
+#define _jit_L(L)         _jit_UL(((*_jit.x.ul_pc++)= _jit_UL((L)       )))
+#define _MASK(N)       ((unsigned)((1<<(N)))-1)
+#define _siP(N,I)      (!((((unsigned)(I))^(((unsigned)(I))<<1))&~_MASK(N)))
+#define _uiP(N,I)      (!(((unsigned)(I))&~_MASK(N)))
+#define _suiP(N,I)     (_siP(N,I) | _uiP(N,I))
+#ifndef _ASM_SAFETY
+#define _ck_s(W,I)     (_jit_UL(I) & _MASK(W))
+#define _ck_u(W,I)     (_jit_UL(I) & _MASK(W))
+#define _ck_su(W,I)            (_jit_UL(I) & _MASK(W))
+#define _ck_d(W,I)     (_jit_UL(I) & _MASK(W))
+#define _ck_s(W,I)     (_siP(W,I) ? (_jit_UL(I) & _MASK(W)) : JITFAIL(  
"signed integer `"#I"' too large for "#W"-bit field"))
+#define _ck_u(W,I)     (_uiP(W,I) ? (_jit_UL(I) & _MASK(W)) : 
JITFAIL("unsigned integer `"#I"' too large for "#W"-bit field"))
+#define _ck_su(W,I)            (_suiP(W,I) ? (_jit_UL(I) & _MASK(W)) : 
JITFAIL(        "integer `"#I"' too large for "#W"-bit field"))
+#define _ck_d(W,I)     (_siP(W,I) ? (_jit_UL(I) & _MASK(W)) : JITFAIL(    
"displacement `"#I"' too large for "#W"-bit field"))
+#define _s0P(I)                ((I)==0)
+#define _s8P(I)                _siP(8,I)
+#define _s16P(I)       _siP(16,I)
+#define _u8P(I)                _uiP(8,I)
+#define _u16P(I)       _uiP(16,I)
+#define _su8(I)                _ck_su(8,I)
+#define _su16(I)       _ck_su(16,I)
+#define _s1(I)          _ck_s( 1,I)
+#define _s2(I)          _ck_s( 2,I)
+#define _s3(I)          _ck_s( 3,I)
+#define _s4(I)          _ck_s( 4,I)
+#define _s5(I)          _ck_s( 5,I)
+#define _s6(I)          _ck_s( 6,I)
+#define _s7(I)          _ck_s( 7,I)
+#define _s8(I)          _ck_s( 8,I)
+#define _s9(I)          _ck_s( 9,I)
+#define _s10(I)         _ck_s(10,I)
+#define _s11(I)         _ck_s(11,I)
+#define _s12(I)         _ck_s(12,I)
+#define _s13(I)         _ck_s(13,I)
+#define _s14(I)         _ck_s(14,I)
+#define _s15(I)         _ck_s(15,I)
+#define _s16(I)         _ck_s(16,I)
+#define _s17(I)         _ck_s(17,I)
+#define _s18(I)         _ck_s(18,I)
+#define _s19(I)         _ck_s(19,I)
+#define _s20(I)         _ck_s(20,I)
+#define _s21(I)         _ck_s(21,I)
+#define _s22(I)         _ck_s(22,I)
+#define _s23(I)         _ck_s(23,I)
+#define _s24(I)         _ck_s(24,I)
+#define _s25(I)         _ck_s(25,I)
+#define _s26(I)         _ck_s(26,I)
+#define _s27(I)         _ck_s(27,I)
+#define _s28(I)         _ck_s(28,I)
+#define _s29(I)         _ck_s(29,I)
+#define _s30(I)         _ck_s(30,I)
+#define _s31(I)         _ck_s(31,I)
+#define _u1(I)          _ck_u( 1,I)
+#define _u2(I)          _ck_u( 2,I)
+#define _u3(I)          _ck_u( 3,I)
+#define _u4(I)          _ck_u( 4,I)
+#define _u5(I)          _ck_u( 5,I)
+#define _u6(I)          _ck_u( 6,I)
+#define _u7(I)          _ck_u( 7,I)
+#define _u8(I)          _ck_u( 8,I)
+#define _u9(I)          _ck_u( 9,I)
+#define _u10(I)         _ck_u(10,I)
+#define _u11(I)         _ck_u(11,I)
+#define _u12(I)         _ck_u(12,I)
+#define _u13(I)         _ck_u(13,I)
+#define _u14(I)         _ck_u(14,I)
+#define _u15(I)         _ck_u(15,I)
+#define _u16(I)         _ck_u(16,I)
+#define _u17(I)         _ck_u(17,I)
+#define _u18(I)         _ck_u(18,I)
+#define _u19(I)         _ck_u(19,I)
+#define _u20(I)         _ck_u(20,I)
+#define _u21(I)         _ck_u(21,I)
+#define _u22(I)         _ck_u(22,I)
+#define _u23(I)         _ck_u(23,I)
+#define _u24(I)         _ck_u(24,I)
+#define _u25(I)         _ck_u(25,I)
+#define _u26(I)         _ck_u(26,I)
+#define _u27(I)         _ck_u(27,I)
+#define _u28(I)         _ck_u(28,I)
+#define _u29(I)         _ck_u(29,I)
+#define _u30(I)         _ck_u(30,I)
+#define _u31(I)         _ck_u(31,I)
+#endif /* __lightning_asm_common_h */
diff --git a/lightning/core-common.h b/lightning/core-common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23b4747
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/core-common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Platform-independent layer support
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_core_common_h
+#define __lightning_core_common_h_
+typedef struct {
+  union {
+    jit_insn             *pc;
+    _uc                  *uc_pc;
+    _us                  *us_pc;
+    _ui                  *ui_pc;
+    _ul                  *ul_pc;
+  }                       x;
+  struct jit_fp                 *fp;
+  struct jit_local_state jitl;
+} jit_state;
+static jit_state                       _jit;
+#define JIT_NOREG                      (-1)
+#define _jitl                          _jit.jitl
+#define        jit_get_ip()                    (*(jit_code *) &_jit.x.pc)
+#define        jit_set_ip(ptr)                 (_jit.x.pc = (jit_insn *) ptr, 
+#define        jit_get_label()                 (_jit.x.pc)
+#define        jit_forward()                   (_jit.x.pc)
+#define        jit_field(struc, f)             ( ((long) (&((struc *) 8)->f) ) 
- 8)
+#define        jit_ptr_field(struc_p, f)       ( ((long) (&((struc_p) 8)->f) ) 
- 8)
+/* realignment via N-byte no-ops */
+#ifndef jit_align
+#define jit_align(n)
+/* jit_code: union of many possible function pointer types.  Returned
+ * by jit_get_ip().
+ */
+typedef union jit_code {       
+  char          *ptr;
+  void          (*vptr)(void);
+  char          (*cptr)(void);
+  unsigned char         (*ucptr)(void);
+  short                 (*sptr)(void);
+  unsigned short (*usptr)(void);
+  int           (*iptr)(void);
+  unsigned int  (*uiptr)(void);
+  long          (*lptr)(void);
+  unsigned long         (*ulptr)(void);
+  void *        (*pptr)(void);
+  float                 (*fptr)(void);
+  double        (*dptr)(void);
+} jit_code;
+#ifndef jit_fill_delay_after
+#define jit_fill_delay_after(branch)   (branch)
+#define jit_delay(insn, branch)                ((insn), 
+/* ALU synonyms */
+#define jit_addi_ui(d, rs, is)         jit_addi_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_addr_ui(d, s1, s2)         jit_addr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_addci_ui(d, rs, is)                jit_addci_i((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_addcr_ui(d, s1, s2)                jit_addcr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_addxi_ui(d, rs, is)                jit_addxi_i((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_addxr_ui(d, s1, s2)                jit_addxr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_andi_ui(d, rs, is)         jit_andi_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_andr_ui(d, s1, s2)         jit_andr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_lshi_ui(d, rs, is)         jit_lshi_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_lshr_ui(d, s1, s2)         jit_lshr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_movi_ui(d, rs)             jit_movi_i((d), (rs))
+#define jit_movr_ui(d, rs)             jit_movr_i((d), (rs))
+#define jit_ori_ui(d, rs, is)          jit_ori_i((d), (rs), (is))      
+#define jit_orr_ui(d, s1, s2)          jit_orr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_rsbi_ui(d, rs, is)         jit_rsbi_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_rsbr_ui(d, s1, s2)         jit_rsbr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_subi_ui(d, rs, is)         jit_subi_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_subr_ui(d, s1, s2)         jit_subr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_subci_ui(d, rs, is)                jit_subci_i((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_subcr_ui(d, s1, s2)                jit_subcr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_subxi_ui(d, rs, is)                jit_subxi_i((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_subxr_ui(d, s1, s2)                jit_subxr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_xori_ui(d, rs, is)         jit_xori_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_xorr_ui(d, s1, s2)         jit_xorr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_addi_ul(d, rs, is)         jit_addi_l((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_addr_ul(d, s1, s2)         jit_addr_l((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_addci_ul(d, rs, is)                jit_addci_l((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_addcr_ul(d, s1, s2)                jit_addcr_l((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_addxi_ul(d, rs, is)                jit_addxi_l((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_addxr_ul(d, s1, s2)                jit_addxr_l((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_andi_ul(d, rs, is)         jit_andi_l((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_andr_ul(d, s1, s2)         jit_andr_l((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_lshi_ul(d, rs, is)         jit_lshi_l((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_lshr_ul(d, s1, s2)         jit_lshr_l((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_movi_ul(d, rs)             jit_movi_l((d), (rs))
+#define jit_movr_ul(d, rs)             jit_movr_l((d), (rs))
+#define jit_ori_ul(d, rs, is)          jit_ori_l((d), (rs), (is))      
+#define jit_orr_ul(d, s1, s2)          jit_orr_l((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_rsbi_ul(d, rs, is)         jit_rsbi_l((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_rsbr_ul(d, s1, s2)         jit_rsbr_l((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_subi_ul(d, rs, is)         jit_subi_l((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_subr_ul(d, s1, s2)         jit_subr_l((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_subci_ul(d, rs, is)                jit_subci_l((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_subcr_ul(d, s1, s2)                jit_subcr_l((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_subxi_ui(d, rs, is)                jit_subxi_i((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_subxr_ui(d, s1, s2)                jit_subxr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_xori_ul(d, rs, is)         jit_xori_l((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_xorr_ul(d, s1, s2)         jit_xorr_l((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_addr_p(d, s1, s2)          jit_addr_ul((d), (s1),        (s2))
+#define jit_addi_p(d, rs, is)          jit_addi_ul((d), (rs), (long) (is))
+#define jit_movr_p(d, rs)              jit_movr_ul((d),              (rs))
+#define jit_movi_p(d, is)              jit_movi_ul((d),       (long) (is))
+#define jit_subr_p(d, s1, s2)          jit_subr_ul((d), (s1),        (s2))
+#define jit_subi_p(d, rs, is)          jit_subi_ul((d), (rs), (long) (is))
+#ifndef jit_addci_i
+#define jit_addci_i(d, rs, is)         jit_addi_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_addcr_i(d, s1, s2)         jit_addr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_addci_l(d, rs, is)         jit_addi_l((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_addcr_l(d, s1, s2)         jit_addr_l((d), (s1), (s2))
+#ifndef jit_subcr_i
+#define jit_subcr_i(d, s1, s2)         jit_subr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+/* NEG is not mandatory -- pick an appropriate implementation */
+#ifndef jit_negr_i
+# ifdef JIT_RZERO
+#  define jit_negr_i(d, rs)            jit_subr_i((d), JIT_RZERO, (rs))
+#  define jit_negr_l(d, rs)            jit_subr_l((d), JIT_RZERO, (rs))
+# else /* !JIT_RZERO */
+#  ifndef jit_rsbi_i
+#   define jit_negr_i(d, rs)           (jit_xori_i((d), (rs), -1), 
jit_addi_l((d), (d), 1))
+#   define jit_negr_l(d, rs)           (jit_xori_l((d), (rs), -1), 
jit_addi_l((d), (d), 1))
+#  else /* jit_rsbi_i */
+#   define jit_negr_i(d, rs)           jit_rsbi_i((d), (rs), 0)
+#   define jit_negr_l(d, rs)           jit_rsbi_l((d), (rs), 0)
+#  endif /* jit_rsbi_i */
+# endif /* !JIT_RZERO */
+#endif /* !jit_negr_i */
+/* RSB is not mandatory */
+#ifndef jit_rsbi_i
+# define jit_rsbi_i(d, rs, is)         (jit_subi_i((d), (rs), (is)), 
jit_negr_i((d), (d)))
+# ifndef jit_rsbi_l
+#  define jit_rsbi_l(d, rs, is)                (jit_subi_l((d), (rs), (is)), 
jit_negr_l((d), (d)))
+# endif
+/* Common 'shortcut' implementations */
+#define jit_subi_i(d, rs, is)          jit_addi_i((d), (rs), -(is))
+#define jit_subi_l(d, rs, is)          jit_addi_l((d), (rs), -(is))
+#define jit_subci_i(d, rs, is)         jit_addci_i((d), (rs), -(is))
+#define jit_subci_l(d, rs, is)         jit_addci_l((d), (rs), -(is))
+#define jit_rsbr_i(d, s1, s2)          jit_subr_i((d), (s2), (s1))
+#define jit_rsbr_l(d, s1, s2)          jit_subr_l((d), (s2), (s1))
+/* Unary */
+#define jit_notr_c(d, rs)              jit_xori_c((d), (rs), 255)
+#define jit_notr_uc(d, rs)             jit_xori_c((d), (rs), 255)
+#define jit_notr_s(d, rs)              jit_xori_s((d), (rs), 65535)
+#define jit_notr_us(d, rs)             jit_xori_s((d), (rs), 65535)
+#define jit_notr_i(d, rs)              jit_xori_i((d), (rs), ~0)
+#define jit_notr_ui(d, rs)             jit_xori_i((d), (rs), ~0)
+#define jit_notr_l(d, rs)              jit_xori_l((d), (rs), ~0L)
+#define jit_notr_ul(d, rs)             jit_xori_l((d), (rs), ~0L)
+#ifndef jit_extr_c_ui
+#define jit_extr_c_ui(d, rs)           jit_andi_ui((d), (rs), 0xFF)
+#ifndef jit_extr_s_ui
+#define jit_extr_s_ui(d, rs)           jit_andi_ui((d), (rs), 0xFFFF)
+#ifndef jit_extr_c_i
+#define jit_extr_c_i(d, rs)            (jit_lshi_i((d), (rs), 24), 
jit_rshi_i((d), (d), 24))
+#ifndef jit_extr_s_i
+#define jit_extr_s_i(d, rs)            (jit_lshi_i((d), (rs), 16), 
jit_rshi_i((d), (d), 16))
+#define jit_extr_uc_i(d, rs)           jit_extr_c_ui((d), (rs))
+#define jit_extr_uc_ui(d, rs)          jit_extr_c_ui((d), (rs))
+#define jit_extr_us_i(d, rs)           jit_extr_s_ui((d), (rs))
+#define jit_extr_us_ui(d, rs)          jit_extr_s_ui((d), (rs))
+#ifndef jit_extr_i_ul
+#ifdef jit_addi_l /* sizeof(long) != sizeof(int) */
+#define jit_extr_i_ul(d, rs)           jit_andi_ui((d), (rs), 0xFF)
+#else /* sizeof(long) == sizeof(int) */
+#define jit_extr_i_ul(d, rs)           jit_movr_i(d, rs)
+#endif /* sizeof(long) == sizeof(int) */
+#define jit_extr_ui_l(d, rs)           jit_extr_i_ul((d), (rs))
+#define jit_extr_ui_ul(d, rs)          jit_extr_i_ul((d), (rs))
+/* NTOH/HTON is not mandatory for big endian architectures */
+#ifndef jit_ntoh_ui /* big endian */
+#define jit_ntoh_ui(d, rs)             ((d) == (rs) ? (void)0 : 
jit_movr_i((d), (rs)))
+#define jit_ntoh_us(d, rs)             ((d) == (rs) ? (void)0 : 
jit_movr_i((d), (rs)))
+#endif /* big endian */
+/* hton is a synonym for ntoh */
+#define jit_hton_ui(d, rs)             jit_ntoh_ui((d), (rs))
+#define jit_hton_us(d, rs)             jit_ntoh_us((d), (rs))
+/* Stack synonyms */
+#define jit_pushr_ui(rs)               jit_pushr_i(rs)
+#define jit_popr_ui(rs)                        jit_popr_i(rs)          
+#define jit_pushr_ul(rs)               jit_pushr_l(rs)
+#define jit_popr_ul(rs)                        jit_popr_l(rs)          
+#define jit_pushr_p(rs)                        jit_pushr_ul(rs)
+#define jit_popr_p(rs)                 jit_popr_ul(rs)         
+#define jit_prepare(nint)              jitfp_prepare((nint), 0, 0)
+#define jit_pusharg_c(rs)              jit_pusharg_i(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_s(rs)              jit_pusharg_i(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_uc(rs)             jit_pusharg_i(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_us(rs)             jit_pusharg_i(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_ui(rs)             jit_pusharg_i(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_ul(rs)             jit_pusharg_l(rs)
+#define jit_pusharg_p(rs)              jit_pusharg_ul(rs)
+/* Memory synonyms */
+#ifdef JIT_RZERO
+#ifndef jit_ldi_c
+#define jit_ldi_c(rd, is)              jit_ldxi_c((rd), JIT_RZERO, (is))       
+#define jit_sti_c(id, rs)              jit_stxi_c((id), JIT_RZERO, (rs))       
+#define jit_ldi_s(rd, is)              jit_ldxi_s((rd), JIT_RZERO, (is))       
+#define jit_sti_s(id, rs)              jit_stxi_s((id), JIT_RZERO, (rs))       
+#define jit_ldi_i(rd, is)              jit_ldxi_i((rd), JIT_RZERO, (is))       
+#define jit_sti_i(id, rs)              jit_stxi_i((id), JIT_RZERO, (rs))       
+#define jit_ldi_l(rd, is)              jit_ldxi_l((rd), JIT_RZERO, (is))       
+#define jit_sti_l(id, rs)              jit_stxi_l((id), JIT_RZERO, (rs))       
+#define jit_ldi_uc(rd, is)             jit_ldxi_uc((rd), JIT_RZERO, (is))      
+#define jit_ldi_us(rd, is)             jit_ldxi_us((rd), JIT_RZERO, (is))      
+#define jit_ldi_ui(rd, is)             jit_ldxi_ui((rd), JIT_RZERO, (is))      
+#define jit_ldi_ul(rd, is)             jit_ldxi_ul((rd), JIT_RZERO, (is))      
+#ifndef jit_ldr_c
+#define jit_ldr_c(rd, rs)              jit_ldxr_c((rd), JIT_RZERO, (rs))       
+#define jit_str_c(rd, rs)              jit_stxr_c(JIT_RZERO, (rd), (rs))       
+#define jit_ldr_s(rd, rs)              jit_ldxr_s((rd), JIT_RZERO, (rs))       
+#define jit_str_s(rd, rs)              jit_stxr_s(JIT_RZERO, (rd), (rs))       
+#define jit_ldr_i(rd, rs)              jit_ldxr_i((rd), JIT_RZERO, (rs))       
+#define jit_str_i(rd, rs)              jit_stxr_i(JIT_RZERO, (rd), (rs))       
+#define jit_ldr_l(rd, rs)              jit_ldxr_l((rd), JIT_RZERO, (rs))       
+#define jit_str_l(rd, rs)              jit_stxr_l(JIT_RZERO, (rd), (rs))       
+#define jit_ldr_uc(rd, rs)             jit_ldxr_uc((rd), JIT_RZERO, (rs))      
+#define jit_ldr_us(rd, rs)             jit_ldxr_us((rd), JIT_RZERO, (rs))      
+#define jit_ldr_ui(rd, rs)             jit_ldxr_ui((rd), JIT_RZERO, (rs))      
+#define jit_ldr_ul(rd, rs)             jit_ldxr_ul((rd), JIT_RZERO, (rs))      
+#define jit_str_uc(rd, rs)             jit_str_c((rd), (rs))
+#define jit_sti_uc(id, rs)             jit_sti_c((id), (rs))
+#define jit_stxr_uc(d1, d2, rs)                jit_stxr_c((d1), (d2), (rs))
+#define jit_stxi_uc(id, rd, is)                jit_stxi_c((id), (rd), (is))
+#define jit_str_us(rd, rs)             jit_str_s((rd), (rs))
+#define jit_sti_us(id, rs)             jit_sti_s((id), (rs))
+#define jit_stxr_us(d1, d2, rs)                jit_stxr_s((d1), (d2), (rs))
+#define jit_stxi_us(id, rd, is)                jit_stxi_s((id), (rd), (is))
+#define jit_str_ui(rd, rs)             jit_str_i((rd), (rs))
+#define jit_sti_ui(id, rs)             jit_sti_i((id), (rs))
+#define jit_stxr_ui(d1, d2, rs)                jit_stxr_i((d1), (d2), (rs))
+#define jit_stxi_ui(id, rd, is)                jit_stxi_i((id), (rd), (is))
+#define jit_str_ul(rd, rs)             jit_str_l((rd), (rs))
+#define jit_sti_ul(id, rs)             jit_sti_l((id), (rs))
+#define jit_stxr_ul(d1, d2, rs)                jit_stxr_l((d1), (d2), (rs))
+#define jit_stxi_ul(id, rd, is)                jit_stxi_l((id), (rd), (is))
+#define jit_str_p(rd, rs)              jit_str_l((rd), (rs))
+#define jit_sti_p(id, rs)              jit_sti_l((id), (rs))
+#define jit_stxr_p(d1, d2, rs)         jit_stxr_l((d1), (d2), (rs))
+#define jit_stxi_p(id, rd, is)         jit_stxi_l((id), (rd), (is))
+#define jit_ldr_p(rd, rs)              jit_ldr_l((rd), (rs))
+#define jit_ldi_p(rd, is)              jit_ldi_l((rd), (is))
+#define jit_ldxr_p(rd, s1, s2)         jit_ldxr_l((rd), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_ldxi_p(rd, rs, is)         jit_ldxi_l((rd), (rs), (is))
+/* Boolean & branch synonyms */
+#define jit_eqr_ui(d, s1, s2)          jit_eqr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_eqi_ui(d, rs, is)          jit_eqi_i((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ner_ui(d, s1, s2)          jit_ner_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_nei_ui(d, rs, is)          jit_nei_i((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_eqr_ul(d, s1, s2)          jit_eqr_l((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_eqi_ul(d, rs, is)          jit_eqi_l((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ner_ul(d, s1, s2)          jit_ner_l((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_nei_ul(d, rs, is)          jit_nei_l((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_beqr_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_beqr_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_beqi_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_beqi_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bner_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_bner_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bnei_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_bnei_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bmcr_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_bmcr_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bmci_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_bmci_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bmsr_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_bmsr_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bmsi_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_bmsi_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_beqr_ul(label, s1, s2)     jit_beqr_l((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_beqi_ul(label, rs, is)     jit_beqi_l((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bner_ul(label, s1, s2)     jit_bner_l((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bnei_ul(label, rs, is)     jit_bnei_l((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bmcr_ul(label, s1, s2)     jit_bmcr_l((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bmci_ul(label, rs, is)     jit_bmci_l((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bmsr_ul(label, s1, s2)     jit_bmsr_l((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bmsi_ul(label, rs, is)     jit_bmsi_l((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ltr_p(d, s1, s2)           jit_ltr_ul((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_lti_p(d, rs, is)           jit_lti_ul((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ler_p(d, s1, s2)           jit_ler_ul((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_lei_p(d, rs, is)           jit_lei_ul((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_gtr_p(d, s1, s2)           jit_gtr_ul((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_gti_p(d, rs, is)           jit_gti_ul((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ger_p(d, s1, s2)           jit_ger_ul((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_gei_p(d, rs, is)           jit_gei_ul((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_eqr_p(d, s1, s2)           jit_eqr_ul((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_eqi_p(d, rs, is)           jit_eqi_ul((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ner_p(d, s1, s2)           jit_ner_ul((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_nei_p(d, rs, is)           jit_nei_ul((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bltr_p(label, s1, s2)      jit_bltr_ul((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_blti_p(label, rs, is)      jit_blti_ul((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bler_p(label, s1, s2)      jit_bler_ul((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_blei_p(label, rs, is)      jit_blei_ul((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bgtr_p(label, s1, s2)      jit_bgtr_ul((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bgti_p(label, rs, is)      jit_bgti_ul((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bger_p(label, s1, s2)      jit_bger_ul((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bgei_p(label, rs, is)      jit_bgei_ul((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_beqr_p(label, s1, s2)      jit_beqr_ul((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_beqi_p(label, rs, is)      jit_beqi_ul((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bner_p(label, s1, s2)      jit_bner_ul((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bnei_p(label, rs, is)      jit_bnei_ul((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_retval_ui(rd)              jit_retval_i((rd))
+#define jit_retval_uc(rd)              jit_retval_i((rd))
+#define jit_retval_us(rd)              jit_retval_i((rd))
+#define jit_retval_ul(rd)              jit_retval_l((rd))
+#define jit_retval_p(rd)               jit_retval_ul((rd))
+#define jit_retval_c(rd)               jit_retval_i((rd))
+#define jit_retval_s(rd)               jit_retval_i((rd))
+#ifndef jit_finish
+#define jit_finish(sub)                        jit_calli(sub)
+#ifndef jit_prolog
+#define jit_prolog(numargs)
+#ifndef jit_leaf
+#define jit_leaf(numargs)              jit_prolog(numargs)
+#ifndef jit_getarg_c
+#ifndef JIT_FP
+#define jit_getarg_c(reg, ofs)         jit_extr_c_i  ((reg), (ofs))
+#define jit_getarg_i(reg, ofs)         jit_movr_i    ((reg), (ofs))
+#define jit_getarg_l(reg, ofs)         jit_movr_l    ((reg), (ofs))
+#define jit_getarg_p(reg, ofs)         jit_movr_p    ((reg), (ofs))
+#define jit_getarg_s(reg, ofs)         jit_extr_s_i  ((reg), (ofs))
+#define jit_getarg_uc(reg, ofs)                jit_extr_uc_ui((reg), (ofs))
+#define jit_getarg_ui(reg, ofs)                jit_movr_ui   ((reg), (ofs))
+#define jit_getarg_ul(reg, ofs)                jit_extr_uc_ul((reg), (ofs))
+#define jit_getarg_us(reg, ofs)                jit_extr_us_ul((reg), (ofs))
+#define jit_getarg_c(reg, ofs) jit_ldxi_c((reg), JIT_FP, (ofs));
+#define jit_getarg_uc(reg, ofs)        jit_ldxi_uc((reg), JIT_FP, (ofs));
+#define jit_getarg_s(reg, ofs) jit_ldxi_s((reg), JIT_FP, (ofs));
+#define jit_getarg_us(reg, ofs)        jit_ldxi_us((reg), JIT_FP, (ofs));
+#define jit_getarg_i(reg, ofs) jit_ldxi_i((reg), JIT_FP, (ofs));
+#define jit_getarg_ui(reg, ofs)        jit_ldxi_ui((reg), JIT_FP, (ofs));
+#define jit_getarg_l(reg, ofs) jit_ldxi_l((reg), JIT_FP, (ofs));
+#define jit_getarg_ul(reg, ofs)        jit_ldxi_ul((reg), JIT_FP, (ofs));
+#define jit_getarg_p(reg, ofs) jit_ldxi_p((reg), JIT_FP, (ofs));
+/* Common definitions when sizeof(long) = sizeof(int) */
+#ifndef jit_addi_l
+#define JIT_LONG_IS_INT
+/* ALU */
+#define jit_addi_l(d, rs, is)          jit_addi_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_addr_l(d, s1, s2)          jit_addr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_addci_l(d, rs, is)         jit_addci_i((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_addcr_l(d, s1, s2)         jit_addcr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_addxi_l(d, rs, is)         jit_addxi_i((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_addxr_l(d, s1, s2)         jit_addxr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_andi_l(d, rs, is)          jit_andi_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_andr_l(d, s1, s2)          jit_andr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_divi_l(d, rs, is)          jit_divi_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_divr_l(d, s1, s2)          jit_divr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_hmuli_l(d, rs, is)         jit_hmuli_i((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_hmulr_l(d, s1, s2)         jit_hmulr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_lshi_l(d, rs, is)          jit_lshi_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_lshr_l(d, s1, s2)          jit_lshr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_modi_l(d, rs, is)          jit_modi_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_modr_l(d, s1, s2)          jit_modr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_muli_l(d, rs, is)          jit_muli_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_mulr_l(d, s1, s2)          jit_mulr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_ori_l(d, rs, is)           jit_ori_i((d), (rs), (is))      
+#define jit_orr_l(d, s1, s2)           jit_orr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_rshi_l(d, rs, is)          jit_rshi_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_rshr_l(d, s1, s2)          jit_rshr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_subr_l(d, s1, s2)          jit_subr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_subcr_l(d, s1, s2)         jit_subcr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_subxi_l(d, rs, is)         jit_subxi_i((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_subxr_l(d, s1, s2)         jit_subxr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_xori_l(d, rs, is)          jit_xori_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_xorr_l(d, s1, s2)          jit_xorr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#ifndef jit_rsbi_l
+#define jit_rsbi_l(d, rs, is)          jit_rsbi_i((d), (rs), (is))     
+#define jit_divi_ul(d, rs, is)         jit_divi_ui((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_divr_ul(d, s1, s2)         jit_divr_ui((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_hmuli_ul(d, rs, is)                jit_hmuli_ui((d), (rs), (is))   
+#define jit_hmulr_ul(d, s1, s2)                jit_hmulr_ui((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_modi_ul(d, rs, is)         jit_modi_ui((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_modr_ul(d, s1, s2)         jit_modr_ui((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_muli_ul(d, rs, is)         jit_muli_ui((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_mulr_ul(d, s1, s2)         jit_mulr_ui((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_rshi_ul(d, rs, is)         jit_rshi_ui((d), (rs), (is))    
+#define jit_rshr_ul(d, s1, s2)         jit_rshr_ui((d), (s1), (s2))
+/* Unary */
+#define jit_movi_l(d, rs)              jit_movi_i((d), (rs))
+#define jit_movr_l(d, rs)              jit_movr_i((d), (rs))
+/* Stack */
+#define jit_pushr_l(rs)                        jit_pushr_i(rs)
+#define jit_popr_l(rs)                 jit_popr_i(rs)          
+#define jit_pusharg_l(rs)              jit_pusharg_i(rs)
+/* Memory */
+#ifndef JIT_RZERO
+#define jit_ldr_l(d, rs)               jit_ldr_i((d), (rs))
+#define jit_ldi_l(d, is)               jit_ldi_i((d), (is))
+#define jit_str_l(d, rs)               jit_str_i((d), (rs))
+#define jit_sti_l(d, is)               jit_sti_i((d), (is))
+#define jit_ldr_ui(d, rs)              jit_ldr_i((d), (rs))
+#define jit_ldi_ui(d, is)              jit_ldi_i((d), (is))
+#define jit_ldr_ul(d, rs)              jit_ldr_ui((d), (rs))
+#define jit_ldi_ul(d, is)              jit_ldi_ui((d), (is))
+#define jit_ldxr_l(d, s1, s2)          jit_ldxr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_ldxi_l(d, rs, is)          jit_ldxi_i((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_stxr_l(d, s1, s2)          jit_stxr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_stxi_l(d, rs, is)          jit_stxi_i((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ldxr_ui(d, s1, s2)         jit_ldxr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_ldxi_ui(d, rs, is)         jit_ldxi_i((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ldxr_ul(d, s1, s2)         jit_ldxr_ui((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_ldxi_ul(d, rs, is)         jit_ldxi_ui((d), (rs), (is))
+/* Boolean */
+#define jit_ltr_l(d, s1, s2)           jit_ltr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_lti_l(d, rs, is)           jit_lti_i((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ler_l(d, s1, s2)           jit_ler_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_lei_l(d, rs, is)           jit_lei_i((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_gtr_l(d, s1, s2)           jit_gtr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_gti_l(d, rs, is)           jit_gti_i((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ger_l(d, s1, s2)           jit_ger_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_gei_l(d, rs, is)           jit_gei_i((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_eqr_l(d, s1, s2)           jit_eqr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_eqi_l(d, rs, is)           jit_eqi_i((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ner_l(d, s1, s2)           jit_ner_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_nei_l(d, rs, is)           jit_nei_i((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ltr_ul(d, s1, s2)          jit_ltr_ui((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_lti_ul(d, rs, is)          jit_lti_ui((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ler_ul(d, s1, s2)          jit_ler_ui((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_lei_ul(d, rs, is)          jit_lei_ui((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_gtr_ul(d, s1, s2)          jit_gtr_ui((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_gti_ul(d, rs, is)          jit_gti_ui((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_ger_ul(d, s1, s2)          jit_ger_ui((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_gei_ul(d, rs, is)          jit_gei_ui((d), (rs), (is))
+/* Branches */
+#define jit_bltr_l(label, s1, s2)      jit_bltr_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_blti_l(label, rs, is)      jit_blti_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bler_l(label, s1, s2)      jit_bler_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_blei_l(label, rs, is)      jit_blei_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bgtr_l(label, s1, s2)      jit_bgtr_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bgti_l(label, rs, is)      jit_bgti_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bger_l(label, s1, s2)      jit_bger_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bgei_l(label, rs, is)      jit_bgei_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_beqr_l(label, s1, s2)      jit_beqr_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_beqi_l(label, rs, is)      jit_beqi_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bner_l(label, s1, s2)      jit_bner_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bnei_l(label, rs, is)      jit_bnei_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bmcr_l(label, s1, s2)      jit_bmcr_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bmci_l(label, rs, is)      jit_bmci_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bmsr_l(label, s1, s2)      jit_bmsr_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bmsi_l(label, rs, is)      jit_bmsi_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_boaddr_l(label, s1, s2)    jit_boaddr_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_boaddi_l(label, rs, is)    jit_boaddi_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bosubr_l(label, s1, s2)    jit_bosubr_i((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bosubi_l(label, rs, is)    jit_bosubi_i((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bltr_ul(label, s1, s2)     jit_bltr_ui((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_blti_ul(label, rs, is)     jit_blti_ui((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bler_ul(label, s1, s2)     jit_bler_ui((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_blei_ul(label, rs, is)     jit_blei_ui((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bgtr_ul(label, s1, s2)     jit_bgtr_ui((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bgti_ul(label, rs, is)     jit_bgti_ui((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bger_ul(label, s1, s2)     jit_bger_ui((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bgei_ul(label, rs, is)     jit_bgei_ui((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_boaddr_ul(label, s1, s2)   jit_boaddr_ui((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_boaddi_ul(label, rs, is)   jit_boaddi_ui((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_bosubr_ul(label, s1, s2)   jit_bosubr_ui((label), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_bosubi_ul(label, rs, is)   jit_bosubi_ui((label), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_retval_l(rd)               jit_retval_i((rd))
+#endif /* __lightning_core_common_h_ */
diff --git a/lightning/fp-common.h b/lightning/fp-common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de25fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/fp-common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Platform-independent layer floating-point interface
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+struct jit_fp {
+  char kind;
+  char  subkind;
+  union {
+    struct {
+      int   displ;
+      char  reg1;
+      char  reg2;
+    } addr;
+    union {
+      double number;
+      long   split[sizeof(double) / sizeof(long)];
+    } imm;
+    struct {
+      struct jit_fp *lhs, *rhs;
+    } ops;
+  } d;
+#ifdef jit_trunc
+enum { JIT_NULL,                                               /* unused */
+        JIT_CMP, JIT_FLOOR, JIT_CEIL, JIT_ROUND, JIT_TRUNC,    /* integer */
+       JIT_XI, JIT_ADD, JIT_XR, JIT_SUB,                       /* subkinds */
+       JIT_I,  JIT_MUL, JIT_R,  JIT_DIV,
+       JIT_INT,
+       JIT_ABS, JIT_SIN, JIT_COS, JIT_TAN, JIT_ATN,            /* functions */
+       JIT_OP,  JIT_FN,  JIT_LD,  JIT_IMM };                   /* kinds */
+/* Declarations */
+static void _jit_emit(jit_state *, struct jit_fp *,
+                     int, int, int, int) JIT_UNUSED;
+static struct jit_fp *_jit_op(struct jit_fp *, int, 
+                             struct jit_fp *, struct jit_fp *) JIT_UNUSED;
+static struct jit_fp *_jit_ld(struct jit_fp *, int, 
+                             int, int) JIT_UNUSED;
+static struct jit_fp *_jit_fn(struct jit_fp *, int, 
+                             struct jit_fp *) JIT_UNUSED;
+static struct jit_fp *_jit_imm(struct jit_fp *, double) JIT_UNUSED;
+/* Internal function to walk the tree */
+_jit_emit(jit_state *jit, struct jit_fp *head,
+         int store_kind, int store1, int store2, int reg0)
+#define _jit (*jit)
+  switch (head->kind) {
+    case JIT_OP:
+      _jit_emit(jit, head->d.ops.lhs, JIT_NULL, 0, 0, reg0);
+      _jit_emit(jit, head->d.ops.rhs, JIT_NULL, 0, 0, reg0 + 1);
+      switch (head->subkind) {
+        case JIT_ADD: jit_add_two(reg0); break;
+        case JIT_SUB: jit_sub_two(reg0); break;
+        case JIT_MUL: jit_mul_two(reg0); break;
+        case JIT_DIV: jit_div_two(reg0); break;
+      }
+      break;
+    case JIT_IMM:
+      jit_fpimm(reg0, head->d.imm.split[0], head->d.imm.split[1]);
+      jit_fpimm(reg0, head->d.imm.split[0]);
+      break;
+    case JIT_FN:
+      _jit_emit(jit, head->d.ops.lhs, JIT_NULL, 0, 0, reg0);
+      switch (head->subkind) {
+       case JIT_ABS: jit_abs(reg0); break;
+       case JIT_NEG: jit_neg(reg0); break;
+       case JIT_SIN: jit_sin(reg0); break;
+       case JIT_SQRT: jit_sqrt(reg0); break;
+       case JIT_COS: jit_cos(reg0); break;
+       case JIT_TAN: jit_tan(reg0); break;
+       case JIT_ATN: jit_atn(reg0); break;
+       case JIT_EXP: jit_exp(reg0); break;
+       case JIT_LOG: jit_log(reg0); break;
+      }
+      break;
+    case JIT_LD:
+      switch (head->subkind) {
+        case JIT_INT:    jit_exti_d(reg0, head->d.addr.reg1); break;
+        case JIT_XI:     jit_ldxi_f(reg0, head->d.addr.reg1, 
head->d.addr.displ); break;
+        case JIT_XR:     jit_ldxr_f(reg0, head->d.addr.reg1, 
head->d.addr.reg2);  break;
+        case JIT_XI | 1: jit_ldxi_d(reg0, head->d.addr.reg1, 
head->d.addr.displ); break;
+        case JIT_XR | 1: jit_ldxr_d(reg0, head->d.addr.reg1, 
head->d.addr.reg2);  break;
+#ifndef JIT_RZERO
+        case JIT_I:      jit_ldi_f(reg0, head->d.addr.displ); break;
+        case JIT_R:      jit_ldr_f(reg0, head->d.addr.reg1);  break;
+        case JIT_I | 1:  jit_ldi_d(reg0, head->d.addr.displ); break;
+        case JIT_R | 1:  jit_ldr_d(reg0, head->d.addr.reg1);  break;
+      }
+      break;
+  }
+  switch (store_kind) {
+    case JIT_FLOOR:  jit_floor(store1, reg0);           break;
+    case JIT_CEIL:   jit_ceil(store1, reg0);            break;
+    case JIT_TRUNC:  jit_trunc(store1, reg0);           break;
+    case JIT_ROUND:  jit_round(store1, reg0);           break;
+    case JIT_CMP:    jit_cmp(store1, store2, reg0);     break;
+    case JIT_XI:     jit_stxi_f(store2, store1, reg0);   break;
+    case JIT_XR:     jit_stxr_f(store2, store1, reg0);   break;
+    case JIT_XI | 1: jit_stxi_d(store2, store1, reg0);   break;
+    case JIT_XR | 1: jit_stxr_d(store2, store1, reg0);   break;
+#ifndef JIT_RZERO
+    case JIT_I:      jit_sti_f(store2, reg0);           break;
+    case JIT_R:      jit_str_f(store2, reg0);           break;
+    case JIT_I | 1:  jit_sti_d(store2, reg0);           break;
+    case JIT_R | 1:  jit_str_d(store2, reg0);           break;
+    case JIT_NULL:   break;
+  }
+#undef _jit
+/* Internal functions to build the tree */
+struct jit_fp *
+_jit_op(struct jit_fp *where, int which, 
+       struct jit_fp *op1, struct jit_fp *op2)
+  where->kind = JIT_OP;
+  where->subkind = which;
+  where->d.ops.lhs = op1;
+  where->d.ops.rhs = op2;
+  return (where);
+struct jit_fp *
+_jit_ld(struct jit_fp *where, int which, int op1, int op2)
+  where->kind = JIT_LD;
+  where->subkind = which;
+  switch (which & ~1) {
+    case JIT_XI: where->d.addr.reg1 = op1;
+    case JIT_I:  where->d.addr.displ = op2;    break;
+    case JIT_XR: where->d.addr.reg2  = op2;
+    case JIT_INT:
+    case JIT_R:  where->d.addr.reg1  = op1;    break;
+  }
+  return (where);
+struct jit_fp *
+_jit_fn(struct jit_fp *where, int which, struct jit_fp *op1)
+  where->kind = JIT_FN;
+  where->subkind = which;
+  where->d.ops.lhs = op1;
+  return (where);
+struct jit_fp *
+_jit_imm(struct jit_fp *where, double number)
+  where->kind = JIT_IMM;
+  where->d.imm.number = number;
+  return (where);
+#define jitfp_begin(buf)               (_jit.fp = (buf), --_jit.fp)
+#define jitfp_add(op1, op2)            _jit_op(++_jit.fp, JIT_ADD, (op1), 
+#define jitfp_sub(op1, op2)            _jit_op(++_jit.fp, JIT_SUB, (op1), 
+#define jitfp_mul(op1, op2)            _jit_op(++_jit.fp, JIT_MUL, (op1), 
+#define jitfp_div(op1, op2)            _jit_op(++_jit.fp, JIT_DIV, (op1), 
+#define jitfp_imm(imm)                 _jit_imm(++_jit.fp, (imm))
+#define jitfp_exti_d(reg1)             _jit_ld(++_jit.fp, JIT_INT, (reg1), 0)
+#define jitfp_ldxi_f(reg1, imm)                _jit_ld(++_jit.fp, JIT_XI, 
(reg1), (long)(imm))
+#define jitfp_ldxr_f(reg1, reg2)       _jit_ld(++_jit.fp, JIT_XR, (reg1), 
+#define jitfp_ldxi_d(reg1, imm)                _jit_ld(++_jit.fp, JIT_XI | 1, 
(reg1), (long)(imm))
+#define jitfp_ldxr_d(reg1, reg2)       _jit_ld(++_jit.fp, JIT_XR | 1, (reg1), 
+#define jitfp_abs(op1)                 _jit_fn(++_jit.fp, JIT_ABS, (op1))
+#define jitfp_sqrt(op1)                        _jit_fn(++_jit.fp, JIT_SQRT, 
+#define jitfp_neg(op1)                 _jit_fn(++_jit.fp, JIT_NEG, (op1))
+#define jitfp_stxi_f(imm, reg1, op1)   _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_XI, (reg1), 
(long)(imm), 0)
+#define jitfp_stxr_f(reg1, reg2, op1)  _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_XR, (reg1), 
(reg2), 0)
+#define jitfp_stxi_d(imm, reg1, op1)   _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_XI | 1, 
(reg1), (long)(imm), 0)
+#define jitfp_stxr_d(reg1, reg2, op1)  _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_XR | 1, 
(reg1), (reg2), 0)
+#define jitfp_cmp(regle, regge, op1)   _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_CMP, regle, 
regge, 0)
+#define jitfp_floor(reg1, op1)         _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_FLOOR, 
reg1, 0, 0)
+#define jitfp_ceil(reg1, op1)          _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_CEIL, reg1, 
0, 0)
+#define jitfp_trunc(reg1, op1)         _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_TRUNC, 
reg1, 0, 0)
+#define jitfp_round(reg1, op1)         _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_ROUND, 
reg1, 0, 0)
+#define jitfp_sin(op1)                 _jit_fn(++_jit.fp, JIT_SIN, (op1))
+#define jitfp_cos(op1)                 _jit_fn(++_jit.fp, JIT_COS, (op1))
+#define jitfp_tan(op1)                 _jit_fn(++_jit.fp, JIT_TAN, (op1))
+#define jitfp_atn(op1)                 _jit_fn(++_jit.fp, JIT_ATN, (op1))
+#define jitfp_exp(op1)                 _jit_fn(++_jit.fp, JIT_EXP, (op1))
+#define jitfp_log(op1)                 _jit_fn(++_jit.fp, JIT_LOG, (op1))
+#ifdef JIT_RZERO
+#define jitfp_ldi_f(imm)               _jit_ld(++_jit.fp, JIT_XI, JIT_RZERO, 
+#define jitfp_ldr_f(reg1)              _jit_ld(++_jit.fp, JIT_XR, JIT_RZERO, 
+#define jitfp_ldi_d(imm)               _jit_ld(++_jit.fp, JIT_XI | 1, 
JIT_RZERO, (long)(imm))
+#define jitfp_ldr_d(reg1)              _jit_ld(++_jit.fp, JIT_XR | 1, 
JIT_RZERO, (reg1))
+#define jitfp_sti_f(imm, op1)          _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_XI, 
JIT_RZERO, (long)(imm), 0)
+#define jitfp_str_f(reg1, op1)         _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_XR, 
JIT_RZERO, (reg1), 0)
+#define jitfp_sti_d(imm, op1)          _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_XI | 1, 
JIT_RZERO, (long)(imm), 0)
+#define jitfp_str_d(reg1, op1)         _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_XR | 1, 
JIT_RZERO, (reg1), 0)
+#define jitfp_ldi_f(imm)               _jit_ld(++_jit.fp, JIT_I, 0, 
+#define jitfp_ldr_f(reg1)              _jit_ld(++_jit.fp, JIT_R, (reg1), 0)
+#define jitfp_ldi_d(imm)               _jit_ld(++_jit.fp, JIT_I | 1, 0, 
+#define jitfp_ldr_d(reg1)              _jit_ld(++_jit.fp, JIT_R | 1, (reg1), 0)
+#define jitfp_sti_f(imm, op1)          _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_I, 0, 
(long)(imm), 0)
+#define jitfp_str_f(reg1, op1)         _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_R, 0, 
(reg1), 0)
+#define jitfp_sti_d(imm, op1)          _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_I | 1, 0, 
(long)(imm), 0)
+#define jitfp_str_d(reg1, op1)         _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_R | 1, 0, 
(reg1), 0)
diff --git a/lightning/funcs-common.h b/lightning/funcs-common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dafae1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/funcs-common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Platform-independent layer inline functions (common part)
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_funcs_common_h
+#define __lightning_funcs_common_h
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+static int jit_fail(const char *, const char*, int, const char *) JIT_UNUSED;
+jit_fail(const char *msg, const char *file, int line, const char *function)
+  fprintf(stderr, "%s: In function `%s':\n", file, function);
+  fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: %s\n", file, line, msg);
+  abort();
+#endif /* __lightning_funcs_common_h */
diff --git a/lightning/i386/asm.h b/lightning/i386/asm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d805716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/i386/asm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1060 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Run-time assembler for the i386
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Ian Piumarta
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_asm_h
+#define __lightning_asm_h
+/*     OPCODE  + i             = immediate operand
+ *             + r             = register operand
+ *             + m             = memory operand (disp,base,index,scale)
+ *             + sr/sm         = a star preceding a register or memory
+ */
+typedef _uc            jit_insn;
+#define _b00           0
+#define _b01           1
+#define _b10           2
+#define _b11           3
+#define _b000          0
+#define _b001          1
+#define _b010          2
+#define _b011          3
+#define _b100          4
+#define _b101          5
+#define _b110          6
+#define _b111          7
+/*** REGISTERS ***/    /* [size,,number] */
+#define _AL            0x10
+#define _CL            0x11
+#define _DL            0x12
+#define _BL            0x13
+#define _AH            0x14
+#define _CH            0x15
+#define _DH            0x16
+#define _BH            0x17
+#define _AX            0x20
+#define _CX            0x21
+#define _DX            0x22
+#define _BX            0x23
+#define _SP            0x24
+#define _BP            0x25
+#define _SI            0x26
+#define _DI            0x27
+#define _EAX           0x40
+#define _ECX           0x41
+#define _EDX           0x42
+#define _EBX           0x43
+#define _ESP           0x44
+#define _EBP           0x45
+#define _ESI           0x46
+#define _EDI           0x47
+#define _ST0           0
+#define _ST1           1
+#define _ST2           2
+#define _ST3           3
+#define _ST4           4
+#define _ST5           5
+#define _ST6           6
+#define _ST7           7
+#define _rS(R)         ((R)>>4)
+#define _rN(R)         ((R)&0x7)
+#define _r0P(R)                ((R)==0)
+#ifndef _ASM_SAFETY
+#define _r1(R)         _rN(R)
+#define _r2(R)         _rN(R)
+#define _r4(R)         _rN(R)
+#define _r1(R)         ((_rS(R)==1) ? _rN(R) : JITFAIL( "8-bit register 
+#define _r2(R)         ((_rS(R)==2) ? _rN(R) : JITFAIL("16-bit register 
+#define _r4(R)         ((_rS(R)==4) ? _rN(R) : JITFAIL("32-bit register 
+/*** ASSEMBLER ***/
+#define _OFF4(D)        (_jit_UL(D) - _jit_UL(_jit.x.pc))
+#define _CKD8(D)        _ck_d(8, ((_uc) _OFF4(D)) )
+#define _D8(D)          (_jit_B(0), ((*(_PUC(_jit.x.pc)-1))= _CKD8(D)))
+#define _D32(D)         (_jit_L(0), ((*(_PUL(_jit.x.pc)-1))= _OFF4(D)))
+#ifndef _ASM_SAFETY
+# define _M(M)         (M)
+# define _r(R)         (R)
+# define _m(M)         (M)
+# define _s(S)         (S)
+# define _i(I)         (I)
+# define _b(B)         (B)
+# define _noESP(I,OK)  (OK)
+# define _M(M)         (((M)>3) ? JITFAIL("internal error: mod = " #M) : (M))
+# define _r(R)         (((R)>7) ? JITFAIL("internal error: reg = " #R) : (R))
+# define _m(M)         (((M)>7) ? JITFAIL("internal error: r/m = " #M) : (M))
+# define _s(S)         (((S)>3) ? JITFAIL("internal error: memory scale = " 
#S) : (S))
+# define _i(I)         (((I)>7) ? JITFAIL("internal error: memory index = " 
#I) : (I))
+# define _b(B)         (((B)>7) ? JITFAIL("internal error: memory base = "  
#B) : (B))
+# define _noESP(I,OK)  (((I)==_ESP) ? JITFAIL("illegal index register: %esp") 
: (OK))
+#define _Mrm(Md,R,M)   _jit_B((_M(Md)<<6)|(_r(R)<<3)|_m(M))
+#define _SIB(Sc,I, B)  _jit_B((_s(Sc)<<6)|(_i(I)<<3)|_b(B))
+#define _SCL(S)                ((((S)==1) ? _b00 : \
+                        (((S)==2) ? _b01 : \
+                        (((S)==4) ? _b10 : \
+                        (((S)==8) ? _b11 : JITFAIL("illegal scale: " #S))))))
+/* memory subformats - urgh! */
+#define _r_D(  R, D      )     (_Mrm(_b00,_rN(R),_b101 )                       
+#define _r_0B( R,   B    )     (_Mrm(_b00,_rN(R),_r4(B))                       
+#define _r_0BIS(R,   B,I,S)    (_Mrm(_b00,_rN(R),_b100 
),_SIB(_SCL(S),_r4(I),_r4(B))      )
+#define _r_1B( R, D,B    )     (_Mrm(_b01,_rN(R),_r4(B))                       
+#define _r_1BIS(R, D,B,I,S)    (_Mrm(_b01,_rN(R),_b100 
+#define _r_4B( R, D,B    )     (_Mrm(_b10,_rN(R),_r4(B))                       
+#define _r_4IS( R, D,I,S)      (_Mrm(_b00,_rN(R),_b100 
),_SIB(_SCL(S),_r4(I),_b101 ),_jit_L((long)(D)))
+#define _r_4BIS(R, D,B,I,S)    (_Mrm(_b10,_rN(R),_b100 
+#define _r_DB(  R, D,B    )    ((_s0P(D) && (B != _EBP) ? _r_0B  (R,  B    ) : 
(_s8P(D) ? _r_1B(  R,D,B    ) : _r_4B(  R,D,B    ))))
+#define _r_DBIS(R, D,B,I,S)    ((_s0P(D)                ? _r_0BIS(R,  B,I,S) : 
(_s8P(D) ? _r_1BIS(R,D,B,I,S) : _r_4BIS(R,D,B,I,S))))
+#define _r_X(   R, D,B,I,S)    (_r0P(I) ? (_r0P(B)   ? _r_D   (R,D            
)   : \
+                                          (_ESP==(B) ? 
_r_DBIS(R,D,_ESP,_ESP,1)   : \
+                                                       _r_DB  (R,D,   B       
))) : \
+                                (_r0P(B)             ? _r_4IS (R,D,        
I,S)   : \
+                                (((I)!=_ESP)         ? _r_DBIS(R,D,   B,   
I,S)   : \
+                                                       JITFAIL("illegal index 
register: %esp"))))
+/* instruction formats */
+/*      _format                                                     Opcd       
  ModR/M dN(rB,rI,Sc)     imm... */
+#define         _d16()                                    (              
_jit_B(0x66   )                                 )
+#define          _O(        OP                         )  (              
_jit_B(  OP   )                                 )
+#define          _Or(       OP,R                       )  (              
_jit_B( (OP)|_r(R))                             )
+#define         _OO(        OP                         )  ( _jit_B((OP)>>8), 
_jit_B( (OP)      )                                 )
+#define         _OOr(       OP,R                       )  ( _jit_B((OP)>>8), 
_jit_B( (OP)|_r(R))                                 )
+#define          _Os(       OP,B                       )  (    _s8P(B) ? 
_jit_B(((OP)|_b10)) : _jit_B(OP)                        )
+#define            _sW(                             W  )  (                    
               _s8P(W) ? _jit_B(W):_jit_W(W)      )
+#define            _sL(                             L  )  (                    
               _s8P(L) ? _jit_B(L):_jit_L(L)      )
+#define          _O_W(      OP                     ,W  )  (        _O      (  
OP  )                          ,_jit_W(W)          )
+#define          _O_D8(     OP                     ,D  )  (        _O      (  
OP  )                         ,_D8(D)      )
+#define          _O_D32(     OP                    ,D  )  (        _O      (  
OP  )                         ,_D32(D)     )
+#define         _OO_D32(     OP                    ,D  )  (       _OO      (  
OP  )                         ,_D32(D)     )
+#define          _Os_sW(    OP                     ,W  )  (        _Os     (  
OP,W)                         ,_sW(W)      )
+#define          _Os_sL(    OP                     ,L  )  (        _Os     (  
OP,L)                         ,_sL(L)      )
+#define          _O_W_B(    OP                     ,W,B)  (        _O      (  
OP  )                          ,_jit_W(W),_jit_B(B))
+#define          _Or_B(     OP,R                   ,B  )  (        _Or     (  
OP,R)                          ,_jit_B(B)          )
+#define          _Or_W(     OP,R                   ,W  )  (        _Or     (  
OP,R)                          ,_jit_W(W)          )
+#define          _Or_L(     OP,R                   ,L  )  (        _Or     (  
OP,R)                          ,_jit_L(L)          )
+#define          _O_Mrm(    OP  ,MO,R,M                )  (        _O      (  
OP  ),_Mrm(MO,R,M            )             )
+#define         _OO_Mrm(    OP  ,MO,R,M                )  (       _OO      (  
OP  ),_Mrm(MO,R,M            )             )
+#define          _O_Mrm_B(  OP  ,MO,R,M            ,B  )  (        _O      (  
OP  ),_Mrm(MO,R,M            ) ,_jit_B(B)          )
+#define          _O_Mrm_W(  OP  ,MO,R,M            ,W  )  (        _O      (  
OP  ),_Mrm(MO,R,M            ) ,_jit_W(W)          )
+#define          _O_Mrm_L(  OP  ,MO,R,M            ,L  )  (        _O      (  
OP  ),_Mrm(MO,R,M            ) ,_jit_L(L)          )
+#define         _OO_Mrm_B(  OP  ,MO,R,M            ,B  )  (       _OO      (  
OP  ),_Mrm(MO,R,M            ) ,_jit_B(B)          )
+#define          _Os_Mrm_sW(OP  ,MO,R,M            ,W  )  (        _Os     (  
OP,W),_Mrm(MO,R,M            ),_sW(W)      )
+#define          _Os_Mrm_sL(OP  ,MO,R,M            ,L  )  (        _Os     (  
OP,L),_Mrm(MO,R,M            ),_sL(L)      )
+#define          _O_r_X(    OP     ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS    )  (        _O      (  
OP  ),_r_X(   R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS)             )
+#define         _OO_r_X(    OP     ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS    )  (       _OO      (  
OP  ),_r_X(   R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS)             )
+#define          _O_r_X_B(  OP     ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS,B  )  (        _O      (  
OP  ),_r_X(   R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS) ,_jit_B(B)          )
+#define          _O_r_X_W(  OP     ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS,W  )  (        _O      (  
OP  ),_r_X(   R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS) ,_jit_W(W)          )
+#define          _O_r_X_L(  OP     ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS,L  )  (        _O      (  
OP  ),_r_X(   R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS) ,_jit_L(L)          )
+#define         _OO_r_X_B(  OP     ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS,B  )  (       _OO      (  
OP  ),_r_X(   R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS) ,_jit_B(B)          )
+#define          _Os_r_X_sW(OP     ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS,W  )  (        _Os     (  
OP,W),_r_X(   R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS),_sW(W)      )
+#define          _Os_r_X_sL(OP     ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS,L  )  (        _Os     (  
OP,L),_r_X(   R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS),_sL(L)      )
+#define          _O_X_B(    OP         ,MD,MB,MI,MS,B  )  (        _O_r_X_B(  
OP           ,0  ,MD,MB,MI,MS     ,B)      )
+#define          _O_X_W(    OP         ,MD,MB,MI,MS,W  )  (        _O_r_X_W(  
OP           ,0  ,MD,MB,MI,MS     ,W)      )
+#define          _O_X_L(    OP         ,MD,MB,MI,MS,L  )  (        _O_r_X_L(  
OP           ,0  ,MD,MB,MI,MS     ,L)      )
+#define         _wO(        OP                         )  (_d16(), _O(        
OP                                  )      )
+#define         _wOr(       OP,R                       )  (_d16(), _Or(       
OP,R                                )      )
+#define         _wOr_W(     OP,R                   ,W  )  (_d16(), _Or_W(     
OP,R                              ,W)      )
+#define         _wOs_sW(    OP                     ,W  )  (_d16(), _Os_sW(    
OP                                ,W)      )
+#define         _wO_Mrm(    OP  ,MO,R,M                )  (_d16(), _O_Mrm(    
OP        ,MO,R,M                   )      )
+#define _wOO_Mrm(    OP         ,MO,R,M                )  (_d16(),_OO_Mrm(    
OP        ,MO,R,M                   )      )
+#define         _wO_Mrm_B(  OP  ,MO,R,M            ,B  )  (_d16(), _O_Mrm_B(  
OP        ,MO,R,M                 ,B)      )
+#define _wOO_Mrm_B(  OP         ,MO,R,M            ,B  )  (_d16(),_OO_Mrm_B(  
OP        ,MO,R,M                 ,B)      )
+#define         _wO_Mrm_W(  OP  ,MO,R,M            ,W  )  (_d16(), _O_Mrm_W(  
OP        ,MO,R,M                 ,W)      )
+#define         _wOs_Mrm_sW(OP  ,MO,R,M            ,W  )  (_d16(), 
_Os_Mrm_sW(OP        ,MO,R,M                 ,W)      )
+#define         _wO_X_W(    OP         ,MD,MB,MI,MS,W  )  (_d16(), _O_X_W(    
OP               ,MD,MB,MI,MS     ,W)      )
+#define         _wO_r_X(    OP     ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS    )  (_d16(), _O_r_X(    
OP           ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS       )      )
+#define _wOO_r_X(    OP            ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS    )  (_d16(),_OO_r_X(    
OP           ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS       )      )
+#define         _wO_r_X_B(  OP     ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS,B  )  (_d16(), _O_r_X_B(  
OP           ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS     ,B)      )
+#define _wOO_r_X_B(  OP            ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS,B  )  (_d16(),_OO_r_X_B(  
OP           ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS     ,B)      )
+#define         _wO_r_X_W(  OP     ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS,W  )  (_d16(), _O_r_X_W(  
OP           ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS     ,W)      )
+#define         _wOs_r_X_sW(OP     ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS,W  )  (_d16(), 
_Os_r_X_sW(OP           ,R  ,MD,MB,MI,MS     ,W)      )
+/* +++ fully-qualified intrinsic instructions */
+/*                                     _format          Opcd           ,Mod ,r 
    ,m          ,mem=dsp+sib    ,imm... */
+#define ADCBrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x10           
,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD)                           )
+#define ADCBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x12                
,_r1(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ADCBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x10                
,_r1(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ADCBir(IM, RD)                 _O_Mrm_B        (0x80           
,_b11,_b010  ,_r1(RD)                   ,_su8(IM))
+#define ADCBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X_B        (0x80                
,_b010             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su8(IM))
+#define ADCWrr(RS, RD)                 _wO_Mrm         (0x11           
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define ADCWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _wO_r_X         (0x13                
,_r2(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ADCWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wO_r_X         (0x11                
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ADCWir(IM, RD)                 _wOs_Mrm_sW     (0x81           
,_b11,_b010  ,_r2(RD)                   ,_su16(IM))
+#define ADCWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wOs_r_X_sW     (0x81                
,_b010             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su16(IM))
+#define ADCLrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x11           
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define ADCLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x13                
,_r4(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ADCLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x11                
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ADCLir(IM, RD)                 _Os_Mrm_sL      (0x81           
,_b11,_b010  ,_r4(RD)                   ,IM     )
+#define ADCLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _Os_r_X_sL      (0x81                
,_b010             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,IM     )
+#define ADDBrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x00           
,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD)                           )
+#define ADDBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x02                
,_r1(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ADDBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x00                
,_r1(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ADDBir(IM, RD)                 _O_Mrm_B        (0x80           
,_b11,_b000  ,_r1(RD)                   ,_su8(IM))
+#define ADDBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X_B        (0x80                
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su8(IM))
+#define ADDWrr(RS, RD)                 _wO_Mrm         (0x01           
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define ADDWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _wO_r_X         (0x03                
,_r2(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ADDWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wO_r_X         (0x01                
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ADDWir(IM, RD)                 _wOs_Mrm_sW     (0x81           
,_b11,_b000  ,_r2(RD)                   ,_su16(IM))
+#define ADDWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wOs_r_X_sW     (0x81                
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su16(IM))
+#define ADDLrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x01           
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define ADDLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x03                
,_r4(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ADDLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x01                
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ADDLir(IM, RD)                 _Os_Mrm_sL      (0x81           
,_b11,_b000  ,_r4(RD)                   ,IM     )
+#define ADDLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _Os_r_X_sL      (0x81                
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,IM     )
+#define ANDBrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x20           
,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD)                           )
+#define ANDBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x22                
,_r1(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ANDBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x20                
,_r1(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ANDBir(IM, RD)                 _O_Mrm_B        (0x80           
,_b11,_b100  ,_r1(RD)                   ,_su8(IM))
+#define ANDBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X_B        (0x80                
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su8(IM))
+#define ANDWrr(RS, RD)                 _wO_Mrm         (0x21           
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define ANDWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _wO_r_X         (0x23                
,_r2(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ANDWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wO_r_X         (0x21                
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ANDWir(IM, RD)                 _wOs_Mrm_sW     (0x81           
,_b11,_b100  ,_r2(RD)                   ,_su16(IM))
+#define ANDWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wOs_r_X_sW     (0x81                
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su16(IM))
+#define ANDLrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x21           
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define ANDLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x23                
,_r4(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ANDLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x21                
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ANDLir(IM, RD)                 _Os_Mrm_sL      (0x81           
,_b11,_b100  ,_r4(RD)                   ,IM     )
+#define ANDLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _Os_r_X_sL      (0x81                
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,IM     )
+#define BSWAPLr(R)                     _OOr            (0x0fc8,_r4(R)          
+#define BTWir(IM,RD)                   _wOO_Mrm_B      (0x0fba         
,_b11,_b100  ,_r2(RD)                   ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTWim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS)          _wOO_r_X_B      (0x0fba              
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTWrr(RS,RD)                   _wOO_Mrm        (0x0fa3         
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define BTWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)          _wOO_r_X        (0x0fa3              
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define BTLir(IM,RD)                   _OO_Mrm_B       (0x0fba         
,_b11,_b100  ,_r4(RD)                   ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTLim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS)          _OO_r_X_B       (0x0fba              
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTLrr(RS,RD)                   _OO_Mrm         (0x0fa3         
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define BTLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)          _OO_r_X         (0x0fa3              
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define BTCWir(IM,RD)                  _wOO_Mrm_B      (0x0fba         
,_b11,_b111  ,_r2(RD)                   ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTCWim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS)         _wOO_r_X_B      (0x0fba              
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTCWrr(RS,RD)                  _wOO_Mrm        (0x0fbb         
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define BTCWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)         _wOO_r_X        (0x0fbb              
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define BTCLir(IM,RD)                  _OO_Mrm_B       (0x0fba         
,_b11,_b111  ,_r4(RD)                   ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTCLim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS)         _OO_r_X_B       (0x0fba              
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTCLrr(RS,RD)                  _OO_Mrm         (0x0fbb         
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define BTCLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)         _OO_r_X         (0x0fbb              
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define BTRWir(IM,RD)                  _wOO_Mrm_B      (0x0fba         
,_b11,_b110  ,_r2(RD)                   ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTRWim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS)         _wOO_r_X_B      (0x0fba              
,_b110             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTRWrr(RS,RD)                  _wOO_Mrm        (0x0fb3         
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define BTRWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)         _wOO_r_X        (0x0fb3              
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define BTRLir(IM,RD)                  _OO_Mrm_B       (0x0fba         
,_b11,_b110  ,_r4(RD)                   ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTRLim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS)         _OO_r_X_B       (0x0fba              
,_b110             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTRLrr(RS,RD)                  _OO_Mrm         (0x0fb3         
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define BTRLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)         _OO_r_X         (0x0fb3              
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define BTSWir(IM,RD)                  _wOO_Mrm_B      (0x0fba         
,_b11,_b101  ,_r2(RD)                   ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTSWim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS)         _wOO_r_X_B      (0x0fba              
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTSWrr(RS,RD)                  _wOO_Mrm        (0x0fab         
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define BTSWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)         _wOO_r_X        (0x0fab              
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define BTSLir(IM,RD)                  _OO_Mrm_B       (0x0fba         
,_b11,_b101  ,_r4(RD)                   ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTSLim(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS)         _OO_r_X_B       (0x0fba              
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM))
+#define BTSLrr(RS,RD)                  _OO_Mrm         (0x0fab         
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define BTSLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)         _OO_r_X         (0x0fab              
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define CALLm(D,B,I,S)                 ((_r0P(B) && _r0P(I)) ? _O_D32  (0xe8   
                ,(int)(D)               ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in direct jump"))
+#define CALLsr(R)                      _O_Mrm  (0xff   ,_b11,_b010,_r4(R)      
+#define CALLsm(D,B,I,S)                        _O_r_X  (0xff        ,_b010     
,(int)(D),B,I,S         )
+#define CBW()                          _O              (0x98                   
+#define CLC()                          _O              (0xf8                   
+#define CLTD()                         _O              (0x99                   
+#define CMC()                          _O              (0xf5                   
+#define CMPBrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x38           
,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD)                           )
+#define CMPBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x3a                
,_r1(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define CMPBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x38                
,_r1(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define CMPBir(IM, RD)                 _O_Mrm_B        (0x80           
,_b11,_b111  ,_r1(RD)                   ,_su8(IM))
+#define CMPBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X_B        (0x80                
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su8(IM))
+#define CMPWrr(RS, RD)                 _wO_Mrm         (0x39           
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define CMPWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _wO_r_X         (0x3b                
,_r2(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define CMPWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wO_r_X         (0x39                
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define CMPWir(IM, RD)                 _wOs_Mrm_sW     (0x81           
,_b11,_b111  ,_r2(RD)                   ,_su16(IM))
+#define CMPWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wOs_r_X_sW     (0x81                
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su16(IM))
+#define CMPLrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x39           
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define CMPLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x3b                
,_r4(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define CMPLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x39                
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define CMPLir(IM, RD)                 _O_Mrm_L        (0x81           
,_b11,_b111  ,_r4(RD)                   ,IM     )
+#define CMPLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X_L        (0x81                
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,IM     )
+#define CWD()                          _O              (0x99                   
+#define CMPXCHGBrr(RS,RD)              _OO_Mrm         (0x0fb0         
,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD)                           )
+#define CMPXCHGBrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)     _OO_r_X         (0x0fb0              
,_r1(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define CMPXCHGWrr(RS,RD)              _wOO_Mrm        (0x0fb1         
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define CMPXCHGWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)     _wOO_r_X        (0x0fb1              
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define CMPXCHGLrr(RS,RD)              _OO_Mrm         (0x0fb1         
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define CMPXCHGLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)     _OO_r_X         (0x0fb1              
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define DECBr(RD)                      _O_Mrm          (0xfe           
,_b11,_b001  ,_r1(RD)                           )
+#define DECBm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _O_r_X          (0xfe                
,_b001             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define DECWr(RD)                      _wOr            (0x48,_r2(RD)           
+#define DECWm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _wO_r_X         (0xff                
,_b001             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define DECLr(RD)                      _Or             (0x48,_r4(RD)           
+#define DECLm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _O_r_X          (0xff                
,_b001             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define DIVBr(RS)                      _O_Mrm          (0xf6           
,_b11,_b110  ,_r1(RS)                           )
+#define DIVBm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _O_r_X          (0xf6                
,_b110             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define DIVWr(RS)                      _wO_Mrm         (0xf7           
,_b11,_b110  ,_r2(RS)                           )
+#define DIVWm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _wO_r_X         (0xf7                
,_b110             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define DIVLr(RS)                      _O_Mrm          (0xf7           
,_b11,_b110  ,_r4(RS)                           )
+#define DIVLm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _O_r_X          (0xf7                
,_b110             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ENTERii(W, B)                  _O_W_B          (0xc8                   
+#define HLT()                          _O              (0xf4                   
+#define IDIVBr(RS)                     _O_Mrm          (0xf6           
,_b11,_b111  ,_r1(RS)                           )
+#define IDIVBm(MD,MB,MI,MS)            _O_r_X          (0xf6                
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define IDIVWr(RS)                     _wO_Mrm         (0xf7           
,_b11,_b111  ,_r2(RS)                           )
+#define IDIVWm(MD,MB,MI,MS)            _wO_r_X         (0xf7                
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define IDIVLr(RS)                     _O_Mrm          (0xf7           
,_b11,_b111  ,_r4(RS)                           )
+#define IDIVLm(MD,MB,MI,MS)            _O_r_X          (0xf7                
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define IMULBr(RS)                     _O_Mrm          (0xf6           
,_b11,_b101  ,_r1(RS)                           )
+#define IMULBm(MD,MB,MI,MS)            _O_r_X          (0xf6                
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define IMULWr(RS)                     _wO_Mrm         (0xf7           
,_b11,_b101  ,_r2(RS)                           )
+#define IMULWm(MD,MB,MI,MS)            _wO_r_X         (0xf7                
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define IMULLr(RS)                     _O_Mrm          (0xf7           
,_b11,_b101  ,_r4(RS)                           )
+#define IMULLm(MD,MB,MI,MS)            _O_r_X          (0xf7                
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define IMULWrr(RS,RD)                 _wOO_Mrm        (0x0faf         
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define IMULWmr(MD,MB,MI,MS,RD)                _wOO_r_X        (0x0faf         
     ,_r2(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define IMULWirr(IM,RS,RD)             _wOs_Mrm_sW     (0x69           
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                   ,_su16(IM)      )
+#define IMULWimr(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS,RD)    _wOs_r_X_sW     (0x69                
,_r2(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su16(IM)      )
+#define IMULLir(IM,RD)                 _Os_Mrm_sL      (0x69           
,_b11,_r4(RD),_r4(RD)                   ,IM     )
+#define IMULLrr(RS,RD)                 _OO_Mrm         (0x0faf         
,_b11,_r4(RD),_r4(RS)                           )
+#define IMULLmr(MD,MB,MI,MS,RD)                _OO_r_X         (0x0faf         
     ,_r4(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define IMULLirr(IM,RS,RD)             _Os_Mrm_sL      (0x69           
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                   ,IM     )
+#define IMULLimr(IM,MD,MB,MI,MS,RD)    _Os_r_X_sL      (0x69                
,_r4(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,IM     )
+#define INCBr(RD)                      _O_Mrm          (0xfe           
,_b11,_b000  ,_r1(RD)                           )
+#define INCBm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _O_r_X          (0xfe                
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define INCWr(RD)                      _wOr            (0x40,_r2(RD)           
+#define INCWm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _wO_r_X         (0xff                
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define INCLr(RD)                      _Or             (0x40,_r4(RD)           
+#define INCLm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _O_r_X          (0xff                
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define INVD()                         _OO             (0x0f08                 
+#define INVLPGm(MD, MB, MI, MS)                _OO_r_X         (0x0f01         
     ,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define JCCSim(CC,D,B,I,S)             ((_r0P(B) && _r0P(I)) ? _O_D8   
(0x70|(CC)              ,(int)(D)               ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in conditional jump"))
+#define JOSm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCSim(0x0,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNOSm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0x1,D,B,I,S)
+#define JBSm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCSim(0x2,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNAESm(D,B,I,S)                        JCCSim(0x2,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNBSm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0x3,D,B,I,S)
+#define JAESm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0x3,D,B,I,S)
+#define JESm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCSim(0x4,D,B,I,S)
+#define JZSm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCSim(0x4,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNESm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0x5,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNZSm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0x5,D,B,I,S)
+#define JBESm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0x6,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNASm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0x6,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNBESm(D,B,I,S)                        JCCSim(0x7,D,B,I,S)
+#define JASm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCSim(0x7,D,B,I,S)
+#define JSSm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCSim(0x8,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNSSm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0x9,D,B,I,S)
+#define JPSm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCSim(0xa,D,B,I,S)
+#define JPESm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0xa,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNPSm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0xb,D,B,I,S)
+#define JPOSm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0xb,D,B,I,S)
+#define JLSm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCSim(0xc,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNGESm(D,B,I,S)                        JCCSim(0xc,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNLSm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0xd,D,B,I,S)
+#define JGESm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0xd,D,B,I,S)
+#define JLESm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0xe,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNGSm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCSim(0xe,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNLESm(D,B,I,S)                        JCCSim(0xf,D,B,I,S)
+#define JGSm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCSim(0xf,D,B,I,S)
+#define JCCim(CC,D,B,I,S)              ((_r0P(B) && _r0P(I)) ? _OO_D32 
(0x0f80|(CC)            ,(int)(D)               ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in conditional jump"))
+#define JOm(D,B,I,S)                   JCCim(0x0,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNOm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0x1,D,B,I,S)
+#define JBm(D,B,I,S)                   JCCim(0x2,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNAEm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCim(0x2,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNBm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0x3,D,B,I,S)
+#define JAEm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0x3,D,B,I,S)
+#define JEm(D,B,I,S)                   JCCim(0x4,D,B,I,S)
+#define JZm(D,B,I,S)                   JCCim(0x4,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNEm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0x5,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNZm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0x5,D,B,I,S)
+#define JBEm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0x6,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNAm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0x6,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNBEm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCim(0x7,D,B,I,S)
+#define JAm(D,B,I,S)                   JCCim(0x7,D,B,I,S)
+#define JSm(D,B,I,S)                   JCCim(0x8,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNSm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0x9,D,B,I,S)
+#define JPm(D,B,I,S)                   JCCim(0xa,D,B,I,S)
+#define JPEm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0xa,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNPm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0xb,D,B,I,S)
+#define JPOm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0xb,D,B,I,S)
+#define JLm(D,B,I,S)                   JCCim(0xc,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNGEm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCim(0xc,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNLm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0xd,D,B,I,S)
+#define JGEm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0xd,D,B,I,S)
+#define JLEm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0xe,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNGm(D,B,I,S)                  JCCim(0xe,D,B,I,S)
+#define JNLEm(D,B,I,S)                 JCCim(0xf,D,B,I,S)
+#define JGm(D,B,I,S)                   JCCim(0xf,D,B,I,S)
+#define JMPSm(D,B,I,S)                 ((_r0P(B) && _r0P(I)) ? _O_D8   (0xeb   
                ,(int)(D)               ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in short jump"))
+#define JMPm(D,B,I,S)                  ((_r0P(B) && _r0P(I)) ? _O_D32  (0xe9   
                ,(int)(D)               ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in direct jump"))
+#define JMPsr(R)                       _O_Mrm  (0xff   ,_b11,_b100,_r4(R)      
+#define JMPsm(D,B,I,S)                 _O_r_X  (0xff        ,_b100     
,(int)(D),B,I,S         )
+#define LAHF()                         _O              (0x9f                   
+#define LEALmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x8d                
,_r4(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define LEAVE()                                _O              (0xc9           
+#define LMSWr(RS)                      _OO_Mrm         (0x0f01         
,_b11,_b110,_r4(RS)                             )
+#define LMSWm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _OO_r_X         (0x0f01              
,_b110             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define LOOPm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             ((_r0P(MB) && _r0P(MI)) ? _O_D8 (0xe2   
                ,MD                     ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in loop"))
+#define LOOPEm(MD,MB,MI,MS)            ((_r0P(MB) && _r0P(MI)) ? _O_D8 (0xe1   
                ,MD                     ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in loope"))
+#define LOOPZm(MD,MB,MI,MS)            ((_r0P(MB) && _r0P(MI)) ? _O_D8 (0xe1   
                ,MD                     ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in loopz"))
+#define LOOPNEm(MD,MB,MI,MS)           ((_r0P(MB) && _r0P(MI)) ? _O_D8 (0xe0   
                ,MD                     ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in loopne"))
+#define LOOPNZm(MD,MB,MI,MS)           ((_r0P(MB) && _r0P(MI)) ? _O_D8 (0xe0   
                ,MD                     ) : \
JITFAIL("illegal mode in loopnz"))
+#define MOVBrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x80           
,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD)                           )
+#define MOVBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x8a                
,_r1(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MOVBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x88                
,_r1(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MOVBir(IM,  R)                 _Or_B           (0xb0,_r1(R)            
+#define MOVBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_X_B          (0xc6                   
                ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su8(IM))
+#define MOVWrr(RS, RD)                 _wO_Mrm         (0x89           
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define MOVWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _wO_r_X         (0x8b                
,_r2(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MOVWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wO_r_X         (0x89                
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MOVWir(IM,  R)                 _wOr_W          (0xb8,_r2(R)            
+#define MOVWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wO_X_W         (0xc7                   
                ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su16(IM))
+#define MOVLrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x89           
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define MOVLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x8b                
,_r4(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MOVLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x89                
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MOVLir(IM,  R)                 _Or_L           (0xb8,_r4(R)            
                                ,IM     )
+#define MOVLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_X_L          (0xc7                   
                ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,IM     )
+#define MOVZBLrr(RS, RD)               _OO_Mrm         (0x0fb6         
,_b11,_r1(RD),_r1(RS)                           )
+#define MOVZBLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)   _OO_r_X         (0x0fb6              
,_r1(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MOVZBWrr(RS, RD)               _wOO_Mrm        (0x0fb6         
,_b11,_r2(RD),_r2(RS)                           )
+#define MOVZBWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)   _wOO_r_X        (0x0fb6              
,_r2(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MOVZWLrr(RS, RD)               _OO_Mrm         (0x0fb7         
,_b11,_r1(RD),_r1(RS)                           )
+#define MOVZWLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)   _OO_r_X         (0x0fb7              
,_r1(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MOVSBLrr(RS, RD)               _OO_Mrm         (0x0fbe         
,_b11,_r1(RD),_r1(RS)                           )
+#define MOVSBLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)   _OO_r_X         (0x0fbe              
,_r1(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MOVSBWrr(RS, RD)               _wOO_Mrm        (0x0fbe         
,_b11,_r2(RD),_r2(RS)                           )
+#define MOVSBWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)   _wOO_r_X        (0x0fbe              
,_r2(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MOVSWLrr(RS, RD)               _OO_Mrm         (0x0fbf         
,_b11,_r1(RD),_r1(RS)                           )
+#define MOVSWLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)   _OO_r_X         (0x0fbf              
,_r1(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MULBr(RS)                      _O_Mrm          (0xf6           
,_b11,_b100  ,_r1(RS)                           )
+#define MULBm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _O_r_X          (0xf6                
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MULWr(RS)                      _wO_Mrm         (0xf7           
,_b11,_b100  ,_r2(RS)                           )
+#define MULWm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _wO_r_X         (0xf7                
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define MULLr(RS)                      _O_Mrm          (0xf7           
,_b11,_b100  ,_r4(RS)                           )
+#define MULLm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _O_r_X          (0xf7                
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define NEGBr(RD)                      _O_Mrm          (0xf6           
,_b11,_b011  ,_r1(RD)                           )
+#define NEGBm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _O_r_X          (0xf6                
,_b011             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define NEGWr(RD)                      _wO_Mrm         (0xf7           
,_b11,_b011  ,_r2(RD)                           )
+#define NEGWm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _wO_r_X         (0xf7                
,_b011             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define NEGLr(RD)                      _O_Mrm          (0xf7           
,_b11,_b011  ,_r4(RD)                           )
+#define NEGLm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _O_r_X          (0xf7                
,_b011             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define NOP()                          _O              (0x90                   
+#define NOTBr(RD)                      _O_Mrm          (0xf6           
,_b11,_b010  ,_r1(RD)                           )
+#define NOTBm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _O_r_X          (0xf6                
,_b010             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define NOTWr(RD)                      _wO_Mrm         (0xf7           
,_b11,_b010  ,_r2(RD)                           )
+#define NOTWm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _wO_r_X         (0xf7                
,_b010             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define NOTLr(RD)                      _O_Mrm          (0xf7           
,_b11,_b010  ,_r4(RD)                           )
+#define NOTLm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _O_r_X          (0xf7                
,_b010             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ORBrr(RS, RD)                  _O_Mrm          (0x08           
,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD)                           )
+#define ORBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)      _O_r_X          (0x0a                
,_r1(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ORBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)      _O_r_X          (0x08                
,_r1(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ORBir(IM, RD)                  _O_Mrm_B        (0x80           
,_b11,_b001  ,_r1(RD)                   ,_su8(IM))
+#define ORBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)      _O_r_X_B        (0x80                
,_b001             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su8(IM))
+#define ORWrr(RS, RD)                  _wO_Mrm         (0x09           
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define ORWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)      _wO_r_X         (0x0b                
,_r2(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ORWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)      _wO_r_X         (0x09                
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ORWir(IM, RD)                  _wOs_Mrm_sW     (0x81           
,_b11,_b001  ,_r2(RD)                   ,_su16(IM))
+#define ORWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)      _wOs_r_X_sW     (0x81                
,_b001             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su16(IM))
+#define ORLrr(RS, RD)                  _O_Mrm          (0x09           
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define ORLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)      _O_r_X          (0x0b                
,_r4(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ORLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)      _O_r_X          (0x09                
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define ORLir(IM, RD)                  _Os_Mrm_sL      (0x81           
,_b11,_b001  ,_r4(RD)                   ,IM     )
+#define ORLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)      _Os_r_X_sL      (0x81                
,_b001             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,IM     )
+#define POPWr(RD)                      _wOr            (0x58,_r2(RD)           
+#define POPWm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _wO_r_X         (0x8f                
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define POPLr(RD)                      _Or             (0x58,_r4(RD)           
+#define POPLm(MD,MB,MI,MS)             _O_r_X          (0x8f                
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define POPA()                         _wO             (0x61                   
+#define POPAD()                                _O              (0x61           
+#define POPF()                         _wO             (0x9d                   
+#define POPFD()                                _O              (0x9d           
+#define PUSHWr(R)                      _wOr            (0x50,_r2(R)            
+#define PUSHWm(MD,MB,MI,MS)            _wO_r_X         (0xff,               
,_b110             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define PUSHWi(IM)                     _wOs_sW         (0x68                   
                                ,IM     )
+#define PUSHLr(R)                      _Or             (0x50,_r4(R)            
+#define PUSHLm(MD,MB,MI,MS)            _O_r_X          (0xff                
,_b110             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define PUSHLi(IM)                     _Os_sL          (0x68                   
                                ,IM     )
+#define PUSHA()                                _wO             (0x60           
+#define PUSHAD()                       _O              (0x60                   
+#define PUSHF()                                _O              (0x9c           
+#define PUSHFD()                       _wO             (0x9c                   
+#define RET()                          _O              (0xc3                   
+#define RETi(IM)                       _O_W            (0xc2                   
+#define ROLBir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _O_Mrm          (0xd0   
,_b11,_b000,_r1(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _O_Mrm_B        (0xc0   
,_b11,_b000,_r1(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define ROLBim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _O_r_X          (0xd0        
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _O_r_X_B        (0xc0        
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define ROLBrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_Mrm          (0xd2   
,_b11,_b000,_r1(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define ROLBrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_r_X          (0xd2        
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define ROLWir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _wO_Mrm (0xd1   
,_b11,_b000,_r2(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _wO_Mrm_B       (0xc1   
,_b11,_b000,_r2(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define ROLWim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _wO_r_X (0xd1        ,_b000     
        ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _wO_r_X_B       (0xc1        
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define ROLWrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _wO_Mrm (0xd3   
,_b11,_b000,_r2(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL ("source register must 
be CL"                                   ) )
+#define ROLWrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _wO_r_X (0xd3        ,_b000     
        ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL ("source register must 
be CL"                                   ) )
+#define ROLLir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _O_Mrm          (0xd1   
,_b11,_b000,_r4(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _O_Mrm_B        (0xc1   
,_b11,_b000,_r4(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define ROLLim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _O_r_X          (0xd1        
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _O_r_X_B        (0xc1        
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define ROLLrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_Mrm          (0xd3   
,_b11,_b000,_r4(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define ROLLrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_r_X          (0xd3        
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define RORBir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _O_Mrm          (0xd0   
,_b11,_b001,_r1(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _O_Mrm_B        (0xc0   
,_b11,_b001,_r1(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define RORBim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _O_r_X          (0xd0        
,_b001             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _O_r_X_B        (0xc0        
,_b001             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define RORBrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_Mrm          (0xd2   
,_b11,_b001,_r1(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define RORBrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_r_X          (0xd2        
,_b001             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define RORWir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _wO_Mrm (0xd1   
,_b11,_b001,_r2(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _wO_Mrm_B       (0xc1   
,_b11,_b001,_r2(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define RORWim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _wO_r_X (0xd1        ,_b001     
        ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _wO_r_X_B       (0xc1        
,_b001             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define RORWrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _wO_Mrm (0xd3   
,_b11,_b001,_r2(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL ("source register must 
be CL"                                   ) )
+#define RORWrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _wO_r_X (0xd3        ,_b001     
        ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL ("source register must 
be CL"                                   ) )
+#define RORLir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _O_Mrm          (0xd1   
,_b11,_b001,_r4(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _O_Mrm_B        (0xc1   
,_b11,_b001,_r4(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define RORLim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _O_r_X          (0xd1        
,_b001             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _O_r_X_B        (0xc1        
,_b001             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define RORLrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_Mrm          (0xd3   
,_b11,_b001,_r4(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define RORLrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_r_X          (0xd3        
,_b001             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SAHF()                                 _O      (0x9e                   
+#define SALBir SHLBir
+#define SALBim SHLBim
+#define SALBrr SHLBrr
+#define SALBrm SHLBrm
+#define SALWir SHLWir
+#define SALWim SHLWim
+#define SALWrr SHLWrr
+#define SALWrm SHLWrm
+#define SALLir SHLLir
+#define SALLim SHLLim
+#define SALLrr SHLLrr
+#define SALLrm SHLLrm
+#define SARBir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _O_Mrm          (0xd0   
,_b11,_b111,_r1(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _O_Mrm_B        (0xc0   
,_b11,_b111,_r1(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SARBim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _O_r_X          (0xd0        
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _O_r_X_B        (0xc0        
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SARBrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_Mrm          (0xd2   
,_b11,_b111,_r1(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SARBrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_r_X          (0xd2        
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SARWir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _wO_Mrm (0xd1   
,_b11,_b111,_r2(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _wO_Mrm_B       (0xc1   
,_b11,_b111,_r2(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SARWim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _wO_r_X (0xd1        ,_b111     
        ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _wO_r_X_B       (0xc1        
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SARWrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _wO_Mrm (0xd3   
,_b11,_b111,_r2(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL ("source register must 
be CL"                                   ) )
+#define SARWrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _wO_r_X (0xd3        ,_b111     
        ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL ("source register must 
be CL"                                   ) )
+#define SARLir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _O_Mrm          (0xd1   
,_b11,_b111,_r4(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _O_Mrm_B        (0xc1   
,_b11,_b111,_r4(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SARLim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _O_r_X          (0xd1        
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _O_r_X_B        (0xc1        
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SARLrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_Mrm          (0xd3   
,_b11,_b111,_r4(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SARLrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_r_X          (0xd3        
,_b111             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SBBBrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x18           
,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD)                           )
+#define SBBBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x1a                
,_r1(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define SBBBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x18                
,_r1(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define SBBBir(IM, RD)                 _O_Mrm_B        (0x80           
,_b11,_b011  ,_r1(RD)                   ,_su8(IM))
+#define SBBBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X_B        (0x80                
,_b011             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su8(IM))
+#define SBBWrr(RS, RD)                 _wO_Mrm         (0x19           
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define SBBWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _wO_r_X         (0x1b                
,_r2(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define SBBWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wO_r_X         (0x19                
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define SBBWir(IM, RD)                 _wOs_Mrm_sW     (0x81           
,_b11,_b011  ,_r2(RD)                   ,_su16(IM))
+#define SBBWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wOs_r_X_sW     (0x81                
,_b011             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su16(IM))
+#define SBBLrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x19           
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define SBBLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x1b                
,_r4(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define SBBLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x19                
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define SBBLir(IM, RD)                 _Os_Mrm_sL      (0x81           
,_b11,_b011  ,_r4(RD)                   ,IM     )
+#define SBBLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _Os_r_X_sL      (0x81                
,_b011             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,IM     )
+#define SETCCir(CC,RD)                 _OO_Mrm         (0x0f90|(CC)    
,_b11,_b000,_r1(RD)                             )
+#define SETOr(RD)                      SETCCir(0x0,RD)
+#define SETNOr(RD)                     SETCCir(0x1,RD)
+#define SETBr(RD)                      SETCCir(0x2,RD)
+#define SETNAEr(RD)                    SETCCir(0x2,RD)
+#define SETNBr(RD)                     SETCCir(0x3,RD)
+#define SETAEr(RD)                     SETCCir(0x3,RD)
+#define SETEr(RD)                      SETCCir(0x4,RD)
+#define SETZr(RD)                      SETCCir(0x4,RD)
+#define SETNEr(RD)                     SETCCir(0x5,RD)
+#define SETNZr(RD)                     SETCCir(0x5,RD)
+#define SETBEr(RD)                     SETCCir(0x6,RD)
+#define SETNAr(RD)                     SETCCir(0x6,RD)
+#define SETNBEr(RD)                    SETCCir(0x7,RD)
+#define SETAr(RD)                      SETCCir(0x7,RD)
+#define SETSr(RD)                      SETCCir(0x8,RD)
+#define SETNSr(RD)                     SETCCir(0x9,RD)
+#define SETPr(RD)                      SETCCir(0xa,RD)
+#define SETPEr(RD)                     SETCCir(0xa,RD)
+#define SETNPr(RD)                     SETCCir(0xb,RD)
+#define SETPOr(RD)                     SETCCir(0xb,RD)
+#define SETLr(RD)                      SETCCir(0xc,RD)
+#define SETNGEr(RD)                    SETCCir(0xc,RD)
+#define SETNLr(RD)                     SETCCir(0xd,RD)
+#define SETGEr(RD)                     SETCCir(0xd,RD)
+#define SETLEr(RD)                     SETCCir(0xe,RD)
+#define SETNGr(RD)                     SETCCir(0xe,RD)
+#define SETNLEr(RD)                    SETCCir(0xf,RD)
+#define SETGr(RD)                      SETCCir(0xf,RD)
+#define SETCCim(CC,MD,MB,MI,MS)                _OO_r_X         (0x0f90|(CC)    
     ,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define SETOm(D,B,I,S)                 SETCCim(0x0,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETNOm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0x1,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETBm(D,B,I,S)                 SETCCim(0x2,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETNAEm(D,B,I,S)               SETCCim(0x2,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETNBm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0x3,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETAEm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0x3,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETEm(D,B,I,S)                 SETCCim(0x4,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETZm(D,B,I,S)                 SETCCim(0x4,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETNEm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0x5,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETNZm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0x5,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETBEm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0x6,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETNAm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0x6,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETNBEm(D,B,I,S)               SETCCim(0x7,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETAm(D,B,I,S)                 SETCCim(0x7,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETSm(D,B,I,S)                 SETCCim(0x8,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETNSm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0x9,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETPm(D,B,I,S)                 SETCCim(0xa,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETPEm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0xa,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETNPm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0xb,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETPOm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0xb,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETLm(D,B,I,S)                 SETCCim(0xc,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETNGEm(D,B,I,S)               SETCCim(0xc,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETNLm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0xd,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETGEm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0xd,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETLEm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0xe,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETNGm(D,B,I,S)                        SETCCim(0xe,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETNLEm(D,B,I,S)               SETCCim(0xf,D,B,I,S)
+#define SETGm(D,B,I,S)                 SETCCim(0xf,D,B,I,S)
+#define SHLBir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _O_Mrm          (0xd0   
,_b11,_b100,_r1(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _O_Mrm_B        (0xc0   
,_b11,_b100,_r1(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SHLBim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _O_r_X          (0xd0        
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _O_r_X_B        (0xc0        
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SHLBrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_Mrm          (0xd2   
,_b11,_b100,_r1(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SHLBrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_r_X          (0xd2        
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SHLWir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _wO_Mrm         (0xd1   
,_b11,_b100,_r2(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _wO_Mrm_B       (0xc1   
,_b11,_b100,_r2(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SHLWim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _wO_r_X         (0xd1        
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _wO_r_X_B       (0xc1        
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SHLWrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _wO_Mrm         (0xd3   
,_b11,_b100,_r2(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SHLWrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _wO_r_X         (0xd3        
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                                   ) )
+#define SHLLir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _O_Mrm          (0xd1   
,_b11,_b100,_r4(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _O_Mrm_B        (0xc1   
,_b11,_b100,_r4(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SHLLim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _O_r_X          (0xd1        
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _O_r_X_B        (0xc1        
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SHLLrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_Mrm          (0xd3   
,_b11,_b100,_r4(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SHLLrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_r_X          (0xd3        
,_b100             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SHRBir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _O_Mrm          (0xd0   
,_b11,_b101,_r1(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _O_Mrm_B        (0xc0   
,_b11,_b101,_r1(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SHRBim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _O_r_X          (0xd0        
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _O_r_X_B        (0xc0        
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SHRBrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_Mrm          (0xd2   
,_b11,_b101,_r1(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SHRBrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_r_X          (0xd2        
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SHRWir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _wO_Mrm         (0xd1   
,_b11,_b101,_r2(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _wO_Mrm_B       (0xc1   
,_b11,_b101,_r2(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SHRWim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _wO_r_X         (0xd1        
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _wO_r_X_B       (0xc1        
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SHRWrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _wO_Mrm         (0xd3   
,_b11,_b101,_r2(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SHRWrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _wO_r_X         (0xd3        
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SHRLir(IM,RD)          (((IM)==1) ?    _O_Mrm          (0xd1   
,_b11,_b101,_r4(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               _O_Mrm_B        (0xc1   
,_b11,_b101,_r4(RD)                     ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SHRLim(IM,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((IM)==1) ?    _O_r_X          (0xd1        
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               _O_r_X_B        (0xc1        
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM) ) )
+#define SHRLrr(RS,RD)          (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_Mrm          (0xd3   
,_b11,_b101,_r4(RD)                             ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define SHRLrm(RS,MD,MB,MS,MI) (((RS)==_CL) ?  _O_r_X          (0xd3        
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS            ) : \
+                                               JITFAIL         ("source 
register must be CL"                           ) )
+#define STC()                          _O              (0xf9                   
+#define SUBBrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x28           
,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD)                           )
+#define SUBBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x2a                
,_r1(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define SUBBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x28                
,_r1(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define SUBBir(IM, RD)                 _O_Mrm_B        (0x80           
,_b11,_b101  ,_r1(RD)                   ,_su8(IM))
+#define SUBBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X_B        (0x80                
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su8(IM))
+#define SUBWrr(RS, RD)                 _wO_Mrm         (0x29           
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define SUBWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _wO_r_X         (0x2b                
,_r2(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define SUBWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wO_r_X         (0x29                
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define SUBWir(IM, RD)                 _wOs_Mrm_sW     (0x81           
,_b11,_b101  ,_r2(RD)                   ,_su16(IM))
+#define SUBWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wOs_r_X_sW     (0x81                
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su16(IM))
+#define SUBLrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x29           
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define SUBLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x2b                
,_r4(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define SUBLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x29                
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define SUBLir(IM, RD)                 _Os_Mrm_sL      (0x81           
,_b11,_b101  ,_r4(RD)                   ,IM     )
+#define SUBLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _Os_r_X_sL      (0x81                
,_b101             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,IM     )
+#define TESTBrr(RS, RD)                        _O_Mrm          (0x84           
,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD)                           )
+#define TESTBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)    _O_r_X          (0x84                
,_r1(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define TESTBir(IM, RD)                        _O_Mrm_B        (0xf6           
,_b11,_b000  ,_r1(RD)                   ,_u8(IM))
+#define TESTBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)    _O_r_X_B        (0xf6                
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u8(IM))
+#define TESTWrr(RS, RD)                        _wO_Mrm         (0x85           
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define TESTWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)    _wO_r_X         (0x85                
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define TESTWir(IM, RD)                        _wO_Mrm_W       (0xf7           
,_b11,_b000  ,_r2(RD)                   ,_u16(IM))
+#define TESTWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)    _wO_r_X_W       (0xf7                
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_u16(IM))
+#define TESTLrr(RS, RD)                        _O_Mrm          (0x85           
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define TESTLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)    _O_r_X          (0x85                
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define TESTLir(IM, RD)                        _O_Mrm_L        (0xf7           
,_b11,_b000  ,_r4(RD)                   ,IM     )
+#define TESTLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)    _O_r_X_L        (0xf7                
,_b000             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,IM     )
+#define XADDBrr(RS,RD)                 _OO_Mrm         (0x0fc0         
,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD)                           )
+#define XADDBrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)                _OO_r_X         (0x0fc0         
     ,_r1(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define XADDWrr(RS,RD)                 _wOO_Mrm        (0x0fc1         
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define XADDWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)                _wOO_r_X        (0x0fc1         
     ,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define XADDLrr(RS,RD)                 _OO_Mrm         (0x0fc1         
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define XADDLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)                _OO_r_X         (0x0fc1         
     ,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define XCHGBrr(RS,RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x86           
,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD)                           )
+#define XCHGBrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)                _O_r_X          (0x86           
     ,_r1(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define XCHGWrr(RS,RD)                 _wO_Mrm         (0x87           
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define XCHGWrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)                _wO_r_X         (0x87           
     ,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define XCHGLrr(RS,RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x87           
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define XCHGLrm(RS,MD,MB,MI,MS)                _O_r_X          (0x87           
     ,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define XORBrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x30           
,_b11,_r1(RS),_r1(RD)                           )
+#define XORBmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x32                
,_r1(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define XORBrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x30                
,_r1(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define XORBir(IM, RD)                 _O_Mrm_B        (0x80           
,_b11,_b110  ,_r1(RD)                   ,_su8(IM))
+#define XORBim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X_B        (0x80                
,_b110             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su8(IM))
+#define XORWrr(RS, RD)                 _wO_Mrm         (0x31           
,_b11,_r2(RS),_r2(RD)                           )
+#define XORWmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _wO_r_X         (0x33                
,_r2(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define XORWrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wO_r_X         (0x31                
,_r2(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define XORWir(IM, RD)                 _wOs_Mrm_sW     (0x81           
,_b11,_b110  ,_r2(RD)                   ,_su16(IM))
+#define XORWim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _wOs_r_X_sW     (0x81                
,_b110             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,_su16(IM))
+#define XORLrr(RS, RD)                 _O_Mrm          (0x31           
,_b11,_r4(RS),_r4(RD)                           )
+#define XORLmr(MD, MB, MI, MS, RD)     _O_r_X          (0x33                
,_r4(RD)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define XORLrm(RS, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _O_r_X          (0x31                
,_r4(RS)           ,MD,MB,MI,MS            )
+#define XORLir(IM, RD)                 _Os_Mrm_sL      (0x81           
,_b11,_b110  ,_r4(RD)                   ,IM     )
+#define XORLim(IM, MD, MB, MI, MS)     _Os_r_X_sL      (0x81                
,_b110             ,MD,MB,MI,MS    ,IM     )
+/* x87 instructions -- yay, we found a use for octal constants :-) */
+#define ESCmi(D,B,I,S,OP)      _O_r_X(0xd8|(OP >> 3), (OP & 7), D,B,I,S)
+#define ESCri(RD,OP)           _O_Mrm(0xd8|(OP >> 3), _b11, (OP & 7), RD)
+#define ESCrri(RS,RD,OP)       ((RS) = _ST0 ? ESCri(RD,(OP|040))               
+                                : (RD) = _ST0 ? ESCri(RS,OP)                   
+                                : JITFAIL ("coprocessor instruction without 
+#define FLDSm(D,B,I,S)         ESCmi(D,B,I,S,010)     /* fld m32real  */
+#define FILDLm(D,B,I,S)                ESCmi(D,B,I,S,030)     /* fild m32int  
+#define FLDLm(D,B,I,S)         ESCmi(D,B,I,S,050)     /* fld m64real  */
+#define FILDWm(D,B,I,S)                ESCmi(D,B,I,S,070)     /* fild m16int  
+#define FSTSm(D,B,I,S)         ESCmi(D,B,I,S,012)     /* fst m32real  */
+#define FISTLm(D,B,I,S)                ESCmi(D,B,I,S,032)     /* fist m32int  
+#define FSTLm(D,B,I,S)         ESCmi(D,B,I,S,052)     /* fst m64real  */
+#define FISTWm(D,B,I,S)                ESCmi(D,B,I,S,072)     /* fist m16int  
+#define FSTPSm(D,B,I,S)                ESCmi(D,B,I,S,013)     /* fstp m32real 
+#define FISTPLm(D,B,I,S)       ESCmi(D,B,I,S,033)     /* fistp m32int */
+#define FSTPLm(D,B,I,S)                ESCmi(D,B,I,S,053)     /* fstp m64real 
+#define FISTPWm(D,B,I,S)       ESCmi(D,B,I,S,073)     /* fistp m16int */
+#define FLDTm(D,B,I,S)         ESCmi(D,B,I,S,035)     /* fld m80real  */
+#define FILDQm(D,B,I,S)                ESCmi(D,B,I,S,075)     /* fild m64int  
+#define FSTPTm(D,B,I,S)                ESCmi(D,B,I,S,037)     /* fstp m80real 
+#define FISTPQm(D,B,I,S)       ESCmi(D,B,I,S,077)     /* fistp m64int */
+#define FADDrr(RS,RD)          ESCrri(RS,RD,000)
+#define FMULrr(RS,RD)          ESCrri(RS,RD,001)
+#define FSUBrr(RS,RD)          ESCrri(RS,RD,004)
+#define FSUBRrr(RS,RD)         ESCrri(RS,RD,005)
+#define FDIVrr(RS,RD)          ESCrri(RS,RD,006)
+#define FDIVRrr(RS,RD)         ESCrri(RS,RD,007)
+#define FLDr(RD)               ESCri(RD,010)
+#define FXCHr(RD)              ESCri(RD,011)
+#define FFREEr(RD)             ESCri(RD,050)
+#define FSTr(RD)               ESCri(RD,052)
+#define FSTPr(RD)              ESCri(RD,053)
+#define FCOMr(RD)              ESCri(RD,002)
+#define FCOMPr(RD)             ESCri(RD,003)
+#define FCOMIr(RD)             ESCri(RD,036)
+#define FCOMIPr(RD)            ESCri(RD,076)
+#define FUCOMr(RD)             ESCri(RD,054)
+#define FUCOMPr(RD)            ESCri(RD,055)
+#define FUCOMIr(RD)            ESCri(RD,035)
+#define FUCOMIPr(RD)           ESCri(RD,075)
+#define FADDPr(RD)             ESCri(RD,060)
+#define FMULPr(RD)             ESCri(RD,061)
+#define FSUBPr(RD)             ESCri(RD,064)
+#define FSUBRPr(RD)            ESCri(RD,065)
+#define FDIVPr(RD)             ESCri(RD,066)
+#define FDIVRPr(RD)            ESCri(RD,067)
+#define FNSTSWr(RD)            ((RD == _AX || RD == _EAX) ? _OO (0xdfe0)       
+                                : JITFAIL ("AX or EAX expected"))
+/* N byte NOPs */
+#define _NOPi(N)       (((  (N)    >= 8) ? 
(_jit_B(0x8d),_jit_B(0xb4),_jit_B(0x26),_jit_L(0x00),_jit_B(0x90)) : (void) 0), 
+                        (( ((N)&7) == 7) ? 
(_jit_B(0x8d),_jit_B(0xb4),_jit_B(0x26),_jit_L(0x00)) : \
+                         ( ((N)&7) == 6) ? 
(_jit_B(0x8d),_jit_B(0xb6),_jit_L(0x00)) : \
+                         ( ((N)&7) == 5) ? 
(_jit_B(0x90),_jit_B(0x8d),_jit_B(0x74),_jit_B(0x26),_jit_B(0x00)) : \
+/* leal 0(,%esi), %esi */ ( ((N)&7) == 4) ? 
(_jit_B(0x8d),_jit_B(0x74),_jit_B(0x26),_jit_B(0x00)) : \
+/* leal (,%esi), %esi */  ( ((N)&7) == 3) ? 
(_jit_B(0x8d),_jit_B(0x76),_jit_B(0x00)) : \
+/* movl %esi, %esi */    ( ((N)&7) == 2) ? (_jit_B(0x89),_jit_B(0xf6)) : \
+                         ( ((N)&7) == 1) ? (_jit_B(0x90)) : \
+                         ( ((N)&7) == 0) ? 0 : \
+                         JITFAIL(".align argument too large")))
+/*** References:                                                               
+/* [1] "Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual Volume 1: Basic 
Architecture",          */
+/*     Intel Corporation 1997.                                                 
+/* [2] "Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual Volume 2: Instruction 
Set Reference",   */
+/*     Intel Corporation 1997.                                                 
+#endif /* __lightning_asm_h */
diff --git a/lightning/i386/core.h b/lightning/i386/core.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79f4d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/i386/core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Platform-independent layer (i386 version)
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_core_h
+#define __lightning_core_h
+#define JIT_R0                 _EAX
+#define JIT_R1                 _ECX
+#define JIT_R2                 _EDX
+#define JIT_V0                 _EBX
+#define JIT_V1                 _ESI
+#define JIT_V2                 _EDI
+#define JIT_FP                 _EBP
+#define JIT_SP                 _ESP
+#define JIT_RET                        _EAX
+struct jit_local_state {
+  int  framesize;
+  int  argssize;
+/* 3-parameter operation */
+#define jit_opr_(d, s1, s2, op1d, op2d)                                        
+       ( (s2 == d) ? op1d :                                            \
+         (  ((s1 == d) ? (void)0 : (void)MOVLrr(s1, d)), op2d )        \
+       )
+/* 3-parameter operation, with immediate */
+#define jit_op_(d, s1, op2d)                           \
+       ((s1 == d) ? op2d : (MOVLrr(s1, d), op2d))      \
+/* 3-parameter operation, optimizable */
+#define jit_opo_(d, s1, s2, op1d, op2d, op12d)         \
+       ((s2 == d) ? op2d :                             \
+       ((s1 == d) ? op1d : op12d))
+/* 3-parameter operation, optimizable, with immediate */
+#define jit_opi_(d, rs, opdi, opdri)                   \
+       ((rs == d) ? opdi : opdri)
+/* An operand is forced into a register */
+#define jit_replace(rd, rs, forced, op)                                        
+       ((rd == forced) ? JITSORRY("Register conflict for " # op) :     \
+        (rs == forced) ? op : (PUSHLr(forced), MOVLrr(rs, forced), op, 
+/* For LT, LE, ... */
+#define jit_replace8(d, op)                                            \
+       (jit_check8(d)                                                  \
+         ? (MOVLir(0, d), op(d))                                       \
+         : (PUSHLr(_EAX), MOVLir(0, _EAX), op(_EAX), MOVLrr(_EAX, (d)), 
+#define jit_bool_r(d, s1, s2, op)                                      \
+       (CMPLrr(s2, s1), jit_replace8(d, op))
+#define jit_bool_i(d, rs, is, op)                                      \
+       (CMPLir(is, rs), jit_replace8(d, op))
+/* When CMP with 0 can be replaced with TEST */
+#define jit_bool_i0(d, rs, is, op, op0)                                        
+       ((is) != 0                                                      \
+         ? (CMPLir(is, rs), jit_replace8(d, op))                       \
+         : (TESTLrr(rs, rs), jit_replace8(d, op0)))
+/* For BLT, BLE, ... */
+#define jit_bra_r(s1, s2, op)          (CMPLrr(s2, s1), op, _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_bra_i(rs, is, op)          (CMPLir(is, rs), op, _jit.x.pc)
+/* When CMP with 0 can be replaced with TEST */
+#define jit_bra_i0(rs, is, op, op0)                                    \
+       ( (is) == 0 ? (TESTLrr(rs, rs), op0, _jit.x.pc) : (CMPLir(is, rs), op, 
+/* Used to implement ldc, stc, ... */
+#define jit_check8(rs)         ( (rs) <= _EBX )
+#define jit_reg8(rs)           ( ((rs) == _SI || (rs) == _DI) ? _AL : ((rs) & 
_BH) | _AL )
+#define jit_reg16(rs)          ( ((rs) & _BH) | _AX )
+/* In jit_replace below, _EBX is dummy */
+#define jit_movbrm(rs, dd, db, di, ds)                                         
+       (jit_check8(rs)                                                         
+               ? MOVBrm(jit_reg8(rs), dd, db, di, ds)                          
+               : jit_replace(_EBX, rs, _EAX, MOVBrm(_AL, dd, db, di, ds)))
+/* Reduce arguments of XOR/OR/TEST */
+#define jit_reduce_(op)        op
+#define jit_reduce(op, is, rs)                                                 
+       (_u8P(is) && jit_check8(rs) ? jit_reduce_(op##Bir(is, jit_reg8(rs))) :  
+       (_u16P(is) ? jit_reduce_(op##Wir(is, jit_reg16(rs))) :                  
+       jit_reduce_(op##Lir(is, rs)) ))
+/* Helper macros for MUL/DIV/IDIV */
+#define jit_might(d, s1, op)                                   \
+       ((s1 == d) ? 0 : op)
+#define jit_mulr_ui_(s1, s2)   jit_opr_(_EAX, s1, s2, MULLr(s1),  MULLr(s2))
+#define jit_mulr_i_(s1, s2)    jit_opr_(_EAX, s1, s2, IMULLr(s1), IMULLr(s2))
+#define jit_muli_i_(is, rs)                            \
+       (MOVLir(is, rs == _EAX ? _EDX : _EAX),          \
+        IMULLr(rs == _EAX ? _EDX : rs))
+#define jit_muli_ui_(is, rs)                           \
+       (MOVLir(is, rs == _EAX ? _EDX : _EAX),          \
+        IMULLr(rs == _EAX ? _EDX : rs))
+#define jit_divi_i_(result, d, rs, is)                 \
+       (jit_might (d,    _EAX, PUSHLr(_EAX)),          \
+       jit_might (d,    _ECX, PUSHLr(_ECX)),           \
+       jit_might (d,    _EDX, PUSHLr(_EDX)),           \
+       jit_might (rs,   _EAX, MOVLrr(rs, _EAX)),       \
+       jit_might (rs,   _EDX, MOVLrr(rs, _EDX)),       \
+       MOVLir(is, _ECX),                               \
+       SARLir(31, _EDX),                               \
+       IDIVLr(_ECX),                                   \
+       jit_might(d,    result, MOVLrr(result, d)),     \
+       jit_might(d,     _EDX,  POPLr(_EDX)),           \
+       jit_might(d,     _ECX,  POPLr(_ECX)),           \
+       jit_might(d,     _EAX,  POPLr(_EAX)))
+#define jit_divr_i_(result, d, s1, s2)                 \
+       (jit_might (d,    _EAX, PUSHLr(_EAX)),          \
+       jit_might (d,    _ECX, PUSHLr(_ECX)),           \
+       jit_might (d,    _EDX, PUSHLr(_EDX)),           \
+       ((s1 == _ECX) ? PUSHLr(_ECX) : 0),              \
+       jit_might (s2,   _ECX, MOVLrr(s2, _ECX)),       \
+       ((s1 == _ECX) ? POPLr(_EDX) :                   \
+       jit_might (s1,   _EDX, MOVLrr(s1, _EDX))),      \
+       MOVLrr(_EDX, _EAX),                             \
+       SARLir(31, _EDX),                               \
+       IDIVLr(_ECX),                                   \
+       jit_might(d,    result, MOVLrr(result, d)),     \
+       jit_might(d,     _EDX,  POPLr(_EDX)),           \
+       jit_might(d,     _ECX,  POPLr(_ECX)),           \
+       jit_might(d,     _EAX,  POPLr(_EAX)))
+#define jit_divi_ui_(result, d, rs, is)                        \
+       (jit_might (d,    _EAX, PUSHLr(_EAX)),          \
+       jit_might (d,    _ECX, PUSHLr(_ECX)),           \
+       jit_might (d,    _EDX, PUSHLr(_EDX)),           \
+       jit_might (rs,   _EAX, MOVLrr(rs, _EAX)),       \
+       MOVLir(is, _ECX),                               \
+       XORLrr(_EDX, _EDX),                             \
+       DIVLr(_ECX),                                    \
+       jit_might(d,    result, MOVLrr(result, d)),     \
+       jit_might(d,     _EDX,  POPLr(_EDX)),           \
+       jit_might(d,     _ECX,  POPLr(_ECX)),           \
+       jit_might(d,     _EAX,  POPLr(_EAX)))
+#define jit_divr_ui_(result, d, s1, s2)                        \
+       (jit_might (d,    _EAX, PUSHLr(_EAX)),          \
+       jit_might (d,    _ECX, PUSHLr(_ECX)),           \
+       jit_might (d,    _EDX, PUSHLr(_EDX)),           \
+       ((s1 == _ECX) ? PUSHLr(_ECX) : 0),              \
+       jit_might (s2,   _ECX, MOVLrr(s2, _ECX)),       \
+       ((s1 == _ECX) ? POPLr(_EAX) :                   \
+       jit_might (s1,   _EAX, MOVLrr(s1, _EAX))),      \
+       XORLrr(_EDX, _EDX),                             \
+       DIVLr(_ECX),                                    \
+       jit_might(d,    result, MOVLrr(result, d)),     \
+       jit_might(d,     _EDX,  POPLr(_EDX)),           \
+       jit_might(d,     _ECX,  POPLr(_ECX)),           \
+       jit_might(d,     _EAX,  POPLr(_EAX)))
+/* ALU */
+#define jit_addi_i(d, rs, is)  jit_opi_((d), (rs),       ADDLir((is), (d)),    
                LEALmr((is), (rs), 0, 0, (d))  )
+#define jit_addr_i(d, s1, s2)  jit_opo_((d), (s1), (s2), ADDLrr((s2), (d)), 
ADDLrr((s1), (d)), LEALmr(0, (s1), (s2), 1, (d))  )
+#define jit_addci_i(d, rs, is) jit_op_ ((d), (rs),       ADDLir((is), (d))     
+#define jit_addcr_i(d, s1, s2) jit_opr_((d), (s1), (s2), ADDLrr((s1), (d)), 
ADDLrr((s2), (d)) )
+#define jit_addxi_i(d, rs, is) jit_op_ ((d), (rs),       ADCLir((is), (d))     
+#define jit_addxr_i(d, s1, s2) jit_opr_((d), (s1), (s2), ADCLrr((s1), (d)), 
ADCLrr((s2), (d)) )
+#define jit_andi_i(d, rs, is)  jit_op_ ((d), (rs),       ANDLir((is), (d))     
+#define jit_andr_i(d, s1, s2)  jit_opr_((d), (s1), (s2), ANDLrr((s1), (d)), 
ANDLrr((s2), (d)) )
+#define jit_orr_i(d, s1, s2)   jit_opr_((d), (s1), (s2),  ORLrr((s1), (d)),  
ORLrr((s2), (d)) )
+#define jit_subr_i(d, s1, s2)  jit_opr_((d), (s1), (s2), (SUBLrr((s1), (d)), 
NEGLr(d)),        SUBLrr((s2), (d))              )
+#define jit_subcr_i(d, s1, s2) jit_subr_i((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_subxr_i(d, s1, s2) jit_opr_((d), (s1), (s2), SBBLrr((s1), (d)), 
SBBLrr((s2), (d)) )
+#define jit_subxi_i(d, rs, is) jit_op_ ((d), (rs),       SBBLir((is), (d))     
+#define jit_xorr_i(d, s1, s2)  jit_opr_((d), (s1), (s2), XORLrr((s1), (d)), 
XORLrr((s2), (d)) )
+/* These can sometimes use byte or word versions! */
+#define jit_ori_i(d, rs, is)   jit_op_ ((d), (rs),        jit_reduce(OR, (is), 
(d))           )
+#define jit_xori_i(d, rs, is)  jit_op_ ((d), (rs),        jit_reduce(XOR, 
(is), (d))          )
+#define jit_muli_i(d, rs, is)  jit_op_ ((d), (rs),       IMULLir((is), (d))    
+#define jit_mulr_i(d, s1, s2)  jit_opr_((d), (s1), (s2), IMULLrr((s1), (d)), 
IMULLrr((s2), (d)) )
+/* As far as low bits are concerned, signed and unsigned multiplies are
+   exactly the same. */
+#define jit_muli_ui(d, rs, is) jit_op_ ((d), (rs),       IMULLir((is), (d))    
+#define jit_mulr_ui(d, s1, s2) jit_opr_((d), (s1), (s2), IMULLrr((s1), (d)), 
IMULLrr((s2), (d)) )
+#define jit_hmuli_i(d, rs, is)                                                 
+       ((d) == _EDX ? (              PUSHLr(_EAX), jit_muli_i_((is), (rs)),    
                             POPLr(_EAX)                ) :     \
+       ((d) == _EAX ? (PUSHLr(_EDX),               jit_muli_i_((is), (rs)), 
MOVLrr(_EDX, _EAX),             POPLr(_EDX) ) :    \
+                      (PUSHLr(_EDX), PUSHLr(_EAX), jit_muli_i_((is), (rs)), 
MOVLrr(_EDX, (d)), POPLr(_EAX), POPLr(_EDX) )))
+#define jit_hmulr_i(d, s1, s2)                                                 
+       ((d) == _EDX ? (              PUSHLr(_EAX), jit_mulr_i_((s1), (s2)),    
                  POPLr(_EAX)               ) : \
+       ((d) == _EAX ? (PUSHLr(_EDX),               jit_mulr_i_((s1), (s2)), 
MOVLrr(_EDX, _EAX),               POPLr(_EDX)  ) : \
+                      (PUSHLr(_EDX), PUSHLr(_EAX), jit_mulr_i_((s1), (s2)), 
MOVLrr(_EDX, (d)),   POPLr(_EAX), POPLr(_EDX)  )))
+#define jit_hmuli_ui(d, rs, is)                                                
+       ((d) == _EDX ? (              PUSHLr(_EAX), jit_muli_ui_((is), (rs)),   
                              POPLr(_EAX)               ) :     \
+       ((d) == _EAX ? (PUSHLr(_EDX),               jit_muli_ui_((is), (rs)), 
MOVLrr(_EDX, _EAX),             POPLr(_EDX) ) :   \
+                      (PUSHLr(_EDX), PUSHLr(_EAX), jit_muli_ui_((is), (rs)), 
MOVLrr(_EDX, (d)), POPLr(_EAX), POPLr(_EDX) )))
+#define jit_hmulr_ui(d, s1, s2)                                                
+       ((d) == _EDX ? (              PUSHLr(_EAX), jit_mulr_ui_((s1), (s2)),   
                  POPLr(_EAX)               ) : \
+       ((d) == _EAX ? (PUSHLr(_EDX),               jit_mulr_ui_((s1), (s2)), 
MOVLrr(_EDX, _EAX),              POPLr(_EDX)  ) : \
+                      (PUSHLr(_EDX), PUSHLr(_EAX), jit_mulr_ui_((s1), (s2)), 
MOVLrr(_EDX, (d)),  POPLr(_EAX), POPLr(_EDX)  )))
+#define jit_divi_i(d, rs, is)  jit_divi_i_(_EAX, (d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_divi_ui(d, rs, is) jit_divi_ui_(_EAX, (d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_modi_i(d, rs, is)  jit_divi_i_(_EDX, (d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_modi_ui(d, rs, is) jit_divi_ui_(_EDX, (d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_divr_i(d, s1, s2)  jit_divr_i_(_EAX, (d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_divr_ui(d, s1, s2) jit_divr_ui_(_EAX, (d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_modr_i(d, s1, s2)  jit_divr_i_(_EDX, (d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_modr_ui(d, s1, s2) jit_divr_ui_(_EDX, (d), (s1), (s2))
+/* Shifts */
+#define jit_lshi_i(d, rs, is)  ((is) <= 3 ?   LEALmr(0, 0, (rs), 1 << (is), 
(d))   :   jit_op_ ((d), (rs), SHLLir((is), (d)) ))
+#define jit_rshi_i(d, rs, is)                                                  
        jit_op_ ((d), (rs), SARLir((is), (d))  )
+#define jit_rshi_ui(d, rs, is)                                                 
        jit_op_ ((d), (rs), SHRLir((is), (d))  )
+#define jit_lshr_i(d, r1, r2)  jit_replace((r1), (r2), _ECX,                   
        jit_op_ ((d), (r1), SHLLrr(_CL,  (d)) ))
+#define jit_rshr_i(d, r1, r2)  jit_replace((r1), (r2), _ECX,                   
        jit_op_ ((d), (r1), SARLrr(_CL,  (d)) ))
+#define jit_rshr_ui(d, r1, r2) jit_replace((r1), (r2), _ECX,                   
        jit_op_ ((d), (r1), SHRLrr(_CL,  (d)) ))
+/* Stack */
+#define jit_pushr_i(rs)                PUSHLr(rs)
+#define jit_popr_i(rs)         POPLr(rs)
+#define jit_prolog(n)          (_jitl.framesize = 8, PUSHLr(_EBP), 
+/* The += allows for stack pollution */
+#define jitfp_prepare(ni,nf,nd) ((void) (_jitl.argssize += (ni) + (nf) + 
+#define jit_pusharg_i(rs)      PUSHLr(rs)
+#define jit_finish(sub)                (jit_calli((sub)), ADDLir(4 * 
_jitl.argssize, JIT_SP), _jitl.argssize = 0)
+#define jit_retval(rd)         jit_movr_i ((rd), _EAX)
+#define        jit_arg_c()             ((_jitl.framesize += sizeof(int)) - 
+#define        jit_arg_uc()            ((_jitl.framesize += sizeof(int)) - 
+#define        jit_arg_s()             ((_jitl.framesize += sizeof(int)) - 
+#define        jit_arg_us()            ((_jitl.framesize += sizeof(int)) - 
+#define        jit_arg_i()             ((_jitl.framesize += sizeof(int)) - 
+#define        jit_arg_ui()            ((_jitl.framesize += sizeof(int)) - 
+#define        jit_arg_l()             ((_jitl.framesize += sizeof(long)) - 
+#define        jit_arg_ul()            ((_jitl.framesize += sizeof(long)) - 
+#define        jit_arg_p()             ((_jitl.framesize += sizeof(long)) - 
+#define        jit_arg_f()             ((_jitl.framesize += sizeof(float)) - 
+#define        jit_arg_d()             ((_jitl.framesize += sizeof(double)) - 
+/* Unary */
+#define jit_negr_i(d, rs)      jit_opi_((d), (rs), NEGLr(d), (XORLrr((d), 
(d)), SUBLrr((rs), (d))) )
+#define jit_negr_l(d, rs)      jit_opi_((d), (rs), NEGLr(d), (XORLrr((d), 
(d)), SUBLrr((rs), (d))) )
+#define jit_movr_i(d, rs)      ((rs) == (d) ? 0 : MOVLrr((rs), (d)))
+#define jit_movi_i(d, is)      ((is) ? MOVLir((is), (d)) : XORLrr ((d), (d)) )
+#define jit_ntoh_ui(d, rs)     jit_op_((d), (rs), BSWAPLr(d))
+#define jit_ntoh_us(d, rs)     jit_op_((d), (rs), RORWir(8, d))
+/* Boolean */
+#define jit_ltr_i(d, s1, s2)   jit_bool_r((d), (s1), (s2), SETLr  )
+#define jit_ler_i(d, s1, s2)   jit_bool_r((d), (s1), (s2), SETLEr )
+#define jit_gtr_i(d, s1, s2)   jit_bool_r((d), (s1), (s2), SETGr  )
+#define jit_ger_i(d, s1, s2)   jit_bool_r((d), (s1), (s2), SETGEr )
+#define jit_eqr_i(d, s1, s2)   jit_bool_r((d), (s1), (s2), SETEr  )
+#define jit_ner_i(d, s1, s2)   jit_bool_r((d), (s1), (s2), SETNEr )
+#define jit_ltr_ui(d, s1, s2)  jit_bool_r((d), (s1), (s2), SETBr  )
+#define jit_ler_ui(d, s1, s2)  jit_bool_r((d), (s1), (s2), SETBEr )
+#define jit_gtr_ui(d, s1, s2)  jit_bool_r((d), (s1), (s2), SETAr  )
+#define jit_ger_ui(d, s1, s2)  jit_bool_r((d), (s1), (s2), SETAEr )
+#define jit_lti_i(d, rs, is)   jit_bool_i0((d), (rs), (is), SETLr,  SETSr  )
+#define jit_lei_i(d, rs, is)   jit_bool_i ((d), (rs), (is), SETLEr         )
+#define jit_gti_i(d, rs, is)   jit_bool_i ((d), (rs), (is), SETGr          )
+#define jit_gei_i(d, rs, is)   jit_bool_i0((d), (rs), (is), SETGEr, SETNSr )
+#define jit_eqi_i(d, rs, is)   jit_bool_i0((d), (rs), (is), SETEr,  SETEr  )
+#define jit_nei_i(d, rs, is)   jit_bool_i0((d), (rs), (is), SETNEr, SETNEr )
+#define jit_lti_ui(d, rs, is)  jit_bool_i ((d), (rs), (is), SETB           )
+#define jit_lei_ui(d, rs, is)  jit_bool_i0((d), (rs), (is), SETBEr, SETEr  )
+#define jit_gti_ui(d, rs, is)  jit_bool_i0((d), (rs), (is), SETAr,  SETNEr )
+#define jit_gei_ui(d, rs, is)  jit_bool_i0((d), (rs), (is), SETAEr, INCLr  )
+/* Jump */
+#define jit_bltr_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_bra_r((s1), (s2), JLm(label, 0,0,0) 
+#define jit_bler_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_bra_r((s1), (s2), JLEm(label,0,0,0) 
+#define jit_bgtr_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_bra_r((s1), (s2), JGm(label, 0,0,0) 
+#define jit_bger_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_bra_r((s1), (s2), JGEm(label,0,0,0) 
+#define jit_beqr_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_bra_r((s1), (s2), JEm(label, 0,0,0) 
+#define jit_bner_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_bra_r((s1), (s2), JNEm(label,0,0,0) 
+#define jit_bltr_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_bra_r((s1), (s2), JBm(label, 0,0,0) 
+#define jit_bler_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_bra_r((s1), (s2), JBEm(label,0,0,0) 
+#define jit_bgtr_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_bra_r((s1), (s2), JAm(label, 0,0,0) 
+#define jit_bger_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_bra_r((s1), (s2), JAEm(label,0,0,0) 
+#define jit_bmsr_i(label, s1, s2)      (TESTLrr((s1), (s2)), 
JNZm(label,0,0,0), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_bmcr_i(label, s1, s2)      (TESTLrr((s1), (s2)), JZm(label,0,0,0), 
+#define jit_boaddr_i(label, s1, s2)    (ADDLrr((s2), (s1)), JOm(label,0,0,0), 
+#define jit_bosubr_i(label, s1, s2)    (SUBLrr((s2), (s1)), JOm(label,0,0,0), 
+#define jit_boaddr_ui(label, s1, s2)   (ADDLrr((s2), (s1)), JCm(label,0,0,0), 
+#define jit_bosubr_ui(label, s1, s2)   (SUBLrr((s2), (s1)), JCm(label,0,0,0), 
+#define jit_blti_i(label, rs, is)      jit_bra_i0((rs), (is), JLm(label, 
0,0,0), JSm(label, 0,0,0) )
+#define jit_blei_i(label, rs, is)      jit_bra_i ((rs), (is), 
JLEm(label,0,0,0)                    )
+#define jit_bgti_i(label, rs, is)      jit_bra_i ((rs), (is), JGm(label, 
0,0,0)                    )
+#define jit_bgei_i(label, rs, is)      jit_bra_i0((rs), (is), 
JGEm(label,0,0,0), JNSm(label,0,0,0) )
+#define jit_beqi_i(label, rs, is)      jit_bra_i0((rs), (is), JEm(label, 
0,0,0), JEm(label, 0,0,0) )
+#define jit_bnei_i(label, rs, is)      jit_bra_i0((rs), (is), 
JNEm(label,0,0,0), JNEm(label,0,0,0) )
+#define jit_blti_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_bra_i ((rs), (is), JLm(label, 
0,0,0)                    )
+#define jit_blei_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_bra_i0((rs), (is), 
JLEm(label,0,0,0), JEm(label, 0,0,0) )
+#define jit_bgti_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_bra_i0((rs), (is), JGm(label, 
0,0,0), JNEm(label,0,0,0) )
+#define jit_bgei_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_bra_i ((rs), (is), 
JGEm(label,0,0,0)                    )
+#define jit_boaddi_i(label, rs, is)    (ADDLir((is), (rs)), JOm(label,0,0,0), 
+#define jit_bosubi_i(label, rs, is)    (SUBLir((is), (rs)), JOm(label,0,0,0), 
+#define jit_boaddi_ui(label, rs, is)   (ADDLir((is), (rs)), JCm(label,0,0,0), 
+#define jit_bosubi_ui(label, rs, is)   (SUBLir((is), (rs)), JCm(label,0,0,0), 
+#define jit_bmsi_i(label, rs, is)      (jit_reduce(TEST, (is), (rs)), 
JNZm(label,0,0,0), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_bmci_i(label, rs, is)      (jit_reduce(TEST, (is), (rs)), 
JZm(label,0,0,0),  _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_jmpi(label)                (JMPm( ((unsigned long) (label)),       
0, 0, 0), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_calli(label)       (CALLm( ((unsigned long) (label)),      0, 0, 
0), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_jmpr(reg)          JMPsr(reg)
+#define jit_patch(jump_pc)     (*_PSL((jump_pc) - 4) = _jit_SL(_jit.x.pc - 
+#define jit_ret()              (POPLr(_EDI), POPLr(_ESI), POPLr(_EBX), 
+/* Memory */
+#define jit_ldi_c(d, is)               MOVSBLmr((is), 0,    0,    0, (d))
+#define jit_ldr_c(d, rs)               MOVSBLmr(0,    (rs), 0,    0, (d))
+#define jit_ldxr_c(d, s1, s2)          MOVSBLmr(0,    (s1), (s2), 1, (d))
+#define jit_ldxi_c(d, rs, is)          MOVSBLmr((is), (rs), 0,    0, (d))
+#define jit_ldi_uc(d, is)              MOVZBLmr((is), 0,    0,    0, (d))
+#define jit_ldr_uc(d, rs)              MOVZBLmr(0,    (rs), 0,    0, (d))
+#define jit_ldxr_uc(d, s1, s2)         MOVZBLmr(0,    (s1), (s2), 1, (d))
+#define jit_ldxi_uc(d, rs, is)         MOVZBLmr((is), (rs), 0,    0, (d))
+#define jit_sti_c(id, rs)               jit_movbrm((rs), (id), 0,    0,    0)
+#define jit_str_c(rd, rs)               jit_movbrm((rs), 0,    (rd), 0,    0)
+#define jit_stxr_c(d1, d2, rs)          jit_movbrm((rs), 0,    (d1), (d2), 1)
+#define jit_stxi_c(id, rd, rs)          jit_movbrm((rs), (id), (rd), 0,    0)
+#define jit_ldi_s(d, is)               MOVSWLmr((is), 0,    0,    0, (d))
+#define jit_ldr_s(d, rs)               MOVSWLmr(0,    (rs), 0,    0, (d))
+#define jit_ldxr_s(d, s1, s2)          MOVSWLmr(0,    (s1), (s2), 1, (d))
+#define jit_ldxi_s(d, rs, is)          MOVSWLmr((is), (rs), 0,    0, (d))
+#define jit_ldi_us(d, is)              MOVZWLmr((is), 0,    0,    0,  (d))
+#define jit_ldr_us(d, rs)              MOVZWLmr(0,    (rs), 0,    0,  (d))
+#define jit_ldxr_us(d, s1, s2)         MOVZWLmr(0,    (s1), (s2), 1,  (d))
+#define jit_ldxi_us(d, rs, is)         MOVZWLmr((is), (rs), 0,    0,  (d))
+#define jit_sti_s(id, rs)              MOVWrm(jit_reg16(rs), (id), 0,    0,    
+#define jit_str_s(rd, rs)              MOVWrm(jit_reg16(rs), 0,    (rd), 0,    
+#define jit_stxr_s(d1, d2, rs)         MOVWrm(jit_reg16(rs), 0,    (d1), (d2), 
+#define jit_stxi_s(id, rd, rs)         MOVWrm(jit_reg16(rs), (id), (rd), 0,    
+#define jit_ldi_i(d, is)               MOVLmr((is), 0,    0,    0,  (d))
+#define jit_ldr_i(d, rs)               MOVLmr(0,    (rs), 0,    0,  (d))
+#define jit_ldxr_i(d, s1, s2)          MOVLmr(0,    (s1), (s2), 1,  (d))
+#define jit_ldxi_i(d, rs, is)          MOVLmr((is), (rs), 0,    0,  (d))
+#define jit_sti_i(id, rs)              MOVLrm((rs), (id), 0,    0,    0)
+#define jit_str_i(rd, rs)              MOVLrm((rs), 0,    (rd), 0,    0)
+#define jit_stxr_i(d1, d2, rs)         MOVLrm((rs), 0,    (d1), (d2), 1)
+#define jit_stxi_i(id, rd, rs)         MOVLrm((rs), (id), (rd), 0,    0)
+/* Extra */
+#define jit_nop()                      NOP()
+#define _jit_alignment(pc, n)          (((pc ^ _MASK(4)) + 1) & _MASK(n))
+#define jit_align(n)                   
_NOPi(_jit_alignment(_jit_UL(_jit.x.pc), (n)))
+#endif /* __lightning_core_h */
diff --git a/lightning/i386/fp.h b/lightning/i386/fp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c347e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/i386/fp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Run-time assembler & support macros for the i386 math coprocessor
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_asm_fp_h
+#define __lightning_asm_fp_h
+/* Actually, we should redesign the jitfp interface.  As a first step, I have
+   defined the macros for many x87 instructions, and I am using them here.
+   In practice, we can provide something sensible and make it work on the x86
+   using the stack like a file of eight registers.  Then this awful stuff goes
+   away, and everything is "beautiful" as the rest of GNU lightning---and we'll
+   document it, promised.
+   Well, let's use six or seven registers so as to have some freedom
+   for floor, ceil, round, log, tan, atn and exp.
+   Not hard at all, basically play with FXCH.  FXCH is mostly free,
+   so the generated code is not bad.  Of course we special case when one
+   of the operands turns out to be ST0.
+   - binary ops:
+       add FRR3 to FPR0
+               FADD ST0,ST3
+       add FPR0 to FPR3
+               FADD ST3,ST0
+       add FPR3 to FPR7 (I'm using nasm syntax here)
+               FXCH ST3
+               FADD ST7,ST0
+               FXCH ST3
+   - stores:
+       store FPR3
+               FXCH ST3
+               FST [FUBAR]
+               FXCH ST3
+       store FPR0
+               FST [FUBAR]
+       (and similarly for other unary ops like FCHS or FABS)
+   - moves:
+       move FPR0 to FPR3
+               FST  ST3
+       move FPR3 to FPR0
+               FXCH ST3
+               FST  ST3
+       move FPR3 to FPR1
+               FSTP ST1   Save old st0 into destination register
+               FLD  ST2   Stack is rotated, so FPRn becomes STn-1
+               FXCH ST1   Get back old st0
+   - loads:
+       load into FPR0
+               FSTP ST0
+               FLD  [FUBAR]
+       load into FPR3
+               FSTP ST3     Save old st0 into destination register
+               FLD  [FUBAR]
+               FXCH ST3     Get back old st0
+   (and similarly for immediates, using the stack) */
+#define jit_add_two(reg0)      FADDPr(1)
+#define jit_sub_two(reg0)      FSUBRPr(1)
+#define jit_mul_two(reg0)      FMULPr(1)
+#define jit_div_two(reg0)      FDIVRPr(1)
+#define jit_abs(reg0)          _OO(0xd9e1)                     /* fabs */
+#define jit_sqr(reg0)          FMULrr(0,0)
+#define jit_sqrt(reg0)         _OO(0xd9fa)                     /* fsqrt */
+#define jit_exti_d(reg0, rs)   (PUSHLr((rs)), FILDLm(0, _ESP, 0, 0), 
+#define jit_neg(reg0)          _OO(0xd9e0)                     /* fchs */
+#define jit_ldxr_f(reg0, s1, s2)       FLDSm(0, (s1), (s2), 1)
+#define jit_ldxi_f(reg0, rs, is)       FLDSm((is), (rs), 0, 0)
+#define jit_ldxr_f(reg0, s1, s2)       FLDSm(0, (s1), (s2), 1)
+#define jit_ldxi_d(reg0, rs, is)       FLDLm((is), (rs), 0, 0)
+#define jit_ldxr_d(reg0, s1, s2)       FLDLm(0, (s1), (s2), 1)
+#define jit_ldi_f(reg0, is)            FLDSm((is), 0,    0, 0)
+#define jit_ldr_f(reg0, rs)            FLDSm(0,    (rs), 0, 0)
+#define jit_ldi_d(reg0, is)            FLDLm((is), 0,    0, 0)
+#define jit_ldr_d(reg0, rs)            FLDLm(0,    (rs), 0, 0)
+#define jit_stxi_f(id, rd, reg0)       FSTPSm((id), (rd), 0, 0)
+#define jit_stxr_f(d1, d2, reg0)       FSTPSm(0, (d1), (d2), 1)
+#define jit_stxi_d(id, rd, reg0)       FSTPLm((id), (rd), 0, 0)
+#define jit_stxr_d(d1, d2, reg0)       FSTPLm(0, (d1), (d2), 1)
+#define jit_sti_f(id, reg0)            FSTPSm((id), 0,    0, 0)
+#define jit_str_f(rd, reg0)            FSTPSm(0,    (rd), 0, 0)
+#define jit_sti_d(id, reg0)            FSTPLm((id), 0,    0, 0)
+#define jit_str_d(rd, reg0)            FSTPLm(0,    (rd), 0, 0)
+#define jit_fpimm(reg0, first, second) \
+       (PUSHLi(second),                \
+       PUSHLi(first),                  \
+       FLDLm(0, _ESP, 0, 0),           \
+       ADDLir(8, _ESP))
+/* Assume round to near mode */
+#define jit_floor(rd, reg0)    \
+       jit_floor2((rd), ((rd) == _EDX ? _EAX : _EDX))
+#define jit_ceil(rd, reg0)     \
+       jit_ceil2((rd), ((rd) == _EDX ? _EAX : _EDX))
+#define jit_trunc(rd, reg0)    \
+       jit_trunc2((rd), ((rd) == _EDX ? _EAX : _EDX))
+#define jit_calc_diff(ofs)             \
+       FISTLm(ofs, _ESP, 0, 0),        \
+       FILDLm(ofs, _ESP, 0, 0),        \
+       FSUBRPr(1),                     \
+       FSTPSm(4+ofs, _ESP, 0, 0)       \
+/* The real meat */
+#define jit_floor2(rd, aux)            \
+       (PUSHLr(aux),                   \
+       SUBLir(8, _ESP),                \
+       jit_calc_diff(0),               \
+       POPLr(rd),                      /* floor in rd */ \
+       POPLr(aux),                     /* x-round(x) in aux */ \
+       ADDLir(0x7FFFFFFF, aux),        /* carry if x-round(x) < -0 */ \
+       SBBLir(0, rd),                  /* subtract 1 if carry */ \
+       POPLr(aux))
+#define jit_ceil2(rd, aux)             \
+       (PUSHLr(aux),                   \
+       SUBLir(8, _ESP),                \
+       jit_calc_diff(0),               \
+       POPLr(rd),                      /* floor in rd */ \
+       POPLr(aux),                     /* x-round(x) in aux */ \
+       TESTLrr(aux, aux),              \
+       SETGr(jit_reg8(aux)),           \
+       SHRLir(1, aux),                 \
+       ADCLir(0, rd),                  \
+       POPLr(aux))
+/* a mingling of the two above */
+#define jit_trunc2(rd, aux)                    \
+       (PUSHLr(aux),                           \
+       SUBLir(12, _ESP),                       \
+       FSTSm(0, _ESP, 0, 0),                   \
+       jit_calc_diff(4),                       \
+       POPLr(aux),                             \
+       POPLr(rd),                              \
+       TESTLrr(aux, aux),                      \
+       POPLr(aux),                             \
+       JSSm(_jit.x.pc + 11, 0, 0, 0),          \
+       ADDLir(0x7FFFFFFF, aux),        /* 6 */ \
+       SBBLir(0, rd),                  /* 3 */ \
+       JMPSm(_jit.x.pc + 10, 0, 0, 0), /* 2 */ \
+       TESTLrr(aux, aux),              /* 2 */ \
+       SETGr(jit_reg8(aux)),           /* 3 */ \
+       SHRLir(1, aux),                 /* 2 */ \
+       ADCLir(0, rd),                  /* 3 */ \
+       POPLr(aux))
+/* the easy one */
+#define jit_round(rd, reg0)            \
+       (PUSHLr(_EAX),                  \
+       FISTPLm(0, _ESP, 0, 0),         \
+       POPLr((rd)))
+#define jit_cmp(le, ge, reg0) (                                        \
+       ((le) == _EAX || (ge) == _EAX ? 0 : PUSHLr(_EAX)),      \
+       FCOMr(0),                                               \
+       FNSTSWr(_AX),                                           \
+       TESTBir(0x40, _AH),                                     \
+       MOVLir(0, (le)),                                        \
+       MOVLrr((le), (ge)),                                     \
+       JZSm(_jit.x.pc + 11, 0, 0, 0),                          \
+       _OO(0xd9e4),                    /* ftst */      /* 2 */ \
+       FNSTSWr(_AX),                                   /* 2 */ \
+       SAHF(),                                         /* 1 */ \
+       SETLEr( ((le) & 15) | 0x10),                    /* 3 */ \
+       SETGEr( ((ge) & 15) | 0x10),                    /* 3 */ \
+       ((le) == _EAX || (ge) == _EAX ? ANDLir (1, _EAX) : POPLr(_EAX)) )
+#define jitfp_getarg_f(ofs)             jitfp_ldxi_f(JIT_FP,(ofs))
+#define jitfp_getarg_d(ofs)             jitfp_ldxi_d(JIT_FP,(ofs))
+#define jitfp_pusharg_d(op1)            
(jit_subi_i(JIT_SP,JIT_SP,sizeof(double)), jitfp_str_d(JIT_SP,(op1)))
+#define jitfp_pusharg_f(op1)            
(jit_subi_i(JIT_SP,JIT_SP,sizeof(float)), jitfp_str_f(JIT_SP,(op1)))
+#define jitfp_retval(op1)               _jit_emit(&_jit, (op1), JIT_NULL, 0, 
0, 0)
+#define jit_sin(reg0)          _OO(0xd9fe)                     /* fsin */
+#define jit_cos(reg0)          _OO(0xd9ff)                     /* fcos */
+#define jit_tan(reg0)          (_OO(0xd9f2),                   /* fptan */ \
+                                FSTPr(0))                      /* fstp st */
+#define jit_atn(reg0)          (_OO(0xd9e8),                   /* fld1 */ \
+                                _OO(0xd9f3))                   /* fpatan */
+#define jit_exp(reg0)          (_OO(0xd9ea),                   /* fldl2e */ \
+                                FMULPr(1),                     /* fmulp */ \
+                                _OO(0xd9c0),                   /* fld st */ \
+                                _OO(0xd9fc),                   /* frndint */ \
+                                _OO(0xdce9),                   /* fsubr */ \
+                                FXCHr(1),                      /* fxch st(1) 
*/ \
+                                _OO(0xd9f0),                   /* f2xm1 */ \
+                                _OO(0xd9e8),                   /* fld1 */ \
+                                _OO(0xdec1),                   /* faddp */ \
+                                _OO(0xd9fd),                   /* fscale */ \
+                                FSTPr(1))                      /* fstp st(1) */
+#define jit_log(reg0)          (_OO(0xd9ed),                   /* fldln2 */ \
+                                FXCHr(1),                      /* fxch st(1) 
*/ \
+                                _OO(0xd9f1))                   /* fyl2x */
+#endif /* __lightning_asm_h */
diff --git a/lightning/i386/funcs.h b/lightning/i386/funcs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a618a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/i386/funcs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Platform-independent layer inline functions (i386)
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_funcs_h
+#define __lightning_funcs_h
+#define jit_flush_code(dest, end)
+#endif /* __lightning_funcs_h */
diff --git a/lightning/ppc/asm.h b/lightning/ppc/asm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d102283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/ppc/asm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Run-time assembler for the PowerPC
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Ian Piumarta
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_asm_h
+#define __lightning_asm_h
+/* <imm> = [0-9]+ | (.+)       -> add i, one parameter (imm)
+ * <reg> = r<imm>              -> add r, one parameter (imm)
+ * <mem> = <imm>(<reg>)                -> add m, two parameters (imm,reg)
+ * <idx> = <reg>(<reg>)                -> add x, two parameters (reg,reg)
+ *
+ * `x' operands have two forms. For example `stwu source, rega(regb)'
+ * could be written as either
+ *     STWUrx(source, rega, regb)
+ * or
+ *     STWUXrrr(source, rega, regb)
+ */
+/*** a brief NOTE about halfwords and "shifted" operands
+ *
+ * LOGICAL insns require UNSIGNED args in 0..65535, whether or not shifted
+ *
+ * ARITHMETIC insns require SIGNED args in -32768..32767, even when shifted
+ * 
+ * as a special case: "lis/addis" also accepts UNSIGNED arguments in
+ * 0..65535 since it is often used immediately before "ori" to load a 32-bit
+ * constant (this is consistent with the GNU rs/6000 and PowerPC assemblers)
+ * 
+ * thus:       lis     rD, address@hidden
+ *             ori     rD, rD, address@hidden  ; load 32-bit constant
+ */
+typedef unsigned int jit_insn;
+#define _cr0   0
+#define _cr1   1
+#define _cr2   2
+#define _cr3   3
+#define _cr4   4
+#define _cr5   5
+#define _cr6   6
+#define _cr7   7
+#define _lt    0
+#define _gt    1
+#define _eq    2
+#define _so    3
+#define _un    3
+#define _d16(D)                (_ck_d(16,(_jit_UL(D)-_jit_UL(_jit.x.pc))) & ~3)
+#define _d26(D)                (_ck_d(26,(_jit_UL(D)-_jit_UL(_jit.x.pc))) & ~3)
+/* primitive instruction forms [1, Section A.4] */
+#define _FB(  OP,         BD,AA,LK )   _jit_I((_u6(OP)<<26)|                   
                         _d26(BD)|     (_u1(AA)<<1)|_u1(LK))
+#define _FBA( OP,         BD,AA,LK )   _jit_I((_u6(OP)<<26)|                   
                        (_u26(BD)&~3)| (_u1(AA)<<1)|_u1(LK))
+#define _BB(   OP,BO,BI,   BD,AA,LK )          
_jit_I((_u6(OP)<<26)|(_u5(BO)<<21)|(_u5(BI)<<16)|                _d16(BD)|     
+#define _D(   OP,RD,RA,         DD )   
_jit_I((_u6(OP)<<26)|(_u5(RD)<<21)|(_u5(RA)<<16)|                _s16(DD)       
+#define _Du(  OP,RD,RA,         DD )   
_jit_I((_u6(OP)<<26)|(_u5(RD)<<21)|(_u5(RA)<<16)|                _u16(DD)       
+#define _Ds(  OP,RD,RA,         DD )   
_jit_I((_u6(OP)<<26)|(_u5(RD)<<21)|(_u5(RA)<<16)|                _su16(DD)      
+#define _X(   OP,RD,RA,RB,   XO,RC )   
_jit_I((_u6(OP)<<26)|(_u5(RD)<<21)|(_u5(RA)<<16)|( _u5(RB)<<11)|              
+#define _XL(  OP,BO,BI,      XO,LK )   
_jit_I((_u6(OP)<<26)|(_u5(BO)<<21)|(_u5(BI)<<16)|( _u5(00)<<11)|              
+#define _XFX( OP,RD,         SR,XO )   _jit_I((_u6(OP)<<26)|(_u5(RD)<<21)|     
         (_u10(SR)<<11)|              (_u10(XO)<<1)|_u1(00))
+#define _XO(  OP,RD,RA,RB,OE,XO,RC )   
_jit_I((_u6(OP)<<26)|(_u5(RD)<<21)|(_u5(RA)<<16)|( _u5(RB)<<11)|(_u1(OE)<<10)|( 
+#define _M(   OP,RS,RA,SH,MB,ME,RC )   
_jit_I((_u6(OP)<<26)|(_u5(RS)<<21)|(_u5(RA)<<16)|( _u5(SH)<<11)|(_u5(MB)<< 6)|( 
+/* special purpose registers (form XFX) [1, Section 8.2, page 8-138] */
+#define SPR_LR         ((8<<5)|(0))
+/* +++ intrinsic instructions */
+#define ADDrrr(RD, RA, RB)             _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 266, 0)
+#define ADD_rrr(RD, RA, RB)            _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 266, 1)
+#define ADDCrrr(RD, RA, RB)            _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 10, 0)
+#define ADDC_rrr(RD, RA, RB)           _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 10, 1)
+#define ADDErrr(RD, RA, RB)            _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 138, 0)
+#define ADDE_rrr(RD, RA, RB)           _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 138, 1)
+#define ADDOrrr(RD, RA, RB)            _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 1, 266, 0)
+#define ADDO_rrr(RD, RA, RB)           _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 1, 266, 1)
+#define ADDIrri(RD, RA, IMM)           _D      (14, RD, RA, IMM)
+#define ADDICrri(RD, RA, IMM)          _D      (12, RD, RA, IMM)
+#define ADDIC_rri(RD, RA, IMM)         _D      (13, RD, RA, IMM)
+#define ADDISrri(RD, RA, IMM)          _Ds     (15, RD, RA, IMM)
+#define ANDrrr(RA, RS, RB)             _X      (31, RS, RA, RB,  28, 0)
+#define AND_rrr(RA, RS, RB)            _X      (31, RS, RA, RB,  28, 1)
+#define ANDCrrr(RA, RS, RB)            _X      (31, RS, RA, RB,  60, 0)
+#define ANDC_rrr(RA, RS, RB)           _X      (31, RS, RA, RB,  60, 1)
+#define ANDI_rri(RA, RS, IMM)          _Du     (28, RS, RA, IMM)
+#define ANDIS_rri(RA, RS, IMM)         _Du     (29, RS, RA, IMM)
+#define Bi(BD)                         _FB     (18, BD, 0, 0)
+#define BAi(BD)                                _FBA    (18, BD, 1, 0)
+#define BLi(BD)                                _FB     (18, BD, 0, 1)
+#define BLAi(BD)                       _FBA    (18, BD, 1, 1)
+#define BCiii(BO,BI,BD)                        _BB     (16, BO, BI, BD, 0, 0)
+#define BCAiii(BO,BI,BD)               _BB     (16, BO, BI, BD, 1, 0)
+#define BCLiii(BO,BI,BD)               _BB     (16, BO, BI, BD, 0, 1)
+#define BCLAiii(BO,BI,BD)              _BB     (16, BO, BI, BD, 1, 1)
+#define BCCTRii(BO,BI)                 _XL     (19, BO, BI, 528, 0)
+#define BCCTRLii(BO,BI)                        _XL     (19, BO, BI, 528, 1)
+#define BCLRii(BO,BI)                  _XL     (19, BO, BI,  16, 0)
+#define BCLRLii(BO,BI)                 _XL     (19, BO, BI,  16, 1)
+#define CMPiirr(CR, LL, RA, RB)                _X      (31, ((CR)<<2)|(LL), 
RA, RB, 0, 0)
+#define CMPIiiri(CR, LL, RA, IMM)      _D      (11, ((CR)<<2)|(LL), RA, IMM)
+#define CMPLiirr(CR, LL, RA, RB)       _X      (31, ((CR)<<2)|(LL), RA, RB, 
32, 0)
+#define CMPLIiiri(CR, LL, RA, IMM)     _D      (10, ((CR)<<2)|(LL), RA, IMM)
+#define CRANDiii(CRD,CRA,CRB)          _X      (19, CRD, CRA, CRB, 257, 0)
+#define CRANDCiii(CRD,CRA,CRB)         _X      (19, CRD, CRA, CRB, 129, 0)
+#define CREQViii(CRD,CRA,CRB)          _X      (19, CRD, CRA, CRB, 289, 0)
+#define CRNANDiii(CRD,CRA,CRB)         _X      (19, CRD, CRA, CRB, 225, 0)
+#define CRNORiii(CRD,CRA,CRB)          _X      (19, CRD, CRA, CRB,  33, 0)
+#define CRORiii(CRD,CRA,CRB)           _X      (19, CRD, CRA, CRB, 449, 0)
+#define CRORCiii(CRD,CRA,CRB)          _X      (19, CRD, CRA, CRB, 417, 0)
+#define CRXORiii(CRD,CRA,CRB)          _X      (19, CRD, CRA, CRB, 193, 0)
+#define DCBSTrr(RA,RB)                 _X      (31, 00, RA, RB,  54, 0)
+#define DIVWrrr(RD, RA, RB)            _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 491, 0)
+#define DIVW_rrr(RD, RA, RB)           _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 491, 1)
+#define DIVWOrrr(RD, RA, RB)           _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 1, 491, 0)
+#define DIVWO_rrr(RD, RA, RB)          _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 1, 491, 1)
+#define DIVWUrrr(RD, RA, RB)           _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 459, 0)
+#define DIVWU_rrr(RD, RA, RB)          _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 459, 1)
+#define DIVWUOrrr(RD, RA, RB)          _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 1, 459, 0)
+#define DIVWUO_rrr(RD, RA, RB)         _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 1, 459, 1)
+#define EQVrrr(Ra,RS,RB)               _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 284, 0)
+#define EQV_rrr(Ra,RS,RB)              _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 284, 1)
+#define EXTSBrr(RA,RS)                 _X      (31, RS, RA,  0, 954, 0)
+#define EXTSB_rr(RA,RS)                        _X      (31, RS, RA,  0, 954, 1)
+#define EXTSHrr(RA,RS)                 _X      (31, RS, RA,  0, 922, 0)
+#define EXTSH_rr(RA,RS)                        _X      (31, RS, RA,  0, 922, 1)
+#define ICBIrr(RA,RB)                  _X      (31, 00, RA, RB, 982, 0)
+#define ISYNC()                                _X      (19, 00, 00, 00, 150, 0)
+#define LBZrm(RD,ID,RA)                        _D      (34, RD, RA, ID)
+#define LBZUrm(RD,ID,RA)               _D      (35, RD, RA, ID)
+#define LBZUXrrr(RD,RA,RB)             _X      (31, RD, RA, RB, 119, 0)
+#define LBZXrrr(RD,RA,RB)              _X      (31, RD, RA, RB,  87, 0)
+#define LHArm(RD,ID,RA)                        _D      (42, RD, RA, ID)
+#define LHAUrm(RD,ID,RA)               _D      (43, RD, RA, ID)
+#define LHAUXrrr(RD,RA,RB)             _X      (31, RD, RA, RB, 375, 0)
+#define LHAXrrr(RD,RA,RB)              _X      (31, RD, RA, RB, 343, 0)
+#define LHBRXrrr(RD,RA,RB)             _X      (31, RD, RA, RB, 790, 0)
+#define LHZrm(RD,ID,RA)                        _D      (40, RD, RA, ID)
+#define LHZUrm(RD,ID,RA)               _D      (41, RD, RA, ID)
+#define LHZUXrrr(RD,RA,RB)             _X      (31, RD, RA, RB, 311, 0)
+#define LHZXrrr(RD,RA,RB)              _X      (31, RD, RA, RB, 279, 0)
+#define LMWrm(RD,ID,RA)                        _D      (46, RD, RA, ID)
+#define LWBRXrrr(RD,RA,RB)             _X      (31, RD, RA, RB, 534, 0)
+#define LWZrm(RD, DISP, RA)            _D      (32, RD, RA, DISP)
+#define LWZUrm(RD, DISP, RA)           _D      (33, RD, RA, DISP)
+#define LWZUXrrr(RD, RA, RB)           _X      (31, RD, RA, RB,  56, 0)
+#define LWZXrrr(RD, RA, RB)            _X      (31, RD, RA, RB,  23, 0)
+#define MCRFii(CD,CS)                  _X      (19, ((CD)<<2), ((CS)<<2), 0, 
0, 0)
+#define MFCRr(RD)                      _X      (31, RD, 0, 0, 19, 0)
+#define MCRXRi(RD)                     _XFX    (31, (RD)<<2,   0, 512)
+#define MFSPRri(RD, SPR)               _XFX    (31, RD, (SPR)<<5, 339)
+#define MTSPRir(SPR, RS)               _XFX    (31, RS, (SPR)<<5, 467)
+#define MULHWrrr(RD,RA,RB)             _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0,  75, 0)
+#define MULHW_rrr(RD,RA,RB)            _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0,  75, 1)
+#define MULHWUrrr(RD,RA,RB)            _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0,  11, 0)
+#define MULHWU_rrr(RD,RA,RB)           _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0,  11, 1)
+#define MULLIrri(RD,RA,IM)             _D      (07, RD, RA, IM)
+#define MULLWrrr(RD,RA,RB)             _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 235, 0)
+#define MULLW_rrr(RD,RA,RB)            _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 235, 1)
+#define MULLWOrrr(RD,RA,RB)            _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 1, 235, 0)
+#define MULLWO_rrr(RD,RA,RB)           _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 1, 235, 1)
+#define NANDrrr(RA,RS,RB)              _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 476, 0)
+#define NAND_rrr(RA,RS,RB)             _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 476, 1)
+#define NEGrr(RD,RA)                   _XO     (31, RD, RA, 0, 0, 104, 0)
+#define NEG_rr(RD,RA)                  _XO     (31, RD, RA, 0, 0, 104, 1)
+#define NEGOrr(RD,RA)                  _XO     (31, RD, RA, 0, 1, 104, 0)
+#define NEGO_rr(RD,RA)                 _XO     (31, RD, RA, 0, 1, 104, 1)
+#define NORrrr(RA,RS,RB)               _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 124, 0)
+#define NOR_rrr(RA,RS,RB)              _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 124, 1)
+#define ORrrr(RA,RS,RB)                        _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 444, 0)
+#define OR_rrr(RA,RS,RB)               _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 444, 1)
+#define ORCrrr(RA,RS,RB)               _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 412, 0)
+#define ORC_rrr(RA,RS,RB)              _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 412, 1)
+#define ORIrri(RA,RS,IM)               _Du     (24, RS, RA, IM)
+#define ORISrri(RA,RS,IM)              _Du     (25, RS, RA, IM)
+#define RLWIMIrriii(RA,RS,SH,MB,ME)    _M      (20, RS, RA, SH, MB, ME, 0)
+#define RLWIMI_rriii(RA,RS,SH,MB,ME)   _M      (20, RS, RA, SH, MB, ME, 1)
+#define RLWINMrriii(RA,RS,SH,MB,ME)    _M      (21, RS, RA, SH, MB, ME, 0)
+#define RLWINM_rriii(RA,RS,SH,MB,ME)   _M      (21, RS, RA, SH, MB, ME, 1)
+#define RLWNMrrrii(RA,RS,RB,MB,ME)     _M      (23, RS, RA, RB, MB, ME, 0)
+#define RLWNM_rrrii(RA,RS,RB,MB,ME)    _M      (23, RS, RA, RB, MB, ME, 1)
+#define SLWrrr(RA,RS,RB)               _X      (31, RS, RA, RB,  24, 0)
+#define SLW_rrr(RA,RS,RB)              _X      (31, RS, RA, RB,  24, 1)
+#define SRAWrrr(RA,RS,RB)              _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 792, 0)
+#define SRAW_rrr(RA,RS,RB)             _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 792, 1)
+#define SRAWIrri(RD, RS, SH)           _X      (31, RS, RD, SH, 824, 0)
+#define SRAWI_rri(RD, RS, SH)          _X      (31, RS, RD, SH, 824, 1)
+#define SRWrrr(RA,RS,RB)               _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 536, 0)
+#define SRW_rrr(RA,RS,RB)              _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 536, 1)
+#define STBrm(RS,ID,RA)                        _D      (38, RS, RA, ID)
+#define STBUrm(RS,ID,RA)               _D      (39, RS, RA, ID)
+#define STBUXrrr(RS,RA,RB)             _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 247, 0)
+#define STBXrrr(RS,RA,RB)              _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 215, 0)
+#define STHrm(RS,ID,RA)                        _D      (44, RS, RA, ID)
+#define STHUrm(RS,ID,RA)               _D      (45, RS, RA, ID)
+#define STHBRXrrr(RS,RA,RB)            _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 918, 0)
+#define STHUXrrr(RS,RA,RB)             _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 439, 0)
+#define STHXrrr(RS,RA,RB)              _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 407, 0)
+#define STMWrm(RS,ID,RA)               _D      (47, RS, RA, ID)
+#define STWrm(RS,ID,RA)                        _D      (36, RS, RA, ID)
+#define STWBRXrrr(RS,RA,RB)            _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 662, 0)
+#define STWCXrrr(RS,RA,RB)             _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 150, 0)
+#define STWCX_rrr(RS,RA,RB)            _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 150, 1)
+#define STWUrm(RS,ID,RA)               _D      (37, RS, RA, ID)
+#define STWUXrrr(RS,RA,RB)             _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 183, 0)
+#define STWXrrr(RS,RA,RB)              _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 151, 0)
+#define SUBFrrr(RD, RA, RB)            _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 40, 0)
+#define SUBF_rrr(RD, RA, RB)           _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 40, 1)
+#define SUBFrrr(RD, RA, RB)            _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 40, 0)
+#define SUBF_rrr(RD, RA, RB)           _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 40, 1)
+#define SUBFErrr(RD, RA, RB)           _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 1, 136, 0)
+#define SUBFE_rrr(RD, RA, RB)          _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 1, 136, 1)
+#define SUBFCrrr(RD, RA, RB)           _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0,  8, 0)
+#define SUBFC_rrr(RD, RA, RB)          _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0,  8, 1)
+#define SUBFCOrrr(RD, RA, RB)          _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 1,  8, 0)
+#define SUBFCO_rrr(RD, RA, RB)         _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 1,  8, 1)
+#define SUBFICrri(RD, RA, IMM)         _D      (8, RD, RA, IMM)
+#define ADDrrr(RD, RA, RB)             _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 0, 266, 0)
+#define ADDOrrr(RD, RA, RB)            _XO     (31, RD, RA, RB, 1, 266, 0)
+#define ADDIrri(RD, RA, IMM)           _D      (14, RD, RA, IMM)
+#define ADDISrri(RD, RA, IMM)          _Ds     (15, RD, RA, IMM)
+#define SYNC()                         _X      (31, 00, 00, 00, 598, 0)
+#define TWirr(TO,RA,RB)                        _X      (31, TO, RA, RB,   4, 0)
+#define TWIiri(TO,RA,IM)               _D      (03, TO, RA, IM)
+#define XORrrr(RA,RS,RB)               _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 316, 0)
+#define XOR_rrr(RA,RS,RB)              _X      (31, RS, RA, RB, 316, 1)
+#define XORIrri(RA,RS,IM)              _Du     (26, RS, RA, IM)
+#define XORISrri(RA,RS,IM)             _Du     (27, RS, RA, IM)
+/* simplified mnemonics [1, Appendix F] */
+#define MOVEIri2(R,H,L)                        (LISri(R,H), (L ? ORIrri(R,R,L) 
: 0))
+#define MOVEIri(R,I)                   (_siP(16,I) ? LIri(R,I) :       \
+                                       MOVEIri2(R, _HI(I), _LO(I)) )
+#define SUBIrri(RD,RA,IM)              ADDIrri(RD,RA,-_jit_L((IM)))    /* [1, 
Section F.2.1] */
+#define SUBISrri(RD,RA,IM)             ADDISrri(RD,RA,-_jit_L((IM)))
+#define SUBICrri(RD,RA,IM)             ADDICrri(RD,RA,-_jit_L((IM)))
+#define SUBIC_rri(RD,RA,IM)            ADDIC_rri(RD,RA,-_jit_L((IM)))
+#define SUBrrr(RD,RA,RB)               SUBFrrr(RD,RB,RA)       /* [1, Section 
F.2.2] */
+#define SUBOrrr(RD,RA,RB)              SUBFOrrr(RD,RB,RA)
+#define SUB_rrr(RD,RA,RB)              SUBF_rrr(RD,RB,RA)
+#define SUBCrrr(RD,RA,RB)              SUBFCrrr(RD,RB,RA)
+#define SUBCOrrr(RD,RA,RB)             SUBFCOrrr(RD,RB,RA)
+#define SUBC_rrr(RD,RA,RB)             SUBFC_rrr(RD,RB,RA)
+#define SUBErrr(RD,RA,RB)              SUBFErrr(RD,RB,RA)
+#define SUBE_rrr(RD,RA,RB)             SUBFE_rrr(RD,RB,RA)
+#define CMPWIiri(C,RA,IM)              CMPIiiri(C,0,RA,IM)     /* [1, Table 
F-2] */
+#define CMPWirr(C,RA,RB)               CMPiirr(C,0,RA,RB)
+#define CMPLWIiri(C,RA,IM)             CMPLIiiri(C,0,RA,IM)
+#define CMPLWirr(C,RA,RB)              CMPLiirr(C,0,RA,RB)
+#define CMPWIri(RA,IM)                 CMPWIiri(0,RA,IM)       /* with 
implicit _cr0 */
+#define CMPWrr(RA,RB)                  CMPWirr(0,RA,RB)
+#define CMPLWIri(RA,IM)                        CMPLWIiri(0,RA,IM)
+#define CMPLWrr(RA,RB)                 CMPLWirr(0,RA,RB)
+#define EXTLWIrrii(RA,RS,N,B)          RLWINMrriii(RA, RS,            B,       
0,     (N)-1)   /* [1, Table F-3] */
+#define EXTRWIrrii(RA,RS,N,B)          RLWINMrriii(RA, RS,      (B)+(N),  
32-(N),        31)
+#define INSLWIrrii(RA,RS,N,B)          RLWIMIrriii(RA, RS,       32-(B),       
B, (B)+(N)-1)
+#define INSRWIrrii(RA,RS,N,B)          RLWIMIrriii(RA, RS, 32-((B)+(N)),       
B, (B)+(N)-1)
+#define ROTLWIrri(RA,RS,N)             RLWINMrriii(RA, RS,            N,       
0,        31)
+#define ROTRWIrri(RA,RS,N)             RLWINMrriii(RA, RS,       32-(N),       
0,        31)
+#define ROTLWrrr(RA,RS,RB)             RLWNMrrrii( RA, RS,           RB,       
0,        31)
+#define SLWIrri(RA,RS,N)               RLWINMrriii(RA, RS,            N,       
0,    31-(N))
+#define SRWIrri(RA,RS,N)               RLWINMrriii(RA, RS,       32-(N),       
N,        31)
+#define CLRLWIrri(RA,RS,N)             RLWINMrriii(RA, RS,            0,       
N,        31)
+#define CLRRWIrri(RA,RS,N)             RLWINMrriii(RA, RS,            0,       
0,    31-(N))
+#define CLRLSLWIrrii(RA,RS,B,N)                RLWINMrriii(RA, RS,            
N, (B)-(N),    31-(N))
+/* 9 below inverts the branch condition and the branch prediction.
+ * This has an incestuous knowledge of the fact that register 26
+ * is used as auxiliary!!! */
+#define BC_EXT(A, C, D)  (_siP(16, _jit_UL(D)-_jit_UL(_jit.x.pc)) \
+  ? BCiii((A), (C), (D)) \
+  : (BCiii((A)^9, (C), _jit.x.pc+5), LISri(26,_HI(D)), ORIrri(26,26,_LO(D)), \
+     MTLRr(26), BLR() ))
+#define B_EXT(D)         (_siP(16, _jit_UL(D)-_jit_UL(_jit.x.pc)) \
+  ? Bi((D)) \
+  : (LISri(26,_HI(D)), ORIrri(26,26,_LO(D)), MTLRr(26), BLR()) )
+#define BTii(C,D)                      BC_EXT(12, C, D)                /* [1, 
Table F-5] */
+#define BFii(C,D)                      BC_EXT( 4, C, D)
+#define BDNZi(D)                       BCiii(16, 0, D)
+#define BDNZTii(C,D)                   BC_EXT( 8, C, D)
+#define BDNZFii(C,D)                   BC_EXT( 0, C, D)
+#define BDZi(D)                                BCiii(18, 0, D)
+#define BDZTii(C,D)                    BC_EXT(10, C, D)
+#define BDZFii(C,D)                    BC_EXT( 2, C, D)
+#define BCTR()                         BCCTRii(20, 0)          /* [1, Table 
F-6] */
+#define BCTRL()                                BCCTRLii(20, 0)
+#define BLR()                          BCLRii(20, 0)           /* [1, Table 
F-6] */
+#define BLRL()                         BCLRLii(20, 0)
+#define BLTLRi(CR)                     BCLRii(12, ((CR)<<2)+0) /* [1, Table 
F-10] */
+#define BLELRi(CR)                     BCLRii( 4  ((CR)<<2)+1)
+#define BEQLRi(CR)                     BCLRii(12, ((CR)<<2)+2)
+#define BGELRi(CR)                     BCLRii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+0)
+#define BGTLRi(CR)                     BCLRii(12, ((CR)<<2)+1)
+#define BNLLRi(CR)                     BCLRii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+0)
+#define BNELRi(CR)                     BCLRii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+2)
+#define BNGLRi(CR)                     BCLRii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+1)
+#define BSOLRi(CR)                     BCLRii(12, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BNSLRi(CR)                     BCLRii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BUNLRi(CR)                     BCLRii(12, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BNULRi(CR)                     BCLRii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BLTLRLi(CR)                    BCLRLii(12, ((CR)<<2)+0)        /* [1, 
Table F-10] */
+#define BLELRLi(CR)                    BCLRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+1)
+#define BEQLRLi(CR)                    BCLRLii(12, ((CR)<<2)+2)
+#define BGELRLi(CR)                    BCLRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+0)
+#define BGTLRLi(CR)                    BCLRLii(12, ((CR)<<2)+1)
+#define BNLLRLi(CR)                    BCLRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+0)
+#define BNELRLi(CR)                    BCLRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+2)
+#define BNGLRLi(CR)                    BCLRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+1)
+#define BSOLRLi(CR)                    BCLRLii(12, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BNSLRLi(CR)                    BCLRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BUNLRLi(CR)                    BCLRLii(12, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BNULRLi(CR)                    BCLRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BLTCTRi(CR)                    BCCTRii(12, ((CR)<<2)+0)        /* [1, 
Table F-10] */
+#define BLECTRi(CR)                    BCCTRii( 4  ((CR)<<2)+1)
+#define BEQCTRi(CR)                    BCCTRii(12, ((CR)<<2)+2)
+#define BGECTRi(CR)                    BCCTRii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+0)
+#define BGTCTRi(CR)                    BCCTRii(12, ((CR)<<2)+1)
+#define BNLCTRi(CR)                    BCCTRii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+0)
+#define BNECTRi(CR)                    BCCTRii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+2)
+#define BNGCTRi(CR)                    BCCTRii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+1)
+#define BSOCTRi(CR)                    BCCTRii(12, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BNSCTRi(CR)                    BCCTRii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BUNCTRi(CR)                    BCCTRii(12, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BNUCTRi(CR)                    BCCTRii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BLTCTRLi(CR)                   BCCTRLii(12, ((CR)<<2)+0)       /* [1, 
Table F-10] */
+#define BLECTRLi(CR)                   BCCTRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+1)
+#define BEQCTRLi(CR)                   BCCTRLii(12, ((CR)<<2)+2)
+#define BGECTRLi(CR)                   BCCTRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+0)
+#define BGTCTRLi(CR)                   BCCTRLii(12, ((CR)<<2)+1)
+#define BNLCTRLi(CR)                   BCCTRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+0)
+#define BNECTRLi(CR)                   BCCTRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+2)
+#define BNGCTRLi(CR)                   BCCTRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+1)
+#define BSOCTRLi(CR)                   BCCTRLii(12, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BNSCTRLi(CR)                   BCCTRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BUNCTRLi(CR)                   BCCTRLii(12, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BNUCTRLi(CR)                   BCCTRLii( 4, ((CR)<<2)+3)
+#define BLTLR()                                BLTLRi(0)       /* with 
implicit _cr0 */
+#define BLELR()                                BLELRi(0)  
+#define BEQLR()                                BEQLRi(0)  
+#define BGELR()                                BGELRi(0)  
+#define BGTLR()                                BGTLRi(0)  
+#define BNLLR()                                BNLLRi(0)  
+#define BNELR()                                BNELRi(0)  
+#define BNGLR()                                BNGLRi(0)  
+#define BSOLR()                                BSOLRi(0)  
+#define BNSLR()                                BNSLRi(0)  
+#define BUNLR()                                BUNLRi(0)  
+#define BNULR()                                BNULRi(0)  
+#define BLTLRL()                       BLTLRLi(0) 
+#define BLELRL()                       BLELRLi(0) 
+#define BEQLRL()                       BEQLRLi(0) 
+#define BGELRL()                       BGELRLi(0) 
+#define BGTLRL()                       BGTLRLi(0) 
+#define BNLLRL()                       BNLLRLi(0) 
+#define BNELRL()                       BNELRLi(0) 
+#define BNGLRL()                       BNGLRLi(0) 
+#define BSOLRL()                       BSOLRLi(0) 
+#define BNSLRL()                       BNSLRLi(0) 
+#define BUNLRL()                       BUNLRLi(0) 
+#define BNULRL()                       BNULRLi(0) 
+#define BLTCTR()                       BLTCTRi(0) 
+#define BLECTR()                       BLECTRi(0) 
+#define BEQCTR()                       BEQCTRi(0) 
+#define BGECTR()                       BGECTRi(0) 
+#define BGTCTR()                       BGTCTRi(0) 
+#define BNLCTR()                       BNLCTRi(0) 
+#define BNECTR()                       BNECTRi(0) 
+#define BNGCTR()                       BNGCTRi(0) 
+#define BSOCTR()                       BSOCTRi(0) 
+#define BNSCTR()                       BNSCTRi(0) 
+#define BUNCTR()                       BUNCTRi(0) 
+#define BNUCTR()                       BNUCTRi(0) 
+#define BLTCTRL()                      BLTCTRLi(0)
+#define BLECTRL()                      BLECTRLi(0)
+#define BEQCTRL()                      BEQCTRLi(0)
+#define BGECTRL()                      BGECTRLi(0)
+#define BGTCTRL()                      BGTCTRLi(0)
+#define BNLCTRL()                      BNLCTRLi(0)
+#define BNECTRL()                      BNECTRLi(0)
+#define BNGCTRL()                      BNGCTRLi(0)
+#define BSOCTRL()                      BSOCTRLi(0)
+#define BNSCTRL()                      BNSCTRLi(0)
+#define BUNCTRL()                      BUNCTRLi(0)
+#define BNUCTRL()                      BNUCTRLi(0)
+#define BLTii(C,D)                     BC_EXT(12, ((C)<<2)+0, D)       /* [1, 
Table F-11] */
+#define BNLii(C,D)                     BC_EXT( 4, ((C)<<2)+0, D)
+#define BGEii(C,D)                     BC_EXT( 4, ((C)<<2)+0, D)
+#define BGTii(C,D)                     BC_EXT(12, ((C)<<2)+1, D)
+#define BNGii(C,D)                     BC_EXT( 4, ((C)<<2)+1, D)
+#define BLEii(C,D)                     BC_EXT( 4, ((C)<<2)+1, D)
+#define BEQii(C,D)                     BC_EXT(12, ((C)<<2)+2, D)
+#define BNEii(C,D)                     BC_EXT( 4, ((C)<<2)+2, D)
+#define BSOii(C,D)                     BC_EXT(12, ((C)<<2)+3, D)
+#define BNSii(C,D)                     BC_EXT( 4, ((C)<<2)+3, D)
+#define BUNii(C,D)                     BC_EXT(12, ((C)<<2)+3, D)
+#define BNUii(C,D)                     BC_EXT( 4, ((C)<<2)+3, D)
+#define BLTi(D)                                BLTii(0,D)      /* with 
implicit _cr0 */
+#define BLEi(D)                                BLEii(0,D)
+#define BEQi(D)                                BEQii(0,D)
+#define BGEi(D)                                BGEii(0,D)
+#define BGTi(D)                                BGTii(0,D)
+#define BNLi(D)                                BNLii(0,D)
+#define BNEi(D)                                BNEii(0,D)
+#define BNGi(D)                                BNGii(0,D)
+#define BSOi(D)                                BSOii(0,D)
+#define BNSi(D)                                BNSii(0,D)
+#define BUNi(D)                                BUNii(0,D)
+#define BNUi(D)                                BNUii(0,D)
+#define BLTLii(C,D)                    BCLiii(12, ((C)<<2)+0, D)       /* [1, 
Table F-??] */
+#define BLELii(C,D)                    BCLiii( 4  ((C)<<2)+1, D)
+#define BEQLii(C,D)                    BCLiii(12, ((C)<<2)+2, D)
+#define BGELii(C,D)                    BCLiii( 4, ((C)<<2)+0, D)
+#define BGTLii(C,D)                    BCLiii(12, ((C)<<2)+1, D)
+#define BNLLii(C,D)                    BCLiii( 4, ((C)<<2)+0, D)
+#define BNELii(C,D)                    BCLiii( 4, ((C)<<2)+2, D)
+#define BNGLii(C,D)                    BCLiii( 4, ((C)<<2)+1, D)
+#define BSOLii(C,D)                    BCLiii(12, ((C)<<2)+3, D)
+#define BNSLii(C,D)                    BCLiii( 4, ((C)<<2)+3, D)
+#define BUNLii(C,D)                    BCLiii(12, ((C)<<2)+3, D)
+#define BNULii(C,D)                    BCLiii( 4, ((C)<<2)+3, D)
+#define BLTLi(D)                       BLTLii(0,D)     /* with implicit _cr0 */
+#define BLELi(D)                       BLELii(0,D)
+#define BEQLi(D)                       BEQLii(0,D)
+#define BGELi(D)                       BGELii(0,D)
+#define BGTLi(D)                       BGTLii(0,D)
+#define BNLLi(D)                       BNLLii(0,D)
+#define BNELi(D)                       BNELii(0,D)
+#define BNGLi(D)                       BNGLii(0,D)
+#define BSOLi(D)                       BSOLii(0,D)
+#define BNSLi(D)                       BNSLii(0,D)
+#define BUNLi(D)                       BUNLii(0,D)
+#define BNULi(D)                       BNULii(0,D)
+/* Note: there are many tens of other simplified branches that are not (yet?) 
defined here */
+#define CRSETi(BX)                     CREQViii(BX, BX, BX)    /* [1, Table 
F-15] */
+#define CRCLRi(BX)                     CRXORiii(BX, BX, BX)
+#define CRMOVEii(BX,BY)                        CRORiii(BX, BY, BY)
+#define CRNOTii(BX,BY)                 CRNORiii(BX, BY, BY)
+#define MTLRr(RS)                      MTSPRir(8, RS)          /* [1, Table 
F-20] */
+#define MFLRr(RD)                      MFSPRri(RD, 8)
+#define MTCTRr(RS)                     MTSPRir(9, RS)
+#define MFCTRr(RD)                     MFSPRri(RD, 9)
+#define MTXERr(RS)                     MTSPRir(1, RS)
+#define MFXERr(RD)                     MFSPRri(RD, 1)
+#define NOP()                          ORIrri(0, 0, 0)         /* [1, Section 
F.9] */
+#define LIri(RD,IM)                    ADDIrri(RD, 0, IM)
+#define LISri(RD,IM)                   ADDISrri(RD, 0, IM)
+#define LArm(RD,D,RA)                  ADDIrri(RD, RA, D)
+#define LArrr(RD,RB,RA)                        ADDIrrr(RD, RA, RB)
+#define MRrr(RA,RS)                    ORrrr(RA, RS, RS)
+#define NOTrr(RA,RS)                   NORrrr(RA, RS, RS)
+/* alternative parenthesised forms of extended indexed load/store insns */
+#define LBZUrx(RD,RA,RB)               LBZUXrrr(RD,RA,RB)
+#define LBZrx(RD,RA,RB)                        LBZXrrr(RD,RA,RB)
+#define LHAUrx(RD,RA,RB)               LHAUXrrr(RD,RA,RB)
+#define LHArx(RD,RA,RB)                        LHAXrrr(RD,RA,RB)
+#define LHBRrx(RD,RA,RB)               LHBRXrrr(RD,RA,RB)
+#define LHZUrx(RD,RA,RB)               LHZUXrrr(RD,RA,RB)
+#define LHZrx(RD,RA,RB)                        LHZXrrr(RD,RA,RB)
+#define LWBRrx(RD,RA,RB)               LWBRXrrr(RD,RA,RB)
+#define LWZUrx(RD, RA, RB)             LWZUXrrr(RD, RA, RB)
+#define LWZrx(RD, RA, RB)              LWZXrrr(RD, RA, RB)
+#define STBUrx(RD,RA,RB)               STBUXrrr(RD,RA,RB)
+#define STBrx(RD,RA,RB)                        STBXrrr(RD,RA,RB)
+#define STHBRrx(RS,RA,RB)              STHBRXrrr(RS,RA,RB)
+#define STHUrx(RS,RA,RB)               STHUXrrr(RS,RA,RB)
+#define STHrx(RS,RA,RB)                        STHXrrr(RS,RA,RB)
+#define STWBRrx(RS,RA,RB)              STWBRXrrr(RS,RA,RB)
+#define STWCrx(RS,RA,RB)               STWCXrrr(RS,RA,RB)
+#define STWCX_rx(RS,RA,RB)             STWCX_rrr(RS,RA,RB)
+#define STWUrx(RS,RA,RB)               STWUXrrr(RS,RA,RB)
+#define STWrx(RS,RA,RB)                        STWXrrr(RS,RA,RB)
+#define LArx(RD,RB,RA)                 LArrr(RD,RB,RA) 
+#define _LO(I)          (_jit_UL(I) & _MASK(16))
+#define _HI(I)          (_jit_UL(I) >>     (16))
+/*** References:
+ *
+ * [1] "PowerPC Microprocessor Family: The Programming Environments For 32-Bit 
Microprocessors", Motorola, 1997.
+ */
+#endif /* __ccg_asm_ppc_h */
diff --git a/lightning/ppc/core.h b/lightning/ppc/core.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1377e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/ppc/core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Platform-independent layer (PowerPC version)
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_core_h
+#define __lightning_core_h
+struct jit_local_state {
+  int  nextarg_put;   /* Next r3-r8 reg. to be written */
+  int  nextarg_putfp; /* Next r3-r8 reg. to be written */
+  int  nextarg_get;   /* Next r20-r25 reg. to be read */
+#define JIT_SP                 1
+#define JIT_RET                        3
+#define JIT_R0                 9
+#define JIT_R1                 10
+#define JIT_R2                 30  /* using r8 would limit argument passing */
+#define JIT_V0                 29
+#define JIT_V1                 28
+#define JIT_V2                 27
+#define JIT_AUX                        26  /* for 32-bit operands & shift 
counts */
+/* If possible, use the `small' instruction (rd, rs, imm)
+ * else load imm into r26 and use the `big' instruction (rd, rs, r26)
+ */
+#define jit_chk_ims(imm, small, big)           (_siP(16,(imm)) ? (small) : 
(MOVEIri(JIT_AUX, imm),  (big)) )
+#define jit_chk_imu(imm, small, big)           (_uiP(16,(imm)) ? (small) : 
(MOVEIri(JIT_AUX, imm),  (big)) )
+#define jit_chk_imu15(imm, small, big)         (_uiP(15,(imm)) ? (small) : 
(MOVEIri(JIT_AUX, imm),  (big)) )
+/* Helper macros for branches */
+#define jit_s_brai(rs, is, jmp)                        (jit_chk_ims (is, 
CMPWIri(rs, is), CMPWrr(rs, JIT_AUX)),   jmp, _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_s_brar(s1, s2, jmp)                        (                 
CMPWrr(s1, s2),                          jmp, _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_u_brai(rs, is, jmp)                        (jit_chk_imu (is, 
CMPLWIri(rs, is), CMPLWrr(rs, JIT_AUX)), jmp, _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_u_brar(s1, s2, jmp)                        (                 
CMPLWrr(s1, s2),                         jmp, _jit.x.pc)
+/* Helper macros for boolean tests. */
+#define jit_sbooli(d, rs, is, jmp)             (jit_chk_ims (is, CMPWIri (rs, 
is), CMPWrr(rs, JIT_AUX)),  MFCRr((d)), EXTRWIrrii((d), (d), 1, (jmp)))
+#define jit_sboolr(d, s1, s2, jmp)             (                 CMPWrr  (s1, 
s2),                        MFCRr((d)), EXTRWIrrii((d), (d), 1, (jmp)))
+#define jit_sbooli2(d, rs, is, jmp)            (jit_chk_ims (is, CMPWIri (rs, 
is), CMPWrr(rs, JIT_AUX)),  MFCRr((d)), EXTRWIrrii((d), (d), 1, (jmp)), 
XORIrri((d), (d), 1))
+#define jit_sboolr2(d, s1, s2, jmp)            (                 CMPWrr  (s1, 
s2),                        MFCRr((d)), EXTRWIrrii((d), (d), 1, (jmp)), 
XORIrri((d), (d), 1))
+#define jit_ubooli(d, rs, is, jmp)             (jit_chk_imu (is, CMPLWIri(rs, 
is), CMPLWrr(rs, JIT_AUX)), MFCRr((d)), EXTRWIrrii((d), (d), 1, (jmp)))
+#define jit_uboolr(d, s1, s2, jmp)             (                 CMPLWrr (s1, 
s2),                        MFCRr((d)), EXTRWIrrii((d), (d), 1, (jmp)))
+#define jit_ubooli2(d, rs, is, jmp)            (jit_chk_imu (is, CMPLWIri(rs, 
is), CMPLWrr(rs, JIT_AUX)), MFCRr((d)), EXTRWIrrii((d), (d), 1, (jmp)), 
XORIrri((d), (d), 1))
+#define jit_uboolr2(d, s1, s2, jmp)            (                 CMPLWrr (s1, 
s2),                        MFCRr((d)), EXTRWIrrii((d), (d), 1, (jmp)), 
XORIrri((d), (d), 1))
+/* modulus with immediate
+ * movei r26, imm
+ * mtlr  r31
+ * divw  r31, rs, r26          (or divwu)
+ * mullw r31, r31, r26
+ * sub   rs, rs, r26
+ * mflr  r31
+ */
+#define _jit_mod(div, rs, imm)                 (MOVEIri(JIT_AUX, (imm)), 
MTLRr(31), (div), \
+                                               MULLWrrr(31, 31, JIT_AUX), 
SUBrrr((rs), (rs), JIT_AUX), \
+                                               MFLRr(31))
+/* Emit a 2-instruction MOVEI, even if a 1-instruction one is possible
+ * (it is a rare case for branches, and a fixed sequence of instructions
+ * is easier to patch). */
+#define jit_movei(reg, imm)                    (LISri(reg,_HI(imm)), 
+/* Patch a movei instruction made of a LIS at lis_pc and an ORI at ori_pc. */
+#define jit_patch_movei(lis_pc, ori_pc)                                        
+       (*(lis_pc) &= ~_MASK(16), *lis_pc |= _HI(_jit.x.pc),            \
+        *(ori_pc) &= ~_MASK(16), *ori_pc |= _LO(_jit.x.pc))            \
+/* Patch a branch instruction */
+#define jit_patch_branch(jump_pc)                              \
+       (*(jump_pc) &= ~_MASK(16) | 3,                          \
+        *(jump_pc) |= (_jit_UL(_jit.x.pc) - _jit_UL(jump_pc)) & _MASK(16))
+#define _jit_blr_encoding      ((19 << 26) | (20 << 21) | (00 << 16) | (00 << 
11) | (16 << 1))
+#define jit_patch(jump_pc) (                                   \
+       ((*(jump_pc - 1) & ~1) == _jit_blr_encoding)            \
+       ? jit_patch_movei(((jump_pc) - 4), ((jump_pc) - 3))     \
+       : jit_patch_branch((jump_pc) - 1))
+#define        jit_arg_c()                     (_jitl.nextarg_get--)
+#define        jit_arg_i()                     (_jitl.nextarg_get--)
+#define        jit_arg_l()                     (_jitl.nextarg_get--)
+#define        jit_arg_p()                     (_jitl.nextarg_get--)
+#define        jit_arg_s()                     (_jitl.nextarg_get--)
+#define        jit_arg_uc()                    (_jitl.nextarg_get--)
+#define        jit_arg_ui()                    (_jitl.nextarg_get--)
+#define        jit_arg_ul()                    (_jitl.nextarg_get--)
+#define        jit_arg_us()                    (_jitl.nextarg_get--)
+#define jit_addi_i(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_ims((is), ADDICrri((d), (rs), 
(is)), ADDrrr((d), (rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_addr_i(d, s1, s2)                            ADDrrr((d), (s1), 
+#define jit_addci_i(d, rs, is)         jit_chk_ims((is), ADDICrri((d), (rs), 
(is)), ADDCrrr((d), (rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_addcr_i(d, s1, s2)                           ADDCrrr((d), (s1), 
+#define jit_addxi_i(d, rs, is)         (MOVEIri(JIT_AUX, (is)), ADDErrr((d), 
(rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_addxr_i(d, s1, s2)                                  ADDErrr((d), 
(s1), (s2))
+#define jit_andi_i(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_imu((is), ANDI_rri((d), (rs), 
(is)), ANDrrr((d), (rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_andr_i(d, s1, s2)                            ANDrrr((d), (s1), 
+#define jit_bmsi_i(label, rs, is)      (jit_chk_imu((is), ANDI_rri(JIT_AUX, 
(rs), (is)), AND_rrr(JIT_AUX, (rs), JIT_AUX)), BGTi((label)), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_bmci_i(label, rs, is)      (jit_chk_imu((is), ANDI_rri(JIT_AUX, 
(rs), (is)), AND_rrr(JIT_AUX, (rs), JIT_AUX)), BEQi((label)), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_bmsr_i(label, s1, s2)      (                  AND_rrr(JIT_AUX, 
(s1), (s2)),                                    BGTi((label)), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_bmcr_i(label, s1, s2)      (                  AND_rrr(JIT_AUX, 
(s1), (s2)),                                    BEQi((label)), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_beqi_i(label, rs, is)      jit_s_brai((rs), (is), BEQi((label)) )
+#define jit_beqr_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_s_brar((s1), (s2), BEQi((label)) )
+#define jit_bgei_i(label, rs, is)      jit_s_brai((rs), (is), BGEi((label)) )
+#define jit_bgei_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_u_brai((rs), (is), BGEi((label)) )
+#define jit_bger_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_s_brar((s1), (s2), BGEi((label)) )
+#define jit_bger_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_u_brar((s1), (s2), BGEi((label)) )
+#define jit_bgti_i(label, rs, is)      jit_s_brai((rs), (is), BGTi((label)) )
+#define jit_bgti_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_u_brai((rs), (is), BGTi((label)) )
+#define jit_bgtr_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_s_brar((s1), (s2), BGTi((label)) )
+#define jit_bgtr_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_u_brar((s1), (s2), BGTi((label)) )
+#define jit_blei_i(label, rs, is)      jit_s_brai((rs), (is), BLEi((label)) )
+#define jit_blei_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_u_brai((rs), (is), BLEi((label)) )
+#define jit_bler_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_s_brar((s1), (s2), BLEi((label)) )
+#define jit_bler_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_u_brar((s1), (s2), BLEi((label)) )
+#define jit_blti_i(label, rs, is)      jit_s_brai((rs), (is), BLTi((label)) )
+#define jit_blti_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_u_brai((rs), (is), BLTi((label)) )
+#define jit_bltr_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_s_brar((s1), (s2), BLTi((label)) )
+#define jit_bltr_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_u_brar((s1), (s2), BLTi((label)) )
+#define jit_bnei_i(label, rs, is)      jit_s_brai((rs), (is), BNEi((label)) )
+#define jit_bner_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_s_brar((s1), (s2), BNEi((label)) )
+#define jit_boaddi_i(label, rs, is)    (MOVEIri(JIT_AUX, (is)), ADDOrrr((rs), 
(rs), JIT_AUX), MCRXRi(0), BGTi((label)), _jit.x.pc) /* GT = bit 1 of XER = OV 
+#define jit_bosubi_i(label, rs, is)    (MOVEIri(JIT_AUX, (is)), SUBCOrrr((rs), 
(rs), JIT_AUX), MCRXRi(0), BGTi((label)), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_boaddr_i(label, s1, s2)    (                        ADDOrrr((s1), 
(s1), (s2)),        MCRXRi(0), BGTi((label)), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_bosubr_i(label, s1, s2)    (                        SUBCOrrr((s1), 
(s1), (s2)),       MCRXRi(0), BGTi((label)), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_boaddi_ui(label, rs, is)   (jit_chk_ims ((is), ADDICri((rs), (rs), 
is), ADDCrr((rs), JIT_AUX)),       MCRXRi(0), BEQi((label)), _jit.x.pc) /* EQ = 
bit 2 of XER = CA */
+#define jit_bosubi_ui(label, rs, is)   (jit_chk_ims ((is), SUBICri((rs), (rs), 
is), SUBCrr((rs), JIT_AUX)),       MCRXRi(0), BEQi((label)), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_boaddr_ui(label, s1, s2)   (                                       
     ADDCrr((s1), (s1), (s2)),     MCRXRi(0), BEQi((label)), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_bosubr_ui(label, s1, s2)   (                                       
     SUBCrr((s1), (s1), (s2)),     MCRXRi(0), BEQi((label)), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_calli(label)           (jit_movei(JIT_AUX, (label)), 
MTLRr(JIT_AUX), BLRL(), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_divi_i(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_ims(1111111, 0, DIVWrrr ((d), 
(rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_divi_ui(d, rs, is)         jit_chk_imu(1111111, 0, DIVWUrrr((d), 
(rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_divr_i(d, s1, s2)                                  DIVWrrr ((d), 
(s1), (s2))
+#define jit_divr_ui(d, s1, s2)                                 DIVWUrrr((d), 
(s1), (s2))
+#define jit_eqi_i(d, rs, is)           (jit_chk_ims((is), SUBIrri(JIT_AUX, 
(rs), (is)), SUBrrr(JIT_AUX, (rs), JIT_AUX)), SUBFICrri((d), JIT_AUX, 0), 
ADDErrr((d), (d), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_eqr_i(d, s1, s2)           (SUBrrr(JIT_AUX, (s1), (s2)), 
SUBFICrri((d), JIT_AUX, 0), ADDErrr((d), (d), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_extr_c_i(d, rs)            EXTSBrr((d), (rs))
+#define jit_extr_s_i(d, rs)            EXTSHrr((d), (rs))
+#define jit_gei_i(d, rs, is)           jit_sbooli2((d), (rs), (is), _lt)
+#define jit_gei_ui(d, rs, is)          jit_ubooli2((d), (rs), (is), _lt)
+#define jit_ger_i(d, s1, s2)           jit_sboolr2((d), (s1), (s2), _lt)
+#define jit_ger_ui(d, s1, s2)          jit_uboolr2((d), (s1), (s2), _lt)
+#define jit_gti_i(d, rs, is)           jit_sbooli ((d), (rs), (is), _gt)
+#define jit_gti_ui(d, rs, is)          jit_ubooli ((d), (rs), (is), _gt)
+#define jit_gtr_i(d, s1, s2)           jit_sboolr ((d), (s1), (s2), _gt)
+#define jit_gtr_ui(d, s1, s2)          jit_uboolr ((d), (s1), (s2), _gt)
+#define jit_hmuli_i(d, rs, is)         jit_chk_ims(1111111, 0, MULHWrrr ((d), 
(rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_hmuli_ui(d, rs, is)                jit_chk_imu(1111111, 0, 
MULHWUrrr((d), (rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_hmulr_i(d, s1, s2)                                 MULHWrrr ((d), 
(s1), (s2))
+#define jit_hmulr_ui(d, s1, s2)                                        
MULHWUrrr((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_jmpi(label)                        (B_EXT((label)), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_jmpr(reg)                  (MTLRr(reg), BLR())
+#define jit_ldxi_c(d, rs, is)          (jit_ldxi_uc((d), (rs), (is)), 
jit_extr_c_i((d), (d)))
+#define jit_ldxr_c(d, s1, s2)          (jit_ldxr_uc((d), (s1), (s2)), 
jit_extr_c_i((d), (d)))
+#define jit_ldxi_i(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_ims((d), LWZrm((d), (is), 
(rs)), LWZrx((d), JIT_AUX, (rs)))
+#define jit_ldxi_s(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_ims((d), LHArm((d), (is), 
(rs)), LHArx((d), JIT_AUX, (rs)))
+#define jit_ldxi_uc(d, rs, is)         jit_chk_ims((d), LBZrm((d), (is), 
(rs)), LBZrx((d), JIT_AUX, (rs)))
+#define jit_ldxi_us(d, rs, is)         jit_chk_ims((d), LHZrm((d), (is), 
(rs)), LHZrx((d), JIT_AUX, (rs)))
+#define jit_ldxr_i(d, s1, s2)                           LWZrx((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_ldxr_s(d, s1, s2)                           LHArx((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_ldxr_uc(d, s1, s2)                          LBZrx((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_ldxr_us(d, s1, s2)                          LHZrx((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_lei_i(d, rs, is)           jit_sbooli2((d), (rs), (is), _gt )
+#define jit_lei_ui(d, rs, is)          jit_ubooli2((d), (rs), (is), _gt )
+#define jit_ler_i(d, s1, s2)           jit_sboolr2((d), (s1), (s2), _gt )
+#define jit_ler_ui(d, s1, s2)          jit_uboolr2((d), (s1), (s2), _gt )
+#define jit_lshi_i(d, rs, is)                                       
SLWIrri((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_lshr_i(d, s1, s2)          (ANDIrri(JIT_AUX, (s2), 31), SLWrrr 
((d), (s1), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_lti_i(d, rs, is)           jit_sbooli ((d), (rs), (is), _lt )
+#define jit_lti_ui(d, rs, is)          jit_ubooli ((d), (rs), (is), _lt )
+#define jit_ltr_i(d, s1, s2)           jit_sboolr ((d), (s1), (s2), _lt )
+#define jit_ltr_ui(d, s1, s2)          jit_uboolr ((d), (s1), (s2), _lt )
+#define jit_modi_i(d, rs, is)          _jit_mod(jit_divi_i (31, (rs), 
JIT_AUX), (is))
+#define jit_modi_ui(d, rs, is)         _jit_mod(jit_divi_ui(31, (rs), 
JIT_AUX), (irs))
+#define jit_modr_i(d, s1, s2)          (DIVWrrr(JIT_AUX, (s1), (s2)), 
MULLWrrr(JIT_AUX, JIT_AUX, (s2)), SUBrrr((d), (s1), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_modr_ui(d, s1, s2)         (DIVWUrrr(JIT_AUX, (s1), (s2)), 
MULLWrrr(JIT_AUX, JIT_AUX, (s2)), SUBrrr((d), (s1), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_movi_i(d, is)              MOVEIri((d), (is))
+#define jit_movr_i(d, rs)              MRrr((d), (rs))
+#define jit_muli_i(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_ims  ((is), MULLIrri((d), (rs), 
(is)), MULLWrrr((d), (rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_muli_ui(d, rs, is)         jit_chk_imu15((is), MULLIrri((d), (rs), 
(is)), MULLWrrr((d), (rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_mulr_i(d, s1, s2)                              MULLWrrr((d), (s1), 
+#define jit_mulr_ui(d, s1, s2)                             MULLWrrr((d), (s1), 
+#define jit_nei_i(d, rs, is)           (jit_chk_ims((is), SUBIrri(JIT_AUX, 
(rs), (is)), SUBrrr(JIT_AUX, (rs), JIT_AUX)), ADDICrri((d), JIT_AUX, -1), 
SUBFErrr((d), (d), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_ner_i(d, s1, s2)           (SUBrrr(JIT_AUX, (s1), (s2)), 
ADDICrri((d), JIT_AUX, -1), SUBFErrr((d), (d), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_nop()                      NOP()
+#define jit_ori_i(d, rs, is)           jit_chk_imu((is), ORIrri((d), (rs), 
(is)), ORrrr((d), (rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_orr_i(d, s1, s2)                             ORrrr((d), (s1), (s2))
+#define jit_popr_i(rs)                 (LWZrm((rs), 0, 1), ADDIrri(1, 1, 4))
+#define jitfp_prepare(numi, numf, numd)        (_jitl.nextarg_put = 3 + (numi) 
+ (numf) + 2*(numd))
+#define jit_prolog(n)                  _jit_prolog(&_jit, (n))
+#define jit_pushr_i(rs)                        STWUrm((rs), -4, 1)
+#define jit_pusharg_i(rs)              (--_jitl.nextarg_put, 
MRrr(_jitl.nextarg_put, (rs)))
+#define jit_ret()                      jit_jmpr(31)
+#define jit_retval(rd)                 MRrr((rd), 3)
+#define jit_rsbi_i(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_ims((is), SUBFICrri((d), (rs), 
(is)), SUBFCrrr((d), (rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_rshi_i(d, rs, is)                                       
SRAWIrri((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_rshi_ui(d, rs, is)                                      SRWIrri 
((d), (rs), (is))
+#define jit_rshr_i(d, s1, s2)          (ANDIrrr(JIT_AUX, (s2), 31), SRAWrrr 
((d), (s1), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_rshr_ui(d, s1, s2)         (ANDIrrr(JIT_AUX, (s2), 31), SRWrrr  
((d), (s1), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_stxi_c(id, rd, rs)         jit_chk_ims((id), STBrm((rs), (id), 
(rd)), STBrx((rs), (rd), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_stxi_i(id, rd, rs)         jit_chk_ims((id), STWrm((rs), (id), 
(rd)), STWrx((rs), (rd), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_stxi_s(id, rd, rs)         jit_chk_ims((id), STHrm((rs), (id), 
(rd)), STHrx((rs), (rd), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_stxr_c(d1, d2, rs)                           STBrx((rs), (d1), 
+#define jit_stxr_i(d1, d2, rs)                           STWrx((rs), (d1), 
+#define jit_stxr_s(d1, d2, rs)                           STHrx((rs), (d1), 
+#define jit_subr_i(d, s1, s2)                            SUBrrr((d), (s1), 
+#define jit_subcr_i(d, s1, s2)                           SUBCrrr((d), (s1), 
+#define jit_subxi_i(d, rs, is)         jit_chk_ims(111111111, 0, SUBErrr((d), 
(rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_subxr_i(d, s1, s2)                                   SUBErrr((d), 
(s1), (s2))
+#define jit_xori_i(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_imu((is), XORIrri((d), (rs), 
(is)), XORrrr((d), (rs), JIT_AUX))
+#define jit_xorr_i(d, s1, s2)                            XORrrr((d), (s1), 
+/* Cannot use JIT_RZERO because having 0 in a register field on the PowerPC
+ * does not mean `a register whose value is 0', but rather `no register at
+ * all' */
+#define jit_negr_i(d, rs)              jit_rsbi_i((d), (rs), 0)
+#define jit_negr_l(d, rs)              jit_rsbi_l((d), (rs), 0)
+#define jit_ldr_c(rd, rs)              jit_ldxr_c((rd), 0, (rs))             
+#define jit_str_c(rd, rs)              jit_stxr_c(0, (rd), (rs))             
+#define jit_ldr_s(rd, rs)              jit_ldxr_s((rd), 0, (rs))             
+#define jit_str_s(rd, rs)              jit_stxr_s(0, (rd), (rs))             
+#define jit_ldr_i(rd, rs)              jit_ldxr_i((rd), 0, (rs))             
+#define jit_str_i(rd, rs)              jit_stxr_i(0, (rd), (rs))             
+#define jit_ldr_uc(rd, rs)             jit_ldxr_uc((rd), 0, (rs))            
+#define jit_ldr_us(rd, rs)             jit_ldxr_us((rd), 0, (rs))            
+/* e.g.
+ *     0x01234567      _HA << 16 = 0x01230000  _LA = 0x00004567 _HA << 16 + LA 
= 0x01234567
+ *     0x89abcdef      _HA << 16 = 0x89ac0000  _LA = 0xffffcdef _HA << 16 + LA 
= 0x89abcdef
+ */
+#define _HA(addr)                      ((_jit_UL(addr) >> 16) + 
(_jit_US(_jit_UL(addr)) >> 15))
+#define _LA(addr)                      (_jit_UL(addr) - (_HA(addr) << 16))
+#define jit_ldi_c(rd, is)              (LISri(JIT_AUX, _HA(is)), 
jit_ldxi_c((rd), JIT_AUX, _LA(is)))
+#define jit_sti_c(id, rs)              (LISri(JIT_AUX, _HA(id)), 
jit_stxi_c(_LA(id), JIT_AUX, (rs)))
+#define jit_ldi_s(rd, is)              (LISri(JIT_AUX, _HA(is)), 
jit_ldxi_s((rd), JIT_AUX, _LA(is)))
+#define jit_sti_s(id, rs)              (LISri(JIT_AUX, _HA(id)), 
jit_stxi_s(_LA(id), JIT_AUX, (rs)))
+#define jit_ldi_i(rd, is)              (LISri(JIT_AUX, _HA(is)), 
jit_ldxi_i((rd), JIT_AUX, _LA(is)))
+#define jit_sti_i(id, rs)              (LISri(JIT_AUX, _HA(id)), 
jit_stxi_i(_LA(id), JIT_AUX, (rs)))
+#define jit_ldi_uc(rd, is)             (LISri(JIT_AUX, _HA(is)), 
jit_ldxi_uc((rd), JIT_AUX, _LA(is)))
+#define jit_ldi_us(rd, is)             (LISri(JIT_AUX, _HA(is)), 
jit_ldxi_us((rd), JIT_AUX, _LA(is)))
+#endif /* __lightning_core_h */
diff --git a/lightning/ppc/fp.h b/lightning/ppc/fp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1767195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/ppc/fp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Run-time assembler & support macros for the Sparc math unit
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_asm_fp_h
+#define __lightning_asm_fp_h
+#if 0
+/* dummy for now */
+#define jit_add_two(reg0)      FADDrrr(13 - (reg0), 13 - (reg0), 12 - (reg0))
+#define jit_sub_two(reg0)      FSUBrrr(13 - (reg0), 13 - (reg0), 12 - (reg0))
+#define jit_mul_two(reg0)      FMULrrr(13 - (reg0), 13 - (reg0), 12 - (reg0))
+#define jit_div_two(reg0)      FDIVrrr(13 - (reg0), 13 - (reg0), 12 - (reg0))
+#define jit_abs(reg0)          FABSr(13 - (reg0))
+#define jit_sqrt(reg0)         FSQRTr(13 - (reg0))
+#define jit_neg(reg0)          FNEGr(13 - (reg0))
+#define jit_ldxi_f(reg0, rs, is) 0
+#define jit_ldxr_f(reg0, s1, s2) 0
+#define jit_ldxi_d(reg0, rs, is) 0
+#define jit_ldxr_d(reg0, s1, s2) 0
+#define jit_ldi_f(reg0, is) 0
+#define jit_ldr_f(reg0, rs) 0
+#define jit_ldi_d(reg0, is) 0
+#define jit_ldr_d(reg0, rs) 0
+#define jit_stxi_f(id, rd, reg0) 0
+#define jit_stxr_f(d1, d2, reg0) 0
+#define jit_stxi_d(id, rd, reg0) 0
+#define jit_stxr_d(d1, d2, reg0) 0
+#define jit_sti_f(id, reg0) 0
+#define jit_str_f(rd, reg0) 0
+#define jit_sti_d(id, reg0) 0
+#define jit_str_d(rd, reg0) 0
+/* Make space for 1 or 2 words, store address in REG */
+#define jit_data(REG, D1)      (_FBA   (18, 8, 0, 1), _jit_L(D1), MFLRr(REG))
+#define jit_data2(REG, D1, D2) (_FBA   (18, 12, 0, 1), _jit_L(D1), _jit_L(D2), 
+#define jit_fpimm(reg0, first, second)         \
+       (jit_data2(JIT_AUX, (first), (second)), \
+        jit_ldxi_d((reg0), JIT_AUX, 0))
+#define jit_floor(rd, reg0)    jit_call_fp((rd), (reg0), floor)
+#define jit_ceil(rd, reg0)     jit_call_fp((rd), (reg0), ceil)
+#define jit_call_fp(rd, reg0, fn)                                              
+       jit_fail(#fn " not supported", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__)
+/*     pass reg0 as first parameter of rd
+       bl      fn
+       mr      r3, rd */
+#define jit_trunc(rd, reg0)    (jit_data((rd), 0),                             
+                               FCTIWZrr(13 - (reg0), 13 - (reg0)),             
+                               STFIWXrrr(13 - (reg0), 0, (rd)),                
+                               LWZrm((rd), 0, (rd)))
+#define jit_round(rd, reg0)    (jit_data((rd), 0),                             
+                               FCTIWrr(13 - (reg0), 13 - (reg0)),              
+                               STFIWXrrr(13 - (reg0), 0, (rd)),                
+                               LWZrm((rd), 0, (rd)))
+#define jit_cmp(le, ge, reg0)  (FCMPOirr(7, 13 - (reg0), 0),              \
+                               CRORiii(28 + _gt, 28 + _gt, 28 + _eq),     \
+                               CRORiii(28 + _lt, 28 + _lt, 28 + _eq),     \
+                               MFCRr((ge)),                               \
+                               EXTRWIrrii((le), (ge), 1, 28 + _lt),       \
+                               EXTRWIrrii((ge), (ge), 1, 28 + _gt))
+#endif /* __lightning_asm_h */
diff --git a/lightning/ppc/funcs.h b/lightning/ppc/funcs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b6a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/ppc/funcs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Platform-independent layer inline functions (PowerPC)
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_funcs_h
+#define __lightning_funcs_h
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__GNUG__)
+#error Go get GNU C, I do not know how to flush the cache
+#error with this compiler.
+static void
+jit_flush_code(void *start, void *end)
+  register char *ddest, *idest;
+  static int cache_line_size;
+  if (cache_line_size == 0) {
+    char buffer[8192];
+    int i, probe;
+    /* Find out the size of a cache line by zeroing one */
+    memset(buffer, 0xFF, 8192);
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("dcbz 0,%0" : : "r"(buffer + 4096));
+    /* Probe for the beginning of the cache line. */
+    for(i = 0, probe = 4096; probe; probe >>= 1)
+      if (buffer[i | probe] != 0x00)
+        i |= probe;
+    /* i is now just before the start of the cache line */
+    i++;
+    for(cache_line_size = 1; i + cache_line_size < 8192; cache_line_size <<= 1)
+      if (buffer[i + cache_line_size] != 0x00)
+        break;
+  }
+  start -= ((long) start) & (cache_line_size - 1);
+  end -= ((long) end) & (cache_line_size - 1);
+  /* Force data cache write-backs */
+  for (ddest = start; ddest <= (char *) end; ddest += cache_line_size) {
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("dcbst 0,%0" : : "r"(ddest));
+  }
+  __asm__ __volatile__ ("sync" : : );
+  /* Now invalidate the instruction cache */
+  for (idest = start; idest <= (char *) end; idest += cache_line_size) {
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("icbi 0,%0" : : "r"(idest));
+  }
+  __asm__ __volatile__ ("isync" : : );
+#endif /* !LIGHTNING_CROSS */
+#endif /* __GNUC__ || __GNUG__ */
+#define _jit (*jit)
+/* Emit a trampoline for a function.
+ * Upon entrance to the trampoline:
+ *   - R0      = return address for the function
+ *   - LR      = address where the real code for the function lies
+ *   - R3-R8   = parameters
+ * After jumping to the address pointed to by R10:
+ *   - LR      = address where the epilog lies (the function must return there)
+ *   - R25-R20 = parameters (order is reversed, 1st argument is R25)
+ */
+static jit_insn *
+_jit_trampoline(jit, n)
+     register jit_state *jit;
+     register int      n;
+  static jit_insn      trampolines[200];
+  static jit_insn      *p_trampolines[6], *free = trampolines;
+  jit_insn             *trampo;
+  int                  i, ofs, frame_size;
+  if (!p_trampolines[n]) {
+    _jit.x.pc = trampo = p_trampolines[n] = free;
+    frame_size = 24 + (6 + n) * 4;     /* r26..r31 + args                 */
+    frame_size += 15;                  /* the stack must be quad-word     */
+    frame_size &= ~15;                 /* aligned                         */
+    STWUrm(1, -frame_size, 1);         /* stwu  r1, -x(r1)                */
+    for (ofs = frame_size - (6 + n) * 4, i = 26 - n; i <= 31; ofs += 4, i++) {
+      STWrm(i, ofs, 1);                        /* stw   rI, ofs(r1)            
+    }
+    STWrm(0, ofs+4, 1);                        /* stw   r0, x(r1)              
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+      MRrr(25-i, 3+i);                 /* save parameters in r25..r20     */
+    }
+    BLRL();                            /* blrl                            */
+    LWZrm(0, ofs+4, 1);                        /* lwz   r0, x(r1)  (ret.addr.) 
+    MTLRr(0);                          /* mtspr LR, r0                    */
+    for (ofs = frame_size - (6 + n) * 4, i = 26 - n; i <= 31; ofs += 4, i++) {
+      LWZrm(i, ofs, 1);                        /* lwz   rI, ofs(r1)            
+    }
+    ADDIrri(1, 1, frame_size);         /* addi  r1, r1, x                 */
+    BLR();                             /* blr                             */
+    jit_flush_code(trampo, _jit.x.pc);
+    free = _jit.x.pc;
+  }
+  return p_trampolines[n];
+static void
+_jit_prolog(jit, n)
+     register jit_state *jit;
+     register int      n;
+  register jit_insn    *save_pc, *trampo;
+  save_pc = _jit.x.pc;
+  trampo = _jit_trampoline(jit, n);
+  _jit.x.pc = save_pc;
+  _jitl.nextarg_get = 25;
+  MFLRr(0);
+  MOVEIri(10, trampo);
+  MTLRr(10);
+  BLRL();                              /* blrl                           */
+  MFLRr(31);                           /* mflr  r31                      */
+#undef _jit
+#endif /* __lightning_funcs_h */
diff --git a/lightning/sparc/asm.h b/lightning/sparc/asm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..808bb4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/sparc/asm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Run-time assembler for the SPARC
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Ian Piumarta
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_asm_h
+#define __lightning_asm_h
+/* <imm> = [0-9]+              -> add i, one parameter (imm)
+ * <reg> = %<imm>              -> add r, one parameter (imm    or _Rr(imm) )
+ *        %g<imm>              -> add r, one parameter (imm    or _Rg(imm) )
+ *        %o<imm>              -> add r, one parameter (imm+8  or _Ro(imm) )
+ *        %l<imm>              -> add r, one parameter (imm+16 or _Rl(imm) )
+ *        %i<imm>              -> add r, one parameter (imm+24 or _Ri(imm) )
+ * <mem> = <imm>(<reg>)                -> add m, two parameters (reg,imm)
+ * <idx> = <reg>(<reg>)                -> add x, two parameters (reg,reg)
+ */
+typedef unsigned int jit_insn;
+#define _d30(BD)       ((_jit_UL(BD) - _jit_UL(_jit.x.pc))>>2)
+#define _d22(BD)       _ck_d(22, _d30(BD))
+#define _HI(I)         (_jit_UL(I) >>     (10))
+#define _LO(I)         (_jit_UL(I) & _MASK(10))
+/* register names */
+#define _y             0
+#define _psr           1
+#define _Rr(N)         ( 0+(N))
+#define _Rg(N)         ( 0+(N))
+#define _Ro(N)         ( 8+(N))
+#define _Rl(N)         (16+(N))
+#define _Ri(N)         (24+(N))
+/* instruction formats -- Figure 5-1, page 44 in */
+/* SPARC International, "The SPARC Architecture Manual, Version 8", 
Prentice-Hall, 1992.  */
+#define _0i(RD,     OP2,         IMM)  _jit_I((0<<30)|         
+#define _0(  A, CC, OP2,         DSP)  
+#define _0d( A, CC, OP2,         DSP)  
+#define _1(                      DSP)  _jit_I((1<<30)|                         
+#define _2( RD, OP3, RS1, I, ASI, RS2) _jit_I((2<<30)|         
+#define _2i(RD, OP3, RS1, I,     IMM)  _jit_I((2<<30)|         
+#define _2f(RD, OP3, RS1,    OPF, RS2) _jit_I((2<<30)|         
(_u5(RD)<<25)|(_u6(OP3)<<19)|(_u5(RS1)<<14)|             (_u9(OPF)<<5)|_u5 
+#define _3( RD, OP3, RS1, I, ASI, RS2) _jit_I((3<<30)|         
+#define _3i(RD, OP3, RS1, I,     IMM)  _jit_I((3<<30)|         
+/* basic instructions  [Section B, page 87] */
+#define ADDrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)   _2   ((RD),  0, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define ADDrir(RS1, IMM, RD)   _2i  ((RD),  0, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define ADDCCrrr(RS1, RS2, RD) _2   ((RD), 16, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define ADDCCrir(RS1, IMM, RD) _2i  ((RD), 16, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define ADDXrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)  _2   ((RD),  8, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define ADDXrir(RS1, IMM, RD)  _2i  ((RD),  8, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define ADDXCCrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)        _2   ((RD), 24, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define ADDXCCrir(RS1, IMM, RD)        _2i  ((RD), 24, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define ANDrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)   _2   ((RD),  1, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define ANDrir(RS1, IMM, RD)   _2i  ((RD),  1, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define ANDCCrrr(RS1, RS2, RD) _2   ((RD), 17, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define ANDCCrir(RS1, IMM, RD) _2i  ((RD), 17, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define BNi(DISP)              _0   (0,  0, 2, (DISP))
+#define BN_Ai(DISP)            _0   (1,  0, 2, (DISP))
+#define BEi(DISP)              _0   (0,  1, 2, (DISP))
+#define BE_Ai(DISP)            _0   (1,  1, 2, (DISP))
+#define BLEi(DISP)             _0   (0,  2, 2, (DISP))
+#define BLE_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1,  2, 2, (DISP))
+#define BLi(DISP)              _0   (0,  3, 2, (DISP))
+#define BL_Ai(DISP)            _0   (1,  3, 2, (DISP))
+#define BLEUi(DISP)            _0   (0,  4, 2, (DISP))
+#define BLEU_Ai(DISP)          _0   (1,  4, 2, (DISP))
+#define BCSi(DISP)             _0   (0,  5, 2, (DISP))
+#define BCS_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1,  5, 2, (DISP))
+#define BNEGi(DISP)            _0   (0,  6, 2, (DISP))
+#define BNEG_Ai(DISP)          _0   (1,  6, 2, (DISP))
+#define BVSi(DISP)             _0   (0,  7, 2, (DISP))
+#define BVS_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1,  7, 2, (DISP))
+#define BAi(DISP)              _0   (0,  8, 2, (DISP))
+#define BA_Ai(DISP)            _0   (1,  8, 2, (DISP))
+#define BNEi(DISP)             _0   (0,  9, 2, (DISP))
+#define BNE_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1,  9, 2, (DISP))
+#define BGi(DISP)              _0   (0, 10, 2, (DISP))
+#define BG_Ai(DISP)            _0   (1, 10, 2, (DISP))
+#define BGEi(DISP)             _0   (0, 11, 2, (DISP))
+#define BGE_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1, 11, 2, (DISP))
+#define BGUi(DISP)             _0   (0, 12, 2, (DISP))
+#define BGU_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1, 12, 2, (DISP))
+#define BCCi(DISP)             _0   (0, 13, 2, (DISP))
+#define BCC_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1, 13, 2, (DISP))
+#define BPOSi(DISP)            _0   (0, 14, 2, (DISP))
+#define BPOS_Ai(DISP)          _0   (1, 14, 2, (DISP))
+#define BVCi(DISP)             _0   (0, 15, 2, (DISP))
+#define BVC_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1, 15, 2, (DISP))
+#define CALLi(DISP)            _1   ((DISP))
+#define FLUSHrr(RS1, RS2)      _2   (0, 0x3b, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define FLUSHir(IMM, RS1)      _2i  (0, 0x3b, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define JMPLxr(RS1, RS2, RD)   _2   ((RD), 56, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define JMPLmr(RS1, IMM, RD)   _2i  ((RD), 56, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define LDxr(RS1, RS2, RD)     _3   ((RD),  0, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define LDmr(RS1, IMM, RD)     _3i  ((RD),  0, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define LDUBxr(RS1, RS2, RD)   _3   ((RD),  1, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define LDUBmr(RS1, IMM, RD)   _3i  ((RD),  1, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define LDUHxr(RS1, RS2, RD)   _3   ((RD),  2, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define LDUHmr(RS1, IMM, RD)   _3i  ((RD),  2, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define LDDxr(RS1, RS2, RD)    _3   ((RD),  3, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define LDDmr(RS1, IMM, RD)    _3i  ((RD),  3, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define LDSBxr(RS1, RS2, RD)   _3   ((RD),  9, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define LDSBmr(RS1, IMM, RD)   _3i  ((RD),  9, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define LDSHxr(RS1, RS2, RD)   _3   ((RD), 10, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define LDSHmr(RS1, IMM, RD)   _3i  ((RD), 10, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define ORrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)    _2   ((RD),  2, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define ORrir(RS1, IMM, RD)    _2i  ((RD),  2, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define ORCCrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)  _2   ((RD), 18, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define ORCCrir(RS1, IMM, RD)  _2i  ((RD), 18, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define RDir(RS, RD)            _2   ((RD), (RS)|0x28, 0, 0, 0,0)
+#define RESTORErrr(RS1, RS2, RD) _2   ((RD), 61, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define RESTORErir(RS1, IMM, RD) _2i  ((RD), 61, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define SAVErrr(RS1, RS2, RD)  _2   ((RD), 60, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define SAVErir(RS1, IMM, RD)  _2i  ((RD), 60, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define SDIVrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)  _2   ((RD), 15, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define SDIVrir(RS1, IMM, RD)  _2i  ((RD), 15, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define SDIVCCrrr(RS1, RS2, RD) _2   ((RD), 31, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define SDIVCCrir(RS1, IMM, RD) _2i  ((RD), 31, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define SETHIir(IMM, RD)       _0i  ((RD), 4, (IMM))
+#define SLLrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)   _2   ((RD), 37, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define SLLrir(RS1, IMM, RD)   _2i  ((RD), 37, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define SMULrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)  _2   ((RD), 11, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define SMULrir(RS1, IMM, RD)  _2i  ((RD), 11, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define SMULCCrrr(RS1, RS2, RD) _2   ((RD), 27, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define SMULCCrir(RS1, IMM, RD) _2i  ((RD), 27, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define SRArrr(RS1, RS2, RD)   _2   ((RD), 39, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define SRArir(RS1, IMM, RD)   _2i  ((RD), 39, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define SRLrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)   _2   ((RD), 38, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define SRLrir(RS1, IMM, RD)   _2i  ((RD), 38, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define STrx(RS, RD1, RD2)     _3   ((RS),  4, (RD1), 0, 0, (RD2))
+#define STrm(RS, RD, IMM)      _3i  ((RS),  4, (RD),  1,    (IMM))
+#define STBrx(RS, RD1, RD2)    _3   ((RS),  5, (RD1), 0, 0, (RD2))
+#define STBrm(RS, RD, IMM)     _3i  ((RS),  5, (RD),  1,    (IMM))
+#define STBAR()                        _0i  (0, 0x28, 15, 0, 0)
+#define STHrx(RS, RD1, RD2)    _3   ((RS),  6, (RD1), 0, 0, (RD2))
+#define STHrm(RS, RD, IMM)     _3i  ((RS),  6, (RD),  1,    (IMM))
+#define STDrx(RS, RD1, RD2)    _3   ((RS),  7, (RD1), 0, 0, (RD2))
+#define STDrm(RS, RD, IMM)     _3i  ((RS),  7, (RD),  1,    (IMM))
+#define SUBrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)   _2   ((RD),  4, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define SUBrir(RS1, IMM, RD)   _2i  ((RD),  4, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define SUBCCrrr(RS1, RS2, RD) _2   ((RD), 20, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define SUBCCrir(RS1, IMM, RD) _2i  ((RD), 20, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define SUBXrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)  _2   ((RD), 12, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define SUBXrir(RS1, IMM, RD)  _2i  ((RD), 12, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define SUBXCCrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)        _2   ((RD), 28, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define SUBXCCrir(RS1, IMM, RD)        _2i  ((RD), 28, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define UDIVrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)  _2   ((RD), 14, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define UDIVrir(RS1, IMM, RD)  _2i  ((RD), 14, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define UDIVCCrrr(RS1, RS2, RD) _2   ((RD), 30, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define UDIVCCrir(RS1, IMM, RD) _2i  ((RD), 30, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define UMULrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)  _2   ((RD), 10, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define UMULrir(RS1, IMM, RD)  _2i  ((RD), 10, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define UMULCCrrr(RS1, RS2, RD) _2   ((RD), 26, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define UMULCCrir(RS1, IMM, RD) _2i  ((RD), 26, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define WRrri(RS1, RS2, RD)    _2   (0, (RD)|0x30,   RS1, 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define WRrii(RS1, IMM, RD)    _2i  (0, (RD)|0x30,   RS1, 1,    (IMM))
+#define XORrrr(RS1, RS2, RD)   _2   ((RD),  3, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define XORrir(RS1, IMM, RD)   _2i  ((RD),  3, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define XORCCrrr(RS1, RS2, RD) _2   ((RD), 19, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define XORCCrir(RS1, IMM, RD) _2i  ((RD), 19, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+/* synonyms */
+#define Bi(DISP)               BAi((DISP))
+#define B_Ai(DISP)             BA_Ai((DISP))
+#define BNZi(DISP)             BNEi((DISP))
+#define BNZ_Ai(DISP)           BNE_Ai((DISP))
+#define BZi(DISP)              BEi((DISP))
+#define BZ_Ai(DISP)            BE_Ai((DISP))
+#define BGEUi(DISP)            BCCi((DISP))
+#define BGEU_Ai(DISP)          BCC_Ai((DISP))
+#define BLUi(DISP)             BCSi((DISP))
+#define BLU_Ai(DISP)           BCS_Ai((DISP))
+#define LDUWxr(RS1, RS2, RD)   LDxr((RS1), (RS2), (RD))
+#define LDUWmr(RS1, IMM, RD)   LDmr((RS1), (IMM), (RD))
+#define LDSWxr(RS1, RS2, RD)   LDxr((RS1), (RS2), (RD))
+#define LDSWmr(RS1, IMM, RD)   LDmr((RS1), (IMM), (RD))
+#define STWrx(RS, RD1, RD2)    STrx((RS), (RD1),   (RD2))
+#define STWrm(RS, RD, IMM)     STrm((RS), (RD), (IMM))
+/* synthetic instructions [Table A-1, page 85] */
+#define BCLRrr(R,S)            ANDNrrr((R), (S), (S))
+#define BCLRir(I,R)            ANDNrir((R), (I), (R))
+#define BSETrr(R,S)            ORrrr((R), (S), (S))
+#define BSETir(I,R)            ORrir((R), (I), (R))
+#define BTOGrr(R,S)            XORrrr((R), (S), (S))
+#define BTOGir(I,R)            XORrir((R), (I), (R))
+#define BTSTrr(R,S)            ANDCCrrr((R), (S), 0)
+#define BTSTir(I,R)            ANDCCrir((R), (I), 0)
+#define CALLm(R,I)             JMPLmr((R), (I), _Ro(7))
+#define CALLx(R,S)             JMPLxr((R), (S), _Ro(7))
+#define CLRr(R)                        ORrrr(0, 0, (R))
+#define CLRBm(R,I)             STBrm(0, (R), (I))
+#define CLRBx(R,S)             STBrm(0, (R), (S))
+#define CLRHm(R,I)             STHrm(0, (R), (I))
+#define CLRHx(R,S)             STHrm(0, (R), (S))
+#define CLRm(R,I)              STrm(0, (R), (I))
+#define CLRx(R,S)              STrm(0, (R), (S))
+#define CMPrr(RS1, RS2)                SUBCCrrr((RS1), (RS2), 0)
+#define CMPri(RS1, IMM)                SUBCCrir((RS1), (IMM), 0)
+#define DECr(R)                        SUBrir((R), 1, (R))
+#define DECir(I,R)             SUBrir((R), (I), (R))
+#define DECCCr(R)              SUBCCrir((R), 1, (R))
+#define DECCCir(I,R)           SUBCCrir((R), (I), (R))
+#define INCr(R)                        ADDrir((R), 1, (R))
+#define INCir(I,R)             ADDrir((R), (I), (R))
+#define INCCCr(R)              ADDCCrir((R), 1, (R))
+#define INCCCir(I,R)           ADDCCrir((R), (I), (R))
+#define JMPm(R,I)              JMPLmr((R), (I), 0)
+#define JMPx(R,S)              JMPLxr((R), (S), 0)
+#define MOVrr(R,S)             ORrrr(0, (R), (S))
+#define MOVir(I, R)            ORrir(0, (I), (R))
+#define NEGrr(R,S)             SUBrrr(0, (R), (S))
+#define NEGr(R)                        SUBrrr(0, (R), (R))
+#define NOP()                  SETHIir(0, 0)
+#define NOTrr(R,S)             XNORrrr((R), 0, (S))
+#define NOTr(R)                        XNORrrr((R), 0, (R))
+#define RESTORE()              RESTORErrr(0, 0, 0)
+#define RET()                  JMPLmr(_Ri(7),8 ,0)
+#define RETL()                 JMPLmr(_Ro(7),8 ,0)
+#define SAVE()                 SAVErrr(0, 0, 0)
+#define SETir(I,R)             (_siP(13,(I)) ? MOVir((I),(R)) : SETir2(_HI(I), 
_LO(I), (R)))
+#define SETir2(H,L,R)          (SETHIir(H,R), (L ? ORrir(R,L,R) : 0))
+/* BNZ,a executes the delay instruction if NZ (so skips if Z)
+ * BZ,a  executes the delay instruction if Z  (so skips if NZ). */
+#define SKIPZ()                        _0d  (1,  9, 2, 2) /* BNZ,a .+8 */
+#define SKIPNZ()               _0d  (1,  1, 2, 2) /* BZ,a  .+8 */
+#define SKIP()                 _0d  (1,  0, 2, 0) /* BN,a  .   */
+#define TSTr(R)                        ORCCrrr(0, (R), 0)
+#define WRii(IMM, RD)          WRrii(0, (IMM), (RD))
+#define WRri(RS2, RD)          WRrri(0, (RS2), (RD))
+#endif /* __ccg_asm_sparc_h */
diff --git a/lightning/sparc/core.h b/lightning/sparc/core.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b70259e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/sparc/core.h
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Platform-independent layer (Sparc version)
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_core_h
+#define __lightning_core_h
+#define JIT_R0                 _Rl(0)
+#define JIT_R1                 _Rl(1)
+#define JIT_R2                 _Rl(2)
+#define JIT_V0                 _Rl(3)
+#define JIT_V1                 _Rl(4)
+#define JIT_V2                 _Rl(5)
+#define JIT_BIG                        _Rg(1)  /* %g1 used to make 32-bit 
operands */
+#define JIT_BIG2               _Rg(2)  /* %g2 used to make 32-bit compare 
operands */
+#define JIT_SP                 _Ro(6)
+#define JIT_RZERO              _Rg(0)
+#define JIT_RET                        _Ri(0)
+/* Delay slot scheduling: jmp generates branches with annulled delay
+ * slots; we toggle the annul bit if we can fill the slot.  CALLs and
+ * cond. branches have a different meaning for the annul bit, so we
+ * automatically generate a NOP and eventually copy the delay insn onto
+ * it.  Delay slots in RET are already used for RESTORE, so we don't
+ * schedule them.
+ *
+ *     ,--- _jit.x.pc
+ * insn X       X                              before
+ * cmp  branch  insn  X           X                    after (branch)
+ *                   `--- _jit.x.pc                    
+ * call insn    insn X                         after (call)
+ *             `--- _jit.x.pc                  
+ */
+struct jit_local_state {
+  int  nextarg_put;    /* Next %o reg. to be written */
+  int  nextarg_get;    /* Next %i reg. to be read */
+  jit_insn delay;
+#define jit_fill_delay_after(branch) (_jitl.delay = *--_jit.x.pc,              
+       ((branch) == _jit.x.pc                                    /* check if 
NOP was inserted */                \
+               ? (_jit.x.pc[-1] ^= 1<<29)                        /* no if 
branch, toggle annul bit  */  \
+               : (_jit.x.pc[-1] = _jitl.delay)),                         /* 
yes if call, replace NOP with delay insn */ \
+       *_jit.x.pc = _jitl.delay, _jit.x.pc - 1)                          /* 
return addr of delay insn */
+/* If possible, use the `small' instruction (rs, imm, rd)
+ * else load imm into %l6 and use the `big' instruction (rs, %l6, rd)
+ * jit_chk_imm2 uses %l7 instead of %l6 to avoid conflicts when using delay 
+ */
+#define jit_chk_imm(imm, small, big)           (_siP(13,(imm)) ? (small) : 
(SETir((imm), JIT_BIG),  (big)) )
+#define jit_chk_imm2(imm, small, big)          (_siP(13,(imm)) ? (small) : 
(SETir((imm), JIT_BIG2), (big)) )
+/* Helper macros for branches */
+#define jit_branchi(rs, is, jmp, nop)          (jit_chk_imm2(is, CMPri(rs, 
is), CMPrr(rs, JIT_BIG2)), jmp, nop, _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_branchr(s1, s2, jmp, nop)          (                 CMPrr(s1, 
s2),                       jmp, nop, _jit.x.pc - 1)
+/* Helper macros for boolean tests -- delay slot sets d to 1;
+ * taken branch leaves it to 1, not-taken branch resets it to 0 */
+#define jit_booli(d, rs, is, jmp)              (jit_chk_imm (is, CMPri(rs, 
is), CMPrr(rs, JIT_BIG)), jmp, MOVir(1, (d)), MOVir(0, (d)))
+#define jit_boolr(d, s1, s2, jmp)              (                 CMPrr(s1, 
s2),                      jmp, MOVir(1, (d)), MOVir(0, (d)))
+/* Helper macros for division
+ * The architecture specifies that there must be 3 instructions between *
+ * a y register write and a use of it for correct results. */
+#define jit_prepare_y(rs, is)          (SRArir(rs, 31, JIT_BIG), WRri(JIT_BIG, 
_y), NOP(), NOP(), NOP(), _jit.x.pc -= jit_immsize(is))
+#define jit_clr_y(rs, is)              (                         WRri(0,       
_y), NOP(), NOP(), NOP(), _jit.x.pc -= jit_immsize(is))
+#define jit_mod(div, mul, d, s1, s2) (                                 \
+       div (JIT_BIG2, s1, s2),                                         \
+       mul (JIT_BIG2, JIT_BIG2, s2),                                   \
+       jit_subr_i (d, s1, JIT_BIG2))
+/* How many instruction are needed to put imm in a register.  */
+#define jit_immsize(imm)       (!(imm) ? 0 :                   \
+                               (!_siP((imm), 13) && ((imm) & 0x3ff)  ? 2 : 1))
+/* branch instructions return the address of the *delay* instruction -- this
+ * is just a helper macro that makes jit_patch more readable.
+ */
+#define jit_patch_(jump_pc)                                            \
+       (*jump_pc &= ~_MASK(22),                                        \
+        *jump_pc |= ((_jit_UL(_jit.x.pc) - _jit_UL(jump_pc)) >> 2) & _MASK(22))
+#define        jit_arg_c()                     (_jitl.nextarg_get++)
+#define        jit_arg_i()                     (_jitl.nextarg_get++)
+#define        jit_arg_l()                     (_jitl.nextarg_get++)
+#define        jit_arg_p()                     (_jitl.nextarg_get++)
+#define        jit_arg_s()                     (_jitl.nextarg_get++)
+#define        jit_arg_uc()                    (_jitl.nextarg_get++)
+#define        jit_arg_ui()                    (_jitl.nextarg_get++)
+#define        jit_arg_ul()                    (_jitl.nextarg_get++)
+#define        jit_arg_us()                    (_jitl.nextarg_get++)
+#define jit_addi_i(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_imm((is), ADDrir((rs), (is), 
(d)), ADDrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_addr_i(d, s1, s2)                            ADDrrr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_addci_i(d, rs, is)         jit_chk_imm((is), ADDCCrir((rs), (is), 
(d)), ADDCCrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_addcr_i(d, s1, s2)                           ADDCCrrr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_addxi_i(d, rs, is)         jit_chk_imm((is), ADDXCCrir((rs), (is), 
(d)), ADDXCCrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_addxr_i(d, s1, s2)                           ADDXCCrrr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_andi_i(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_imm((is), ANDrir((rs), (is), 
(d)), ANDrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_andr_i(d, s1, s2)                            ANDrrr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_beqi_i(label, rs, is)      jit_branchi((rs), (is), BEi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_beqr_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_branchr((s1), (s2), BEi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bgei_i(label, rs, is)      jit_branchi((rs), (is), BGEi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bgei_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_branchi((rs), (is), BGEUi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bger_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_branchr((s1), (s2), BGEi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bger_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_branchr((s1), (s2), BGEUi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bgti_i(label, rs, is)      jit_branchi((rs), (is), BGi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bgti_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_branchi((rs), (is), BGUi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bgtr_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_branchr((s1), (s2), BGi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bgtr_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_branchr((s1), (s2), BGUi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_blei_i(label, rs, is)      jit_branchi((rs), (is), BLEi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_blei_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_branchi((rs), (is), BLEUi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bler_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_branchr((s1), (s2), BLEi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bler_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_branchr((s1), (s2), BLEUi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_blti_i(label, rs, is)      jit_branchi((rs), (is), BLi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_blti_ui(label, rs, is)     jit_branchi((rs), (is), BLUi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bltr_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_branchr((s1), (s2), BLi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bltr_ui(label, s1, s2)     jit_branchr((s1), (s2), BLUi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bnei_i(label, rs, is)      jit_branchi((rs), (is), BNEi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bner_i(label, s1, s2)      jit_branchr((s1), (s2), BNEi((label)), 
NOP() )
+#define jit_bmsi_i(label, rs, is)      (jit_chk_imm((is), BTSTir((is), (rs)), 
BTSTrr((rs), JIT_BIG)), BNEi((label)), NOP(), _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_bmci_i(label, rs, is)      (jit_chk_imm((is), BTSTir((is), (rs)), 
BTSTrr((rs), JIT_BIG)), BEi((label)), NOP(),  _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_bmsr_i(label, s1, s2)      (                  BTSTrr((s1), (s2)),  
                       BNEi((label)), NOP(), _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_bmcr_i(label, s1, s2)      (                  BTSTrr((s1), (s2)),  
                       BEi((label)), NOP(),  _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_boaddi_i(label, rs, is)    (jit_chk_imm((is), ADDCCrir((rs), (is), 
(rs)), ADDCCrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (rs))), BVSi((label)), NOP(), _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_bosubi_i(label, rs, is)    (jit_chk_imm((is), SUBCCrir((rs), (is), 
(rs)), SUBCCrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (rs))), BVSi((label)), NOP(), _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_boaddr_i(label, s1, s2)    (                  ADDCCrrr((s1), (s2), 
(s1)),                           BVSi((label)), NOP(), _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_bosubr_i(label, s1, s2)    (                  SUBCCrrr((s1), (s2), 
(s1)),                           BVSi((label)), NOP(), _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_boaddi_ui(label, rs, is)   (jit_chk_imm((is), ADDCCrir((rs), (is), 
(rs)), ADDCCrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (rs))), BCSi((label)), NOP(), _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_bosubi_ui(label, rs, is)   (jit_chk_imm((is), SUBCCrir((rs), (is), 
(rs)), SUBCCrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (rs))), BCSi((label)), NOP(), _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_boaddr_ui(label, s1, s2)   (                  ADDCCrrr((s1), (s2), 
(s1)),                           BCSi((label)), NOP(), _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_bosubr_ui(label, s1, s2)   (                  SUBCCrrr((s1), (s2), 
(s1)),                           BCSi((label)), NOP(), _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_calli(label)               (CALLi(label), NOP(), _jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_divi_i(d, rs, is)          (jit_prepare_y((rs), 0x12345678), 
SETir((is), JIT_BIG), SDIVrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)) )
+#define jit_divi_ui(d, rs, is)         (jit_clr_y((rs)),    0x12345678), 
SETir((is), JIT_BIG), UDIVrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)) )
+#define jit_divr_i(d, s1, s2)          (jit_prepare_y((s1), 0),                
                SDIVrrr((s1), (s2), (d)))
+#define jit_divr_ui(d, s1, s2)         (jit_clr_y((s1),     0),                
                UDIVrrr((s1), (s2), (d)))
+#define jit_eqi_i(d, rs, is)           jit_chk_imm((is), \
+  (SUBCCrir((rs), (is), (d)), ADDXCCrir((d), -1, JIT_BIG), SUBXrir(0,-1,(d))),\
+  jit_eqr_i(d, rs, JIT_BIG))
+#define jit_eqr_i(d, s1, s2)             (SUBCCrrr((s1), (s2), (d)), 
ADDXCCrir((d), -1, JIT_BIG), SUBXrir(0,-1,(d)))
+#define jit_nei_i(d, rs, is)           jit_chk_imm((is), \
+  (SUBCCrir((rs), (is), (d)), ADDXCCrir((d), -1, JIT_BIG), ADDXrrr(0,0,(d))),\
+  jit_ner_i(d, rs, JIT_BIG))
+#define jit_ner_i(d, s1, s2)             (SUBCCrrr((s1), (s2), (d)), 
ADDXCCrir((d), -1, JIT_BIG), ADDXrrr(0,0,(d)))
+#define jit_gei_i(d, rs, is)           jit_booli ((d), (rs), (is), 
BGEi(_jit.x.pc + 3) )
+#define jit_gei_ui(d, rs, is)          jit_booli ((d), (rs), (is), 
BGEUi(_jit.x.pc + 3))
+#define jit_ger_i(d, s1, s2)           jit_boolr ((d), (s1), (s2), 
BGEi(_jit.x.pc + 3) )
+#define jit_ger_ui(d, s1, s2)          jit_boolr ((d), (s1), (s2), 
BGEUi(_jit.x.pc + 3))
+#define jit_gti_i(d, rs, is)           jit_booli ((d), (rs), (is), 
BGi(_jit.x.pc + 3) )
+#define jit_gti_ui(d, rs, is)          jit_booli ((d), (rs), (is), 
BGUi(_jit.x.pc + 3) )
+#define jit_gtr_i(d, s1, s2)           jit_boolr ((d), (s1), (s2), 
BGi(_jit.x.pc + 3)  )
+#define jit_gtr_ui(d, s1, s2)          jit_boolr ((d), (s1), (s2), 
BGUi(_jit.x.pc + 3) )
+#define jit_hmuli_i(d, rs, is)         (jit_muli_i (JIT_BIG, (rs), (is)), RDir 
(_y, (d)))
+#define jit_hmuli_ui(d, rs, is)                (jit_muli_ui(JIT_BIG, (rs), 
(is)), RDir (_y, (d)))
+#define jit_hmulr_i(d, s1, s2)         (jit_mulr_i (JIT_BIG, (s1), (s2)), RDir 
(_y, (d)))
+#define jit_hmulr_ui(d, s1, s2)                (jit_mulr_ui(JIT_BIG, (s1), 
(s2)), RDir (_y, (d)))
+#define jit_jmpi(label)                        (BA_Ai((label)), _jit.x.pc)
+#define jit_jmpr(reg)                  (JMPx(JIT_RZERO, (reg)), NOP(), 
_jit.x.pc - 1)
+#define jit_ldxi_c(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_imm((is), LDSBmr((rs), (is), 
(d)), LDSBxr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_ldxi_i(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_imm((is), LDSWmr((rs), (is), 
(d)), LDSWxr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_ldxi_s(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_imm((is), LDSHmr((rs), (is), 
(d)), LDSHxr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_ldxi_uc(d, rs, is)         jit_chk_imm((is), LDUBmr((rs), (is), 
(d)), LDUBxr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_ldxi_us(d, rs, is)         jit_chk_imm((is), LDUHmr((rs), (is), 
(d)), LDUHxr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_ldxr_c(d, s1, s2)                            LDSBxr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_ldxr_i(d, s1, s2)                            LDSWxr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_ldxr_s(d, s1, s2)                            LDSHxr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_ldxr_uc(d, s1, s2)                           LDUBxr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_ldxr_us(d, s1, s2)                           LDUHxr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_lei_i(d, rs, is)           jit_booli ((d), (rs), (is), 
BLEi(_jit.x.pc + 3) )
+#define jit_lei_ui(d, rs, is)          jit_booli ((d), (rs), (is), 
BLEUi(_jit.x.pc + 3))
+#define jit_ler_i(d, s1, s2)           jit_boolr ((d), (s1), (s2), 
BLEi(_jit.x.pc + 3) )
+#define jit_ler_ui(d, s1, s2)          jit_boolr ((d), (s1), (s2), 
BLEUi(_jit.x.pc + 3))
+#define jit_lshi_i(d, rs, is)          SLLrir((rs), (is), (d))
+#define jit_lshr_i(d, r1, r2)          SLLrrr((r1), (r2), (d))
+#define jit_lti_i(d, rs, is)           jit_booli ((d), (rs), (is), 
BLi(_jit.x.pc + 3)  )
+#define jit_lti_ui(d, rs, is)          jit_booli ((d), (rs), (is), 
BLUi(_jit.x.pc + 3) )
+#define jit_ltr_i(d, s1, s2)           jit_boolr ((d), (s1), (s2), 
BLi(_jit.x.pc + 3)  )
+#define jit_ltr_ui(d, s1, s2)          jit_boolr ((d), (s1), (s2), 
BLUi(_jit.x.pc + 3) )
+#define jit_modi_i(d, rs, is)          jit_modi(jit_divi_i, jit_muli_i, (d), 
(rs), (is))
+#define jit_modi_ui(d, rs, is)         jit_modi(jit_divi_i, jit_muli_i, (d), 
(rs), (is))
+#define jit_modr_i(d, s1, s2)          jit_modr(jit_divr_i, jit_mulr_i, (d), 
(s1), (s2))
+#define jit_modr_ui(d, s1, s2)         jit_modr(jit_divr_i, jit_mulr_i, (d), 
(s1), (s2))
+#define jit_movi_i(d, is)              SETir((is), (d))
+#define jit_movr_i(d, rs)              MOVrr((rs), (d))
+#define jit_muli_i(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_imm((is), SMULrir((rs), (is), 
(d)), SMULrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_muli_ui(d, rs, is)         jit_chk_imm((is), UMULrir((rs), (is), 
(d)), UMULrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_mulr_i(d, s1, s2)                            SMULrrr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_mulr_ui(d, s1, s2)                           UMULrrr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_nop()                      NOP()
+#define jit_ori_i(d, rs, is)           jit_chk_imm((is), ORrir((rs), (is), 
(d)), ORrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_orr_i(d, s1, s2)                             ORrrr((s1), (s2), (d))
+#define jit_patch(delay_pc)            jit_patch_ ( ((delay_pc) - 1) )
+#define jit_popr_i(rs)                 (LDmr(JIT_SP, 0, (rs)), ADDrir(JIT_SP, 
8, JIT_SP))
+#define jitfp_prepare(numargs, nf, nd) (_jitl.nextarg_put = (numargs))
+#define jit_prolog(numargs)            (SAVErir(JIT_SP, -96, JIT_SP), 
_jitl.nextarg_get = _Ri(0))
+#define jit_pushr_i(rs)                        (STrm((rs), JIT_SP, -8), 
SUBrir(JIT_SP, 8, JIT_SP))
+#define jit_pusharg_i(rs)              (--_jitl.nextarg_put, MOVrr((rs), 
+#define jit_ret()                      (RET(), RESTORE())
+#define jit_retval(rd)                 MOVrr(_Ro(0), (rd))
+#define jit_rshi_i(d, rs, is)          SRArir((rs), (is), (d))
+#define jit_rshi_ui(d, rs, is)         SRLrir((rs), (is), (d))
+#define jit_rshr_i(d, r1, r2)          SRArrr((r1), (r2), (d))
+#define jit_rshr_ui(d, r1, r2)         SRLrrr((r1), (r2), (d))
+#define jit_stxi_c(id, rd, rs)         jit_chk_imm((id), STBrm((rs), (rd), 
(id)), STBrx((rs), (rd), JIT_BIG))
+#define jit_stxi_i(id, rd, rs)         jit_chk_imm((id), STWrm((rs), (rd), 
(id)), STWrx((rs), (rd), JIT_BIG))
+#define jit_stxi_s(id, rd, rs)         jit_chk_imm((id), STHrm((rs), (rd), 
(id)), STHrx((rs), (rd), JIT_BIG))
+#define jit_stxr_c(d1, d2, rs)                           STBrx((rs), (d1), 
+#define jit_stxr_i(d1, d2, rs)                           STWrx((rs), (d1), 
+#define jit_stxr_s(d1, d2, rs)                           STHrx((rs), (d1), 
+#define jit_subr_i(d, s1, s2)                            SUBrrr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_subcr_i(d, s1, s2)                           SUBCCrrr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_subxi_i(d, rs, is)         jit_chk_imm((is), SUBXCCrir((rs), (is), 
(d)), SUBXCCrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_subxr_i(d, s1, s2)                           SUBXCCrrr((s1), (s2), 
+#define jit_xori_i(d, rs, is)          jit_chk_imm((is), XORrir((rs), (is), 
(d)), XORrrr((rs), JIT_BIG, (d)))
+#define jit_xorr_i(d, s1, s2)                            XORrrr((s1), (s2), 
+#endif /* __lightning_core_h */
diff --git a/lightning/sparc/fp.h b/lightning/sparc/fp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..660af3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/sparc/fp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Run-time assembler & support macros for the PowerPC math unit
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_asm_fp_h
+#define __lightning_asm_fp_h
+#if 0
+/* dummy for now */
+#define _FP1(RD, RS1, OPF, RS2)        _2f((RD), 52, (RS1), (OPF), (RS2))
+#define _FP2(RD, RS1, OPF, RS2)        _2f((RD), 53, (RS1), (OPF), (RS2))
+#define FITODrr(FRS, FRD)              _FP1((FRD),  0, 200, (FRS))
+#define FDTOIrr(FRS, FRD)              _FP1((FRD),  0, 210, (FRS))
+#define FSTODrr(FRS, FRD)              _FP1((FRD),  0, 201, (FRS))
+#define FDTOSrr(FRS, FRD)              _FP1((FRD),  0, 198, (FRS))
+#define FMOVSrr(FRS, FRD)              _FP1((FRD),  0,   1, (FRS))
+#define FNEGSrr(FRS, FRD)              _FP1((FRD),  0,   5, (FRS))
+#define FABSSrr(FRS, FRD)              _FP1((FRD),  0,   9, (FRS))
+#define FSQRTDrr(FRS, FRD)             _FP1((FRD),  0,  74, (FRS))
+#define FADDDrrr(FRS1, FRS2, FRD)      _FP1((FRD),  (FRS1),  66, (FRS2))
+#define FSUBDrrr(FRS1, FRS2, FRD)      _FP1((FRD),  (FRS1),  70, (FRS2))
+#define FMULDrrr(FRS1, FRS2, FRD)      _FP1((FRD),  (FRS1),  82, (FRS2))
+#define FDIVDrrr(FRS1, FRS2, FRD)      _FP1((FRD),  (FRS1),  86, (FRS2))
+#define FCMPDrr(FRS1, FRS2)            _FP2(0,      (FRS1),  82, (FRS2))
+#define LDFxr(RS1, RS2, RD)    _3   ((RD), 32, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define LDFmr(RS1, IMM, RD)    _3i  ((RD), 32, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define LDDFxr(RS1, RS2, RD)   _3   ((RD), 35, (RS1), 0, 0, (RS2))
+#define LDDFmr(RS1, IMM, RD)   _3i  ((RD), 35, (RS1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define STFrx(RS, RD1, RD2)    _3   ((RS), 36, (RD1), 0, 0, (RD2))
+#define STFrm(RS, RD1, IMM)    _3i  ((RS), 36, (RD1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define STDFrx(RS, RD1, RD2)   _3   ((RS), 39, (RD1), 0, 0, (RD2))
+#define STDFrm(RS, RD1, IMM)   _3i  ((RS), 39, (RD1), 1,    (IMM))
+#define FBNi(DISP)             _0   (0,  0, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBN_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1,  0, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBNEi(DISP)            _0   (0,  1, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBNE_Ai(DISP)          _0   (1,  1, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBLGi(DISP)            _0   (0,  2, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBLG_Ai(DISP)          _0   (1,  2, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBULi(DISP)            _0   (0,  3, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBUL_Ai(DISP)          _0   (1,  3, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBLi(DISP)             _0   (0,  4, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBL_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1,  4, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBUGi(DISP)            _0   (0,  5, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBUG_Ai(DISP)          _0   (1,  5, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBGi(DISP)             _0   (0,  6, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBG_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1,  6, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBUi(DISP)             _0   (0,  7, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBU_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1,  7, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBAi(DISP)             _0   (0,  8, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBA_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1,  8, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBEi(DISP)             _0   (0,  9, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBE_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1,  9, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBUEi(DISP)            _0   (0, 10, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBUE_Ai(DISP)          _0   (1, 10, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBGEi(DISP)            _0   (0, 11, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBGE_Ai(DISP)          _0   (1, 11, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBUGEi(DISP)           _0   (0, 12, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBUGE_Ai(DISP)         _0   (1, 12, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBLEi(DISP)            _0   (0, 13, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBLE_Ai(DISP)          _0   (1, 13, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBULEi(DISP)           _0   (0, 14, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBULE_Ai(DISP)         _0   (1, 14, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBOi(DISP)             _0   (0, 15, 6, (DISP))
+#define FBO_Ai(DISP)           _0   (1, 15, 6, (DISP))
+#define FSKIPUG()              _0d  (1, 13, 6, 2)      /* fble,a .+8 */
+#define FSKIPUL()              _0d  (1, 11, 6, 2)      /* fbge,a .+8 */
+#define jit_add_two(reg0)      FADDDrrr(30 - (reg0) * 2, 28 - (reg0) * 2, 30 - 
(reg0) * 2)
+#define jit_sub_two(reg0)      FSUBDrrr(30 - (reg0) * 2, 28 - (reg0) * 2, 30 - 
(reg0) * 2)
+#define jit_mul_two(reg0)      FMULDrrr(30 - (reg0) * 2, 28 - (reg0) * 2, 30 - 
(reg0) * 2)
+#define jit_div_two(reg0)      FDIVDrrr(30 - (reg0) * 2, 28 - (reg0) * 2, 30 - 
(reg0) * 2)
+#define jit_abs(reg0)          FABSSrr(30 - (reg0) * 2, 30 - (reg0) * 2)
+#define jit_neg(reg0)          FNEGSrr(30 - (reg0) * 2, 30 - (reg0) * 2)
+#define jit_sqrt(reg0)         FSQRTDrr(30 - (reg0) * 2, 30 - (reg0) * 2)
+#define jit_fpimm(reg0, first, second)         \
+       (_1(4), NOP(), _jit_L(first), _jit_L(second),   \
+        jit_ldxi_d((reg0), _Ro(7), 8))
+#define jit_ldxi_f(reg0, rs, is)       (jit_chk_imm((is), LDFmr((rs), (is), 30 
- (reg0) * 2), LDFxr((rs), JIT_BIG, 30 - (reg0) * 2)), FSTODrr(30 - (reg0) * 2, 
30 - (reg0) * 2))
+#define jit_ldxi_d(reg0, rs, is)       jit_chk_imm((is), LDDFmr((rs), (is), 30 
- (reg0) * 2), LDDFxr((rs), JIT_BIG, 30 - (reg0) * 2))
+#define jit_ldxr_f(reg0, s1, s2)       (LDFxr((s1), (s2), 30 - (reg0) * 2), 
FSTODrr(30 - (reg0) * 2, 30 - (reg0) * 2))
+#define jit_ldxr_d(reg0, s1, s2)       LDDFxr((s1), (s2), 30 - (reg0) * 2)
+#define jit_stxi_f(id, rd, reg0)       (FDTOSrr(30 - (reg0) * 2, 30 - (reg0) * 
2), jit_chk_imm((id), STFrm(30 - (reg0) * 2, (rd), (id)), STFrx(30 - (reg0) * 
2, (rd),  JIT_BIG)))
+#define jit_stxi_d(id, rd, reg0)                                         
jit_chk_imm((id), STDFrm(30 - (reg0) * 2, (rd), (id)), STDFrx(30 - (reg0) * 2, 
(rd),  JIT_BIG))
+#define jit_stxr_f(d1, d2, reg0)       (FDTOSrr(30 - (reg0) * 2, 30 - (reg0) * 
2), STFrx (30 - (reg0) * 2, (d1), (d2)))
+#define jit_stxr_d(d1, d2, reg0)                                         
STDFrx(30 - (reg0) * 2, (d1), (d2))
+#define jit_do_round(mode, rd, freg)   (                       \
+       _1(3),                                                  \
+       SETHIir(_HI(mode << 29), JIT_BIG),                      \
+       NOP(),                                                  \
+       STFSRm(_Ro(7), 8),              /* store fsr */         \
+       LDmr(_Ro(7), 8, rd),                                    \
+       XORrrr(rd, JIT_BIG, JIT_BIG),   /* adjust mode */       \
+       STrm(JIT_BIG, _Ro(7), 8),                               \
+       LDFSRm(_Ro(7), 8),              /* load fsr */          \
+       FDTOIrr(freg, freg),            /* truncate */          \
+       STrm(rd, _Ro(7), 8),            /* load old fsr */      \
+       LDFSRm(_Ro(7), 8),                                      \
+       STFrm(freg, _Ro(7), 8),         /* store truncated value */ \
+       LDmr(_Ro(7), 8, rd))            /* load it into rd */
+/*                                      call   delay slot                      
 data   ,--- call lands here */
+#define jit_exti_d(reg0, rs)           (_1(3), NOP(),                          
 NOP(), STrm((rs), _Ro(7), 8), LDFmr(_Ro(7), 8, 30 - (reg0) * 2), FITODrr(30 - 
(reg0) * 2, 30 - (reg0) * 2))
+#define jit_round(rd, reg0)            (_1(3), FDTOIrr(30 - (reg0) * 2, 30 - 
(reg0) * 2), NOP(), STFrm(30 - (reg0) * 2, _Ro(7), 8), LDmr(_Ro(7), 8, (rd)))
+#define jit_floor(rd, reg0)            jit_do_round(3, (rd), (30 - (reg0) * 2))
+#define jit_ceil(rd, reg0)             jit_do_round(2, (rd), (30 - (reg0) * 2))
+#define jit_trunc(rd, reg0)            jit_do_round(1, (rd), (30 - (reg0) * 2))
+static double jit_zero = 0.0;
+#define jit_cmp(le, ge, reg0)          (SETHIir(_HI(_jit_UL(&jit_zero)), 
(le)),                        \
+                                        LDDFmr((le), _LO(_jit_UL(&jit_zero)), 
28 - (reg0) * 2),        \
+                                        FCMPDrr(30 - (reg0) * 2, 28 - (reg0) * 
2),                     \
+                                        MOVir(0, (le)), MOVir(0, (ge)),        
+                                        FSKIPUL(), MOVir(1, (ge)),             
+                                        FSKIPUG(), MOVir(1, (le)))
+#endif /* __lightning_asm_fp_h */
diff --git a/lightning/sparc/funcs.h b/lightning/sparc/funcs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fd9e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lightning/sparc/funcs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Platform-independent layer inline functions (Sparc)
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#ifndef __lightning_funcs_h
+#define __lightning_funcs_h
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__GNUG__)
+#error Go get GNU C, I do not know how to flush the cache
+#error with this compiler.
+/* Why doesn't this compile?!?
+ * static void
+ * jit_flush_code(start, end)
+ *      void   *start;
+ *      void   *end;
+ */
+static void
+jit_flush_code(void* start, void* end)
+  register char *dest;
+  __asm__ __volatile__ ("stbar");
+  for (dest = (char *)start; dest <= (char *)end; dest += 4) {
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("flush %0"::"r"(dest));
+  }
+  /* [SPARC Architecture Manual v8, page 139, implementation note #5] */
+  __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop");
+#endif /* __lightning_core_h */
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71d4ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# lightningize - Prepare a package to use lightning.
+# Generated automatically from by configure.
+# Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Originally by Gordon Matzigkeit <address@hidden>, 1996
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
+# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
+# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
+# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
+# The name of this program.
+progname=`echo "$0" | sed 's%^.*/%%'`
+# Constants.
+# Directory names.
+file_base_names="asm core funcs fp"
+# Global variables.
+help="Try \`$progname --help' for more information."
+rm="rm -f"
+cp="cp -f"
+for arg
+  case "$arg" in
+  --help)
+    cat <<EOF
+Usage: $progname [OPTION]...
+Prepare a package to use lightning.
+     --automake       work silently, and assume that Automake is in use
+ -c, --copy           copy files rather than symlinking them
+     --debug          enable verbose shell tracing
+ -n, --dry-run        print commands rather than running them
+ -f, --force          replace existing files
+     --help           display this message and exit
+     --version        print version information and exit
+You must \`cd' to the top directory of your package before you run
+    exit 0
+    ;;
+  --version)
+    exit 0
+    ;;
+  --automake)
+    automake=yes
+    ;;
+  -c | --copy)
+    ln_s=
+    ;;
+  --debug)
+    echo "$progname: enabling shell trace mode"
+    set -x
+    ;;
+  -n | --dry-run)
+    if test "$dry_run" != yes; then
+      dry_run=yes
+      rm="echo $rm"
+      test -n "$ln_s" && ln_s="echo $ln_s"
+      cp="echo $cp"
+      mkdir="echo $mkdir"
+    fi
+    ;;
+  -f | --force)
+    force=yes
+    ;;
+  -*)
+    echo "$progname: unrecognized option \`$arg'" 1>&2
+    echo "$help" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+    ;;
+  *)
+    echo "$progname: too many arguments" 1>&2
+    echo "$help" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+    ;;
+  esac
+if test -f; then
+elif test -f; then
+  echo "$progname: \`' does not exist" 1>&2
+  echo "$help" 1>&2
+  exit 1
+if test -z "$automake"; then
+  if egrep "^$macro_name" $configure_ac >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
+  else
+    echo "Remember to add \`$macro_name' to \`$configure_ac'."
+  fi
+  if grep 'generated automatically by aclocal' aclocal.m4 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    updatemsg="update your \`aclocal.m4' by running aclocal"
+  else
+    updatemsg="add the contents of \`$lightning_m4' to \`aclocal.m4'"
+  fi
+  if egrep '^AC_DEFUN\(\['$macro_name aclocal.m4 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    # Check the version number on lightning.m4 and the one used in aclocal.m4.
+    instserial=`grep '^# serial ' $lightning_m4 | grep $macro_name | sed -e 
's/^# serial \([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/; q'`
+    if test -z "$instserial"; then
+      echo "$progname: warning: no serial number on \`$lightning_m4'" 1>&2
+    else
+      # If the local macro has no serial number, we assume it's ancient.
+      localserial=`grep '^# serial ' aclocal.m4 | grep $macro_name | sed -e 
's/^# serial \([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/; q'`
+      test -z "$localserial" && localserial=0
+      if test "$localserial" -lt "$instserial"; then
+       echo "You should $updatemsg."
+      elif test "$localserial" -gt "$instserial"; then
+       echo "$progname: \`$lightning_m4' is serial $instserial, less than 
$localserial in \`aclocal.m4'" 1>&2
+       if test -z "$force"; then
+         echo "Use \`--force' to replace newer lightning files with this 
version." 1>&2
+         exit 1
+       fi
+       echo "To remain compatible, you should $updatemsg."
+      fi
+    fi
+  else
+    echo "You should $updatemsg."
+  fi
+# Create the list of directories and files to be updated
+files="lightning:$includedir/lightning.h lightning:$pkgdatadir/"
+for i in $file_base_names; do
+  files="$files lightning:$pkgincludedir/$i-common.h"
+for j in $BACKENDS; do
+  dirs="$dirs lightning/$j"
+  for i in $file_base_names; do
+    files="$files lightning/$j:$pkgincludedir/$j/$i.h"
+  done
+for dir in $dirs; do
+  if $mkdir $dir; then :
+  else
+    echo "$progname: cannot create \`$dir'" 1>&2
+    status=1
+  fi
+for file in $files; do
+  base=`echo $file | sed 's%^.*/%%' `
+  src=`echo $file | sed 's/^.*://' `
+  dest=`echo $file | sed 's/:.*//' `/$base
+  if test -f "$dest" && test -z "$force"; then
+    test -z "$automake" && echo "$progname: \`$dest' exists: use \`--force' to 
overwrite" 1>&2
+    continue
+  fi
+  $rm $dest
+  if test -n "$ln_s" && $ln_s $src $dest; then :
+  elif $cp $src $dest; then :
+  else
+    echo "$progname: cannot copy \`$src' to \`$dest'" 1>&2
+    status=1
+  fi
+exit $status
+# Local Variables:
+# mode:shell-script
+# sh-indentation:2
+# End:
diff --git a/opcode/ b/opcode/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..198480d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+EXTRA_LIBRARIES = libdisass.a
+libdisass_a_SOURCES = dis-buf.c i386-dis.c ppc-dis.c ppc-opc.c sparc-dis.c \
+       sparc-opc.c disass.c
+noinst_HEADERS = ansidecl.h bfd.h dis-asm.h i386.h ppc.h sparc.h sysdep.h
diff --git a/opcode/ansidecl.h b/opcode/ansidecl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4944cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/ansidecl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#ifndef __ANSIDECL_H_SEEN
+#define __ANSIDECL_H_SEEN
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#define PARAMS(x) x
+typedef void *PTR;
+#define CONST const
+#define PARAMS(x) ()
+typedef char *PTR;
diff --git a/opcode/bfd.h b/opcode/bfd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..431021e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/bfd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+/* Main header file for the bfd library -- portable access to object files.
+   Copyright 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   Contributed by Cygnus Support.
+This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
+(Simplified and modified for GNU lightning)
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+/* bfd.h -- The only header file required by users of the bfd library 
+The bfd.h file is generated from bfd-in.h and various .c files; if you
+change it, your changes will probably be lost.
+All the prototypes and definitions following the comment "THE FOLLOWING
+IS EXTRACTED FROM THE SOURCE" are extracted from the source files for
+BFD.  If you change it, someone oneday will extract it from the source
+again, and your changes will be lost.  To save yourself from this bind,
+change the definitions in the source in the bfd directory.  Type "make
+docs" and then "make headers" in that directory, and magically this file
+will change to reflect your changes.
+If you don't have the tools to perform the extraction, then you are
+safe from someone on your system trampling over your header files.
+You should still maintain the equivalence between the source and this
+file though; every change you make to the .c file should be reflected
+here.  */
+#ifndef __BFD_H_SEEN__
+#define __BFD_H_SEEN__
+#include "ansidecl.h"
+#ifndef INLINE
+#if __GNUC__ >= 2
+#define INLINE __inline__
+#define INLINE
+/* To squelch erroneous compiler warnings ("illegal pointer
+   combination") from the SVR3 compiler, we would like to typedef
+   boolean to int (it doesn't like functions which return boolean.
+   Making sure they are never implicitly declared to return int
+   doesn't seem to help).  But this file is not configured based on
+   the host.  */
+/* General rules: functions which are boolean return true on success
+   and false on failure (unless they're a predicate).   -- bfd.doc */
+/* I'm sure this is going to break something and someone is going to
+   force me to change it. */
+/* typedef enum boolean {false, true} boolean; */
+/* Yup, SVR4 has a "typedef enum boolean" in <sys/types.h>  -fnf */
+/* It gets worse if the host also defines a true/false enum... -sts */
+/* And even worse if your compiler has built-in boolean types... -law */
+#if defined (__GNUG__) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ > 5)
+#ifdef MPW
+/* Pre-emptive strike - get the file with the enum. */
+#include <Types.h>
+#endif /* MPW */
+typedef enum bfd_boolean {false, true} boolean;
+/* Use enum names that will appear nowhere else.  */
+typedef enum bfd_boolean {bfd_fffalse, bfd_tttrue} boolean;
+/* A pointer to a position in a file.  */
+/* FIXME:  This should be using off_t from <sys/types.h>.
+   For now, try to avoid breaking stuff by not including <sys/types.h> here.
+   This will break on systems with 64-bit file offsets (e.g. 4.4BSD).
+   Probably the best long-term answer is to avoid using file_ptr AND off_t 
+   in this header file, and to handle this in the BFD implementation
+   rather than in its interface.  */
+/* typedef off_t       file_ptr; */
+typedef long int file_ptr;
+/* Represent a target address.  Also used as a generic unsigned type
+   which is guaranteed to be big enough to hold any arithmetic types
+   we need to deal with.  */
+typedef unsigned long bfd_vma;
+/* A generic signed type which is guaranteed to be big enough to hold any
+   arithmetic types we need to deal with.  Can be assumed to be compatible
+   with bfd_vma in the same way that signed and unsigned ints are compatible
+   (as parameters, in assignment, etc).  */
+typedef long bfd_signed_vma;
+typedef unsigned long symvalue;
+typedef unsigned long bfd_size_type;
+/* Print a bfd_vma x on stream s.  */
+#define fprintf_vma(s,x) fprintf(s, "%08lx", x)
+#define sprintf_vma(s,x) sprintf(s, "%08lx", x)
+#define printf_vma(x) fprintf_vma(stdout,x)
+typedef unsigned int flagword; /* 32 bits of flags */
+typedef unsigned char bfd_byte;
+enum bfd_architecture 
+  bfd_arch_unknown,    /* File arch not known */
+  bfd_arch_obscure,    /* Arch known, not one of these */
+  bfd_arch_m68k,       /* Motorola 68xxx */
+  bfd_arch_vax,        /* DEC Vax */   
+  bfd_arch_i960,       /* Intel 960 */
+     /* The order of the following is important.
+       lower number indicates a machine type that 
+       only accepts a subset of the instructions
+       available to machines with higher numbers.
+       The exception is the "ca", which is
+       incompatible with all other machines except 
+       "core". */
+#define bfd_mach_i960_core      1
+#define bfd_mach_i960_ka_sa     2
+#define bfd_mach_i960_kb_sb     3
+#define bfd_mach_i960_mc        4
+#define bfd_mach_i960_xa        5
+#define bfd_mach_i960_ca        6
+#define bfd_mach_i960_jx        7
+#define bfd_mach_i960_hx        8
+  bfd_arch_a29k,       /* AMD 29000 */
+  bfd_arch_sparc,      /* SPARC */
+#define bfd_mach_sparc                 1
+ /* The difference between v8plus and v9 is that v9 is a true 64 bit env.  */
+#define bfd_mach_sparc_v8plus          2
+#define bfd_mach_sparc_v8plusa         3  /* with ultrasparc add'ns */
+#define bfd_mach_sparc_v9              4
+#define bfd_mach_sparc_v9a             5  /* with ultrasparc add'ns */
+ /* Nonzero if MACH has the v9 instruction set.  */
+#define bfd_mach_sparc_v9_p(mach) ((mach) != bfd_mach_sparc)
+  bfd_arch_mips,       /* MIPS Rxxxx */
+  bfd_arch_i386,       /* Intel 386 */
+  bfd_arch_we32k,      /* AT&T WE32xxx */
+  bfd_arch_tahoe,      /* CCI/Harris Tahoe */
+  bfd_arch_i860,       /* Intel 860 */
+  bfd_arch_romp,       /* IBM ROMP PC/RT */
+  bfd_arch_alliant,    /* Alliant */
+  bfd_arch_convex,     /* Convex */
+  bfd_arch_m88k,       /* Motorola 88xxx */
+  bfd_arch_pyramid,    /* Pyramid Technology */
+  bfd_arch_h8300,      /* Hitachi H8/300 */
+#define bfd_mach_h8300   1
+#define bfd_mach_h8300h  2
+  bfd_arch_powerpc,    /* PowerPC */
+  bfd_arch_rs6000,     /* IBM RS/6000 */
+  bfd_arch_hppa,       /* HP PA RISC */
+  bfd_arch_z8k,        /* Zilog Z8000 */
+#define bfd_mach_z8001         1
+#define bfd_mach_z8002         2
+  bfd_arch_h8500,      /* Hitachi H8/500 */
+  bfd_arch_sh,         /* Hitachi SH */
+  bfd_arch_alpha,      /* Dec Alpha */
+  bfd_arch_arm,        /* Advanced Risc Machines ARM */
+  bfd_arch_ns32k,      /* National Semiconductors ns32000 */
+  bfd_arch_w65,        /* WDC 65816 */
+  bfd_arch_last
+  };
+enum bfd_endian { BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN };
+typedef struct bfd bfd;
+#define bfd_getb32(x) *((int *)(x))
+#define bfd_getl32(x) *((int *)(x))
diff --git a/opcode/dis-asm.h b/opcode/dis-asm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d70bd51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/dis-asm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+/* Interface between the opcode library and its callers.
+   Written by Cygnus Support, 1993.
+   The opcode library (libopcodes.a) provides instruction decoders for
+   a large variety of instruction sets, callable with an identical
+   interface, for making instruction-processing programs more independent
+   of the instruction set being processed.  */
+#ifndef DIS_ASM_H
+#define DIS_ASM_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "bfd.h"
+typedef int (*fprintf_ftype) PARAMS((FILE*, const char*, ...));
+enum dis_insn_type {
+  dis_noninsn,                 /* Not a valid instruction */
+  dis_nonbranch,               /* Not a branch instruction */
+  dis_branch,                  /* Unconditional branch */
+  dis_condbranch,              /* Conditional branch */
+  dis_jsr,                     /* Jump to subroutine */
+  dis_condjsr,                 /* Conditional jump to subroutine */
+  dis_dref,                    /* Data reference instruction */
+  dis_dref2                    /* Two data references in instruction */
+/* This struct is passed into the instruction decoding routine, 
+   and is passed back out into each callback.  The various fields are used
+   for conveying information from your main routine into your callbacks,
+   for passing information into the instruction decoders (such as the
+   addresses of the callback functions), or for passing information
+   back from the instruction decoders to their callers.
+   It must be initialized before it is first passed; this can be done
+   by hand, or using one of the initialization macros below.  */
+typedef struct disassemble_info {
+  fprintf_ftype fprintf_func;
+  FILE *stream;
+  PTR application_data;
+  /* Target description.  We could replace this with a pointer to the bfd,
+     but that would require one.  There currently isn't any such requirement
+     so to avoid introducing one we record these explicitly.  */
+  /* The bfd_arch value.  */
+  enum bfd_architecture arch;
+  /* The bfd_mach value.  */
+  unsigned long mach;
+  /* Endianness (for bi-endian cpus).  Mono-endian cpus can ignore this.  */
+  enum bfd_endian endian;
+  /* For use by the disassembler.
+     The top 16 bits are reserved for public use (and are documented here).
+     The bottom 16 bits are for the internal use of the disassembler.  */
+  unsigned long flags;
+  PTR private_data;
+  /* Function used to get bytes to disassemble.  MEMADDR is the
+     address of the stuff to be disassembled, MYADDR is the address to
+     put the bytes in, and LENGTH is the number of bytes to read.
+     INFO is a pointer to this struct.
+     Returns an errno value or 0 for success.  */
+  int (*read_memory_func)
+    PARAMS ((bfd_vma memaddr, bfd_byte *myaddr, int length,
+            struct disassemble_info *info));
+  /* Function which should be called if we get an error that we can't
+     recover from.  STATUS is the errno value from read_memory_func and
+     MEMADDR is the address that we were trying to read.  INFO is a
+     pointer to this struct.  */
+  void (*memory_error_func)
+    PARAMS ((int status, bfd_vma memaddr, struct disassemble_info *info));
+  /* Function called to print ADDR.  */
+  void (*print_address_func)
+    PARAMS ((bfd_vma addr, struct disassemble_info *info));
+  /* These are for buffer_read_memory.  */
+  bfd_byte *buffer;
+  bfd_vma buffer_vma;
+  int buffer_length;
+  /* Results from instruction decoders.  Not all decoders yet support
+     this information.  This info is set each time an instruction is
+     decoded, and is only valid for the last such instruction.
+     To determine whether this decoder supports this information, set
+     insn_info_valid to 0, decode an instruction, then check it.  */
+  char insn_info_valid;                /* Branch info has been set. */
+  char branch_delay_insns;     /* How many sequential insn's will run before
+                                  a branch takes effect.  (0 = normal) */
+  char data_size;              /* Size of data reference in insn, in bytes */
+  enum dis_insn_type insn_type;        /* Type of instruction */
+  bfd_vma target;              /* Target address of branch or dref, if known;
+                                  zero if unknown.  */
+  bfd_vma target2;             /* Second target address for dref2 */
+} disassemble_info;
+/* Standard disassemblers.  Disassemble one instruction at the given
+   target address.  Return number of bytes processed.  */
+typedef int (*disassembler_ftype)
+     PARAMS((bfd_vma, disassemble_info *));
+extern int print_insn_big_mips         PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_little_mips      PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_i386             PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_m68k             PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_z8001            PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_z8002            PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_h8300            PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_h8300h           PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_h8500            PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_alpha            PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_big_arm          PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_little_arm       PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_sparc            PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_sparc64          PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_big_a29k         PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_little_a29k      PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_i960             PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_sh               PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_shl              PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_hppa             PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_m88k             PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_ns32k            PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_big_powerpc      PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_little_powerpc   PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_rs6000           PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+extern int print_insn_w65              PARAMS ((bfd_vma, disassemble_info*));
+/* Fetch the disassembler for a given BFD, if that support is available.  */
+extern disassembler_ftype disassembler PARAMS ((bfd *));
+/* This block of definitions is for particular callers who read instructions
+   into a buffer before calling the instruction decoder.  */
+/* Here is a function which callers may wish to use for read_memory_func.
+   It gets bytes from a buffer.  */
+extern int buffer_read_memory
+  PARAMS ((bfd_vma, bfd_byte *, int, struct disassemble_info *));
+/* This function goes with buffer_read_memory.
+   It prints a message using info->fprintf_func and info->stream.  */
+extern void perror_memory PARAMS ((int, bfd_vma, struct disassemble_info *));
+/* Just print the address in hex.  This is included for completeness even
+   though both GDB and objdump provide their own (to print symbolic
+   addresses).  */
+extern void generic_print_address
+  PARAMS ((bfd_vma, struct disassemble_info *));
+/* Macro to initialize a disassemble_info struct.  This should be called
+   by all applications creating such a struct.  */
+  (INFO).fprintf_func = (FPRINTF_FUNC), \
+  (INFO).stream = (STREAM), \
+  (INFO).buffer = NULL, \
+  (INFO).buffer_vma = 0, \
+  (INFO).buffer_length = 0, \
+  (INFO).read_memory_func = buffer_read_memory, \
+  (INFO).memory_error_func = perror_memory, \
+  (INFO).print_address_func = generic_print_address, \
+  (INFO).arch = bfd_arch_unknown, \
+  (INFO).mach = 0, \
+  (INFO).endian = BFD_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN, \
+  (INFO).flags = 0, \
+  (INFO).insn_info_valid = 0
+#endif /* ! defined (DIS_ASM_H) */
diff --git a/opcode/dis-buf.c b/opcode/dis-buf.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47a2e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/dis-buf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/* Disassemble from a buffer, for GNU.
+   Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+#include "sysdep.h"
+#include "dis-asm.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+/* Get LENGTH bytes from info's buffer, at target address memaddr.
+   Transfer them to myaddr.  */
+buffer_read_memory (memaddr, myaddr, length, info)
+     bfd_vma memaddr;
+     bfd_byte *myaddr;
+     int length;
+     struct disassemble_info *info;
+  if (memaddr < info->buffer_vma
+      || memaddr + length > info->buffer_vma + info->buffer_length)
+    /* Out of bounds.  Use EIO because GDB uses it.  */
+    return EIO;
+  memcpy (myaddr, info->buffer + (memaddr - info->buffer_vma), length);
+  return 0;
+/* Print an error message.  We can assume that this is in response to
+   an error return from buffer_read_memory.  */
+perror_memory (status, memaddr, info)
+     int status;
+     bfd_vma memaddr;
+     struct disassemble_info *info;
+  if (status != EIO)
+    /* Can't happen.  */
+    (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "Unknown error %d\n", status);
+  else
+    /* Actually, address between memaddr and memaddr + len was
+       out of bounds.  */
+    (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream,
+                          "Address 0x%x is out of bounds.\n", memaddr);
+/* This could be in a separate file, to save miniscule amounts of space
+   in statically linked executables.  */
+/* Just print the address is hex.  This is included for completeness even
+   though both GDB and objdump provide their own (to print symbolic
+   addresses).  */
+generic_print_address (addr, info)
+     bfd_vma addr;
+     struct disassemble_info *info;
+  (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "0x%x", addr);
diff --git a/opcode/disass.c b/opcode/disass.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71b1d1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/disass.c
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     lightning disassembling support
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+#include "dis-asm.h"
+void disassemble(stream, from, to)
+     FILE *stream;
+     char *from, *to;
+  disassemble_info info;
+  bfd_vma pc = (bfd_vma) from;
+  bfd_vma end = (bfd_vma) to;
+  INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO(info, stream, fprintf);
+  info.buffer = NULL;
+  info.buffer_vma = 0;
+  info.buffer_length = end;
+  while (pc < end) {
+    fprintf_vma(stream, pc);
+    putc('\t', stream);
+#ifdef LIGHTNING_I386
+    pc += print_insn_i386(pc, &info);
+    pc += print_insn_big_powerpc(pc, &info);
+    pc += print_insn_sparc(pc, &info);
+    putc('\n', stream);
+  }
+/* Panic on failing malloc */
+  size_t size;
+  PTR ret = malloc(size ? size : 1);
+  if (!ret) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate memory\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  return ret;
diff --git a/opcode/i386-dis.c b/opcode/i386-dis.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b781edc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/i386-dis.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2031 @@
+/* Print i386 instructions for GDB, the GNU debugger.
+   Copyright (C) 1988, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GDB.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+ * 80386 instruction printer by Pace Willisson (address@hidden)
+ * July 1988
+ *  modified by John Hassey (address@hidden)
+ */
+ * The main tables describing the instructions is essentially a copy
+ * of the "Opcode Map" chapter (Appendix A) of the Intel 80386
+ * Programmers Manual.  Usually, there is a capital letter, followed
+ * by a small letter.  The capital letter tell the addressing mode,
+ * and the small letter tells about the operand size.  Refer to 
+ * the Intel manual for details.
+ */
+#include "dis-asm.h"
+#include "sysdep.h"
+#define MAXLEN 20
+#include <setjmp.h>
+struct dis_private
+  /* Points to first byte not fetched.  */
+  bfd_byte *max_fetched;
+  bfd_byte the_buffer[MAXLEN];
+  bfd_vma insn_start;
+  jmp_buf bailout;
+/* Make sure that bytes from INFO->PRIVATE_DATA->BUFFER (inclusive)
+   to ADDR (exclusive) are valid.  Returns 1 for success, longjmps
+   on error.  */
+#define FETCH_DATA(info, addr) \
+  ((addr) <= ((struct dis_private *)(info->private_data))->max_fetched \
+   ? 1 : fetch_data ((info), (addr)))
+static int
+fetch_data (info, addr)
+     struct disassemble_info *info;
+     bfd_byte *addr;
+  int status;
+  struct dis_private *priv = (struct dis_private *)info->private_data;
+  bfd_vma start = priv->insn_start + (priv->max_fetched - priv->the_buffer);
+  status = (*info->read_memory_func) (start,
+                                     priv->max_fetched,
+                                     addr - priv->max_fetched,
+                                     info);
+  if (status != 0)
+    {
+      (*info->memory_error_func) (status, start, info);
+      longjmp (priv->bailout, 1);
+    }
+  else
+    priv->max_fetched = addr;
+  return 1;
+#define Eb OP_E, b_mode
+#define indirEb OP_indirE, b_mode
+#define Gb OP_G, b_mode
+#define Ev OP_E, v_mode
+#define indirEv OP_indirE, v_mode
+#define Ew OP_E, w_mode
+#define Ma OP_E, v_mode
+#define M OP_E, 0
+#define Mp OP_E, 0             /* ? */
+#define Gv OP_G, v_mode
+#define Gw OP_G, w_mode
+#define Rw OP_rm, w_mode
+#define Rd OP_rm, d_mode
+#define Ib OP_I, b_mode
+#define sIb OP_sI, b_mode      /* sign extened byte */
+#define Iv OP_I, v_mode
+#define Iw OP_I, w_mode
+#define Jb OP_J, b_mode
+#define Jv OP_J, v_mode
+#define ONE OP_ONE, 0
+#define Cd OP_C, d_mode
+#define Dd OP_D, d_mode
+#define Td OP_T, d_mode
+#define eAX OP_REG, eAX_reg
+#define eBX OP_REG, eBX_reg
+#define eCX OP_REG, eCX_reg
+#define eDX OP_REG, eDX_reg
+#define eSP OP_REG, eSP_reg
+#define eBP OP_REG, eBP_reg
+#define eSI OP_REG, eSI_reg
+#define eDI OP_REG, eDI_reg
+#define AL OP_REG, al_reg
+#define CL OP_REG, cl_reg
+#define DL OP_REG, dl_reg
+#define BL OP_REG, bl_reg
+#define AH OP_REG, ah_reg
+#define CH OP_REG, ch_reg
+#define DH OP_REG, dh_reg
+#define BH OP_REG, bh_reg
+#define AX OP_REG, ax_reg
+#define DX OP_REG, dx_reg
+#define indirDX OP_REG, indir_dx_reg
+#define Sw OP_SEG, w_mode
+#define Ap OP_DIR, lptr
+#define Av OP_DIR, v_mode
+#define Ob OP_OFF, b_mode
+#define Ov OP_OFF, v_mode
+#define Xb OP_DSSI, b_mode
+#define Xv OP_DSSI, v_mode
+#define Yb OP_ESDI, b_mode
+#define Yv OP_ESDI, v_mode
+#define es OP_REG, es_reg
+#define ss OP_REG, ss_reg
+#define cs OP_REG, cs_reg
+#define ds OP_REG, ds_reg
+#define fs OP_REG, fs_reg
+#define gs OP_REG, gs_reg
+int OP_E(), OP_indirE(), OP_G(), OP_I(), OP_sI(), OP_REG();
+int OP_J(), OP_SEG();
+int OP_DIR(), OP_OFF(), OP_DSSI(), OP_ESDI(), OP_ONE(), OP_C();
+int OP_D(), OP_T(), OP_rm();
+static void dofloat (), putop (), append_prefix (), set_op ();
+static int get16 (), get32 ();
+#define b_mode 1
+#define v_mode 2
+#define w_mode 3
+#define d_mode 4
+#define es_reg 100
+#define cs_reg 101
+#define ss_reg 102
+#define ds_reg 103
+#define fs_reg 104
+#define gs_reg 105
+#define eAX_reg 107
+#define eCX_reg 108
+#define eDX_reg 109
+#define eBX_reg 110
+#define eSP_reg 111
+#define eBP_reg 112
+#define eSI_reg 113
+#define eDI_reg 114
+#define lptr 115
+#define al_reg 116
+#define cl_reg 117
+#define dl_reg 118
+#define bl_reg 119
+#define ah_reg 120
+#define ch_reg 121
+#define dh_reg 122
+#define bh_reg 123
+#define ax_reg 124
+#define cx_reg 125
+#define dx_reg 126
+#define bx_reg 127
+#define sp_reg 128
+#define bp_reg 129
+#define si_reg 130
+#define di_reg 131
+#define indir_dx_reg 150
+#define GRP1b NULL, NULL, 0
+#define GRP1S NULL, NULL, 1
+#define GRP1Ss NULL, NULL, 2
+#define GRP2b NULL, NULL, 3
+#define GRP2S NULL, NULL, 4
+#define GRP2b_one NULL, NULL, 5
+#define GRP2S_one NULL, NULL, 6
+#define GRP2b_cl NULL, NULL, 7
+#define GRP2S_cl NULL, NULL, 8
+#define GRP3b NULL, NULL, 9
+#define GRP3S NULL, NULL, 10
+#define GRP4  NULL, NULL, 11
+#define GRP5  NULL, NULL, 12
+#define GRP6  NULL, NULL, 13
+#define GRP7 NULL, NULL, 14
+#define GRP8 NULL, NULL, 15
+#define GRP9 NULL, NULL, 16
+#define FLOATCODE 50
+struct dis386 {
+  char *name;
+  int (*op1)();
+  int bytemode1;
+  int (*op2)();
+  int bytemode2;
+  int (*op3)();
+  int bytemode3;
+struct dis386 dis386[] = {
+  /* 00 */
+  { "addb",    Eb, Gb },
+  { "addS",    Ev, Gv },
+  { "addb",    Gb, Eb },
+  { "addS",    Gv, Ev },
+  { "addb",    AL, Ib },
+  { "addS",    eAX, Iv },
+  { "pushl",   es },
+  { "popl",    es },
+  /* 08 */
+  { "orb",     Eb, Gb },
+  { "orS",     Ev, Gv },
+  { "orb",     Gb, Eb },
+  { "orS",     Gv, Ev },
+  { "orb",     AL, Ib },
+  { "orS",     eAX, Iv },
+  { "pushl",   cs },
+  { "(bad)" }, /* 0x0f extended opcode escape */
+  /* 10 */
+  { "adcb",    Eb, Gb },
+  { "adcS",    Ev, Gv },
+  { "adcb",    Gb, Eb },
+  { "adcS",    Gv, Ev },
+  { "adcb",    AL, Ib },
+  { "adcS",    eAX, Iv },
+  { "pushl",   ss },
+  { "popl",    ss },
+  /* 18 */
+  { "sbbb",    Eb, Gb },
+  { "sbbS",    Ev, Gv },
+  { "sbbb",    Gb, Eb },
+  { "sbbS",    Gv, Ev },
+  { "sbbb",    AL, Ib },
+  { "sbbS",    eAX, Iv },
+  { "pushl",   ds },
+  { "popl",    ds },
+  /* 20 */
+  { "andb",    Eb, Gb },
+  { "andS",    Ev, Gv },
+  { "andb",    Gb, Eb },
+  { "andS",    Gv, Ev },
+  { "andb",    AL, Ib },
+  { "andS",    eAX, Iv },
+  { "(bad)" },                 /* SEG ES prefix */
+  { "daa" },
+  /* 28 */
+  { "subb",    Eb, Gb },
+  { "subS",    Ev, Gv },
+  { "subb",    Gb, Eb },
+  { "subS",    Gv, Ev },
+  { "subb",    AL, Ib },
+  { "subS",    eAX, Iv },
+  { "(bad)" },                 /* SEG CS prefix */
+  { "das" },
+  /* 30 */
+  { "xorb",    Eb, Gb },
+  { "xorS",    Ev, Gv },
+  { "xorb",    Gb, Eb },
+  { "xorS",    Gv, Ev },
+  { "xorb",    AL, Ib },
+  { "xorS",    eAX, Iv },
+  { "(bad)" },                 /* SEG SS prefix */
+  { "aaa" },
+  /* 38 */
+  { "cmpb",    Eb, Gb },
+  { "cmpS",    Ev, Gv },
+  { "cmpb",    Gb, Eb },
+  { "cmpS",    Gv, Ev },
+  { "cmpb",    AL, Ib },
+  { "cmpS",    eAX, Iv },
+  { "(bad)" },                 /* SEG DS prefix */
+  { "aas" },
+  /* 40 */
+  { "incS",    eAX },
+  { "incS",    eCX },
+  { "incS",    eDX },
+  { "incS",    eBX },
+  { "incS",    eSP },
+  { "incS",    eBP },
+  { "incS",    eSI },
+  { "incS",    eDI },
+  /* 48 */
+  { "decS",    eAX },
+  { "decS",    eCX },
+  { "decS",    eDX },
+  { "decS",    eBX },
+  { "decS",    eSP },
+  { "decS",    eBP },
+  { "decS",    eSI },
+  { "decS",    eDI },
+  /* 50 */
+  { "pushS",   eAX },
+  { "pushS",   eCX },
+  { "pushS",   eDX },
+  { "pushS",   eBX },
+  { "pushS",   eSP },
+  { "pushS",   eBP },
+  { "pushS",   eSI },
+  { "pushS",   eDI },
+  /* 58 */
+  { "popS",    eAX },
+  { "popS",    eCX },
+  { "popS",    eDX },
+  { "popS",    eBX },
+  { "popS",    eSP },
+  { "popS",    eBP },
+  { "popS",    eSI },
+  { "popS",    eDI },
+  /* 60 */
+  { "pusha" },
+  { "popa" },
+  { "boundS",  Gv, Ma },
+  { "arpl",    Ew, Gw },
+  { "(bad)" },                 /* seg fs */
+  { "(bad)" },                 /* seg gs */
+  { "(bad)" },                 /* op size prefix */
+  { "(bad)" },                 /* adr size prefix */
+  /* 68 */
+  { "pushS",   Iv },           /* 386 book wrong */
+  { "imulS",   Gv, Ev, Iv },
+  { "pushl",   sIb },          /* push of byte really pushes 4 bytes */
+  { "imulS",   Gv, Ev, Ib },
+  { "insb",    Yb, indirDX },
+  { "insS",    Yv, indirDX },
+  { "outsb",   indirDX, Xb },
+  { "outsS",   indirDX, Xv },
+  /* 70 */
+  { "jo",      Jb },
+  { "jno",     Jb },
+  { "jb",      Jb },
+  { "jae",     Jb },
+  { "je",      Jb },
+  { "jne",     Jb },
+  { "jbe",     Jb },
+  { "ja",      Jb },
+  /* 78 */
+  { "js",      Jb },
+  { "jns",     Jb },
+  { "jp",      Jb },
+  { "jnp",     Jb },
+  { "jl",      Jb },
+  { "jnl",     Jb },
+  { "jle",     Jb },
+  { "jg",      Jb },
+  /* 80 */
+  { GRP1b },
+  { GRP1S },
+  { "(bad)" },
+  { GRP1Ss },
+  { "testb",   Eb, Gb },
+  { "testS",   Ev, Gv },
+  { "xchgb",   Eb, Gb },
+  { "xchgS",   Ev, Gv },
+  /* 88 */
+  { "movb",    Eb, Gb },
+  { "movS",    Ev, Gv },
+  { "movb",    Gb, Eb },
+  { "movS",    Gv, Ev },
+  { "movw",    Ew, Sw },
+  { "leaS",    Gv, M },
+  { "movw",    Sw, Ew },
+  { "popS",    Ev },
+  /* 90 */
+  { "nop" },
+  { "xchgS",   eCX, eAX },
+  { "xchgS",   eDX, eAX },
+  { "xchgS",   eBX, eAX },
+  { "xchgS",   eSP, eAX },
+  { "xchgS",   eBP, eAX },
+  { "xchgS",   eSI, eAX },
+  { "xchgS",   eDI, eAX },
+  /* 98 */
+  { "cwtl" },
+  { "cltd" },
+  { "lcall",   Ap },
+  { "(bad)" },         /* fwait */
+  { "pushf" },
+  { "popf" },
+  { "sahf" },
+  { "lahf" },
+  /* a0 */
+  { "movb",    AL, Ob },
+  { "movS",    eAX, Ov },
+  { "movb",    Ob, AL },
+  { "movS",    Ov, eAX },
+  { "movsb",   Yb, Xb },
+  { "movsS",   Yv, Xv },
+  { "cmpsb",   Yb, Xb },
+  { "cmpsS",   Yv, Xv },
+  /* a8 */
+  { "testb",   AL, Ib },
+  { "testS",   eAX, Iv },
+  { "stosb",   Yb, AL },
+  { "stosS",   Yv, eAX },
+  { "lodsb",   AL, Xb },
+  { "lodsS",   eAX, Xv },
+  { "scasb",   AL, Yb },
+  { "scasS",   eAX, Yv },
+  /* b0 */
+  { "movb",    AL, Ib },
+  { "movb",    CL, Ib },
+  { "movb",    DL, Ib },
+  { "movb",    BL, Ib },
+  { "movb",    AH, Ib },
+  { "movb",    CH, Ib },
+  { "movb",    DH, Ib },
+  { "movb",    BH, Ib },
+  /* b8 */
+  { "movS",    eAX, Iv },
+  { "movS",    eCX, Iv },
+  { "movS",    eDX, Iv },
+  { "movS",    eBX, Iv },
+  { "movS",    eSP, Iv },
+  { "movS",    eBP, Iv },
+  { "movS",    eSI, Iv },
+  { "movS",    eDI, Iv },
+  /* c0 */
+  { GRP2b },
+  { GRP2S },
+  { "ret",     Iw },
+  { "ret" },
+  { "lesS",    Gv, Mp },
+  { "ldsS",    Gv, Mp },
+  { "movb",    Eb, Ib },
+  { "movS",    Ev, Iv },
+  /* c8 */
+  { "enter",   Iw, Ib },
+  { "leave" },
+  { "lret",    Iw },
+  { "lret" },
+  { "int3" },
+  { "int",     Ib },
+  { "into" },
+  { "iret" },
+  /* d0 */
+  { GRP2b_one },
+  { GRP2S_one },
+  { GRP2b_cl },
+  { GRP2S_cl },
+  { "aam",     Ib },
+  { "aad",     Ib },
+  { "(bad)" },
+  { "xlat" },
+  /* d8 */
+  { FLOAT },
+  { FLOAT },
+  { FLOAT },
+  { FLOAT },
+  { FLOAT },
+  { FLOAT },
+  { FLOAT },
+  { FLOAT },
+  /* e0 */
+  { "loopne",  Jb },
+  { "loope",   Jb },
+  { "loop",    Jb },
+  { "jCcxz",   Jb },
+  { "inb",     AL, Ib },
+  { "inS",     eAX, Ib },
+  { "outb",    Ib, AL },
+  { "outS",    Ib, eAX },
+  /* e8 */
+  { "call",    Av },
+  { "jmp",     Jv },
+  { "ljmp",    Ap },
+  { "jmp",     Jb },
+  { "inb",     AL, indirDX },
+  { "inS",     eAX, indirDX },
+  { "outb",    indirDX, AL },
+  { "outS",    indirDX, eAX },
+  /* f0 */
+  { "(bad)" },                 /* lock prefix */
+  { "(bad)" },
+  { "(bad)" },                 /* repne */
+  { "(bad)" },                 /* repz */
+  { "hlt" },
+  { "cmc" },
+  { GRP3b },
+  { GRP3S },
+  /* f8 */
+  { "clc" },
+  { "stc" },
+  { "cli" },
+  { "sti" },
+  { "cld" },
+  { "std" },
+  { GRP4 },
+  { GRP5 },
+struct dis386 dis386_twobyte[] = {
+  /* 00 */
+  { GRP6 },
+  { GRP7 },
+  { "larS", Gv, Ew },
+  { "lslS", Gv, Ew },  
+  { "(bad)" },
+  { "(bad)" },
+  { "clts" },
+  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 08 */
+  { "invd" },
+  { "wbinvd" },
+  { "(bad)" },  { "ud2a" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 10 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 18 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 20 */
+  /* these are all backward in appendix A of the intel book */
+  { "movl", Rd, Cd },
+  { "movl", Rd, Dd },
+  { "movl", Cd, Rd },
+  { "movl", Dd, Rd },  
+  { "movl", Rd, Td },
+  { "(bad)" },
+  { "movl", Td, Rd },
+  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 28 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 30 */
+  { "wrmsr" },  { "rdtsc" },  { "rdmsr" },  { "rdpmc" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 38 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 40 */
+  { "cmovo", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovno", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovb", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovae", 
Gv,Ev },
+  { "cmove", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovne", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovbe", Gv,Ev }, { "cmova", 
Gv,Ev },
+  /* 48 */
+  { "cmovs", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovns", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovp", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovnp", 
Gv,Ev },
+  { "cmovl", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovge", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovle", Gv,Ev }, { "cmovg", 
Gv,Ev },  
+  /* 50 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 58 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 60 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 68 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 70 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 78 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* 80 */
+  { "jo", Jv },
+  { "jno", Jv },
+  { "jb", Jv },
+  { "jae", Jv },  
+  { "je", Jv },
+  { "jne", Jv },
+  { "jbe", Jv },
+  { "ja", Jv },  
+  /* 88 */
+  { "js", Jv },
+  { "jns", Jv },
+  { "jp", Jv },
+  { "jnp", Jv },  
+  { "jl", Jv },
+  { "jge", Jv },
+  { "jle", Jv },
+  { "jg", Jv },  
+  /* 90 */
+  { "seto", Eb },
+  { "setno", Eb },
+  { "setb", Eb },
+  { "setae", Eb },
+  { "sete", Eb },
+  { "setne", Eb },
+  { "setbe", Eb },
+  { "seta", Eb },
+  /* 98 */
+  { "sets", Eb },
+  { "setns", Eb },
+  { "setp", Eb },
+  { "setnp", Eb },
+  { "setl", Eb },
+  { "setge", Eb },
+  { "setle", Eb },
+  { "setg", Eb },  
+  /* a0 */
+  { "pushl", fs },
+  { "popl", fs },
+  { "cpuid" },
+  { "btS", Ev, Gv },  
+  { "shldS", Ev, Gv, Ib },
+  { "shldS", Ev, Gv, CL },
+  { "(bad)" },
+  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* a8 */
+  { "pushl", gs },
+  { "popl", gs },
+  { "rsm" },
+  { "btsS", Ev, Gv },  
+  { "shrdS", Ev, Gv, Ib },
+  { "shrdS", Ev, Gv, CL },
+  { "(bad)" },
+  { "imulS", Gv, Ev },  
+  /* b0 */
+  { "cmpxchgb", Eb, Gb },
+  { "cmpxchgS", Ev, Gv },
+  { "lssS", Gv, Mp },  /* 386 lists only Mp */
+  { "btrS", Ev, Gv },  
+  { "lfsS", Gv, Mp },  /* 386 lists only Mp */
+  { "lgsS", Gv, Mp },  /* 386 lists only Mp */
+  { "movzbS", Gv, Eb },
+  { "movzwS", Gv, Ew },  
+  /* b8 */
+  { "ud2b" },
+  { "(bad)" },
+  { GRP8 },
+  { "btcS", Ev, Gv },  
+  { "bsfS", Gv, Ev },
+  { "bsrS", Gv, Ev },
+  { "movsbS", Gv, Eb },
+  { "movswS", Gv, Ew },  
+  /* c0 */
+  { "xaddb", Eb, Gb },
+  { "xaddS", Ev, Gv },
+  { "(bad)" },
+  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },
+  { "(bad)" },
+  { "(bad)" },
+  { GRP9 },  
+  /* c8 */
+  { "bswap", eAX },
+  { "bswap", eCX },
+  { "bswap", eDX },
+  { "bswap", eBX },
+  { "bswap", eSP },
+  { "bswap", eBP },
+  { "bswap", eSI },
+  { "bswap", eDI },
+  /* d0 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* d8 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* e0 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* e8 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* f0 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  /* f8 */
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  { "(bad)" },  
+static const unsigned char onebyte_has_modrm[256] = {
+  1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
+  1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
+  1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
+  1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1
+static const unsigned char twobyte_has_modrm[256] = {
+  1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+  0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,
+  1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+  1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+  0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
+static char obuf[100];
+static char *obufp;
+static char scratchbuf[100];
+static unsigned char *start_codep;
+static unsigned char *codep;
+static disassemble_info *the_info;
+static int mod;
+static int rm;
+static int reg;
+static void oappend ();
+static char *names32[]={
+  "%eax","%ecx","%edx","%ebx", "%esp","%ebp","%esi","%edi",
+static char *names16[] = {
+  "%ax","%cx","%dx","%bx","%sp","%bp","%si","%di",
+static char *names8[] = {
+  "%al","%cl","%dl","%bl","%ah","%ch","%dh","%bh",
+static char *names_seg[] = {
+  "%es","%cs","%ss","%ds","%fs","%gs","%?","%?",
+static char *index16[] = {
+  "bx+si","bx+di","bp+si","bp+di","si","di","bp","bx"
+struct dis386 grps[][8] = {
+  /* GRP1b */
+  {
+    { "addb",  Eb, Ib },
+    { "orb",   Eb, Ib },
+    { "adcb",  Eb, Ib },
+    { "sbbb",  Eb, Ib },
+    { "andb",  Eb, Ib },
+    { "subb",  Eb, Ib },
+    { "xorb",  Eb, Ib },
+    { "cmpb",  Eb, Ib }
+  },
+  /* GRP1S */
+  {
+    { "addS",  Ev, Iv },
+    { "orS",   Ev, Iv },
+    { "adcS",  Ev, Iv },
+    { "sbbS",  Ev, Iv },
+    { "andS",  Ev, Iv },
+    { "subS",  Ev, Iv },
+    { "xorS",  Ev, Iv },
+    { "cmpS",  Ev, Iv }
+  },
+  /* GRP1Ss */
+  {
+    { "addS",  Ev, sIb },
+    { "orS",   Ev, sIb },
+    { "adcS",  Ev, sIb },
+    { "sbbS",  Ev, sIb },
+    { "andS",  Ev, sIb },
+    { "subS",  Ev, sIb },
+    { "xorS",  Ev, sIb },
+    { "cmpS",  Ev, sIb }
+  },
+  /* GRP2b */
+  {
+    { "rolb",  Eb, Ib },
+    { "rorb",  Eb, Ib },
+    { "rclb",  Eb, Ib },
+    { "rcrb",  Eb, Ib },
+    { "shlb",  Eb, Ib },
+    { "shrb",  Eb, Ib },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "sarb",  Eb, Ib },
+  },
+  /* GRP2S */
+  {
+    { "rolS",  Ev, Ib },
+    { "rorS",  Ev, Ib },
+    { "rclS",  Ev, Ib },
+    { "rcrS",  Ev, Ib },
+    { "shlS",  Ev, Ib },
+    { "shrS",  Ev, Ib },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "sarS",  Ev, Ib },
+  },
+  /* GRP2b_one */
+  {
+    { "rolb",  Eb },
+    { "rorb",  Eb },
+    { "rclb",  Eb },
+    { "rcrb",  Eb },
+    { "shlb",  Eb },
+    { "shrb",  Eb },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "sarb",  Eb },
+  },
+  /* GRP2S_one */
+  {
+    { "rolS",  Ev },
+    { "rorS",  Ev },
+    { "rclS",  Ev },
+    { "rcrS",  Ev },
+    { "shlS",  Ev },
+    { "shrS",  Ev },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "sarS",  Ev },
+  },
+  /* GRP2b_cl */
+  {
+    { "rolb",  Eb, CL },
+    { "rorb",  Eb, CL },
+    { "rclb",  Eb, CL },
+    { "rcrb",  Eb, CL },
+    { "shlb",  Eb, CL },
+    { "shrb",  Eb, CL },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "sarb",  Eb, CL },
+  },
+  /* GRP2S_cl */
+  {
+    { "rolS",  Ev, CL },
+    { "rorS",  Ev, CL },
+    { "rclS",  Ev, CL },
+    { "rcrS",  Ev, CL },
+    { "shlS",  Ev, CL },
+    { "shrS",  Ev, CL },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "sarS",  Ev, CL }
+  },
+  /* GRP3b */
+  {
+    { "testb", Eb, Ib },
+    { "(bad)", Eb },
+    { "notb",  Eb },
+    { "negb",  Eb },
+    { "mulb",  AL, Eb },
+    { "imulb", AL, Eb },
+    { "divb",  AL, Eb },
+    { "idivb", AL, Eb }
+  },
+  /* GRP3S */
+  {
+    { "testS", Ev, Iv },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "notS",  Ev },
+    { "negS",  Ev },
+    { "mulS",  eAX, Ev },
+    { "imulS", eAX, Ev },
+    { "divS",  eAX, Ev },
+    { "idivS", eAX, Ev },
+  },
+  /* GRP4 */
+  {
+    { "incb", Eb },
+    { "decb", Eb },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+  },
+  /* GRP5 */
+  {
+    { "incS",  Ev },
+    { "decS",  Ev },
+    { "call",  indirEv },
+    { "lcall", indirEv },
+    { "jmp",   indirEv },
+    { "ljmp",  indirEv },
+    { "pushS", Ev },
+    { "(bad)" },
+  },
+  /* GRP6 */
+  {
+    { "sldt",  Ew },
+    { "str",   Ew },
+    { "lldt",  Ew },
+    { "ltr",   Ew },
+    { "verr",  Ew },
+    { "verw",  Ew },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" }
+  },
+  /* GRP7 */
+  {
+    { "sgdt", Ew },
+    { "sidt", Ew },
+    { "lgdt", Ew },
+    { "lidt", Ew },
+    { "smsw", Ew },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "lmsw", Ew },
+    { "invlpg", Ew },
+  },
+  /* GRP8 */
+  {
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "btS",   Ev, Ib },
+    { "btsS",  Ev, Ib },
+    { "btrS",  Ev, Ib },
+    { "btcS",  Ev, Ib },
+  },
+  /* GRP9 */
+  {
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "cmpxchg8b", Ev },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+  }
+#define PREFIX_REPZ 1
+#define PREFIX_REPNZ 2
+#define PREFIX_LOCK 4
+#define PREFIX_CS 8
+#define PREFIX_SS 0x10
+#define PREFIX_DS 0x20
+#define PREFIX_ES 0x40
+#define PREFIX_FS 0x80
+#define PREFIX_GS 0x100
+#define PREFIX_DATA 0x200
+#define PREFIX_ADR 0x400
+#define PREFIX_FWAIT 0x800
+static int prefixes;
+static void
+ckprefix ()
+  prefixes = 0;
+  while (1)
+    {
+      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
+      switch (*codep)
+       {
+       case 0xf3:
+         prefixes |= PREFIX_REPZ;
+         break;
+       case 0xf2:
+         prefixes |= PREFIX_REPNZ;
+         break;
+       case 0xf0:
+         prefixes |= PREFIX_LOCK;
+         break;
+       case 0x2e:
+         prefixes |= PREFIX_CS;
+         break;
+       case 0x36:
+         prefixes |= PREFIX_SS;
+         break;
+       case 0x3e:
+         prefixes |= PREFIX_DS;
+         break;
+       case 0x26:
+         prefixes |= PREFIX_ES;
+         break;
+       case 0x64:
+         prefixes |= PREFIX_FS;
+         break;
+       case 0x65:
+         prefixes |= PREFIX_GS;
+         break;
+       case 0x66:
+         prefixes |= PREFIX_DATA;
+         break;
+       case 0x67:
+         prefixes |= PREFIX_ADR;
+         break;
+       case 0x9b:
+         prefixes |= PREFIX_FWAIT;
+         break;
+       default:
+         return;
+       }
+      codep++;
+    }
+static int dflag;
+static int aflag;              
+static char op1out[100], op2out[100], op3out[100];
+static int op_address[3], op_ad, op_index[3];
+static int start_pc;
+ *   On the 386's of 1988, the maximum length of an instruction is 15 bytes.
+ *   (see topic "Redundant prefixes" in the "Differences from 8086"
+ *   section of the "Virtual 8086 Mode" chapter.)
+ * 'pc' should be the address of this instruction, it will
+ *   be used to print the target address if this is a relative jump or call
+ * The function returns the length of this instruction in bytes.
+ */
+print_insn_i386 (pc, info)
+     bfd_vma pc;
+     disassemble_info *info;
+  struct dis386 *dp;
+  int i;
+  int enter_instruction;
+  char *first, *second, *third;
+  int needcomma;
+  unsigned char need_modrm;
+  struct dis_private priv;
+  bfd_byte *inbuf = priv.the_buffer;
+  info->private_data = (PTR) &priv;
+  priv.max_fetched = priv.the_buffer;
+  priv.insn_start = pc;
+  if (setjmp (priv.bailout) != 0)
+    /* Error return.  */
+    return -1;
+  obuf[0] = 0;
+  op1out[0] = 0;
+  op2out[0] = 0;
+  op3out[0] = 0;
+  op_index[0] = op_index[1] = op_index[2] = -1;
+  the_info = info;
+  start_pc = pc;
+  start_codep = inbuf;
+  codep = inbuf;
+  ckprefix ();
+  FETCH_DATA (info, codep + 1);
+  if (*codep == 0xc8)
+    enter_instruction = 1;
+  else
+    enter_instruction = 0;
+  obufp = obuf;
+  if (prefixes & PREFIX_REPZ)
+    oappend ("repz ");
+  if (prefixes & PREFIX_REPNZ)
+    oappend ("repnz ");
+  if (prefixes & PREFIX_LOCK)
+    oappend ("lock ");
+  if ((prefixes & PREFIX_FWAIT)
+      && ((*codep < 0xd8) || (*codep > 0xdf)))
+    {
+      /* fwait not followed by floating point instruction */
+      (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "fwait");
+      return (1);
+    }
+  /* these would be initialized to 0 if disassembling for 8086 or 286 */
+  dflag = 1;
+  aflag = 1;
+  if (prefixes & PREFIX_DATA)
+    dflag ^= 1;
+  if (prefixes & PREFIX_ADR)
+    {
+      aflag ^= 1;
+      oappend ("addr16 ");
+    }
+  if (*codep == 0x0f)
+    {
+      FETCH_DATA (info, codep + 2);
+      dp = &dis386_twobyte[*++codep];
+      need_modrm = twobyte_has_modrm[*codep];
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      dp = &dis386[*codep];
+      need_modrm = onebyte_has_modrm[*codep];
+    }
+  codep++;
+  if (need_modrm)
+    {
+      FETCH_DATA (info, codep + 1);
+      mod = (*codep >> 6) & 3;
+      reg = (*codep >> 3) & 7;
+      rm = *codep & 7;
+    }
+  if (dp->name == NULL && dp->bytemode1 == FLOATCODE)
+    {
+      dofloat ();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      if (dp->name == NULL)
+       dp = &grps[dp->bytemode1][reg];
+      putop (dp->name);
+      obufp = op1out;
+      op_ad = 2;
+      if (dp->op1)
+       (*dp->op1)(dp->bytemode1);
+      obufp = op2out;
+      op_ad = 1;
+      if (dp->op2)
+       (*dp->op2)(dp->bytemode2);
+      obufp = op3out;
+      op_ad = 0;
+      if (dp->op3)
+       (*dp->op3)(dp->bytemode3);
+    }
+  obufp = obuf + strlen (obuf);
+  for (i = strlen (obuf); i < 6; i++)
+    oappend (" ");
+  oappend (" ");
+  (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", obuf);
+  /* enter instruction is printed with operands in the
+   * same order as the intel book; everything else
+   * is printed in reverse order 
+   */
+  if (enter_instruction)
+    {
+      first = op1out;
+      second = op2out;
+      third = op3out;
+      op_ad = op_index[0];
+      op_index[0] = op_index[2];
+      op_index[2] = op_ad;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      first = op3out;
+      second = op2out;
+      third = op1out;
+    }
+  needcomma = 0;
+  if (*first)
+    {
+      if (op_index[0] != -1)
+       (*info->print_address_func) (op_address[op_index[0]], info);
+      else
+       (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", first);
+      needcomma = 1;
+    }
+  if (*second)
+    {
+      if (needcomma)
+       (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ",");
+      if (op_index[1] != -1)
+       (*info->print_address_func) (op_address[op_index[1]], info);
+      else
+       (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", second);
+      needcomma = 1;
+    }
+  if (*third)
+    {
+      if (needcomma)
+       (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ",");
+      if (op_index[2] != -1)
+       (*info->print_address_func) (op_address[op_index[2]], info);
+      else
+       (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", third);
+    }
+  return (codep - inbuf);
+char *float_mem[] = {
+  /* d8 */
+  "fadds",
+  "fmuls",
+  "fcoms",
+  "fcomps",
+  "fsubs",
+  "fsubrs",
+  "fdivs",
+  "fdivrs",
+  /*  d9 */
+  "flds",
+  "(bad)",
+  "fsts",
+  "fstps",
+  "fldenv",
+  "fldcw",
+  "fNstenv",
+  "fNstcw",
+  /* da */
+  "fiaddl",
+  "fimull",
+  "ficoml",
+  "ficompl",
+  "fisubl",
+  "fisubrl",
+  "fidivl",
+  "fidivrl",
+  /* db */
+  "fildl",
+  "(bad)",
+  "fistl",
+  "fistpl",
+  "(bad)",
+  "fldt",
+  "(bad)",
+  "fstpt",
+  /* dc */
+  "faddl",
+  "fmull",
+  "fcoml",
+  "fcompl",
+  "fsubl",
+  "fsubrl",
+  "fdivl",
+  "fdivrl",
+  /* dd */
+  "fldl",
+  "(bad)",
+  "fstl",
+  "fstpl",
+  "frstor",
+  "(bad)",
+  "fNsave",
+  "fNstsw",
+  /* de */
+  "fiadd",
+  "fimul",
+  "ficom",
+  "ficomp",
+  "fisub",
+  "fisubr",
+  "fidiv",
+  "fidivr",
+  /* df */
+  "fild",
+  "(bad)",
+  "fist",
+  "fistp",
+  "fbld",
+  "fildll",
+  "fbstp",
+  "fistpll",
+#define ST OP_ST, 0
+#define STi OP_STi, 0
+int OP_ST(), OP_STi();
+#define FGRPd9_2 NULL, NULL, 0
+#define FGRPd9_4 NULL, NULL, 1
+#define FGRPd9_5 NULL, NULL, 2
+#define FGRPd9_6 NULL, NULL, 3
+#define FGRPd9_7 NULL, NULL, 4
+#define FGRPda_5 NULL, NULL, 5
+#define FGRPdb_4 NULL, NULL, 6
+#define FGRPde_3 NULL, NULL, 7
+#define FGRPdf_4 NULL, NULL, 8
+struct dis386 float_reg[][8] = {
+  /* d8 */
+  {
+    { "fadd",  ST, STi },
+    { "fmul",  ST, STi },
+    { "fcom",  STi },
+    { "fcomp", STi },
+    { "fsub",  ST, STi },
+    { "fsubr", ST, STi },
+    { "fdiv",  ST, STi },
+    { "fdivr", ST, STi },
+  },
+  /* d9 */
+  {
+    { "fld",   STi },
+    { "fxch",  STi },
+    { FGRPd9_2 },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { FGRPd9_4 },
+    { FGRPd9_5 },
+    { FGRPd9_6 },
+    { FGRPd9_7 },
+  },
+  /* da */
+  {
+    { "fcmovb",        ST, STi },
+    { "fcmove",        ST, STi },
+    { "fcmovbe",ST, STi },
+    { "fcmovu",        ST, STi },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { FGRPda_5 },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+  },
+  /* db */
+  {
+    { "fcmovnb",ST, STi },
+    { "fcmovne",ST, STi },
+    { "fcmovnbe",ST, STi },
+    { "fcmovnu",ST, STi },
+    { FGRPdb_4 },
+    { "fucomi",        ST, STi },
+    { "fcomi", ST, STi },
+    { "(bad)" },
+  },
+  /* dc */
+  {
+    { "fadd",  STi, ST },
+    { "fmul",  STi, ST },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "fsub",  STi, ST },
+    { "fsubr", STi, ST },
+    { "fdiv",  STi, ST },
+    { "fdivr", STi, ST },
+  },
+  /* dd */
+  {
+    { "ffree", STi },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "fst",   STi },
+    { "fstp",  STi },
+    { "fucom", STi },
+    { "fucomp",        STi },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+  },
+  /* de */
+  {
+    { "faddp", STi, ST },
+    { "fmulp", STi, ST },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { FGRPde_3 },
+    { "fsubp", STi, ST },
+    { "fsubrp",        STi, ST },
+    { "fdivp", STi, ST },
+    { "fdivrp",        STi, ST },
+  },
+  /* df */
+  {
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { "(bad)" },
+    { FGRPdf_4 },
+    { "fucomip",ST, STi },
+    { "fcomip", ST, STi },
+    { "(bad)" },
+  },
+char *fgrps[][8] = {
+  /* d9_2  0 */
+  {
+    "fnop","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
+  },
+  /* d9_4  1 */
+  {
+    "fchs","fabs","(bad)","(bad)","ftst","fxam","(bad)","(bad)",
+  },
+  /* d9_5  2 */
+  {
+    "fld1","fldl2t","fldl2e","fldpi","fldlg2","fldln2","fldz","(bad)",
+  },
+  /* d9_6  3 */
+  {
+    "f2xm1","fyl2x","fptan","fpatan","fxtract","fprem1","fdecstp","fincstp",
+  },
+  /* d9_7  4 */
+  {
+    "fprem","fyl2xp1","fsqrt","fsincos","frndint","fscale","fsin","fcos",
+  },
+  /* da_5  5 */
+  {
+    "(bad)","fucompp","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
+  },
+  /* db_4  6 */
+  {
+    "feni(287 only)","fdisi(287 only)","fNclex","fNinit",
+    "fNsetpm(287 only)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
+  },
+  /* de_3  7 */
+  {
+    "(bad)","fcompp","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
+  },
+  /* df_4  8 */
+  {
+    "fNstsw","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)","(bad)",
+  },
+static void
+dofloat ()
+  struct dis386 *dp;
+  unsigned char floatop;
+  floatop = codep[-1];
+  if (mod != 3)
+    {
+      putop (float_mem[(floatop - 0xd8) * 8 + reg]);
+      obufp = op1out;
+      OP_E (v_mode);
+      return;
+    }
+  codep++;
+  dp = &float_reg[floatop - 0xd8][reg];
+  if (dp->name == NULL)
+    {
+      putop (fgrps[dp->bytemode1][rm]);
+      /* instruction fnstsw is only one with strange arg */
+      if (floatop == 0xdf
+         && FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1)
+         && *codep == 0xe0)
+       strcpy (op1out, "%eax");
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      putop (dp->name);
+      obufp = op1out;
+      if (dp->op1)
+       (*dp->op1)(dp->bytemode1);
+      obufp = op2out;
+      if (dp->op2)
+       (*dp->op2)(dp->bytemode2);
+    }
+OP_ST (ignore)
+     int ignore;
+  oappend ("%st");
+  return (0);
+OP_STi (ignore)
+     int ignore;
+  sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%st(%d)", rm);
+  oappend (scratchbuf);
+  return (0);
+/* capital letters in template are macros */
+static void
+putop (template)
+     char *template;
+  char *p;
+  for (p = template; *p; p++)
+    {
+      switch (*p)
+       {
+       default:
+         *obufp++ = *p;
+         break;
+       case 'C':               /* For jcxz/jecxz */
+         if (aflag)
+           *obufp++ = 'e';
+         break;
+       case 'N':
+         if ((prefixes & PREFIX_FWAIT) == 0)
+           *obufp++ = 'n';
+         break;
+       case 'S':
+         /* operand size flag */
+         if (dflag)
+           *obufp++ = 'l';
+         else
+           *obufp++ = 'w';
+         break;
+       }
+    }
+  *obufp = 0;
+static void
+oappend (s)
+     char *s;
+  strcpy (obufp, s);
+  obufp += strlen (s);
+  *obufp = 0;
+static void
+append_prefix ()
+  if (prefixes & PREFIX_CS)
+    oappend ("%cs:");
+  if (prefixes & PREFIX_DS)
+    oappend ("%ds:");
+  if (prefixes & PREFIX_SS)
+    oappend ("%ss:");
+  if (prefixes & PREFIX_ES)
+    oappend ("%es:");
+  if (prefixes & PREFIX_FS)
+    oappend ("%fs:");
+  if (prefixes & PREFIX_GS)
+    oappend ("%gs:");
+OP_indirE (bytemode)
+     int bytemode;
+  oappend ("*");
+  return OP_E (bytemode);
+OP_E (bytemode)
+     int bytemode;
+  int disp;
+  /* skip mod/rm byte */
+  codep++;
+  if (mod == 3)
+    {
+      switch (bytemode)
+       {
+       case b_mode:
+         oappend (names8[rm]);
+         break;
+       case w_mode:
+         oappend (names16[rm]);
+         break;
+       case v_mode:
+         if (dflag)
+           oappend (names32[rm]);
+         else
+           oappend (names16[rm]);
+         break;
+       default:
+         oappend ("<bad dis table>");
+         break;
+       }
+      return 0;
+    }
+  disp = 0;
+  append_prefix ();
+  if (aflag) /* 32 bit address mode */
+    {
+      int havesib;
+      int havebase;
+      int base;
+      int index;
+      int scale;
+      havesib = 0;
+      havebase = 1;
+      base = rm;
+      if (base == 4)
+       {
+         havesib = 1;
+         FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
+         scale = (*codep >> 6) & 3;
+         index = (*codep >> 3) & 7;
+         base = *codep & 7;
+         codep++;
+       }
+      switch (mod)
+       {
+       case 0:
+         if (base == 5)
+           {
+             havebase = 0;
+             disp = get32 ();
+           }
+         break;
+       case 1:
+         FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
+         disp = *(char *)codep++;
+         break;
+       case 2:
+         disp = get32 ();
+         break;
+       }
+      if (mod != 0 || base == 5)
+       {
+         sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", disp);
+         oappend (scratchbuf);
+       }
+      if (havebase || (havesib && (index != 4 || scale != 0)))
+       {
+         oappend ("(");
+         if (havebase)
+           oappend (names32[base]);
+         if (havesib)
+           {
+             if (index != 4)
+               {
+                 sprintf (scratchbuf, ",%s", names32[index]);
+                 oappend (scratchbuf);
+               }
+             sprintf (scratchbuf, ",%d", 1 << scale);
+             oappend (scratchbuf);
+           }
+         oappend (")");
+       }
+    }
+  else
+    { /* 16 bit address mode */
+      switch (mod)
+       {
+       case 0:
+         if (rm == 6)
+           disp = (short) get16 ();
+         break;
+       case 1:
+         FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
+         disp = *(char *)codep++;
+         break;
+       case 2:
+         disp = (short) get16 ();
+         break;
+       }
+      if (mod != 0 || rm == 6)
+       {
+         sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", disp);
+         oappend (scratchbuf);
+       }
+      if (mod != 0 || rm != 6)
+       {
+         oappend ("(");
+         oappend (index16[rm]);
+         oappend (")");
+       }
+    }
+  return 0;
+OP_G (bytemode)
+     int bytemode;
+  switch (bytemode) 
+    {
+    case b_mode:
+      oappend (names8[reg]);
+      break;
+    case w_mode:
+      oappend (names16[reg]);
+      break;
+    case d_mode:
+      oappend (names32[reg]);
+      break;
+    case v_mode:
+      if (dflag)
+       oappend (names32[reg]);
+      else
+       oappend (names16[reg]);
+      break;
+    default:
+      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
+      break;
+    }
+  return (0);
+static int
+get32 ()
+  int x = 0;
+  FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 4);
+  x = *codep++ & 0xff;
+  x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 8;
+  x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 16;
+  x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 24;
+  return (x);
+static int
+get16 ()
+  int x = 0;
+  FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 2);
+  x = *codep++ & 0xff;
+  x |= (*codep++ & 0xff) << 8;
+  return (x);
+static void
+set_op (op)
+     int op;
+  op_index[op_ad] = op_ad;
+  op_address[op_ad] = op;
+OP_REG (code)
+     int code;
+  char *s;
+  switch (code) 
+    {
+    case indir_dx_reg: s = "(%dx)"; break;
+       case ax_reg: case cx_reg: case dx_reg: case bx_reg:
+       case sp_reg: case bp_reg: case si_reg: case di_reg:
+               s = names16[code - ax_reg];
+               break;
+       case es_reg: case ss_reg: case cs_reg:
+       case ds_reg: case fs_reg: case gs_reg:
+               s = names_seg[code - es_reg];
+               break;
+       case al_reg: case ah_reg: case cl_reg: case ch_reg:
+       case dl_reg: case dh_reg: case bl_reg: case bh_reg:
+               s = names8[code - al_reg];
+               break;
+       case eAX_reg: case eCX_reg: case eDX_reg: case eBX_reg:
+       case eSP_reg: case eBP_reg: case eSI_reg: case eDI_reg:
+      if (dflag)
+       s = names32[code - eAX_reg];
+      else
+       s = names16[code - eAX_reg];
+      break;
+    default:
+      s = "<internal disassembler error>";
+      break;
+    }
+  oappend (s);
+  return (0);
+OP_I (bytemode)
+     int bytemode;
+  int op;
+  switch (bytemode) 
+    {
+    case b_mode:
+      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
+      op = *codep++ & 0xff;
+      break;
+    case v_mode:
+      if (dflag)
+       op = get32 ();
+      else
+       op = get16 ();
+      break;
+    case w_mode:
+      op = get16 ();
+      break;
+    default:
+      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
+      return (0);
+    }
+  sprintf (scratchbuf, "$0x%x", op);
+  oappend (scratchbuf);
+  return (0);
+OP_sI (bytemode)
+     int bytemode;
+  int op;
+  switch (bytemode) 
+    {
+    case b_mode:
+      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
+      op = *(char *)codep++;
+      break;
+    case v_mode:
+      if (dflag)
+       op = get32 ();
+      else
+       op = (short)get16();
+      break;
+    case w_mode:
+      op = (short)get16 ();
+      break;
+    default:
+      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
+      return (0);
+    }
+  sprintf (scratchbuf, "$0x%x", op);
+  oappend (scratchbuf);
+  return (0);
+OP_J (bytemode)
+     int bytemode;
+  int disp;
+  int mask = -1;
+  switch (bytemode) 
+    {
+    case b_mode:
+      FETCH_DATA (the_info, codep + 1);
+      disp = *(char *)codep++;
+      break;
+    case v_mode:
+      if (dflag)
+       disp = get32 ();
+      else
+       {
+         disp = (short)get16 ();
+         /* for some reason, a data16 prefix on a jump instruction
+            means that the pc is masked to 16 bits after the
+            displacement is added!  */
+         mask = 0xffff;
+       }
+      break;
+    default:
+      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
+      return (0);
+    }
+  disp = (start_pc + codep - start_codep + disp) & mask;
+  set_op (disp);
+  sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", disp);
+  oappend (scratchbuf);
+  return (0);
+OP_SEG (dummy)
+     int dummy;
+  static char *sreg[] = {
+    "%es","%cs","%ss","%ds","%fs","%gs","%?","%?",
+  };
+  oappend (sreg[reg]);
+  return (0);
+OP_DIR (size)
+     int size;
+  int seg, offset;
+  switch (size) 
+    {
+    case lptr:
+      if (aflag) 
+       {
+         offset = get32 ();
+         seg = get16 ();
+       } 
+      else 
+       {
+         offset = get16 ();
+         seg = get16 ();
+       }
+      sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x,0x%x", seg, offset);
+      oappend (scratchbuf);
+      break;
+    case v_mode:
+      if (aflag)
+       offset = get32 ();
+      else
+       offset = (short)get16 ();
+      offset = start_pc + codep - start_codep + offset;
+      set_op (offset);
+      sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", offset);
+      oappend (scratchbuf);
+      break;
+    default:
+      oappend ("<internal disassembler error>");
+      break;
+    }
+  return (0);
+OP_OFF (bytemode)
+     int bytemode;
+  int off;
+  if (aflag)
+    off = get32 ();
+  else
+    off = get16 ();
+  sprintf (scratchbuf, "0x%x", off);
+  oappend (scratchbuf);
+  return (0);
+OP_ESDI (dummy)
+    int dummy;
+  oappend ("%es:(");
+  oappend (aflag ? "%edi" : "%di");
+  oappend (")");
+  return (0);
+OP_DSSI (dummy)
+    int dummy;
+  oappend ("%ds:(");
+  oappend (aflag ? "%esi" : "%si");
+  oappend (")");
+  return (0);
+OP_ONE (dummy)
+    int dummy;
+  oappend ("1");
+  return (0);
+OP_C (dummy)
+    int dummy;
+  codep++; /* skip mod/rm */
+  sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%cr%d", reg);
+  oappend (scratchbuf);
+  return (0);
+OP_D (dummy)
+    int dummy;
+  codep++; /* skip mod/rm */
+  sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%db%d", reg);
+  oappend (scratchbuf);
+  return (0);
+OP_T (dummy)
+     int dummy;
+  codep++; /* skip mod/rm */
+  sprintf (scratchbuf, "%%tr%d", reg);
+  oappend (scratchbuf);
+  return (0);
+OP_rm (bytemode)
+     int bytemode;
+  switch (bytemode) 
+    {
+    case d_mode:
+      oappend (names32[rm]);
+      break;
+    case w_mode:
+      oappend (names16[rm]);
+      break;
+    }
+  return (0);
diff --git a/opcode/i386.h b/opcode/i386.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..849a86f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/i386.h
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+/* i386-opcode.h -- Intel 80386 opcode table
+   Copyright 1989, 1991, 1992, 1995 Free Software Foundation.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler, and GDB, the GNU Debugger.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+static const template i386_optab[] = {
+#define _ None
+/* move instructions */
+#define MOV_AX_DISP32 0xa0
+{ "mov", 2, 0xa0, _, DW|NoModrm, { Disp32, Acc, 0 } },
+{ "mov", 2, 0x88, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0 } },
+{ "mov", 2, 0xb0, _, ShortFormW, { Imm, Reg, 0 } },
+{ "mov", 2, 0xc6, _,  W|Modrm,  { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0 } },
+{ "mov", 2, 0x8c, _, D|Modrm,  { SReg3|SReg2, Reg16|Mem, 0 } },
+/* move to/from control debug registers */
+{ "mov", 2, 0x0f20, _, D|Modrm, { Control, Reg32, 0} },
+{ "mov", 2, 0x0f21, _, D|Modrm, { Debug, Reg32, 0} },
+{ "mov", 2, 0x0f24, _, D|Modrm, { Test, Reg32, 0} },
+/* move with sign extend */
+/* "movsbl" & "movsbw" must not be unified into "movsb" to avoid
+   conflict with the "movs" string move instruction.  Thus,
+   {"movsb", 2, 0x0fbe, _, ReverseRegRegmem|Modrm, { Reg8|Mem,  Reg16|Reg32, 
0} },
+   is not kosher; we must seperate the two instructions. */
+{"movsbl", 2, 0x0fbe, _, ReverseRegRegmem|Modrm|Data32, { Reg8|Mem,  Reg32, 0} 
+{"movsbw", 2, 0x0fbe, _, ReverseRegRegmem|Modrm|Data16, { Reg8|Mem,  Reg16, 0} 
+{"movswl", 2, 0x0fbf, _, ReverseRegRegmem|Modrm, { Reg16|Mem, Reg32, 0} },
+/* move with zero extend */
+{"movzb", 2, 0x0fb6, _, ReverseRegRegmem|Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, Reg16|Reg32, 0} },
+{"movzwl", 2, 0x0fb7, _, ReverseRegRegmem|Modrm, { Reg16|Mem, Reg32, 0} },
+/* push instructions */
+{"push", 1, 0x50, _, ShortForm, { WordReg,0,0 } },
+{"push", 1, 0xff, 0x6,  Modrm, { WordReg|WordMem, 0, 0 } },
+{"push", 1, 0x6a, _, NoModrm, { Imm8S, 0, 0} },
+{"push", 1, 0x68, _, NoModrm, { Imm16|Imm32, 0, 0} },
+{"push", 1, 0x06, _,  Seg2ShortForm, { SReg2,0,0 } },
+{"push", 1, 0x0fa0, _, Seg3ShortForm, { SReg3,0,0 } },
+/* push all */
+{"pusha", 0, 0x60, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0 } },
+/* pop instructions */
+{"pop", 1, 0x58, _, ShortForm, { WordReg,0,0 } },
+{"pop", 1, 0x8f, 0x0,  Modrm, { WordReg|WordMem, 0, 0 } },
+#define POP_SEG_SHORT 0x7
+{"pop", 1, 0x07, _,  Seg2ShortForm, { SReg2,0,0 } },
+{"pop", 1, 0x0fa1, _, Seg3ShortForm, { SReg3,0,0 } },
+/* pop all */
+{"popa", 0, 0x61, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0 } },
+/* xchg exchange instructions
+   xchg commutes:  we allow both operand orders */
+{"xchg", 2, 0x90, _, ShortForm, { WordReg, Acc, 0 } },
+{"xchg", 2, 0x90, _, ShortForm, { Acc, WordReg, 0 } },
+{"xchg", 2, 0x86, _, W|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0 } },
+{"xchg", 2, 0x86, _, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, Reg, 0 } },
+/* in/out from ports */
+{"in", 2, 0xe4, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm8, Acc, 0 } },
+{"in", 2, 0xec, _, W|NoModrm, { InOutPortReg, Acc, 0 } },
+{"in", 1, 0xe4, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm8, 0, 0 } },
+{"in", 1, 0xec, _, W|NoModrm, { InOutPortReg, 0, 0 } },
+{"out", 2, 0xe6, _, W|NoModrm, { Acc, Imm8, 0 } },
+{"out", 2, 0xee, _, W|NoModrm, { Acc, InOutPortReg, 0 } },
+{"out", 1, 0xe6, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm8, 0, 0 } },
+{"out", 1, 0xee, _, W|NoModrm, { InOutPortReg, 0, 0 } },
+/* load effective address */
+{"lea", 2, 0x8d, _, Modrm, { WordMem, WordReg, 0 } },
+/* load segment registers from memory */
+{"lds", 2, 0xc5, _, Modrm, { Mem, Reg32, 0} },
+{"les", 2, 0xc4, _, Modrm, { Mem, Reg32, 0} },
+{"lfs", 2, 0x0fb4, _, Modrm, { Mem, Reg32, 0} },
+{"lgs", 2, 0x0fb5, _, Modrm, { Mem, Reg32, 0} },
+{"lss", 2, 0x0fb2, _, Modrm, { Mem, Reg32, 0} },
+/* flags register instructions */
+{"clc", 0, 0xf8, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"cld", 0, 0xfc, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"cli", 0, 0xfa, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"clts", 0, 0x0f06, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"cmc", 0, 0xf5, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"lahf", 0, 0x9f, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"sahf", 0, 0x9e, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"pushfl", 0, 0x9c, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"popfl", 0, 0x9d, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"pushfw", 0, 0x9c, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"popfw", 0, 0x9d, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"pushf", 0, 0x9c, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"popf", 0, 0x9d, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"stc", 0, 0xf9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"std", 0, 0xfd, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"sti", 0, 0xfb, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"add", 2, 0x0,  _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"add", 2, 0x83, 0,  Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
+{"add", 2, 0x4,  _,  W|NoModrm, { Imm,  Acc,    0} },
+{"add", 2, 0x80, 0, W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"inc", 1, 0x40, _, ShortForm, { WordReg, 0, 0} },
+{"inc", 1, 0xfe, 0, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"sub", 2, 0x28,  _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"sub", 2, 0x83, 5,  Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
+{"sub", 2, 0x2c,  _,  W|NoModrm, { Imm,  Acc,    0} },
+{"sub", 2, 0x80, 5,  W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"dec", 1, 0x48, _, ShortForm, { WordReg, 0, 0} },
+{"dec", 1, 0xfe, 1, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"sbb", 2, 0x18,  _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"sbb", 2, 0x83, 3,  Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
+{"sbb", 2, 0x1c,  _,  W|NoModrm, { Imm,  Acc,    0} },
+{"sbb", 2, 0x80, 3,  W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"cmp", 2, 0x38,  _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"cmp", 2, 0x83, 7,  Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
+{"cmp", 2, 0x3c,  _,  W|NoModrm, { Imm,  Acc,    0} },
+{"cmp", 2, 0x80, 7,  W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"test", 2, 0x84, _, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, Reg, 0} },
+{"test", 2, 0x84, _, W|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"test", 2, 0xa8, _, W|NoModrm, { Imm, Acc, 0} },
+{"test", 2, 0xf6, 0, W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"and", 2, 0x20,  _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"and", 2, 0x83, 4,  Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
+{"and", 2, 0x24,  _,  W|NoModrm, { Imm,  Acc,    0} },
+{"and", 2, 0x80, 4,  W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"or", 2, 0x08,  _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"or", 2, 0x83, 1,  Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
+{"or", 2, 0x0c,  _,  W|NoModrm, { Imm,  Acc,    0} },
+{"or", 2, 0x80, 1,  W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"xor", 2, 0x30,  _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"xor", 2, 0x83, 6,  Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
+{"xor", 2, 0x34,  _,  W|NoModrm, { Imm,  Acc,    0} },
+{"xor", 2, 0x80, 6,  W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"adc", 2, 0x10,  _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"adc", 2, 0x83, 2,  Modrm, { Imm8S, WordReg|WordMem, 0} },
+{"adc", 2, 0x14,  _,  W|NoModrm, { Imm,  Acc,    0} },
+{"adc", 2, 0x80, 2,  W|Modrm, { Imm, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"neg", 1, 0xf6, 3, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"not", 1, 0xf6, 2, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"aaa", 0, 0x37, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"aas", 0, 0x3f, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"daa", 0, 0x27, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"das", 0, 0x2f, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"aad", 0, 0xd50a, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"aam", 0, 0xd40a, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+/* conversion insns */
+/* conversion:  intel naming */
+{"cbw", 0, 0x98, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"cwd", 0, 0x99, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"cwde", 0, 0x98, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"cdq", 0, 0x99, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
+/*  att naming */
+{"cbtw", 0, 0x98, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"cwtl", 0, 0x98, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"cwtd", 0, 0x99, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"cltd", 0, 0x99, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
+/* Warning! the mul/imul (opcode 0xf6) must only have 1 operand!  They are
+   expanding 64-bit multiplies, and *cannot* be selected to accomplish
+   'imul %ebx, %eax' (opcode 0x0faf must be used in this case)
+   These multiplies can only be selected with single operand forms. */
+{"mul",  1, 0xf6, 4, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"imul", 1, 0xf6, 5, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+/* imulKludge here is needed to reverse the i.rm.reg & i.rm.regmem fields.
+   These instructions are exceptions:  'imul $2, %eax, %ecx' would put
+   '%eax' in the reg field and '%ecx' in the regmem field if we did not
+   switch them. */
+{"imul", 2, 0x0faf, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|Mem, WordReg, 0} },
+{"imul", 3, 0x6b, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { Imm8S, WordReg|Mem, WordReg} },
+{"imul", 3, 0x69, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { Imm16|Imm32, WordReg|Mem, 
WordReg} },
+  imul with 2 operands mimicks imul with 3 by puting register both
+  in i.rm.reg & i.rm.regmem fields
+{"imul", 2, 0x6b, _, Modrm|imulKludge, { Imm8S, WordReg, 0} },
+{"imul", 2, 0x69, _, Modrm|imulKludge, { Imm16|Imm32, WordReg, 0} },
+{"div", 1, 0xf6, 6, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"div", 2, 0xf6, 6, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, Acc, 0} },
+{"idiv", 1, 0xf6, 7, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"idiv", 2, 0xf6, 7, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, Acc, 0} },
+{"rol", 2, 0xd0, 0, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"rol", 2, 0xc0, 0, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"rol", 2, 0xd2, 0, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"rol", 1, 0xd0, 0, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"ror", 2, 0xd0, 1, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"ror", 2, 0xc0, 1, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"ror", 2, 0xd2, 1, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"ror", 1, 0xd0, 1, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"rcl", 2, 0xd0, 2, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"rcl", 2, 0xc0, 2, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"rcl", 2, 0xd2, 2, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"rcl", 1, 0xd0, 2, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"rcr", 2, 0xd0, 3, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"rcr", 2, 0xc0, 3, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"rcr", 2, 0xd2, 3, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"rcr", 1, 0xd0, 3, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"sal", 2, 0xd0, 4, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"sal", 2, 0xc0, 4, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"sal", 2, 0xd2, 4, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"sal", 1, 0xd0, 4, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"shl", 2, 0xd0, 4, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"shl", 2, 0xc0, 4, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"shl", 2, 0xd2, 4, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"shl", 1, 0xd0, 4, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"shld", 3, 0x0fa4, _, Modrm, { Imm8, WordReg, WordReg|Mem} },
+{"shld", 3, 0x0fa5, _, Modrm, { ShiftCount, WordReg, WordReg|Mem} },
+{"shld", 2, 0x0fa5, _, Modrm, { WordReg, WordReg|Mem, 0} },
+{"shr", 2, 0xd0, 5, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"shr", 2, 0xc0, 5, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"shr", 2, 0xd2, 5, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"shr", 1, 0xd0, 5, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"shrd", 3, 0x0fac, _, Modrm, { Imm8, WordReg, WordReg|Mem} },
+{"shrd", 3, 0x0fad, _, Modrm, { ShiftCount, WordReg, WordReg|Mem} },
+{"shrd", 2, 0x0fad, _, Modrm, { WordReg, WordReg|Mem, 0} },
+{"sar", 2, 0xd0, 7, W|Modrm, { Imm1, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"sar", 2, 0xc0, 7, W|Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"sar", 2, 0xd2, 7, W|Modrm, { ShiftCount, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"sar", 1, 0xd0, 7, W|Modrm, { Reg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+/* control transfer instructions */
+#define CALL_PC_RELATIVE 0xe8
+{"call", 1, 0xe8, _, JumpDword, { Disp32, 0, 0} },
+{"call", 1, 0xff, 2, Modrm|Data32, { Reg|Mem|JumpAbsolute, 0, 0} },
+{"callw", 1, 0xff, 2, Modrm|Data16, { Reg|Mem|JumpAbsolute, 0, 0} },
+#define CALL_FAR_IMMEDIATE 0x9a
+{"lcall", 2, 0x9a, _, JumpInterSegment, { Imm16, Abs32|Imm32, 0} },
+{"lcall", 1, 0xff, 3, Modrm|Data32, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"lcallw", 1, 0xff, 3, Modrm|Data16, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+#define JUMP_PC_RELATIVE 0xeb
+{"jmp", 1, 0xeb, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jmp", 1, 0xff, 4, Modrm, { Reg32|Mem|JumpAbsolute, 0, 0} },
+#define JUMP_FAR_IMMEDIATE 0xea
+{"ljmp", 2, 0xea, _, JumpInterSegment, { Imm16, Imm32, 0} },
+{"ljmp", 1, 0xff, 5, Modrm|Data32, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"ret", 0, 0xc3, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"ret", 1, 0xc2, _, NoModrm|Data32, { Imm16, 0, 0} },
+{"retw", 0, 0xc3, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"retw", 1, 0xc2, _, NoModrm|Data16, { Imm16, 0, 0} },
+{"lret", 0, 0xcb, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"lret", 1, 0xca, _, NoModrm|Data32, { Imm16, 0, 0} },
+{"lretw", 0, 0xcb, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"lretw", 1, 0xca, _, NoModrm|Data16, { Imm16, 0, 0} },
+{"enter", 2, 0xc8, _, NoModrm|Data32, { Imm16, Imm8, 0} },
+{"leave", 0, 0xc9, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"enterw", 2, 0xc8, _, NoModrm|Data16, { Imm16, Imm8, 0} },
+{"leavew", 0, 0xc9, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
+/* conditional jumps */
+{"jo", 1, 0x70, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jno", 1, 0x71, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jb", 1, 0x72, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jc", 1, 0x72, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jnae", 1, 0x72, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jnb", 1, 0x73, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jnc", 1, 0x73, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jae", 1, 0x73, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"je", 1, 0x74, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jz", 1, 0x74, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jne", 1, 0x75, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jnz", 1, 0x75, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jbe", 1, 0x76, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jna", 1, 0x76, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jnbe", 1, 0x77, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"ja", 1, 0x77, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"js", 1, 0x78, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jns", 1, 0x79, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jp", 1, 0x7a, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jpe", 1, 0x7a, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jnp", 1, 0x7b, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jpo", 1, 0x7b, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jl", 1, 0x7c, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jnge", 1, 0x7c, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jnl", 1, 0x7d, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jge", 1, 0x7d, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jle", 1, 0x7e, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jng", 1, 0x7e, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jnle", 1, 0x7f, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jg", 1, 0x7f, _, Jump, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+#if 0  /* XXX where are these macros used?
+         To get them working again, they need to take
+         an entire template as the parameter,
+         and check for Data16/Data32 flags.  */
+/* these turn into pseudo operations when disp is larger than 8 bits */
+#define IS_JUMP_ON_CX_ZERO(o) \
+  (o == 0x66e3)
+#define IS_JUMP_ON_ECX_ZERO(o) \
+  (o == 0xe3)
+{"jcxz", 1, 0xe3, _, JumpByte|Data16, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"jecxz", 1, 0xe3, _, JumpByte|Data32, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+#define IS_LOOP_ECX_TIMES(o) \
+  (o == 0xe2 || o == 0xe1 || o == 0xe0)
+{"loop", 1, 0xe2, _, JumpByte, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"loopz", 1, 0xe1, _, JumpByte, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"loope", 1, 0xe1, _, JumpByte, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"loopnz", 1, 0xe0, _, JumpByte, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+{"loopne", 1, 0xe0, _, JumpByte, { Disp, 0, 0} },
+/* set byte on flag instructions */
+{"seto", 1, 0x0f90, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setno", 1, 0x0f91, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setb", 1, 0x0f92, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setc", 1, 0x0f92, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setnae", 1, 0x0f92, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setnb", 1, 0x0f93, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setnc", 1, 0x0f93, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setae", 1, 0x0f93, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"sete", 1, 0x0f94, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setz", 1, 0x0f94, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setne", 1, 0x0f95, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setnz", 1, 0x0f95, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setbe", 1, 0x0f96, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setna", 1, 0x0f96, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setnbe", 1, 0x0f97, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"seta", 1, 0x0f97, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"sets", 1, 0x0f98, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setns", 1, 0x0f99, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setp", 1, 0x0f9a, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setpe", 1, 0x0f9a, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setnp", 1, 0x0f9b, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setpo", 1, 0x0f9b, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setl", 1, 0x0f9c, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setnge", 1, 0x0f9c, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setnl", 1, 0x0f9d, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setge", 1, 0x0f9d, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setle", 1, 0x0f9e, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setng", 1, 0x0f9e, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setnle", 1, 0x0f9f, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"setg", 1, 0x0f9f, 0, Modrm, { Reg8|Mem, 0, 0} },
+  ((o) == 0xa6 || (o) == 0x6c || (o) == 0x6e || (o) == 0x6e || \
+   (o) == 0xac || (o) == 0xa4 || (o) == 0xae || (o) == 0xaa || \
+   (o) == 0xd7)
+/* string manipulation */
+{"cmps", 0, 0xa6, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"scmp", 0, 0xa6, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"ins", 0, 0x6c, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"outs", 0, 0x6e, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"lods", 0, 0xac, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"slod", 0, 0xac, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"movs", 0, 0xa4, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"smov", 0, 0xa4, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"scas", 0, 0xae, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"ssca", 0, 0xae, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"stos", 0, 0xaa, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"ssto", 0, 0xaa, _, W|NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"xlat", 0, 0xd7, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+/* bit manipulation */
+{"bsf", 2, 0x0fbc, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { Reg|Mem, Reg, 0} },
+{"bsr", 2, 0x0fbd, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { Reg|Mem, Reg, 0} },
+{"bt", 2, 0x0fa3, _, Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"bt", 2, 0x0fba, 4, Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"btc", 2, 0x0fbb, _, Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"btc", 2, 0x0fba, 7, Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"btr", 2, 0x0fb3, _, Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"btr", 2, 0x0fba, 6, Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"bts", 2, 0x0fab, _, Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+{"bts", 2, 0x0fba, 5, Modrm, { Imm8, Reg|Mem, 0} },
+/* interrupts & op. sys insns */
+/* See gas/config/tc-i386.c for conversion of 'int $3' into the special
+   int 3 insn. */
+#define INT_OPCODE 0xcd
+#define INT3_OPCODE 0xcc
+{"int", 1, 0xcd, _, NoModrm, { Imm8, 0, 0} },
+{"int3", 0, 0xcc, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"into", 0, 0xce, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"iret", 0, 0xcf, _, NoModrm|Data32, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"iretw", 0, 0xcf, _, NoModrm|Data16, { 0, 0, 0} },
+/* i386sl, i486sl, later 486, and Pentium */
+{"rsm", 0, 0x0faa, _, NoModrm,{ 0, 0, 0} },
+{"boundl", 2, 0x62, _, Modrm|Data32, { Reg32, Mem, 0} },
+{"boundw", 2, 0x62, _, Modrm|Data16, { Reg16, Mem, 0} },
+{"hlt", 0, 0xf4, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"wait", 0, 0x9b, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+/* nop is actually 'xchgl %eax, %eax' */
+{"nop", 0, 0x90, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+/* protection control */
+{"arpl", 2, 0x63, _, Modrm, { Reg16, Reg16|Mem, 0} },
+{"lar", 2, 0x0f02, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|Mem, WordReg, 0} },
+{"lgdt", 1, 0x0f01, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"lidt", 1, 0x0f01, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"lldt", 1, 0x0f00, 2, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"lmsw", 1, 0x0f01, 6, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"lsl", 2, 0x0f03, _, Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|Mem, WordReg, 0} },
+{"ltr", 1, 0x0f00, 3, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"sgdt", 1, 0x0f01, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"sidt", 1, 0x0f01, 1, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"sldt", 1, 0x0f00, 0, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"smsw", 1, 0x0f01, 4, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"str", 1, 0x0f00, 1, Modrm, { Reg16|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"verr", 1, 0x0f00, 4, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"verw", 1, 0x0f00, 5, Modrm, { WordReg|Mem, 0, 0} },
+/* floating point instructions */
+/* load */
+{"fld", 1, 0xd9c0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} }, /* register */
+{"flds", 1, 0xd9, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },            /* %st0 <-- mem float */
+{"fldl", 1, 0xdd, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },            /* %st0 <-- mem double 
+{"fldl", 1, 0xd9c0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} }, /* register */
+{"fild", 1, 0xdf, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },            /* %st0 <-- mem word 
(16) */
+{"fildl", 1, 0xdb, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },   /* %st0 <-- mem dword (32) */
+{"fildq",1, 0xdf, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },            /* %st0 <-- mem qword 
(64) */
+{"fildll",1, 0xdf, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },   /* %st0 <-- mem qword (64) */
+{"fldt", 1, 0xdb, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },            /* %st0 <-- mem efloat 
+{"fbld", 1, 0xdf, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },            /* %st0 <-- mem bcd */
+/* store (no pop) */
+{"fst", 1, 0xddd0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} }, /* register */
+{"fsts", 1, 0xd9, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },            /* %st0 --> mem float */
+{"fstl", 1, 0xdd, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },            /* %st0 --> mem double 
+{"fstl", 1, 0xddd0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} }, /* register */
+{"fist", 1, 0xdf, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },            /* %st0 --> mem word 
(16) */
+{"fistl", 1, 0xdb, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },   /* %st0 --> mem dword (32) */
+/* store (with pop) */
+{"fstp", 1, 0xddd8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} }, /* register */
+{"fstps", 1, 0xd9, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },   /* %st0 --> mem float */
+{"fstpl", 1, 0xdd, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },   /* %st0 --> mem double */
+{"fstpl", 1, 0xddd8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} }, /* register */
+{"fistp", 1, 0xdf, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },   /* %st0 --> mem word (16) */
+{"fistpl",1, 0xdb, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },   /* %st0 --> mem dword (32) */
+{"fistpq",1, 0xdf, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },   /* %st0 --> mem qword (64) */
+{"fistpll",1,0xdf, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },   /* %st0 --> mem qword (64) */
+{"fstpt", 1, 0xdb, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },   /* %st0 --> mem efloat */
+{"fbstp", 1, 0xdf, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },   /* %st0 --> mem bcd */
+/* exchange %st<n> with %st0 */
+{"fxch", 1, 0xd9c8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fxch", 0, 0xd9c9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* alias for fxch %st, %st(1) */
+/* comparison (without pop) */
+{"fcom", 1, 0xd8d0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fcoms", 1, 0xd8, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },   /* compare %st0, mem float  */
+{"ficoml", 1, 0xda, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },  /* compare %st0, mem word  */ 
+{"fcoml", 1, 0xdc, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },   /* compare %st0, mem double  */
+{"fcoml", 1, 0xd8d0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"ficoms", 1, 0xde, 2, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },  /* compare %st0, mem dword */
+/* comparison (with pop) */
+{"fcomp", 1, 0xd8d8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fcomps", 1, 0xd8, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },  /* compare %st0, mem float  */
+{"ficompl", 1, 0xda, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* compare %st0, mem word  */ 
+{"fcompl", 1, 0xdc, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },  /* compare %st0, mem double  */
+{"fcompl", 1, 0xd8d8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"ficomps", 1, 0xde, 3, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} }, /* compare %st0, mem dword */
+{"fcompp", 0, 0xded9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },        /* compare %st0, %st1 & 
pop 2 */
+/* unordered comparison (with pop) */
+{"fucom", 1, 0xdde0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fucomp", 1, 0xdde8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fucompp", 0, 0xdae9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* ucompare %st0, %st1 & pop 
twice */
+{"ftst", 0, 0xd9e4, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },  /* test %st0 */
+{"fxam", 0, 0xd9e5, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },  /* examine %st0 */
+/* load constants into %st0 */
+{"fld1", 0, 0xd9e8, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },  /* %st0 <-- 1.0 */
+{"fldl2t", 0, 0xd9e9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },        /* %st0 <-- log2(10) */
+{"fldl2e", 0, 0xd9ea, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },        /* %st0 <-- log2(e) */
+{"fldpi", 0, 0xd9eb, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* %st0 <-- pi */
+{"fldlg2", 0, 0xd9ec, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },        /* %st0 <-- log10(2) */
+{"fldln2", 0, 0xd9ed, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },        /* %st0 <-- ln(2) */
+{"fldz", 0, 0xd9ee, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },  /* %st0 <-- 0.0 */
+/* arithmetic */
+/* add */
+{"fadd", 1, 0xd8c0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fadd", 2, 0xd8c0, _, ShortForm|FloatD, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fadd", 0, 0xdcc1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* alias for fadd %st, %st(1) */
+{"faddp", 1, 0xdac0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"faddp", 2, 0xdac0, _, ShortForm|FloatD, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"faddp", 0, 0xdec1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} }, /* alias for faddp %st, %st(1) 
+{"fadds", 1, 0xd8, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fiaddl", 1, 0xda, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"faddl", 1, 0xdc, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fiadds", 1, 0xde, 0, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+/* sub */
+/* Note:  intel has decided that certain of these operations are reversed
+   in assembler syntax. */
+{"fsub", 1, 0xd8e0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fsub", 2, 0xd8e0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fsub", 2, 0xdce8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fsub", 2, 0xdce0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fsub", 0, 0xdce1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fsubp", 1, 0xdae0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fsubp", 2, 0xdae0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fsubp", 2, 0xdee8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fsubp", 2, 0xdee0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fsubp", 0, 0xdee1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fsubs", 1, 0xd8, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fisubl", 1, 0xda, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fsubl", 1, 0xdc, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fisubs", 1, 0xde, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+/* sub reverse */
+{"fsubr", 1, 0xd8e8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fsubr", 2, 0xd8e8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fsubr", 2, 0xdce0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fsubr", 2, 0xdce8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fsubr", 0, 0xdce9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fsubrp", 1, 0xdae8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fsubrp", 2, 0xdae8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fsubrp", 2, 0xdee0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fsubrp", 2, 0xdee8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fsubrp", 0, 0xdee9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fsubrs", 1, 0xd8, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fisubrl", 1, 0xda, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fsubrl", 1, 0xdc, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fisubrs", 1, 0xde, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+/* mul */
+{"fmul", 1, 0xd8c8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fmul", 2, 0xd8c8, _, ShortForm|FloatD, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fmul", 0, 0xdcc9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fmulp", 1, 0xdac8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fmulp", 2, 0xdac8, _, ShortForm|FloatD, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fmulp", 0, 0xdec9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fmuls", 1, 0xd8, 1, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fimull", 1, 0xda, 1, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fmull", 1, 0xdc, 1, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fimuls", 1, 0xde, 1, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+/* div */
+/* Note:  intel has decided that certain of these operations are reversed
+   in assembler syntax. */
+{"fdiv", 1, 0xd8f0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fdiv", 2, 0xd8f0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fdiv", 2, 0xdcf8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fdiv", 2, 0xdcf0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fdiv", 0, 0xdcf1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fdivp", 1, 0xdaf0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fdivp", 2, 0xdaf0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fdivp", 2, 0xdef8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fdivp", 2, 0xdef0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fdivp", 0, 0xdef1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fdivs", 1, 0xd8, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fidivl", 1, 0xda, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fdivl", 1, 0xdc, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fidivs", 1, 0xde, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+/* div reverse */
+{"fdivr", 1, 0xd8f8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fdivr", 2, 0xd8f8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fdivr", 2, 0xdcf0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fdivr", 2, 0xdcf8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fdivr", 0, 0xdcf9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fdivrp", 1, 0xdaf8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fdivrp", 2, 0xdaf8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fdivrp", 2, 0xdef0, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fdivrp", 2, 0xdef8, _, ShortForm, { FloatAcc, FloatReg, 0} },
+{"fdivrp", 0, 0xdef9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fdivrs", 1, 0xd8, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fidivrl", 1, 0xda, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fdivrl", 1, 0xdc, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fidivrs", 1, 0xde, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"f2xm1", 0,   0xd9f0, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fyl2x", 0,   0xd9f1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fptan", 0,   0xd9f2, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fpatan", 0,  0xd9f3, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fxtract", 0, 0xd9f4, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fprem1", 0,  0xd9f5, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fdecstp", 0,  0xd9f6, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fincstp", 0,  0xd9f7, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fprem", 0,   0xd9f8, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fyl2xp1", 0, 0xd9f9, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fsqrt", 0,   0xd9fa, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fsincos", 0, 0xd9fb, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"frndint", 0, 0xd9fc, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fscale", 0,  0xd9fd, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fsin", 0,    0xd9fe, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fcos", 0,    0xd9ff, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fchs", 0, 0xd9e0, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fabs", 0, 0xd9e1, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+/* processor control */
+{"fninit", 0, 0xdbe3, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"finit", 0, 0x9bdbe3, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fldcw", 1, 0xd9, 5, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fnstcw", 1, 0xd9, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fstcw", 1, 0x9bd9, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fnstsw", 1, 0xdfe0, _, NoModrm, { Acc, 0, 0} },
+{"fnstsw", 1, 0xdd, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fnstsw", 0, 0xdfe0, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fstsw", 1, 0x9bdfe0, _, NoModrm, { Acc, 0, 0} },
+{"fstsw", 1, 0x9bdd, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fstsw", 0, 0x9bdfe0, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fnclex", 0, 0xdbe2, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fclex", 0, 0x9bdbe2, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+ We ignore the short format (287) versions of fstenv/fldenv & fsave/frstor
+ instructions;  i'm not sure how to add them or how they are different.
+ My 386/387 book offers no details about this.
+{"fnstenv", 1, 0xd9, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fstenv", 1, 0x9bd9, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fldenv", 1, 0xd9, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fnsave", 1, 0xdd, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"fsave", 1, 0x9bdd, 6, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"frstor", 1, 0xdd, 4, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+{"ffree", 1, 0xddc0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, 0, 0} },
+{"fnop", 0, 0xd9d0, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fwait", 0, 0x9b, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+  opcode prefixes; we allow them as seperate insns too
+  (see prefix table below)
+{"aword", 0, 0x67, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"addr16", 0, 0x67, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"word", 0, 0x66, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"data16", 0, 0x66, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"lock", 0, 0xf0, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"cs", 0, 0x2e, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"ds", 0, 0x3e, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"es", 0, 0x26, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"fs", 0, 0x64, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"gs", 0, 0x65, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"ss", 0, 0x36, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"rep", 0, 0xf3, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"repe", 0, 0xf3, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"repz", 0, 0xf3, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"repne", 0, 0xf2, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"repnz", 0, 0xf2, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+/* 486 extensions */
+{"bswap", 1, 0x0fc8, _, ShortForm, { Reg32,0,0 } },
+{"xadd", 2, 0x0fc0, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0 } },
+{"cmpxchg", 2, 0x0fb0, _, DW|Modrm, { Reg, Reg|Mem, 0 } },
+{"invd", 0, 0x0f08, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"wbinvd", 0, 0x0f09, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"invlpg", 1, 0x0f01, 7, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+/* 586 and late 486 extensions */
+{"cpuid", 0, 0x0fa2, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+/* Pentium extensions */
+{"wrmsr", 0, 0x0f30, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"rdtsc", 0, 0x0f31, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"rdmsr", 0, 0x0f32, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"cmpxchg8b", 1, 0x0fc7, 1, Modrm, { Mem, 0, 0} },
+/* Pentium Pro extensions */
+{"rdpmc", 0, 0x0f33, _, NoModrm, { 0, 0, 0} },
+{"cmovo",  2, 0x0f40, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmovno", 2, 0x0f41, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmovb",  2, 0x0f42, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmovae", 2, 0x0f43, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmove",  2, 0x0f44, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmovne", 2, 0x0f45, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmovbe", 2, 0x0f46, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmova",  2, 0x0f47, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmovs",  2, 0x0f48, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmovns", 2, 0x0f49, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmovp",  2, 0x0f4a, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmovnp", 2, 0x0f4b, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmovl",  2, 0x0f4c, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmovge", 2, 0x0f4d, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmovle", 2, 0x0f4e, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"cmovg",  2, 0x0f4f, _, W|Modrm|ReverseRegRegmem, { WordReg|WordMem, WordReg, 
0} },
+{"fcmovb", 2, 0xdac0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fcmove", 2, 0xdac8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fcmovbe",2, 0xdad0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fcmovu", 2, 0xdad8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fcmovnb", 2, 0xdbc0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fcmovne", 2, 0xdbc8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fcmovnbe",2, 0xdbd0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fcmovnu", 2, 0xdbd8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fcomi",  2, 0xdbf0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fucomi", 2, 0xdbe8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fcomip", 2, 0xdff0, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"fucomip",2, 0xdfe8, _, ShortForm, { FloatReg, FloatAcc, 0} },
+{"", 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0} }  /* sentinel */
+#undef _
+static const template *const i386_optab_end
+  = i386_optab + sizeof (i386_optab)/sizeof(i386_optab[0]);
+/* 386 register table */
+static const reg_entry i386_regtab[] = {
+  /* 8 bit regs */
+  {"al", Reg8|Acc, 0}, {"cl", Reg8|ShiftCount, 1}, {"dl", Reg8, 2},
+  {"bl", Reg8, 3},
+  {"ah", Reg8, 4}, {"ch", Reg8, 5}, {"dh", Reg8, 6}, {"bh", Reg8, 7},
+  /* 16 bit regs */
+  {"ax", Reg16|Acc, 0}, {"cx", Reg16, 1}, {"dx", Reg16|InOutPortReg, 2}, 
{"bx", Reg16, 3},
+  {"sp", Reg16, 4}, {"bp", Reg16, 5}, {"si", Reg16, 6}, {"di", Reg16, 7},
+  /* 32 bit regs */
+  {"eax", Reg32|Acc, 0}, {"ecx", Reg32, 1}, {"edx", Reg32, 2}, {"ebx", Reg32, 
+  {"esp", Reg32, 4}, {"ebp", Reg32, 5}, {"esi", Reg32, 6}, {"edi", Reg32, 7},
+  /* segment registers */
+  {"es", SReg2, 0}, {"cs", SReg2, 1}, {"ss", SReg2, 2},
+  {"ds", SReg2, 3}, {"fs", SReg3, 4}, {"gs", SReg3, 5},
+  /* control registers */
+  {"cr0", Control, 0},   {"cr2", Control, 2},   {"cr3", Control, 3},
+  {"cr4", Control, 4},
+  /* debug registers */
+  {"db0", Debug, 0},   {"db1", Debug, 1},   {"db2", Debug, 2},
+  {"db3", Debug, 3},   {"db6", Debug, 6},   {"db7", Debug, 7},
+  {"dr0", Debug, 0},   {"dr1", Debug, 1},   {"dr2", Debug, 2},
+  {"dr3", Debug, 3},   {"dr6", Debug, 6},   {"dr7", Debug, 7},
+  /* test registers */
+  {"tr3", Test, 3}, {"tr4", Test, 4}, {"tr5", Test, 5},
+  {"tr6", Test, 6}, {"tr7", Test, 7},
+  /* float registers */
+  {"st(0)", FloatReg|FloatAcc, 0},
+  {"st", FloatReg|FloatAcc, 0},
+  {"st(1)", FloatReg, 1}, {"st(2)", FloatReg, 2}, 
+  {"st(3)", FloatReg, 3}, {"st(4)", FloatReg, 4}, {"st(5)", FloatReg, 5}, 
+  {"st(6)", FloatReg, 6}, {"st(7)", FloatReg, 7}
+#define MAX_REG_NAME_SIZE 8    /* for parsing register names from input */
+static const reg_entry *const i386_regtab_end
+  = i386_regtab + sizeof(i386_regtab)/sizeof(i386_regtab[0]);
+/* segment stuff */
+static const seg_entry cs = { "cs", 0x2e };
+static const seg_entry ds = { "ds", 0x3e };
+static const seg_entry ss = { "ss", 0x36 };
+static const seg_entry es = { "es", 0x26 };
+static const seg_entry fs = { "fs", 0x64 };
+static const seg_entry gs = { "gs", 0x65 };
+static const seg_entry null = { "", 0x0 };
+  This table is used to store the default segment register implied by all
+  possible memory addressing modes.
+  It is indexed by the mode & modrm entries of the modrm byte as follows:
+      index = (mode<<3) | modrm;
+static const seg_entry *const one_byte_segment_defaults[] = {
+  /* mode 0 */
+  &ds, &ds, &ds, &ds, &null, &ds, &ds, &ds,
+  /* mode 1 */
+  &ds, &ds, &ds, &ds, &null, &ss, &ds, &ds,
+  /* mode 2 */
+  &ds, &ds, &ds, &ds, &null, &ss, &ds, &ds,
+  /* mode 3 --- not a memory reference; never referenced */
+static const seg_entry *const two_byte_segment_defaults[] = {
+  /* mode 0 */
+  &ds, &ds, &ds, &ds, &ss, &ds, &ds, &ds,
+  /* mode 1 */
+  &ds, &ds, &ds, &ds, &ss, &ds, &ds, &ds,
+  /* mode 2 */
+  &ds, &ds, &ds, &ds, &ss, &ds, &ds, &ds,
+  /* mode 3 --- not a memory reference; never referenced */
+static const prefix_entry i386_prefixtab[] = {
+#define ADDR_PREFIX_OPCODE 0x67
+  { "addr16", 0x67 },          /* address size prefix ==> 16bit addressing
+                                * (How is this useful?) */
+#define WORD_PREFIX_OPCODE 0x66
+  { "data16", 0x66 },          /* operand size prefix */
+  { "lock", 0xf0 },            /* bus lock prefix */
+  { "wait", 0x9b },            /* wait for coprocessor */
+  { "cs", 0x2e }, { "ds", 0x3e }, /* segment overrides ... */
+  { "es", 0x26 }, { "fs", 0x64 },
+  { "gs", 0x65 }, { "ss", 0x36 },
+/* REPE & REPNE used to detect rep/repne with a non-string instruction */
+#define REPNE 0xf2
+#define REPE  0xf3
+  { "rep", 0xf3 },             /* repeat string instructions */
+  { "repe", 0xf3 },  { "repz", 0xf3 },
+  { "repne", 0xf2 }, { "repnz", 0xf2 }
+static const prefix_entry *const i386_prefixtab_end
+  = i386_prefixtab + sizeof(i386_prefixtab)/sizeof(i386_prefixtab[0]);
+/* end of i386-opcode.h */
diff --git a/opcode/ppc-dis.c b/opcode/ppc-dis.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70716ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/ppc-dis.c
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+/* ppc-dis.c -- Disassemble PowerPC instructions
+   Copyright 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support
+This file is part of GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils.
+GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are free software; you can redistribute
+them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+2, or (at your option) any later version.
+GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are distributed in the hope that they
+will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this file; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "ansidecl.h"
+#include "sysdep.h"
+#include "dis-asm.h"
+#include "opcode/ppc.h"
+/* This file provides several disassembler functions, all of which use
+   the disassembler interface defined in dis-asm.h.  Several functions
+   are provided because this file handles disassembly for the PowerPC
+   in both big and little endian mode and also for the POWER (RS/6000)
+   chip.  */
+static int print_insn_powerpc PARAMS ((bfd_vma, struct disassemble_info *,
+                                      int bigendian, int dialect));
+/* Print a big endian PowerPC instruction.  For convenience, also
+   disassemble instructions supported by the Motorola PowerPC 601.  */
+print_insn_big_powerpc (memaddr, info)
+     bfd_vma memaddr;
+     struct disassemble_info *info;
+  return print_insn_powerpc (memaddr, info, 1,
+                            PPC_OPCODE_PPC | PPC_OPCODE_601);
+/* Print a little endian PowerPC instruction.  For convenience, also
+   disassemble instructions supported by the Motorola PowerPC 601.  */
+print_insn_little_powerpc (memaddr, info)
+     bfd_vma memaddr;
+     struct disassemble_info *info;
+  return print_insn_powerpc (memaddr, info, 0,
+                            PPC_OPCODE_PPC | PPC_OPCODE_601);
+/* Print a POWER (RS/6000) instruction.  */
+print_insn_rs6000 (memaddr, info)
+     bfd_vma memaddr;
+     struct disassemble_info *info;
+  return print_insn_powerpc (memaddr, info, 1, PPC_OPCODE_POWER);
+/* Print a PowerPC or POWER instruction.  */
+static int
+print_insn_powerpc (memaddr, info, bigendian, dialect)
+     bfd_vma memaddr;
+     struct disassemble_info *info;
+     int bigendian;
+     int dialect;
+  bfd_byte buffer[4];
+  int status;
+  unsigned long insn;
+  const struct powerpc_opcode *opcode;
+  const struct powerpc_opcode *opcode_end;
+  unsigned long op;
+  status = (*info->read_memory_func) (memaddr, buffer, 4, info);
+  if (status != 0)
+    {
+      (*info->memory_error_func) (status, memaddr, info);
+      return -1;
+    }
+  if (bigendian)
+    insn = bfd_getb32 (buffer);
+  else
+    insn = bfd_getl32 (buffer);
+  /* Get the major opcode of the instruction.  */
+  op = PPC_OP (insn);
+  /* Find the first match in the opcode table.  We could speed this up
+     a bit by doing a binary search on the major opcode.  */
+  opcode_end = powerpc_opcodes + powerpc_num_opcodes;
+  for (opcode = powerpc_opcodes; opcode < opcode_end; opcode++)
+    {
+      unsigned long table_op;
+      const unsigned char *opindex;
+      const struct powerpc_operand *operand;
+      int invalid;
+      int need_comma;
+      int need_paren;
+      table_op = PPC_OP (opcode->opcode);
+      if (op < table_op)
+       break;
+      if (op > table_op)
+       continue;
+      if ((insn & opcode->mask) != opcode->opcode
+         || (opcode->flags & dialect) == 0)
+       continue;
+      /* Make two passes over the operands.  First see if any of them
+        have extraction functions, and, if they do, make sure the
+        instruction is valid.  */
+      invalid = 0;
+      for (opindex = opcode->operands; *opindex != 0; opindex++)
+       {
+         operand = powerpc_operands + *opindex;
+         if (operand->extract)
+           (*operand->extract) (insn, &invalid);
+       }
+      if (invalid)
+       continue;
+      /* The instruction is valid.  */
+      (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", opcode->name);
+      if (opcode->operands[0] != 0)
+       (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "\t");
+      /* Now extract and print the operands.  */
+      need_comma = 0;
+      need_paren = 0;
+      for (opindex = opcode->operands; *opindex != 0; opindex++)
+       {
+         long value;
+         operand = powerpc_operands + *opindex;
+         /* Operands that are marked FAKE are simply ignored.  We
+            already made sure that the extract function considered
+            the instruction to be valid.  */
+         if ((operand->flags & PPC_OPERAND_FAKE) != 0)
+           continue;
+         /* Extract the value from the instruction.  */
+         if (operand->extract)
+           value = (*operand->extract) (insn, (int *) NULL);
+         else
+           {
+             value = (insn >> operand->shift) & ((1 << operand->bits) - 1);
+             if ((operand->flags & PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED) != 0
+                 && (value & (1 << (operand->bits - 1))) != 0)
+               value -= 1 << operand->bits;
+           }
+         /* If the operand is optional, and the value is zero, don't
+            print anything.  */
+         if ((operand->flags & PPC_OPERAND_OPTIONAL) != 0
+             && (operand->flags & PPC_OPERAND_NEXT) == 0
+             && value == 0)
+           continue;
+         if (need_comma)
+           {
+             (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ",");
+             need_comma = 0;
+           }
+         /* Print the operand as directed by the flags.  */
+         if ((operand->flags & PPC_OPERAND_GPR) != 0)
+           (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "r%ld", value);
+         else if ((operand->flags & PPC_OPERAND_FPR) != 0)
+           (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "f%ld", value);
+         else if ((operand->flags & PPC_OPERAND_RELATIVE) != 0)
+           (*info->print_address_func) (memaddr + value, info);
+         else if ((operand->flags & PPC_OPERAND_ABSOLUTE) != 0)
+           (*info->print_address_func) ((bfd_vma) value & 0xffffffff, info);
+         else if ((operand->flags & PPC_OPERAND_CR) == 0
+                  || (dialect & PPC_OPCODE_PPC) == 0)
+           (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%ld", value);
+         else
+           {
+             if (operand->bits == 3)
+               (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "cr%d", value);
+             else
+               {
+                 static const char *cbnames[4] = { "lt", "gt", "eq", "so" };
+                 int cr;
+                 int cc;
+                 cr = value >> 2;
+                 if (cr != 0)
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "4*cr%d", cr);
+                 cc = value & 3;
+                 if (cc != 0)
+                   {
+                     if (cr != 0)
+                       (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "+");
+                     (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s", cbnames[cc]);
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+         if (need_paren)
+           {
+             (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ")");
+             need_paren = 0;
+           }
+         if ((operand->flags & PPC_OPERAND_PARENS) == 0)
+           need_comma = 1;
+         else
+           {
+             (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "(");
+             need_paren = 1;
+           }
+       }
+      /* We have found and printed an instruction; return.  */
+      return 4;
+    }
+  /* We could not find a match.  */
+  (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ".long 0x%lx", insn);
+  return 4;
diff --git a/opcode/ppc-opc.c b/opcode/ppc-opc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e11db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/ppc-opc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2830 @@
+/* ppc-opc.c -- PowerPC opcode list
+   Copyright 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support
+This file is part of GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils.
+GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are free software; you can redistribute
+them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+2, or (at your option) any later version.
+GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are distributed in the hope that they
+will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this file; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "ansidecl.h"
+#include "opcode/ppc.h"
+/* This file holds the PowerPC opcode table.  The opcode table
+   includes almost all of the extended instruction mnemonics.  This
+   permits the disassembler to use them, and simplifies the assembler
+   logic, at the cost of increasing the table size.  The table is
+   strictly constant data, so the compiler should be able to put it in
+   the .text section.
+   This file also holds the operand table.  All knowledge about
+   inserting operands into instructions and vice-versa is kept in this
+   file.  */
+/* Local insertion and extraction functions.  */
+static unsigned long insert_bat PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_bat PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_bba PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_bba PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_bd PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_bd PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_bdm PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_bdm PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_bdp PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_bdp PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_bo PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_bo PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_boe PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_boe PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_ds PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_ds PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_li PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_li PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_mbe PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_mbe PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_mb6 PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_mb6 PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_nb PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_nb PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_nsi PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_nsi PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_ral PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static unsigned long insert_ram PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static unsigned long insert_ras PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static unsigned long insert_rbs PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_rbs PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_sh6 PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_sh6 PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_spr PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_spr PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+static unsigned long insert_tbr PARAMS ((unsigned long, long, const char **));
+static long extract_tbr PARAMS ((unsigned long, int *));
+/* The operands table.
+   The fields are bits, shift, signed, insert, extract, flags.  */
+const struct powerpc_operand powerpc_operands[] =
+  /* The zero index is used to indicate the end of the list of
+     operands.  */
+#define UNUSED (0)
+  { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The BA field in an XL form instruction.  */
+#define BA (UNUSED + 1)
+#define BA_MASK (0x1f << 16)
+  { 5, 16, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_CR },
+  /* The BA field in an XL form instruction when it must be the same
+     as the BT field in the same instruction.  */
+#define BAT (BA + 1)
+  { 5, 16, insert_bat, extract_bat, PPC_OPERAND_FAKE },
+  /* The BB field in an XL form instruction.  */
+#define BB (BAT + 1)
+#define BB_MASK (0x1f << 11)
+  { 5, 11, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_CR },
+  /* The BB field in an XL form instruction when it must be the same
+     as the BA field in the same instruction.  */
+#define BBA (BB + 1)
+  { 5, 11, insert_bba, extract_bba, PPC_OPERAND_FAKE },
+  /* The BD field in a B form instruction.  The lower two bits are
+     forced to zero.  */
+#define BD (BBA + 1)
+  { 16, 0, insert_bd, extract_bd, PPC_OPERAND_RELATIVE | PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED },
+  /* The BD field in a B form instruction when absolute addressing is
+     used.  */
+#define BDA (BD + 1)
+  { 16, 0, insert_bd, extract_bd, PPC_OPERAND_ABSOLUTE | PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED },
+  /* The BD field in a B form instruction when the - modifier is used.
+     This sets the y bit of the BO field appropriately.  */
+#define BDM (BDA + 1)
+  { 16, 0, insert_bdm, extract_bdm,
+  /* The BD field in a B form instruction when the - modifier is used
+     and absolute address is used.  */
+#define BDMA (BDM + 1)
+  { 16, 0, insert_bdm, extract_bdm,
+  /* The BD field in a B form instruction when the + modifier is used.
+     This sets the y bit of the BO field appropriately.  */
+#define BDP (BDMA + 1)
+  { 16, 0, insert_bdp, extract_bdp,
+  /* The BD field in a B form instruction when the + modifier is used
+     and absolute addressing is used.  */
+#define BDPA (BDP + 1)
+  { 16, 0, insert_bdp, extract_bdp,
+  /* The BF field in an X or XL form instruction.  */
+#define BF (BDPA + 1)
+  { 3, 23, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_CR },
+  /* An optional BF field.  This is used for comparison instructions,
+     in which an omitted BF field is taken as zero.  */
+#define OBF (BF + 1)
+  /* The BFA field in an X or XL form instruction.  */
+#define BFA (OBF + 1)
+  { 3, 18, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_CR },
+  /* The BI field in a B form or XL form instruction.  */
+#define BI (BFA + 1)
+#define BI_MASK (0x1f << 16)
+  { 5, 16, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_CR },
+  /* The BO field in a B form instruction.  Certain values are
+     illegal.  */
+#define BO (BI + 1)
+#define BO_MASK (0x1f << 21)
+  { 5, 21, insert_bo, extract_bo, 0 },
+  /* The BO field in a B form instruction when the + or - modifier is
+     used.  This is like the BO field, but it must be even.  */
+#define BOE (BO + 1)
+  { 5, 21, insert_boe, extract_boe, 0 },
+  /* The BT field in an X or XL form instruction.  */
+#define BT (BOE + 1)
+  { 5, 21, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_CR },
+  /* The condition register number portion of the BI field in a B form
+     or XL form instruction.  This is used for the extended
+     conditional branch mnemonics, which set the lower two bits of the
+     BI field.  This field is optional.  */
+#define CR (BT + 1)
+  /* The D field in a D form instruction.  This is a displacement off
+     a register, and implies that the next operand is a register in
+     parentheses.  */
+#define D (CR + 1)
+  /* The DS field in a DS form instruction.  This is like D, but the
+     lower two bits are forced to zero.  */
+#define DS (D + 1)
+  { 16, 0, insert_ds, extract_ds, PPC_OPERAND_PARENS | PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED },
+  /* The FL1 field in a POWER SC form instruction.  */
+#define FL1 (DS + 1)
+  { 4, 12, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The FL2 field in a POWER SC form instruction.  */
+#define FL2 (FL1 + 1)
+  { 3, 2, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The FLM field in an XFL form instruction.  */
+#define FLM (FL2 + 1)
+  { 8, 17, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The FRA field in an X or A form instruction.  */
+#define FRA (FLM + 1)
+#define FRA_MASK (0x1f << 16)
+  { 5, 16, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_FPR },
+  /* The FRB field in an X or A form instruction.  */
+#define FRB (FRA + 1)
+#define FRB_MASK (0x1f << 11)
+  { 5, 11, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_FPR },
+  /* The FRC field in an A form instruction.  */
+#define FRC (FRB + 1)
+#define FRC_MASK (0x1f << 6)
+  { 5, 6, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_FPR },
+  /* The FRS field in an X form instruction or the FRT field in a D, X
+     or A form instruction.  */
+#define FRS (FRC + 1)
+#define FRT (FRS)
+  { 5, 21, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_FPR },
+  /* The FXM field in an XFX instruction.  */
+#define FXM (FRS + 1)
+#define FXM_MASK (0xff << 12)
+  { 8, 12, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The L field in a D or X form instruction.  */
+#define L (FXM + 1)
+  { 1, 21, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_OPTIONAL },
+  /* The LEV field in a POWER SC form instruction.  */
+#define LEV (L + 1)
+  { 7, 5, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The LI field in an I form instruction.  The lower two bits are
+     forced to zero.  */
+#define LI (LEV + 1)
+  { 26, 0, insert_li, extract_li, PPC_OPERAND_RELATIVE | PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED },
+  /* The LI field in an I form instruction when used as an absolute
+     address.  */
+#define LIA (LI + 1)
+  { 26, 0, insert_li, extract_li, PPC_OPERAND_ABSOLUTE | PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED },
+  /* The MB field in an M form instruction.  */
+#define MB (LIA + 1)
+#define MB_MASK (0x1f << 6)
+  { 5, 6, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The ME field in an M form instruction.  */
+#define ME (MB + 1)
+#define ME_MASK (0x1f << 1)
+  { 5, 1, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The MB and ME fields in an M form instruction expressed a single
+     operand which is a bitmask indicating which bits to select.  This
+     is a two operand form using PPC_OPERAND_NEXT.  See the
+     description in opcode/ppc.h for what this means.  */
+#define MBE (ME + 1)
+  { 32, 0, insert_mbe, extract_mbe, 0 },
+  /* The MB or ME field in an MD or MDS form instruction.  The high
+     bit is wrapped to the low end.  */
+#define MB6 (MBE + 2)
+#define ME6 (MB6)
+#define MB6_MASK (0x3f << 5)
+  { 6, 5, insert_mb6, extract_mb6, 0 },
+  /* The NB field in an X form instruction.  The value 32 is stored as
+     0.  */
+#define NB (MB6 + 1)
+  { 6, 11, insert_nb, extract_nb, 0 },
+  /* The NSI field in a D form instruction.  This is the same as the
+     SI field, only negated.  */
+#define NSI (NB + 1)
+  { 16, 0, insert_nsi, extract_nsi,
+  /* The RA field in an D, DS, X, XO, M, or MDS form instruction.  */
+#define RA (NSI + 1)
+#define RA_MASK (0x1f << 16)
+  { 5, 16, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_GPR },
+  /* The RA field in a D or X form instruction which is an updating
+     load, which means that the RA field may not be zero and may not
+     equal the RT field.  */
+#define RAL (RA + 1)
+  { 5, 16, insert_ral, 0, PPC_OPERAND_GPR },
+  /* The RA field in an lmw instruction, which has special value
+     restrictions.  */
+#define RAM (RAL + 1)
+  { 5, 16, insert_ram, 0, PPC_OPERAND_GPR },
+  /* The RA field in a D or X form instruction which is an updating
+     store or an updating floating point load, which means that the RA
+     field may not be zero.  */
+#define RAS (RAM + 1)
+  { 5, 16, insert_ras, 0, PPC_OPERAND_GPR },
+  /* The RB field in an X, XO, M, or MDS form instruction.  */
+#define RB (RAS + 1)
+#define RB_MASK (0x1f << 11)
+  { 5, 11, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_GPR },
+  /* The RB field in an X form instruction when it must be the same as
+     the RS field in the instruction.  This is used for extended
+     mnemonics like mr.  */
+#define RBS (RB + 1)
+  { 5, 1, insert_rbs, extract_rbs, PPC_OPERAND_FAKE },
+  /* The RS field in a D, DS, X, XFX, XS, M, MD or MDS form
+     instruction or the RT field in a D, DS, X, XFX or XO form
+     instruction.  */
+#define RS (RBS + 1)
+#define RT (RS)
+#define RT_MASK (0x1f << 21)
+  { 5, 21, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_GPR },
+  /* The SH field in an X or M form instruction.  */
+#define SH (RS + 1)
+#define SH_MASK (0x1f << 11)
+  { 5, 11, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The SH field in an MD form instruction.  This is split.  */
+#define SH6 (SH + 1)
+#define SH6_MASK ((0x1f << 11) | (1 << 1))
+  { 6, 1, insert_sh6, extract_sh6, 0 },
+  /* The SI field in a D form instruction.  */
+#define SI (SH6 + 1)
+  { 16, 0, 0, 0, PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED },
+  /* The SI field in a D form instruction when we accept a wide range
+     of positive values.  */
+#define SISIGNOPT (SI + 1)
+  /* The SPR field in an XFX form instruction.  This is flipped--the
+     lower 5 bits are stored in the upper 5 and vice- versa.  */
+#define SPR (SISIGNOPT + 1)
+#define SPR_MASK (0x3ff << 11)
+  { 10, 11, insert_spr, extract_spr, 0 },
+  /* The BAT index number in an XFX form m[ft]ibat[lu] instruction.  */
+#define SPRBAT (SPR + 1)
+#define SPRBAT_MASK (0x3 << 17)
+  { 2, 17, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The SPRG register number in an XFX form m[ft]sprg instruction.  */
+#define SPRG (SPRBAT + 1)
+#define SPRG_MASK (0x3 << 16)
+  { 2, 16, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The SR field in an X form instruction.  */
+#define SR (SPRG + 1)
+  { 4, 16, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The SV field in a POWER SC form instruction.  */
+#define SV (SR + 1)
+  { 14, 2, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The TBR field in an XFX form instruction.  This is like the SPR
+     field, but it is optional.  */
+#define TBR (SV + 1)
+  { 10, 11, insert_tbr, extract_tbr, PPC_OPERAND_OPTIONAL },
+  /* The TO field in a D or X form instruction.  */
+#define TO (TBR + 1)
+#define TO_MASK (0x1f << 21)
+  { 5, 21, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The U field in an X form instruction.  */
+#define U (TO + 1)
+  { 4, 12, 0, 0, 0 },
+  /* The UI field in a D form instruction.  */
+#define UI (U + 1)
+  { 16, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+/* The functions used to insert and extract complicated operands.  */
+/* The BA field in an XL form instruction when it must be the same as
+   the BT field in the same instruction.  This operand is marked FAKE.
+   The insertion function just copies the BT field into the BA field,
+   and the extraction function just checks that the fields are the
+   same.  */
+static unsigned long 
+insert_bat (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  return insn | (((insn >> 21) & 0x1f) << 16);
+static long
+extract_bat (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  if (invalid != (int *) NULL
+      && ((insn >> 21) & 0x1f) != ((insn >> 16) & 0x1f))
+    *invalid = 1;
+  return 0;
+/* The BB field in an XL form instruction when it must be the same as
+   the BA field in the same instruction.  This operand is marked FAKE.
+   The insertion function just copies the BA field into the BB field,
+   and the extraction function just checks that the fields are the
+   same.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_bba (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  return insn | (((insn >> 16) & 0x1f) << 11);
+static long
+extract_bba (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  if (invalid != (int *) NULL
+      && ((insn >> 16) & 0x1f) != ((insn >> 11) & 0x1f))
+    *invalid = 1;
+  return 0;
+/* The BD field in a B form instruction.  The lower two bits are
+   forced to zero.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_bd (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  return insn | (value & 0xfffc);
+static long
+extract_bd (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  if ((insn & 0x8000) != 0)
+    return (insn & 0xfffc) - 0x10000;
+  else
+    return insn & 0xfffc;
+/* The BD field in a B form instruction when the - modifier is used.
+   This modifier means that the branch is not expected to be taken.
+   We must set the y bit of the BO field to 1 if the offset is
+   negative.  When extracting, we require that the y bit be 1 and that
+   the offset be positive, since if the y bit is 0 we just want to
+   print the normal form of the instruction.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_bdm (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  if ((value & 0x8000) != 0)
+    insn |= 1 << 21;
+  return insn | (value & 0xfffc);
+static long
+extract_bdm (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  if (invalid != (int *) NULL
+      && ((insn & (1 << 21)) == 0
+         || (insn & (1 << 15)) == 0))
+    *invalid = 1;
+  if ((insn & 0x8000) != 0)
+    return (insn & 0xfffc) - 0x10000;
+  else
+    return insn & 0xfffc;
+/* The BD field in a B form instruction when the + modifier is used.
+   This is like BDM, above, except that the branch is expected to be
+   taken.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_bdp (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  if ((value & 0x8000) == 0)
+    insn |= 1 << 21;
+  return insn | (value & 0xfffc);
+static long
+extract_bdp (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  if (invalid != (int *) NULL
+      && ((insn & (1 << 21)) == 0
+         || (insn & (1 << 15)) != 0))
+    *invalid = 1;
+  if ((insn & 0x8000) != 0)
+    return (insn & 0xfffc) - 0x10000;
+  else
+    return insn & 0xfffc;
+/* Check for legal values of a BO field.  */
+static int
+valid_bo (value)
+     long value;
+  /* Certain encodings have bits that are required to be zero.  These
+     are (z must be zero, y may be anything):
+         001zy
+        011zy
+        1z00y
+        1z01y
+        1z1zz
+     */
+  switch (value & 0x14)
+    {
+    default:
+    case 0:
+      return 1;
+    case 0x4:
+      return (value & 0x2) == 0;
+    case 0x10:
+      return (value & 0x8) == 0;
+    case 0x14:
+      return value == 0x14;
+    }
+/* The BO field in a B form instruction.  Warn about attempts to set
+   the field to an illegal value.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_bo (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  if (errmsg != (const char **) NULL
+      && ! valid_bo (value))
+    *errmsg = "invalid conditional option";
+  return insn | ((value & 0x1f) << 21);
+static long
+extract_bo (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  long value;
+  value = (insn >> 21) & 0x1f;
+  if (invalid != (int *) NULL
+      && ! valid_bo (value))
+    *invalid = 1;
+  return value;
+/* The BO field in a B form instruction when the + or - modifier is
+   used.  This is like the BO field, but it must be even.  When
+   extracting it, we force it to be even.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_boe (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  if (errmsg != (const char **) NULL)
+    {
+      if (! valid_bo (value))
+       *errmsg = "invalid conditional option";
+      else if ((value & 1) != 0)
+       *errmsg = "attempt to set y bit when using + or - modifier";
+    }
+  return insn | ((value & 0x1f) << 21);
+static long
+extract_boe (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  long value;
+  value = (insn >> 21) & 0x1f;
+  if (invalid != (int *) NULL
+      && ! valid_bo (value))
+    *invalid = 1;
+  return value & 0x1e;
+/* The DS field in a DS form instruction.  This is like D, but the
+   lower two bits are forced to zero.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_ds (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  return insn | (value & 0xfffc);
+static long
+extract_ds (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  if ((insn & 0x8000) != 0)
+    return (insn & 0xfffc) - 0x10000;
+  else
+    return insn & 0xfffc;
+/* The LI field in an I form instruction.  The lower two bits are
+   forced to zero.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_li (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  return insn | (value & 0x3fffffc);
+static long
+extract_li (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  if ((insn & 0x2000000) != 0)
+    return (insn & 0x3fffffc) - 0x4000000;
+  else
+    return insn & 0x3fffffc;
+/* The MB and ME fields in an M form instruction expressed as a single
+   operand which is itself a bitmask.  The extraction function always
+   marks it as invalid, since we never want to recognize an
+   instruction which uses a field of this type.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_mbe (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  unsigned long uval;
+  int mb, me;
+  uval = value;
+  if (uval == 0)
+    {
+      if (errmsg != (const char **) NULL)
+       *errmsg = "illegal bitmask";
+      return insn;
+    }
+  me = 31;
+  while ((uval & 1) == 0)
+    {
+      uval >>= 1;
+      --me;
+    }
+  mb = me;
+  uval >>= 1;
+  while ((uval & 1) != 0)
+    {
+      uval >>= 1;
+      --mb;
+    }
+  if (uval != 0)
+    {
+      if (errmsg != (const char **) NULL)
+       *errmsg = "illegal bitmask";
+    }
+  return insn | (mb << 6) | (me << 1);
+static long
+extract_mbe (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  long ret;
+  int mb, me;
+  int i;
+  if (invalid != (int *) NULL)
+    *invalid = 1;
+  ret = 0;
+  mb = (insn >> 6) & 0x1f;
+  me = (insn >> 1) & 0x1f;
+  for (i = mb; i < me; i++)
+    ret |= 1 << (31 - i);
+  return ret;
+/* The MB or ME field in an MD or MDS form instruction.  The high bit
+   is wrapped to the low end.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_mb6 (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  return insn | ((value & 0x1f) << 6) | (value & 0x20);
+static long
+extract_mb6 (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  return ((insn >> 6) & 0x1f) | (insn & 0x20);
+/* The NB field in an X form instruction.  The value 32 is stored as
+   0.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_nb (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  if (value < 0 || value > 32)
+    *errmsg = "value out of range";
+  if (value == 32)
+    value = 0;
+  return insn | ((value & 0x1f) << 11);
+static long
+extract_nb (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  long ret;
+  ret = (insn >> 11) & 0x1f;
+  if (ret == 0)
+    ret = 32;
+  return ret;
+/* The NSI field in a D form instruction.  This is the same as the SI
+   field, only negated.  The extraction function always marks it as
+   invalid, since we never want to recognize an instruction which uses
+   a field of this type.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_nsi (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  return insn | ((- value) & 0xffff);
+static long
+extract_nsi (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  if (invalid != (int *) NULL)
+    *invalid = 1;
+  if ((insn & 0x8000) != 0)
+    return - ((insn & 0xffff) - 0x10000);
+  else
+    return - (insn & 0xffff);
+/* The RA field in a D or X form instruction which is an updating
+   load, which means that the RA field may not be zero and may not
+   equal the RT field.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_ral (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  if (value == 0
+      || value == ((insn >> 21) & 0x1f))
+    *errmsg = "invalid register operand when updating";
+  return insn | ((value & 0x1f) << 16);
+/* The RA field in an lmw instruction, which has special value
+   restrictions.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_ram (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  if (value >= ((insn >> 21) & 0x1f))
+    *errmsg = "index register in load range";
+  return insn | ((value & 0x1f) << 16);
+/* The RA field in a D or X form instruction which is an updating
+   store or an updating floating point load, which means that the RA
+   field may not be zero.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_ras (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  if (value == 0)
+    *errmsg = "invalid register operand when updating";
+  return insn | ((value & 0x1f) << 16);
+/* The RB field in an X form instruction when it must be the same as
+   the RS field in the instruction.  This is used for extended
+   mnemonics like mr.  This operand is marked FAKE.  The insertion
+   function just copies the BT field into the BA field, and the
+   extraction function just checks that the fields are the same.  */
+static unsigned long 
+insert_rbs (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  return insn | (((insn >> 21) & 0x1f) << 11);
+static long
+extract_rbs (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  if (invalid != (int *) NULL
+      && ((insn >> 21) & 0x1f) != ((insn >> 11) & 0x1f))
+    *invalid = 1;
+  return 0;
+/* The SH field in an MD form instruction.  This is split.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_sh6 (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  return insn | ((value & 0x1f) << 11) | ((value & 0x20) >> 4);
+static long
+extract_sh6 (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  return ((insn >> 11) & 0x1f) | ((insn << 4) & 0x20);
+/* The SPR field in an XFX form instruction.  This is flipped--the
+   lower 5 bits are stored in the upper 5 and vice- versa.  */
+static unsigned long
+insert_spr (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  return insn | ((value & 0x1f) << 16) | ((value & 0x3e0) << 6);
+static long
+extract_spr (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  return ((insn >> 16) & 0x1f) | ((insn >> 6) & 0x3e0);
+/* The TBR field in an XFX instruction.  This is just like SPR, but it
+   is optional.  When TBR is omitted, it must be inserted as 268 (the
+   magic number of the TB register).  These functions treat 0
+   (indicating an omitted optional operand) as 268.  This means that
+   ``mftb 4,0'' is not handled correctly.  This does not matter very
+   much, since the architecture manual does not define mftb as
+   accepting any values other than 268 or 269.  */
+#define TB (268)
+static unsigned long
+insert_tbr (insn, value, errmsg)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     long value;
+     const char **errmsg;
+  if (value == 0)
+    value = TB;
+  return insn | ((value & 0x1f) << 16) | ((value & 0x3e0) << 6);
+static long
+extract_tbr (insn, invalid)
+     unsigned long insn;
+     int *invalid;
+  long ret;
+  ret = ((insn >> 16) & 0x1f) | ((insn >> 6) & 0x3e0);
+  if (ret == TB)
+    ret = 0;
+  return ret;
+/* Macros used to form opcodes.  */
+/* The main opcode.  */
+#define OP(x) (((x) & 0x3f) << 26)
+#define OP_MASK OP (0x3f)
+/* The main opcode combined with a trap code in the TO field of a D
+   form instruction.  Used for extended mnemonics for the trap
+   instructions.  */
+#define OPTO(x,to) (OP (x) | (((to) & 0x1f) << 21))
+/* The main opcode combined with a comparison size bit in the L field
+   of a D form or X form instruction.  Used for extended mnemonics for
+   the comparison instructions.  */
+#define OPL(x,l) (OP (x) | (((l) & 1) << 21))
+#define OPL_MASK OPL (0x3f,1)
+/* An A form instruction.  */
+#define A(op, xop, rc) (OP (op) | (((xop) & 0x1f) << 1) | ((rc) & 1))
+#define A_MASK A (0x3f, 0x1f, 1)
+/* An A_MASK with the FRB field fixed.  */
+/* An A_MASK with the FRC field fixed.  */
+/* An A_MASK with the FRA and FRC fields fixed.  */
+/* A B form instruction.  */
+#define B(op, aa, lk) (OP (op) | (((aa) & 1) << 1) | ((lk) & 1))
+#define B_MASK B (0x3f, 1, 1)
+/* A B form instruction setting the BO field.  */
+#define BBO(op, bo, aa, lk) (B ((op), (aa), (lk)) | (((bo) & 0x1f) << 21))
+#define BBO_MASK BBO (0x3f, 0x1f, 1, 1)
+/* A BBO_MASK with the y bit of the BO field removed.  This permits
+   matching a conditional branch regardless of the setting of the y
+   bit.  */
+#define Y_MASK (1 << 21)
+/* A B form instruction setting the BO field and the condition bits of
+   the BI field.  */
+#define BBOCB(op, bo, cb, aa, lk) \
+  (BBO ((op), (bo), (aa), (lk)) | (((cb) & 0x3) << 16))
+#define BBOCB_MASK BBOCB (0x3f, 0x1f, 0x3, 1, 1)
+/* A BBOCB_MASK with the y bit of the BO field removed.  */
+/* A BBOYCB_MASK in which the BI field is fixed.  */
+/* The main opcode mask with the RA field clear.  */
+/* A DS form instruction.  */
+#define DSO(op, xop) (OP (op) | ((xop) & 0x3))
+#define DS_MASK DSO (0x3f, 3)
+/* An M form instruction.  */
+#define M(op, rc) (OP (op) | ((rc) & 1))
+#define M_MASK M (0x3f, 1)
+/* An M form instruction with the ME field specified.  */
+#define MME(op, me, rc) (M ((op), (rc)) | (((me) & 0x1f) << 1))
+/* An M_MASK with the MB and ME fields fixed.  */
+/* An M_MASK with the SH and ME fields fixed.  */
+/* An MD form instruction.  */
+#define MD(op, xop, rc) (OP (op) | (((xop) & 0x7) << 2) | ((rc) & 1))
+#define MD_MASK MD (0x3f, 0x7, 1)
+/* An MD_MASK with the MB field fixed.  */
+/* An MD_MASK with the SH field fixed.  */
+/* An MDS form instruction.  */
+#define MDS(op, xop, rc) (OP (op) | (((xop) & 0xf) << 1) | ((rc) & 1))
+#define MDS_MASK MDS (0x3f, 0xf, 1)
+/* An MDS_MASK with the MB field fixed.  */
+/* An SC form instruction.  */
+#define SC(op, sa, lk) (OP (op) | (((sa) & 1) << 1) | ((lk) & 1))
+#define SC_MASK (OP_MASK | (0x3ff << 16) | (1 << 1) | 1)
+/* An X form instruction.  */
+#define X(op, xop) (OP (op) | (((xop) & 0x3ff) << 1))
+/* An X form instruction with the RC bit specified.  */
+#define XRC(op, xop, rc) (X ((op), (xop)) | ((rc) & 1))
+/* The mask for an X form instruction.  */
+#define X_MASK XRC (0x3f, 0x3ff, 1)
+/* An X_MASK with the RA field fixed.  */
+#define XRA_MASK (X_MASK | RA_MASK)
+/* An X_MASK with the RB field fixed.  */
+#define XRB_MASK (X_MASK | RB_MASK)
+/* An X_MASK with the RT field fixed.  */
+#define XRT_MASK (X_MASK | RT_MASK)
+/* An X_MASK with the RA and RB fields fixed.  */
+/* An X_MASK with the RT and RA fields fixed.  */
+/* An X form comparison instruction.  */
+#define XCMPL(op, xop, l) (X ((op), (xop)) | (((l) & 1) << 21))
+/* The mask for an X form comparison instruction.  */
+#define XCMP_MASK (X_MASK | (1 << 22))
+/* The mask for an X form comparison instruction with the L field
+   fixed.  */
+#define XCMPL_MASK (XCMP_MASK | (1 << 21))
+/* An X form trap instruction with the TO field specified.  */
+#define XTO(op, xop, to) (X ((op), (xop)) | (((to) & 0x1f) << 21))
+#define XTO_MASK (X_MASK | TO_MASK)
+/* An XFL form instruction.  */
+#define XFL(op, xop, rc) (OP (op) | (((xop) & 0x3ff) << 1) | ((rc) & 1))
+#define XFL_MASK (XFL (0x3f, 0x3ff, 1) | (1 << 25) | (1 << 16))
+/* An XL form instruction with the LK field set to 0.  */
+#define XL(op, xop) (OP (op) | (((xop) & 0x3ff) << 1))
+/* An XL form instruction which uses the LK field.  */
+#define XLLK(op, xop, lk) (XL ((op), (xop)) | ((lk) & 1))
+/* The mask for an XL form instruction.  */
+#define XL_MASK XLLK (0x3f, 0x3ff, 1)
+/* An XL form instruction which explicitly sets the BO field.  */
+#define XLO(op, bo, xop, lk) \
+  (XLLK ((op), (xop), (lk)) | (((bo) & 0x1f) << 21))
+/* An XL form instruction which explicitly sets the y bit of the BO
+   field.  */
+#define XLYLK(op, xop, y, lk) (XLLK ((op), (xop), (lk)) | (((y) & 1) << 21))
+/* An XL form instruction which sets the BO field and the condition
+   bits of the BI field.  */
+#define XLOCB(op, bo, cb, xop, lk) \
+  (XLO ((op), (bo), (xop), (lk)) | (((cb) & 3) << 16))
+#define XLOCB_MASK XLOCB (0x3f, 0x1f, 0x3, 0x3ff, 1)
+/* An XL_MASK or XLYLK_MASK or XLOCB_MASK with the BB field fixed.  */
+/* An XL_MASK with the BO and BB fields fixed.  */
+/* An XL_MASK with the BO, BI and BB fields fixed.  */
+/* An XO form instruction.  */
+#define XO(op, xop, oe, rc) \
+  (OP (op) | (((xop) & 0x1ff) << 1) | (((oe) & 1) << 10) | ((rc) & 1))
+#define XO_MASK XO (0x3f, 0x1ff, 1, 1)
+/* An XO_MASK with the RB field fixed.  */
+/* An XS form instruction.  */
+#define XS(op, xop, rc) (OP (op) | (((xop) & 0x1ff) << 2) | ((rc) & 1))
+#define XS_MASK XS (0x3f, 0x1ff, 1)
+/* A mask for the FXM version of an XFX form instruction.  */
+#define XFXFXM_MASK (X_MASK | (1 << 20) | (1 << 11))
+/* An XFX form instruction with the FXM field filled in.  */
+#define XFXM(op, xop, fxm) \
+  (X ((op), (xop)) | (((fxm) & 0xff) << 12))
+/* An XFX form instruction with the SPR field filled in.  */
+#define XSPR(op, xop, spr) \
+  (X ((op), (xop)) | (((spr) & 0x1f) << 16) | (((spr) & 0x3e0) << 6))
+/* An XFX form instruction with the SPR field filled in except for the
+   SPRBAT field.  */
+/* An XFX form instruction with the SPR field filled in except for the
+   SPRG field.  */
+/* The BO encodings used in extended conditional branch mnemonics.  */
+#define BODNZF (0x0)
+#define BODNZFP        (0x1)
+#define BODZF  (0x2)
+#define BODZFP (0x3)
+#define BOF    (0x4)
+#define BOFP   (0x5)
+#define BODNZT (0x8)
+#define BODNZTP        (0x9)
+#define BODZT  (0xa)
+#define BODZTP (0xb)
+#define BOT    (0xc)
+#define BOTP   (0xd)
+#define BODNZ  (0x10)
+#define BODNZP (0x11)
+#define BODZ   (0x12)
+#define BODZP  (0x13)
+#define BOU    (0x14)
+/* The BI condition bit encodings used in extended conditional branch
+   mnemonics.  */
+#define CBLT   (0)
+#define CBGT   (1)
+#define CBEQ   (2)
+#define CBSO   (3)
+/* The TO encodings used in extended trap mnemonics.  */
+#define TOLGT  (0x1)
+#define TOLLT  (0x2)
+#define TOEQ   (0x4)
+#define TOLGE  (0x5)
+#define TOLNL  (0x5)
+#define TOLLE  (0x6)
+#define TOLNG  (0x6)
+#define TOGT   (0x8)
+#define TOGE   (0xc)
+#define TONL   (0xc)
+#define TOLT   (0x10)
+#define TOLE   (0x14)
+#define TONG   (0x14)
+#define TONE   (0x18)
+#define TOU    (0x1f)
+/* Smaller names for the flags so each entry in the opcodes table will
+   fit on a single line.  */
+#undef PPC
+#define PPCONLY        PPC_OPCODE_PPC
+#define        M601    PPC_OPCODE_POWER | PPC_OPCODE_601 | PPC_OPCODE_ANY
+#define        MFDEC1  PPC_OPCODE_POWER
+#define        MFDEC2  PPC_OPCODE_PPC | PPC_OPCODE_601
+/* The opcode table.
+   The format of the opcode table is:
+   NAME             OPCODE     MASK            FLAGS           { OPERANDS }
+   NAME is the name of the instruction.
+   OPCODE is the instruction opcode.
+   MASK is the opcode mask; this is used to tell the disassembler
+     which bits in the actual opcode must match OPCODE.
+   FLAGS are flags indicated what processors support the instruction.
+   OPERANDS is the list of operands.
+   The disassembler reads the table in order and prints the first
+   instruction which matches, so this table is sorted to put more
+   specific instructions before more general instructions.  It is also
+   sorted by major opcode.  */
+const struct powerpc_opcode powerpc_opcodes[] = {
+{ "tdlgti",  OPTO(2,TOLGT), OPTO_MASK, PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdllti",  OPTO(2,TOLLT), OPTO_MASK, PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdeqi",   OPTO(2,TOEQ), OPTO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdlgei",  OPTO(2,TOLGE), OPTO_MASK, PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdlnli",  OPTO(2,TOLNL), OPTO_MASK, PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdllei",  OPTO(2,TOLLE), OPTO_MASK, PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdlngi",  OPTO(2,TOLNG), OPTO_MASK, PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdgti",   OPTO(2,TOGT), OPTO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdgei",   OPTO(2,TOGE), OPTO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdnli",   OPTO(2,TONL), OPTO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdlti",   OPTO(2,TOLT), OPTO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdlei",   OPTO(2,TOLE), OPTO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdngi",   OPTO(2,TONG), OPTO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdnei",   OPTO(2,TONE), OPTO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RA, SI } },
+{ "tdi",     OP(2),    OP_MASK,        PPC64,          { TO, RA, SI } },
+{ "twlgti",  OPTO(3,TOLGT), OPTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tlgti",   OPTO(3,TOLGT), OPTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "twllti",  OPTO(3,TOLLT), OPTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tllti",   OPTO(3,TOLLT), OPTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tweqi",   OPTO(3,TOEQ), OPTO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "teqi",    OPTO(3,TOEQ), OPTO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "twlgei",  OPTO(3,TOLGE), OPTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tlgei",   OPTO(3,TOLGE), OPTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "twlnli",  OPTO(3,TOLNL), OPTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tlnli",   OPTO(3,TOLNL), OPTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "twllei",  OPTO(3,TOLLE), OPTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tllei",   OPTO(3,TOLLE), OPTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "twlngi",  OPTO(3,TOLNG), OPTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tlngi",   OPTO(3,TOLNG), OPTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "twgti",   OPTO(3,TOGT), OPTO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tgti",    OPTO(3,TOGT), OPTO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "twgei",   OPTO(3,TOGE), OPTO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tgei",    OPTO(3,TOGE), OPTO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "twnli",   OPTO(3,TONL), OPTO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tnli",    OPTO(3,TONL), OPTO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "twlti",   OPTO(3,TOLT), OPTO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tlti",    OPTO(3,TOLT), OPTO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "twlei",   OPTO(3,TOLE), OPTO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tlei",    OPTO(3,TOLE), OPTO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "twngi",   OPTO(3,TONG), OPTO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tngi",    OPTO(3,TONG), OPTO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "twnei",   OPTO(3,TONE), OPTO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "tnei",    OPTO(3,TONE), OPTO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RA, SI } },
+{ "twi",     OP(3),    OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { TO, RA, SI } },
+{ "ti",      OP(3),    OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { TO, RA, SI } },
+{ "mulli",   OP(7),    OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, SI } },
+{ "muli",    OP(7),    OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, SI } },
+{ "subfic",  OP(8),    OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, SI } },
+{ "sfi",     OP(8),    OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, SI } },
+{ "dozi",    OP(9),    OP_MASK,        M601,           { RT, RA, SI } },
+{ "cmplwi",  OPL(10,0),        OPL_MASK,       PPCCOM,         { OBF, RA, UI } 
+{ "cmpldi",  OPL(10,1), OPL_MASK,      PPC64,          { OBF, RA, UI } },
+{ "cmpli",   OP(10),   OP_MASK,        PPCONLY,        { BF, L, RA, UI } },
+{ "cmpli",   OP(10),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { BF, RA, UI } },
+{ "cmpwi",   OPL(11,0),        OPL_MASK,       PPCCOM,         { OBF, RA, SI } 
+{ "cmpdi",   OPL(11,1),        OPL_MASK,       PPC64,          { OBF, RA, SI } 
+{ "cmpi",    OP(11),   OP_MASK,        PPCONLY,        { BF, L, RA, SI } },
+{ "cmpi",    OP(11),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { BF, RA, SI } },
+{ "addic",   OP(12),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, SI } },
+{ "ai",             OP(12),    OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, SI } 
+{ "subic",   OP(12),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, NSI } },
+{ "addic.",  OP(13),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, SI } },
+{ "ai.",     OP(13),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, SI } },
+{ "subic.",  OP(13),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, NSI } },
+{ "li",             OP(14),    DRA_MASK,       PPCCOM,         { RT, SI } },
+{ "lil",     OP(14),   DRA_MASK,       PWRCOM,         { RT, SI } },
+{ "addi",    OP(14),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, SI } },
+{ "cal",     OP(14),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RT, D, RA } },
+{ "subi",    OP(14),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, NSI } },
+{ "la",             OP(14),    OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT, D, RA } },
+{ "lis",     OP(15),   DRA_MASK,       PPCCOM,         { RT, SISIGNOPT } },
+{ "liu",     OP(15),   DRA_MASK,       PWRCOM,         { RT, SISIGNOPT } },
+{ "addis",   OP(15),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT,RA,SISIGNOPT } },
+{ "cau",     OP(15),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RT,RA,SISIGNOPT } },
+{ "subis",   OP(15),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, NSI } },
+{ "bdnz-",   BBO(16,BODNZ,0,0), BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDM } },
+{ "bdnz+",   BBO(16,BODNZ,0,0), BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDP } },
+{ "bdnz",    BBO(16,BODNZ,0,0), BBOYBI_MASK, PPCCOM,   { BD } },
+{ "bdn",     BBO(16,BODNZ,0,0), BBOYBI_MASK, PWRCOM,   { BD } },
+{ "bdnzl-",  BBO(16,BODNZ,0,1), BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDM } },
+{ "bdnzl+",  BBO(16,BODNZ,0,1), BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDP } },
+{ "bdnzl",   BBO(16,BODNZ,0,1), BBOYBI_MASK, PPCCOM,   { BD } },
+{ "bdnl",    BBO(16,BODNZ,0,1), BBOYBI_MASK, PWRCOM,   { BD } },
+{ "bdnza-",  BBO(16,BODNZ,1,0), BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDMA } },
+{ "bdnza+",  BBO(16,BODNZ,1,0), BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDPA } },
+{ "bdnza",   BBO(16,BODNZ,1,0), BBOYBI_MASK, PPCCOM,   { BDA } },
+{ "bdna",    BBO(16,BODNZ,1,0), BBOYBI_MASK, PWRCOM,   { BDA } },
+{ "bdnzla-", BBO(16,BODNZ,1,1), BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDMA } },
+{ "bdnzla+", BBO(16,BODNZ,1,1), BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDPA } },
+{ "bdnzla",  BBO(16,BODNZ,1,1), BBOYBI_MASK, PPCCOM,   { BDA } },
+{ "bdnla",   BBO(16,BODNZ,1,1), BBOYBI_MASK, PWRCOM,   { BDA } },
+{ "bdz-",    BBO(16,BODZ,0,0),  BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDM } },
+{ "bdz+",    BBO(16,BODZ,0,0),  BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDP } },
+{ "bdz",     BBO(16,BODZ,0,0),  BBOYBI_MASK, COM,      { BD } },
+{ "bdzl-",   BBO(16,BODZ,0,1),  BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDM } },
+{ "bdzl+",   BBO(16,BODZ,0,1),  BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDP } },
+{ "bdzl",    BBO(16,BODZ,0,1),  BBOYBI_MASK, COM,      { BD } },
+{ "bdza-",   BBO(16,BODZ,1,0),  BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDMA } },
+{ "bdza+",   BBO(16,BODZ,1,0),  BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDPA } },
+{ "bdza",    BBO(16,BODZ,1,0),  BBOYBI_MASK, COM,      { BDA } },
+{ "bdzla-",  BBO(16,BODZ,1,1),  BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDMA } },
+{ "bdzla+",  BBO(16,BODZ,1,1),  BBOYBI_MASK, PPC,      { BDPA } },
+{ "bdzla",   BBO(16,BODZ,1,1),  BBOYBI_MASK, COM,      { BDA } },
+{ "blt-",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBLT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "blt+",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBLT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "blt",     BBOCB(16,BOT,CBLT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bltl-",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBLT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bltl+",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBLT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bltl",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBLT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "blta-",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBLT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "blta+",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBLT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "blta",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBLT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bltla-",  BBOCB(16,BOT,CBLT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bltla+",  BBOCB(16,BOT,CBLT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bltla",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBLT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bgt-",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBGT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bgt+",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBGT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bgt",     BBOCB(16,BOT,CBGT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bgtl-",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBGT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bgtl+",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBGT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bgtl",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBGT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bgta-",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBGT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bgta+",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBGT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bgta",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBGT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bgtla-",  BBOCB(16,BOT,CBGT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bgtla+",  BBOCB(16,BOT,CBGT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bgtla",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBGT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "beq-",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBEQ,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "beq+",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBEQ,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "beq",     BBOCB(16,BOT,CBEQ,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "beql-",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBEQ,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "beql+",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBEQ,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "beql",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBEQ,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "beqa-",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBEQ,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "beqa+",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBEQ,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "beqa",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBEQ,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "beqla-",  BBOCB(16,BOT,CBEQ,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "beqla+",  BBOCB(16,BOT,CBEQ,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "beqla",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBEQ,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bso-",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bso+",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bso",     BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bsol-",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bsol+",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bsol",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bsoa-",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bsoa+",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bsoa",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bsola-",  BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bsola+",  BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bsola",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bun-",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bun+",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bun",     BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bunl-",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bunl+",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bunl",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "buna-",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "buna+",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "buna",    BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bunla-",  BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bunla+",  BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bunla",   BBOCB(16,BOT,CBSO,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bge-",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bge+",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bge",     BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bgel-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bgel+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bgel",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bgea-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bgea+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bgea",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bgela-",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bgela+",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bgela",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bnl-",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bnl+",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bnl",     BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bnll-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bnll+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bnll",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bnla-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bnla+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bnla",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bnlla-",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bnlla+",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bnlla",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBLT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "ble-",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "ble+",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "ble",     BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "blel-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "blel+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "blel",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "blea-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "blea+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "blea",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "blela-",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "blela+",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "blela",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bng-",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bng+",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bng",     BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bngl-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bngl+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bngl",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bnga-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bnga+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bnga",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bngla-",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bngla+",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bngla",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBGT,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bne-",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBEQ,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bne+",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBEQ,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bne",     BBOCB(16,BOF,CBEQ,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bnel-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBEQ,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bnel+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBEQ,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bnel",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBEQ,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bnea-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBEQ,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bnea+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBEQ,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bnea",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBEQ,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bnela-",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBEQ,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bnela+",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBEQ,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bnela",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBEQ,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bns-",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bns+",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bns",     BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bnsl-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bnsl+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bnsl",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bnsa-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bnsa+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bnsa",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bnsla-",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bnsla+",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bnsla",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, COM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bnu-",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bnu+",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bnu",     BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,0,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bnul-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDM } },
+{ "bnul+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDP } },
+{ "bnul",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,0,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR, BD } },
+{ "bnua-",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bnua+",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bnua",    BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,1,0), BBOYCB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bnula-",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDMA } },
+{ "bnula+",  BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPC, { CR, BDPA } },
+{ "bnula",   BBOCB(16,BOF,CBSO,1,1), BBOYCB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR, BDA } },
+{ "bdnzt-",  BBO(16,BODNZT,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDM } },
+{ "bdnzt+",  BBO(16,BODNZT,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDP } },
+{ "bdnzt",   BBO(16,BODNZT,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,    { BI, BD } },
+{ "bdnztl-", BBO(16,BODNZT,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDM } },
+{ "bdnztl+", BBO(16,BODNZT,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDP } },
+{ "bdnztl",  BBO(16,BODNZT,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,    { BI, BD } },
+{ "bdnzta-", BBO(16,BODNZT,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDMA } },
+{ "bdnzta+", BBO(16,BODNZT,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDPA } },
+{ "bdnzta",  BBO(16,BODNZT,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,    { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bdnztla-",BBO(16,BODNZT,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDMA } },
+{ "bdnztla+",BBO(16,BODNZT,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDPA } },
+{ "bdnztla", BBO(16,BODNZT,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,    { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bdnzf-",  BBO(16,BODNZF,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDM } },
+{ "bdnzf+",  BBO(16,BODNZF,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDP } },
+{ "bdnzf",   BBO(16,BODNZF,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,    { BI, BD } },
+{ "bdnzfl-", BBO(16,BODNZF,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDM } },
+{ "bdnzfl+", BBO(16,BODNZF,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDP } },
+{ "bdnzfl",  BBO(16,BODNZF,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,    { BI, BD } },
+{ "bdnzfa-", BBO(16,BODNZF,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDMA } },
+{ "bdnzfa+", BBO(16,BODNZF,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDPA } },
+{ "bdnzfa",  BBO(16,BODNZF,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,    { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bdnzfla-",BBO(16,BODNZF,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDMA } },
+{ "bdnzfla+",BBO(16,BODNZF,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,       { BI, BDPA } },
+{ "bdnzfla", BBO(16,BODNZF,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,    { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bt-",     BBO(16,BOT,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDM } },
+{ "bt+",     BBO(16,BOT,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDP } },
+{ "bt",             BBO(16,BOT,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,        { BI, BD } },
+{ "bbt",     BBO(16,BOT,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PWRCOM,       { BI, BD } },
+{ "btl-",    BBO(16,BOT,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDM } },
+{ "btl+",    BBO(16,BOT,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDP } },
+{ "btl",     BBO(16,BOT,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,       { BI, BD } },
+{ "bbtl",    BBO(16,BOT,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PWRCOM,       { BI, BD } },
+{ "bta-",    BBO(16,BOT,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDMA } },
+{ "bta+",    BBO(16,BOT,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDPA } },
+{ "bta",     BBO(16,BOT,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,       { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bbta",    BBO(16,BOT,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PWRCOM,       { BI, BDA } },
+{ "btla-",   BBO(16,BOT,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDMA } },
+{ "btla+",   BBO(16,BOT,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDPA } },
+{ "btla",    BBO(16,BOT,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,       { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bbtla",   BBO(16,BOT,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PWRCOM,       { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bf-",     BBO(16,BOF,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDM } },
+{ "bf+",     BBO(16,BOF,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDP } },
+{ "bf",             BBO(16,BOF,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,        { BI, BD } },
+{ "bbf",     BBO(16,BOF,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PWRCOM,       { BI, BD } },
+{ "bfl-",    BBO(16,BOF,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDM } },
+{ "bfl+",    BBO(16,BOF,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDP } },
+{ "bfl",     BBO(16,BOF,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,       { BI, BD } },
+{ "bbfl",    BBO(16,BOF,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PWRCOM,       { BI, BD } },
+{ "bfa-",    BBO(16,BOF,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDMA } },
+{ "bfa+",    BBO(16,BOF,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDPA } },
+{ "bfa",     BBO(16,BOF,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,       { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bbfa",    BBO(16,BOF,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PWRCOM,       { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bfla-",   BBO(16,BOF,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDMA } },
+{ "bfla+",   BBO(16,BOF,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,          { BI, BDPA } },
+{ "bfla",    BBO(16,BOF,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,       { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bbfla",   BBO(16,BOF,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PWRCOM,       { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bdzt-",   BBO(16,BODZT,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDM } },
+{ "bdzt+",   BBO(16,BODZT,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDP } },
+{ "bdzt",    BBO(16,BODZT,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,     { BI, BD } },
+{ "bdztl-",  BBO(16,BODZT,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDM } },
+{ "bdztl+",  BBO(16,BODZT,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDP } },
+{ "bdztl",   BBO(16,BODZT,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,     { BI, BD } },
+{ "bdzta-",  BBO(16,BODZT,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDMA } },
+{ "bdzta+",  BBO(16,BODZT,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDPA } },
+{ "bdzta",   BBO(16,BODZT,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,     { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bdztla-", BBO(16,BODZT,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDMA } },
+{ "bdztla+", BBO(16,BODZT,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDPA } },
+{ "bdztla",  BBO(16,BODZT,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,     { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bdzf-",   BBO(16,BODZF,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDM } },
+{ "bdzf+",   BBO(16,BODZF,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDP } },
+{ "bdzf",    BBO(16,BODZF,0,0), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,     { BI, BD } },
+{ "bdzfl-",  BBO(16,BODZF,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDM } },
+{ "bdzfl+",  BBO(16,BODZF,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDP } },
+{ "bdzfl",   BBO(16,BODZF,0,1), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,     { BI, BD } },
+{ "bdzfa-",  BBO(16,BODZF,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDMA } },
+{ "bdzfa+",  BBO(16,BODZF,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDPA } },
+{ "bdzfa",   BBO(16,BODZF,1,0), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,     { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bdzfla-", BBO(16,BODZF,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDMA } },
+{ "bdzfla+", BBO(16,BODZF,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPC,                { BI, BDPA } },
+{ "bdzfla",  BBO(16,BODZF,1,1), BBOY_MASK, PPCCOM,     { BI, BDA } },
+{ "bc-",     B(16,0,0),        B_MASK,         PPC,            { BOE, BI, BDM 
} },
+{ "bc+",     B(16,0,0),        B_MASK,         PPC,            { BOE, BI, BDP 
} },
+{ "bc",             B(16,0,0), B_MASK,         COM,            { BO, BI, BD } 
+{ "bcl-",    B(16,0,1),        B_MASK,         PPC,            { BOE, BI, BDM 
} },
+{ "bcl+",    B(16,0,1),        B_MASK,         PPC,            { BOE, BI, BDP 
} },
+{ "bcl",     B(16,0,1),        B_MASK,         COM,            { BO, BI, BD } 
+{ "bca-",    B(16,1,0),        B_MASK,         PPC,            { BOE, BI, BDMA 
} },
+{ "bca+",    B(16,1,0),        B_MASK,         PPC,            { BOE, BI, BDPA 
} },
+{ "bca",     B(16,1,0),        B_MASK,         COM,            { BO, BI, BDA } 
+{ "bcla-",   B(16,1,1),        B_MASK,         PPC,            { BOE, BI, BDMA 
} },
+{ "bcla+",   B(16,1,1),        B_MASK,         PPC,            { BOE, BI, BDPA 
} },
+{ "bcla",    B(16,1,1),        B_MASK,         COM,            { BO, BI, BDA } 
+{ "sc",      SC(17,1,0), 0xffffffff,   PPC,            { 0 } },
+{ "svc",     SC(17,0,0), SC_MASK,      POWER,          { LEV, FL1, FL2 } },
+{ "svcl",    SC(17,0,1), SC_MASK,      POWER,          { LEV, FL1, FL2 } },
+{ "svca",    SC(17,1,0), SC_MASK,      PWRCOM,         { SV } },
+{ "svcla",   SC(17,1,1), SC_MASK,      POWER,          { SV } },
+{ "b",      B(18,0,0), B_MASK,         COM,    { LI } },
+{ "bl",      B(18,0,1),        B_MASK,         COM,    { LI } },
+{ "ba",      B(18,1,0),        B_MASK,         COM,    { LIA } },
+{ "bla",     B(18,1,1),        B_MASK,         COM,    { LIA } },
+{ "mcrf",    XL(19,0), XLBB_MASK|(3<<21)|(3<<16), COM, { BF, BFA } },
+{ "blr",     XLO(19,BOU,16,0), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPCCOM,  { 0 } },
+{ "br",      XLO(19,BOU,16,0), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PWRCOM,  { 0 } },
+{ "blrl",    XLO(19,BOU,16,1), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPCCOM,  { 0 } },
+{ "brl",     XLO(19,BOU,16,1), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PWRCOM,  { 0 } },
+{ "bdnzlr",  XLO(19,BODNZ,16,0), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPCCOM,        { 0 } },
+{ "bdnzlr-", XLO(19,BODNZ,16,0), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPC,   { 0 } },
+{ "bdnzlr+", XLO(19,BODNZP,16,0), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPC,  { 0 } },
+{ "bdnzlrl", XLO(19,BODNZ,16,1), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPCCOM,        { 0 } },
+{ "bdnzlrl-",XLO(19,BODNZ,16,1), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPC,   { 0 } },
+{ "bdnzlrl+",XLO(19,BODNZP,16,1), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPC,  { 0 } },
+{ "bdzlr",   XLO(19,BODZ,16,0), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { 0 } },
+{ "bdzlr-",  XLO(19,BODZ,16,0), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPC,    { 0 } },
+{ "bdzlr+",  XLO(19,BODZP,16,0), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPC,   { 0 } },
+{ "bdzlrl",  XLO(19,BODZ,16,1), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { 0 } },
+{ "bdzlrl-", XLO(19,BODZ,16,1), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPC,    { 0 } },
+{ "bdzlrl+", XLO(19,BODZP,16,1), XLBOBIBB_MASK, PPC,   { 0 } },
+{ "bltlr",   XLOCB(19,BOT,CBLT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bltlr-",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBLT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bltlr+",  XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBLT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bltr",    XLOCB(19,BOT,CBLT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bltlrl",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBLT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bltlrl-", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBLT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bltlrl+", XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBLT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bltrl",   XLOCB(19,BOT,CBLT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bgtlr",   XLOCB(19,BOT,CBGT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bgtlr-",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBGT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bgtlr+",  XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBGT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bgtr",    XLOCB(19,BOT,CBGT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bgtlrl",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBGT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bgtlrl-", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBGT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bgtlrl+", XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBGT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bgtrl",   XLOCB(19,BOT,CBGT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "beqlr",   XLOCB(19,BOT,CBEQ,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "beqlr-",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBEQ,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "beqlr+",  XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBEQ,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "beqr",    XLOCB(19,BOT,CBEQ,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "beqlrl",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBEQ,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "beqlrl-", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBEQ,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "beqlrl+", XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBEQ,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "beqrl",   XLOCB(19,BOT,CBEQ,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bsolr",   XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bsolr-",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bsolr+",  XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bsor",    XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bsolrl",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bsolrl-", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bsolrl+", XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bsorl",   XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bunlr",   XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bunlr-",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bunlr+",  XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bunlrl",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bunlrl-", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bunlrl+", XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bgelr",   XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bgelr-",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bgelr+",  XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBLT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bger",    XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bgelrl",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bgelrl-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bgelrl+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBLT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bgerl",   XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnllr",   XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnllr-",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnllr+",  XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBLT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnlr",    XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnllrl",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnllrl-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnllrl+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBLT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnlrl",   XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "blelr",   XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "blelr-",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "blelr+",  XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBGT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bler",    XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "blelrl",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "blelrl-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "blelrl+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBGT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "blerl",   XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnglr",   XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnglr-",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnglr+",  XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBGT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bngr",    XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnglrl",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnglrl-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnglrl+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBGT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bngrl",   XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnelr",   XLOCB(19,BOF,CBEQ,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnelr-",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBEQ,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnelr+",  XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBEQ,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bner",    XLOCB(19,BOF,CBEQ,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnelrl",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBEQ,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnelrl-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBEQ,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnelrl+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBEQ,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnerl",   XLOCB(19,BOF,CBEQ,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnslr",   XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnslr-",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnslr+",  XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnsr",    XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnslrl",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnslrl-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnslrl+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnsrl",   XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PWRCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnulr",   XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnulr-",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnulr+",  XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBSO,16,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnulrl",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnulrl-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "bnulrl+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBSO,16,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC, { CR } },
+{ "btlr",    XLO(19,BOT,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM,    { BI } },
+{ "btlr-",   XLO(19,BOT,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,       { BI } },
+{ "btlr+",   XLO(19,BOTP,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,      { BI } },
+{ "bbtr",    XLO(19,BOT,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PWRCOM,    { BI } },
+{ "btlrl",   XLO(19,BOT,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM,    { BI } },
+{ "btlrl-",  XLO(19,BOT,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,       { BI } },
+{ "btlrl+",  XLO(19,BOTP,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,      { BI } },
+{ "bbtrl",   XLO(19,BOT,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PWRCOM,    { BI } },
+{ "bflr",    XLO(19,BOF,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM,    { BI } },
+{ "bflr-",   XLO(19,BOF,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,       { BI } },
+{ "bflr+",   XLO(19,BOFP,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,      { BI } },
+{ "bbfr",    XLO(19,BOF,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PWRCOM,    { BI } },
+{ "bflrl",   XLO(19,BOF,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM,    { BI } },
+{ "bflrl-",  XLO(19,BOF,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,       { BI } },
+{ "bflrl+",  XLO(19,BOFP,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,      { BI } },
+{ "bbfrl",   XLO(19,BOF,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PWRCOM,    { BI } },
+{ "bdnztlr", XLO(19,BODNZT,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { BI } },
+{ "bdnztlr-",XLO(19,BODNZT,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,    { BI } },
+{ "bdnztlr+",XLO(19,BODNZTP,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,   { BI } },
+{ "bdnztlrl",XLO(19,BODNZT,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { BI } },
+{ "bdnztlrl-",XLO(19,BODNZT,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,   { BI } },
+{ "bdnztlrl+",XLO(19,BODNZTP,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,  { BI } },
+{ "bdnzflr", XLO(19,BODNZF,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { BI } },
+{ "bdnzflr-",XLO(19,BODNZF,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,    { BI } },
+{ "bdnzflr+",XLO(19,BODNZFP,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,   { BI } },
+{ "bdnzflrl",XLO(19,BODNZF,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { BI } },
+{ "bdnzflrl-",XLO(19,BODNZF,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,   { BI } },
+{ "bdnzflrl+",XLO(19,BODNZFP,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,  { BI } },
+{ "bdztlr",  XLO(19,BODZT,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM,  { BI } },
+{ "bdztlr-", XLO(19,BODZT,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,     { BI } },
+{ "bdztlr+", XLO(19,BODZTP,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,    { BI } },
+{ "bdztlrl", XLO(19,BODZT,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM,  { BI } },
+{ "bdztlrl-",XLO(19,BODZT,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,     { BI } },
+{ "bdztlrl+",XLO(19,BODZTP,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,    { BI } },
+{ "bdzflr",  XLO(19,BODZF,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM,  { BI } },
+{ "bdzflr-", XLO(19,BODZF,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,     { BI } },
+{ "bdzflr+", XLO(19,BODZFP,16,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,    { BI } },
+{ "bdzflrl", XLO(19,BODZF,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM,  { BI } },
+{ "bdzflrl-",XLO(19,BODZF,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,     { BI } },
+{ "bdzflrl+",XLO(19,BODZFP,16,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,    { BI } },
+{ "bclr",    XLLK(19,16,0), XLYBB_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { BO, BI } },
+{ "bclrl",   XLLK(19,16,1), XLYBB_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { BO, BI } },
+{ "bclr+",   XLYLK(19,16,1,0), XLYBB_MASK, PPC,                { BOE, BI } },
+{ "bclrl+",  XLYLK(19,16,1,1), XLYBB_MASK, PPC,                { BOE, BI } },
+{ "bclr-",   XLYLK(19,16,0,0), XLYBB_MASK, PPC,                { BOE, BI } },
+{ "bclrl-",  XLYLK(19,16,0,1), XLYBB_MASK, PPC,                { BOE, BI } },
+{ "bcr",     XLLK(19,16,0), XLBB_MASK, PWRCOM,         { BO, BI } },
+{ "bcrl",    XLLK(19,16,1), XLBB_MASK, PWRCOM,         { BO, BI } },
+{ "crnot",   XL(19,33), XL_MASK,       PPCCOM,         { BT, BA, BBA } },
+{ "crnor",   XL(19,33),        XL_MASK,        COM,            { BT, BA, BB } 
+{ "rfi",     XL(19,50),        0xffffffff,     COM,            { 0 } },
+{ "rfci",    XL(19,51),        0xffffffff,     PPC,            { 0 } },
+{ "rfsvc",   XL(19,82),        0xffffffff,     POWER,          { 0 } },
+{ "crandc",  XL(19,129), XL_MASK,      COM,            { BT, BA, BB } },
+{ "isync",   XL(19,150), 0xffffffff,   PPCCOM,         { 0 } },
+{ "ics",     XL(19,150), 0xffffffff,   PWRCOM,         { 0 } },
+{ "crclr",   XL(19,193), XL_MASK,      PPCCOM,         { BT, BAT, BBA } },
+{ "crxor",   XL(19,193), XL_MASK,      COM,            { BT, BA, BB } },
+{ "crnand",  XL(19,225), XL_MASK,      COM,            { BT, BA, BB } },
+{ "crand",   XL(19,257), XL_MASK,      COM,            { BT, BA, BB } },
+{ "crset",   XL(19,289), XL_MASK,      PPCCOM,         { BT, BAT, BBA } },
+{ "creqv",   XL(19,289), XL_MASK,      COM,            { BT, BA, BB } },
+{ "crorc",   XL(19,417), XL_MASK,      COM,            { BT, BA, BB } },
+{ "crmove",  XL(19,449), XL_MASK,      PPCCOM,         { BT, BA, BBA } },
+{ "cror",    XL(19,449), XL_MASK,      COM,            { BT, BA, BB } },
+{ "bctr",    XLO(19,BOU,528,0), XLBOBIBB_MASK, COM,    { 0 } },
+{ "bctrl",   XLO(19,BOU,528,1), XLBOBIBB_MASK, COM,    { 0 } },
+{ "bltctr",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBLT,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bltctr-", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBLT,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bltctr+", XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBLT,528,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bltctrl", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBLT,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bltctrl-",XLOCB(19,BOT,CBLT,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bltctrl+",XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBLT,528,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bgtctr",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBGT,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bgtctr-", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBGT,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bgtctr+", XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBGT,528,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bgtctrl", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBGT,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bgtctrl-",XLOCB(19,BOT,CBGT,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bgtctrl+",XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBGT,528,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "beqctr",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBEQ,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "beqctr-", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBEQ,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "beqctr+", XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBEQ,528,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "beqctrl", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBEQ,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "beqctrl-",XLOCB(19,BOT,CBEQ,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "beqctrl+",XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBEQ,528,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bsoctr",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bsoctr-", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bsoctr+", XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBSO,528,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bsoctrl", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bsoctrl-",XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bsoctrl+",XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBSO,528,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bunctr",  XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bunctr-", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bunctr+", XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBSO,528,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bunctrl", XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bunctrl-",XLOCB(19,BOT,CBSO,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bunctrl+",XLOCB(19,BOTP,CBSO,528,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bgectr",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bgectr-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bgectr+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBLT,528,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bgectrl", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bgectrl-",XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bgectrl+",XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBLT,528,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnlctr",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnlctr-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnlctr+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBLT,528,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnlctrl", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnlctrl-",XLOCB(19,BOF,CBLT,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnlctrl+",XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBLT,528,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "blectr",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "blectr-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "blectr+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBGT,528,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "blectrl", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "blectrl-",XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "blectrl+",XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBGT,528,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bngctr",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bngctr-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bngctr+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBGT,528,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bngctrl", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bngctrl-",XLOCB(19,BOF,CBGT,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bngctrl+",XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBGT,528,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnectr",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBEQ,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnectr-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBEQ,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnectr+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBEQ,528,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnectrl", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBEQ,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnectrl-",XLOCB(19,BOF,CBEQ,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnectrl+",XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBEQ,528,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnsctr",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnsctr-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnsctr+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBSO,528,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnsctrl", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnsctrl-",XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnsctrl+",XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBSO,528,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnuctr",  XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnuctr-", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,528,0),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnuctr+", XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBSO,528,0), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnuctrl", XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPCCOM, { CR } },
+{ "bnuctrl-",XLOCB(19,BOF,CBSO,528,1),  XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "bnuctrl+",XLOCB(19,BOFP,CBSO,528,1), XLBOCBBB_MASK, PPC,    { CR } },
+{ "btctr",   XLO(19,BOT,528,0),  XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM,  { BI } },
+{ "btctr-",  XLO(19,BOT,528,0),  XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,     { BI } },
+{ "btctr+",  XLO(19,BOTP,528,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,     { BI } },
+{ "btctrl",  XLO(19,BOT,528,1),  XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM,  { BI } },
+{ "btctrl-", XLO(19,BOT,528,1),  XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,     { BI } },
+{ "btctrl+", XLO(19,BOTP,528,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,     { BI } },
+{ "bfctr",   XLO(19,BOF,528,0),  XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM,  { BI } },
+{ "bfctr-",  XLO(19,BOF,528,0),  XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,     { BI } },
+{ "bfctr+",  XLO(19,BOFP,528,0), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,     { BI } },
+{ "bfctrl",  XLO(19,BOF,528,1),  XLBOBB_MASK, PPCCOM,  { BI } },
+{ "bfctrl-", XLO(19,BOF,528,1),  XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,     { BI } },
+{ "bfctrl+", XLO(19,BOFP,528,1), XLBOBB_MASK, PPC,     { BI } },
+{ "bcctr",   XLLK(19,528,0),     XLYBB_MASK,  PPCCOM,  { BO, BI } },
+{ "bcctr-",  XLYLK(19,528,0,0),  XLYBB_MASK,  PPC,     { BOE, BI } },
+{ "bcctr+",  XLYLK(19,528,1,0),  XLYBB_MASK,  PPC,     { BOE, BI } },
+{ "bcctrl",  XLLK(19,528,1),     XLYBB_MASK,  PPCCOM,  { BO, BI } },
+{ "bcctrl-", XLYLK(19,528,0,1),  XLYBB_MASK,  PPC,     { BOE, BI } },
+{ "bcctrl+", XLYLK(19,528,1,1),  XLYBB_MASK,  PPC,     { BOE, BI } },
+{ "bcc",     XLLK(19,528,0),     XLBB_MASK,   PWRCOM,  { BO, BI } },
+{ "bccl",    XLLK(19,528,1),     XLBB_MASK,   PWRCOM,  { BO, BI } },
+{ "rlwimi",  M(20,0),  M_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { RA,RS,SH,MBE,ME } },
+{ "rlimi",   M(20,0),  M_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RA,RS,SH,MBE,ME } },
+{ "rlwimi.", M(20,1),  M_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { RA,RS,SH,MBE,ME } },
+{ "rlimi.",  M(20,1),  M_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RA,RS,SH,MBE,ME } },
+{ "rotlwi",  MME(21,31,0), MMBME_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "clrlwi",  MME(21,31,0), MSHME_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, MB } },
+{ "rlwinm",  M(21,0),  M_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { RA,RS,SH,MBE,ME } },
+{ "rlinm",   M(21,0),  M_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RA,RS,SH,MBE,ME } },
+{ "rotlwi.", MME(21,31,1), MMBME_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA,RS,SH } },
+{ "clrlwi.", MME(21,31,1), MSHME_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, MB } },
+{ "rlwinm.", M(21,1),  M_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { RA,RS,SH,MBE,ME } },
+{ "rlinm.",  M(21,1),  M_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RA,RS,SH,MBE,ME } },
+{ "rlmi",    M(22,0),  M_MASK,         M601,           { RA,RS,RB,MBE,ME } },
+{ "rlmi.",   M(22,1),  M_MASK,         M601,           { RA,RS,RB,MBE,ME } },
+{ "rotlw",   MME(23,31,0), MMBME_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "rlwnm",   M(23,0),  M_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { RA,RS,RB,MBE,ME } },
+{ "rlnm",    M(23,0),  M_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RA,RS,RB,MBE,ME } },
+{ "rotlw.",  MME(23,31,1), MMBME_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "rlwnm.",  M(23,1),  M_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { RA,RS,RB,MBE,ME } },
+{ "rlnm.",   M(23,1),  M_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RA,RS,RB,MBE,ME } },
+{ "nop",     OP(24),   0xffffffff,     PPCCOM,         { 0 } },
+{ "ori",     OP(24),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, UI } },
+{ "oril",    OP(24),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, UI } },
+{ "oris",    OP(25),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, UI } },
+{ "oriu",    OP(25),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, UI } },
+{ "xori",    OP(26),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, UI } },
+{ "xoril",   OP(26),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, UI } },
+{ "xoris",   OP(27),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, UI } },
+{ "xoriu",   OP(27),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, UI } },
+{ "andi.",   OP(28),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, UI } },
+{ "andil.",  OP(28),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, UI } },
+{ "andis.",  OP(29),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, UI } },
+{ "andiu.",  OP(29),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, UI } },
+{ "rotldi",  MD(30,0,0), MDMB_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, SH6 } },
+{ "clrldi",  MD(30,0,0), MDSH_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, MB6 } },
+{ "rldicl",  MD(30,0,0), MD_MASK,      PPC64,          { RA, RS, SH6, MB6 } },
+{ "rotldi.", MD(30,0,1), MDMB_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, SH6 } },
+{ "clrldi.", MD(30,0,1), MDSH_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, MB6 } },
+{ "rldicl.", MD(30,0,1), MD_MASK,      PPC64,          { RA, RS, SH6, MB6 } },
+{ "rldicr",  MD(30,1,0), MD_MASK,      PPC64,          { RA, RS, SH6, ME6 } },
+{ "rldicr.", MD(30,1,1), MD_MASK,      PPC64,          { RA, RS, SH6, ME6 } },
+{ "rldic",   MD(30,2,0), MD_MASK,      PPC64,          { RA, RS, SH6, MB6 } },
+{ "rldic.",  MD(30,2,1), MD_MASK,      PPC64,          { RA, RS, SH6, MB6 } },
+{ "rldimi",  MD(30,3,0), MD_MASK,      PPC64,          { RA, RS, SH6, MB6 } },
+{ "rldimi.", MD(30,3,1), MD_MASK,      PPC64,          { RA, RS, SH6, MB6 } },
+{ "rotld",   MDS(30,8,0), MDSMB_MASK,  PPC64,          { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "rldcl",   MDS(30,8,0), MDS_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, RB, MB6 } },
+{ "rotld.",  MDS(30,8,1), MDSMB_MASK,  PPC64,          { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "rldcl.",  MDS(30,8,1), MDS_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, RB, MB6 } },
+{ "rldcr",   MDS(30,9,0), MDS_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, RB, ME6 } },
+{ "rldcr.",  MDS(30,9,1), MDS_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, RB, ME6 } },
+{ "cmpw",    XCMPL(31,0,0), XCMPL_MASK, PPCCOM,                { OBF, RA, RB } 
+{ "cmpd",    XCMPL(31,0,1), XCMPL_MASK, PPC64,         { OBF, RA, RB } },
+{ "cmp",     X(31,0),  XCMP_MASK,      PPCONLY,        { BF, L, RA, RB } },
+{ "cmp",     X(31,0),  XCMPL_MASK,     PWRCOM,         { BF, RA, RB } },
+{ "twlgt",   XTO(31,4,TOLGT), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tlgt",    XTO(31,4,TOLGT), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "twllt",   XTO(31,4,TOLLT), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tllt",    XTO(31,4,TOLLT), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tweq",    XTO(31,4,TOEQ), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "teq",     XTO(31,4,TOEQ), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "twlge",   XTO(31,4,TOLGE), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tlge",    XTO(31,4,TOLGE), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "twlnl",   XTO(31,4,TOLNL), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tlnl",    XTO(31,4,TOLNL), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "twlle",   XTO(31,4,TOLLE), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tlle",    XTO(31,4,TOLLE), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "twlng",   XTO(31,4,TOLNG), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tlng",    XTO(31,4,TOLNG), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "twgt",    XTO(31,4,TOGT), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "tgt",     XTO(31,4,TOGT), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "twge",    XTO(31,4,TOGE), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "tge",     XTO(31,4,TOGE), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "twnl",    XTO(31,4,TONL), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "tnl",     XTO(31,4,TONL), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "twlt",    XTO(31,4,TOLT), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "tlt",     XTO(31,4,TOLT), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "twle",    XTO(31,4,TOLE), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "tle",     XTO(31,4,TOLE), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "twng",    XTO(31,4,TONG), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "tng",     XTO(31,4,TONG), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "twne",    XTO(31,4,TONE), XTO_MASK, PPCCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "tne",     XTO(31,4,TONE), XTO_MASK, PWRCOM,         { RA, RB } },
+{ "trap",    XTO(31,4,TOU), 0xffffffff,        PPCCOM,         { 0 } },
+{ "tw",      X(31,4),  X_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { TO, RA, RB } },
+{ "t",       X(31,4),  X_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { TO, RA, RB } },
+{ "subfc",   XO(31,8,0,0), XO_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "sf",      XO(31,8,0,0), XO_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "subc",    XO(31,8,0,0), XO_MASK,    PPC,            { RT, RB, RA } },
+{ "subfc.",  XO(31,8,0,1), XO_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "sf.",     XO(31,8,0,1), XO_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "subc.",   XO(31,8,0,1), XO_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { RT, RB, RA } },
+{ "subfco",  XO(31,8,1,0), XO_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "sfo",     XO(31,8,1,0), XO_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "subco",   XO(31,8,1,0), XO_MASK,    PPC,            { RT, RB, RA } },
+{ "subfco.", XO(31,8,1,1), XO_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "sfo.",    XO(31,8,1,1), XO_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "subco.",  XO(31,8,1,1), XO_MASK,    PPC,            { RT, RB, RA } },
+{ "mulhdu",  XO(31,9,0,0), XO_MASK,    PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mulhdu.", XO(31,9,0,1), XO_MASK,    PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "addc",    XO(31,10,0,0), XO_MASK,   PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "a",       XO(31,10,0,0), XO_MASK,   PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "addc.",   XO(31,10,0,1), XO_MASK,   PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "a.",      XO(31,10,0,1), XO_MASK,   PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "addco",   XO(31,10,1,0), XO_MASK,   PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "ao",      XO(31,10,1,0), XO_MASK,   PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "addco.",  XO(31,10,1,1), XO_MASK,   PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "ao.",     XO(31,10,1,1), XO_MASK,   PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mulhwu",  XO(31,11,0,0), XO_MASK,   PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mulhwu.", XO(31,11,0,1), XO_MASK,   PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mfcr",    X(31,19), XRARB_MASK,     COM,            { RT } },
+{ "lwarx",   X(31,20), X_MASK,         PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "ldx",     X(31,21), X_MASK,         PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "lwzx",    X(31,23), X_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "lx",      X(31,23), X_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "slw",     XRC(31,24,0), X_MASK,     PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sl",      XRC(31,24,0), X_MASK,     PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "slw.",    XRC(31,24,1), X_MASK,     PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sl.",     XRC(31,24,1), X_MASK,     PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "cntlzw",  XRC(31,26,0), XRB_MASK,   PPCCOM,         { RA, RS } },
+{ "cntlz",   XRC(31,26,0), XRB_MASK,   PWRCOM,         { RA, RS } },
+{ "cntlzw.", XRC(31,26,1), XRB_MASK,   PPCCOM,         { RA, RS } },
+{ "cntlz.",  XRC(31,26,1), XRB_MASK,   PWRCOM,         { RA, RS } },
+{ "sld",     XRC(31,27,0), X_MASK,     PPC64,          { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sld.",    XRC(31,27,1), X_MASK,     PPC64,          { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "and",     XRC(31,28,0), X_MASK,     COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "and.",    XRC(31,28,1), X_MASK,     COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "maskg",   XRC(31,29,0), X_MASK,     M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "maskg.",  XRC(31,29,1), X_MASK,     M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "cmplw",   XCMPL(31,32,0), XCMPL_MASK, PPCCOM,       { OBF, RA, RB } },
+{ "cmpld",   XCMPL(31,32,1), XCMPL_MASK, PPC64,                { OBF, RA, RB } 
+{ "cmpl",    X(31,32), XCMP_MASK,       PPCONLY,       { BF, L, RA, RB } },
+{ "cmpl",    X(31,32), XCMPL_MASK,      PWRCOM,        { BF, RA, RB } },
+{ "subf",    XO(31,40,0,0), XO_MASK,   PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "sub",     XO(31,40,0,0), XO_MASK,   PPC,            { RT, RB, RA } },
+{ "subf.",   XO(31,40,0,1), XO_MASK,   PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "sub.",    XO(31,40,0,1), XO_MASK,   PPC,            { RT, RB, RA } },
+{ "subfo",   XO(31,40,1,0), XO_MASK,   PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "subo",    XO(31,40,1,0), XO_MASK,   PPC,            { RT, RB, RA } },
+{ "subfo.",  XO(31,40,1,1), XO_MASK,   PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "subo.",   XO(31,40,1,1), XO_MASK,   PPC,            { RT, RB, RA } },
+{ "ldux",    X(31,53), X_MASK,         PPC64,          { RT, RAL, RB } },
+{ "dcbst",   X(31,54), XRT_MASK,       PPC,            { RA, RB } },
+{ "lwzux",   X(31,55), X_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { RT, RAL, RB } },
+{ "lux",     X(31,55), X_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "cntlzd",  XRC(31,58,0), XRB_MASK,   PPC64,          { RA, RS } },
+{ "cntlzd.", XRC(31,58,1), XRB_MASK,   PPC64,          { RA, RS } },
+{ "andc",    XRC(31,60,0), X_MASK,     COM,    { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "andc.",   XRC(31,60,1), X_MASK,     COM,    { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "tdlgt",   XTO(31,68,TOLGT), XTO_MASK, PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tdllt",   XTO(31,68,TOLLT), XTO_MASK, PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tdeq",    XTO(31,68,TOEQ), XTO_MASK,  PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tdlge",   XTO(31,68,TOLGE), XTO_MASK, PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tdlnl",   XTO(31,68,TOLNL), XTO_MASK, PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tdlle",   XTO(31,68,TOLLE), XTO_MASK, PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tdlng",   XTO(31,68,TOLNG), XTO_MASK, PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tdgt",    XTO(31,68,TOGT), XTO_MASK,  PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tdge",    XTO(31,68,TOGE), XTO_MASK,  PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tdnl",    XTO(31,68,TONL), XTO_MASK,  PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tdlt",    XTO(31,68,TOLT), XTO_MASK,  PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tdle",    XTO(31,68,TOLE), XTO_MASK,  PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tdng",    XTO(31,68,TONG), XTO_MASK,  PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "tdne",    XTO(31,68,TONE), XTO_MASK,  PPC64,                { RA, RB } },
+{ "td",             X(31,68),  X_MASK,          PPC64,         { TO, RA, RB } 
+{ "mulhd",   XO(31,73,0,0), XO_MASK,    PPC64,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mulhd.",  XO(31,73,0,1), XO_MASK,    PPC64,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mulhw",   XO(31,75,0,0), XO_MASK,   PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mulhw.",  XO(31,75,0,1), XO_MASK,   PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mfmsr",   X(31,83), XRARB_MASK,     COM,            { RT } },
+{ "ldarx",   X(31,84), X_MASK,         PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "dcbf",    X(31,86), XRT_MASK,       PPC,            { RA, RB } },
+{ "lbzx",    X(31,87), X_MASK,         COM,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "neg",     XO(31,104,0,0), XORB_MASK,        COM,            { RT, RA } },
+{ "neg.",    XO(31,104,0,1), XORB_MASK,        COM,            { RT, RA } },
+{ "nego",    XO(31,104,1,0), XORB_MASK,        COM,            { RT, RA } },
+{ "nego.",   XO(31,104,1,1), XORB_MASK,        COM,            { RT, RA } },
+{ "mul",     XO(31,107,0,0), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mul.",    XO(31,107,0,1), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mulo",    XO(31,107,1,0), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mulo.",   XO(31,107,1,1), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "clf",     X(31,118), XRB_MASK,      POWER,          { RT, RA } },
+{ "lbzux",   X(31,119),        X_MASK,         COM,            { RT, RAL, RB } 
+{ "not",     XRC(31,124,0), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RBS } },
+{ "nor",     XRC(31,124,0), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "not.",    XRC(31,124,1), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RBS } },
+{ "nor.",    XRC(31,124,1), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "subfe",   XO(31,136,0,0), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "sfe",     XO(31,136,0,0), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "subfe.",  XO(31,136,0,1), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "sfe.",    XO(31,136,0,1), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "subfeo",  XO(31,136,1,0), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "sfeo",    XO(31,136,1,0), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "subfeo.", XO(31,136,1,1), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "sfeo.",   XO(31,136,1,1), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "adde",    XO(31,138,0,0), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "ae",      XO(31,138,0,0), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "adde.",   XO(31,138,0,1), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "ae.",     XO(31,138,0,1), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "addeo",   XO(31,138,1,0), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "aeo",     XO(31,138,1,0), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "addeo.",  XO(31,138,1,1), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "aeo.",    XO(31,138,1,1), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mtcr",    XFXM(31,144,0xff), XFXFXM_MASK|FXM_MASK, COM,     { RS }},
+{ "mtcrf",   X(31,144),        XFXFXM_MASK,    COM,            { FXM, RS } },
+{ "mtmsr",   X(31,146),        XRARB_MASK,     COM,            { RS } },
+{ "stdx",    X(31,149), X_MASK,                PPC64,          { RS, RA, RB } 
+{ "stwcx.",  XRC(31,150,1), X_MASK,    PPC,            { RS, RA, RB } },
+{ "stwx",    X(31,151), X_MASK,                PPCCOM,         { RS, RA, RB } 
+{ "stx",     X(31,151), X_MASK,                PWRCOM,         { RS, RA, RB } 
+{ "slq",     XRC(31,152,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "slq.",    XRC(31,152,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sle",     XRC(31,153,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sle.",    XRC(31,153,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "stdux",   X(31,181),        X_MASK,         PPC64,          { RS, RAS, RB } 
+{ "stwux",   X(31,183),        X_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { RS, RAS, RB } 
+{ "stux",    X(31,183),        X_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RS, RA, RB } 
+{ "sliq",    XRC(31,184,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "sliq.",   XRC(31,184,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "subfze",  XO(31,200,0,0), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "sfze",    XO(31,200,0,0), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "subfze.", XO(31,200,0,1), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "sfze.",   XO(31,200,0,1), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "subfzeo", XO(31,200,1,0), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "sfzeo",   XO(31,200,1,0), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "subfzeo.",XO(31,200,1,1), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "sfzeo.",  XO(31,200,1,1), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "addze",   XO(31,202,0,0), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "aze",     XO(31,202,0,0), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "addze.",  XO(31,202,0,1), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "aze.",    XO(31,202,0,1), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "addzeo",  XO(31,202,1,0), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "azeo",    XO(31,202,1,0), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "addzeo.", XO(31,202,1,1), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "azeo.",   XO(31,202,1,1), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "mtsr",    X(31,210),        XRB_MASK|(1<<20), COM32,        { SR, RS } },
+{ "stdcx.",  XRC(31,214,1), X_MASK,    PPC64,          { RS, RA, RB } },
+{ "stbx",    X(31,215),        X_MASK,         COM,    { RS, RA, RB } },
+{ "sllq",    XRC(31,216,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sllq.",   XRC(31,216,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sleq",    XRC(31,217,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sleq.",   XRC(31,217,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "subfme",  XO(31,232,0,0), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "sfme",    XO(31,232,0,0), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "subfme.", XO(31,232,0,1), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "sfme.",   XO(31,232,0,1), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "subfmeo", XO(31,232,1,0), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "sfmeo",   XO(31,232,1,0), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "subfmeo.",XO(31,232,1,1), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "sfmeo.",  XO(31,232,1,1), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "mulld",   XO(31,233,0,0), XO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mulld.",  XO(31,233,0,1), XO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mulldo",  XO(31,233,1,0), XO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mulldo.", XO(31,233,1,1), XO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "addme",   XO(31,234,0,0), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "ame",     XO(31,234,0,0), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "addme.",  XO(31,234,0,1), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "ame.",    XO(31,234,0,1), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "addmeo",  XO(31,234,1,0), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "ameo",    XO(31,234,1,0), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "addmeo.", XO(31,234,1,1), XORB_MASK, PPCCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "ameo.",   XO(31,234,1,1), XORB_MASK, PWRCOM,                { RT, RA } },
+{ "mullw",   XO(31,235,0,0), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "muls",    XO(31,235,0,0), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mullw.",  XO(31,235,0,1), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "muls.",   XO(31,235,0,1), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mullwo",  XO(31,235,1,0), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mulso",   XO(31,235,1,0), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mullwo.", XO(31,235,1,1), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mulso.",  XO(31,235,1,1), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mtsrin",  X(31,242),        XRA_MASK,       PPC32,          { RS, RB } },
+{ "mtsri",   X(31,242),        XRA_MASK,       POWER32,        { RS, RB } },
+{ "dcbtst",  X(31,246),        XRT_MASK,       PPC,            { RA, RB } },
+{ "stbux",   X(31,247),        X_MASK,         COM,            { RS, RAS, RB } 
+{ "slliq",   XRC(31,248,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "slliq.",  XRC(31,248,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "doz",     XO(31,264,0,0), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "doz.",    XO(31,264,0,1), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "dozo",    XO(31,264,1,0), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "dozo.",   XO(31,264,1,1), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "add",     XO(31,266,0,0), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "cax",     XO(31,266,0,0), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "add.",    XO(31,266,0,1), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "cax.",    XO(31,266,0,1), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "addo",    XO(31,266,1,0), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "caxo",    XO(31,266,1,0), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "addo.",   XO(31,266,1,1), XO_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "caxo.",   XO(31,266,1,1), XO_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "lscbx",   XRC(31,277,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "lscbx.",  XRC(31,277,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "dcbt",    X(31,278),        XRT_MASK,       PPC,            { RA, RB } },
+{ "lhzx",    X(31,279),        X_MASK,         COM,            { RT, RA, RB } 
+{ "icbt",    X(31,262),        XRT_MASK,       PPC,            { RA, RB } },
+{ "eqv",     XRC(31,284,0), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "eqv.",    XRC(31,284,1), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "tlbie",   X(31,306),        XRTRA_MASK,     PPC,            { RB } },
+{ "tlbi",    X(31,306),        XRT_MASK,       POWER,          { RA, RB } },
+{ "eciwx",   X(31,310), X_MASK,                PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } 
+{ "lhzux",   X(31,311),        X_MASK,         COM,            { RT, RAL, RB } 
+{ "xor",     XRC(31,316,0), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "xor.",    XRC(31,316,1), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "mfdcr",   X(31,323),        X_MASK,         PPC,            { RT, SPR } },
+{ "div",     XO(31,331,0,0), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "div.",    XO(31,331,0,1), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divo",    XO(31,331,1,0), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divo.",   XO(31,331,1,1), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mfmq",    XSPR(31,339,0),   XSPR_MASK, M601,                { RT } },
+{ "mfxer",   XSPR(31,339,1),   XSPR_MASK, COM,         { RT } },
+{ "mfrtcu",  XSPR(31,339,4),   XSPR_MASK, COM,         { RT } },
+{ "mfrtcl",  XSPR(31,339,5),   XSPR_MASK, COM,         { RT } },
+{ "mfdec",   XSPR(31,339,6),   XSPR_MASK, MFDEC1,      { RT } },
+{ "mflr",    XSPR(31,339,8),   XSPR_MASK, COM,         { RT } },
+{ "mfctr",   XSPR(31,339,9),   XSPR_MASK, COM,         { RT } },
+{ "mftid",   XSPR(31,339,17),  XSPR_MASK, POWER,       { RT } },
+{ "mfdsisr", XSPR(31,339,18),  XSPR_MASK, COM,         { RT } },
+{ "mfdar",   XSPR(31,339,19),  XSPR_MASK, COM,         { RT } },
+{ "mfdec",   XSPR(31,339,22),  XSPR_MASK, MFDEC2,      { RT } },
+{ "mfsdr0",  XSPR(31,339,24),  XSPR_MASK, POWER,       { RT } },
+{ "mfsdr1",  XSPR(31,339,25),  XSPR_MASK, COM,         { RT } },
+{ "mfsrr0",  XSPR(31,339,26),  XSPR_MASK, COM,         { RT } },
+{ "mfsrr1",  XSPR(31,339,27),  XSPR_MASK, COM,         { RT } },
+{ "mfsprg",  XSPR(31,339,272), XSPRG_MASK, PPC,                { RT, SPRG } },
+{ "mfasr",   XSPR(31,339,280), XSPR_MASK, PPC64,       { RT } },
+{ "mfear",   XSPR(31,339,282), XSPR_MASK, PPC,         { RT } },
+{ "mfpvr",   XSPR(31,339,287), XSPR_MASK, PPC,         { RT } },
+{ "mfibatu", XSPR(31,339,528), XSPRBAT_MASK, PPC,      { RT, SPRBAT } },
+{ "mfibatl", XSPR(31,339,529), XSPRBAT_MASK, PPC,      { RT, SPRBAT } },
+{ "mfdbatu", XSPR(31,339,536), XSPRBAT_MASK, PPC,      { RT, SPRBAT } },
+{ "mfdbatl", XSPR(31,339,537), XSPRBAT_MASK, PPC,      { RT, SPRBAT } },
+{ "mfspr",   X(31,339),        X_MASK,         COM,            { RT, SPR } },
+{ "lwax",    X(31,341),        X_MASK,         PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } 
+{ "lhax",    X(31,343),        X_MASK,         COM,            { RT, RA, RB } 
+{ "dccci",   X(31,454),        XRT_MASK,       PPC,            { RA, RB } },
+{ "abs",     XO(31,360,0,0), XORB_MASK, M601,          { RT, RA } },
+{ "abs.",    XO(31,360,0,1), XORB_MASK, M601,          { RT, RA } },
+{ "abso",    XO(31,360,1,0), XORB_MASK, M601,          { RT, RA } },
+{ "abso.",   XO(31,360,1,1), XORB_MASK, M601,          { RT, RA } },
+{ "divs",    XO(31,363,0,0), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divs.",   XO(31,363,0,1), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divso",   XO(31,363,1,0), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divso.",  XO(31,363,1,1), XO_MASK,  M601,           { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "tlbia",   X(31,370),        0xffffffff,     PPC,            { 0 } },
+{ "mftbu",   XSPR(31,371,269), XSPR_MASK, PPC,         { RT } },
+{ "mftb",    X(31,371),        X_MASK,         PPC,            { RT, TBR } },
+{ "lwaux",   X(31,373),        X_MASK,         PPC64,          { RT, RAL, RB } 
+{ "lhaux",   X(31,375),        X_MASK,         COM,            { RT, RAL, RB } 
+{ "sthx",    X(31,407),        X_MASK,         COM,            { RS, RA, RB } 
+{ "lfqx",    X(31,791),        X_MASK,         POWER2,         { FRT, RA, RB } 
+{ "lfqux",   X(31,823),        X_MASK,         POWER2,         { FRT, RA, RB } 
+{ "stfqx",   X(31,919),        X_MASK,         POWER2,         { FRS, RA, RB } 
+{ "stfqux",  X(31,951),        X_MASK,         POWER2,         { FRS, RA, RB } 
+{ "orc",     XRC(31,412,0), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "orc.",    XRC(31,412,1), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sradi",   XS(31,413,0), XS_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, SH6 } },
+{ "sradi.",  XS(31,413,1), XS_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, SH6 } },
+{ "slbie",   X(31,434),        XRTRA_MASK,     PPC64,          { RB } },
+{ "ecowx",   X(31,438),        X_MASK,         PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } 
+{ "sthux",   X(31,439),        X_MASK,         COM,            { RS, RAS, RB } 
+{ "mr",             XRC(31,444,0), X_MASK,     COM,            { RA, RS, RBS } 
+{ "or",      XRC(31,444,0), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "mr.",     XRC(31,444,1), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RBS } },
+{ "or.",     XRC(31,444,1), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "mtdcr",   X(31,451),        X_MASK,         PPC,            { SPR, RS } },
+{ "divdu",   XO(31,457,0,0), XO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divdu.",  XO(31,457,0,1), XO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divduo",  XO(31,457,1,0), XO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divduo.", XO(31,457,1,1), XO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divwu",   XO(31,459,0,0), XO_MASK,  PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divwu.",  XO(31,459,0,1), XO_MASK,  PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divwuo",  XO(31,459,1,0), XO_MASK,  PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divwuo.", XO(31,459,1,1), XO_MASK,  PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "mtmq",    XSPR(31,467,0),   XSPR_MASK,    M601,     { RS } },
+{ "mtxer",   XSPR(31,467,1),   XSPR_MASK,    COM,      { RS } },
+{ "mtlr",    XSPR(31,467,8),   XSPR_MASK,    COM,      { RS } },
+{ "mtctr",   XSPR(31,467,9),   XSPR_MASK,    COM,      { RS } },
+{ "mttid",   XSPR(31,467,17),  XSPR_MASK,    POWER,    { RS } },
+{ "mtdsisr", XSPR(31,467,18),  XSPR_MASK,    COM,      { RS } },
+{ "mtdar",   XSPR(31,467,19),  XSPR_MASK,    COM,      { RS } },
+{ "mtrtcu",  XSPR(31,467,20),  XSPR_MASK,    COM,      { RS } },
+{ "mtrtcl",  XSPR(31,467,21),  XSPR_MASK,    COM,      { RS } },
+{ "mtdec",   XSPR(31,467,22),  XSPR_MASK,    COM,      { RS } },
+{ "mtsdr0",  XSPR(31,467,24),  XSPR_MASK,    POWER,    { RS } },
+{ "mtsdr1",  XSPR(31,467,25),  XSPR_MASK,    COM,      { RS } },
+{ "mtsrr0",  XSPR(31,467,26),  XSPR_MASK,    COM,      { RS } },
+{ "mtsrr1",  XSPR(31,467,27),  XSPR_MASK,    COM,      { RS } },
+{ "mtsprg",  XSPR(31,467,272), XSPRG_MASK,   PPC,      { SPRG, RS } },
+{ "mtasr",   XSPR(31,467,280), XSPR_MASK,    PPC64,    { RS } },
+{ "mtear",   XSPR(31,467,282), XSPR_MASK,    PPC,      { RS } },
+{ "mttbl",   XSPR(31,467,284), XSPR_MASK,    PPC,      { RS } },
+{ "mttbu",   XSPR(31,467,285), XSPR_MASK,    PPC,      { RS } },
+{ "mtibatu", XSPR(31,467,528), XSPRBAT_MASK, PPC,      { SPRBAT, RS } },
+{ "mtibatl", XSPR(31,467,529), XSPRBAT_MASK, PPC,      { SPRBAT, RS } },
+{ "mtdbatu", XSPR(31,467,536), XSPRBAT_MASK, PPC,      { SPRBAT, RS } },
+{ "mtdbatl", XSPR(31,467,537), XSPRBAT_MASK, PPC,      { SPRBAT, RS } },
+{ "mtspr",   X(31,467),               X_MASK,       COM,       { SPR, RS } },
+{ "dcbi",    X(31,470),        XRT_MASK,       PPC,            { RA, RB } },
+{ "nand",    XRC(31,476,0), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "nand.",   XRC(31,476,1), X_MASK,    COM,            { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "nabs",    XO(31,488,0,0), XORB_MASK, M601,          { RT, RA } },
+{ "nabs.",   XO(31,488,0,1), XORB_MASK, M601,          { RT, RA } },
+{ "nabso",   XO(31,488,1,0), XORB_MASK, M601,          { RT, RA } },
+{ "nabso.",  XO(31,488,1,1), XORB_MASK, M601,          { RT, RA } },
+{ "divd",    XO(31,489,0,0), XO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divd.",   XO(31,489,0,1), XO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divdo",   XO(31,489,1,0), XO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divdo.",  XO(31,489,1,1), XO_MASK,  PPC64,          { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divw",    XO(31,491,0,0), XO_MASK,  PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divw.",   XO(31,491,0,1), XO_MASK,  PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divwo",   XO(31,491,1,0), XO_MASK,  PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "divwo.",  XO(31,491,1,1), XO_MASK,  PPC,            { RT, RA, RB } },
+{ "slbia",   X(31,498),        0xffffffff,     PPC64,          { 0 } },
+{ "cli",     X(31,502), XRB_MASK,      POWER,          { RT, RA } },
+{ "mcrxr",   X(31,512),        XRARB_MASK|(3<<21), COM,        { BF } },
+{ "clcs",    X(31,531), XRB_MASK,      M601,           { RT, RA } },
+{ "lswx",    X(31,533),        X_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } 
+{ "lsx",     X(31,533),        X_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } 
+{ "lwbrx",   X(31,534),        X_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } 
+{ "lbrx",    X(31,534),        X_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } 
+{ "lfsx",    X(31,535),        X_MASK,         COM,            { FRT, RA, RB } 
+{ "srw",     XRC(31,536,0), X_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sr",      XRC(31,536,0), X_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "srw.",    XRC(31,536,1), X_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sr.",     XRC(31,536,1), X_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "rrib",    XRC(31,537,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "rrib.",   XRC(31,537,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "srd",     XRC(31,539,0), X_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "srd.",    XRC(31,539,1), X_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "maskir",  XRC(31,541,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "maskir.", XRC(31,541,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "tlbsync", X(31,566),        0xffffffff,     PPC,            { 0 } },
+{ "lfsux",   X(31,567),        X_MASK,         COM,            { FRT, RAS, RB 
} },
+{ "mfsr",    X(31,595),        XRB_MASK|(1<<20), COM32,        { RT, SR } },
+{ "lswi",    X(31,597),        X_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { RT, RA, NB } 
+{ "lsi",     X(31,597),        X_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, NB } 
+{ "sync",    X(31,598), 0xffffffff,    PPCCOM,         { 0 } },
+{ "dcs",     X(31,598), 0xffffffff,    PWRCOM,         { 0 } },
+{ "lfdx",    X(31,599), X_MASK,                COM,            { FRT, RA, RB } 
+{ "mfsri",   X(31,627), X_MASK,                PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } 
+{ "dclst",   X(31,630), XRB_MASK,      PWRCOM,         { RS, RA } },
+{ "lfdux",   X(31,631), X_MASK,                COM,            { FRT, RAS, RB 
} },
+{ "mfsrin",  X(31,659), XRA_MASK,      PPC32,          { RT, RB } },
+{ "stswx",   X(31,661), X_MASK,                PPCCOM,         { RS, RA, RB } 
+{ "stsx",    X(31,661), X_MASK,                PWRCOM,         { RS, RA, RB } 
+{ "stwbrx",  X(31,662), X_MASK,                PPCCOM,         { RS, RA, RB } 
+{ "stbrx",   X(31,662), X_MASK,                PWRCOM,         { RS, RA, RB } 
+{ "stfsx",   X(31,663), X_MASK,                COM,            { FRS, RA, RB } 
+{ "srq",     XRC(31,664,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "srq.",    XRC(31,664,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sre",     XRC(31,665,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sre.",    XRC(31,665,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "stfsux",  X(31,695),        X_MASK,         COM,            { FRS, RAS, RB 
} },
+{ "sriq",    XRC(31,696,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "sriq.",   XRC(31,696,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "stswi",   X(31,725),        X_MASK,         PPCCOM,         { RS, RA, NB } 
+{ "stsi",    X(31,725),        X_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RS, RA, NB } 
+{ "stfdx",   X(31,727),        X_MASK,         COM,            { FRS, RA, RB } 
+{ "srlq",    XRC(31,728,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "srlq.",   XRC(31,728,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sreq",    XRC(31,729,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sreq.",   XRC(31,729,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "stfdux",  X(31,759),        X_MASK,         COM,            { FRS, RAS, RB 
} },
+{ "srliq",   XRC(31,760,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "srliq.",  XRC(31,760,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "lhbrx",   X(31,790),        X_MASK,         COM,            { RT, RA, RB } 
+{ "sraw",    XRC(31,792,0), X_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sra",     XRC(31,792,0), X_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sraw.",   XRC(31,792,1), X_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sra.",    XRC(31,792,1), X_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "srad",    XRC(31,794,0), X_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "srad.",   XRC(31,794,1), X_MASK,    PPC64,          { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "rac",     X(31,818),        X_MASK,         PWRCOM,         { RT, RA, RB } 
+{ "srawi",   XRC(31,824,0), X_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "srai",    XRC(31,824,0), X_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "srawi.",  XRC(31,824,1), X_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "srai.",   XRC(31,824,1), X_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "eieio",   X(31,854),        0xffffffff,     PPC,            { 0 } },
+{ "sthbrx",  X(31,918),        X_MASK,         COM,            { RS, RA, RB } 
+{ "sraq",    XRC(31,920,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "sraq.",   XRC(31,920,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "srea",    XRC(31,921,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "srea.",   XRC(31,921,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, RB } },
+{ "extsh",   XRC(31,922,0), XRB_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RA, RS } },
+{ "exts",    XRC(31,922,0), XRB_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RA, RS } },
+{ "extsh.",  XRC(31,922,1), XRB_MASK,  PPCCOM,         { RA, RS } },
+{ "exts.",   XRC(31,922,1), XRB_MASK,  PWRCOM,         { RA, RS } },
+{ "sraiq",   XRC(31,952,0), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "sraiq.",  XRC(31,952,1), X_MASK,    M601,           { RA, RS, SH } },
+{ "extsb",   XRC(31,954,0), XRB_MASK,  PPC,            { RA, RS} },
+{ "extsb.",  XRC(31,954,1), XRB_MASK,  PPC,            { RA, RS} },
+{ "iccci",   X(31,966),        XRT_MASK,       PPC,            { RA, RB } },
+{ "tlbld",   X(31,978),        XRTRA_MASK,     PPC,            { RB } },
+{ "icbi",    X(31,982),        XRT_MASK,       PPC,            { RA, RB } },
+{ "stfiwx",  X(31,983),        X_MASK,         PPC,            { FRS, RA, RB } 
+{ "extsw",   XRC(31,986,0), XRB_MASK,  PPC,            { RA, RS } },
+{ "extsw.",  XRC(31,986,1), XRB_MASK,  PPC,            { RA, RS } },
+{ "tlbli",   X(31,1010), XRTRA_MASK,   PPC,            { RB } },
+{ "dcbz",    X(31,1014), XRT_MASK,     PPC,            { RA, RB } },
+{ "dclz",    X(31,1014), XRT_MASK,     PPC,            { RA, RB } },
+{ "lwz",     OP(32),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT, D, RA } },
+{ "l",      OP(32),    OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RT, D, RA } },
+{ "lwzu",    OP(33),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT, D, RAL } },
+{ "lu",      OP(33),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RT, D, RA } },
+{ "lbz",     OP(34),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { RT, D, RA } },
+{ "lbzu",    OP(35),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { RT, D, RAL } },
+{ "stw",     OP(36),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RS, D, RA } },
+{ "st",      OP(36),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RS, D, RA } },
+{ "stwu",    OP(37),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RS, D, RAS } },
+{ "stu",     OP(37),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RS, D, RA } },
+{ "stb",     OP(38),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { RS, D, RA } },
+{ "stbu",    OP(39),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { RS, D, RAS } },
+{ "lhz",     OP(40),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { RT, D, RA } },
+{ "lhzu",    OP(41),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { RT, D, RAL } },
+{ "lha",     OP(42),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { RT, D, RA } },
+{ "lhau",    OP(43),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { RT, D, RAL } },
+{ "sth",     OP(44),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { RS, D, RA } },
+{ "sthu",    OP(45),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { RS, D, RAS } },
+{ "lmw",     OP(46),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RT, D, RAM } },
+{ "lm",      OP(46),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RT, D, RA } },
+{ "stmw",    OP(47),   OP_MASK,        PPCCOM,         { RS, D, RA } },
+{ "stm",     OP(47),   OP_MASK,        PWRCOM,         { RS, D, RA } },
+{ "lfs",     OP(48),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { FRT, D, RA } },
+{ "lfsu",    OP(49),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { FRT, D, RAS } },
+{ "lfd",     OP(50),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { FRT, D, RA } },
+{ "lfdu",    OP(51),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { FRT, D, RAS } },
+{ "stfs",    OP(52),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { FRS, D, RA } },
+{ "stfsu",   OP(53),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { FRS, D, RAS } },
+{ "stfd",    OP(54),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { FRS, D, RA } },
+{ "stfdu",   OP(55),   OP_MASK,        COM,            { FRS, D, RAS } },
+{ "lfq",     OP(56),   OP_MASK,        POWER2,         { FRT, D, RA } },
+{ "lfqu",    OP(57),   OP_MASK,        POWER2,         { FRT, D, RA } },
+{ "ld",      DSO(58,0),        DS_MASK,        PPC64,          { RT, DS, RA } 
+{ "ldu",     DSO(58,1), DS_MASK,       PPC64,          { RT, DS, RAL } },
+{ "lwa",     DSO(58,2), DS_MASK,       PPC64,          { RT, DS, RA } },
+{ "fdivs",   A(59,18,0), AFRC_MASK,    PPC,            { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fdivs.",  A(59,18,1), AFRC_MASK,    PPC,            { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fsubs",   A(59,20,0), AFRC_MASK,    PPC,            { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fsubs.",  A(59,20,1), AFRC_MASK,    PPC,            { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fadds",   A(59,21,0), AFRC_MASK,    PPC,            { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fadds.",  A(59,21,1), AFRC_MASK,    PPC,            { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fsqrts",  A(59,22,0), AFRAFRC_MASK, PPC,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fsqrts.", A(59,22,1), AFRAFRC_MASK, PPC,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fres",    A(59,24,0), AFRAFRC_MASK, PPC,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fres.",   A(59,24,1), AFRAFRC_MASK, PPC,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fmuls",   A(59,25,0), AFRB_MASK,    PPC,            { FRT, FRA, FRC } },
+{ "fmuls.",  A(59,25,1), AFRB_MASK,    PPC,            { FRT, FRA, FRC } },
+{ "fmsubs",  A(59,28,0), A_MASK,       PPC,            { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fmsubs.", A(59,28,1), A_MASK,       PPC,            { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fmadds",  A(59,29,0), A_MASK,       PPC,            { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fmadds.", A(59,29,1), A_MASK,       PPC,            { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fnmsubs", A(59,30,0), A_MASK,       PPC,            { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fnmsubs.",A(59,30,1), A_MASK,       PPC,            { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fnmadds", A(59,31,0), A_MASK,       PPC,            { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fnmadds.",A(59,31,1), A_MASK,       PPC,            { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "stfq",    OP(60),   OP_MASK,        POWER2,         { FRS, D, RA } },
+{ "stfqu",   OP(61),   OP_MASK,        POWER2,         { FRS, D, RA } },
+{ "std",     DSO(62,0),        DS_MASK,        PPC64,          { RS, DS, RA } 
+{ "stdu",    DSO(62,1),        DS_MASK,        PPC64,          { RS, DS, RAS } 
+{ "fcmpu",   X(63,0),  X_MASK|(3<<21), COM,            { BF, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "frsp",    XRC(63,12,0), XRA_MASK,   COM,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "frsp.",   XRC(63,12,1), XRA_MASK,   COM,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fctiw",   XRC(63,14,0), XRA_MASK,   PPCCOM,         { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fcir",    XRC(63,14,0), XRA_MASK,   POWER2,         { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fctiw.",  XRC(63,14,1), XRA_MASK,   PPCCOM,         { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fcir.",   XRC(63,14,1), XRA_MASK,   POWER2,         { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fctiwz",  XRC(63,15,0), XRA_MASK,   PPCCOM,         { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fcirz",   XRC(63,15,0), XRA_MASK,   POWER2,         { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fctiwz.", XRC(63,15,1), XRA_MASK,   PPCCOM,         { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fcirz.",  XRC(63,15,1), XRA_MASK,   POWER2,         { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fdiv",    A(63,18,0), AFRC_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fd",      A(63,18,0), AFRC_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fdiv.",   A(63,18,1), AFRC_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fd.",     A(63,18,1), AFRC_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fsub",    A(63,20,0), AFRC_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fs",      A(63,20,0), AFRC_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fsub.",   A(63,20,1), AFRC_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fs.",     A(63,20,1), AFRC_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fadd",    A(63,21,0), AFRC_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fa",      A(63,21,0), AFRC_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fadd.",   A(63,21,1), AFRC_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fa.",     A(63,21,1), AFRC_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "fsqrt",   A(63,22,0), AFRAFRC_MASK, POWER2,         { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fsqrt.",  A(63,22,1), AFRAFRC_MASK, POWER2,         { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fsqrt",   A(63,22,0), AFRAFRC_MASK, PPC,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fsqrt.",  A(63,22,1), AFRAFRC_MASK, PPC,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fsel",    A(63,23,0), A_MASK,       PPC,            { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fsel.",   A(63,23,1), A_MASK,       PPC,            { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fmul",    A(63,25,0), AFRB_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRC } },
+{ "fm",      A(63,25,0), AFRB_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRC } },
+{ "fmul.",   A(63,25,1), AFRB_MASK,    PPCCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRC } },
+{ "fm.",     A(63,25,1), AFRB_MASK,    PWRCOM,         { FRT, FRA, FRC } },
+{ "frsqrte", A(63,26,0), AFRAFRC_MASK, PPC,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "frsqrte.",A(63,26,1), AFRAFRC_MASK, PPC,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fmsub",   A(63,28,0), A_MASK,       PPCCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fms",     A(63,28,0), A_MASK,       PWRCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fmsub.",  A(63,28,1), A_MASK,       PPCCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fms.",    A(63,28,1), A_MASK,       PWRCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fmadd",   A(63,29,0), A_MASK,       PPCCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fma",     A(63,29,0), A_MASK,       PWRCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fmadd.",  A(63,29,1), A_MASK,       PPCCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fma.",    A(63,29,1), A_MASK,       PWRCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fnmsub",  A(63,30,0), A_MASK,       PPCCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fnms",    A(63,30,0), A_MASK,       PWRCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fnmsub.", A(63,30,1), A_MASK,       PPCCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fnms.",   A(63,30,1), A_MASK,       PWRCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fnmadd",  A(63,31,0), A_MASK,       PPCCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fnma",    A(63,31,0), A_MASK,       PWRCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fnmadd.", A(63,31,1), A_MASK,       PPCCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fnma.",   A(63,31,1), A_MASK,       PWRCOM,         { FRT,FRA,FRC,FRB } },
+{ "fcmpo",   X(63,30), X_MASK|(3<<21), COM,            { BF, FRA, FRB } },
+{ "mtfsb1",  XRC(63,38,0), XRARB_MASK, COM,            { BT } },
+{ "mtfsb1.", XRC(63,38,1), XRARB_MASK, COM,            { BT } },
+{ "fneg",    XRC(63,40,0), XRA_MASK,   COM,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fneg.",   XRC(63,40,1), XRA_MASK,   COM,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "mcrfs",   X(63,64), XRB_MASK|(3<<21)|(3<<16), COM,  { BF, BFA } },
+{ "mtfsb0",  XRC(63,70,0), XRARB_MASK, COM,            { BT } },
+{ "mtfsb0.", XRC(63,70,1), XRARB_MASK, COM,            { BT } },
+{ "fmr",     XRC(63,72,0), XRA_MASK,   COM,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fmr.",    XRC(63,72,1), XRA_MASK,   COM,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "mtfsfi",  XRC(63,134,0), XRA_MASK|(3<<21)|(1<<11), COM, { BF, U } },
+{ "mtfsfi.", XRC(63,134,1), XRA_MASK|(3<<21)|(1<<11), COM, { BF, U } },
+{ "fnabs",   XRC(63,136,0), XRA_MASK,  COM,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fnabs.",  XRC(63,136,1), XRA_MASK,  COM,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fabs",    XRC(63,264,0), XRA_MASK,  COM,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fabs.",   XRC(63,264,1), XRA_MASK,  COM,            { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "mffs",    XRC(63,583,0), XRARB_MASK,        COM,            { FRT } },
+{ "mffs.",   XRC(63,583,1), XRARB_MASK,        COM,            { FRT } },
+{ "mtfsf",   XFL(63,711,0), XFL_MASK,  COM,            { FLM, FRB } },
+{ "mtfsf.",  XFL(63,711,1), XFL_MASK,  COM,            { FLM, FRB } },
+{ "fctid",   XRC(63,814,0), XRA_MASK,  PPC64,          { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fctid.",  XRC(63,814,1), XRA_MASK,  PPC64,          { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fctidz",  XRC(63,815,0), XRA_MASK,  PPC64,          { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fctidz.", XRC(63,815,1), XRA_MASK,  PPC64,          { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fcfid",   XRC(63,846,0), XRA_MASK,  PPC64,          { FRT, FRB } },
+{ "fcfid.",  XRC(63,846,1), XRA_MASK,  PPC64,          { FRT, FRB } },
+const int powerpc_num_opcodes =
+  sizeof (powerpc_opcodes) / sizeof (powerpc_opcodes[0]);
+/* The macro table.  This is only used by the assembler.  */
+const struct powerpc_macro powerpc_macros[] = {
+{ "extldi",  4,   PPC64,       "rldicr %0,%1,%3,(%2)-1" },
+{ "extldi.", 4,   PPC64,       "rldicr. %0,%1,%3,(%2)-1" },
+{ "extrdi",  4,   PPC64,       "rldicl %0,%1,(%2)+(%3),64-(%2)" },
+{ "extrdi.", 4,   PPC64,       "rldicl. %0,%1,(%2)+(%3),64-(%2)" },
+{ "insrdi",  4,   PPC64,       "rldimi %0,%1,64-((%2)+(%3)),%3" },
+{ "insrdi.", 4,   PPC64,       "rldimi. %0,%1,64-((%2)+(%3)),%3" },
+{ "rotrdi",  3,   PPC64,       "rldicl %0,%1,64-(%2),0" },
+{ "rotrdi.", 3,   PPC64,       "rldicl. %0,%1,64-(%2),0" },
+{ "sldi",    3,   PPC64,       "rldicr %0,%1,%2,63-(%2)" },
+{ "sldi.",   3,   PPC64,       "rldicr. %0,%1,%2,63-(%2)" },
+{ "srdi",    3,   PPC64,       "rldicl %0,%1,64-(%2),%2" },
+{ "srdi.",   3,   PPC64,       "rldicl. %0,%1,64-(%2),%2" },
+{ "clrrdi",  3,   PPC64,       "rldicr %0,%1,0,63-(%2)" },
+{ "clrrdi.", 3,   PPC64,       "rldicr. %0,%1,0,63-(%2)" },
+{ "clrlsldi",4,   PPC64,       "rldic %0,%1,%3,(%2)-(%3)" },
+{ "clrlsldi.",4,  PPC64,       "rldic. %0,%1,%3,(%2)-(%3)" },
+{ "extlwi",  4,   PPCCOM,      "rlwinm %0,%1,%3,0,(%2)-1" },
+{ "extlwi.", 4,   PPCCOM,      "rlwinm. %0,%1,%3,0,(%2)-1" },
+{ "extrwi",  4,   PPCCOM,      "rlwinm %0,%1,(%2)+(%3),32-(%2),31" },
+{ "extrwi.", 4,   PPCCOM,      "rlwinm. %0,%1,(%2)+(%3),32-(%2),31" },
+{ "inslwi",  4,   PPCCOM,      "rlwimi %0,%1,32-(%3),%3,(%2)+(%3)-1" },
+{ "inslwi.", 4,   PPCCOM,      "rlwimi. %0,%1,32-(%3),%3,(%2)+(%3)-1" },
+{ "insrwi",  4,   PPCCOM,      "rlwimi %0,%1,32-((%2)+(%3)),%3,(%2)+(%3)-1" },
+{ "insrwi.", 4,   PPCCOM,      "rlwimi. %0,%1,32-((%2)+(%3)),%3,(%2)+(%3)-1"},
+{ "rotrwi",  3,   PPCCOM,      "rlwinm %0,%1,32-(%2),0,31" },
+{ "rotrwi.", 3,   PPCCOM,      "rlwinm. %0,%1,32-(%2),0,31" },
+{ "slwi",    3,   PPCCOM,      "rlwinm %0,%1,%2,0,31-(%2)" },
+{ "sli",     3,   PWRCOM,      "rlinm %0,%1,%2,0,31-(%2)" },
+{ "slwi.",   3,   PPCCOM,      "rlwinm. %0,%1,%2,0,31-(%2)" },
+{ "sli.",    3,   PWRCOM,      "rlinm. %0,%1,%2,0,31-(%2)" },
+{ "srwi",    3,   PPCCOM,      "rlwinm %0,%1,32-(%2),%2,31" },
+{ "sri",     3,   PWRCOM,      "rlinm %0,%1,32-(%2),%2,31" },
+{ "srwi.",   3,   PPCCOM,      "rlwinm. %0,%1,32-(%2),%2,31" },
+{ "sri.",    3,   PWRCOM,      "rlinm. %0,%1,32-(%2),%2,31" },
+{ "clrrwi",  3,   PPCCOM,      "rlwinm %0,%1,0,0,31-(%2)" },
+{ "clrrwi.", 3,   PPCCOM,      "rlwinm. %0,%1,0,0,31-(%2)" },
+{ "clrlslwi",4,   PPCCOM,      "rlwinm %0,%1,%3,(%2)-(%3),31-(%3)" },
+{ "clrlslwi.",4,  PPCCOM,      "rlwinm. %0,%1,%3,(%2)-(%3),31-(%3)" },
+const int powerpc_num_macros =
+  sizeof (powerpc_macros) / sizeof (powerpc_macros[0]);
diff --git a/opcode/ppc.h b/opcode/ppc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9e3b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/ppc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+/* ppc.h -- Header file for PowerPC opcode table
+   Copyright 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Support
+This file is part of GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils.
+GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are free software; you can redistribute
+them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+1, or (at your option) any later version.
+GDB, GAS, and the GNU binutils are distributed in the hope that they
+will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this file; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  
+#ifndef PPC_H
+#define PPC_H
+/* The opcode table is an array of struct powerpc_opcode.  */
+struct powerpc_opcode
+  /* The opcode name.  */
+  const char *name;
+  /* The opcode itself.  Those bits which will be filled in with
+     operands are zeroes.  */
+  unsigned long opcode;
+  /* The opcode mask.  This is used by the disassembler.  This is a
+     mask containing ones indicating those bits which must match the
+     opcode field, and zeroes indicating those bits which need not
+     match (and are presumably filled in by operands).  */
+  unsigned long mask;
+  /* One bit flags for the opcode.  These are used to indicate which
+     specific processors support the instructions.  The defined values
+     are listed below.  */
+  unsigned long flags;
+  /* An array of operand codes.  Each code is an index into the
+     operand table.  They appear in the order which the operands must
+     appear in assembly code, and are terminated by a zero.  */
+  unsigned char operands[8];
+/* The table itself is sorted by major opcode number, and is otherwise
+   in the order in which the disassembler should consider
+   instructions.  */
+extern const struct powerpc_opcode powerpc_opcodes[];
+extern const int powerpc_num_opcodes;
+/* Values defined for the flags field of a struct powerpc_opcode.  */
+/* Opcode is defined for the PowerPC architecture.  */
+#define PPC_OPCODE_PPC (01)
+/* Opcode is defined for the POWER (RS/6000) architecture.  */
+#define PPC_OPCODE_POWER (02)
+/* Opcode is defined for the POWER2 (Rios 2) architecture.  */
+#define PPC_OPCODE_POWER2 (04)
+/* Opcode is only defined on 32 bit architectures.  */
+#define PPC_OPCODE_32 (010)
+/* Opcode is only defined on 64 bit architectures.  */
+#define PPC_OPCODE_64 (020)
+/* Opcode is supported by the Motorola PowerPC 601 processor.  The 601
+   is assumed to support all PowerPC (PPC_OPCODE_PPC) instructions,
+   but it also supports many additional POWER instructions.  */
+#define PPC_OPCODE_601 (040)
+/* Opcode is supported in both the Power and PowerPC architectures
+   (ie, compiler's -mcpu=common or assembler's -mcom).  */
+#define PPC_OPCODE_COMMON (0100)
+/* Opcode is supported for any Power or PowerPC platform (this is
+   for the assembler's -many option, and it eliminates duplicates).  */
+#define PPC_OPCODE_ANY (0200)
+/* A macro to extract the major opcode from an instruction.  */
+#define PPC_OP(i) (((i) >> 26) & 0x3f)
+/* The operands table is an array of struct powerpc_operand.  */
+struct powerpc_operand
+  /* The number of bits in the operand.  */
+  int bits;
+  /* How far the operand is left shifted in the instruction.  */
+  int shift;
+  /* Insertion function.  This is used by the assembler.  To insert an
+     operand value into an instruction, check this field.
+     If it is NULL, execute
+         i |= (op & ((1 << o->bits) - 1)) << o->shift;
+     (i is the instruction which we are filling in, o is a pointer to
+     this structure, and op is the opcode value; this assumes twos
+     complement arithmetic).
+     If this field is not NULL, then simply call it with the
+     instruction and the operand value.  It will return the new value
+     of the instruction.  If the ERRMSG argument is not NULL, then if
+     the operand value is illegal, *ERRMSG will be set to a warning
+     string (the operand will be inserted in any case).  If the
+     operand value is legal, *ERRMSG will be unchanged (most operands
+     can accept any value).  */
+  unsigned long (*insert) PARAMS ((unsigned long instruction, long op,
+                                  const char **errmsg));
+  /* Extraction function.  This is used by the disassembler.  To
+     extract this operand type from an instruction, check this field.
+     If it is NULL, compute
+         op = ((i) >> o->shift) & ((1 << o->bits) - 1);
+        if ((o->flags & PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED) != 0
+            && (op & (1 << (o->bits - 1))) != 0)
+          op -= 1 << o->bits;
+     (i is the instruction, o is a pointer to this structure, and op
+     is the result; this assumes twos complement arithmetic).
+     If this field is not NULL, then simply call it with the
+     instruction value.  It will return the value of the operand.  If
+     the INVALID argument is not NULL, *INVALID will be set to
+     non-zero if this operand type can not actually be extracted from
+     this operand (i.e., the instruction does not match).  If the
+     operand is valid, *INVALID will not be changed.  */
+  long (*extract) PARAMS ((unsigned long instruction, int *invalid));
+  /* One bit syntax flags.  */
+  unsigned long flags;
+/* Elements in the table are retrieved by indexing with values from
+   the operands field of the powerpc_opcodes table.  */
+extern const struct powerpc_operand powerpc_operands[];
+/* Values defined for the flags field of a struct powerpc_operand.  */
+/* This operand takes signed values.  */
+#define PPC_OPERAND_SIGNED (01)
+/* This operand takes signed values, but also accepts a full positive
+   range of values when running in 32 bit mode.  That is, if bits is
+   16, it takes any value from -0x8000 to 0xffff.  In 64 bit mode,
+   this flag is ignored.  */
+/* This operand does not actually exist in the assembler input.  This
+   is used to support extended mnemonics such as mr, for which two
+   operands fields are identical.  The assembler should call the
+   insert function with any op value.  The disassembler should call
+   the extract function, ignore the return value, and check the value
+   placed in the valid argument.  */
+#define PPC_OPERAND_FAKE (04)
+/* The next operand should be wrapped in parentheses rather than
+   separated from this one by a comma.  This is used for the load and
+   store instructions which want their operands to look like
+       reg,displacement(reg)
+   */
+#define PPC_OPERAND_PARENS (010)
+/* This operand may use the symbolic names for the CR fields, which
+   are
+       lt  0   gt  1   eq  2   so  3   un  3
+       cr0 0   cr1 1   cr2 2   cr3 3
+       cr4 4   cr5 5   cr6 6   cr7 7
+   These may be combined arithmetically, as in cr2*4+gt.  These are
+   only supported on the PowerPC, not the POWER.  */
+#define PPC_OPERAND_CR (020)
+/* This operand names a register.  The disassembler uses this to print
+   register names with a leading 'r'.  */
+#define PPC_OPERAND_GPR (040)
+/* This operand names a floating point register.  The disassembler
+   prints these with a leading 'f'.  */
+#define PPC_OPERAND_FPR (0100)
+/* This operand is a relative branch displacement.  The disassembler
+   prints these symbolically if possible.  */
+#define PPC_OPERAND_RELATIVE (0200)
+/* This operand is an absolute branch address.  The disassembler
+   prints these symbolically if possible.  */
+#define PPC_OPERAND_ABSOLUTE (0400)
+/* This operand is optional, and is zero if omitted.  This is used for
+   the optional BF and L fields in the comparison instructions.  The
+   assembler must count the number of operands remaining on the line,
+   and the number of operands remaining for the opcode, and decide
+   whether this operand is present or not.  The disassembler should
+   print this operand out only if it is not zero.  */
+#define PPC_OPERAND_OPTIONAL (01000)
+/* This flag is only used with PPC_OPERAND_OPTIONAL.  If this operand
+   is omitted, then for the next operand use this operand value plus
+   1, ignoring the next operand field for the opcode.  This wretched
+   hack is needed because the Power rotate instructions can take
+   either 4 or 5 operands.  The disassembler should print this operand
+   out regardless of the PPC_OPERAND_OPTIONAL field.  */
+#define PPC_OPERAND_NEXT (02000)
+/* This operand should be regarded as a negative number for the
+   purposes of overflow checking (i.e., the normal most negative
+   number is disallowed and one more than the normal most positive
+   number is allowed).  This flag will only be set for a signed
+   operand.  */
+#define PPC_OPERAND_NEGATIVE (04000)
+/* The POWER and PowerPC assemblers use a few macros.  We keep them
+   with the operands table for simplicity.  The macro table is an
+   array of struct powerpc_macro.  */
+struct powerpc_macro
+  /* The macro name.  */
+  const char *name;
+  /* The number of operands the macro takes.  */
+  unsigned int operands;
+  /* One bit flags for the opcode.  These are used to indicate which
+     specific processors support the instructions.  The values are the
+     same as those for the struct powerpc_opcode flags field.  */
+  unsigned long flags;
+  /* A format string to turn the macro into a normal instruction.
+     Each %N in the string is replaced with operand number N (zero
+     based).  */
+  const char *format;
+extern const struct powerpc_macro powerpc_macros[];
+extern const int powerpc_num_macros;
+#endif /* PPC_H */
diff --git a/opcode/sparc-dis.c b/opcode/sparc-dis.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42388ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/sparc-dis.c
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+/* Print SPARC instructions.
+   Copyright (C) 1989, 91-93, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+#include "ansidecl.h"
+#include "opcode/sparc.h"
+#include "dis-asm.h"
+#include <string.h>
+/* Bitmask of v9 architectures.  */
+#define MASK_V9 ((1 << SPARC_OPCODE_ARCH_V9) \
+                | (1 << SPARC_OPCODE_ARCH_V9A))
+/* 1 if INSN is for v9 only.  */
+#define V9_ONLY_P(insn) (! ((insn)->architecture & ~MASK_V9))
+/* 1 if INSN is for v9.  */
+#define V9_P(insn) (((insn)->architecture & MASK_V9) != 0)
+/* For faster lookup, after insns are sorted they are hashed.  */
+/* ??? I think there is room for even more improvement.  */
+#define HASH_SIZE 256
+/* It is important that we only look at insn code bits as that is how the
+   opcode table is hashed.  OPCODE_BITS is a table of valid bits for each
+   of the main types (0,1,2,3).  */
+static int opcode_bits[4] = { 0x01c00000, 0x0, 0x01f80000, 0x01f80000 };
+#define HASH_INSN(INSN) \
+  ((((INSN) >> 24) & 0xc0) | (((INSN) & opcode_bits[((INSN) >> 30) & 3]) >> 
+struct opcode_hash {
+  struct opcode_hash *next;
+  struct sparc_opcode *opcode;
+static struct opcode_hash *opcode_hash_table[HASH_SIZE];
+static void build_hash_table ();
+/* Sign-extend a value which is N bits long.  */
+#define        SEX(value, bits) \
+       ((((int)(value)) << ((8 * sizeof (int)) - bits))        \
+                        >> ((8 * sizeof (int)) - bits) )
+static  char *reg_names[] =
+{ "g0", "g1", "g2", "g3", "g4", "g5", "g6", "g7",      
+  "o0", "o1", "o2", "o3", "o4", "o5", "sp", "o7",      
+  "l0", "l1", "l2", "l3", "l4", "l5", "l6", "l7",      
+  "i0", "i1", "i2", "i3", "i4", "i5", "fp", "i7",      
+  "f0", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7",      
+  "f8", "f9", "f10", "f11", "f12", "f13", "f14", "f15",        
+  "f16", "f17", "f18", "f19", "f20", "f21", "f22", "f23",
+  "f24", "f25", "f26", "f27", "f28", "f29", "f30", "f31",
+  "f32", "f33", "f34", "f35", "f36", "f37", "f38", "f39",      
+  "f40", "f41", "f42", "f43", "f44", "f45", "f46", "f47",      
+  "f48", "f49", "f50", "f51", "f52", "f53", "f54", "f55",
+  "f56", "f57", "f58", "f59", "f60", "f61", "f62", "f63",
+/* psr, wim, tbr, fpsr, cpsr are v8 only.  */
+  "y", "psr", "wim", "tbr", "pc", "npc", "fpsr", "cpsr"
+#define        freg_names      (&reg_names[4 * 8])
+/* These are ordered according to there register number in
+   rdpr and wrpr insns.  */
+static char *v9_priv_reg_names[] =
+  "tpc", "tnpc", "tstate", "tt", "tick", "tba", "pstate", "tl",
+  "pil", "cwp", "cansave", "canrestore", "cleanwin", "otherwin",
+  "wstate", "fq"
+  /* "ver" - special cased */
+/* Macros used to extract instruction fields.  Not all fields have
+   macros defined here, only those which are actually used.  */
+#define X_RD(i) (((i) >> 25) & 0x1f)
+#define X_RS1(i) (((i) >> 14) & 0x1f)
+#define X_LDST_I(i) (((i) >> 13) & 1)
+#define X_ASI(i) (((i) >> 5) & 0xff)
+#define X_RS2(i) (((i) >> 0) & 0x1f)
+#define X_IMM13(i) (((i) >> 0) & 0x1fff)
+#define X_DISP22(i) (((i) >> 0) & 0x3fffff)
+#define X_IMM22(i) X_DISP22 (i)
+#define X_DISP30(i) (((i) >> 0) & 0x3fffffff)
+/* These are for v9.  */
+#define X_DISP16(i) (((((i) >> 20) & 3) << 14) | (((i) >> 0) & 0x3fff))
+#define X_DISP19(i) (((i) >> 0) & 0x7ffff)
+#define X_MEMBAR(i) ((i) & 0x7f)
+/* Here is the union which was used to extract instruction fields
+   before the shift and mask macros were written.
+   union sparc_insn
+     {
+       unsigned long int code;
+       struct
+        {
+          unsigned int anop:2;
+          #define      op      ldst.anop
+          unsigned int anrd:5;
+          #define      rd      ldst.anrd
+          unsigned int op3:6;
+          unsigned int anrs1:5;
+          #define      rs1     ldst.anrs1
+          unsigned int i:1;
+          unsigned int anasi:8;
+          #define      asi     ldst.anasi
+          unsigned int anrs2:5;
+          #define      rs2     ldst.anrs2
+          #define      shcnt   rs2
+        } ldst;
+       struct
+        {
+          unsigned int anop:2, anrd:5, op3:6, anrs1:5, i:1;
+          unsigned int IMM13:13;
+          #define      imm13   IMM13.IMM13
+        } IMM13;
+       struct
+        {
+          unsigned int anop:2;
+          unsigned int a:1;
+          unsigned int cond:4;
+          unsigned int op2:3;
+          unsigned int DISP22:22;
+          #define      disp22  branch.DISP22
+          #define      imm22   disp22
+        } branch;
+       struct
+        {
+          unsigned int anop:2;
+          unsigned int a:1;
+          unsigned int z:1;
+          unsigned int rcond:3;
+          unsigned int op2:3;
+          unsigned int DISP16HI:2;
+          unsigned int p:1;
+          unsigned int _rs1:5;
+          unsigned int DISP16LO:14;
+        } branch16;
+       struct
+        {
+          unsigned int anop:2;
+          unsigned int adisp30:30;
+          #define      disp30  call.adisp30
+        } call;
+     };
+   */
+/* Nonzero if INSN is the opcode for a delayed branch.  */
+static int
+is_delayed_branch (insn)
+     unsigned long insn;
+  struct opcode_hash *op;
+  for (op = opcode_hash_table[HASH_INSN (insn)]; op; op = op->next)
+    {
+      const struct sparc_opcode *opcode = op->opcode;
+      if ((opcode->match & insn) == opcode->match
+         && (opcode->lose & insn) == 0)
+       return (opcode->flags & F_DELAYED);
+    }
+  return 0;
+/* Nonzero of opcode table has been initialized.  */
+static int opcodes_initialized = 0;
+/* extern void qsort (); */
+static int compare_opcodes ();
+/* Print one instruction from MEMADDR on INFO->STREAM.
+   We suffix the instruction with a comment that gives the absolute
+   address involved, as well as its symbolic form, if the instruction
+   is preceded by a findable `sethi' and it either adds an immediate
+   displacement to that register, or it is an `add' or `or' instruction
+   on that register.  */
+print_insn_sparc (memaddr, info)
+     bfd_vma memaddr;
+     disassemble_info *info;
+  FILE *stream = info->stream;
+  bfd_byte buffer[4];
+  unsigned long insn;
+  register unsigned int i;
+  register struct opcode_hash *op;
+  int sparc_v9_p = bfd_mach_sparc_v9_p (info->mach);
+  if (!opcodes_initialized)
+    {
+      qsort ((char *) sparc_opcodes, sparc_num_opcodes,
+            sizeof (sparc_opcodes[0]), compare_opcodes);
+      build_hash_table (sparc_opcodes, opcode_hash_table, sparc_num_opcodes);
+      opcodes_initialized = 1;
+    }
+  {
+    int status =
+      (*info->read_memory_func) (memaddr, buffer, sizeof (buffer), info);
+    if (status != 0)
+      {
+       (*info->memory_error_func) (status, memaddr, info);
+       return -1;
+      }
+  }
+  insn = bfd_getb32 (buffer);
+  info->insn_info_valid = 1;                   /* We do return this info */
+  info->insn_type = dis_nonbranch;             /* Assume non branch insn */
+  info->branch_delay_insns = 0;                        /* Assume no delay */
+  info->target = 0;                            /* Assume no target known */
+  for (op = opcode_hash_table[HASH_INSN (insn)]; op; op = op->next)
+    {
+      const struct sparc_opcode *opcode = op->opcode;
+      /* ??? These architecture tests need to be more selective.  */
+      /* If the current architecture isn't sparc64, skip sparc64 insns.  */
+      if (!sparc_v9_p
+         && V9_ONLY_P (opcode))
+       continue;
+      /* If the current architecture is sparc64, skip sparc32 only insns.  */
+      if (sparc_v9_p
+         && ! V9_P (opcode))
+       continue;
+      if ((opcode->match & insn) == opcode->match
+         && (opcode->lose & insn) == 0)
+       {
+         /* Nonzero means that we have found an instruction which has
+            the effect of adding or or'ing the imm13 field to rs1.  */
+         int imm_added_to_rs1 = 0;
+         /* Nonzero means that we have found a plus sign in the args
+            field of the opcode table.  */
+         int found_plus = 0;
+         /* Nonzero means we have an annulled branch.  */
+         int is_annulled = 0;
+         /* Do we have an `add' or `or' instruction where rs1 is the same
+            as rsd, and which has the i bit set?  */
+         if ((opcode->match == 0x80102000 || opcode->match == 0x80002000)
+         /*                      (or)                           (add)  */
+             && X_RS1 (insn) == X_RD (insn))
+           imm_added_to_rs1 = 1;
+         if (X_RS1 (insn) != X_RD (insn)
+             && strchr (opcode->args, 'r') != 0)
+             /* Can't do simple format if source and dest are different.  */
+             continue;
+         if (X_RS2 (insn) != X_RD (insn)
+             && strchr (opcode->args, 'O') != 0)
+             /* Can't do simple format if source and dest are different.  */
+             continue;
+         (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, opcode->name);
+         {
+           register const char *s;
+           if (opcode->args[0] != ',')
+             (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, " ");
+           for (s = opcode->args; *s != '\0'; ++s)
+             {
+               while (*s == ',')
+                 {
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, ",");
+                   ++s;
+                   switch (*s) {
+                   case 'a':
+                     (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "a");
+                     is_annulled = 1;
+                     ++s;
+                     continue;
+                   case 'N':
+                     (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "pn");
+                     ++s;
+                     continue;
+                   case 'T':
+                     (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "pt");
+                     ++s;
+                     continue;
+                   default:
+                     break;
+                   }           /* switch on arg */
+                 }             /* while there are comma started args */
+               (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, " ");
+               switch (*s)
+                 {
+                 case '+':
+                   found_plus = 1;
+                   /* note fall-through */
+                 default:
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%c", *s);
+                   break;
+                 case '#':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "0");
+                   break;
+#define        reg(n)  (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%%s", reg_names[n])
+                 case '1':
+                 case 'r':
+                   reg (X_RS1 (insn));
+                   break;
+                 case '2':
+                 case 'O':
+                   reg (X_RS2 (insn));
+                   break;
+                 case 'd':
+                   reg (X_RD (insn));
+                   break;
+#undef reg
+#define        freg(n)         (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%%s", 
+#define        fregx(n)        (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%%s", 
freg_names[((n) & ~1) | (((n) & 1) << 5)])
+                 case 'e':
+                   freg (X_RS1 (insn));
+                   break;
+                 case 'v':     /* double/even */
+                 case 'V':     /* quad/multiple of 4 */
+                   fregx (X_RS1 (insn));
+                   break;
+                 case 'f':
+                   freg (X_RS2 (insn));
+                   break;
+                 case 'B':     /* double/even */
+                 case 'R':     /* quad/multiple of 4 */
+                   fregx (X_RS2 (insn));
+                   break;
+                 case 'g':
+                   freg (X_RD (insn));
+                   break;
+                 case 'H':     /* double/even */
+                 case 'J':     /* quad/multiple of 4 */
+                   fregx (X_RD (insn));
+                   break;
+#undef freg
+#undef fregx
+#define        creg(n) (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%c%u", (unsigned int) 
+                 case 'b':
+                   creg (X_RS1 (insn));
+                   break;
+                 case 'c':
+                   creg (X_RS2 (insn));
+                   break;
+                 case 'D':
+                   creg (X_RD (insn));
+                   break;
+#undef creg
+                 case 'h':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%hi(%#x)",
+                                          (0xFFFFFFFF
+                                           & ((int) X_IMM22 (insn) << 10)));
+                   break;
+                 case 'i':
+                   {
+                     int imm = SEX (X_IMM13 (insn), 13);
+                     /* Check to see whether we have a 1+i, and take
+                        note of that fact.
+                        Note: because of the way we sort the table,
+                        we will be matching 1+i rather than i+1,
+                        so it is OK to assume that i is after +,
+                        not before it.  */
+                     if (found_plus)
+                       imm_added_to_rs1 = 1;
+                     if (imm <= 9)
+                       (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%d", imm);
+                     else
+                       (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%#x", imm);
+                   }
+                   break;
+                 case 'I':     /* 11 bit immediate.  */
+                 case 'j':     /* 10 bit immediate.  */
+                   {
+                     int imm;
+                     if (*s == 'I')
+                       imm = SEX (X_IMM13 (insn), 11);
+                     else
+                       imm = SEX (X_IMM13 (insn), 10);
+                     /* Check to see whether we have a 1+i, and take
+                        note of that fact.
+                        Note: because of the way we sort the table,
+                        we will be matching 1+i rather than i+1,
+                        so it is OK to assume that i is after +,
+                        not before it.  */
+                     if (found_plus)
+                       imm_added_to_rs1 = 1;
+                     if (imm <= 9)
+                       (info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%d", imm);
+                     else
+                       (info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%#x", (unsigned) imm);
+                   }
+                   break;
+                 case 'K':
+                   {
+                     int mask = X_MEMBAR (insn);
+                     int bit = 0x40, printed_one = 0;
+                     char *name;
+                     if (mask == 0)
+                       (info->fprintf_func) (stream, "0");
+                     else
+                       while (bit)
+                         {
+                           if (mask & bit)
+                             {
+                               if (printed_one)
+                                 (info->fprintf_func) (stream, "|");
+                               name = sparc_decode_membar (bit);
+                               (info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%s", name);
+                               printed_one = 1;
+                             }
+                           bit >>= 1;
+                         }
+                     break;
+                   }
+                 case 'k':
+                   info->target = memaddr + SEX (X_DISP16 (insn), 16) * 4;
+                   (*info->print_address_func) (info->target, info);
+                   break;
+                 case 'G':
+                   info->target = memaddr + SEX (X_DISP19 (insn), 19) * 4;
+                   (*info->print_address_func) (info->target, info);
+                   break;
+                 case '6':
+                 case '7':
+                 case '8':
+                 case '9':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%fcc%c", *s - '6' + '0');
+                   break;
+                 case 'z':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%icc");
+                   break;
+                 case 'Z':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%xcc");
+                   break;
+                 case 'E':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%ccr");
+                   break;
+                 case 's':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%fprs");
+                   break;
+                 case 'o':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%asi");
+                   break;
+                 case 'W':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%tick");
+                   break;
+                 case 'P':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%pc");
+                   break;
+                 case '?':
+                   if (X_RS1 (insn) == 31)
+                     (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%ver");
+                   else if ((unsigned) X_RS1 (insn) < 16)
+                     (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%%s",
+                                            v9_priv_reg_names[X_RS1 (insn)]);
+                   else
+                     (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%reserved");
+                   break;
+                 case '!':
+                   if ((unsigned) X_RD (insn) < 15)
+                     (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%%s",
+                                            v9_priv_reg_names[X_RD (insn)]);
+                   else
+                     (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%reserved");
+                   break;
+                 case '*':
+                   {
+                     char *name = sparc_decode_prefetch (X_RD (insn));
+                     if (name)
+                       (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%s", name);
+                     else
+                       (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%d", X_RD (insn));
+                     break;
+                   }
+                 case 'M':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%asr%d", X_RS1 (insn));
+                   break;
+                 case 'm':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%asr%d", X_RD (insn));
+                   break;
+                 case 'L':
+                   info->target = memaddr + SEX (X_DISP30 (insn), 30) * 4;
+                   (*info->print_address_func) (info->target, info);
+                   break;
+                 case 'n':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func)
+                     (stream, "%#x", SEX (X_DISP22 (insn), 22));
+                   break;
+                 case 'l':
+                   info->target = memaddr + SEX (X_DISP22 (insn), 22) * 4;
+                   (*info->print_address_func) (info->target, info);
+                   break;
+                 case 'A':
+                   {
+                     char *name = sparc_decode_asi (X_ASI (insn));
+                     if (name)
+                       (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%s", name);
+                     else
+                       (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "(%d)", X_ASI (insn));
+                     break;
+                   }
+                 case 'C':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%csr");
+                   break;
+                 case 'F':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%fsr");
+                   break;
+                 case 'p':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%psr");
+                   break;
+                 case 'q':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%fq");
+                   break;
+                 case 'Q':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%cq");
+                   break;
+                 case 't':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%tbr");
+                   break;
+                 case 'w':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%wim");
+                   break;
+                 case 'x':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%d",
+                                          ((X_LDST_I (insn) << 8)
+                                           + X_ASI (insn)));
+                   break;
+                 case 'y':
+                   (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%y");
+                   break;
+                 case 'u':
+                 case 'U':
+                   {
+                     int val = *s == 'U' ? X_RS1 (insn) : X_RD (insn);
+                     char *name = sparc_decode_sparclet_cpreg (val);
+                     if (name)
+                       (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%s", name);
+                     else
+                       (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "%%cpreg(%d)", val);
+                     break;
+                   }
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+         /* If we are adding or or'ing something to rs1, then
+            check to see whether the previous instruction was
+            a sethi to the same register as in the sethi.
+            If so, attempt to print the result of the add or
+            or (in this context add and or do the same thing)
+            and its symbolic value.  */
+         if (imm_added_to_rs1)
+           {
+             unsigned long prev_insn;
+             int errcode;
+             errcode =
+               (*info->read_memory_func)
+                 (memaddr - 4, buffer, sizeof (buffer), info);
+             prev_insn = bfd_getb32 (buffer);
+             if (errcode == 0)
+               {
+                 /* If it is a delayed branch, we need to look at the
+                    instruction before the delayed branch.  This handles
+                    sequences such as
+                    sethi %o1, %hi(_foo), %o1
+                    call _printf
+                    or %o1, %lo(_foo), %o1
+                    */
+                 if (is_delayed_branch (prev_insn))
+                   {
+                     errcode = (*info->read_memory_func)
+                       (memaddr - 8, buffer, sizeof (buffer), info);
+                     prev_insn = bfd_getb32 (buffer);
+                   }
+               }
+             /* If there was a problem reading memory, then assume
+                the previous instruction was not sethi.  */
+             if (errcode == 0)
+               {
+                 /* Is it sethi to the same register?  */
+                 if ((prev_insn & 0xc1c00000) == 0x01000000
+                     && X_RD (prev_insn) == X_RS1 (insn))
+                   {
+                     (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "\t! ");
+                     info->target = 
+                       (0xFFFFFFFF & (int) X_IMM22 (prev_insn) << 10)
+                       | SEX (X_IMM13 (insn), 13);
+                     (*info->print_address_func) (info->target, info);
+                     info->insn_type = dis_dref;
+                     info->data_size = 4;  /* FIXME!!! */
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+         if (opcode->flags & (F_UNBR|F_CONDBR|F_JSR))
+           {
+               /* FIXME -- check is_annulled flag */
+             if (opcode->flags & F_UNBR)
+               info->insn_type = dis_branch;
+             if (opcode->flags & F_CONDBR)
+               info->insn_type = dis_condbranch;
+             if (opcode->flags & F_JSR)
+               info->insn_type = dis_jsr;
+             if (opcode->flags & F_DELAYED)
+               info->branch_delay_insns = 1;
+           }
+         return sizeof (buffer);
+       }
+    }
+  info->insn_type = dis_noninsn;       /* Mark as non-valid instruction */
+  (*info->fprintf_func) (stream, "unknown");
+  return sizeof (buffer);
+/* Compare opcodes A and B.  */
+static int
+compare_opcodes (a, b)
+     char *a, *b;
+  struct sparc_opcode *op0 = (struct sparc_opcode *) a;
+  struct sparc_opcode *op1 = (struct sparc_opcode *) b;
+  unsigned long int match0 = op0->match, match1 = op1->match;
+  unsigned long int lose0 = op0->lose, lose1 = op1->lose;
+  register unsigned int i;
+  /* If a bit is set in both match and lose, there is something
+     wrong with the opcode table.  */
+  if (match0 & lose0)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "Internal error:  bad sparc-opcode.h: \"%s\", %#.8lx, 
+              op0->name, match0, lose0);
+      op0->lose &= ~op0->match;
+      lose0 = op0->lose;
+    }
+  if (match1 & lose1)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "Internal error: bad sparc-opcode.h: \"%s\", %#.8lx, 
+              op1->name, match1, lose1);
+      op1->lose &= ~op1->match;
+      lose1 = op1->lose;
+    }
+  /* Because the bits that are variable in one opcode are constant in
+     another, it is important to order the opcodes in the right order.  */
+  for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
+    {
+      unsigned long int x = 1 << i;
+      int x0 = (match0 & x) != 0;
+      int x1 = (match1 & x) != 0;
+      if (x0 != x1)
+       return x1 - x0;
+    }
+  for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
+    {
+      unsigned long int x = 1 << i;
+      int x0 = (lose0 & x) != 0;
+      int x1 = (lose1 & x) != 0;
+      if (x0 != x1)
+       return x1 - x0;
+    }
+  /* Put non-sparc64 insns ahead of sparc64 ones.  */
+  if (V9_ONLY_P (op0) != V9_ONLY_P (op1))
+    return V9_ONLY_P (op0) - V9_ONLY_P (op1);
+  /* They are functionally equal.  So as long as the opcode table is
+     valid, we can put whichever one first we want, on aesthetic grounds.  */
+  /* Our first aesthetic ground is that aliases defer to real insns.  */
+  {
+    int alias_diff = (op0->flags & F_ALIAS) - (op1->flags & F_ALIAS);
+    if (alias_diff != 0)
+      /* Put the one that isn't an alias first.  */
+      return alias_diff;
+  }
+  /* Except for aliases, two "identical" instructions had
+     better have the same opcode.  This is a sanity check on the table.  */
+  i = strcmp (op0->name, op1->name);
+  if (i)
+      if (op0->flags & F_ALIAS) /* If they're both aliases, be arbitrary. */
+         return i;
+      else
+         fprintf (stderr,
+                  "Internal error: bad sparc-opcode.h: \"%s\" == \"%s\"\n",
+                  op0->name, op1->name);
+  /* Fewer arguments are preferred.  */
+  {
+    int length_diff = strlen (op0->args) - strlen (op1->args);
+    if (length_diff != 0)
+      /* Put the one with fewer arguments first.  */
+      return length_diff;
+  }
+  /* Put 1+i before i+1.  */
+  {
+    char *p0 = (char *) strchr(op0->args, '+');
+    char *p1 = (char *) strchr(op1->args, '+');
+    if (p0 && p1)
+      {
+       /* There is a plus in both operands.  Note that a plus
+          sign cannot be the first character in args,
+          so the following [-1]'s are valid.  */
+       if (p0[-1] == 'i' && p1[1] == 'i')
+         /* op0 is i+1 and op1 is 1+i, so op1 goes first.  */
+         return 1;
+       if (p0[1] == 'i' && p1[-1] == 'i')
+         /* op0 is 1+i and op1 is i+1, so op0 goes first.  */
+         return -1;
+      }
+  }
+  /* Put 1,i before i,1.  */
+  {
+    int i0 = strncmp (op0->args, "i,1", 3) == 0;
+    int i1 = strncmp (op1->args, "i,1", 3) == 0;
+    if (i0 ^ i1)
+      return i0 - i1;
+  }
+  /* They are, as far as we can tell, identical.
+     Since qsort may have rearranged the table partially, there is
+     no way to tell which one was first in the opcode table as
+     written, so just say there are equal.  */
+  return 0;
+/* Build a hash table from the opcode table.  */
+static void
+build_hash_table (table, hash_table, num_opcodes)
+     struct sparc_opcode *table;
+     struct opcode_hash **hash_table;
+     int num_opcodes;
+  register int i;
+  int hash_count[HASH_SIZE];
+  static struct opcode_hash *hash_buf = NULL;
+  /* Start at the end of the table and work backwards so that each
+     chain is sorted.  */
+  memset (hash_table, 0, HASH_SIZE * sizeof (hash_table[0]));
+  memset (hash_count, 0, HASH_SIZE * sizeof (hash_count[0]));
+  if (hash_buf != NULL)
+    free (hash_buf);
+  hash_buf = (struct opcode_hash *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct opcode_hash) * 
+  for (i = num_opcodes - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+    {
+      register int hash = HASH_INSN (sparc_opcodes[i].match);
+      register struct opcode_hash *h = &hash_buf[i];
+      h->next = hash_table[hash];
+      h->opcode = &sparc_opcodes[i];
+      hash_table[hash] = h;
+      ++hash_count[hash];
+    }
+#if 0 /* for debugging */
+  {
+    int min_count = num_opcodes, max_count = 0;
+    int total;
+    for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; ++i)
+      {
+        if (hash_count[i] < min_count)
+         min_count = hash_count[i];
+       if (hash_count[i] > max_count)
+         max_count = hash_count[i];
+       total += hash_count[i];
+      }
+    printf ("Opcode hash table stats: min %d, max %d, ave %f\n",
+           min_count, max_count, (double) total / HASH_SIZE);
+  }
diff --git a/opcode/sparc-opc.c b/opcode/sparc-opc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e91227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/sparc-opc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1757 @@
+/* Table of opcodes for the sparc.
+   Copyright (C) 1989, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of the BFD library.
+BFD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+BFD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.    */
+/* FIXME-someday: perhaps the ,a's and such should be embedded in the
+   instruction's name rather than the args.  This would make gas faster, pinsn
+   slower, but would mess up some macros a bit.  xoxorich. */
+/* v9 FIXME: Doesn't accept `setsw', `setx' synthetic instructions for v9.  */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "ansidecl.h"
+#include "opcode/sparc.h"
+/* Some defines to make life easy.  */
+#define MASK_V6                (1 << SPARC_OPCODE_ARCH_V6)
+#define MASK_V7                (1 << SPARC_OPCODE_ARCH_V7)
+#define MASK_V8                (1 << SPARC_OPCODE_ARCH_V8)
+#define MASK_V9                (1 << SPARC_OPCODE_ARCH_V9)
+#define MASK_V9A       (1 << SPARC_OPCODE_ARCH_V9A)
+/* Bit masks of architectures supporting the insn.  */
+#define v6             (MASK_V6 | MASK_V7 | MASK_V8 | MASK_SPARCLET \
+                        | MASK_SPARCLITE | MASK_V9 | MASK_V9A)
+#define v7             (MASK_V7 | MASK_V8 | MASK_SPARCLET \
+                        | MASK_SPARCLITE | MASK_V9 | MASK_V9A)
+/* Although not all insns are implemented in hardware, sparclite is defined
+   to be a superset of v8.  Unimplemented insns trap and are then theoretically
+   implemented in software.
+   It's not clear that the same is true for sparclet, although the docs
+   suggest it is.  Rather than complicating things, the sparclet assembler
+   recognizes all v8 insns.  */
+#define v8             (MASK_V8 | MASK_SPARCLET | MASK_SPARCLITE | MASK_V9 | 
+#define sparclet       (MASK_SPARCLET)
+#define sparclite      (MASK_SPARCLITE)
+#define v9             (MASK_V9 | MASK_V9A)
+#define v9a            (MASK_V9A)
+/* v6 insns not supported by v9 */
+#define v6notv9                (MASK_V6 | MASK_V7 | MASK_V8 \
+                        | MASK_SPARCLET | MASK_SPARCLITE)
+/* Table of opcode architectures.
+   The order is defined in opcode/sparc.h.  */
+const struct sparc_opcode_arch sparc_opcode_archs[] = {
+  { "v6", MASK_V6 },
+  { "v7", MASK_V6 | MASK_V7 },
+  { "v8", MASK_V6 | MASK_V7 | MASK_V8 },
+  { "sparclet", MASK_V6 | MASK_V7 | MASK_V8 | MASK_SPARCLET },
+  { "sparclite", MASK_V6 | MASK_V7 | MASK_V8 | MASK_SPARCLITE },
+  /* ??? Don't some v8 priviledged insns conflict with v9?  */
+  { "v9", MASK_V6 | MASK_V7 | MASK_V8 | MASK_V9 },
+  /* v9 with ultrasparc additions */
+  { "v9a", MASK_V6 | MASK_V7 | MASK_V8 | MASK_V9 | MASK_V9A },
+  { NULL, 0 }
+/* Given NAME, return it's architecture entry.  */
+enum sparc_opcode_arch_val
+sparc_opcode_lookup_arch (name)
+     const char *name;
+  const struct sparc_opcode_arch *p;
+  for (p = &sparc_opcode_archs[0]; p->name; ++p)
+    {
+      if (strcmp (name, p->name) == 0)
+       return (enum sparc_opcode_arch_val) (p - &sparc_opcode_archs[0]);
+    }
+/* Branch condition field.  */
+#define COND(x)                (((x)&0xf)<<25)
+/* v9: Move (MOVcc and FMOVcc) condition field.  */
+#define MCOND(x,i_or_f)        ((((i_or_f)&1)<<18)|(((x)>>11)&(0xf<<14))) /* 
v9 */
+/* v9: Move register (MOVRcc and FMOVRcc) condition field.  */
+#define RCOND(x)       (((x)&0x7)<<10) /* v9 */
+#define CONDA  (COND(0x8))
+#define CONDCC (COND(0xd))
+#define CONDCS (COND(0x5))
+#define CONDE  (COND(0x1))
+#define CONDG  (COND(0xa))
+#define CONDGE (COND(0xb))
+#define CONDGU (COND(0xc))
+#define CONDL  (COND(0x3))
+#define CONDLE (COND(0x2))
+#define CONDLEU        (COND(0x4))
+#define CONDN  (COND(0x0))
+#define CONDNE (COND(0x9))
+#define CONDNEG        (COND(0x6))
+#define CONDPOS        (COND(0xe))
+#define CONDVC (COND(0xf))
+#define CONDVS (COND(0x7))
+#define CONDZ  CONDE
+#define CONDGEU        CONDCC
+#define FCONDA         (COND(0x8))
+#define FCONDE         (COND(0x9))
+#define FCONDG         (COND(0x6))
+#define FCONDGE                (COND(0xb))
+#define FCONDL         (COND(0x4))
+#define FCONDLE                (COND(0xd))
+#define FCONDLG                (COND(0x2))
+#define FCONDN         (COND(0x0))
+#define FCONDNE                (COND(0x1))
+#define FCONDO         (COND(0xf))
+#define FCONDU         (COND(0x7))
+#define FCONDUE                (COND(0xa))
+#define FCONDUG                (COND(0x5))
+#define FCONDUGE       (COND(0xc))
+#define FCONDUL                (COND(0x3))
+#define FCONDULE       (COND(0xe))
+#define FCONDNZ        FCONDNE
+#define ICC (0)        /* v9 */
+#define XCC (1<<12) /* v9 */
+#define FCC(x) (((x)&0x3)<<11) /* v9 */
+#define FBFCC(x)       (((x)&0x3)<<20) /* v9 */
+/* The order of the opcodes in the table is significant:
+       * The assembler requires that all instances of the same mnemonic must
+       be consecutive. If they aren't, the assembler will bomb at runtime.
+       * The disassembler should not care about the order of the opcodes.
+/* Entries for commutative arithmetic operations.  */
+/* ??? More entries can make use of this.  */
+#define commuteop(opcode, op3, arch_mask) \
+{ opcode,      F3(2, op3, 0), F3(~2, ~op3, ~0)|ASI(~0),        "1,2,d", 0, 
arch_mask }, \
+{ opcode,      F3(2, op3, 1), F3(~2, ~op3, ~1),                "1,i,d", 0, 
arch_mask }, \
+{ opcode,      F3(2, op3, 1), F3(~2, ~op3, ~1),                "i,1,d", 0, 
arch_mask }
+struct sparc_opcode sparc_opcodes[] = {
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x00, 0), F3(~3, ~0x00, ~0),              "[1+2],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x00, 0), F3(~3, ~0x00, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* ld [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x00, 1), F3(~3, ~0x00, ~1),              "[1+i],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x00, 1), F3(~3, ~0x00, ~1),              "[i+1],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x00, 1), F3(~3, ~0x00, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],d", 0, v6 
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x00, 1), F3(~3, ~0x00, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x20, 0), F3(~3, ~0x20, ~0),              "[1+2],g", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x20, 0), F3(~3, ~0x20, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1],g", 0, v6 
}, /* ld [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x20, 1), F3(~3, ~0x20, ~1),              "[1+i],g", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x20, 1), F3(~3, ~0x20, ~1),              "[i+1],g", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x20, 1), F3(~3, ~0x20, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],g", 0, v6 
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x20, 1), F3(~3, ~0x20, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],g", 0, v6 
}, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x21, 0), F3(~3, ~0x21, ~0)|RD(~0),       "[1+2],F", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x21, 0), F3(~3, ~0x21, ~0)|RS2_G0|RD(~0),"[1],F", 0, v6 
}, /* ld [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x21, 1), F3(~3, ~0x21, ~1)|RD(~0),       "[1+i],F", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x21, 1), F3(~3, ~0x21, ~1)|RD(~0),       "[i+1],F", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x21, 1), F3(~3, ~0x21, ~1)|RS1_G0|RD(~0),"[i],F", 0, v6 
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x21, 1), F3(~3, ~0x21, ~1)|SIMM13(~0)|RD(~0),"[1],F", 0, 
v6 }, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x30, 0), F3(~3, ~0x30, ~0),              "[1+2],D", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x30, 0), F3(~3, ~0x30, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1],D", 0, 
v6notv9 }, /* ld [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x30, 1), F3(~3, ~0x30, ~1),              "[1+i],D", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x30, 1), F3(~3, ~0x30, ~1),              "[i+1],D", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x30, 1), F3(~3, ~0x30, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],D", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x30, 1), F3(~3, ~0x30, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],D", 0, 
v6notv9 }, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x31, 0), F3(~3, ~0x31, ~0),              "[1+2],C", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x31, 0), F3(~3, ~0x31, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1],C", 0, 
v6notv9 }, /* ld [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x31, 1), F3(~3, ~0x31, ~1),              "[1+i],C", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x31, 1), F3(~3, ~0x31, ~1),              "[i+1],C", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x31, 1), F3(~3, ~0x31, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],C", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "ld",        F3(3, 0x31, 1), F3(~3, ~0x31, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],C", 0, 
v6notv9 }, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+/* The v9 LDUW is the same as the old 'ld' opcode, it is not the same as the
+   'ld' pseudo-op in v9.  */
+{ "lduw",      F3(3, 0x00, 0), F3(~3, ~0x00, ~0),              "[1+2],d", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "lduw",      F3(3, 0x00, 0), F3(~3, ~0x00, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1],d", 
F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* ld [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "lduw",      F3(3, 0x00, 1), F3(~3, ~0x00, ~1),              "[1+i],d", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "lduw",      F3(3, 0x00, 1), F3(~3, ~0x00, ~1),              "[i+1],d", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "lduw",      F3(3, 0x00, 1), F3(~3, ~0x00, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],d", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "lduw",      F3(3, 0x00, 1), F3(~3, ~0x00, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],d", 
F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x03, 0), F3(~3, ~0x03, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "[1+2],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x03, 0), F3(~3, ~0x03, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldd [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x03, 1), F3(~3, ~0x03, ~1),              "[1+i],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x03, 1), F3(~3, ~0x03, ~1),              "[i+1],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x03, 1), F3(~3, ~0x03, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],d", 0, v6 
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x03, 1), F3(~3, ~0x03, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldd [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x23, 0), F3(~3, ~0x23, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "[1+2],H", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x23, 0), F3(~3, ~0x23, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "[1],H", 0, v6 
}, /* ldd [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x23, 1), F3(~3, ~0x23, ~1),              "[1+i],H", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x23, 1), F3(~3, ~0x23, ~1),              "[i+1],H", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x23, 1), F3(~3, ~0x23, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],H", 0, v6 
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x23, 1), F3(~3, ~0x23, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],H", 0, v6 
}, /* ldd [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x33, 0), F3(~3, ~0x33, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "[1+2],D", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x33, 0), F3(~3, ~0x33, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "[1],D", 0, 
v6notv9 }, /* ldd [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x33, 1), F3(~3, ~0x33, ~1),              "[1+i],D", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x33, 1), F3(~3, ~0x33, ~1),              "[i+1],D", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x33, 1), F3(~3, ~0x33, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],D", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "ldd",       F3(3, 0x33, 1), F3(~3, ~0x33, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],D", 0, 
v6notv9 }, /* ldd [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldq",       F3(3, 0x22, 0), F3(~3, ~0x22, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "[1+2],J", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldq",       F3(3, 0x22, 0), F3(~3, ~0x22, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "[1],J", 0, v9 
}, /* ldd [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldq",       F3(3, 0x22, 1), F3(~3, ~0x22, ~1),              "[1+i],J", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldq",       F3(3, 0x22, 1), F3(~3, ~0x22, ~1),              "[i+1],J", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldq",       F3(3, 0x22, 1), F3(~3, ~0x22, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],J", 0, v9 
+{ "ldq",       F3(3, 0x22, 1), F3(~3, ~0x22, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],J", 0, v9 
}, /* ldd [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldsb",      F3(3, 0x09, 0), F3(~3, ~0x09, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "[1+2],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldsb",      F3(3, 0x09, 0), F3(~3, ~0x09, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldsb [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldsb",      F3(3, 0x09, 1), F3(~3, ~0x09, ~1),              "[1+i],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldsb",      F3(3, 0x09, 1), F3(~3, ~0x09, ~1),              "[i+1],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldsb",      F3(3, 0x09, 1), F3(~3, ~0x09, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],d", 0, v6 
+{ "ldsb",      F3(3, 0x09, 1), F3(~3, ~0x09, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldsb [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldsh",      F3(3, 0x0a, 0), F3(~3, ~0x0a, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldsh [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldsh",      F3(3, 0x0a, 0), F3(~3, ~0x0a, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "[1+2],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldsh",      F3(3, 0x0a, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0a, ~1),              "[1+i],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldsh",      F3(3, 0x0a, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0a, ~1),              "[i+1],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldsh",      F3(3, 0x0a, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0a, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],d", 0, v6 
+{ "ldsh",      F3(3, 0x0a, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0a, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldsh [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldstub",    F3(3, 0x0d, 0), F3(~3, ~0x0d, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "[1+2],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldstub",    F3(3, 0x0d, 0), F3(~3, ~0x0d, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldstub [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldstub",    F3(3, 0x0d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0d, ~1),              "[1+i],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldstub",    F3(3, 0x0d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0d, ~1),              "[i+1],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldstub",    F3(3, 0x0d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0d, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],d", 0, v6 
+{ "ldstub",    F3(3, 0x0d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0d, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldstub [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldsw",      F3(3, 0x08, 0), F3(~3, ~0x08, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "[1+2],d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldsw",      F3(3, 0x08, 0), F3(~3, ~0x08, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "[1],d", 0, v9 
}, /* ldsw [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldsw",      F3(3, 0x08, 1), F3(~3, ~0x08, ~1),              "[1+i],d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldsw",      F3(3, 0x08, 1), F3(~3, ~0x08, ~1),              "[i+1],d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldsw",      F3(3, 0x08, 1), F3(~3, ~0x08, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],d", 0, v9 
+{ "ldsw",      F3(3, 0x08, 1), F3(~3, ~0x08, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],d", 0, v9 
}, /* ldsw [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldub",      F3(3, 0x01, 0), F3(~3, ~0x01, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "[1+2],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldub",      F3(3, 0x01, 0), F3(~3, ~0x01, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldub [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldub",      F3(3, 0x01, 1), F3(~3, ~0x01, ~1),              "[1+i],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldub",      F3(3, 0x01, 1), F3(~3, ~0x01, ~1),              "[i+1],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldub",      F3(3, 0x01, 1), F3(~3, ~0x01, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],d", 0, v6 
+{ "ldub",      F3(3, 0x01, 1), F3(~3, ~0x01, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldub [rs1+0],d */
+{ "lduh",      F3(3, 0x02, 0), F3(~3, ~0x02, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "[1+2],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "lduh",      F3(3, 0x02, 0), F3(~3, ~0x02, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* lduh [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "lduh",      F3(3, 0x02, 1), F3(~3, ~0x02, ~1),              "[1+i],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "lduh",      F3(3, 0x02, 1), F3(~3, ~0x02, ~1),              "[i+1],d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "lduh",      F3(3, 0x02, 1), F3(~3, ~0x02, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],d", 0, v6 
+{ "lduh",      F3(3, 0x02, 1), F3(~3, ~0x02, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],d", 0, v6 
}, /* lduh [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldx",       F3(3, 0x0b, 0), F3(~3, ~0x0b, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "[1+2],d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldx",       F3(3, 0x0b, 0), F3(~3, ~0x0b, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "[1],d", 0, v9 
}, /* ldx [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldx",       F3(3, 0x0b, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0b, ~1),              "[1+i],d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldx",       F3(3, 0x0b, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0b, ~1),              "[i+1],d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldx",       F3(3, 0x0b, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0b, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],d", 0, v9 
+{ "ldx",       F3(3, 0x0b, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0b, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],d", 0, v9 
}, /* ldx [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldx",       F3(3, 0x21, 0)|RD(1), F3(~3, ~0x21, ~0)|RD(~1), "[1+2],F", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldx",       F3(3, 0x21, 0)|RD(1), F3(~3, ~0x21, ~0)|RS2_G0|RD(~1),  
"[1],F", 0, v9 }, /* ld [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldx",       F3(3, 0x21, 1)|RD(1), F3(~3, ~0x21, ~1)|RD(~1), "[1+i],F", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldx",       F3(3, 0x21, 1)|RD(1), F3(~3, ~0x21, ~1)|RD(~1), "[i+1],F", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldx",       F3(3, 0x21, 1)|RD(1), F3(~3, ~0x21, ~1)|RS1_G0|RD(~1),  
"[i],F", 0, v9 },
+{ "ldx",       F3(3, 0x21, 1)|RD(1), F3(~3, ~0x21, 
~1)|SIMM13(~0)|RD(~1),"[1],F", 0, v9 }, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "lda",       F3(3, 0x10, 0), F3(~3, ~0x10, ~0),              "[1+2]A,d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "lda",       F3(3, 0x10, 0), F3(~3, ~0x10, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,d", 0, v6 
}, /* lda [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "lda",       F3(3, 0x10, 1), F3(~3, ~0x10, ~1),              "[1+i]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "lda",       F3(3, 0x10, 1), F3(~3, ~0x10, ~1),              "[i+1]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "lda",       F3(3, 0x10, 1), F3(~3, ~0x10, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,d", 0, v9 
+{ "lda",       F3(3, 0x10, 1), F3(~3, ~0x10, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,d", 0, v9 
}, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "lda",       F3(3, 0x30, 0), F3(~3, ~0x30, ~0),              "[1+2]A,g", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "lda",       F3(3, 0x30, 0), F3(~3, ~0x30, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,g", 0, v9 
}, /* lda [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "lda",       F3(3, 0x30, 1), F3(~3, ~0x30, ~1),              "[1+i]o,g", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "lda",       F3(3, 0x30, 1), F3(~3, ~0x30, ~1),              "[i+1]o,g", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "lda",       F3(3, 0x30, 1), F3(~3, ~0x30, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,g", 0, v9 
+{ "lda",       F3(3, 0x30, 1), F3(~3, ~0x30, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,g", 0, v9 
}, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldda",      F3(3, 0x13, 0), F3(~3, ~0x13, ~0),              "[1+2]A,d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldda",      F3(3, 0x13, 0), F3(~3, ~0x13, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldda [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldda",      F3(3, 0x13, 1), F3(~3, ~0x13, ~1),              "[1+i]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldda",      F3(3, 0x13, 1), F3(~3, ~0x13, ~1),              "[i+1]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldda",      F3(3, 0x13, 1), F3(~3, ~0x13, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,d", 0, v9 
+{ "ldda",      F3(3, 0x13, 1), F3(~3, ~0x13, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,d", 0, v9 
}, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldda",      F3(3, 0x33, 0), F3(~3, ~0x33, ~0),              "[1+2]A,H", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldda",      F3(3, 0x33, 0), F3(~3, ~0x33, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,H", 0, v9 
}, /* ldda [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldda",      F3(3, 0x33, 1), F3(~3, ~0x33, ~1),              "[1+i]o,H", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldda",      F3(3, 0x33, 1), F3(~3, ~0x33, ~1),              "[i+1]o,H", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldda",      F3(3, 0x33, 1), F3(~3, ~0x33, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,H", 0, v9 
+{ "ldda",      F3(3, 0x33, 1), F3(~3, ~0x33, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,H", 0, v9 
}, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldqa",      F3(3, 0x32, 0), F3(~3, ~0x32, ~0),              "[1+2]A,J", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldqa",      F3(3, 0x32, 0), F3(~3, ~0x32, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,J", 0, v9 
}, /* ldd [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldqa",      F3(3, 0x32, 1), F3(~3, ~0x32, ~1),              "[1+i]o,J", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldqa",      F3(3, 0x32, 1), F3(~3, ~0x32, ~1),              "[i+1]o,J", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldqa",      F3(3, 0x32, 1), F3(~3, ~0x32, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,J", 0, v9 
+{ "ldqa",      F3(3, 0x32, 1), F3(~3, ~0x32, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,J", 0, v9 
}, /* ldd [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldsba",     F3(3, 0x19, 0), F3(~3, ~0x19, ~0),              "[1+2]A,d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldsba",     F3(3, 0x19, 0), F3(~3, ~0x19, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldsba [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldsba",     F3(3, 0x19, 1), F3(~3, ~0x19, ~1),              "[1+i]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldsba",     F3(3, 0x19, 1), F3(~3, ~0x19, ~1),              "[i+1]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldsba",     F3(3, 0x19, 1), F3(~3, ~0x19, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,d", 0, v9 
+{ "ldsba",     F3(3, 0x19, 1), F3(~3, ~0x19, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,d", 0, v9 
}, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldsha",     F3(3, 0x1a, 0), F3(~3, ~0x1a, ~0),              "[1+2]A,d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldsha",     F3(3, 0x1a, 0), F3(~3, ~0x1a, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldsha [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldsha",     F3(3, 0x1a, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1a, ~1),              "[1+i]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldsha",     F3(3, 0x1a, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1a, ~1),              "[i+1]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldsha",     F3(3, 0x1a, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1a, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,d", 0, v9 
+{ "ldsha",     F3(3, 0x1a, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1a, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,d", 0, v9 
}, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldstuba",   F3(3, 0x1d, 0), F3(~3, ~0x1d, ~0),              "[1+2]A,d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "ldstuba",   F3(3, 0x1d, 0), F3(~3, ~0x1d, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,d", 0, v6 
}, /* ldstuba [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldstuba",   F3(3, 0x1d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1d, ~1),              "[1+i]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldstuba",   F3(3, 0x1d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1d, ~1),              "[i+1]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldstuba",   F3(3, 0x1d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1d, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,d", 0, v9 
+{ "ldstuba",   F3(3, 0x1d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1d, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,d", 0, v9 
}, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldswa",     F3(3, 0x18, 0), F3(~3, ~0x18, ~0),              "[1+2]A,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldswa",     F3(3, 0x18, 0), F3(~3, ~0x18, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,d", 0, v9 
}, /* lda [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldswa",     F3(3, 0x18, 1), F3(~3, ~0x18, ~1),              "[1+i]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldswa",     F3(3, 0x18, 1), F3(~3, ~0x18, ~1),              "[i+1]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldswa",     F3(3, 0x18, 1), F3(~3, ~0x18, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,d", 0, v9 
+{ "ldswa",     F3(3, 0x18, 1), F3(~3, ~0x18, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,d", 0, v9 
}, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "lduba",     F3(3, 0x11, 0), F3(~3, ~0x11, ~0),              "[1+2]A,d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "lduba",     F3(3, 0x11, 0), F3(~3, ~0x11, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,d", 0, v6 
}, /* lduba [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "lduba",     F3(3, 0x11, 1), F3(~3, ~0x11, ~1),              "[1+i]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "lduba",     F3(3, 0x11, 1), F3(~3, ~0x11, ~1),              "[i+1]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "lduba",     F3(3, 0x11, 1), F3(~3, ~0x11, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,d", 0, v9 
+{ "lduba",     F3(3, 0x11, 1), F3(~3, ~0x11, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,d", 0, v9 
}, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "lduha",     F3(3, 0x12, 0), F3(~3, ~0x12, ~0),              "[1+2]A,d", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "lduha",     F3(3, 0x12, 0), F3(~3, ~0x12, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,d", 0, v6 
}, /* lduha [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "lduha",     F3(3, 0x12, 1), F3(~3, ~0x12, ~1),              "[1+i]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "lduha",     F3(3, 0x12, 1), F3(~3, ~0x12, ~1),              "[i+1]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "lduha",     F3(3, 0x12, 1), F3(~3, ~0x12, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,d", 0, v9 
+{ "lduha",     F3(3, 0x12, 1), F3(~3, ~0x12, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,d", 0, v9 
}, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "lduwa",     F3(3, 0x10, 0), F3(~3, ~0x10, ~0),              "[1+2]A,d", 
F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* lduwa === lda */
+{ "lduwa",     F3(3, 0x10, 0), F3(~3, ~0x10, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,d", 
F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* lda [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "lduwa",     F3(3, 0x10, 1), F3(~3, ~0x10, ~1),              "[1+i]o,d", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "lduwa",     F3(3, 0x10, 1), F3(~3, ~0x10, ~1),              "[i+1]o,d", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "lduwa",     F3(3, 0x10, 1), F3(~3, ~0x10, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,d", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "lduwa",     F3(3, 0x10, 1), F3(~3, ~0x10, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,d", 
F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "ldxa",      F3(3, 0x1b, 0), F3(~3, ~0x1b, ~0),              "[1+2]A,d", 0, 
v9 }, /* lduwa === lda */
+{ "ldxa",      F3(3, 0x1b, 0), F3(~3, ~0x1b, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,d", 0, v9 
}, /* lda [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "ldxa",      F3(3, 0x1b, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1b, ~1),              "[1+i]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldxa",      F3(3, 0x1b, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1b, ~1),              "[i+1]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "ldxa",      F3(3, 0x1b, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1b, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,d", 0, v9 
+{ "ldxa",      F3(3, 0x1b, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1b, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,d", 0, v9 
}, /* ld [rs1+0],d */
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x04, 0), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~0)|ASI(~0),              
"d,[1+2]", 0, v6 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x04, 0), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),          
"d,[1]", 0, v6 }, /* st d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x04, 1), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~1),                      
"d,[1+i]", 0, v6 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x04, 1), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~1),                      
"d,[i+1]", 0, v6 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x04, 1), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~1)|RS1_G0,               
"d,[i]", 0, v6 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x04, 1), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),           
"d,[1]", 0, v6 }, /* st d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x24, 0), F3(~3, ~0x24, ~0)|ASI(~0),              
"g,[1+2]", 0, v6 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x24, 0), F3(~3, ~0x24, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),          
"g,[1]", 0, v6 }, /* st d[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x24, 1), F3(~3, ~0x24, ~1),                      
"g,[1+i]", 0, v6 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x24, 1), F3(~3, ~0x24, ~1),                      
"g,[i+1]", 0, v6 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x24, 1), F3(~3, ~0x24, ~1)|RS1_G0,               
"g,[i]", 0, v6 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x24, 1), F3(~3, ~0x24, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),           
"g,[1]", 0, v6 }, /* st d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x34, 0), F3(~3, ~0x34, ~0)|ASI(~0),              
"D,[1+2]", 0, v6notv9 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x34, 0), F3(~3, ~0x34, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),          
"D,[1]", 0, v6notv9 }, /* st d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x34, 1), F3(~3, ~0x34, ~1),                      
"D,[1+i]", 0, v6notv9 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x34, 1), F3(~3, ~0x34, ~1),                      
"D,[i+1]", 0, v6notv9 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x34, 1), F3(~3, ~0x34, ~1)|RS1_G0,               
"D,[i]", 0, v6notv9 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x34, 1), F3(~3, ~0x34, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),           
"D,[1]", 0, v6notv9 }, /* st d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x35, 0), F3(~3, ~0x35, ~0)|ASI(~0),              
"C,[1+2]", 0, v6notv9 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x35, 0), F3(~3, ~0x35, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),          
"C,[1]", 0, v6notv9 }, /* st d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x35, 1), F3(~3, ~0x35, ~1),                      
"C,[1+i]", 0, v6notv9 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x35, 1), F3(~3, ~0x35, ~1),                      
"C,[i+1]", 0, v6notv9 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x35, 1), F3(~3, ~0x35, ~1)|RS1_G0,               
"C,[i]", 0, v6notv9 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x35, 1), F3(~3, ~0x35, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),           
"C,[1]", 0, v6notv9 }, /* st d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x25, 0), F3(~3, ~0x25, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        
"F,[1+2]", 0, v6 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x25, 0), F3(~3, ~0x25, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI_RS2(~0),    
"F,[1]", 0, v6 }, /* st d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x25, 1), F3(~3, ~0x25, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"F,[1+i]", 0, v6 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x25, 1), F3(~3, ~0x25, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"F,[i+1]", 0, v6 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x25, 1), F3(~3, ~0x25, ~1)|RD_G0|RS1_G0,         
"F,[i]", 0, v6 },
+{ "st",        F3(3, 0x25, 1), F3(~3, ~0x25, ~1)|RD_G0|SIMM13(~0),     
"F,[1]", 0, v6 }, /* st d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "stw",       F3(3, 0x04, 0), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "d,[1+2]", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "stw",       F3(3, 0x04, 0), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "d,[1]", 
F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* st d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "stw",       F3(3, 0x04, 1), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~1),              "d,[1+i]", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "stw",       F3(3, 0x04, 1), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~1),              "d,[i+1]", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "stw",       F3(3, 0x04, 1), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "d,[i]", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "stw",       F3(3, 0x04, 1), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "d,[1]", 
F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* st d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "sta",       F3(3, 0x14, 0), F3(~3, ~0x14, ~0),              "d,[1+2]A", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "sta",       F3(3, 0x14, 0), F3(~3, ~0x14, ~0)|RS2(~0),      "d,[1]A", 0, v6 
}, /* sta d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "sta",       F3(3, 0x14, 1), F3(~3, ~0x14, ~1),              "d,[1+i]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "sta",       F3(3, 0x14, 1), F3(~3, ~0x14, ~1),              "d,[i+1]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "sta",       F3(3, 0x14, 1), F3(~3, ~0x14, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "d,[i]o", 0, v9 
+{ "sta",       F3(3, 0x14, 1), F3(~3, ~0x14, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "d,[1]o", 0, v9 
}, /* st d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "sta",       F3(3, 0x34, 0), F3(~3, ~0x34, ~0),              "g,[1+2]A", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "sta",       F3(3, 0x34, 0), F3(~3, ~0x34, ~0)|RS2(~0),      "g,[1]A", 0, v9 
}, /* sta d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "sta",       F3(3, 0x34, 1), F3(~3, ~0x34, ~1),              "g,[1+i]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "sta",       F3(3, 0x34, 1), F3(~3, ~0x34, ~1),              "g,[i+1]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "sta",       F3(3, 0x34, 1), F3(~3, ~0x34, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "g,[i]o", 0, v9 
+{ "sta",       F3(3, 0x34, 1), F3(~3, ~0x34, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "g,[1]o", 0, v9 
}, /* st d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "stwa",      F3(3, 0x14, 0), F3(~3, ~0x14, ~0),              "d,[1+2]A", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "stwa",      F3(3, 0x14, 0), F3(~3, ~0x14, ~0)|RS2(~0),      "d,[1]A", 
F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* sta d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "stwa",      F3(3, 0x14, 1), F3(~3, ~0x14, ~1),              "d,[1+i]o", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "stwa",      F3(3, 0x14, 1), F3(~3, ~0x14, ~1),              "d,[i+1]o", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "stwa",      F3(3, 0x14, 1), F3(~3, ~0x14, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "d,[i]o", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "stwa",      F3(3, 0x14, 1), F3(~3, ~0x14, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "d,[1]o", 
F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* st d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "stb",       F3(3, 0x05, 0), F3(~3, ~0x05, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "d,[1+2]", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "stb",       F3(3, 0x05, 0), F3(~3, ~0x05, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "d,[1]", 0, v6 
}, /* stb d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "stb",       F3(3, 0x05, 1), F3(~3, ~0x05, ~1),              "d,[1+i]", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "stb",       F3(3, 0x05, 1), F3(~3, ~0x05, ~1),              "d,[i+1]", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "stb",       F3(3, 0x05, 1), F3(~3, ~0x05, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "d,[i]", 0, v6 
+{ "stb",       F3(3, 0x05, 1), F3(~3, ~0x05, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "d,[1]", 0, v6 
}, /* stb d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "stba",      F3(3, 0x15, 0), F3(~3, ~0x15, ~0),              "d,[1+2]A", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "stba",      F3(3, 0x15, 0), F3(~3, ~0x15, ~0)|RS2(~0),      "d,[1]A", 0, v6 
}, /* stba d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "stba",      F3(3, 0x15, 1), F3(~3, ~0x15, ~1),              "d,[1+i]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stba",      F3(3, 0x15, 1), F3(~3, ~0x15, ~1),              "d,[i+1]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stba",      F3(3, 0x15, 1), F3(~3, ~0x15, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "d,[i]o", 0, v9 
+{ "stba",      F3(3, 0x15, 1), F3(~3, ~0x15, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "d,[1]o", 0, v9 
}, /* stb d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x07, 0), F3(~3, ~0x07, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "d,[1+2]", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x07, 0), F3(~3, ~0x07, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "d,[1]", 0, v6 
}, /* std d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x07, 1), F3(~3, ~0x07, ~1),              "d,[1+i]", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x07, 1), F3(~3, ~0x07, ~1),              "d,[i+1]", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x07, 1), F3(~3, ~0x07, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "d,[i]", 0, v6 
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x07, 1), F3(~3, ~0x07, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "d,[1]", 0, v6 
}, /* std d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x26, 0), F3(~3, ~0x26, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "q,[1+2]", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x26, 0), F3(~3, ~0x26, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "q,[1]", 0, 
v6notv9 }, /* std d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x26, 1), F3(~3, ~0x26, ~1),              "q,[1+i]", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x26, 1), F3(~3, ~0x26, ~1),              "q,[i+1]", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x26, 1), F3(~3, ~0x26, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "q,[i]", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x26, 1), F3(~3, ~0x26, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "q,[1]", 0, 
v6notv9 }, /* std d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x27, 0), F3(~3, ~0x27, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "H,[1+2]", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x27, 0), F3(~3, ~0x27, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "H,[1]", 0, v6 
}, /* std d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x27, 1), F3(~3, ~0x27, ~1),              "H,[1+i]", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x27, 1), F3(~3, ~0x27, ~1),              "H,[i+1]", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x27, 1), F3(~3, ~0x27, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "H,[i]", 0, v6 
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x27, 1), F3(~3, ~0x27, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "H,[1]", 0, v6 
}, /* std d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x36, 0), F3(~3, ~0x36, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "Q,[1+2]", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x36, 0), F3(~3, ~0x36, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "Q,[1]", 0, 
v6notv9 }, /* std d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x36, 1), F3(~3, ~0x36, ~1),              "Q,[1+i]", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x36, 1), F3(~3, ~0x36, ~1),              "Q,[i+1]", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x36, 1), F3(~3, ~0x36, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "Q,[i]", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x36, 1), F3(~3, ~0x36, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "Q,[1]", 0, 
v6notv9 }, /* std d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x37, 0), F3(~3, ~0x37, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "D,[1+2]", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x37, 0), F3(~3, ~0x37, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "D,[1]", 0, 
v6notv9 }, /* std d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x37, 1), F3(~3, ~0x37, ~1),              "D,[1+i]", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x37, 1), F3(~3, ~0x37, ~1),              "D,[i+1]", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x37, 1), F3(~3, ~0x37, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "D,[i]", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "std",       F3(3, 0x37, 1), F3(~3, ~0x37, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "D,[1]", 0, 
v6notv9 }, /* std d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "stda",      F3(3, 0x17, 0), F3(~3, ~0x17, ~0),              "d,[1+2]A", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "stda",      F3(3, 0x17, 0), F3(~3, ~0x17, ~0)|RS2(~0),      "d,[1]A", 0, v6 
}, /* stda d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "stda",      F3(3, 0x17, 1), F3(~3, ~0x17, ~1),              "d,[1+i]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stda",      F3(3, 0x17, 1), F3(~3, ~0x17, ~1),              "d,[i+1]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stda",      F3(3, 0x17, 1), F3(~3, ~0x17, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "d,[i]o", 0, v9 
+{ "stda",      F3(3, 0x17, 1), F3(~3, ~0x17, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "d,[1]o", 0, v9 
}, /* std d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "stda",      F3(3, 0x37, 0), F3(~3, ~0x37, ~0),              "H,[1+2]A", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stda",      F3(3, 0x37, 0), F3(~3, ~0x37, ~0)|RS2(~0),      "H,[1]A", 0, v9 
}, /* stda d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "stda",      F3(3, 0x37, 1), F3(~3, ~0x37, ~1),              "H,[1+i]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stda",      F3(3, 0x37, 1), F3(~3, ~0x37, ~1),              "H,[i+1]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stda",      F3(3, 0x37, 1), F3(~3, ~0x37, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "H,[i]o", 0, v9 
+{ "stda",      F3(3, 0x37, 1), F3(~3, ~0x37, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "H,[1]o", 0, v9 
}, /* std d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "sth",       F3(3, 0x06, 0), F3(~3, ~0x06, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "d,[1+2]", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "sth",       F3(3, 0x06, 0), F3(~3, ~0x06, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "d,[1]", 0, v6 
}, /* sth d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "sth",       F3(3, 0x06, 1), F3(~3, ~0x06, ~1),              "d,[1+i]", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "sth",       F3(3, 0x06, 1), F3(~3, ~0x06, ~1),              "d,[i+1]", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "sth",       F3(3, 0x06, 1), F3(~3, ~0x06, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "d,[i]", 0, v6 
+{ "sth",       F3(3, 0x06, 1), F3(~3, ~0x06, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "d,[1]", 0, v6 
}, /* sth d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "stha",      F3(3, 0x16, 0), F3(~3, ~0x16, ~0),              "d,[1+2]A", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "stha",      F3(3, 0x16, 0), F3(~3, ~0x16, ~0)|RS2(~0),      "d,[1]A", 0, v6 
}, /* stha ,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "stha",      F3(3, 0x16, 1), F3(~3, ~0x16, ~1),              "d,[1+i]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stha",      F3(3, 0x16, 1), F3(~3, ~0x16, ~1),              "d,[i+1]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stha",      F3(3, 0x16, 1), F3(~3, ~0x16, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "d,[i]o", 0, v9 
+{ "stha",      F3(3, 0x16, 1), F3(~3, ~0x16, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "d,[1]o", 0, v9 
}, /* sth d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "stx",       F3(3, 0x0e, 0), F3(~3, ~0x0e, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "d,[1+2]", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stx",       F3(3, 0x0e, 0), F3(~3, ~0x0e, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "d,[1]", 0, v9 
}, /* stx d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "stx",       F3(3, 0x0e, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0e, ~1),              "d,[1+i]", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stx",       F3(3, 0x0e, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0e, ~1),              "d,[i+1]", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stx",       F3(3, 0x0e, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0e, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "d,[i]", 0, v9 
+{ "stx",       F3(3, 0x0e, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0e, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "d,[1]", 0, v9 
}, /* stx d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "stx",       F3(3, 0x25, 0)|RD(1), F3(~3, ~0x25, ~0)|ASI(~0)|RD(~1), 
"F,[1+2]", 0, v9 },
+{ "stx",       F3(3, 0x25, 0)|RD(1), F3(~3, ~0x25, 
~0)|ASI_RS2(~0)|RD(~1),"F,[1]", 0, v9 }, /* stx d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "stx",       F3(3, 0x25, 1)|RD(1), F3(~3, ~0x25, ~1)|RD(~1),         
"F,[1+i]", 0, v9 },
+{ "stx",       F3(3, 0x25, 1)|RD(1), F3(~3, ~0x25, ~1)|RD(~1),         
"F,[i+1]", 0, v9 },
+{ "stx",       F3(3, 0x25, 1)|RD(1), F3(~3, ~0x25, ~1)|RS1_G0|RD(~1),  
"F,[i]", 0, v9 },
+{ "stx",       F3(3, 0x25, 1)|RD(1), F3(~3, ~0x25, 
~1)|SIMM13(~0)|RD(~1),"F,[1]", 0, v9 }, /* stx d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "stxa",      F3(3, 0x1e, 0), F3(~3, ~0x1e, ~0),              "d,[1+2]A", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stxa",      F3(3, 0x1e, 0), F3(~3, ~0x1e, ~0)|RS2(~0),      "d,[1]A", 0, v9 
}, /* stxa d,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "stxa",      F3(3, 0x1e, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1e, ~1),              "d,[1+i]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stxa",      F3(3, 0x1e, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1e, ~1),              "d,[i+1]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stxa",      F3(3, 0x1e, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1e, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "d,[i]o", 0, v9 
+{ "stxa",      F3(3, 0x1e, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1e, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "d,[1]o", 0, v9 
}, /* stx d,[rs1+0] */
+{ "stq",       F3(3, 0x26, 0), F3(~3, ~0x26, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "J,[1+2]", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stq",       F3(3, 0x26, 0), F3(~3, ~0x26, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "J,[1]", 0, v9 
}, /* stq [rs1+%g0] */
+{ "stq",       F3(3, 0x26, 1), F3(~3, ~0x26, ~1),              "J,[1+i]", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stq",       F3(3, 0x26, 1), F3(~3, ~0x26, ~1),              "J,[i+1]", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stq",       F3(3, 0x26, 1), F3(~3, ~0x26, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "J,[i]", 0, v9 
+{ "stq",       F3(3, 0x26, 1), F3(~3, ~0x26, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "J,[1]", 0, v9 
}, /* stq [rs1+0] */
+{ "stqa",      F3(3, 0x36, 0), F3(~3, ~0x36, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "J,[1+2]A", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stqa",      F3(3, 0x36, 0), F3(~3, ~0x36, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "J,[1]A", 0, v9 
}, /* stqa [rs1+%g0] */
+{ "stqa",      F3(3, 0x36, 1), F3(~3, ~0x36, ~1),              "J,[1+i]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stqa",      F3(3, 0x36, 1), F3(~3, ~0x36, ~1),              "J,[i+1]o", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "stqa",      F3(3, 0x36, 1), F3(~3, ~0x36, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "J,[i]o", 0, v9 
+{ "stqa",      F3(3, 0x36, 1), F3(~3, ~0x36, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "J,[1]o", 0, v9 
}, /* stqa [rs1+0] */
+{ "swap",      F3(3, 0x0f, 0), F3(~3, ~0x0f, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "[1+2],d", 0, 
v7 },
+{ "swap",      F3(3, 0x0f, 0), F3(~3, ~0x0f, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "[1],d", 0, v7 
}, /* swap [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "swap",      F3(3, 0x0f, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0f, ~1),              "[1+i],d", 0, 
v7 },
+{ "swap",      F3(3, 0x0f, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0f, ~1),              "[i+1],d", 0, 
v7 },
+{ "swap",      F3(3, 0x0f, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0f, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],d", 0, v7 
+{ "swap",      F3(3, 0x0f, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0f, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],d", 0, v7 
}, /* swap [rs1+0],d */
+{ "swapa",     F3(3, 0x1f, 0), F3(~3, ~0x1f, ~0),              "[1+2]A,d", 0, 
v7 },
+{ "swapa",     F3(3, 0x1f, 0), F3(~3, ~0x1f, ~0)|RS2(~0),      "[1]A,d", 0, v7 
}, /* swapa [rs1+%g0],d */
+{ "swapa",     F3(3, 0x1f, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1f, ~1),              "[1+i]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "swapa",     F3(3, 0x1f, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1f, ~1),              "[i+1]o,d", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "swapa",     F3(3, 0x1f, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1f, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,d", 0, v9 
+{ "swapa",     F3(3, 0x1f, 1), F3(~3, ~0x1f, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,d", 0, v9 
}, /* swap [rs1+0],d */
+{ "restore",   F3(2, 0x3d, 0), F3(~2, ~0x3d, ~0)|ASI(~0),                      
"1,2,d", 0, v6 },
+{ "restore",   F3(2, 0x3d, 0), F3(~2, ~0x3d, ~0)|RD_G0|RS1_G0|ASI_RS2(~0),     
"", 0, v6 }, /* restore %g0,%g0,%g0 */
+{ "restore",   F3(2, 0x3d, 1), F3(~2, ~0x3d, ~1),                              
"1,i,d", 0, v6 },
+{ "restore",   F3(2, 0x3d, 1), F3(~2, ~0x3d, ~1)|RD_G0|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),      
"", 0, v6 }, /* restore %g0,0,%g0 */
+{ "rett",      F3(2, 0x39, 0), F3(~2, ~0x39, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        "1+2", 
F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* rett rs1+rs2 */
+{ "rett",      F3(2, 0x39, 0), F3(~2, ~0x39, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI_RS2(~0),    "1", 
F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 },    /* rett rs1,%g0 */
+{ "rett",      F3(2, 0x39, 1), F3(~2, ~0x39, ~1)|RD_G0,                "1+i", 
F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* rett rs1+X */
+{ "rett",      F3(2, 0x39, 1), F3(~2, ~0x39, ~1)|RD_G0,                "i+1", 
F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* rett X+rs1 */
+{ "rett",      F3(2, 0x39, 1), F3(~2, ~0x39, ~1)|RD_G0|RS1_G0,         "i", 
F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* rett X+rs1 */
+{ "rett",      F3(2, 0x39, 1), F3(~2, ~0x39, ~1)|RD_G0|RS1_G0,         "i", 
F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 },    /* rett X */
+{ "rett",      F3(2, 0x39, 1), F3(~2, ~0x39, ~1)|RD_G0|SIMM13(~0),     "1", 
F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 },    /* rett rs1+0 */
+{ "save",      F3(2, 0x3c, 0), F3(~2, ~0x3c, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "save",      F3(2, 0x3c, 1), F3(~2, ~0x3c, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "save",      0x81e00000,     ~0x81e00000,                    "", F_ALIAS, v6 
+{ "ret",  F3(2, 0x38, 1)|RS1(0x1f)|SIMM13(8), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|SIMM13(~8),    
       "", F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl %i7+8,%g0 */
+{ "retl", F3(2, 0x38, 1)|RS1(0x0f)|SIMM13(8), F3(~2, ~0x38, 
~1)|RS1(~0x0f)|SIMM13(~8), "", F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl %o7+8,%g0 */
+{ "jmpl",      F3(2, 0x38, 0), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1+2,d", 
+{ "jmpl",      F3(2, 0x38, 0), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "1,d", 
F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl rs1+%g0,d */
+{ "jmpl",      F3(2, 0x38, 1), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "1,d", 
F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl rs1+0,d */
+{ "jmpl",      F3(2, 0x38, 1), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "i,d", 
F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl %g0+i,d */
+{ "jmpl",      F3(2, 0x38, 1), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1),              "1+i,d", 
+{ "jmpl",      F3(2, 0x38, 1), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1),              "i+1,d", 
+{ "done",      F3(2, 0x3e, 0)|RD(0), F3(~2, ~0x3e, 
~0)|RD(~0)|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),       "", 0, v9 },
+{ "retry",     F3(2, 0x3e, 0)|RD(1), F3(~2, ~0x3e, 
~0)|RD(~1)|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),       "", 0, v9 },
+{ "saved",     F3(2, 0x31, 0)|RD(0), F3(~2, ~0x31, 
~0)|RD(~0)|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),       "", 0, v9 },
+{ "restored",  F3(2, 0x31, 0)|RD(1), F3(~2, ~0x31, 
~0)|RD(~1)|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),       "", 0, v9 },
+{ "sir",       F3(2, 0x30, 1)|RD(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x30, ~1)|RD(~0xf)|RS1_G0,      
        "i", 0, v9 },
+{ "flush",     F3(2, 0x3b, 0), F3(~2, ~0x3b, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1+2", 0, v8 },
+{ "flush",     F3(2, 0x3b, 0), F3(~2, ~0x3b, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "1", 0, v8 }, 
/* flush rs1+%g0 */
+{ "flush",     F3(2, 0x3b, 1), F3(~2, ~0x3b, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "1", 0, v8 }, 
/* flush rs1+0 */
+{ "flush",     F3(2, 0x3b, 1), F3(~2, ~0x3b, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "i", 0, v8 }, 
/* flush %g0+i */
+{ "flush",     F3(2, 0x3b, 1), F3(~2, ~0x3b, ~1),              "1+i", 0, v8 },
+{ "flush",     F3(2, 0x3b, 1), F3(~2, ~0x3b, ~1),              "i+1", 0, v8 },
+/* IFLUSH was renamed to FLUSH in v8.  */
+{ "iflush",    F3(2, 0x3b, 0), F3(~2, ~0x3b, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1+2", F_ALIAS, 
v6 },
+{ "iflush",    F3(2, 0x3b, 0), F3(~2, ~0x3b, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "1", F_ALIAS, 
v6 }, /* flush rs1+%g0 */
+{ "iflush",    F3(2, 0x3b, 1), F3(~2, ~0x3b, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "1", F_ALIAS, 
v6 }, /* flush rs1+0 */
+{ "iflush",    F3(2, 0x3b, 1), F3(~2, ~0x3b, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "i", F_ALIAS, 
v6 },
+{ "iflush",    F3(2, 0x3b, 1), F3(~2, ~0x3b, ~1),              "1+i", F_ALIAS, 
v6 },
+{ "iflush",    F3(2, 0x3b, 1), F3(~2, ~0x3b, ~1),              "i+1", F_ALIAS, 
v6 },
+{ "return",    F3(2, 0x39, 0), F3(~2, ~0x39, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1+2", 0, v9 },
+{ "return",    F3(2, 0x39, 0), F3(~2, ~0x39, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "1", 0, v9 }, 
/* return rs1+%g0 */
+{ "return",    F3(2, 0x39, 1), F3(~2, ~0x39, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "1", 0, v9 }, 
/* return rs1+0 */
+{ "return",    F3(2, 0x39, 1), F3(~2, ~0x39, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "i", 0, v9 }, 
/* return %g0+i */
+{ "return",    F3(2, 0x39, 1), F3(~2, ~0x39, ~1),              "1+i", 0, v9 },
+{ "return",    F3(2, 0x39, 1), F3(~2, ~0x39, ~1),              "i+1", 0, v9 },
+{ "flushw",    F3(2, 0x2b, 0), F3(~2, ~0x2b, ~0)|RD_G0|RS1_G0|ASI_RS2(~0),     
"", 0, v9 },
+{ "membar",    F3(2, 0x28, 1)|RS1(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x28, 
~1)|RD_G0|RS1(~0xf)|SIMM13(~127), "K", 0, v9 },
+{ "stbar",     F3(2, 0x28, 0)|RS1(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x28, 
~0)|RD_G0|RS1(~0xf)|SIMM13(~0), "", 0, v8 },
+{ "prefetch",  F3(3, 0x2d, 0), F3(~3, ~0x2d, ~0),              "[1+2],*", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "prefetch",  F3(3, 0x2d, 0), F3(~3, ~0x2d, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1],*", 0, v9 
}, /* prefetch [rs1+%g0],prefetch_fcn */
+{ "prefetch",  F3(3, 0x2d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x2d, ~1),              "[1+i],*", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "prefetch",  F3(3, 0x2d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x2d, ~1),              "[i+1],*", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "prefetch",  F3(3, 0x2d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x2d, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i],*", 0, v9 
+{ "prefetch",  F3(3, 0x2d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x2d, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1],*", 0, v9 
}, /* prefetch [rs1+0],prefetch_fcn */
+{ "prefetcha", F3(3, 0x3d, 0), F3(~3, ~0x3d, ~0),              "[1+2]A,*", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "prefetcha", F3(3, 0x3d, 0), F3(~3, ~0x3d, ~0)|RS2_G0,       "[1]A,*", 0, v9 
}, /* prefetcha [rs1+%g0],prefetch_fcn */
+{ "prefetcha", F3(3, 0x3d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x3d, ~1),              "[1+i]o,*", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "prefetcha", F3(3, 0x3d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x3d, ~1),              "[i+1]o,*", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "prefetcha", F3(3, 0x3d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x3d, ~1)|RS1_G0,       "[i]o,*", 0, v9 
+{ "prefetcha", F3(3, 0x3d, 1), F3(~3, ~0x3d, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "[1]o,*", 0, v9 
}, /* prefetcha [rs1+0],d */
+ /* The 1<<12 is a long story.  It is necessary.  For more info, please 
contact address@hidden */
+ /* FIXME: 'i' is wrong, need new letter for 5 bit unsigned constants.  */
+{ "sll",       F3(2, 0x25, 0), F3(~2, ~0x25, ~0)|(1<<12)|ASI(~0),      
"1,2,d", 0, v6 },
+{ "sll",       F3(2, 0x25, 1), F3(~2, ~0x25, ~1)|(1<<12),              
"1,i,d", 0, v6 },
+{ "sra",       F3(2, 0x27, 0), F3(~2, ~0x27, ~0)|(1<<12)|ASI(~0),      
"1,2,d", 0, v6 },
+{ "sra",       F3(2, 0x27, 1), F3(~2, ~0x27, ~1)|(1<<12),              
"1,i,d", 0, v6 },
+{ "srl",       F3(2, 0x26, 0), F3(~2, ~0x26, ~0)|(1<<12)|ASI(~0),      
"1,2,d", 0, v6 },
+{ "srl",       F3(2, 0x26, 1), F3(~2, ~0x26, ~1)|(1<<12),              
"1,i,d", 0, v6 },
+ /* FIXME: 'j' is wrong, need new letter for 6 bit unsigned constants.  */
+{ "sllx",      F3(2, 0x25, 0)|(1<<12), F3(~2, ~0x25, ~0)|(ASI(~0)^(1<<12)),    
"1,2,d", 0, v9 },
+{ "sllx",      F3(2, 0x25, 1)|(1<<12), F3(~2, ~0x25, ~1)|(0x3f<<6),            
"1,j,d", 0, v9 },
+{ "srax",      F3(2, 0x27, 0)|(1<<12), F3(~2, ~0x27, ~0)|(ASI(~0)^(1<<12)),    
"1,2,d", 0, v9 },
+{ "srax",      F3(2, 0x27, 1)|(1<<12), F3(~2, ~0x27, ~1)|(0x3f<<6),            
"1,j,d", 0, v9 },
+{ "srlx",      F3(2, 0x26, 0)|(1<<12), F3(~2, ~0x26, ~0)|(ASI(~0)^(1<<12)),    
"1,2,d", 0, v9 },
+{ "srlx",      F3(2, 0x26, 1)|(1<<12), F3(~2, ~0x26, ~1)|(0x3f<<6),            
"1,j,d", 0, v9 },
+{ "mulscc",    F3(2, 0x24, 0), F3(~2, ~0x24, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "mulscc",    F3(2, 0x24, 1), F3(~2, ~0x24, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "divscc",    F3(2, 0x1d, 0), F3(~2, ~0x1d, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, 
sparclite },
+{ "divscc",    F3(2, 0x1d, 1), F3(~2, ~0x1d, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, 
sparclite },
+{ "scan",      F3(2, 0x2c, 0), F3(~2, ~0x2c, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, 
sparclet|sparclite },
+{ "scan",      F3(2, 0x2c, 1), F3(~2, ~0x2c, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, 
sparclet|sparclite },
+{ "popc",      F3(2, 0x2e, 0), F3(~2, ~0x2e, ~0)|RS2_G0|ASI(~0),"2,d", 0, v9 },
+{ "popc",      F3(2, 0x2e, 1), F3(~2, ~0x2e, ~1)|RS2_G0,       "i,d", 0, v9 },
+{ "clr",       F3(2, 0x02, 0), F3(~2, ~0x02, ~0)|RD_G0|RS1_G0|ASI_RS2(~0),     
"d", F_ALIAS, v6 }, /* or %g0,%g0,d */
+{ "clr",       F3(2, 0x02, 1), F3(~2, ~0x02, ~1)|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),            
"d", F_ALIAS, v6 }, /* or %g0,0,d       */
+{ "clr",       F3(3, 0x04, 0), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),                
"[1+2]", F_ALIAS, v6 },
+{ "clr",       F3(3, 0x04, 0), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI_RS2(~0),            
"[1]", F_ALIAS, v6 }, /* st %g0,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "clr",       F3(3, 0x04, 1), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~1)|RD_G0,                        
"[1+i]", F_ALIAS, v6 },
+{ "clr",       F3(3, 0x04, 1), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~1)|RD_G0,                        
"[i+1]", F_ALIAS, v6 },
+{ "clr",       F3(3, 0x04, 1), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~1)|RD_G0|RS1_G0,                 
"[i]", F_ALIAS, v6 },
+{ "clr",       F3(3, 0x04, 1), F3(~3, ~0x04, ~1)|RD_G0|SIMM13(~0),             
"[1]", F_ALIAS, v6 }, /* st %g0,[rs1+0] */
+{ "clrb",      F3(3, 0x05, 0), F3(~3, ~0x05, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        
"[1+2]", F_ALIAS, v6 },
+{ "clrb",      F3(3, 0x05, 0), F3(~3, ~0x05, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI_RS2(~0),    "[1]", 
F_ALIAS, v6 }, /* stb %g0,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "clrb",      F3(3, 0x05, 1), F3(~3, ~0x05, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"[1+i]", F_ALIAS, v6 },
+{ "clrb",      F3(3, 0x05, 1), F3(~3, ~0x05, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"[i+1]", F_ALIAS, v6 },
+{ "clrb",      F3(3, 0x05, 1), F3(~3, ~0x05, ~1)|RD_G0|RS1_G0,         "[i]", 
F_ALIAS, v6 },
+{ "clrb",      F3(3, 0x05, 1), F3(~3, ~0x05, ~1)|RD_G0|SIMM13(~0),     "[1]", 
F_ALIAS, v6 }, /* stb %g0,[rs1+0] */
+{ "clrh",      F3(3, 0x06, 0), F3(~3, ~0x06, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        
"[1+2]", F_ALIAS, v6 },
+{ "clrh",      F3(3, 0x06, 0), F3(~3, ~0x06, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI_RS2(~0),    "[1]", 
F_ALIAS, v6 }, /* sth %g0,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "clrh",      F3(3, 0x06, 1), F3(~3, ~0x06, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"[1+i]", F_ALIAS, v6 },
+{ "clrh",      F3(3, 0x06, 1), F3(~3, ~0x06, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"[i+1]", F_ALIAS, v6 },
+{ "clrh",      F3(3, 0x06, 1), F3(~3, ~0x06, ~1)|RD_G0|RS1_G0,         "[i]", 
F_ALIAS, v6 },
+{ "clrh",      F3(3, 0x06, 1), F3(~3, ~0x06, ~1)|RD_G0|SIMM13(~0),     "[1]", 
F_ALIAS, v6 }, /* sth %g0,[rs1+0] */
+{ "clrx",      F3(3, 0x0e, 0), F3(~3, ~0x0e, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        
"[1+2]", F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "clrx",      F3(3, 0x0e, 0), F3(~3, ~0x0e, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI_RS2(~0),    "[1]", 
F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* stx %g0,[rs1+%g0] */
+{ "clrx",      F3(3, 0x0e, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0e, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"[1+i]", F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "clrx",      F3(3, 0x0e, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0e, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"[i+1]", F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "clrx",      F3(3, 0x0e, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0e, ~1)|RD_G0|RS1_G0,         "[i]", 
F_ALIAS, v9 },
+{ "clrx",      F3(3, 0x0e, 1), F3(~3, ~0x0e, ~1)|RD_G0|SIMM13(~0),     "[1]", 
F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* stx %g0,[rs1+0] */
+{ "orcc",      F3(2, 0x12, 0), F3(~2, ~0x12, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "orcc",      F3(2, 0x12, 1), F3(~2, ~0x12, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "orcc",      F3(2, 0x12, 1), F3(~2, ~0x12, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v6 
+/* This is not a commutative instruction.  */
+{ "orncc",     F3(2, 0x16, 0), F3(~2, ~0x16, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "orncc",     F3(2, 0x16, 1), F3(~2, ~0x16, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+/* This is not a commutative instruction.  */
+{ "orn",       F3(2, 0x06, 0), F3(~2, ~0x06, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "orn",       F3(2, 0x06, 1), F3(~2, ~0x06, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "tst",       F3(2, 0x12, 0), F3(~2, ~0x12, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI_RS2(~0),    "1", 0, 
v6 }, /* orcc rs1, %g0, %g0 */
+{ "tst",       F3(2, 0x12, 0), F3(~2, ~0x12, ~0)|RD_G0|RS1_G0|ASI(~0), "2", 0, 
v6 }, /* orcc %g0, rs2, %g0 */
+{ "tst",       F3(2, 0x12, 1), F3(~2, ~0x12, ~1)|RD_G0|SIMM13(~0),     "1", 0, 
v6 }, /* orcc rs1, 0, %g0 */
+{ "wr",        F3(2, 0x30, 0),         F3(~2, ~0x30, ~0)|ASI(~0),              
"1,2,m", 0, v8 }, /* wr r,r,%asrX */
+{ "wr",        F3(2, 0x30, 0),         F3(~2, ~0x30, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        
"1,2,y", 0, v6 }, /* wr r,r,%y */
+{ "wr",        F3(2, 0x30, 1),         F3(~2, ~0x30, ~1),                      
"1,i,m", 0, v8 }, /* wr r,i,%asrX */
+{ "wr",        F3(2, 0x30, 1),         F3(~2, ~0x30, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"1,i,y", 0, v6 }, /* wr r,i,%y */
+{ "wr",        F3(2, 0x31, 0),         F3(~2, ~0x31, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        
"1,2,p", 0, v6notv9 }, /* wr r,r,%psr */
+{ "wr",        F3(2, 0x31, 1),         F3(~2, ~0x31, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"1,i,p", 0, v6notv9 }, /* wr r,i,%psr */
+{ "wr",        F3(2, 0x32, 0),         F3(~2, ~0x32, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        
"1,2,w", 0, v6notv9 }, /* wr r,r,%wim */
+{ "wr",        F3(2, 0x32, 1),         F3(~2, ~0x32, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"1,i,w", 0, v6notv9 }, /* wr r,i,%wim */
+{ "wr",        F3(2, 0x33, 0),         F3(~2, ~0x33, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        
"1,2,t", 0, v6notv9 }, /* wr r,r,%tbr */
+{ "wr",        F3(2, 0x33, 1),         F3(~2, ~0x33, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"1,i,t", 0, v6notv9 }, /* wr r,i,%tbr */
+{ "wr", F3(2, 0x30, 0)|RD(2),  F3(~2, ~0x30, ~0)|RD(~2)|ASI(~0),       
"1,2,E", 0, v9 }, /* wr r,r,%ccr */
+{ "wr", F3(2, 0x30, 1)|RD(2),  F3(~2, ~0x30, ~1)|RD(~2),               
"1,i,E", 0, v9 }, /* wr r,i,%ccr */
+{ "wr", F3(2, 0x30, 0)|RD(3),  F3(~2, ~0x30, ~0)|RD(~3)|ASI(~0),       
"1,2,o", 0, v9 }, /* wr r,r,%asi */
+{ "wr", F3(2, 0x30, 1)|RD(3),  F3(~2, ~0x30, ~1)|RD(~3),               
"1,i,o", 0, v9 }, /* wr r,i,%asi */
+{ "wr", F3(2, 0x30, 0)|RD(6),  F3(~2, ~0x30, ~0)|RD(~6)|ASI(~0),       
"1,2,s", 0, v9 }, /* wr r,i,%fprs */
+{ "wr", F3(2, 0x30, 1)|RD(6),  F3(~2, ~0x30, ~1)|RD(~6),               
"1,i,s", 0, v9 }, /* wr r,i,%fprs */
+{ "rd",        F3(2, 0x28, 0),                 F3(~2, ~0x28, ~0)|SIMM13(~0),   
        "M,d", 0, v8 }, /* rd %asrX,r */
+{ "rd",        F3(2, 0x28, 0),                 F3(~2, ~0x28, 
~0)|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),    "y,d", 0, v6 }, /* rd %y,r */
+{ "rd",        F3(2, 0x29, 0),                 F3(~2, ~0x29, 
~0)|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),    "p,d", 0, v6notv9 }, /* rd %psr,r */
+{ "rd",        F3(2, 0x2a, 0),                 F3(~2, ~0x2a, 
~0)|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),    "w,d", 0, v6notv9 }, /* rd %wim,r */
+{ "rd",        F3(2, 0x2b, 0),                 F3(~2, ~0x2b, 
~0)|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),    "t,d", 0, v6notv9 }, /* rd %tbr,r */
+{ "rd",        F3(2, 0x28, 0)|RS1(2),          F3(~2, ~0x28, 
~0)|RS1(~2)|SIMM13(~0),   "E,d", 0, v9 }, /* rd %ccr,r */
+{ "rd",        F3(2, 0x28, 0)|RS1(3),          F3(~2, ~0x28, 
~0)|RS1(~3)|SIMM13(~0),   "o,d", 0, v9 }, /* rd %asi,r */
+{ "rd",        F3(2, 0x28, 0)|RS1(4),          F3(~2, ~0x28, 
~0)|RS1(~4)|SIMM13(~0),   "W,d", 0, v9 }, /* rd %tick,r */
+{ "rd",        F3(2, 0x28, 0)|RS1(5),          F3(~2, ~0x28, 
~0)|RS1(~5)|SIMM13(~0),   "P,d", 0, v9 }, /* rd %pc,r */
+{ "rd",        F3(2, 0x28, 0)|RS1(6),          F3(~2, ~0x28, 
~0)|RS1(~6)|SIMM13(~0),   "s,d", 0, v9 }, /* rd %fprs,r */
+{ "rdpr",      F3(2, 0x2a, 0),         F3(~2, ~0x2a, ~0)|SIMM13(~0),   "?,d", 
0, v9 },   /* rdpr %priv,r */
+{ "wrpr",      F3(2, 0x32, 0),         F3(~2, ~0x32, ~0),              
"1,2,!", 0, v9 }, /* wrpr r1,r2,%priv */
+{ "wrpr",      F3(2, 0x32, 0),         F3(~2, ~0x32, ~0)|SIMM13(~0),   "1,!", 
0, v9 },   /* wrpr r1,%priv */
+{ "wrpr",      F3(2, 0x32, 1),         F3(~2, ~0x32, ~1),              
"1,i,!", 0, v9 }, /* wrpr r1,i,%priv */
+{ "wrpr",      F3(2, 0x32, 1),         F3(~2, ~0x32, ~1),              
"i,1,!", F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* wrpr i,r1,%priv */
+{ "wrpr",      F3(2, 0x32, 1),         F3(~2, ~0x32, ~1)|RS1(~0),      "i,!", 
0, v9 },   /* wrpr i,%priv */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x30, 0),         F3(~2, ~0x30, ~0)|ASI(~0),              
"1,2,m", F_ALIAS, v8 }, /* wr r,r,%asrX */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x30, 0),         F3(~2, ~0x30, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        
"1,2,y", F_ALIAS, v6 }, /* wr r,r,%y */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x30, 1),         F3(~2, ~0x30, ~1),                      
"1,i,m", F_ALIAS, v8 }, /* wr r,i,%asrX */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x30, 1),         F3(~2, ~0x30, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"1,i,y", F_ALIAS, v6 }, /* wr r,i,%y */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x31, 0),         F3(~2, ~0x31, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        
"1,2,p", F_ALIAS, v6notv9 }, /* wr r,r,%psr */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x31, 1),         F3(~2, ~0x31, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"1,i,p", F_ALIAS, v6notv9 }, /* wr r,i,%psr */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x32, 0),         F3(~2, ~0x32, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        
"1,2,w", F_ALIAS, v6notv9 }, /* wr r,r,%wim */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x32, 1),         F3(~2, ~0x32, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"1,i,w", F_ALIAS, v6notv9 }, /* wr r,i,%wim */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x33, 0),         F3(~2, ~0x33, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        
"1,2,t", F_ALIAS, v6notv9 }, /* wr r,r,%tbr */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x33, 1),         F3(~2, ~0x33, ~1)|RD_G0,                
"1,i,t", F_ALIAS, v6notv9 }, /* wr r,i,%tbr */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x28, 0),          F3(~2, ~0x28, ~0)|SIMM13(~0),          
"M,d", F_ALIAS, v8 }, /* rd %asr1,r */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x28, 0),          F3(~2, ~0x28, ~0)|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),   
"y,d", F_ALIAS, v6 }, /* rd %y,r */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x29, 0),          F3(~2, ~0x29, ~0)|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),   
"p,d", F_ALIAS, v6notv9 }, /* rd %psr,r */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x2a, 0),          F3(~2, ~0x2a, ~0)|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),   
"w,d", F_ALIAS, v6notv9 }, /* rd %wim,r */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x2b, 0),          F3(~2, ~0x2b, ~0)|RS1_G0|SIMM13(~0),   
"t,d", F_ALIAS, v6notv9 }, /* rd %tbr,r */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x30, 0), F3(~2, ~0x30, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "1,y", F_ALIAS, 
v6 }, /* wr rs1,%g0,%y */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x30, 1), F3(~2, ~0x30, ~1),              "i,y", F_ALIAS, 
v6 }, /* wr %g0,i,%y */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x30, 1), F3(~2, ~0x30, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "1,y", F_ALIAS, 
v6 }, /* wr rs1,0,%y */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x31, 0), F3(~2, ~0x31, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "1,p", F_ALIAS, 
v6notv9 }, /* wr rs1,%g0,%psr */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x31, 1), F3(~2, ~0x31, ~1),              "i,p", F_ALIAS, 
v6notv9 }, /* wr %g0,i,%psr */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x31, 1), F3(~2, ~0x31, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "1,p", F_ALIAS, 
v6notv9 }, /* wr rs1,0,%psr */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x32, 0), F3(~2, ~0x32, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "1,w", F_ALIAS, 
v6notv9 }, /* wr rs1,%g0,%wim */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x32, 1), F3(~2, ~0x32, ~1),              "i,w", F_ALIAS, 
v6notv9 }, /* wr %g0,i,%wim */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x32, 1), F3(~2, ~0x32, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "1,w", F_ALIAS, 
v6notv9 }, /* wr rs1,0,%wim */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x33, 0), F3(~2, ~0x33, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),  "1,t", F_ALIAS, 
v6notv9 }, /* wr rs1,%g0,%tbr */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x33, 1), F3(~2, ~0x33, ~1),              "i,t", F_ALIAS, 
v6notv9 }, /* wr %g0,i,%tbr */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x33, 1), F3(~2, ~0x33, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),   "1,t", F_ALIAS, 
v6notv9 }, /* wr rs1,0,%tbr */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x02, 0), F3(~2, ~0x02, ~0)|RS1_G0|ASI(~0),       "2,d", 
0, v6 }, /* or %g0,rs2,d */
+{ "mov",       F3(2, 0x02, 1), F3(~2, ~0x02, ~1)|RS1_G0,               "i,d", 
0, v6 }, /* or %g0,i,d   */
+{ "mov",        F3(2, 0x02, 0), F3(~2, ~0x02, ~0)|ASI_RS2(~0),         "1,d", 
0, v6 }, /* or rs1,%g0,d   */
+{ "mov",        F3(2, 0x02, 1), F3(~2, ~0x02, ~1)|SIMM13(~0),          "1,d", 
0, v6 }, /* or rs1,0,d */
+{ "or",        F3(2, 0x02, 0), F3(~2, ~0x02, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "or",        F3(2, 0x02, 1), F3(~2, ~0x02, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "or",        F3(2, 0x02, 1), F3(~2, ~0x02, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v6 
+{ "bset",      F3(2, 0x02, 0), F3(~2, ~0x02, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "2,r", F_ALIAS, 
v6 },   /* or rd,rs2,rd */
+{ "bset",      F3(2, 0x02, 1), F3(~2, ~0x02, ~1),              "i,r", F_ALIAS, 
v6 },   /* or rd,i,rd */
+/* This is not a commutative instruction.  */
+{ "andn",      F3(2, 0x05, 0), F3(~2, ~0x05, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "andn",      F3(2, 0x05, 1), F3(~2, ~0x05, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+/* This is not a commutative instruction.  */
+{ "andncc",    F3(2, 0x15, 0), F3(~2, ~0x15, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "andncc",    F3(2, 0x15, 1), F3(~2, ~0x15, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "bclr",      F3(2, 0x05, 0), F3(~2, ~0x05, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "2,r", F_ALIAS, 
v6 },   /* andn rd,rs2,rd */
+{ "bclr",      F3(2, 0x05, 1), F3(~2, ~0x05, ~1),              "i,r", F_ALIAS, 
v6 },   /* andn rd,i,rd */
+{ "cmp",       F3(2, 0x14, 0), F3(~2, ~0x14, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        "1,2", 
0, v6 }, /* subcc rs1,rs2,%g0 */
+{ "cmp",       F3(2, 0x14, 1), F3(~2, ~0x14, ~1)|RD_G0,                "1,i", 
0, v6 }, /* subcc rs1,i,%g0 */
+{ "sub",       F3(2, 0x04, 0), F3(~2, ~0x04, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "sub",       F3(2, 0x04, 1), F3(~2, ~0x04, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "subcc",     F3(2, 0x14, 0), F3(~2, ~0x14, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "subcc",     F3(2, 0x14, 1), F3(~2, ~0x14, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "subx",      F3(2, 0x0c, 0), F3(~2, ~0x0c, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "subx",      F3(2, 0x0c, 1), F3(~2, ~0x0c, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "subc",      F3(2, 0x0c, 0), F3(~2, ~0x0c, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v9 
+{ "subc",      F3(2, 0x0c, 1), F3(~2, ~0x0c, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v9 
+{ "subxcc",    F3(2, 0x1c, 0), F3(~2, ~0x1c, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "subxcc",    F3(2, 0x1c, 1), F3(~2, ~0x1c, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "subccc",    F3(2, 0x1c, 0), F3(~2, ~0x1c, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v9 
+{ "subccc",    F3(2, 0x1c, 1), F3(~2, ~0x1c, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v9 
+{ "and",       F3(2, 0x01, 0), F3(~2, ~0x01, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "and",       F3(2, 0x01, 1), F3(~2, ~0x01, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "and",       F3(2, 0x01, 1), F3(~2, ~0x01, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v6 
+{ "andcc",     F3(2, 0x11, 0), F3(~2, ~0x11, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "andcc",     F3(2, 0x11, 1), F3(~2, ~0x11, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "andcc",     F3(2, 0x11, 1), F3(~2, ~0x11, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v6 
+{ "dec",       F3(2, 0x04, 1)|SIMM13(0x1), F3(~2, ~0x04, ~1)|SIMM13(~0x0001), 
"r", F_ALIAS, v6 },      /* sub rd,1,rd */
+{ "dec",       F3(2, 0x04, 1),             F3(~2, ~0x04, ~1),                 
"i,r", F_ALIAS, v8 },    /* sub rd,imm,rd */
+{ "deccc",     F3(2, 0x14, 1)|SIMM13(0x1), F3(~2, ~0x14, ~1)|SIMM13(~0x0001), 
"r", F_ALIAS, v6 },      /* subcc rd,1,rd */
+{ "deccc",     F3(2, 0x14, 1),             F3(~2, ~0x14, ~1),                 
"i,r", F_ALIAS, v8 },    /* subcc rd,imm,rd */
+{ "inc",       F3(2, 0x00, 1)|SIMM13(0x1), F3(~2, ~0x00, ~1)|SIMM13(~0x0001), 
"r", F_ALIAS, v6 },      /* add rd,1,rd */
+{ "inc",       F3(2, 0x00, 1),             F3(~2, ~0x00, ~1),                 
"i,r", F_ALIAS, v8 },    /* add rd,imm,rd */
+{ "inccc",     F3(2, 0x10, 1)|SIMM13(0x1), F3(~2, ~0x10, ~1)|SIMM13(~0x0001), 
"r", F_ALIAS, v6 },      /* addcc rd,1,rd */
+{ "inccc",     F3(2, 0x10, 1),             F3(~2, ~0x10, ~1),                 
"i,r", F_ALIAS, v8 },    /* addcc rd,imm,rd */
+{ "btst",      F3(2, 0x11, 0), F3(~2, ~0x11, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0), "1,2", 
F_ALIAS, v6 },  /* andcc rs1,rs2,%g0 */
+{ "btst",      F3(2, 0x11, 1), F3(~2, ~0x11, ~1)|RD_G0, "i,1", F_ALIAS, v6 },  
/* andcc rs1,i,%g0 */
+{ "neg",       F3(2, 0x04, 0), F3(~2, ~0x04, ~0)|RS1_G0|ASI(~0), "2,d", 
F_ALIAS, v6 }, /* sub %g0,rs2,rd */
+{ "neg",       F3(2, 0x04, 0), F3(~2, ~0x04, ~0)|RS1_G0|ASI(~0), "O", F_ALIAS, 
v6 }, /* sub %g0,rd,rd */
+{ "add",       F3(2, 0x00, 0), F3(~2, ~0x00, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "add",       F3(2, 0x00, 1), F3(~2, ~0x00, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "add",       F3(2, 0x00, 1), F3(~2, ~0x00, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v6 
+{ "addcc",     F3(2, 0x10, 0), F3(~2, ~0x10, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "addcc",     F3(2, 0x10, 1), F3(~2, ~0x10, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "addcc",     F3(2, 0x10, 1), F3(~2, ~0x10, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v6 
+{ "addx",      F3(2, 0x08, 0), F3(~2, ~0x08, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "addx",      F3(2, 0x08, 1), F3(~2, ~0x08, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "addx",      F3(2, 0x08, 1), F3(~2, ~0x08, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "addc",      F3(2, 0x08, 0), F3(~2, ~0x08, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v9 
+{ "addc",      F3(2, 0x08, 1), F3(~2, ~0x08, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v9 
+{ "addc",      F3(2, 0x08, 1), F3(~2, ~0x08, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v9 
+{ "addxcc",    F3(2, 0x18, 0), F3(~2, ~0x18, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "addxcc",    F3(2, 0x18, 1), F3(~2, ~0x18, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "addxcc",    F3(2, 0x18, 1), F3(~2, ~0x18, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, 
v6notv9 },
+{ "addccc",    F3(2, 0x18, 0), F3(~2, ~0x18, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v9 
+{ "addccc",    F3(2, 0x18, 1), F3(~2, ~0x18, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v9 
+{ "addccc",    F3(2, 0x18, 1), F3(~2, ~0x18, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v9 
+{ "smul",      F3(2, 0x0b, 0), F3(~2, ~0x0b, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v8 
+{ "smul",      F3(2, 0x0b, 1), F3(~2, ~0x0b, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v8 
+{ "smul",      F3(2, 0x0b, 1), F3(~2, ~0x0b, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v8 
+{ "smulcc",    F3(2, 0x1b, 0), F3(~2, ~0x1b, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v8 
+{ "smulcc",    F3(2, 0x1b, 1), F3(~2, ~0x1b, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v8 
+{ "smulcc",    F3(2, 0x1b, 1), F3(~2, ~0x1b, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v8 
+{ "umul",      F3(2, 0x0a, 0), F3(~2, ~0x0a, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v8 
+{ "umul",      F3(2, 0x0a, 1), F3(~2, ~0x0a, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v8 
+{ "umul",      F3(2, 0x0a, 1), F3(~2, ~0x0a, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v8 
+{ "umulcc",    F3(2, 0x1a, 0), F3(~2, ~0x1a, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v8 
+{ "umulcc",    F3(2, 0x1a, 1), F3(~2, ~0x1a, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v8 
+{ "umulcc",    F3(2, 0x1a, 1), F3(~2, ~0x1a, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v8 
+{ "sdiv",      F3(2, 0x0f, 0), F3(~2, ~0x0f, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v8 
+{ "sdiv",      F3(2, 0x0f, 1), F3(~2, ~0x0f, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v8 
+{ "sdiv",      F3(2, 0x0f, 1), F3(~2, ~0x0f, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v8 
+{ "sdivcc",    F3(2, 0x1f, 0), F3(~2, ~0x1f, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v8 
+{ "sdivcc",    F3(2, 0x1f, 1), F3(~2, ~0x1f, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v8 
+{ "sdivcc",    F3(2, 0x1f, 1), F3(~2, ~0x1f, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v8 
+{ "udiv",      F3(2, 0x0e, 0), F3(~2, ~0x0e, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v8 
+{ "udiv",      F3(2, 0x0e, 1), F3(~2, ~0x0e, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v8 
+{ "udiv",      F3(2, 0x0e, 1), F3(~2, ~0x0e, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v8 
+{ "udivcc",    F3(2, 0x1e, 0), F3(~2, ~0x1e, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v8 
+{ "udivcc",    F3(2, 0x1e, 1), F3(~2, ~0x1e, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v8 
+{ "udivcc",    F3(2, 0x1e, 1), F3(~2, ~0x1e, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v8 
+{ "mulx",      F3(2, 0x09, 0), F3(~2, ~0x09, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v9 
+{ "mulx",      F3(2, 0x09, 1), F3(~2, ~0x09, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v9 
+{ "sdivx",     F3(2, 0x2d, 0), F3(~2, ~0x2d, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v9 
+{ "sdivx",     F3(2, 0x2d, 1), F3(~2, ~0x2d, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v9 
+{ "udivx",     F3(2, 0x0d, 0), F3(~2, ~0x0d, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v9 
+{ "udivx",     F3(2, 0x0d, 1), F3(~2, ~0x0d, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v9 
+{ "call",      F1(0x1), F1(~0x1), "L", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 },
+{ "call",      F1(0x1), F1(~0x1), "L,#", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 },
+{ "call",      F3(2, 0x38, 0)|RD(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~0)|RD(~0xf)|ASI(~0),     
"1+2", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl rs1+rs2,%o7 */
+{ "call",      F3(2, 0x38, 0)|RD(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~0)|RD(~0xf)|ASI(~0),     
"1+2,#", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 },
+{ "call",      F3(2, 0x38, 0)|RD(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~0)|RD(~0xf)|ASI_RS2(~0), 
"1", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl rs1+%g0,%o7 */
+{ "call",      F3(2, 0x38, 0)|RD(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~0)|RD(~0xf)|ASI_RS2(~0), 
"1,#", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 },
+{ "call",      F3(2, 0x38, 1)|RD(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|RD(~0xf),             
"1+i", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl rs1+i,%o7 */
+{ "call",      F3(2, 0x38, 1)|RD(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|RD(~0xf),             
"1+i,#", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 },
+{ "call",      F3(2, 0x38, 1)|RD(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|RD(~0xf),             
"i+1", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl i+rs1,%o7 */
+{ "call",      F3(2, 0x38, 1)|RD(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|RD(~0xf),             
"i+1,#", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 },
+{ "call",      F3(2, 0x38, 1)|RD(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|RD(~0xf)|RS1_G0,      
"i", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl %g0+i,%o7 */
+{ "call",      F3(2, 0x38, 1)|RD(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|RD(~0xf)|RS1_G0,      
"i,#", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 },
+{ "call",      F3(2, 0x38, 1)|RD(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|RD(~0xf)|SIMM13(~0),  
"1", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl rs1+0,%o7 */
+{ "call",      F3(2, 0x38, 1)|RD(0xf), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|RD(~0xf)|SIMM13(~0),  
"1,#", F_JSR|F_DELAYED, v6 },
+/* Conditional instructions.
+   Because this part of the table was such a mess earlier, I have
+   macrofied it so that all the branches and traps are generated from
+   a single-line description of each condition value.  John Gilmore. */
+/* Define branches -- one annulled, one without, etc. */
+#define br(opcode, mask, lose, flags) \
+ { opcode, (mask)|ANNUL, (lose),       ",a l",   (flags), v6 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)      , (lose)|ANNUL, "l",     (flags), v6 }
+#define brx(opcode, mask, lose, flags) /* v9 */ \
+ { opcode, (mask)|(2<<20)|BPRED, ANNUL|(lose), "Z,G",      (flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|(2<<20)|BPRED, ANNUL|(lose), ",T Z,G",   (flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|(2<<20)|BPRED|ANNUL, (lose), ",a Z,G",   (flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|(2<<20)|BPRED|ANNUL, (lose), ",a,T Z,G", (flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|(2<<20), ANNUL|BPRED|(lose), ",N Z,G",   (flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|(2<<20)|ANNUL, BPRED|(lose), ",a,N Z,G", (flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|BPRED, ANNUL|(lose)|(2<<20), "z,G",      (flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|BPRED, ANNUL|(lose)|(2<<20), ",T z,G",   (flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|BPRED|ANNUL, (lose)|(2<<20), ",a z,G",   (flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|BPRED|ANNUL, (lose)|(2<<20), ",a,T z,G", (flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask), ANNUL|BPRED|(lose)|(2<<20), ",N z,G",   (flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|ANNUL, BPRED|(lose)|(2<<20), ",a,N z,G", (flags), v9 }
+/* Define four traps: reg+reg, reg + immediate, immediate alone, reg alone. */
+#define tr(opcode, mask, lose, flags) \
+ { opcode, (mask)|(2<<11)|IMMED, (lose)|RS1_G0,        "Z,i",   (flags), v9 }, 
/* %g0 + imm */ \
+ { opcode, (mask)|(2<<11)|IMMED, (lose),       "Z,1+i", (flags), v9 }, /* rs1 
+ imm */ \
+ { opcode, (mask)|(2<<11), IMMED|(lose),       "Z,1+2", (flags), v9 }, /* rs1 
+ rs2 */ \
+ { opcode, (mask)|(2<<11), IMMED|(lose)|RS2_G0,        "Z,1",   (flags), v9 }, 
/* rs1 + %g0 */ \
+ { opcode, (mask)|IMMED, (lose)|RS1_G0,        "z,i",   (flags)|F_ALIAS, v9 }, 
/* %g0 + imm */ \
+ { opcode, (mask)|IMMED, (lose),       "z,1+i", (flags)|F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* rs1 
+ imm */ \
+ { opcode, (mask), IMMED|(lose),       "z,1+2", (flags)|F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* rs1 
+ rs2 */ \
+ { opcode, (mask), IMMED|(lose)|RS2_G0,        "z,1",   (flags)|F_ALIAS, v9 }, 
/* rs1 + %g0 */ \
+ { opcode, (mask)|IMMED, (lose)|RS1_G0,                "i",     (flags), v6 }, 
/* %g0 + imm */ \
+ { opcode, (mask)|IMMED, (lose),               "1+i",   (flags), v6 }, /* rs1 
+ imm */ \
+ { opcode, (mask), IMMED|(lose),               "1+2",   (flags), v6 }, /* rs1 
+ rs2 */ \
+ { opcode, (mask), IMMED|(lose)|RS2_G0,                "1",     (flags), v6 } 
/* rs1 + %g0 */
+/* v9: We must put `brx' before `br', to ensure that we never match something
+   v9: against an expression unless it is an expression.  Otherwise, we end
+   v9: up with undefined symbol tables entries, because they get added, but
+   v9: are not deleted if the pattern fails to match.  */
+/* Define both branches and traps based on condition mask */
+#define cond(bop, top, mask, flags) \
+  brx(bop, F2(0, 1)|(mask), F2(~0, ~1)|((~mask)&COND(~0)), F_DELAYED|(flags)), 
/* v9 */ \
+  br(bop,  F2(0, 2)|(mask), F2(~0, ~2)|((~mask)&COND(~0)), F_DELAYED|(flags)), 
+  tr(top,  F3(2, 0x3a, 0)|(mask), F3(~2, ~0x3a, 0)|((~mask)&COND(~0)), 
((flags) & ~(F_UNBR|F_CONDBR)))
+/* Define all the conditions, all the branches, all the traps.  */
+/* Standard branch, trap mnemonics */
+cond ("b",     "ta",   CONDA, F_UNBR),
+/* Alternative form (just for assembly, not for disassembly) */
+cond ("ba",    "t",    CONDA, F_UNBR|F_ALIAS),
+cond ("bcc",   "tcc",  CONDCC, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("bcs",   "tcs",  CONDCS, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("be",    "te",   CONDE, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("bg",    "tg",   CONDG, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("bgt",   "tgt",   CONDG, F_CONDBR|F_ALIAS),
+cond ("bge",   "tge",  CONDGE, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("bgeu",  "tgeu", CONDGEU, F_CONDBR|F_ALIAS), /* for cc */
+cond ("bgu",   "tgu",  CONDGU, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("bl",    "tl",   CONDL, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("blt",   "tlt",   CONDL, F_CONDBR|F_ALIAS),
+cond ("ble",   "tle",  CONDLE, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("bleu",  "tleu", CONDLEU, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("blu",   "tlu",  CONDLU, F_CONDBR|F_ALIAS), /* for cs */
+cond ("bn",    "tn",   CONDN, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("bne",   "tne",  CONDNE, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("bneg",  "tneg", CONDNEG, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("bnz",   "tnz",  CONDNZ, F_CONDBR|F_ALIAS), /* for ne */
+cond ("bpos",  "tpos", CONDPOS, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("bvc",   "tvc",  CONDVC, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("bvs",   "tvs",  CONDVS, F_CONDBR),
+cond ("bz",    "tz",   CONDZ, F_CONDBR|F_ALIAS), /* for e */
+#undef cond
+#undef br
+#undef brr /* v9 */
+#undef tr
+#define brr(opcode, mask, lose, flags) /* v9 */ \
+ { opcode, (mask)|BPRED, ANNUL|(lose), "1,k",      F_DELAYED|(flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|BPRED, ANNUL|(lose), ",T 1,k",   F_DELAYED|(flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|BPRED|ANNUL, (lose), ",a 1,k",   F_DELAYED|(flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|BPRED|ANNUL, (lose), ",a,T 1,k", F_DELAYED|(flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask), ANNUL|BPRED|(lose), ",N 1,k",   F_DELAYED|(flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|ANNUL, BPRED|(lose), ",a,N 1,k", F_DELAYED|(flags), v9 }
+#define condr(bop, mask, flags) /* v9 */ \
+  brr(bop, F2(0, 3)|COND(mask), F2(~0, ~3)|COND(~(mask)), (flags)) /* v9 */
+/* v9 */ condr("brnz", 0x5, F_CONDBR),
+/* v9 */ condr("brz", 0x1, F_CONDBR),
+/* v9 */ condr("brgez", 0x7, F_CONDBR),
+/* v9 */ condr("brlz", 0x3, F_CONDBR),
+/* v9 */ condr("brlez", 0x2, F_CONDBR),
+/* v9 */ condr("brgz", 0x6, F_CONDBR),
+#undef condr /* v9 */
+#undef brr /* v9 */
+#define movr(opcode, mask, flags) /* v9 */ \
+ { opcode, F3(2, 0x2f, 0)|RCOND(mask), F3(~2, ~0x2f, ~0)|RCOND(~(mask)), 
"1,2,d", (flags), v9 }, \
+ { opcode, F3(2, 0x2f, 1)|RCOND(mask), F3(~2, ~0x2f, ~1)|RCOND(~(mask)), 
"1,j,d", (flags), v9 }
+#define fmrrs(opcode, mask, lose, flags) /* v9 */ \
+ { opcode, (mask), (lose), "1,f,g", (flags), v9 }
+#define fmrrd(opcode, mask, lose, flags) /* v9 */ \
+ { opcode, (mask), (lose), "1,B,H", (flags), v9 }
+#define fmrrq(opcode, mask, lose, flags) /* v9 */ \
+ { opcode, (mask), (lose), "1,R,J", (flags), v9 }
+#define fmovrs(mop, mask, flags) /* v9 */ \
+  fmrrs(mop, F3(2, 0x35, 0)|OPF_LOW5(5)|RCOND(mask), F3(~2, ~0x35, 
0)|OPF_LOW5(~5)|RCOND(~(mask)), (flags)) /* v9 */
+#define fmovrd(mop, mask, flags) /* v9 */ \
+  fmrrd(mop, F3(2, 0x35, 0)|OPF_LOW5(6)|RCOND(mask), F3(~2, ~0x35, 
0)|OPF_LOW5(~6)|RCOND(~(mask)), (flags)) /* v9 */
+#define fmovrq(mop, mask, flags) /* v9 */ \
+  fmrrq(mop, F3(2, 0x35, 0)|OPF_LOW5(7)|RCOND(mask), F3(~2, ~0x35, 
0)|OPF_LOW5(~7)|RCOND(~(mask)), (flags)) /* v9 */
+/* v9 */ movr("movrne", 0x5, 0),
+/* v9 */ movr("movre", 0x1, 0),
+/* v9 */ movr("movrgez", 0x7, 0),
+/* v9 */ movr("movrlz", 0x3, 0),
+/* v9 */ movr("movrlez", 0x2, 0),
+/* v9 */ movr("movrgz", 0x6, 0),
+/* v9 */ movr("movrnz", 0x5, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ movr("movrz", 0x1, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovrs("fmovrsne", 0x5, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrs("fmovrse", 0x1, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrs("fmovrsgez", 0x7, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrs("fmovrslz", 0x3, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrs("fmovrslez", 0x2, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrs("fmovrsgz", 0x6, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrs("fmovrsnz", 0x5, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovrs("fmovrsz", 0x1, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovrd("fmovrdne", 0x5, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrd("fmovrde", 0x1, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrd("fmovrdgez", 0x7, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrd("fmovrdlz", 0x3, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrd("fmovrdlez", 0x2, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrd("fmovrdgz", 0x6, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrd("fmovrdnz", 0x5, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovrd("fmovrdz", 0x1, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovrq("fmovrqne", 0x5, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrq("fmovrqe", 0x1, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrq("fmovrqgez", 0x7, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrq("fmovrqlz", 0x3, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrq("fmovrqlez", 0x2, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrq("fmovrqgz", 0x6, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovrq("fmovrqnz", 0x5, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovrq("fmovrqz", 0x1, F_ALIAS),
+#undef movr /* v9 */
+#undef fmovr /* v9 */
+#undef fmrr /* v9 */
+#define movicc(opcode, cond, flags) /* v9 */ \
+  { opcode, F3(2, 0x2c, 0)|MCOND(cond,1)|ICC, F3(~2, ~0x2c, 
~0)|MCOND(~cond,~1)|XCC|(1<<11), "z,2,d", flags, v9 }, \
+  { opcode, F3(2, 0x2c, 1)|MCOND(cond,1)|ICC, F3(~2, ~0x2c, 
~1)|MCOND(~cond,~1)|XCC|(1<<11), "z,I,d", flags, v9 }, \
+  { opcode, F3(2, 0x2c, 0)|MCOND(cond,1)|XCC, F3(~2, ~0x2c, 
~0)|MCOND(~cond,~1)|(1<<11),     "Z,2,d", flags, v9 }, \
+  { opcode, F3(2, 0x2c, 1)|MCOND(cond,1)|XCC, F3(~2, ~0x2c, 
~1)|MCOND(~cond,~1)|(1<<11),     "Z,I,d", flags, v9 }
+#define movfcc(opcode, fcond, flags) /* v9 */ \
+  { opcode, F3(2, 0x2c, 0)|FCC(0)|MCOND(fcond,0), 
MCOND(~fcond,~0)|FCC(~0)|F3(~2, ~0x2c, ~0), "6,2,d", flags, v9 }, \
+  { opcode, F3(2, 0x2c, 1)|FCC(0)|MCOND(fcond,0), 
MCOND(~fcond,~0)|FCC(~0)|F3(~2, ~0x2c, ~1), "6,I,d", flags, v9 }, \
+  { opcode, F3(2, 0x2c, 0)|FCC(1)|MCOND(fcond,0), 
MCOND(~fcond,~0)|FCC(~1)|F3(~2, ~0x2c, ~0), "7,2,d", flags, v9 }, \
+  { opcode, F3(2, 0x2c, 1)|FCC(1)|MCOND(fcond,0), 
MCOND(~fcond,~0)|FCC(~1)|F3(~2, ~0x2c, ~1), "7,I,d", flags, v9 }, \
+  { opcode, F3(2, 0x2c, 0)|FCC(2)|MCOND(fcond,0), 
MCOND(~fcond,~0)|FCC(~2)|F3(~2, ~0x2c, ~0), "8,2,d", flags, v9 }, \
+  { opcode, F3(2, 0x2c, 1)|FCC(2)|MCOND(fcond,0), 
MCOND(~fcond,~0)|FCC(~2)|F3(~2, ~0x2c, ~1), "8,I,d", flags, v9 }, \
+  { opcode, F3(2, 0x2c, 0)|FCC(3)|MCOND(fcond,0), 
MCOND(~fcond,~0)|FCC(~3)|F3(~2, ~0x2c, ~0), "9,2,d", flags, v9 }, \
+  { opcode, F3(2, 0x2c, 1)|FCC(3)|MCOND(fcond,0), 
MCOND(~fcond,~0)|FCC(~3)|F3(~2, ~0x2c, ~1), "9,I,d", flags, v9 }
+#define movcc(opcode, cond, fcond, flags) /* v9 */ \
+  movfcc (opcode, fcond, flags), /* v9 */ \
+  movicc (opcode, cond, flags) /* v9 */
+/* v9 */ movcc  ("mova",       CONDA, FCONDA, 0),
+/* v9 */ movicc ("movcc",      CONDCC, 0),
+/* v9 */ movicc ("movgeu",     CONDGEU, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ movicc ("movcs",      CONDCS, 0),
+/* v9 */ movicc ("movlu",      CONDLU, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ movcc  ("move",       CONDE, FCONDE, 0),
+/* v9 */ movcc  ("movg",       CONDG, FCONDG, 0),
+/* v9 */ movcc  ("movge",      CONDGE, FCONDGE, 0),
+/* v9 */ movicc ("movgu",      CONDGU, 0),
+/* v9 */ movcc  ("movl",       CONDL, FCONDL, 0),
+/* v9 */ movcc  ("movle",      CONDLE, FCONDLE, 0),
+/* v9 */ movicc ("movleu",     CONDLEU, 0),
+/* v9 */ movfcc ("movlg",      FCONDLG, 0),
+/* v9 */ movcc  ("movn",       CONDN, FCONDN, 0),
+/* v9 */ movcc  ("movne",      CONDNE, FCONDNE, 0),
+/* v9 */ movicc ("movneg",     CONDNEG, 0),
+/* v9 */ movcc  ("movnz",      CONDNZ, FCONDNZ, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ movfcc ("movo",       FCONDO, 0),
+/* v9 */ movicc ("movpos",     CONDPOS, 0),
+/* v9 */ movfcc ("movu",       FCONDU, 0),
+/* v9 */ movfcc ("movue",      FCONDUE, 0),
+/* v9 */ movfcc ("movug",      FCONDUG, 0),
+/* v9 */ movfcc ("movuge",     FCONDUGE, 0),
+/* v9 */ movfcc ("movul",      FCONDUL, 0),
+/* v9 */ movfcc ("movule",     FCONDULE, 0),
+/* v9 */ movicc ("movvc",      CONDVC, 0),
+/* v9 */ movicc ("movvs",      CONDVS, 0),
+/* v9 */ movcc  ("movz",       CONDZ, FCONDZ, F_ALIAS),
+#undef movicc /* v9 */
+#undef movfcc /* v9 */
+#undef movcc /* v9 */
+#define FM_SF 1                /* v9 - values for fpsize */
+#define FM_DF 2                /* v9 */
+#define FM_QF 3                /* v9 */
+#define fmovicc(opcode, fpsize, cond, flags) /* v9 */ \
+{ opcode, F3F(2, 0x35, 0x100+fpsize)|MCOND(cond,0),  F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~(0x100+fpsize))|MCOND(~cond,~0),  "z,f,g", flags, v9 }, \
+{ opcode, F3F(2, 0x35, 0x180+fpsize)|MCOND(cond,0),  F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~(0x180+fpsize))|MCOND(~cond,~0),  "Z,f,g", flags, v9 }
+#define fmovfcc(opcode, fpsize, fcond, flags) /* v9 */ \
+{ opcode, F3F(2, 0x35, 0x000+fpsize)|MCOND(fcond,0), F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~(0x000+fpsize))|MCOND(~fcond,~0), "6,f,g", flags, v9 }, \
+{ opcode, F3F(2, 0x35, 0x040+fpsize)|MCOND(fcond,0), F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~(0x040+fpsize))|MCOND(~fcond,~0), "7,f,g", flags, v9 }, \
+{ opcode, F3F(2, 0x35, 0x080+fpsize)|MCOND(fcond,0), F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~(0x080+fpsize))|MCOND(~fcond,~0), "8,f,g", flags, v9 }, \
+{ opcode, F3F(2, 0x35, 0x0c0+fpsize)|MCOND(fcond,0), F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~(0x0c0+fpsize))|MCOND(~fcond,~0), "9,f,g", flags, v9 }
+/* FIXME: use fmovicc/fmovfcc? */ /* v9 */
+#define fmovcc(opcode, fpsize, cond, fcond, flags) /* v9 */ \
+{ opcode, F3F(2, 0x35, 0x100+fpsize)|MCOND(cond,0),  F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~(0x100+fpsize))|MCOND(~cond,~0),  "z,f,g", flags, v9 }, \
+{ opcode, F3F(2, 0x35, 0x000+fpsize)|MCOND(fcond,0), F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~(0x000+fpsize))|MCOND(~fcond,~0), "6,f,g", flags, v9 }, \
+{ opcode, F3F(2, 0x35, 0x180+fpsize)|MCOND(cond,0),  F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~(0x180+fpsize))|MCOND(~cond,~0),  "Z,f,g", flags, v9 }, \
+{ opcode, F3F(2, 0x35, 0x040+fpsize)|MCOND(fcond,0), F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~(0x040+fpsize))|MCOND(~fcond,~0), "7,f,g", flags, v9 }, \
+{ opcode, F3F(2, 0x35, 0x080+fpsize)|MCOND(fcond,0), F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~(0x080+fpsize))|MCOND(~fcond,~0), "8,f,g", flags, v9 }, \
+{ opcode, F3F(2, 0x35, 0x0c0+fpsize)|MCOND(fcond,0), F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~(0x0c0+fpsize))|MCOND(~fcond,~0), "9,f,g", flags, v9 }
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovda",    FM_DF, CONDA, FCONDA, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovqa",    FM_QF, CONDA, FCONDA, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovsa",    FM_SF, CONDA, FCONDA, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovdcc",   FM_DF, CONDCC, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovqcc",   FM_QF, CONDCC, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovscc",   FM_SF, CONDCC, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovdcs",   FM_DF, CONDCS, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovqcs",   FM_QF, CONDCS, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovscs",   FM_SF, CONDCS, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovde",    FM_DF, CONDE, FCONDE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovqe",    FM_QF, CONDE, FCONDE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovse",    FM_SF, CONDE, FCONDE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovdg",    FM_DF, CONDG, FCONDG, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovqg",    FM_QF, CONDG, FCONDG, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovsg",    FM_SF, CONDG, FCONDG, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovdge",   FM_DF, CONDGE, FCONDGE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovqge",   FM_QF, CONDGE, FCONDGE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovsge",   FM_SF, CONDGE, FCONDGE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovdgeu",  FM_DF, CONDGEU, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovqgeu",  FM_QF, CONDGEU, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovsgeu",  FM_SF, CONDGEU, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovdgu",   FM_DF, CONDGU, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovqgu",   FM_QF, CONDGU, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovsgu",   FM_SF, CONDGU, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovdl",    FM_DF, CONDL, FCONDL, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovql",    FM_QF, CONDL, FCONDL, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovsl",    FM_SF, CONDL, FCONDL, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovdle",   FM_DF, CONDLE, FCONDLE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovqle",   FM_QF, CONDLE, FCONDLE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovsle",   FM_SF, CONDLE, FCONDLE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovdleu",  FM_DF, CONDLEU, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovqleu",  FM_QF, CONDLEU, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovsleu",  FM_SF, CONDLEU, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovdlg",   FM_DF, FCONDLG, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovqlg",   FM_QF, FCONDLG, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovslg",   FM_SF, FCONDLG, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovdlu",   FM_DF, CONDLU, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovqlu",   FM_QF, CONDLU, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovslu",   FM_SF, CONDLU, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovdn",    FM_DF, CONDN, FCONDN, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovqn",    FM_QF, CONDN, FCONDN, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovsn",    FM_SF, CONDN, FCONDN, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovdne",   FM_DF, CONDNE, FCONDNE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovqne",   FM_QF, CONDNE, FCONDNE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovsne",   FM_SF, CONDNE, FCONDNE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovdneg",  FM_DF, CONDNEG, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovqneg",  FM_QF, CONDNEG, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovsneg",  FM_SF, CONDNEG, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovdnz",   FM_DF, CONDNZ, FCONDNZ, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovqnz",   FM_QF, CONDNZ, FCONDNZ, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovsnz",   FM_SF, CONDNZ, FCONDNZ, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovdo",    FM_DF, FCONDO, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovqo",    FM_QF, FCONDO, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovso",    FM_SF, FCONDO, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovdpos",  FM_DF, CONDPOS, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovqpos",  FM_QF, CONDPOS, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovspos",  FM_SF, CONDPOS, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovdu",    FM_DF, FCONDU, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovqu",    FM_QF, FCONDU, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovsu",    FM_SF, FCONDU, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovdue",   FM_DF, FCONDUE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovque",   FM_QF, FCONDUE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovsue",   FM_SF, FCONDUE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovdug",   FM_DF, FCONDUG, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovqug",   FM_QF, FCONDUG, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovsug",   FM_SF, FCONDUG, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovduge",  FM_DF, FCONDUGE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovquge",  FM_QF, FCONDUGE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovsuge",  FM_SF, FCONDUGE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovdul",   FM_DF, FCONDUL, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovqul",   FM_QF, FCONDUL, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovsul",   FM_SF, FCONDUL, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovdule",  FM_DF, FCONDULE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovqule",  FM_QF, FCONDULE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovfcc ("fmovsule",  FM_SF, FCONDULE, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovdvc",   FM_DF, CONDVC, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovqvc",   FM_QF, CONDVC, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovsvc",   FM_SF, CONDVC, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovdvs",   FM_DF, CONDVS, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovqvs",   FM_QF, CONDVS, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovicc ("fmovsvs",   FM_SF, CONDVS, 0),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovdz",    FM_DF, CONDZ, FCONDZ, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovqz",    FM_QF, CONDZ, FCONDZ, F_ALIAS),
+/* v9 */ fmovcc  ("fmovsz",    FM_SF, CONDZ, FCONDZ, F_ALIAS),
+#undef fmovicc /* v9 */
+#undef fmovfcc /* v9 */
+#undef fmovcc /* v9 */
+#undef FM_DF /* v9 */
+#undef FM_QF /* v9 */
+#undef FM_SF /* v9 */
+#define brfc(opcode, mask, lose, flags) \
+ { opcode, (mask), ANNUL|(lose), "l",    flags|F_DELAYED, v6 }, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|ANNUL, (lose), ",a l", flags|F_DELAYED, v6 }
+#define brfcx(opcode, mask, lose, flags) /* v9 */ \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(0)|(mask)|BPRED, ANNUL|FBFCC(~0)|(lose), "6,G",      
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(0)|(mask)|BPRED, ANNUL|FBFCC(~0)|(lose), ",T 6,G",   
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(0)|(mask)|BPRED|ANNUL, FBFCC(~0)|(lose), ",a 6,G",   
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(0)|(mask)|BPRED|ANNUL, FBFCC(~0)|(lose), ",a,T 6,G", 
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(0)|(mask), ANNUL|BPRED|FBFCC(~0)|(lose), ",N 6,G",   
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(0)|(mask)|ANNUL, BPRED|FBFCC(~0)|(lose), ",a,N 6,G", 
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(1)|(mask)|BPRED, ANNUL|FBFCC(~1)|(lose), "7,G",      
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(1)|(mask)|BPRED, ANNUL|FBFCC(~1)|(lose), ",T 7,G",   
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(1)|(mask)|BPRED|ANNUL, FBFCC(~1)|(lose), ",a 7,G",   
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(1)|(mask)|BPRED|ANNUL, FBFCC(~1)|(lose), ",a,T 7,G", 
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(1)|(mask), ANNUL|BPRED|FBFCC(~1)|(lose), ",N 7,G",   
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(1)|(mask)|ANNUL, BPRED|FBFCC(~1)|(lose), ",a,N 7,G", 
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(2)|(mask)|BPRED, ANNUL|FBFCC(~2)|(lose), "8,G",      
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(2)|(mask)|BPRED, ANNUL|FBFCC(~2)|(lose), ",T 8,G",   
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(2)|(mask)|BPRED|ANNUL, FBFCC(~2)|(lose), ",a 8,G",   
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(2)|(mask)|BPRED|ANNUL, FBFCC(~2)|(lose), ",a,T 8,G", 
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(2)|(mask), ANNUL|BPRED|FBFCC(~2)|(lose), ",N 8,G",   
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(2)|(mask)|ANNUL, BPRED|FBFCC(~2)|(lose), ",a,N 8,G", 
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(3)|(mask)|BPRED, ANNUL|FBFCC(~3)|(lose), "9,G",      
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(3)|(mask)|BPRED, ANNUL|FBFCC(~3)|(lose), ",T 9,G",   
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(3)|(mask)|BPRED|ANNUL, FBFCC(~3)|(lose), ",a 9,G",   
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(3)|(mask)|BPRED|ANNUL, FBFCC(~3)|(lose), ",a,T 9,G", 
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(3)|(mask), ANNUL|BPRED|FBFCC(~3)|(lose), ",N 9,G",   
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }, \
+ { opcode, FBFCC(3)|(mask)|ANNUL, BPRED|FBFCC(~3)|(lose), ",a,N  9,G", 
flags|F_DELAYED, v9 }
+/* v9: We must put `brfcx' before `brfc', to ensure that we never match
+   v9: something against an expression unless it is an expression.  Otherwise,
+   v9: we end up with undefined symbol tables entries, because they get added,
+   v9: but are not deleted if the pattern fails to match.  */
+#define condfc(fop, cop, mask, flags) \
+  brfcx(fop, F2(0, 5)|COND(mask), F2(~0, ~5)|COND(~(mask)), flags), /* v9 */ \
+  brfc(fop, F2(0, 6)|COND(mask), F2(~0, ~6)|COND(~(mask)), flags), \
+  brfc(cop, F2(0, 7)|COND(mask), F2(~0, ~7)|COND(~(mask)), flags)
+#define condf(fop, mask, flags) \
+  brfcx(fop, F2(0, 5)|COND(mask), F2(~0, ~5)|COND(~(mask)), flags), /* v9 */ \
+  brfc(fop, F2(0, 6)|COND(mask), F2(~0, ~6)|COND(~(mask)), flags)
+condfc("fb",   "cb",    0x8, 0),
+condfc("fba",  "cba",   0x8, F_ALIAS),
+condfc("fbe",  "cb0",   0x9, 0),
+condf("fbz",            0x9, F_ALIAS),
+condfc("fbg",  "cb2",   0x6, 0),
+condfc("fbge", "cb02",  0xb, 0),
+condfc("fbl",  "cb1",   0x4, 0),
+condfc("fble", "cb01",  0xd, 0),
+condfc("fblg", "cb12",  0x2, 0),
+condfc("fbn",  "cbn",   0x0, 0),
+condfc("fbne", "cb123", 0x1, 0),
+condf("fbnz",           0x1, F_ALIAS),
+condfc("fbo",  "cb012", 0xf, 0),
+condfc("fbu",  "cb3",   0x7, 0),
+condfc("fbue", "cb03",  0xa, 0),
+condfc("fbug", "cb23",  0x5, 0),
+condfc("fbuge",        "cb023", 0xc, 0),
+condfc("fbul", "cb13",  0x3, 0),
+condfc("fbule",        "cb013", 0xe, 0),
+#undef condfc
+#undef brfc
+#undef brfcx   /* v9 */
+{ "jmp",       F3(2, 0x38, 0), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI(~0),        "1+2", 
F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl rs1+rs2,%g0 */
+{ "jmp",       F3(2, 0x38, 0), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~0)|RD_G0|ASI_RS2(~0),    "1", 
F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl rs1+%g0,%g0 */
+{ "jmp",       F3(2, 0x38, 1), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|RD_G0,                "1+i", 
F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl rs1+i,%g0 */
+{ "jmp",       F3(2, 0x38, 1), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|RD_G0,                "i+1", 
F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl i+rs1,%g0 */
+{ "jmp",       F3(2, 0x38, 1), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|RD_G0|RS1_G0,         "i", 
F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl %g0+i,%g0 */
+{ "jmp",       F3(2, 0x38, 1), F3(~2, ~0x38, ~1)|RD_G0|SIMM13(~0),     "1", 
F_UNBR|F_DELAYED, v6 }, /* jmpl rs1+0,%g0 */
+{ "nop",       F2(0, 4), 0xfeffffff, "", 0, v6 }, /* sethi 0, %g0 */
+{ "set",       F2(0x0, 0x4), F2(~0x0, ~0x4), "Sh,d", F_ALIAS, v6 },
+{ "sethi",     F2(0x0, 0x4), F2(~0x0, ~0x4), "h,d", 0, v6 },
+{ "taddcc",    F3(2, 0x20, 0), F3(~2, ~0x20, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "taddcc",    F3(2, 0x20, 1), F3(~2, ~0x20, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "taddcc",    F3(2, 0x20, 1), F3(~2, ~0x20, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v6 
+{ "taddcctv",  F3(2, 0x22, 0), F3(~2, ~0x22, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "taddcctv",  F3(2, 0x22, 1), F3(~2, ~0x22, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "taddcctv",  F3(2, 0x22, 1), F3(~2, ~0x22, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v6 
+{ "tsubcc",    F3(2, 0x21, 0), F3(~2, ~0x21, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "tsubcc",    F3(2, 0x21, 1), F3(~2, ~0x21, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "tsubcctv",  F3(2, 0x23, 0), F3(~2, ~0x23, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "tsubcctv",  F3(2, 0x23, 1), F3(~2, ~0x23, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "unimp",     F2(0x0, 0x0), 0xffc00000, "n", 0, v6notv9 },
+{ "illtrap",   F2(0, 0), F2(~0, ~0)|RD_G0, "n", 0, v9 },
+/* This *is* a commutative instruction.  */
+{ "xnor",      F3(2, 0x07, 0), F3(~2, ~0x07, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "xnor",      F3(2, 0x07, 1), F3(~2, ~0x07, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "xnor",      F3(2, 0x07, 1), F3(~2, ~0x07, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v6 
+/* This *is* a commutative instruction.  */
+{ "xnorcc",    F3(2, 0x17, 0), F3(~2, ~0x17, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "xnorcc",    F3(2, 0x17, 1), F3(~2, ~0x17, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "xnorcc",    F3(2, 0x17, 1), F3(~2, ~0x17, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v6 
+{ "xor",       F3(2, 0x03, 0), F3(~2, ~0x03, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "xor",       F3(2, 0x03, 1), F3(~2, ~0x03, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "xor",       F3(2, 0x03, 1), F3(~2, ~0x03, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v6 
+{ "xorcc",     F3(2, 0x13, 0), F3(~2, ~0x13, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, v6 
+{ "xorcc",     F3(2, 0x13, 1), F3(~2, ~0x13, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, v6 
+{ "xorcc",     F3(2, 0x13, 1), F3(~2, ~0x13, ~1),              "i,1,d", 0, v6 
+{ "not",       F3(2, 0x07, 0), F3(~2, ~0x07, ~0)|ASI(~0), "1,d", F_ALIAS, v6 
}, /* xnor rs1,%0,rd */
+{ "not",       F3(2, 0x07, 0), F3(~2, ~0x07, ~0)|ASI(~0), "r", F_ALIAS, v6 }, 
/* xnor rd,%0,rd */
+{ "btog",      F3(2, 0x03, 0), F3(~2, ~0x03, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "2,r", F_ALIAS, 
v6 }, /* xor rd,rs2,rd */
+{ "btog",      F3(2, 0x03, 1), F3(~2, ~0x03, ~1),              "i,r", F_ALIAS, 
v6 }, /* xor rd,i,rd */
+/* FPop1 and FPop2 are not instructions.  Don't accept them.  */
+{ "fdtoi",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x0d2), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x0d2)|RS1_G0, "B,g", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "fstoi",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x0d1), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x0d1)|RS1_G0, "f,g", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "fqtoi",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x0d3), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x0d3)|RS1_G0, "R,g", 0, 
v8 },
+{ "fdtox",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x082), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x082)|RS1_G0, "B,g", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "fstox",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x081), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x081)|RS1_G0, "f,g", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "fqtox",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x083), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x083)|RS1_G0, "R,g", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "fitod",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x0c8), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x0c8)|RS1_G0, "f,H", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "fitos",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x0c4), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x0c4)|RS1_G0, "f,g", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "fitoq",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x0cc), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x0cc)|RS1_G0, "f,J", 0, 
v8 },
+{ "fxtod",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x088), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x088)|RS1_G0, "f,H", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "fxtos",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x084), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x084)|RS1_G0, "f,g", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "fxtoq",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x08c), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x08c)|RS1_G0, "f,J", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "fdtoq",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x0ce), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x0ce)|RS1_G0, "B,J", 0, 
v8 },
+{ "fdtos",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x0c6), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x0c6)|RS1_G0, "B,g", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "fqtod",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x0cb), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x0cb)|RS1_G0, "R,H", 0, 
v8 },
+{ "fqtos",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x0c7), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x0c7)|RS1_G0, "R,g", 0, 
v8 },
+{ "fstod",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x0c9), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x0c9)|RS1_G0, "f,H", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "fstoq",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x0cd), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x0cd)|RS1_G0, "f,J", 0, 
v8 },
+{ "fdivd",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x04e), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x04e), "v,B,H", 0, v6 },
+{ "fdivq",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x04f), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x04f), "V,R,J", 0, v8 },
+{ "fdivs",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x04d), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x04d), "e,f,g", 0, v6 },
+{ "fmuld",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x04a), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x04a), "v,B,H", 0, v6 },
+{ "fmulq",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x04b), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x04b), "V,R,J", 0, v8 },
+{ "fmuls",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x049), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x049), "e,f,g", 0, v6 },
+{ "fdmulq",    F3F(2, 0x34, 0x06e), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x06e), "v,B,J", 0, v8 },
+{ "fsmuld",    F3F(2, 0x34, 0x069), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x069), "e,f,H", 0, v8 },
+{ "fsqrtd",    F3F(2, 0x34, 0x02a), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x02a)|RS1_G0, "B,H", 0, 
v7 },
+{ "fsqrtq",    F3F(2, 0x34, 0x02b), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x02b)|RS1_G0, "R,J", 0, 
v8 },
+{ "fsqrts",    F3F(2, 0x34, 0x029), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x029)|RS1_G0, "f,g", 0, 
v7 },
+{ "fabsd",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x00a), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x00a)|RS1_G0, "B,H", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "fabsq",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x00b), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x00b)|RS1_G0, "R,J", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "fabss",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x009), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x009)|RS1_G0, "f,g", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "fmovd",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x002), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x002)|RS1_G0, "B,H", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "fmovq",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x003), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x003)|RS1_G0, "R,J", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "fmovs",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x001), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x001)|RS1_G0, "f,g", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "fnegd",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x006), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x006)|RS1_G0, "B,H", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "fnegq",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x007), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x007)|RS1_G0, "R,J", 0, 
v9 },
+{ "fnegs",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x005), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x005)|RS1_G0, "f,g", 0, 
v6 },
+{ "faddd",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x042), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x042), "v,B,H", 0, v6 },
+{ "faddq",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x043), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x043), "V,R,J", 0, v8 },
+{ "fadds",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x041), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x041), "e,f,g", 0, v6 },
+{ "fsubd",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x046), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x046), "v,B,H", 0, v6 },
+{ "fsubq",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x047), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x047), "V,R,J", 0, v8 },
+{ "fsubs",     F3F(2, 0x34, 0x045), F3F(~2, ~0x34, ~0x045), "e,f,g", 0, v6 },
+#define CMPFCC(x)      (((x)&0x3)<<25)
+{ "fcmpd",               F3F(2, 0x35, 0x052),            F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x052)|RD_G0,  "v,B",   0, v6 },
+{ "fcmpd",     CMPFCC(0)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x052), CMPFCC(~0)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x052),        "6,v,B", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpd",     CMPFCC(1)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x052), CMPFCC(~1)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x052),        "7,v,B", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpd",     CMPFCC(2)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x052), CMPFCC(~2)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x052),        "8,v,B", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpd",     CMPFCC(3)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x052), CMPFCC(~3)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x052),        "9,v,B", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmped",              F3F(2, 0x35, 0x056),            F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x056)|RD_G0,  "v,B",   0, v6 },
+{ "fcmped",    CMPFCC(0)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x056), CMPFCC(~0)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x056),        "6,v,B", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmped",    CMPFCC(1)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x056), CMPFCC(~1)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x056),        "7,v,B", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmped",    CMPFCC(2)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x056), CMPFCC(~2)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x056),        "8,v,B", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmped",    CMPFCC(3)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x056), CMPFCC(~3)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x056),        "9,v,B", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpq",               F3F(2, 0x34, 0x053),            F3F(~2, ~0x34, 
~0x053)|RD_G0,  "V,R", 0, v8 },
+{ "fcmpq",     CMPFCC(0)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x053), CMPFCC(~0)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x053),        "6,V,R", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpq",     CMPFCC(1)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x053), CMPFCC(~1)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x053),        "7,V,R", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpq",     CMPFCC(2)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x053), CMPFCC(~2)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x053),        "8,V,R", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpq",     CMPFCC(3)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x053), CMPFCC(~3)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x053),        "9,V,R", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpeq",              F3F(2, 0x34, 0x057),            F3F(~2, ~0x34, 
~0x057)|RD_G0,  "V,R", 0, v8 },
+{ "fcmpeq",    CMPFCC(0)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x057), CMPFCC(~0)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x057),        "6,V,R", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpeq",    CMPFCC(1)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x057), CMPFCC(~1)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x057),        "7,V,R", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpeq",    CMPFCC(2)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x057), CMPFCC(~2)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x057),        "8,V,R", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpeq",    CMPFCC(3)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x057), CMPFCC(~3)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x057),        "9,V,R", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmps",               F3F(2, 0x35, 0x051),            F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x051)|RD_G0, "e,f",   0, v6 },
+{ "fcmps",     CMPFCC(0)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x051), CMPFCC(~0)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x051),        "6,e,f", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmps",     CMPFCC(1)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x051), CMPFCC(~1)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x051),        "7,e,f", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmps",     CMPFCC(2)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x051), CMPFCC(~2)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x051),        "8,e,f", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmps",     CMPFCC(3)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x051), CMPFCC(~3)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x051),        "9,e,f", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpes",              F3F(2, 0x35, 0x055),            F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x055)|RD_G0, "e,f",   0, v6 },
+{ "fcmpes",    CMPFCC(0)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x055), CMPFCC(~0)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x055),        "6,e,f", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpes",    CMPFCC(1)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x055), CMPFCC(~1)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x055),        "7,e,f", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpes",    CMPFCC(2)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x055), CMPFCC(~2)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x055),        "8,e,f", 0, v9 },
+{ "fcmpes",    CMPFCC(3)|F3F(2, 0x35, 0x055), CMPFCC(~3)|F3F(~2, ~0x35, 
~0x055),        "9,e,f", 0, v9 },
+/* These Extended FPop (FIFO) instructions are new in the Fujitsu
+   MB86934, replacing the CPop instructions from v6 and later
+   processors.  */
+#define EFPOP1_2(name, op, args) { name, F3F(2, 0x36, op), F3F(~2, ~0x36, 
~op)|RS1_G0, args, 0, sparclite }
+#define EFPOP1_3(name, op, args) { name, F3F(2, 0x36, op), F3F(~2, ~0x36, 
~op),        args, 0, sparclite }
+#define EFPOP2_2(name, op, args) { name, F3F(2, 0x37, op), F3F(~2, ~0x37, 
~op)|RD_G0,  args, 0, sparclite }
+EFPOP1_2 ("efitod",    0x0c8, "f,H"),
+EFPOP1_2 ("efitos",    0x0c4, "f,g"),
+EFPOP1_2 ("efdtoi",    0x0d2, "B,g"),
+EFPOP1_2 ("efstoi",    0x0d1, "f,g"),
+EFPOP1_2 ("efstod",    0x0c9, "f,H"),
+EFPOP1_2 ("efdtos",    0x0c6, "B,g"),
+EFPOP1_2 ("efmovs",    0x001, "f,g"),
+EFPOP1_2 ("efnegs",    0x005, "f,g"),
+EFPOP1_2 ("efabss",    0x009, "f,g"),
+EFPOP1_2 ("efsqrtd",   0x02a, "B,H"),
+EFPOP1_2 ("efsqrts",   0x029, "f,g"),
+EFPOP1_3 ("efaddd",    0x042, "v,B,H"),
+EFPOP1_3 ("efadds",    0x041, "e,f,g"),
+EFPOP1_3 ("efsubd",    0x046, "v,B,H"),
+EFPOP1_3 ("efsubs",    0x045, "e,f,g"),
+EFPOP1_3 ("efdivd",    0x04e, "v,B,H"),
+EFPOP1_3 ("efdivs",    0x04d, "e,f,g"),
+EFPOP1_3 ("efmuld",    0x04a, "v,B,H"),
+EFPOP1_3 ("efmuls",    0x049, "e,f,g"),
+EFPOP1_3 ("efsmuld",   0x069, "e,f,H"),
+EFPOP2_2 ("efcmpd",    0x052, "v,B"),
+EFPOP2_2 ("efcmped",   0x056, "v,B"),
+EFPOP2_2 ("efcmps",    0x051, "e,f"),
+EFPOP2_2 ("efcmpes",   0x055, "e,f"),
+#undef EFPOP1_2
+#undef EFPOP1_3
+#undef EFPOP2_2
+/* These are marked F_ALIAS, so that they won't conflict with sparclite insns
+   present.  Otherwise, the F_ALIAS flag is ignored.  */
+{ "cpop1",     F3(2, 0x36, 0), F3(~2, ~0x36, ~1), "[1+2],d", F_ALIAS, v6notv9 
+{ "cpop2",     F3(2, 0x37, 0), F3(~2, ~0x37, ~1), "[1+2],d", F_ALIAS, v6notv9 
+/* sparclet specific insns */
+commuteop ("umac", 0x3e, sparclet),
+commuteop ("smac", 0x3f, sparclet),
+commuteop ("umacd", 0x2e, sparclet),
+commuteop ("smacd", 0x2f, sparclet),
+commuteop ("umuld", 0x09, sparclet),
+commuteop ("smuld", 0x0d, sparclet),
+{ "shuffle",   F3(2, 0x2d, 0), F3(~2, ~0x2d, ~0)|ASI(~0),      "1,2,d", 0, 
sparclet },
+{ "shuffle",   F3(2, 0x2d, 1), F3(~2, ~0x2d, ~1),              "1,i,d", 0, 
sparclet },
+{ "crdcxt",    F3(2, 0x36, 0)|ASI(4), F3(~2, ~0x36, ~0)|ASI(~4)|RS2(~0),       
"U,d", 0, sparclet },
+{ "cwrcxt",    F3(2, 0x36, 0)|ASI(3), F3(~2, ~0x36, ~0)|ASI(~3)|RS2(~0),       
"1,u", 0, sparclet },
+{ "cpush",     F3(2, 0x36, 0)|ASI(0), F3(~2, ~0x36, ~0)|ASI(~0)|RD(~0),        
"1,2", 0, sparclet },
+{ "cpusha",    F3(2, 0x36, 0)|ASI(1), F3(~2, ~0x36, ~0)|ASI(~1)|RD(~0),        
"1,2", 0, sparclet },
+{ "cpull",     F3(2, 0x36, 0)|ASI(2), F3(~2, ~0x36, 
~0)|ASI(~2)|RS1(~0)|RS2(~0), "d", 0, sparclet },
+/* sparclet coprocessor branch insns */
+/* FIXME: We have to mark these as aliases until we can sort opcodes based
+   on selected cpu.  */
+#define slcbcc2(opcode, mask, lose) \
+ { opcode, (mask), ANNUL|(lose), "l",    F_DELAYED|F_CONDBR|F_ALIAS, sparclet 
}, \
+ { opcode, (mask)|ANNUL, (lose), ",a l", F_DELAYED|F_CONDBR|F_ALIAS, sparclet }
+#define slcbcc(opcode, mask) \
+  slcbcc2(opcode, F2(0, 7)|COND(mask), F2(~0, ~7)|COND(~(mask)))
+/*slcbcc("cbn", 0), - already defined */
+slcbcc("cbe", 1),
+slcbcc("cbf", 2),
+slcbcc("cbef", 3),
+slcbcc("cbr", 4),
+slcbcc("cber", 5),
+slcbcc("cbfr", 6),
+slcbcc("cbefr", 7),
+/*slcbcc("cba", 8), - already defined */
+slcbcc("cbne", 9),
+slcbcc("cbnf", 10),
+slcbcc("cbnef", 11),
+slcbcc("cbnr", 12),
+slcbcc("cbner", 13),
+slcbcc("cbnfr", 14),
+slcbcc("cbnefr", 15),
+#undef slcbcc2
+#undef slcbcc
+/* More v9 specific insns */
+#define IMPDEP(name, code) \
+{ name,        F3(2, code, 0), F3(~2, ~code, ~0)|ASI(~0), "1,2,d", 0, v9 }, \
+{ name,        F3(2, code, 1), F3(~2, ~code, ~1),         "1,i,d", 0, v9 }, \
+{ name, F3(2, code, 0), F3(~2, ~code, ~0),         "x,1,2,d", 0, v9 }, \
+{ name, F3(2, code, 0), F3(~2, ~code, ~0),         "x,e,f,g", 0, v9 }
+IMPDEP ("impdep1", 0x36),
+IMPDEP ("impdep2", 0x37),
+#undef IMPDEP
+{ "casa",      F3(3, 0x3c, 0), F3(~3, ~0x3c, ~0), "[1]A,2,d", 0, v9 },
+{ "casa",      F3(3, 0x3c, 1), F3(~3, ~0x3c, ~1), "[1]o,2,d", 0, v9 },
+{ "casxa",     F3(3, 0x3e, 0), F3(~3, ~0x3e, ~0), "[1]A,2,d", 0, v9 },
+{ "casxa",     F3(3, 0x3e, 1), F3(~3, ~0x3e, ~1), "[1]o,2,d", 0, v9 },
+/* v9 synthetic insns */
+/* FIXME: still missing "signx d", and "clruw d".  Can't be done here.  */
+{ "iprefetch", F2(0, 1)|(2<<20)|BPRED, F2(~0, ~1)|(1<<20)|ANNUL|COND(~0), "G", 
0, v9 }, /* bn,a,pt %xcc,label */
+{ "signx",     F3(2, 0x27, 0), F3(~2, ~0x27, ~0)|(1<<12)|ASI(~0)|RS2_G0, 
"1,d", F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* sra rs1,%g0,rd */
+{ "clruw",     F3(2, 0x26, 0), F3(~2, ~0x26, ~0)|(1<<12)|ASI(~0)|RS2_G0, 
"1,d", F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* srl rs1,%g0,rd */
+{ "cas",       F3(3, 0x3c, 0)|ASI(0x80), F3(~3, ~0x3c, ~0)|ASI(~0x80), 
"[1],2,d", F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* casa [rs1]ASI_P,rs2,rd */
+{ "casl",      F3(3, 0x3c, 0)|ASI(0x88), F3(~3, ~0x3c, ~0)|ASI(~0x88), 
"[1],2,d", F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* casa [rs1]ASI_P_L,rs2,rd */
+{ "casx",      F3(3, 0x3e, 0)|ASI(0x80), F3(~3, ~0x3e, ~0)|ASI(~0x80), 
"[1],2,d", F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* casxa [rs1]ASI_P,rs2,rd */
+{ "casxl",     F3(3, 0x3e, 0)|ASI(0x88), F3(~3, ~0x3e, ~0)|ASI(~0x88), 
"[1],2,d", F_ALIAS, v9 }, /* casxa [rs1]ASI_P_L,rs2,rd */
+/* Ultrasparc extensions */
+/* FIXME: lots more to go */
+{ "shutdown",  F3F(2, 0x36, 0x80), F3(~2, ~0x36, ~0x80)|RD_G0|RS1_G0|RS2_G0, 
"", 0, v9a },
+const int sparc_num_opcodes = ((sizeof sparc_opcodes)/(sizeof 
+/* Utilities for argument parsing.  */
+typedef struct
+  int value;
+  char *name;
+} arg;
+/* Look up NAME in TABLE.  */
+static int
+lookup_name (table, name)
+     arg *table;
+     char *name;
+  arg *p;
+  for (p = table; p->name; ++p)
+    if (strcmp (name, p->name) == 0)
+      return p->value;
+  return -1;
+/* Look up VALUE in TABLE.  */
+static char *
+lookup_value (table, value)
+     arg *table;
+     int value;
+  arg *p;
+  for (p = table; p->name; ++p)
+    if (value == p->value)
+      return p->name;
+  return (char *) 0;
+/* Handle ASI's.  */
+static arg asi_table[] =
+  { 0x10, "#ASI_AIUP" },
+  { 0x11, "#ASI_AIUS" },
+  { 0x18, "#ASI_AIUP_L" },
+  { 0x19, "#ASI_AIUS_L" },
+  { 0x80, "#ASI_P" },
+  { 0x81, "#ASI_S" },
+  { 0x82, "#ASI_PNF" },
+  { 0x83, "#ASI_SNF" },
+  { 0x88, "#ASI_P_L" },
+  { 0x89, "#ASI_S_L" },
+  { 0x8a, "#ASI_PNF_L" },
+  { 0x8b, "#ASI_SNF_L" },
+  { 0x10, "#ASI_AS_IF_USER_PRIMARY" },
+  { 0x11, "#ASI_AS_IF_USER_SECONDARY" },
+  { 0x18, "#ASI_AS_IF_USER_PRIMARY_L" },
+  { 0x19, "#ASI_AS_IF_USER_SECONDARY_L" },
+  { 0x80, "#ASI_PRIMARY" },
+  { 0x81, "#ASI_SECONDARY" },
+  { 0x82, "#ASI_PRIMARY_NOFAULT" },
+  { 0x83, "#ASI_SECONDARY_NOFAULT" },
+  { 0x88, "#ASI_PRIMARY_LITTLE" },
+  { 0x89, "#ASI_SECONDARY_LITTLE" },
+  { 0, 0 }
+/* Return the value for ASI NAME, or -1 if not found.  */
+sparc_encode_asi (name)
+     char *name;
+  return lookup_name (asi_table, name);
+/* Return the name for ASI value VALUE or NULL if not found.  */
+char *
+sparc_decode_asi (value)
+     int value;
+  return lookup_value (asi_table, value);
+/* Handle membar masks.  */
+static arg membar_table[] =
+  { 0x40, "#Sync" },
+  { 0x20, "#MemIssue" },
+  { 0x10, "#Lookaside" },
+  { 0x08, "#StoreStore" },
+  { 0x04, "#LoadStore" },
+  { 0x02, "#StoreLoad" },
+  { 0x01, "#LoadLoad" },
+  { 0, 0 }
+/* Return the value for membar arg NAME, or -1 if not found.  */
+sparc_encode_membar (name)
+     char *name;
+  return lookup_name (membar_table, name);
+/* Return the name for membar value VALUE or NULL if not found.  */
+char *
+sparc_decode_membar (value)
+     int value;
+  return lookup_value (membar_table, value);
+/* Handle prefetch args.  */
+static arg prefetch_table[] =
+  { 0, "#n_reads" },
+  { 1, "#one_read" },
+  { 2, "#n_writes" },
+  { 3, "#one_write" },
+  { 4, "#page" },
+  { 0, 0 }
+/* Return the value for prefetch arg NAME, or -1 if not found.  */
+sparc_encode_prefetch (name)
+     char *name;
+  return lookup_name (prefetch_table, name);
+/* Return the name for prefetch value VALUE or NULL if not found.  */
+char *
+sparc_decode_prefetch (value)
+     int value;
+  return lookup_value (prefetch_table, value);
+/* Handle sparclet coprocessor registers.  */
+static arg sparclet_cpreg_table[] =
+  { 0, "%ccsr" },
+  { 1, "%ccfr" },
+  { 2, "%cccrcr" },
+  { 3, "%ccpr" },
+  { 0, 0 }
+/* Return the value for sparclet cpreg arg NAME, or -1 if not found.  */
+sparc_encode_sparclet_cpreg (name)
+     char *name;
+  return lookup_name (sparclet_cpreg_table, name);
+/* Return the name for sparclet cpreg value VALUE or NULL if not found.  */
+char *
+sparc_decode_sparclet_cpreg (value)
+     int value;
+  return lookup_value (sparclet_cpreg_table, value);
diff --git a/opcode/sparc.h b/opcode/sparc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9281e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/sparc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+/* Definitions for opcode table for the sparc.
+   Copyright (C) 1989, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler, GDB, the GNU debugger, and
+the GNU Binutils.
+GAS/GDB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS/GDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS or GDB; see the file COPYING.   If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+/* The SPARC opcode table (and other related data) is defined in
+   the opcodes library in sparc-opc.c.  If you change anything here, make
+   sure you fix up that file, and vice versa.  */
+ /* FIXME-someday: perhaps the ,a's and such should be embedded in the
+    instruction's name rather than the args.  This would make gas faster, pinsn
+    slower, but would mess up some macros a bit.  xoxorich. */
+/* List of instruction sets variations.
+   These values are such that each element is either a superset of a
+   preceding each one or they conflict in which case SPARC_OPCODE_CONFLICT_P
+   returns non-zero.
+   The values are indices into `sparc_opcode_archs' defined in sparc-opc.c.
+   Don't change this without updating sparc-opc.c.  */
+enum sparc_opcode_arch_val {
+  /* v9 variants must appear last */
+  SPARC_OPCODE_ARCH_V9A, /* v9 with ultrasparc additions */
+  SPARC_OPCODE_ARCH_BAD /* error return from sparc_opcode_lookup_arch */
+/* The highest architecture in the table.  */
+/* Table of cpu variants.  */
+struct sparc_opcode_arch {
+  const char *name;
+  /* Mask of sparc_opcode_arch_val's supported.
+     EG: For v7 this would be ((1 << v6) | (1 << v7)).  */
+  /* These are short's because sparc_opcode.architecture is.  */
+  short supported;
+extern const struct sparc_opcode_arch sparc_opcode_archs[];
+/* Given architecture name, look up it's sparc_opcode_arch_val value.  */
+extern enum sparc_opcode_arch_val sparc_opcode_lookup_arch ();
+/* Return the bitmask of supported architectures for ARCH.  */
+#define SPARC_OPCODE_SUPPORTED(ARCH) (sparc_opcode_archs[ARCH].supported)
+/* Non-zero if ARCH1 conflicts with ARCH2.
+   IE: ARCH1 as a supported bit set that ARCH2 doesn't, and vice versa.  */
+/* Structure of an opcode table entry.  */
+struct sparc_opcode {
+  const char *name;
+  unsigned long match; /* Bits that must be set. */
+  unsigned long lose;  /* Bits that must not be set. */
+  const char *args;
+  /* This was called "delayed" in versions before the flags. */
+  char flags;
+  short architecture;  /* Bitmask of sparc_opcode_arch_val's.  */
+#define        F_DELAYED       1       /* Delayed branch */
+#define        F_ALIAS         2       /* Alias for a "real" instruction */
+#define        F_UNBR          4       /* Unconditional branch */
+#define        F_CONDBR        8       /* Conditional branch */
+#define        F_JSR           16      /* Subroutine call */
+/* FIXME: Add F_ANACHRONISTIC flag for v9.  */
+All sparc opcodes are 32 bits, except for the `set' instruction (really a
+macro), which is 64 bits. It is handled as a special case.
+The match component is a mask saying which bits must match a particular
+opcode in order for an instruction to be an instance of that opcode.
+The args component is a string containing one character for each operand of the
+Kinds of operands:
+       #       Number used by optimizer.       It is ignored.
+       1       rs1 register.
+       2       rs2 register.
+       d       rd register.
+       e       frs1 floating point register.
+       v       frs1 floating point register (double/even).
+       V       frs1 floating point register (quad/multiple of 4).
+       f       frs2 floating point register.
+       B       frs2 floating point register (double/even).
+       R       frs2 floating point register (quad/multiple of 4).
+       g       frsd floating point register.
+       H       frsd floating point register (double/even).
+       J       frsd floating point register (quad/multiple of 4).
+       b       crs1 coprocessor register
+       c       crs2 coprocessor register
+       D       crsd coprocessor register
+       m       alternate space register (asr) in rd
+       M       alternate space register (asr) in rs1
+       h       22 high bits.
+       K       MEMBAR mask (7 bits). (v9)
+       j       10 bit Immediate. (v9)
+       I       11 bit Immediate. (v9)
+       i       13 bit Immediate.
+       n       22 bit immediate.
+       k       2+14 bit PC relative immediate. (v9)
+       G       19 bit PC relative immediate. (v9)
+       l       22 bit PC relative immediate.
+       L       30 bit PC relative immediate.
+       a       Annul.  The annul bit is set.
+       A       Alternate address space. Stored as 8 bits.
+       C       Coprocessor state register.
+       F       floating point state register.
+       p       Processor state register.
+       N       Branch predict clear ",pn" (v9)
+       T       Branch predict set ",pt" (v9)
+       z       %icc. (v9)
+       Z       %xcc. (v9)
+       q       Floating point queue.
+       r       Single register that is both rs1 and rd.
+       O       Single register that is both rs2 and rd.
+       Q       Coprocessor queue.
+       S       Special case.
+       t       Trap base register.
+       w       Window invalid mask register.
+       y       Y register.
+       u       sparclet coprocessor registers in rd position
+       U       sparclet coprocessor registers in rs1 position
+       E       %ccr. (v9)
+       s       %fprs. (v9)
+       P       %pc.  (v9)
+       W       %tick.  (v9)
+       o       %asi. (v9)
+       6       %fcc0. (v9)
+       7       %fcc1. (v9)
+       8       %fcc2. (v9)
+       9       %fcc3. (v9)
+       !       Privileged Register in rd (v9)
+       ?       Privileged Register in rs1 (v9)
+       *       Prefetch function constant. (v9)
+       x       OPF field (v9 impdep).
+The following chars are unused: (note: ,[] are used as punctuation)
+#define OP2(x)         (((x)&0x7) << 22) /* op2 field of format2 insns */
+#define OP3(x)         (((x)&0x3f) << 19) /* op3 field of format3 insns */
+#define OP(x)          ((unsigned)((x)&0x3) << 30) /* op field of all insns */
+#define OPF(x)         (((x)&0x1ff) << 5) /* opf field of float insns */
+#define OPF_LOW5(x)    OPF((x)&0x1f) /* v9 */
+#define F3F(x, y, z)   (OP(x) | OP3(y) | OPF(z)) /* format3 float insns */
+#define F3I(x)         (((x)&0x1) << 13) /* immediate field of format 3 insns 
+#define F2(x, y)       (OP(x) | OP2(y)) /* format 2 insns */
+#define F3(x, y, z)    (OP(x) | OP3(y) | F3I(z)) /* format3 insns */
+#define F1(x)          (OP(x))
+#define DISP30(x)      ((x)&0x3fffffff)
+#define ASI(x)         (((x)&0xff) << 5) /* asi field of format3 insns */
+#define RS2(x)         ((x)&0x1f) /* rs2 field */
+#define SIMM13(x)      ((x)&0x1fff) /* simm13 field */
+#define RD(x)          (((x)&0x1f) << 25) /* destination register field */
+#define RS1(x)         (((x)&0x1f) << 14) /* rs1 field */
+#define ASI_RS2(x)     (SIMM13(x))
+#define MEMBAR(x)      ((x)&0x7f)
+#define ANNUL  (1<<29)
+#define BPRED  (1<<19) /* v9 */
+#define        IMMED   F3I(1)
+#define RD_G0  RD(~0)
+#define        RS1_G0  RS1(~0)
+#define        RS2_G0  RS2(~0)
+extern struct sparc_opcode sparc_opcodes[];
+extern const int sparc_num_opcodes;
+int sparc_encode_asi ();
+char *sparc_decode_asi ();
+int sparc_encode_membar ();
+char *sparc_decode_membar ();
+int sparc_encode_prefetch ();
+char *sparc_decode_prefetch ();
+int sparc_encode_sparclet_cpreg ();
+char *sparc_decode_sparclet_cpreg ();
+ * Local Variables:
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of sparc.h */
diff --git a/opcode/sysdep.h b/opcode/sysdep.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db31dc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opcode/sysdep.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#ifndef __SYSDEP_H_SEEN
+#define __SYSDEP_H_SEEN
+#include "lightning.h"
+#ifndef HAVE_MEMCPY
+#define memcpy(d, s, n)  bcopy((s),(d),(n))
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04abed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_builddir) -I$(top_srcdir)
+EXTRA_PROGRAMS = testfp funcfp rpnfp
+noinst_PROGRAMS = fibit incr printf printf2 rpn fib fibdelay add
+noinst_DATA = fibit.ok incr.ok printf.ok printf2.ok rpn.ok fib.ok fibdelay.ok 
testfp.ok funcfp.ok rpnfp.ok add.ok
+EXTRA_DIST = $(noinst_DATA) run-test
+LDADD = $(top_builddir)/opcode/libdisass.a
+TESTS = fib fibit fibdelay incr printf printf2 rpn add \
+       #testfp funcfp rpnfp
diff --git a/tests/add.c b/tests/add.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d36618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/add.c
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Sample call for using arguments in GNU lightning
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static char codeBuffer[1024];
+typedef int (*pifii)(int, int);        /* Pointer to Int Function of Int, Int 
+int main()
+  pifii myFunction= (pifii) (jit_set_ip(codeBuffer).iptr);
+  int  ofs;                            /* offset of the argument */
+  jit_leaf(2);
+  ofs = jit_arg_i();
+  jit_getarg_i(JIT_R0, ofs);
+  ofs = jit_arg_i();
+  jit_getarg_i(JIT_R1, ofs);
+  jit_addr_i(JIT_RET, JIT_R0, JIT_R1);
+  jit_ret();
+  jit_flush_code(codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  /* call the generated code, passing its size as argument */
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  printf("%d + %d = %d\n", 5, 4, myFunction(5, 4));
+  return 0;
diff --git a/tests/add.ok b/tests/add.ok
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5f322c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/add.ok
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+5 + 4 = 9
diff --git a/tests/fib.c b/tests/fib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..647ec8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Sample example of recursion and forward references
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static jit_insn codeBuffer[1024];
+typedef int (*pifi)(int);      /* Pointer to Int Function of Int */
+int main()
+  pifi      nfibs = (pifi) (jit_set_ip(codeBuffer).iptr);
+  int      in;                         /* offset of the argument */
+  jit_insn  *ref;                      /* to patch the forward reference */
+        jit_prolog   (1);
+  in =  jit_arg_ui   ();
+        jit_getarg_ui(JIT_V0, in);              /* V0 = n */
+  ref = jit_blti_ui  (jit_forward(), JIT_V0, 2);
+        jit_subi_ui  (JIT_V1, JIT_V0, 1);       /* V1 = n-1 */
+        jit_subi_ui  (JIT_V2, JIT_V0, 2);       /* V2 = n-2 */
+        jit_prepare  (1);
+          jit_pusharg_ui(JIT_V1);
+        jit_finish(nfibs);
+        jit_retval(JIT_V1);                     /* V1 = nfibs(n-1) */
+        jit_prepare(1);
+          jit_pusharg_ui(JIT_V2);
+        jit_finish(nfibs);
+        jit_retval(JIT_V2);                     /* V2 = nfibs(n-2) */
+        jit_addi_ui(JIT_V1,  JIT_V1,  1);
+        jit_addr_ui(JIT_RET, JIT_V1, JIT_V2);   /* RET = V1 + V2 + 1 */
+        jit_ret();
+  jit_patch(ref);                               /* patch jump */
+        jit_movi_i(JIT_RET, 1);                 /* RET = 1 */
+        jit_ret();
+  /* call the generated code, passing 32 as an argument */
+  jit_flush_code(codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  printf("nfibs(%d) = %d\n", 32, nfibs(32));
+  return 0;
diff --git a/tests/fib.ok b/tests/fib.ok
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce73f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fib.ok
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+nfibs(32) = 7049155
diff --git a/tests/fibdelay.c b/tests/fibdelay.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..313208c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fibdelay.c
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Sample example of branches
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static jit_insn codeBuffer[1024];
+typedef int (*pifi)(int);      /* Pointer to Int Function of Int */
+int main()
+  pifi      nfibs = (pifi) (jit_set_ip(codeBuffer).iptr);
+  int      in;                         /* offset of the argument */
+  jit_insn  *ref;                      /* to patch the forward reference */
+  jit_insn  *loop;                     /* start of the loop */
+        jit_prolog   (1);
+  in =  jit_arg_ui   ();
+        jit_getarg_ui(JIT_R2, in);              /* V0 = n */
+  jit_delay(
+        jit_movi_ui  (JIT_R1, 1),
+  ref = jit_blti_ui  (jit_forward(), JIT_R2, 2));
+        jit_subi_ui  (JIT_R2, JIT_R2, 1);
+        jit_movi_ui  (JIT_R0, 1);
+  loop= jit_get_label();
+        jit_subi_ui  (JIT_R2, JIT_R2, 1);       /* decr. counter */
+        jit_addr_ui  (JIT_V0, JIT_R0, JIT_R1);  /* V0 = R0 + R1 */
+        jit_movr_ui  (JIT_R0, JIT_R1);          /* R0 = R1 */
+  jit_delay(
+        jit_addi_ui  (JIT_R1, JIT_V0, 1),       /* R1 = V0 + 1 */
+        jit_bnei_ui  (loop, JIT_R2, 0));        /* if (R2) goto loop; */
+  jit_patch(ref);                               /* patch forward jump */
+        jit_movr_ui  (JIT_RET, JIT_R1);         /* RET = R1 */
+        jit_ret();
+  jit_flush_code(codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  /* call the generated code, passing 36 as an argument */
+  printf("nfibs(%d) = %d\n", 36, nfibs(36));
+  return 0;
diff --git a/tests/fibdelay.ok b/tests/fibdelay.ok
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..334ce3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fibdelay.ok
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+nfibs(36) = 48315633
diff --git a/tests/fibit.c b/tests/fibit.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4281b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fibit.c
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Sample example of branches
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static jit_insn codeBuffer[1024];
+typedef int (*pifi)(int);      /* Pointer to Int Function of Int */
+int main()
+  pifi      nfibs = (pifi) (jit_set_ip(codeBuffer).iptr);
+  int      in;                         /* offset of the argument */
+  jit_insn  *ref;                      /* to patch the forward reference */
+  jit_insn  *loop;                     /* start of the loop */
+        jit_prolog   (1);
+  in =  jit_arg_ui   ();
+        jit_getarg_ui(JIT_R2, in);              /* V0 = n */
+        jit_movi_ui  (JIT_R1, 1);
+  ref = jit_blti_ui  (jit_forward(), JIT_R2, 2);
+        jit_subi_ui  (JIT_R2, JIT_R2, 1);
+        jit_movi_ui  (JIT_R0, 1);
+  loop= jit_get_label();
+        jit_subi_ui  (JIT_R2, JIT_R2, 1);      /* we'll calculate one more */
+        jit_addr_ui  (JIT_V0, JIT_R0, JIT_R1);  /* V0 = R0 + R1 */
+        jit_movr_ui  (JIT_R0, JIT_R1);          /* R0 = R1 */
+        jit_addi_ui  (JIT_R1, JIT_V0, 1);       /* R1 = V0 + 1 */
+        jit_bnei_ui  (loop, JIT_R2, 0);         /* if (R2) goto loop; */
+  jit_patch(ref);                               /* patch forward jump */
+        jit_movr_ui  (JIT_RET, JIT_R1);         /* RET = R1 */
+        jit_ret();
+  jit_flush_code(codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  /* call the generated code, passing 36 as an argument */
+  printf("nfibs(%d) = %d\n", 36, nfibs(36));
+  return 0;
diff --git a/tests/fibit.ok b/tests/fibit.ok
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..334ce3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fibit.ok
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+nfibs(36) = 48315633
diff --git a/tests/funcfp.c b/tests/funcfp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a95f3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/funcfp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Floating-point function invocation using GNU lightning
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static jit_insn codeBuffer[300];
+static struct jit_fp buffer[300];
+typedef int (*intFunc)(int,int);
+typedef double (*dblFunc)(double,double);
+typedef float (*floatFunc)(float,float);
+dblFunc makeDblFunc()
+     /* Generate a function that computes and returns the sum of 
+        its two double arguments (return an int)
+        i.e., double foo(double x,double y) { return x + y;}
+     */
+   dblFunc retVal;
+   int dbl1,dbl2;
+   jit_set_ip(codeBuffer);
+   retVal = (dblFunc)jit_get_ip().iptr; 
+   jit_prolog(2);
+   jitfp_begin(buffer);   
+   dbl1 = jit_arg_d();
+   dbl2 = jit_arg_d();
+   jitfp_retval(jitfp_add(jitfp_getarg_d(dbl1),
+                          jitfp_getarg_d(dbl2)));
+   jit_ret();
+   jit_flush_code((char*)retVal,jit_get_ip().ptr);  
+   disassemble(stderr, retVal, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+   return retVal;
+floatFunc makeFloatFunc()
+     /* Generate a function that computes and returns the sum of 
+        its two double arguments (return an int)
+        i.e., double foo(double x,double y) { return x + y;}
+     */
+   floatFunc retVal;
+   int dbl1,dbl2;
+   //jit_set_ip(codeBuffer);
+   retVal = (floatFunc)jit_get_ip().iptr; 
+   jit_prolog(2);
+   jitfp_begin(buffer);   
+   dbl1 = jit_arg_f();
+   dbl2 = jit_arg_f();
+   jitfp_retval(jitfp_add(jitfp_getarg_f(dbl1),
+                          jitfp_getarg_f(dbl2)));
+   jit_ret();
+   jit_flush_code((char*)retVal,jit_get_ip().ptr);  
+   disassemble(stderr, retVal, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+   return retVal;
+dblFunc makeCallFunc(dblFunc theFunc) 
+   dblFunc retVal;
+   int dbl1,dbl2;
+   //jit_set_ip(codeBuffer);
+   retVal = (dblFunc)jit_get_ip().iptr; 
+   jit_prolog(2);
+   jitfp_begin(buffer);   
+   dbl1 = jit_arg_d();
+   dbl2 = jit_arg_d();
+   jitfp_prepare(0,0,2);
+   jitfp_pusharg_d(jitfp_mul(jitfp_getarg_d(dbl1),
+                             jitfp_getarg_d(dbl2)));
+   jitfp_pusharg_d(jitfp_getarg_d(dbl1));
+   jit_finish((void*)theFunc);
+   jit_ret();
+   jit_flush_code((char*)retVal,jit_get_ip().ptr);  
+   disassemble(stderr, retVal, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+   return retVal;
+floatFunc makeCallFloatFunc(floatFunc theFunc) 
+   floatFunc retVal;
+   int dbl1,dbl2;
+   //jit_set_ip(codeBuffer);
+   retVal = (floatFunc)jit_get_ip().iptr; 
+   jit_prolog(2);
+   jitfp_begin(buffer);   
+   dbl1 = jit_arg_f();
+   dbl2 = jit_arg_f();
+   jitfp_prepare(0,2,0);
+   jitfp_pusharg_f(jitfp_mul(jitfp_getarg_f(dbl1),
+                             jitfp_getarg_f(dbl2)));
+   jitfp_pusharg_f(jitfp_getarg_f(dbl1));
+   jit_finish((void*)theFunc);
+   jit_ret();
+   jit_flush_code((char*)retVal,jit_get_ip().ptr);  
+   disassemble(stderr, retVal, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+   return retVal;
+int main(int argc,char* argv[])
+   dblFunc myFunc2 = makeDblFunc();
+   floatFunc myFunc3 = makeFloatFunc();
+   dblFunc callIt1  = makeCallFunc(myFunc2);
+   floatFunc callIt2  = makeCallFloatFunc(myFunc3);
+   double y = callIt1(10.5,15.3);
+   float a = 1.5;
+   float b = 10.5;
+   float z = callIt2(a,b);
+   printf("result is %f\t %f\n",y,z);
+   return 0;
diff --git a/tests/funcfp.ok b/tests/funcfp.ok
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5077368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/funcfp.ok
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+result is 171.150000    17.250000
diff --git a/tests/incr.c b/tests/incr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a0a516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/incr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Sample call for using arguments in GNU lightning
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static char codeBuffer[1024];
+typedef int (*pifi)(int);      /* Pointer to Int Function of Int */
+int main()
+  pifi  myFunction= (pifi) (jit_set_ip(codeBuffer).iptr);
+  int  ofs;                            /* offset of the argument */
+  jit_leaf(1);
+  ofs = jit_arg_i();
+  jit_getarg_i(JIT_R0, ofs);
+  jit_addi_i(JIT_RET, JIT_R0, 1);
+  jit_ret();
+  jit_flush_code(codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  /* call the generated code, passing its size as argument */
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  printf("%d + 1 = %d\n", 5, myFunction(5));
+  return 0;
diff --git a/tests/incr.ok b/tests/incr.ok
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c3e5c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/incr.ok
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+5 + 1 = 6
diff --git a/tests/printf.c b/tests/printf.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec27a2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/printf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Sample call to printf using GNU lightning
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static char codeBuffer[1024];
+typedef void (*pvfi)(int);     /* Pointer to Void Function of Int */
+int main()
+  pvfi         myFunction;             /* ptr to generated code */
+  char         *start, *end;           /* a couple of labels */
+  int          ofs;                    /* to get the argument */
+  myFunction = (pvfi) (jit_set_ip(codeBuffer).vptr);
+  start = jit_get_ip().ptr;
+  jit_prolog(1);
+  ofs = jit_arg_i();
+  jit_movi_p(JIT_R0, "looks like %d bytes sufficed\n");
+  jit_getarg_i(JIT_R1, ofs);
+  jit_prepare(2);
+    jit_pusharg_i(JIT_R1);             /* push in reverse order */
+    jit_pusharg_p(JIT_R0);
+  jit_finish(printf);
+  jit_ret();
+  end = jit_get_ip().ptr;
+  jit_flush_code(codeBuffer, end);
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, end);
+  /* call the generated code, passing its size as argument */
+  myFunction(sizeof(codeBuffer));
+  return 0;
diff --git a/tests/printf.ok b/tests/printf.ok
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efa2663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/printf.ok
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+looks like 1024 bytes sufficed
diff --git a/tests/printf2.c b/tests/printf2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4a297d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/printf2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2409 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+typedef int (*pifi)(int);
+   /* Pointer to Int Function of Int */
+void test(void);
+int main(void)
+  jit_insn *codeBuffer = calloc(1, 1024);
+  pifi incr = (pifi) (jit_set_ip(codeBuffer).iptr);
+  int in;
+  jit_leaf(1);
+  in = jit_arg_i();
+  jit_getarg_i(JIT_R0, in);
+  jit_addi_i(JIT_R0, JIT_R0, 1);
+  jit_movr_i(JIT_RET, JIT_R0);
+  jit_ret();
+  jit_flush_code(codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  /* call the generated code, passing 5 as an argument */
+  printf("%d + 1 = %d\n", 5, incr(5));
+  test();
+  return 0;
+void test(void)
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
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+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
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+  printf("this is a test\n");
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+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
+  printf("this is a test\n");
diff --git a/tests/printf2.ok b/tests/printf2.ok
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c2f0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/printf2.ok
@@ -0,0 +1,2376 @@
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diff --git a/tests/rpn.c b/tests/rpn.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7549eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rpn.c
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Sample RPN calculator using GNU lightning
+ *     Binary operators: + - * / % & | ^ < <= > >= = != << >> >>>
+ *     Unary operators: _ (unary minus)  and ~ (unary NOT)
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static jit_insn codeBuffer[1024];
+typedef int (*pifi) (int);     /* Pointer to Int Function of Int */
+enum stack_kind { IMM, EXPR, ARG };
+enum operator { LE, GE, NE, LSH, RSHU, RSH };
+struct stack_element
+  enum stack_kind kind;
+  int imm;
+/* Return a new operator TOK2 such that A TOK B = B TOK2 A,
+   or 0 if there is none.  */
+swap_op (int tok)
+  switch (tok)
+    {
+    case '<':
+    case '>':
+      /* Swap < and >.  */
+      return '<' ^ '>' ^ tok;
+    case LE:
+    case GE:
+      /* Swap <= and >=.  */
+      return LE ^ GE ^ tok;
+    case '+':
+    case '*':
+    case '&':
+    case '|':
+    case '^':
+    case '=':
+    case NE:
+      /* These are commutative.  */
+      return tok;
+    default:
+      return 0;
+    }
+/* Perform constant folding on the two operands X and Y,
+   passing them through the operator TOK.  */
+fold (int x, int y, int tok)
+  switch (tok)
+    {
+    case '+': return x + y;
+    case '-': return x - y;
+    case '*': return x * y;
+    case '/': return x / y;
+    case '%': return x % y;
+    case '=': return x == y;
+    case '<': return x < y;
+    case '>': return x > y;
+    case '&': return x & y;
+    case '|': return x | y;
+    case '^': return x ^ y;
+    case LE: return x <= y;
+    case GE: return x >= y;
+    case NE: return x != y;
+    case LSH: return x << y;
+    case RSH: return x >> y;
+    case RSHU: return ((unsigned) x) >> y;
+    default: abort ();
+    }
+/* Store in R0 the result of evaluating the operator TOK with
+   a register operand SRC and an immediate operand IMM.  */
+gen_reg_imm (int src, int imm, int tok)
+  switch (tok)
+    {
+    case '+': jit_addi_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case '-': jit_subi_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case '*': jit_muli_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case '/': jit_divi_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case '%': jit_modi_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case '&': jit_andi_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case '|': jit_ori_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case '^': jit_xori_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case '=': jit_eqi_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case '<': jit_lti_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case '>': jit_gti_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case LE: jit_lei_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case GE: jit_gei_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case NE: jit_nei_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case LSH: jit_lshi_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case RSH: jit_rshi_i (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    case RSHU: jit_rshi_ui (JIT_R0, src, imm); break;
+    default: abort ();
+    }
+/* Store in R0 the result of evaluating the operator TOK with
+   two register operands SRC1 and SRC2.  */
+gen_reg_reg (int src1, int src2, int tok)
+  switch (tok)
+    {
+    case '+': jit_addr_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case '-': jit_subr_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case '*': jit_mulr_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case '/': jit_divr_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case '%': jit_modr_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case '&': jit_andr_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case '|': jit_orr_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case '^': jit_xorr_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case '=': jit_eqr_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case '<': jit_ltr_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case '>': jit_gtr_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case LE: jit_ler_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case GE: jit_ger_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case NE: jit_ner_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case LSH: jit_lshr_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case RSH: jit_rshr_i (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    case RSHU: jit_rshr_ui (JIT_R0, src1, src2); break;
+    default: abort ();
+    }
+/* This function does all of lexing, parsing, and picking a good
+   order of evaluation...  Needless to say, this is not the best
+   possible design, but it avoids cluttering everything with globals. */
+compile_rpn (char *expr)
+  struct stack_element stack[32];
+  int sp = 0;
+  int curr_tos = -1;           /* stack element currently in R0 */
+  pifi fn;
+  int ofs;
+  fn = (pifi) (jit_get_ip ().iptr);
+  jit_leaf (1);
+  ofs = jit_arg_i ();
+  while (*expr)
+    {
+      int with_imm;
+      int imm;
+      int tok;
+      int src1, src2;
+      /* This is the lexer.  */
+      switch (*expr)
+       {
+       case ' ': case '\t':
+         expr++;
+         continue;
+       case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+       case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+         stack[sp].kind = IMM;
+         stack[sp++].imm = strtol (expr, &expr, 0);
+         continue;
+       case 'x':
+         expr++;
+         stack[sp++].kind = ARG;
+         continue;
+       case '~':
+         /* NOT.  Implemented as a XOR with -1.  */
+         stack[sp].kind = IMM;
+         stack[sp++].imm = ~0;
+         tok = '^';
+         break;
+       case '_':
+         /* Unary minus.  Transform to 0 - X and go on.
+            Also used to enter negative constants (32_ = -32).  */
+         expr++;
+         stack[sp] = stack[sp - 1];
+         /* Ensure CURR_TOS is correct.  */
+         if (curr_tos == sp - 1)
+           curr_tos = sp;
+         stack[sp - 1].kind = IMM;
+         stack[sp - 1].imm = 0;
+         sp++;
+         tok = '-';
+         break;
+       case '+':
+       case '-':
+       case '*':
+       case '/':
+       case '%':
+       case '&':
+       case '|':
+       case '^':
+       case '=':
+         tok = *expr++;
+         break;
+       case '!':
+         /* Get != */
+         expr++;
+         assert (*expr == '=');
+         tok = NE;
+         break;
+       case '<':
+         /* Get <, <<, <= */
+         if (expr[1] == '=')
+           expr += 2, tok = LE;
+         else if (expr[1] == '<')
+           expr += 2, tok = LSH;
+         else
+           expr++, tok = '<';
+         break;
+       case '>':
+         /* Get >, >>, >>>, >= */
+         if (expr[1] == '=')
+           expr += 2, tok = GE;
+         else if (expr[1] == '>' && expr[2] == '>')
+           expr += 3, tok = RSHU;
+         else if (expr[1] == '>')
+           expr += 2, tok = RSH;
+         else
+           expr++, tok = '>';
+         break;
+       default:
+         abort ();
+       }
+      assert (sp >= 2);
+      /* Constant folding.  */
+      if (stack[sp - 1].kind == IMM && stack[sp - 2].kind == IMM)
+       {
+         stack[sp - 2].imm =
+           fold (stack[sp - 2].imm, stack[sp - 1].imm, tok);
+         sp--;
+         continue;
+       }
+      /* If possible, ensure that the constant is the RHS, possibly
+        by changing TOK (if it is a comparison).  */
+      if (stack[sp - 2].kind == IMM)
+       {
+         int swapped_operation = swap_op (tok);
+          if (swapped_operation)
+           {
+             tok = swapped_operation;
+             stack[sp - 2].kind = stack[sp - 1].kind;
+             stack[sp - 1].kind = IMM;
+             stack[sp - 1].imm = stack[sp - 2].imm;
+             /* Ensure CURR_TOS is correct.  */
+             if (curr_tos == sp - 1)
+               curr_tos = sp - 2;
+           }
+        }
+      /* Get the second argument into a register, if not an immediate.
+         Also decide which argument will be prepared into JIT_R0 and
+         which will be prepared into JIT_V0.  */
+      with_imm = 0;
+      src1 = JIT_R0;
+      src2 = JIT_V0;
+      switch (stack[sp - 1].kind)
+       {
+       case IMM:
+         /* RHS is an immediate, use an immediate instruction.  */
+         with_imm = 1;
+         imm = stack[sp - 1].imm;
+         break;
+       case EXPR:
+         /* RHS is an expression, check if it is already in JIT_R0.  */
+         if (curr_tos == sp - 1)
+           {
+             /* Invert the two sources.  */
+             src1 = JIT_V0;
+             src2 = JIT_R0;
+           }
+         else
+           jit_popr_i (JIT_V0);
+         curr_tos = -1;
+         break;
+       case ARG:
+         jit_getarg_i (JIT_V0, ofs);
+         break;
+       }
+      /* Get the first argument into a register indicated by SRC1.  */
+      switch (stack[sp - 2].kind)
+       {
+       case IMM:
+         /* LHS is an immediate, check if we must spill the top of stack.  */
+         if (curr_tos != -1)
+           {
+             jit_pushr_i (JIT_R0);
+             curr_tos = -1;
+           }
+         jit_movi_i (src1, stack[sp - 2].imm);
+         break;
+       case EXPR:
+         /* LHS is an expression, check if it is already in JIT_R0.  */
+         if (curr_tos != sp - 2)
+           {
+             jit_popr_i (src1);
+             curr_tos = -1;
+           }
+         else
+           assert (src1 == JIT_R0);
+         break;
+       case ARG:
+         if (curr_tos != -1)
+           {
+             jit_pushr_i (JIT_R0);
+             curr_tos = -1;
+           }
+         jit_getarg_i (src1, ofs);
+         break;
+       }
+      /* Set up the new stack entry, which is cached in R0.  */
+      sp -= 2;
+      curr_tos = sp;
+      stack[sp++].kind = EXPR;
+      /* Perform the computation.  */
+      if (with_imm)
+       gen_reg_imm (src1, imm, tok);
+      else
+       gen_reg_reg (src1, src2, tok);
+    }
+  assert (sp == 1);
+  switch (stack[0].kind)
+    {
+    case IMM:
+      jit_movi_i (JIT_RET, stack[0].imm);
+      break;
+    case EXPR:
+      assert (curr_tos == 0);
+      jit_movr_i (JIT_RET, JIT_R0);
+      break;
+    case ARG:
+      jit_getarg_i (JIT_V0, ofs);
+      break;
+    }
+  jit_ret ();
+  jit_flush_code ((char *) fn, jit_get_ip ().ptr);
+  disassemble (stderr, (char *) fn, jit_get_ip ().ptr);
+  return fn;
+main ()
+  pifi c2f, f2c;
+  int i;
+  jit_set_ip (codeBuffer);
+  c2f = compile_rpn ("32 x 9 * 5 / +");
+  f2c = compile_rpn ("5 x 32_ + * 9 /");
+  printf ("\nC:");
+  for (i = 0; i <= 100; i += 10)
+    printf ("%3d ", i);
+  printf ("\nF:");
+  for (i = 0; i <= 100; i += 10)
+    printf ("%3d ", c2f (i));
+  printf ("\n");
+  printf ("\nF:");
+  for (i = 32; i <= 212; i += 10)
+    printf ("%3d ", i);
+  printf ("\nC:");
+  for (i = 32; i <= 212; i += 10)
+    printf ("%3d ", f2c (i));
+  printf ("\n");
+  return 0;
diff --git a/tests/rpn.ok b/tests/rpn.ok
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1a2c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rpn.ok
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+C:  0  10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90 100 
+F: 32  50  68  86 104 122 140 158 176 194 212 
+F: 32  42  52  62  72  82  92 102 112 122 132 142 152 162 172 182 192 202 212 
+C:  0   5  11  16  22  27  33  38  44  50  55  61  66  72  77  83  88  94 100 
diff --git a/tests/rpnfp.c b/tests/rpnfp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85b10af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rpnfp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Sample RPN calculator using GNU lightning and floating-point
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static jit_insn codeBuffer[1024];
+typedef double (*pdfd) (double);       /* Pointer to Double Function of Double 
+compile_rpn (char *expr)
+  pdfd fn;
+  int ofs, sp = 1;
+  struct jit_fp buffer[300], *stack[10];
+  jitfp_begin (buffer);
+  fn = (pdfd) (jit_get_ip ().dptr);
+  jit_leaf (1);
+  ofs = jit_arg_d ();
+  stack[0] = jitfp_getarg_d (ofs);
+  while (*expr)
+    {
+      char buf[32];
+      int n;
+      /* This scanner is much less advanced than the one in rpn.c.  */
+      if (sscanf (expr, "%[0-9]%n", buf, &n))
+       {
+         double d = strtod (buf, NULL);
+         expr += n - 1;
+         stack[sp++] = jitfp_imm (d);
+       }
+      else if (*expr == '+')
+       {
+         stack[sp - 2] = jitfp_add (stack[sp - 2], stack[sp - 1]);
+         sp--;
+       }
+      else if (*expr == '-')
+       {
+         stack[sp - 2] = jitfp_sub (stack[sp - 2], stack[sp - 1]);
+         sp--;
+       }
+      else if (*expr == '*')
+       {
+         stack[sp - 2] = jitfp_mul (stack[sp - 2], stack[sp - 1]);
+         sp--;
+       }
+      else if (*expr == '/')
+       {
+         stack[sp - 2] = jitfp_div (stack[sp - 2], stack[sp - 1]);
+         sp--;
+       }
+      else
+       {
+         fprintf (stderr, "cannot compile: %s\n", expr);
+         abort ();
+       }
+      ++expr;
+    }
+  jitfp_retval (stack[0]);
+  jit_ret ();
+  jit_flush_code ((char *) fn, jit_get_ip ().ptr);
+  disassemble (stderr, (char *) fn, jit_get_ip ().ptr);
+  return fn;
+main ()
+  pdfd c2f, f2c;
+  double i;
+  jit_set_ip (codeBuffer);
+  c2f = compile_rpn ("9*5/32+");
+  f2c = compile_rpn ("32-5*9/");
+  printf ("\nC:");
+  for (i = 0; i <= 100; i += 10)
+    printf ("%6.1f", i);
+  printf ("\nF:");
+  for (i = 0; i <= 100; i += 10)
+    printf ("%6.1f", c2f (i));
+  printf ("\n");
+  printf ("\nF:");
+  for (i = 32; i <= 212; i += 10)
+    printf ("%6.1f", i);
+  printf ("\nC:");
+  for (i = 32; i <= 212; i += 10)
+    printf ("%6.1f", f2c (i));
+  printf ("\n");
+  return 0;
diff --git a/tests/rpnfp.ok b/tests/rpnfp.ok
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b803f59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rpnfp.ok
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+C:   0.0  10.0  20.0  30.0  40.0  50.0  60.0  70.0  80.0  90.0 100.0
+F:  32.0  50.0  68.0  86.0 104.0 122.0 140.0 158.0 176.0 194.0 212.0
+F:  32.0  42.0  52.0  62.0  72.0  82.0  92.0 102.0 112.0 122.0 132.0 142.0 
152.0 162.0 172.0 182.0 192.0 202.0 212.0
+C:   0.0   5.6  11.1  16.7  22.2  27.8  33.3  38.9  44.4  50.0  55.6  61.1  
66.7  72.2  77.8  83.3  88.9  94.4 100.0
diff --git a/tests/run-test b/tests/run-test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ae3dfc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/run-test
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+./$1 > $1.log
+if cmp -s $srcdir/$1.ok $1.log; then
+  rm $1.log
+  diff $srcdir/$1.ok $1.log
+  exit 1
diff --git a/tests/testfp.c b/tests/testfp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83d3edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testfp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+/******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
+ *
+ *     Floating-point miscellanea using GNU lightning
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ * Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU lightning.
+ *
+ * GNU lightning is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ * 
+ * GNU lightning is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with GNU lightning; see the file COPYING.LESSER; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "lightning.h"
+static jit_insn codeBuffer[300];
+static struct jit_fp buffer[300];
+static double a;
+int_test(what, code)
+     char     *what;
+     jit_code code;
+  a = -2.6; printf("%s\t\t%d ", what, code.iptr());
+  a = -2.4; printf("%d ", code.iptr());
+  a = 0.0; printf("%d ", code.iptr());
+  a = 2.4; printf("%d ", code.iptr());
+  a = 2.6; printf("%d\n", code.iptr());
+  jit_code code;
+  code.ptr = (char *) codeBuffer;
+  jit_set_ip(codeBuffer);
+  jit_leaf(0);
+  jitfp_begin(buffer);
+  jitfp_cmp(JIT_R1, JIT_R0,
+    jitfp_ldi_d(&a)
+  );
+  jit_subr_i(JIT_RET, JIT_R0, JIT_R1); /* [greater] - [less] = -1/0/1 */
+  jit_ret();
+  jit_flush_code(codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  int_test("compare", code);
+  jit_set_ip(codeBuffer);
+  jit_leaf(0);
+  jitfp_begin(buffer);
+  jitfp_trunc(JIT_RET,
+    jitfp_ldi_d(&a)
+  );
+  jit_ret();
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  int_test("trunc", code);
+  jit_set_ip(codeBuffer);
+  jit_leaf(0);
+  jitfp_begin(buffer);
+  jitfp_ceil(JIT_RET,
+    jitfp_ldi_d(&a)
+  );
+  jit_ret();
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  int_test("ceil", code);
+  jit_set_ip(codeBuffer);
+  jit_leaf(0);
+  jitfp_begin(buffer);
+  jitfp_floor(JIT_RET,
+    jitfp_ldi_d(&a)
+  );
+  jit_ret();
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  int_test("floor", code);
+  jit_set_ip(codeBuffer);
+  jit_leaf(0);
+  jitfp_begin(buffer);
+  jitfp_round(JIT_RET,
+    jitfp_ldi_d(&a)
+  );
+  jit_ret();
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  int_test("round", code);
+#if 0 && defined JIT_TRANSCENDENTAL
+  jit_set_ip(codeBuffer);
+  jit_leaf(0);
+  jitfp_begin(buffer);
+  jitfp_sti_d(&a,
+    jitfp_log(
+      jitfp_exp(jitfp_imm(1.0))
+    )
+  );
+  jit_ret();
+  code.vptr();
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  printf("log e = \t%f\n", a);
+  jit_set_ip(codeBuffer);
+  jit_leaf(0);
+  jitfp_begin(buffer);
+  jitfp_sti_d(&a,
+    jitfp_atn(
+      jitfp_imm(1.732050807657)
+    )
+  );
+  jit_ret();
+  code.vptr();
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  printf("pi =         \t%f\n", a*3);
+  jit_set_ip(codeBuffer);
+  jit_leaf(0);
+  jitfp_begin(buffer);
+  jitfp_sti_d(&a,
+    jitfp_tan(
+      jitfp_ldi_d(&a)
+    )
+  );
+  jit_ret();
+  code.vptr();
+  disassemble(stderr, codeBuffer, jit_get_ip().ptr);
+  printf("tan^2 pi/3 = \t%f\n", a*a);
+  return (0);
diff --git a/tests/testfp.ok b/tests/testfp.ok
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8822dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testfp.ok
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+compare                1 1 0 1 1
+trunc          -2 -2 0 2 2
+ceil           -2 -2 0 3 3
+floor          -3 -3 0 2 2
+round          -3 -2 0 2 3

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