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[Guile-commits] 20/55: SRFI-19: Fix handling of negative years and negat

From: Andy Wingo
Subject: [Guile-commits] 20/55: SRFI-19: Fix handling of negative years and negative julian days.
Date: Thu, 23 May 2019 11:52:39 -0400 (EDT)

wingo pushed a commit to branch master
in repository guile.

commit db78033cc1a3c540f00f20d0e59df5c2cd1452bd
Author: Mark H Weaver <address@hidden>
Date:   Sat Oct 20 23:02:16 2018 -0400

    SRFI-19: Fix handling of negative years and negative julian days.
    Fixes <>.
    Mitigates <> and <>.
    Reported by: Zefram <address@hidden>.
    * module/srfi/srfi-19.scm (encode-julian-day-number)
    (decode-julian-day-number, date-week-number): Use 'floor-quotient'
    instead of 'quotient', and 'floor' instead of 'truncate', where
    (time-utc->date): Ensure that the 'nanoseconds' field of the returned
    date is non-negative.
    (leap-year): Handle negative years properly, and reformulate the
    (week-day): Handle negative years properly.  Use 'floor-quotient'
    instead of 'quotient' where appropriate.
    (directives): In the handler for '~Y' format escapes, improve the
    handling of years outside of the range 0-9999.
    (read-directives): Add a FIXME comment to fix the '~Y' reader to handle
    years outside of the range 0-9999.
    * test-suite/tests/srfi-19.test: Import (srfi srfi-1).  Use Guile's
    modern keyword notation in the 'define-module' form.  Add more tests.
 module/srfi/srfi-19.scm       | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 test-suite/tests/srfi-19.test | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/srfi/srfi-19.scm b/module/srfi/srfi-19.scm
index d7e078d..9de22b0 100644
--- a/module/srfi/srfi-19.scm
+++ b/module/srfi/srfi-19.scm
@@ -579,20 +579,20 @@
     (+ day
        (quotient (+ (* 153 m) 2) 5)
        (* 365 y)
-       (quotient y 4)
-       (- (quotient y 100))
-       (quotient y 400)
+       (floor-quotient y 4)
+       (- (floor-quotient y 100))
+       (floor-quotient y 400)
 ;; gives the seconds/date/month/year
 (define (decode-julian-day-number jdn)
-  (let* ((days (inexact->exact (truncate jdn)))
+  (let* ((days (inexact->exact (floor jdn)))
          (a (+ days 32044))
-         (b (quotient (+ (* 4 a) 3) 146097))
-         (c (- a (quotient (* 146097 b) 4)))
-         (d (quotient (+ (* 4 c) 3) 1461))
-         (e (- c (quotient (* 1461 d) 4)))
-         (m (quotient (+ (* 5 e) 2) 153))
+         (b (floor-quotient (+ (* 4 a) 3) 146097))
+         (c (- a (floor-quotient (* 146097 b) 4)))
+         (d (floor-quotient (+ (* 4 c) 3) 1461))
+         (e (- c (floor-quotient (* 1461 d) 4)))
+         (m (floor-quotient (+ (* 5 e) 2) 153))
          (y (+ (* 100 b) d -4800 (quotient m 10))))
     (values ; seconds date month year
      (* (- jdn days) sid)
@@ -623,7 +623,10 @@
                                           (local-tz-offset time)))
   (if (not (eq? (time-type time) time-utc))
       (time-error 'time-utc->date 'incompatible-time-types  time))
-  (let ((jdn (time->julian-day-number (time-second time) tz-offset)))
+  (let* ((nanoseconds (+ (time-nanosecond time)
+                         (* nano (time-second time))))
+         (jdn (time->julian-day-number (floor-quotient nanoseconds nano)
+                                       tz-offset)))
     (call-with-values (lambda () (decode-julian-day-number jdn))
       (lambda (secs date month year)
        ;; secs is a real because jdn is a real in Guile;
@@ -633,7 +636,7 @@
                (rem      (remainder int-secs (* 60 60)))
                (minutes  (quotient rem 60))
                (seconds  (remainder rem 60)))
-          (make-date (time-nanosecond time)
+          (make-date (modulo nanoseconds nano)
@@ -692,8 +695,10 @@
       (time-utc->time-monotonic! (date->time-utc d))))
 (define (leap-year? year)
-  (or (= (modulo year 400) 0)
-      (and (= (modulo year 4) 0) (not (= (modulo year 100) 0)))))
+  (let ((y (if (negative? year) (+ year 1) year)))
+    (and (zero? (modulo y 4))
+         (or (not (zero? (modulo y 100)))
+             (zero? (modulo y 400))))))
 ;; Map 1-based month number M to number of days in the year before the
 ;; start of month M (in a non-leap year).
@@ -714,15 +719,16 @@
 ;; from calendar faq
 (define (week-day day month year)
-  (let* ((a (quotient (- 14 month) 12))
-         (y (- year a))
+  (let* ((yy (if (negative? year) (+ year 1) year))
+         (a (quotient (- 14 month) 12))
+         (y (- yy a))
          (m (+ month (* 12 a) -2)))
     (modulo (+ day
-               (quotient y 4)
-               (- (quotient y 100))
-               (quotient y 400)
-               (quotient (* 31 m) 12))
+               (floor-quotient y 4)
+               (- (floor-quotient y 100))
+               (floor-quotient y 400)
+               (floor-quotient (* 31 m) 12))
 (define (date-week-day date)
@@ -743,10 +749,10 @@
 ;; a day starting from 1 for 1st Jan.
 (define (date-week-number date day-of-week-starting-week)
-  (quotient (- (date-year-day date)
-              1
-               (days-before-first-week  date day-of-week-starting-week))
-            7))
+  (floor-quotient (- (date-year-day date)
+                     1
+                     (days-before-first-week  date day-of-week-starting-week))
+                  7))
 (define (current-date . tz-offset)
   (let ((time (current-time time-utc)))
@@ -1061,10 +1067,11 @@
    (cons #\Y (lambda (date pad-with port)
-               (display (padding (date-year date)
-                                 pad-with
-                                 4)
-                        port)))
+               (let* ((yy (date-year date))
+                      (y (if (negative? yy) (+ yy 1) yy)))
+                 (unless (<= 0 y 9999)
+                   (display (if (negative? y) #\- #\+) port))
+                 (display (padding (abs y) pad-with 4) port))))
    (cons #\z (lambda (date pad-with port)
                (tz-printer (date-zone-offset date) port)))
    (cons #\Z (lambda (date pad-with port)
@@ -1344,8 +1351,12 @@
      (list #\y char-fail eireader2
            (lambda (val object)
              (set-date-year! object (natural-year val))))
+     ;; XXX FIXME: Support the extended year format used by
+     ;; 'date->string' when the year is not in the range 0-9999.
      (list #\Y char-numeric? ireader4 (lambda (val object)
                                         (set-date-year! object val)))
      (list #\z (lambda (c)
                  (or (char=? c #\Z)
                      (char=? c #\z)
diff --git a/test-suite/tests/srfi-19.test b/test-suite/tests/srfi-19.test
index 028791b..ffaf9db 100644
--- a/test-suite/tests/srfi-19.test
+++ b/test-suite/tests/srfi-19.test
@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@
 ;; separate module, or later tests will fail.
 (define-module (test-suite test-srfi-19)
-  :duplicates (last)  ;; avoid warning about srfi-19 replacing `current-time'
-  :use-module (test-suite lib)
-  :use-module (srfi srfi-19)
-  :use-module (ice-9 format))
+  #:duplicates (last)  ;; avoid warning about srfi-19 replacing `current-time'
+  #:use-module (test-suite lib)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+  #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 format))
 ;; Make sure we use the default locale.
 (when (defined? 'setlocale)
@@ -261,7 +262,49 @@ incomplete numerical tower implementation.)"
     (pass-if-equal "0024-06-23T12:00:00Z" "0024-06-23T12:00:00Z"
       (date->string (julian-day->date 1730000 0) "~4"))
     (pass-if-equal "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z" "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-      (date->string (julian-day->date 4903089/2 0) "~4")))
+      (date->string (julian-day->date 4903089/2 0) "~4"))
+    (pass-if-equal "negative julian days"
+        '((-2000000 . "-10188-02-01T14:24:00Z wk=04 dow=6 doy=032")
+          (-20000 . "-4767-02-20T14:24:00Z wk=08 dow=0 doy=051")
+          (-10 . "-4713-11-14T14:24:00Z wk=45 dow=5 doy=318")
+          (-9 . "-4713-11-15T14:24:00Z wk=45 dow=6 doy=319")
+          (-8 . "-4713-11-16T14:24:00Z wk=46 dow=0 doy=320")
+          (-7 . "-4713-11-17T14:24:00Z wk=46 dow=1 doy=321")
+          (-6 . "-4713-11-18T14:24:00Z wk=46 dow=2 doy=322")
+          (-5 . "-4713-11-19T14:24:00Z wk=46 dow=3 doy=323")
+          (-4 . "-4713-11-20T14:24:00Z wk=46 dow=4 doy=324")
+          (-3 . "-4713-11-21T14:24:00Z wk=46 dow=5 doy=325")
+          (-2 . "-4713-11-22T14:24:00Z wk=46 dow=6 doy=326")
+          (-1 . "-4713-11-23T14:24:00Z wk=47 dow=0 doy=327")
+          (0 . "-4713-11-24T14:24:00Z wk=47 dow=1 doy=328")
+          (1 . "-4713-11-25T14:24:00Z wk=47 dow=2 doy=329")
+          (2 . "-4713-11-26T14:24:00Z wk=47 dow=3 doy=330")
+          (3 . "-4713-11-27T14:24:00Z wk=47 dow=4 doy=331")
+          (4 . "-4713-11-28T14:24:00Z wk=47 dow=5 doy=332")
+          (5 . "-4713-11-29T14:24:00Z wk=47 dow=6 doy=333")
+          (6 . "-4713-11-30T14:24:00Z wk=48 dow=0 doy=334")
+          (7 . "-4713-12-01T14:24:00Z wk=48 dow=1 doy=335")
+          (8 . "-4713-12-02T14:24:00Z wk=48 dow=2 doy=336")
+          (9 . "-4713-12-03T14:24:00Z wk=48 dow=3 doy=337"))
+      (map (lambda (n)
+             (cons n (date->string (julian-day->date (+ n 1/10) 0)
+                                   "~4 wk=~U dow=~w doy=~j")))
+           (cons* -2000000 -20000 (iota 20 -10))))
+    (pass-if-equal "negative year numbers"
+        '((1721055 . "-0001-12-27T14:24:00Z wk=52 dow=1 doy=361")
+          (1721056 . "-0001-12-28T14:24:00Z wk=52 dow=2 doy=362")
+          (1721057 . "-0001-12-29T14:24:00Z wk=52 dow=3 doy=363")
+          (1721058 . "-0001-12-30T14:24:00Z wk=52 dow=4 doy=364")
+          (1721059 . "-0001-12-31T14:24:00Z wk=52 dow=5 doy=365")
+          (1721060 . "0000-01-01T14:24:00Z wk=00 dow=6 doy=001")
+          (1721061 . "0000-01-02T14:24:00Z wk=01 dow=0 doy=002")
+          (1721062 . "0000-01-03T14:24:00Z wk=01 dow=1 doy=003")
+          (1721063 . "0000-01-04T14:24:00Z wk=01 dow=2 doy=004")
+          (1721064 . "0000-01-05T14:24:00Z wk=01 dow=3 doy=005"))
+      (map (lambda (n)
+             (cons n (date->string (julian-day->date (+ n 1/10) 0)
+                                   "~4 wk=~U dow=~w doy=~j")))
+           (iota 10 1721055))))
   (with-test-prefix "time-utc->date"
     (pass-if-equal "2012-07-01T00:59:59+0100" "2012-07-01T00:59:59+0100"

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