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[Guile-commits] 02/02: PEG: Add support for `not-in-range` and [^...]

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: [Guile-commits] 02/02: PEG: Add support for `not-in-range` and [^...]
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 12:22:36 -0500 (EST)

civodul pushed a commit to branch main
in repository guile.

commit 25504ba216a39247eb2dda168a45ad03c447b018
Author: Ekaitz Zarraga <>
AuthorDate: Fri Oct 11 14:24:30 2024 +0200

    PEG: Add support for `not-in-range` and [^...]
    Modern PEG supports inversed class like `[^a-z]` that would get any
    character not in the `a-z` range. This commit adds support for that and
    also for a new `not-in-range` PEG pattern for scheme.
    * module/ice-9/peg/codegen.scm (cg-not-in-range): New function.
    * module/ice-9/peg/string-peg.scm: Add support for `[^...]`
    * test-suite/tests/peg.test: Test it.
    * doc/ref/api-peg.texi: Document accordingly.
    Signed-off-by: Ludovic Courtès <>
 NEWS                            |  3 +++
 doc/ref/api-peg.texi            |  8 ++++++++
 module/ice-9/peg/codegen.scm    | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 module/ice-9/peg/string-peg.scm | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 test-suite/tests/peg.test       |  6 +++++-
 5 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 283980dd8..f14e6c93c 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ downright unusable (e.g., <>), 
 PEG grammar parser in (ice-9 peg string-peg) has been rewritten to cover
 all the functionality defined in <>.
+The 'not-in-range' pattern was also added to (ice-9 peg); it is
+available from PEG strings via '[^...]'.
 ** GOOPS: Introduce new forms method* and define-method*
 The module (oop goops) now exports method* and define-method* which are
diff --git a/doc/ref/api-peg.texi b/doc/ref/api-peg.texi
index 84a9e6c6b..edb090b20 100644
--- a/doc/ref/api-peg.texi
+++ b/doc/ref/api-peg.texi
@@ -147,6 +147,14 @@ Parses any character falling between @var{a} and @var{z}.
 @code{(range #\a #\z)}
 @end deftp
+@deftp {PEG Pattern} {inverse range of characters} a z
+Parses any character not falling between @var{a} and @var{z}.
+@code{(not-in-range #\a #\z)}
+@end deftp
diff --git a/module/ice-9/peg/codegen.scm b/module/ice-9/peg/codegen.scm
index d80c3e849..82367ef55 100644
--- a/module/ice-9/peg/codegen.scm
+++ b/module/ice-9/peg/codegen.scm
@@ -140,6 +140,27 @@ return EXP."
                          ((none) #`(list (1+ pos) '()))
                          (else (error "bad accum" accum))))))))))
+;; Generates code for matching a range of characters not between start and end.
+;; E.g.: (cg-not-in-range syntax #\a #\z 'body)
+(define (cg-not-in-range pat accum)
+  (syntax-case pat ()
+    ((start end)
+     (if (not (and (char? (syntax->datum #'start))
+                   (char? (syntax->datum #'end))))
+         (error "range PEG should have characters after it; instead got"
+                #'start #'end))
+     #`(lambda (str len pos)
+         (and (< pos len)
+              (let ((c (string-ref str pos)))
+                (and (or (char<? c start) (char>? c end))
+                     #,(case accum
+                         ((all) #`(list (1+ pos)
+                                        (list 'cg-not-in-range (string c))))
+                         ((name) #`(list (1+ pos) 'cg-not-in-range))
+                         ((body) #`(list (1+ pos) (string c)))
+                         ((none) #`(list (1+ pos) '()))
+                         (else (error "bad accum" accum))))))))))
 ;; Generate code to match a pattern and do nothing with the result
 (define (cg-ignore pat accum)
   (syntax-case pat ()
@@ -304,6 +325,7 @@ return EXP."
         (assq-set! peg-compiler-alist symbol function)))
 (add-peg-compiler! 'range cg-range)
+(add-peg-compiler! 'not-in-range cg-not-in-range)
 (add-peg-compiler! 'ignore cg-ignore)
 (add-peg-compiler! 'capture cg-capture)
 (add-peg-compiler! 'and cg-and)
diff --git a/module/ice-9/peg/string-peg.scm b/module/ice-9/peg/string-peg.scm
index 4b923220a..0026f8930 100644
--- a/module/ice-9/peg/string-peg.scm
+++ b/module/ice-9/peg/string-peg.scm
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Prefix <-- (AND / NOT)? Suffix
 Suffix <-- Primary (QUESTION / STAR / PLUS)?
 Primary <-- Identifier !LEFTARROW
            / OPEN Expression CLOSE
-           / Literal / Class / DOT
+           / Literal / Class / NotInClass / DOT
 # Lexical syntax
 Identifier <-- IdentStart IdentCont* Spacing
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ IdentCont <- IdentStart / [0-9]
 Literal <-- SQUOTE (!SQUOTE Char)* SQUOTE Spacing
         / DQUOTE (!DQUOTE Char)* DQUOTE Spacing
 Range <-- Char DASH Char / Char
 Char <-- '\\\\' [nrt'\"\\[\\]\\\\]
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ DQUOTE < [\"]
 DASH < '-'
+NOTIN < '^'
 SLASH < '/' Spacing
 AND <-- '&' Spacing
 NOT <-- '!' Spacing
@@ -122,6 +124,7 @@ EndOfFile < !.
       (and OPEN Expression CLOSE)
+      NotInClass
 (define-sexp-parser Identifier all
   (and IdentStart (* IdentCont) Spacing))
@@ -133,7 +136,11 @@ EndOfFile < !.
   (or (and SQUOTE (* (and (not-followed-by SQUOTE) Char)) SQUOTE Spacing)
       (and DQUOTE (* (and (not-followed-by DQUOTE) Char)) DQUOTE Spacing)))
 (define-sexp-parser Class all
-  (and OPENBRACKET (* (and (not-followed-by CLOSEBRACKET) Range)) CLOSEBRACKET 
+  (and OPENBRACKET (not-followed-by NOTIN)
+       (* (and (not-followed-by CLOSEBRACKET) Range)) CLOSEBRACKET Spacing))
+(define-sexp-parser NotInClass all
+       (* (and (not-followed-by CLOSEBRACKET) Range)) CLOSEBRACKET Spacing))
 (define-sexp-parser Range all
   (or (and Char DASH Char) Char))
 (define-sexp-parser Char all
@@ -143,6 +150,8 @@ EndOfFile < !.
       (and (not-followed-by "\\") peg-any)))
 (define-sexp-parser LEFTARROW body
   (and (or "<--" "<-" "<") Spacing)) ; NOTE: <-- and < are extensions
+(define-sexp-parser NOTIN none
+  (and "^"))
 (define-sexp-parser SLASH none
   (and "/" Spacing))
 (define-sexp-parser AND all
@@ -279,6 +288,7 @@ EndOfFile < !.
       ('Identifier (Identifier->defn value for-syntax))
       ('Expression (Expression->defn value for-syntax))
       ('Literal    (Literal->defn value for-syntax))
+      ('NotInClass (NotInClass->defn value for-syntax))
       ('Class      (Class->defn value for-syntax)))))
 ;; (Identifier "hello")
@@ -291,13 +301,35 @@ EndOfFile < !.
 (define (Literal->defn lst for-syntax)
   (apply string (map (lambda (x) (Char->defn x for-syntax)) (cdr lst))))
-;; TODO: empty Class can happen: `[]`, but what does it represent?
+;; (NotInClass ...)
+;;  `-> (and ...)
+(define (NotInClass->defn lst for-syntax)
+  #`(and #,@(map (lambda (x) (NotInRange->defn x for-syntax))
+                 (cdr lst))))
 ;; (Class ...)
 ;;  `-> (or ...)
 (define (Class->defn lst for-syntax)
   #`(or #,@(map (lambda (x) (Range->defn x for-syntax))
                 (cdr lst))))
+;; NOTE: It's coming from NotInClass.
+;; For one character:
+;; (Range (Char "a"))
+;;  `-> (not-in-range #\a #\a)
+;; Or for a range:
+;; (Range (Char "a") (Char "b"))
+;;  `-> (not-in-range #\a #\b)
+(define (NotInRange->defn lst for-syntax)
+  (match lst
+    (('Range c)
+     (let ((ch (Char->defn c for-syntax)))
+       #`(not-in-range #,ch #,ch)))
+    (('Range range-beginning range-end)
+     #`(not-in-range
+         #,(Char->defn range-beginning for-syntax)
+         #,(Char->defn range-end       for-syntax)))))
 ;; For one character:
 ;; (Range (Char "a"))
 ;;  `-> "a"
diff --git a/test-suite/tests/peg.test b/test-suite/tests/peg.test
index 1136c03f1..d9e3e1b22 100644
--- a/test-suite/tests/peg.test
+++ b/test-suite/tests/peg.test
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
     (Identifier Identifier)
     (Literal Literal)
     (Class Class)
+    (NotInClass NotInClass)
     (Range Range)
     (Char Char)
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@
 End <-- '*)'
 C <- Begin N* End
 N <- C / (!Begin !End Z)
-Z <- .")
+Z <- [^X-Z]") ;; Forbid some characters to test not-in-range
 ;; A short /etc/passwd file.
 (define *etc-passwd*
@@ -125,6 +126,9 @@ SLASH < '/'")
     (match-pattern C "(*blah*)")
     (make-prec 0 8 "(*blah*)"
               '((Begin "(*") "blah" (End "*)")))))
+  (pass-if
+   "simple comment with forbidden char"
+   (not (match-pattern C "(*blYh*)")))
    "simple comment padded"

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